Pages tagged videogames:

10 iPhone Games You Must Own | Game | Life from

Latest list of games you must have if you own a iPhone/iTouch.
January 2009 01/2009
How To: Add Wi-Fi To Your Xbox 360 Smartly and Cheaply
XBox immersive environment. Centre for Digital Media Masters program likely going to use with their collaborative design and problem solving sessions.
light and dark game
a neat puzzle game with an eraserhead-like feel.
Very minimalistic and surreal black and white side scrolling puzzle game with a unique feel. Carry balls of light to the exit.
Awesome. A puzzle game about carrying you're own space exploration with your avatar, creating reality around you
LucasArts Posters - LucasForums
LucasArts Posters is discussed at LucasForums - General Discussion
I need to get a print!
Monkey island posters!
destop backgrounds
great wallpapers
Orioto's deviantART gallery
Classic video games repainted to see what they'd look like with modern day graphics.
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints.
Friday Fun: Absolutely Amazing Video Game Remake Wallpapers
The 20 Best Free PC Games - Gaming by ExtremeTech
The Pac-Man Dossier
Sehr interessante Abhandlung über die Mechanik des Spiels „Pac Man“.
This web page is dedicated to providing Pac-Man players of all skill levels with the most complete and detailed study of the game possible. New discoveries found during the research for this page in December 2008 have allowed for the clearest view yet of the actual ghost behavior and pathfinding logic used by the game.
[everything you may not know about PacMan] - Adventure - Online Atari Games - 2600 Games - Pac-Man - Ms. Pac-Man - Berzerk - Yars Revenge - Classic Games - VCS
Online Games
Página de juegos clásicos para pasar el rato.
The BEST FREE games to play this holiday | GamesRadar
Super Nintendo Sound Clips, Audio Bites and Quotes on Entertonement
A collection of audio samples from Super Nintendo games and hardware.
The Librarian's Guide to Gaming :: An Online Toolkit :: A Brief History of Gaming in Libraries
how gaming is good practice for collaboration, strategy, etc.
History, tools and a bit more info on the possibilities of gaming within the library.
The Complete and Utter Newby Tutorial for Dwarf Fortress - Part 1: “WTF?” « After Action Reporter
Wolfenstein 3D Classic
Developer details the process for putting the full version of the original game on the iPhone
Joy! Wolfenstein 3D has come to the iPhone. I'm playing and loving it. Here's an amazingly detailed article from John Carmack on the design process.
I had been frustrated for over a year with the fact that we didn't have any iPhone development projects going internally at Id. I love my iPhone, and I think the App Store is an extremely important model for the software business. Unfortunately, things have conspired against us being out early on the platform.
Welcome to - Classic Arcade Sounds
Classic Arcade Sounds
Someone having the idea of recording audio at arcades is pretty rad, but having the tapes survive from as far back as 1982 is even better. I could sit all day and listen to this. Some people listen to whale sounds to relax and focus, arcade background noise does it for me apparently. Someone needs to do this for pinball machines.
Website für Sound Stocks
via - Instant adventure gaming
police quest !! is the portal for reliving classic Sierra On-Line adventure games, multiplayer, in your browser.
Welcome to, the portal for reliving the classic Sierra On-Line adventure games. With its focus on instant fun and a unique multiplayer experience, hopes to win new gamers' hearts and promote the adventure game genre.
…shot then » Blog Archive » 8-bit Hip Hop medley
this is awesome la musique hip-hop en 8 bit NINTENDO.
The Making Of: PlayStation | Edge Online
Guitar Hero Instrument Photo Repair Guides -
95 Old School Games You Can Play Online | AMOG - Alpha Males of the Group
You loved your classic NES so much you would blow the cartridges for hours on end just to play. Now you can play those same wonderful games online for free.
Konami Code Sites
Konami Code Sites
Facebook's is awesome
up up, down down... you know the rest
Play Splitter, a free online game on Kongregate
Play Splitte
Check out the physics engine for this game! Very lifelike!
X-Ray Funnies - a set on Flickr
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.
Top 45 Unusual Stylish Super Mario Brothers Artworks | The Design Inspiration
mario brothers art
Blog com ilustras, inspirações para design e artigos PINORAMA: - michael_jackson_arcade_entry.xml Panoramic Picture
This is a virtual tour of the arcade section of the "Collection of the King of Pop", the Michael Jackson Exhibition held on April 19-25, 2009. It should be noted that these interactive panoramas were not taken at the Neverland Ranch; rather they were lensed at the Beverly Hills display area of the auction site. On December 10 2008 Julien's Auctions announced the sale of over 2000 pieces of Michael Jackson memorabilia. Jackson had contracted with the auction house to removed the items from the foreclosed Neverland Ranch. It took 30 men and 10 semi-trucks over 3 months to remove the items from Neverland. Subsequently, Jackson had a change of heart and on March 4th sued Julien's to prevent the sale of his property. The Los Angeles Superior Court ruled in April 3rd that the sale could go on, but in a settlement announced on April 14th the auction was cancelled and converted into a twelve day public exhibition of the collection after which it was returned to Jackson.
80 Absolutely Beautiful Video Game Wallpapers | Wallpapers
The 15 Games You Need For Your New iPhone (pg. 01) | Offworld
Yet another list of games.
Mario AI Competition 2009
Hell yeah
NFG's Arcade Font Tool
Arcade font engine.
Offworld Gallery: The games factory, how Mario, Tetris, Sonic, Pong were made | Offworld
I've already highlighted some of the excellent photography in the latest issue of France's games/fashion mag Amusement, but this one's even more special: a series of photographs from the magazine's Made of Myth feature, in which photographer Marc Da Cunha Lopes ("aisakie") shows us the factory work behind the most iconic games of the past few decades: the smelting of Sonic's rings, the chiseling of the 1-Up mushroom, and the rubber-pressed rebounding blocks of Arkanoid.
Beat 1074'
Awesome side scroller ONE BUTTON game!
surprisingly fun flash game
4 Sites Where You Can Download Old PC Games For Free
Badass Super Mario desktop wallpapers - Original
The most badass Super Mario desktop wallpapers
How to build a Nintendo arcade
How to build a Nintendo arcade
Lose/Lose is a video-game with real life consequences. Each alien in the game is created based on a random file on the players computer. If the player kills the alien, the file it is based on is deleted. If the players ship is destroyed, the application itself is deleted.
Lose/Lose is a video-game with real life consequences. Each alien in the game is created based on a random file on the players computer. If the player kills the alien, the file it is based on is deleted. If the players ship is destroyed, the application itself is deleted. Although touching aliens will cause the player to lose the game, and killing aliens awards points, the aliens will never actually fire at the player. This calls into question the player's mission, which is never explicitly stated, only hinted at through classic game mechanics. Is the player supposed to be an aggressor? Or merely an observer, traversing through a dangerous land? Why do we assume that because we are given a weapon an awarded for using it, that doing so is right? By way of exploring what it means to kill in a video-game, Lose/Lose broaches bigger questions. As technology grows, our understanding of it diminishes, yet, at the same time, it becomes increasingly important in our lives. At what point does
a video-game with real life consequences
Lose/Lose is a video-game with real life consequences. Each alien in the game is created based on a random file on the players computer. If the player kills the alien, the file it is based on is deleted. If the players ship is destroyed, the application itself is deleted. (via geekologie)
holy shit game that deletes files on your hard drive. epic and imaginitive
a videogame that deletes your files!
Duty Cycle Generator - NES Music by Neil Baldwin
I wrote my first music on the NES 20 years ago and have recently been amazed to discover that the "chip music" scene is still going strong. So, in a bid to do my bit to keep the history alive and because some of my music is either missing, mis-credited or in some cases never even saw the light of day, I decided I'd put together a little document of my work and experiences. You'll need Flash to play the MP3s via the embedded audio players or you can download a ZIP file containing all the songs for each game. Alternatively you can download the .NSF file but you'll need a player to play these; personally I use Audio Overload but there's lots of others. Keep checking back as I'll be adding more games in (roughly) chronological order along with an attempt to write something vaguely interesting about them. If you want to get in touch, please do: You can subscribe to the RSS feed to be informed of updates/changes. New! - you can leave me some praise/abuse in t
Text alternative
I wrote my first music on the NES 20 years ago and have recently been amazed to discover that the "chip music" scene is still going strong. So, in a bid to do my bit to keep the history alive and because some of my music is either missing, mis-credited or in some cases never even saw the light of day, I decided I'd put together a little document of my work and experiences.
"I wrote my first music on the NES 20 years ago and have recently been amazed to discover that the "chip music" scene is still going strong. So, in a bid to do my bit to keep the history alive and because some of my music is either missing, mis-credited or in some cases never even saw the light of day, I decided I'd put together a little document of my work and experiences."
"NES Music by Neil Baldwin"
Lifehacker - Absolutely Amazing Video Game Remake Wallpapers, Take Two - Video Game Wallpapers
sidescrolling foda
Continuity: A Flash Puzzle Platformer
Continuity is a student project, created by Ragtime Games great largo music
Un jeu de plateformes/réflexion simple mais ingénieux !
BLDGBLOG: Evil Lair: On the Architecture of the Enemy in Videogame Worlds
Jim Rossignol on the villains lair (nice HL2 and Shadow of the Colossus refs)
Game developers are unconstrained in their designs for the enemy. Such designers will be punished with poor sales, not death in the gulag, if their designs for the overlord are unpopular. They could go anywhere with the homes of evildoers: halls of electric fluorescence, palaces carved from corduroy, suburban back yards.
Learn to Let Go: How Success Killed Duke Nukem | Magazine
Broussard and Miller assembled a seven-person team to build the product. The pair had a knack for discov
On the last day, they gathered for a group photo. They were videogame programmers, artists, level builders, artificial-intelligence experts. Their team was — finally — giving up, declaring defeat, and disbanding. So they headed down to the lobby of their building in Garland, Texas, to smile for the camera. They arranged themselves on top of their logo: a 10-foot-wide nuclear-radiation sign, inlaid in the marble floor.
If Video Games Were Realistic |
אם משחקים היו יותר קרובים למציאות - קורע מצחוק: [from]
A little realism would make some games way more awesome. Others, not so much. We asked you to show us what would happen if video game makers started adding a little realism to their games. The winner is below, but first the runners up.
If you have some geek gamer referencies, you'll enjoy that!
Yeah, what if? :P
The best FREE iPhone games | GamesRadar
The only apps worth downloading for gamers who are broke from buying an iPhone
Gamasutra - Features - Game Design Essentials: 20 RPGs
20 RPG game series with descriptions
[In the latest in his popular Game Design Essentials series, which has previously spanned subjects from Atari games through 'mysterious games', 'open world games', 'unusual control schemes' and 'difficult games', writer John Harris examines 10 games from the Western computer RPG (CRPG) tradition and 10 from the Japanese console RPG (JRPG) tradition, to figure out what exactly makes them tick -- and why you should care.]
Wolfire Blog - World of Goo design tour
David Rosen of Wolfire Games presents design lessons from 2D Boy's World of Goo in a youtube video.
aky way to have higher image compression ratios. That’s completely right, which is funny, since that was a case of a technical limitation that actually caused the game to look better with more depth. Very perceptive, thumbs up!”
Cool gra ;]
The SmartAss - The Best Way To Waste Your Time!
An excellent streaming media site.
nintendo saga
Boing Boing: Games To Get
BoingBoing's curated games page. Personal fav: Everyday the Same Dream
games to get, from boing boing
30 commercial games released for FREE | GamesRadar
Fallout, King's Quest, Bonk, and more. Download the best titles that companies gave away
101 Free Games 2010: The Best Free Games on the Web from
Gamasutra - Features - Intelligent Mistakes: How to Incorporate Stupidity Into Your AI Code
How to the design a chees/poker AI without frustrating the player
An interesting Gamasutra article on how to introduce human-like stupidity into your AI by making your AI smarter rather than dumber.
Command & Conquer Classic | Command & Conquer
Free download of classic C&C
'City of Heroes' character 'Twixt' becomes game's most hated outcast courtesy of Loyola professor -
Get New Orleans, Louisiana latest news. Find photos and videos, comment on the news, and join the forum discussions at
"As part of his experiment, Myers decided to play the game by the designers' rules -- disregarding any customs set by the players. His character soon became very unpopular."
Interesting blog about Professor Myers' research and paper on MMO rules vs MMO social norms
David Myers, a Loyola professor and computer game scholar, looks at his computer screen with his "City of Heroes" online computer game character "Twixt" reflected in his glasses at his home in Slidell Friday, July 3, 2009. "Twixt" became perhaps the game's most reviled, abused player because his playing methods were unpopular.
Annals of Technology: The Grammar of Fun: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker
Until very recently, almost no literature was devoted to game design, and what there was tended to be quickly made obsolete by the speed of technological developments. After the day’s final meeting had ended, I realized that, for the two decades that I had been playing games, I had unwittingly been at the mercy of the constantly changing orthodoxies of game design. I knew that some games seemed more fun than others, but I would have struggled to explain why. Bleszinski and the other Epic designers came to this form as children. Growing up playing games, they absorbed the governing logic of the medium, but no institutions existed for them to transform what they learned into a methodology. Gradually, though, they turned a hobby into a creative profession that is now as complex as any other. They have established the principles of a grammar of fun.
CliffyB and the world of the video game.
The New Yorker has a typically in-depth, insightful, and light-hearted profile of the lead designer behind Epic's monster hit "Gears of War" video game series.
"Why did mushrooms make Mario grow larger? Why did flowers give Mario the ability to spit fire? Why did bashing Mario’s head against bricks sometimes produce coins? And why was Mario’s enemy, Bowser, a saurian, spiky-shelled turtle?"
There has been some really good journalism devoted to video games lately, including this New Yorker profile of Epic's lead designer.
Cool article about Gears of War and Epic Games
Plan to Fail: Old Game Characters
So you wanted to play a game about a brilliant, british, female archeologist, huh? Well, knock yourself out
Personajes de juegos de computadora envejecidos.
I've noticed a lot of nerd artists tend to draw G-Dawg here as this brave, heroic, smirking bad ass crushing alien faces with a crow-bar, but if there's anything my life has taught me, it's that nerds aren't bad asses, and the way the first Half-Life game was played was far from bad ass action hero. It was a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants game of ammo-management, with really suspenseful silent parts, and frantic action parts. If anything, Gordon Free
5 Creepy Ways Video Games Are Trying to Get You Addicted |
see page 2 for "frameworks-for-business" AND "jobs-hiring": Why do so many of us have that void? Because according to everything expert Malcolm Gladwell, to be satisfied with your job you need three things, and I bet most of you don't even have two of them: - Autonomy (that is, you have some say in what you do day to day); - Complexity (so it's not mind-numbing repetition); - Connection Between Effort and Reward (i.e. you actually see the awesome results of your hard work).
5 addictive mechanics explained.
Now, there's no way they can create enough exploration or story to keep you playing for thousands of hours, so they had to change the mechanics of the game, so players would instead keep doing the same actions over and over and over, whether they liked it or not. So game developers turned to Skinner's techniques. This is a big source of controversy in the world of game design right now. Braid creator Jonathan Blow said Skinnerian game mechanics are a form of "exploitation." It's not that these games can't be fun. But they're designed to keep gamers subscribing during the periods when it's not fun, locking them into a repetitive slog using Skinner's manipulative system of carefully scheduled rewards. Why would this work, when the "rewards" are just digital objects that don't actually exist? Well...
Gamasutra - The Game Developer Archives: 'Monsters From the Id: The Making of Doom '
The Game Developer Archives: 'Monsters From the Id: The Making of Doom'
PlayStation.Blog.Europe : Your daily fix of PlayStation news from across the SCEE region
This is the Offical Playstation Blog For Europe Inc UK
Less Talk More Rock- Boing Boing
Not too long ago, Jordan Mechner and Eric Chahi were chatting with Eric Viennot, a French creator and writer. Jordan Mechner single-handedly pioneered a type of cinematic videogame with Karateka in 1984 and Prince of Persia in 1989. Eric Chahi similarly single-handedly created 1991's Another World -- known in the U.S. as Out of this World -- a painterly cinematic videogame in a similar tradition. Jordan Mechner had the following advice to share, I think it's great advice.
Portal Gun - a set on Flickr
Flickr is almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world. Show off your favorite photos and videos to the world, securely and privately show content to your friends and family, or blog the photos and videos you take with a cameraphone.
Portal gun OMFG
Amazing model of the gun from the game "Portal."
The case against Candy Land - Boing Boing
A good insight about a classic board game, and why video games are getting better at more than just entertaining.
What’s irritating about the games is that they are exercises in sheer randomness. It’s not that they fail to sharpen any useful skills; it’s that they make it literally impossible for a player to acquire any skills at all.
Seven more Xbox 360 secrets Microsoft doesn't tell you | News | TechRadar UK
More tips 'n' tricks to get the best from your console - Sonic 1 - Uploaded by docfuture
This is amazing, this may be the only narrated video game video I have ever enjoyed.
Sonic, extreme chill-out version.
maybe the single best play through of sonic
sonic on easy - the most relaxing video on the internet via internet archaeology
via ryder incredible
Play Free Online Games: Action, Strategy, RPG, Puzzle, Sports & Shooter ...
Welcome to Ponged, the latest and greatest destination for real gamers looking for FREE, fun, online games! Ponged serves up a library of over 500 free games across seven different genres – including Action, Shooter, and Strategy. Our games have been hand-picked by hardcore gamers with a “quality over quantity” mindset, and represent some of the best free online games currently available.
Wii Blog: Nintendo Wii News and Views
Gaming with the Wii and the games for it.
Super Mario Crossover
Awesome flash reboot: play Contra, Zelda, etc. characters in SMB
Play the original Super Mario Bros with characters from classic Nintendo games.
Play Super Mario Bros. as Mario, Link, Samus, Simon Belmont, Mega Man, or one of the Contra guys. Too bad it's in Flash.
Bejeweled Creator Spills Secrets of Addictive Games
e paper variants going back to the 1800s that hide illustrations in the little curlicues of the margins. And there are new videogame versions like Mystery Case Files. For thousands of years, we've derived satisfaction from searching and uncovering—and we still do each time we turn up lost car keys.
brief description of the top addictive games and why there addictive.
Short takes on some addictive puzzle games.
on tetris: "A timeless classic. Fitting pieces together feeds the same pleasure center of the brain that gets off on packing a suitcase really well or squeezing all your groceries into a single bag."
Top 50 Best Game Design Blogs - Becoming a Computer Technician
Top 50 Best Game Design Blogs - - Interesting and useful list of resources. (via @smashingmag) [from]
Game Damage :: A new show featuring Yahtzee, Yug and Matt
Game Damage, a new gaming TV show written and presented by an unholy trinity of Yahtzee Croshaw (of the Escapist's Zero Punctuation), Guy 'Yug' Blomberg (of Australian Gamer) and Matt Burgess (of Australian Gamer also). It's new, it's (hopefully) entertaining, and it needs your help.
Playing Super Mario Bros. Crossover requires Flash Player 10. Click here to get it. Get Adobe Flash player