Pages tagged weapons:

Weapons of Mass Destruction :: Photography Served

Pictures of atomic weapons, good greeble reference.
7 Items You Won't Believe Are Actually Legal |
marijuana funny America humor cool articles interesting legal cracked weapons fun
gun mistakes
Mistakes in gun portrayal in movies and comics.
Gun mistakes writers and movies make.
I made a partial list below (I'm sure Duane Thomas can add to it) of dumb things I see in novels and comics and movies in the area of firearms. A few of these (for dramatic license) I make myself. But they're still dumb.
[:Mana Energy Potion:] | 500RPM Chaingun
how to make nerf vulcan counter and 500rpm
lol awesome nerfgun mod
The New York Times > Science > Image > A Chain Reaction of Proliferation
This time-line gives a summary of the transfers of nuclear technology and secrets. It starts with the United States in 1945 and moves through USSR (1949), UK & Canada (1952), France (1960) and on to present date 'aspirants'. The New York Times > Science > Image
via @ghensel on twitter
Not Exactly Rocket Science : Carbon nanotechnology in an 17th century Damascus sword
An article which analyses the Damascus blade, known for being supernaturaly strong, using scientific method.
Marianne Reibold
swords damascus steel
5 Ridiculous Gun Myths Everyone Believes (Thanks to Movies) |
Even in gun-crazy America, most of us aren't shooting things as part of our day-to-day routine. So most Americans actually know very little about guns. Hollywood writers realized this a long time ago and, being writers, used it as an excuse to never do any fact-checking ever again. Read more: