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site du washington post sur l'administration obama (participatif)
Awesome site provided by the Washington Post that provides in-depth information on many of Washington's inside elite.
WhoRunsGov.com offers a unique look at the world of Washington through its key players and personalities.
Washington Post experimentTyler Cowen's Ethnic Dining Guide – January 2009, 25th edition
Also at http://www.tylercowensethnicdiningguide.com/2006/09/welcome_1.php
For the DC area, including Northern Virginia
I am pleased to report that the Food Page of The Washington Post wrote up this guide in the summer of 2001. Here is the article, The Lone Critic. Here is another article, Chasing the Perfect Meal, from the Fairfax Connection, the spring of 2004. I wish to offer thanks to all those who offered dining suggestions and evaluations (keep them coming!). This has made the guide better, and longer, than before. It also means the guide has more unvisited places than before. I hope to get to them soon! Many thanks also to Doug Hanks, for his excellent article.George Washington's Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior @ Foundations Magazine
Presented entirely unironically, but these are hilarious (random caps make everything funnier, obviously). I especially like #2: When in Company, put not your Hands to any Part of the Body, not usually Discovered.USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory (CVO)