What is Twitter’s Vision?
The singular thing that distinguishes Twitter from blogs, RSS, IM, email, etc. is synergyMain Page - Computer Vision Primer
A very very cool insight to the future, where Microsoft Surface pervades every aspect of everyone's lives.
Microsofts Zukunftsmusik
When Microsoft decides to imagine the future, it never fails to impress. Not only do you have some of the smartest people envisioning what’s possible, but they also invest so much into communicating these ideas through sights and sounds which the production value can be compared to most blockbuster sci-fi films.
マイクロソフトの考える2019。 UIでもビデオ的な。The break of the curveball « Best Visual Illusion of the Year Contest
Illustration of why curveballs seem to suddenly drop.
Optical illusion
Our illusions suggest that the perceived “break” may be caused by the transition from the central visual system to the peripheral visual system. Like a curveball, the spinning disks in the illusions appear to abruptly change direction when an observer switches from foveal to peripheral viewing.Gizmodo - Stem Cell Contact Lenses Cure Blindness in Less Than a Month - Stem Cells
A cure for blindness using stem cells ?
Impressive results
"[T]hree patients had their sight restored in less than a month by contact lenses cultured with stem cells." Holy shit.
Stem Cell Contact Lenses Cure Blindness in Less Than a Month http://bit.ly/KBWEw #feedly [from http://twitter.com/jjjunk/statuses/2038716228]
EYESIGHT HEALED WITH STEMCELLSThe blue and the green | Bad Astronomy | Discover Magazine
The overall pattern is a spiral shape because our brain likes to fill in missing bits to a pattern. Even though the stripes are not the same color all the way around the spiral , the overlapping spirals makes our brain think they are. The very fact that you have to examine the picture closely to figure out any of this at all shows just how easily we can be fooled.
Richard Wiseman comes one of the best color optical illusions I have ever seen.
うわあああこの緑と青、同じ色だってio9 - A Drug That Could Give You Perfect Visual Memory - Memory-enhancing drugs
"A group of Spanish researchers reported today in Science that they may have stumbled upon a substance that could become the ultimate memory-enhancer. The group was studying a poorly-understood region of the visual cortex. They found that if they boosted production of a protein called RGS-14 (pictured) in that area of the visual cortex in mice, it dramatically affected the animals' ability to remember objects they had seen. Mice with the RGS-14 boost could remember objects they had seen for up to two months. Ordinarily the same mice would only be able to remember these objects for about an hour. The researchers concluded that this region of the visual cortex, known as layer six of region V2, is responsible for creating visual memories. When the region is removed, mice can no longer remember any object they see."
Imagine if you could look at something once and remember it forever. You would never have to ask for directions again. Now a group of scientists has isolated a protein that mega-boosts your ability to remember what you see.
nifty!Gwen Bell - Big Love in a Small World - Blog - How to create your personal manifesto
I am a fan of the physical act of writing before committing goals to the digital medium.Cambridge University Engineering Department - Qi Pan
"(a) Object rotated by hand in front of camera. (b) Point cloud obtained from on-line structure from motion estimation followed by bundle adjustment. (c) Delaunay Tetrahedralisation of point cloud, partitioning the convex hull into tetrahedra. (d) Carved mesh obtained from recursive probabilisitic tetrahedron carving. (e) Texture-mapped surface mesh." COOL BUT THE CARVING MISSES SOME EDGESCreating Your Vision, Mission, Strategy and Plan - ReadWriteStart
This was a hard chapter to write. It feels like a chapter that would work better in the final book. You have to have a mission and strategy and plan, right? So why does writing them feel like one of those make-work projects you have to do to keep investors happy? Come to think of it, you could outsource the production of your vision, mission, and strategy via Mechanical Turk?
The idea has to be one that just won't leave you alone. Such ideas often seem totally out of sync with current reality and are dismissed as crazy. That is because in the current environment they are crazy. The idea that everybody would own a PC was crazy in the 1970s, when Microsoft was starting out. People who are driven by these ideas very often feel doubt. On all sensible levels, the idea is crazy.ctypes-opencv - Google Code
ctypes-opencv is a package that brings Willow Garage's (formerly Intel's) Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) to Python. OpenCV is a collection of algorithms and sample code for various computer vision problems. The goal of ctypes-opencv is to provide Python access to all documented functionality of OpenCV.NTSC Video - Whassit all mean anyway?
is how DVDs work: a high res green image and two low-res imag
ure notice when someone tampers with your green!! The difference with red is ceThe Photographic Eye | B&H Photo Video Pro Audio
Reference for Demand - High vs Low Resolution
The Photographic Eye How Our Eyes See vs. How Our Cameras See
silmä vs. kamera
The human eye, with support from the brain (the fastest CPU on the planet), visually reconstructs our surroundings in real-time as we go about our days and nights. Describing the human eye and how it interprets the world around us in terms of camera optics is a tricky process to explain, and that's before we even get to the 'how does it compare to my camera' part of the story.
Как видят мир глаза и фотокамера
How Our Eyes See vs. How Our Cameras SeeMSF
motion induced blindness, optical illusion, rotating array, yellow dots, green dot