Five Best Video-Sharing Sites - video sharing - Lifehacker
With everything from our cellphones to laptops to keychain trinkets coming sporting video cameras these days, more and more people are capturing and sharing digital video. The following video sites make sharing your video missives easy.
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Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite video sharing web site and tell us what made it your favorite. We've read over your comments, tallied the votes, and now we're back to share the most popular video sharing sites.VidMe
Privately share videos with only those you want. Could see this having use in a classroom - students could create video diaries and only share them with the prof and fellow students.
Privately share videos with only those you want
applicazione per iPhone che permette di visualizzare i video direttamente dallo smartphone.
About VidMe : "Take control of your online sharing. We created VidMe to help you privately share your personal videos with just those you want. Without worrying about them being shown to all our "friends" at once, or being broadcast to the whole internet in one fell swoop... "(