Pages tagged wall_e:

English Russia » Russian Wall-E Case Mod

Step by step of how this amazing Wall-E case mod was made.
This project took 18 days from this Russian guy to accomplish. It all has began after he has watched that cartoon. An idea sparked thru his head “I want to build such thing to hold my computer stuff in it”. A solid-metal Wall-E computer case, each detail carefully cut from the metal sheets processed and put in place. Swiss precision homemade heavy metal WallE geeky step-by-step history is waiting us below:
some interesting pics from russia including a crazy case mod
Impressive case mod of wall-e. EnglishRussia
Russian Wall-E Case Mod (110 pics) » - fun, humor, funny pictures, funny video, jokes, free, pics
This project took 18 days from this Russian guy to accomplish. It all has began after he has watched that cartoon. An idea sparked thru his hea
This project took 18 days from this Russian guy to accomplish. It all has began after he has watched that cartoon. An idea sparked thru his head “I want to build such thing to hold my comp
WALL·E end title sequence + Jim Capobianco & Alex Woo interview | The Art of the Title Sequence