Pages tagged virtualization:

vmware-view-open-client - Google Code

The idea's a clever one. Take your Windows desktops, virtualize them in your data center with VMware, and then access them with Linux thin client machines. VMware View Open Client lets you connect from a Linux desktop to remote Windows desktops managed by VMware View. It is available under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 (LGPL v 2.1). En klient med öppen källkod lanseras till VMware View. Det ska ge företagets parners möjlighet ta fram individuellt anpassade lösningar. VMware View låter ett företags anställda arbeta med sitt personliga skrivbord, oavsett vilken klient i nätverket de använder. Bolagets IT-avdelning administrerar och lagrar användarnas personliga inställningar direkt i datacentret. Genom att dela med sig av källkoden i klientmjukvaran hoppas WMware ge sina parners möjlighet att vidareutveckla och anpassa åtkomsten till View. View Open Client släpps under GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1. Bland specifikationerna hittar vi bland annat f
5 Cost-Efficient, Flexible Open Source Resources for Cloud Computing
5 Cost-Efficient, Flexible Open Source Resources for Cloud Computing including Eucalyptus and Globus
VMware ESXi - ハニーポッターの部屋
VMware ESXi のまとめ、かなり参考になる
Amazon EC2 with Microsoft Windows Server Notification
Amazon EC2 running Microsoft Windows Server® 2003 is a fast and dependable environment for deploying applications using the Microsoft Web Platform, including ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, Silverlight™, and Internet Information Server (IIS). Amazon EC2 enables you to run any compatible Windows-based solution on AWS’ high-performance, reliable, cost-effective, cloud computing platform. Common Windows use cases include website and web-service hosting, high-performance computing (HPC) and data processing, media transcoding, distributed testing, ASP.NET application hosting, and any other application requiring Windows software. Amazon EC2 also now supports the SQL Server® Express and SQL Server Standard databases, and makes those offerings available to customers on an hourly basis.
amazon web services
appscale - Google Code
"AppScale is an open-source implementation of the Google AppEngine (GAE) cloud computing interface. AppScale enables execution of GAE applications on virtualized cluster systems. In particular, AppScale enables users to execute GAE applications using their own clusters with greater scalability and reliability than the GAE SDK provides. Moreover, AppScale executes automatically and transparently over cloud infrastructures such as the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and Eucalyptus, the open-source implementation of the AWS interfaces."
Open source google app engine implementation, supports Xen, extending to GAE, EC2
A BSD-licensed implementation of Google App Engine. Roll your own cloud computing platform.
Portable Ubuntu for Windows
Ubuntu Portable para Windows!!
Lifehacker - The Beginner's Guide to Creating Virtual Machines with VirtualBox - Virtual Machine
The Beginner's Guide to Creating Virtual Machines with VirtualBox
Portable Ubuntu for Windows is an Ubuntu system running as a Windows application.
Development virtual machines on OS X using VMWare and Ubuntu —
Particularly useful for the step-by-step on getting vmware tools and file sharing up and running
How to setup a virtual machine (linux) on Mac OS X using the mac folders.
Great instructions for setting up a minimal Ubuntu VM on a Mac
Setup a development environment using VMWare Fusion on OSX
Linux and NetBSD Xen VPS hosting. Xen VPS hosting: Low cost virtual dedicated servers since 2005. Hosting for the technically adept. Linux and NetBSD supported
$8/month for 256mb; $20/month for 1024mb.
Very cheap VS hosting (Xen)
"Webbynode is a hosting solution for developers. Whether it's Rails, Django, LAMP or your choice of Linux Distro, we have a solution for you"
JPC is the fast pure Java™ x86 PC emulator Use JPC to boot virtual computers right here in your browser....
JPC is the fast pure Java™ x86 PC emulator Use JPC to boot virtual computers right here in your browser....
"JPC is the fast pure Java™ x86 PC emulator"
Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Less Virtual, More Machine - Windows 7 and the magic of Boot to VHD
Booting Windows7 from a virtual hard disk OS file .vhd
click2try. A community site where it's easy to try Open Source software for free.
Sajt där du kan göra en egen en-klicks-installation av olika open source-lösningar för att testa live.
A community site where it's easy to try Open Source software for free.
teste logiciel opensource sans installation
Testing with IE6, IE7 and IE8 on VirtualBox | Shape Shed
testing websites with VirtualBox
Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Step-By-Step: Turning a Windows 7 DVD or ISO into a Bootable VHD Virtual Machine
This is not about a virtual machine. Only the hard drive is virtual.
Scott Hanselman's Computer Zen - Step-By-Step
Use SUSE Studio to Build a Linux OS From Scratch - SUSE Studio - Lifehacker
Tool by SysInternals to convert windows installation to Virtual PC VHD file
Disk2vhd Turns Your PC Into a Virtual Machine - Featured Windows Download - Lifehacker
Free Sysinternals application Disk2vhd takes a snapshot of your PC, and turns it into a Microsoft Virtual PC virtual hard drive—while your system is up and running. [I haven't tested this yet.]
Head-to-Head: Parallels Desktop for Mac vs. VMware Fusion
So which virtualization product do you choose? Which solution is faster? Should you run Windows XP or Vista? 32-bit or 64-bit? One virtual processor or more? In short, there are different answers for different people. It all depends on your needs.
How To: Virtualize Any OS For Free - Virtualization how to - Gizmodo
"Intimidating erminology aside, here's what desktop virtualization means today: You can run just about any OS, Mac OS X excluded, inside any other OS. Ubuntu in Mac OS? Sure. Windows 7 within Windows XP? Why not? Windows ME within Snow Leopard? Nobody's going to stop you, I guess! And these aren't patchy, half-assed experiments we're talking about here—these are fully-functioning installations that'll connect to USB peripherals, access the internet, share files with your host OS, and run almost any software, short of 3D games. You can set up as many of these things as you want, and delete them in a matter of seconds. It's pretty great, is what I'm trying to say. Best of all, virtualization is now something you can try—and stick with—for free, thanks to software like Sun's VirtualBox. It's a free download on any platform, and it does its job spectacularly. Here's how to get started."
How to run Windows 7 under Mac OS X 10.6 for free - Anil Dash
Build Your Own Dev Server with VirtualBox
Sun’s VirtualBox is ideal for testing different desktop environments (for example, browser testing), but I’ve discovered it’s also great for running a test server environment. Instead of setting up Apache, PHP, and MySQL right on your desktop machine, you can place them in a virtual Linux server. That way there’s no interference with your desktop, and you can ensure that your development environment is as close as possible to your eventual deployment environment.
10 Years of Virtual Machine Performance (Semi) Demystified | Engine Yard Blog
Since 2005, VMware and Xen have gradually reduced the performance overheads of virtualization, aided by the Moore’s law doubling in transistor count, which inexorably shrinks overheads over time. AMD’s Rapid Virtualization Indexing (RVI – 2007) and Intel’s Extended Page Tables (EPT – 2009) substantially improved performance for a class of recalcitrant workloads by offloading the mapping of machine-level pages to Guest OS “physical” memory pages, from software to silicon. In the case of operations that stress the MMU—like an Apache compile with lots of short lived processes and intensive memory access—performance doubled with RVI/EPT. (Xen showed similar challenges prior to RVI/EPT on compilation benchmarks.)
Remus provides transparent, comprehensive high availability to ordinary virtual machines running on the Xen virtual machine monitor. It does this by maintaining a completely up-to-date copy of a running VM on a backup server, which automatically activates if the primary server fails.
HA solution for Xen
Journal of Eivind Uggedal: VPS Performance Comparison
How to Install Snow leopard in VMWARE | Snow Leopard
Artículo que explica como instalar una máquina virtual Mac OS X en un entorno Microsoft Windows con VMWare.
How to install Snow Leopard on a Virtual Machine in Windows.
Sync and Share Virtual Machine with DropBox |
Run XP Mode on Windows 7 Machines Without Hardware Virtualization - the How-To Geek
Computer Help from your Friendly How-To Geek
One of the neatest new features in Windows 7 Professional and above is XP Mode, but not all machines are capable of running it. Today we show you how to use VMware to run XP Mode on machines without Hardware Virtualization. How does this work? Even if your computer doesn’t have hardware virtualization, you can still install XP Mode but just cannot run it as you can’t run Virtual PC. Enter VMware Player. This free program lets you create and run virtual machines, whether or not you have hardware virtualization. And, it can directly import XP Mode so you can use that copy of XP for free. A couple features are different, but it’s still a great replacement since you otherwise couldn’t use it at all. Note: XP Mode does not work on Home Versions of Windows 7 and you’ll need VMware Player 3.0 Getting Started First, download and install XP Mode (link below). There is no need to download Virtual PC if your computer cannot run it, so just download the XP Mode from the link on the left.
virtualizar programas con vmware en el escritorio del anfitrion
Vagrant - Welcome
creation and
Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.
VMware: Team Fusion: Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope" on VMware Fusion 2
linked via
vmware fusionにubuntu9を入れた際のtips。sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse
Manual steps req'd to get jaunty working with VMware tools on Ubuntu 9.04. The code change to vmhgfs does not seem to be necessary with VMware Fusion 2.0.5.
Ubuntu 9.04, otherwise known as "Jaunty Jackalope", was released last week, and the geek in me was eager to try it out. So I grabbed the Ubuntu 9.04 ISO image and created a new virtual machine with it in VMware Fusion 2.0.4. And I am happy to report that with a couple of tweaks, things work pretty well today.
Setting up Sun VirtualBox 6 under Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid « Reformed Musings
none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=46,devmode=664 0 0
How to install Virtual Box on Ubuntu Intrepid
Qubes is an open source operating system designed to provide strong security for desktop computing. Qubes is based on Xen, X Window System, and Linux, and can run most Linux applications and utilize most of the Linux drivers. In the future it might also run Windows apps.
crazy, run each app on the desktop in it's own VM, isolate the networking stack in a VM, etc.
An entirely different approach to security: isolate. A lot. Not sure if this will completely work against common exploits
Die technische Basis dafür liefern bestehende Open-Source-Projekte wie Xen, Linux und das X Window System, die Joanna Rutkowska und ihr Kollege Rafal Wojtczuk unter anderem mit einer sicheren, grafischen Oberfläche versehen haben. Sie soll auch Copy und Paste zwischen den VMs ermöglichen.
はてなでの仮想化技術の使い方@AMDセミナー - とあるはてな社員の日記
How to Seamlessly Run That One Windows App You Need on a Mac - WIndows on a Mac - Lifehacker
How to Run Mac OS X in VirtualBox on Windows
If you're on Windows, need to use OS X, but don't want to buy or build a new computer, reader Bobby Patton shows us how to run Snow Leopard in a virtual machine on Windows with just a few tweaks.
OpenStack Open Source Cloud Computing Software
The goal of OpenStack is to allow any organization to create and offer cloud computing capabilities using open source software running on standard hardware. OpenStack Compute is software for automatically creating and managing large groups of virtual private servers. OpenStack Storage is software for creating redundant, scalable object storage using clusters of commodity servers to store terabytes or even petabytes of data.
via: What the software does: The goal of OpenStack is to allow any organization to create and offer cloud computing capabilities using open source software running on standard hardware. OpenStack Compute is software for automatically creating and managing large groups of virtual private servers. OpenStack Storage is software for creating redundant, scalable object storage using clusters of commodity servers to store terabytes or even petabytes of data.
The OpenStack Open Source Cloud Mission: to produce the ubiquitous Open Source Cloud Computing platform that will meet the needs of public and private cloud providers regardless of size, by being simple to implement and massively scalable.
OpenStack Open Source Cloud Computing Software
The goal of OpenStack is to allow any organization to create and offer cloud computing capabilities using open source software running on standard hardware. OpenStack Compute is software for automatically creating and managing large groups of virtual private servers. OpenStack Storage is software for creating redundant, scalable object storage using clusters of commodity servers to store terabytes or even petabytes of data.
Open source hosting and storage software. database ?
phpvirtualbox - Project Hosting on Google Code
web-interface für virtualbox
A virtualbox web admin interface written in PHP
An open source, AJAX implementation of the VirtualBox user interface written in PHP.
An open source, AJAX implementation of the VirtualBox user interface written in PHP. As a modern web interface, it allows you to access and control remote VirtualBox instances. Much of its verbage and some of its code is based on the (inactive) vboxweb project. phpVirtualBox was created for people (like me) who prefer not to have to log in to their headless VirtualBox host to administer their virtual machines.
phpvirtualbox - Project Hosting on Google Code
virtualbox berbasis php
web-interface für virtualbox
A virtualbox web admin interface written in PHP