Pages tagged washingtonpost:

By T.R. Reid -- Five Myths About Health Care in the Rest of the World

As Americans search for the cure to what ails our health-care system, we've overlooked an invaluable source of ideas and solutions: the rest of the world. All the other industrialized democracies have faced problems like ours, yet they've found ways to cover everybody -- and still spend far less ...
WaPo’s Social Media Guidelines Paint Staff Into Virtual Corner; Full Text of Guidelines | paidContent
Late Friday afternoon, Washington Post (NYSE: WPO) Senior Editor Milton Coleman sent a memo to the staff with a social media policy—effectively immediately—aimed at staffers’ use of “individual accounts on online social networks, when used for reporting and for personal use.” The new policy was translated externally by WaPo ombudsman Andy Alexander on his blog, along with a worst-case illustration: the decision by Managing Editor Raju Narisetti, responsible for features and the web, to shut down what appears to have been a small Twitter account intended for a private audience of friends and associates (as private as something that goes to 90-ish people can be) after some of his comments were called into question.
Late Friday afternoon, Washington Post (NYSE: WPO) Senior Editor Milton Coleman sent a memo to the staff with a social media policy—effectively immediately—aimed at staffers’ use of “individual accounts on online social networks, when used for reporting and for personal use.”
The Washington Post's social media guidelines for its journalists are thought by some to be a little on the stringent side... "All Washington Post journalists relinquish some of the personal privileges of private citizens. Post journalists must recognize that any content associated with them in an online social network is, for practical purposes, the equivalent of what appears beneath their bylines in the newspaper or on our website."
Living Stories
interesantan projekat googlea sa NYT i WP za buduci prikaz vijesti. Mislim da su interfejsi interesantni tako da bi mogli razmisliti o slicnim stvarima za ubuduce.
"The Living Stories project is an experiment in presenting news, one designed specifically for the online environment. The project was developed by Google in collaboration with two of the country's leading newspapers, The New York Times and The Washington Post."
Political Browser
Agregador de política de Washington Posrt- Refuerza con compra de Newsweek y de Foreign Policy
Mark Zuckerberg - From Facebook, answering privacy concerns with new settings
Six years ago, we built Facebook around a few simple ideas. People want to share and stay connected with their friends and the people around them. If we give people control over what they share, they will want to share more.
Mark Zuckerberg/The Washington Post, May 24, 2010.
"There needs to be a simpler way to control your information. In the coming weeks, we will add privacy controls that are much simpler to use. We will also give you an easy way to turn off all third-party services."