what consumes me, bud caddell » how to be happy in business - venn diagram
one for Neil Moodley
I’ve been working at start-ups and small businesses since I was 14 years old. My father and his father before him owned and operated their own small businesses. There’s something about the fight for survival for a small team that’s coded in my DNA. It’s one of the reasons I enjoy working at Undercurrent so much. We’re small and thus we’re nimble. We’re lean and thus we’re malleable. And our age and our medium demand both.
how to be happy in business - venn diagramnerd-venn-diagram-9420-1252236207-2.jpg (JPEG Image, 434x407 pixels)
Where does the intense kid with the retractable keys fit?FINALLY: The Difference between Nerd, Dork, and Geek Explained by a Venn Diagram
RT @AnnaOBrien The Difference between Nerd, Dork & Geek explained by a Venn Diagram http://bit.ly/dx83eU
RT @GreatWhiteSnark FINALLY: The Difference between Nerd, Dork, and Geek Explained by a Venn Diagram http://bit.ly/9jBINr
To all of you nerds and geeks who–like me–have been unfairly and inaccurately labeled “dorks,” only to then exhaustively explain the differences among the three to a more-than-skeptical offender, I say: You’re welcome. This nerd/dork/geek/dweeb Venn diagram should save you a lot of time and frustration in the future.
Visual explanation of the difference between geeks, nerds and dorks
This nerd/dork/geek/dweeb Venn diagram should save you a lot of time and frustration in the future.
RT @aljoannes: Postures web: différences entre les geeks, les nerds et les dorks (dessin) http://j.mp/aJxb9w