home | WaSP InterAct Curriculum
* WaSP InterAct is a living, open curriculum based upon web standards and best practices, designed to teach students the skills of the web professional. Adapt and reuse our resources. Contribute your own content and ideas. explore the curriculum »
"WaSP InterAct is a living, open curriculum based upon web standards and best practices, designed to teach students the skills of the web professional. Adapt and reuse our resources. Contribute your own content and ideas."
Announced at SXSW, this is the curriculum that the Web Standards Project has been working on. Education, education, education.
"Tagged Standards Learning"Get Rid Of Wasps: Traps & Tips : TipNut.com
An inexpensive way to make a wasp trap.
If you’ve ever been stung by a wasp, you know they live up to their reputation of being aggressive and having painful stings. When you regularly spot wasps in your yard, chances are there’s a wasp’s nest on your property or nearby. These are not pests that you want hanging about, especially if you have children running around. The best way to get rid of wasps is to find the nest and destroy it, but if you can’t find it or if it’s not on your property, you can use wasp traps to tempt them away from high-traffic areas to another part of the yard to kill them.
A great (and simple) wasp (and fruit fly) trap.