Google Ventures - Welcome
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Google Ventures seeks to discover and grow great companies - we believe in the power of entrepreneurs to do amazing things. We're studying a broad range of industries, including consumer Internet, software, hardware, clean-tech, bio-tech and health care. We invest anywhere from seed to mezzanine stage and embrace the challenge of helping young companies grow from the garage to global relevance.
Venture Capital - by Google. We seek to discover and grow great companies - we fundamentally believe in the power of entrepreneurs to do amazing things.LingrとRejawサービス終了のお知らせ:江島健太郎 / Kenn's Clairvoyance - CNET Japan
> しかし一方で思うのは、4人というのはやはり大所帯だったということです
それで、上記のようなもろもろで何を言いたかったかというと、この分野では「企業の競争相手が個人になる時代は目の前まで来ている」ということです。スタートアップ企業を作って数名で作るのと、一人の個人が副業で立ち上げるのとでは、最終的に出てくるモノの差がだんだんなくなってきており、単に「かかるコストだけが100倍違う」ということになりかねない、と思うのです。 さらには、個人で開発するということは、意志決定の速さが格段に違ってきます。たとえば作っている最中で何かが根本的に間違ってるのでプロジェクトを中止したほうがいいと思っても、チームでやっていると中々言い出せず、ずるずる引きずって時間を浪費してしまうというようなことがあると思います。しかし、10発撃って1発当たるかどうかという世界で勝負していくには、そういう「見切り」の速さこそが命ではないでしょうか。Global VC Blog Directory – Ranked By # of Google Reader Subscribers (May 2009) « Thinking About Thinking
Larry Cheng: So, here’s a more difficult than expected attempt at pulling together a global directory of blogs written by current VCs. To help put the blogs in some context, they are ranked by their # of Google Reader subscribers. In addition, some blogs despite having subscribers have not posted in 3 months and they are denoted by an *. This directory will be updated quarterly highlighting any new blogs and the movers/shakers based on subscriber growth. If you don’t have the time to sort through all of the blogs, I will write a bi-weekly summary highlighting the “best VC blog posts” from the VCs in this directory.
List of top VC blogs. Look through and add to my reader.The Top 100 Networked Venture Capitalists
A very unique type of investment
In Bloomington, IN, the SproutBox team is taking four startups at a time and pumping around a quarter of a million dollars into each one over the course of ten months. In addition to all that mouth-watering lettuce, the 'Box is also investing teams and resources. Although they just launched this year, they plan to start a new cycle every three months. How They Invest: SproutBox gives funding and resources in exchange for equity. Startups They've Helped: DecideAlready, CheddarGetterThe Funded Publishes Ideal First Round Term Sheet
here are some terms included below that are needed in larger deals and which aren’t absurd for VCs to ask for. So both documents are highly relevant. Start with the Y Combinator docs for your first early angel round, an
If you're an entrepreneur thinking about getting funding, this is a must-read. It outlines very fair guidelines for a first-round term sheet. Often, first-time entrepreneurs only concentrate on the big terms of a term sheet (e.g. round size, valuation) and neglect the "smaller" but often equally important things like stock preferences and triggers.
Now, a lot of people, including prominent angel investors and venture capitalists, are starting to listen to him. Tomorrow Ressi will announce a new, basic term sheet for use by investors and founders. The goal is to protect founders and reduce legal fees, which average $50,000 or more per venture round. (This is an excellent idea. "Free" at work.)会社を設立しよう (その1) : 管理人@Yoski
会社を設立しよう (その1) Introducing our new venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz
My partner Ben Horowitz and I are delighted to announce the formation of our new venture capital firm, Andreessen Horowitz, and our first fund -- $300 million in size -- aimed purely at investing in the best new entrepreneurs, products,...
Marc Andreessen's blog
My partner Ben Horowitz and I are delighted to announce the formation of our new venture capital firm, Andreessen Horowitz, and our first fund -- $300 million in size -- aimed purely at investing in the best new entrepreneurs, products, and companies in the technology industry.アゴラ : イマドキの起業のしかた - 渡部薫
起業を志している人の役に立てばと思いそのノウハウとイマドキの起業法を伝授したい。The Venture Capital Math Problem
Try and make sense of thisHow to Pitch to a VC or Angel - ReadWriteStart
A collection of high-level tips for startup investor pitches, including Guy Kawasaki's 10 slides / in 20 minutes / with 30pt font rule.
How to Pitch to a VC or AngelWhy The Flow Of Innovation Has Reversed | Union Square Ventures: A New York Venture Capital Fund Focused on Early Stage & Startup Investing
Un VC et son explication : être un orchestrateur pour les utilisateurs avec une interface bien pensée et l'apport régulier d'innovations (et non toutes à la fois.
Union Square Ventures is an early stage venture capital firm based in New York City. The partners invest in young companies that use information technology in innovative ways to create high growth business opportunities in the Media, Marketing, Financial Services, Telecommunications, and Healthcare industries.
From the consumer to the enterpise... This is spot on assesment of where change is occuring. We used to hold not only the data, but the only workable tool to parse the data. that simply isnt the case now. Our current market and the end user market are simply TWO DIFFERENT CHURCHES and in waiting for our current users to get to grip with things, our actual users are leaving us behind. End users aren't smarter, more adept or engaged in info discovery (quite the opposite) it's the that the tools that are out there flatter their abilities to an ubelievable extent. Social engineering solutions (eg Google) are hated by librarians for one simple reason - a succesful soc eng solution removes them from the equation. In going for the end users, do we have to leave the libraians behind?
Today, no one tells you to use Facebook. There are no employer sponsored training sessions on the use of The burden is on the designer of the system to meet a need, entertain, or inform their users. They also have to seduce those users, hiding complexity, revealing one layer at time, always enticing, never intimidating, until the user one day finds they are intimately familiar with power and the pleasures of the service.
Designing a system that does that is not an electrical engineering problem. It is a social engineering problem. The best social engineers are working today on consumer facing web services. They understand that there is enormous potential leverage in those services. The creators of these services recognize that services like theirs will ultimately disrupt the economics of many, if not most, parts of the global economy in much the same way that Craigslist collapsed the multi-billion dollar classified industry into a fabulously profitable multi-million dollar web service.Do Web Entrepreneurs Still Need Venture Capitalists? - Bits Blog -
"As the cost of starting a Web company decreases, thanks to cloud computing services and technology that entrepreneurs can rent instead of buy, many founders can finance a new company without the help of venture capitalists, using their savings, money from family and friends and credit card debt, Mr. Hendershott writes. More often, they are choosing to sell small, immature companies instead of taking the longer, riskier path of developing a business that could one day go public. That makes venture capital less relevant."
Interesting read for startups
Do Web Entrepreneurs Still Need Venture Capitalists? - Bits Blog - [from]