I promise I'm not a criminal mastermind. - Fic: All the Laughter From Before (1/1, R, Merlin/Arthur)
Like all stories there are two sides, and this is the other: “There was once boy Merlin came to the court to ensnare the prince in his grasp, for he was an evil wizard, determined to destroy all of Albion. He bated his time, and made the prince believe he was his friend, someone to be trusted until two Augusts after his arrival, the good King Uther Pendragon recognized that his son’s illness was related to the boy who never left his son’s side for a moment. When the evil wizard Merlin was burned, Prince Arthur emerged from confinement healthy and strong again.” What really happened is a little less glamorous than either account.
"It's pretty, but very distressing. And lo, all is sunshine and daisies... and death, but what can you do?
"It's pretty, but very distressing. And lo, all is sunshine and daisies... and death, but what can you do?"
One story goes like this: “There was an enemy sorcerer, whose son Uther had killed, and who was desperate to make Uther feel the same pain. And so the sorcerer wove a spell around Prince Arthur, and it killed him slowly over the course of a season. From May to August, Arthur had faded. And then Arthur’s manservant, Merlin, realized that it was no ordinary illness, and he, being a great sorcerer himself, but good and kind, defended the prince, and saved his life. “But alas, King Uther could not abide magic of any kind, and Prince Arthur’s protests and the physician’s pleas and Merlin’s explanations fell on deaf ears. Merlin was killed that very night—burned alive for saving the prince, and the prince was locked in the dungeons, where he could not help his friend.”
And this is the worst—this is what he and Arthur and even Hunith have been nagging Merlin about: do not let Uther catch you.
What really happened is a little less glamorous than either account.
Gawain of Orkney arrives at court, all golden skin, freckles, and bright red hair. He and Arthur start beating on each other almost immediately, which Gwen recognizes means that they’re best friends. (trust me.)
Like all stories, there are two sides
Like all stories there are two sides. What really happened is a little less glamorous than either account.
Summary: (courtesy of [info]hackthis) "It's pretty, but very distressing. And lo, all is sunshine and daisies... and death, but what can you do?"