Etherpad Shows Google Docs How It’s Done
10 Beautiful Web UI libraries
useful web tools
めもめもWebタイポグラフィまとめ - Archiva
文字周りのノウハウまとめ。 本当に良くまとまってますObama Staff Arrives to White House Stuck in Dark Ages of Technology -
"The team members, accustomed to working on Macintoshes, found computers outfitted with six-year-old versions of Microsoft software. Laptops were scarce, assigned to only a few people in the West Wing. The team was left struggling to put closed captions on online videos."
"It is kind of like going from an Xbox to an Atari" And the geeks shall inherit the Earth.
En arrivant à la Maison Blanche, l'équipe Obama, qui a mené la campagne la plus "2.0" de l'Histoire a découvert l'horreur d'une institution qui est resté à l'âge de pierre...携帯サイトを作る際に読んでおきたいサイトや本いろいろ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
42 live webcams from around the world, it's almost like you're a villian in a movie.. creepy!PR on Websites: Press Area Usability
info from Nielsen report on web design to get better PR results50+ Free Open Courseware Classes for Web Designers Perfecting Their Craft | Distance Learning Net
More than 50 top notch courses that will help you become a better web designer.10 Web Sites That Will Matter in 2009 - PC World
@PC WorldNew CSS Sticky Footer - 2009
web designmagicsocket ~ Adobe Flash development
magicsocket: actionscript development, interactive art direction, designWordPressの設置後、すぐにやっておきたい10の作業 | コリス
12 tools for web designers
ウェブデザイナーの作業を助ける12のオンラインツールSelector Shell
It "is a browser-based tool for testing what CSS becomes in different browsers. It works by taking some raw text, inserting a dynamic STYLE element into the HEAD with that raw text as its content, and then reading the CSSOM to see what the browser has parsed it into. It is written in Javascript."
ブラウザが解釈しているCSSがわかる「Selector Shell」
各種ブラウザで「Test It」してみればどんなCSSが利いているかが一目瞭然!
See how your browser is interpreting CSS code.30 Popular Photoshop Tutorials of 2008 | Webdesigner Depot
It seems that just over the last year the quality of Photoshop tutorials have really improved. There have always been a plethora of Photoshop tutorial sites
Melhores tutoriais do ano de 2008, eleitos pelo webdesigner depot!
It seems that just over the last year the quality of Photoshop tutorials have really improved. There have always been a plethora of Photoshop tutorial sitesMore Web Design Trends For 2009 | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
More Web Design Trends For 2009
Last week we presented 10 Web Design Trends For 2009, our review of the most promising developments and techniques in web design that may become big in 2009. In the first part we covered embossing letters (”letterpress”), rich user interfaces, PNG transparency, big typography, carousels and media blocks. This post is the second part of our review. It presents design trends for 2009 in terms of layouts, visual approaches and design elements. Please notice that this post showcases trends and developments that were extensively covered in our previous articles (e.g. handwriting, retro and vintage etc.) and therefore weren’t covered in this post (they are all linked in the overview, so feel free to explore these single posts as well). Did you miss any recent development in this overview? Let us know in the comments!もう配色には困らない!「Adobe Kuler」
読み方は"クーラー" "画像をもとに自動的に配色パターンを作成してくれる機能" これは知らなかったです!便利!
アドビ システムズが提供しているオンラインサービス「Adobe Kuler」(クーラー)高精度計算サイト
桁数可変型演算技術を応用して精度保証の実現をめざした計算サービス » Blog Archive » Social Media “Experts” are the Cancer of Twitter (and Must Be Stopped)
"Like drugs, social media can be a good thing in the right hands. But there are too many people out there who don’t know what they’re doing and just get carried away. Sadly most people just lack the good old fashioned discipline to keep their worse instincts in check." (Via Danny Sanchez)
Os especialistas em mídias sociais são zumbis. E estão estragando o twitter. Porém, eles só falam com eles mesmos. Acho que vou apagar uns feeds, unfollow algumas pessoas, e ganhar tempo este ano.
There is something deely ironic about this, possibly the fact that he is a Dr Who / Battlestar Galactica fan - however, despite me being an "SEO" bloke - I would say he might have a point ?
Nearly a day goes by on Twitter without yet another social media “expert” choosing to stalk me. At first it started innocently — back in the day (about a year ago) various techie friends started to declare themselves social media gurus because they decided to hang out on Twitter and Facebook all day.
Horribly true and I'm one of the people it targets...
Sometimes the social media and SEO zombies can mate to produce a marketing strategy monster:
This is quite funny. But sadly true.
RT @JesseNewhart: Why 'Social Media Experts' are The Cancer of Twitter and Need to Be Stopped: Store
web based app store, hosted by google apps.
iTunes store without running iTunes
Anonymous Google App Engine service scrapes Apple's XML from the iTunes servers. So you don't have to use goddamn iTunes to poke around all the iPhone apps. (see also
The AppStore without iTunes! There is also access to many iTunes Store tracks but it is not offical and should be removed by Apple soon
iTunes Music Store with out iTunes10 Awesome Ways to Integrate Twitter With Your Website - NETTUTS
10 of the most useful ways to start turning your site readers (or your client's customer base) into Twitter followers, and vice versa.
There's no better time to start utilizing Twitter integration tools than right now. Here are 10 of the most useful ways to start turning your site readers (or your client's customer base) into Twitter followers, and vice versa.
Start turning your site readers into Twitter followers and vice versa.69 Free or Open Source Tools For Students | Online College
links to all sorts of sourcesInnovid - In-video Spaces
Interactive Video. Check it out.
cool use of flash and video
advertising integrated into videocontent. interactivity with the user.UIデザインガイドラインのまとめ : could
Apple을 비롯한 여러가지 업체에서 제공하는 UI가이드라인에 대한 정보Adam's Block
live web cam in SF (Tenderloin) with chatGigaTweet - Counting down to the billionth twitter message
the best photo retouching & designing service online you can ever findNew York Times
Persecuting " Torture " is a Moral Obligation for Lawyers
trabajo de your majesty para nyt
new york times video interview, promotie dingこれは便利だ!Excel→Table化するjQueryプラグイン
htmlから外部ファイルのcsvを参照してHTMLオブジェクトを生成。すげーな。Beautiful datepickers and calendars for web developers
Beautiful datepickers and calendars for web developersWeb Quest Maker
web quests are Internet-based treasure hunts
servicio para hacer encuestas onlineファンタジーアース ゼロ
egaclockWordpress便利なプラグイン30選 | DesignWalker
目新しいかんじのがあるASCII by Jason Scott / FUCK THE CLOUD
"So please, take my advice, as I go into other concentrated endeavors. Fuck the Cloud. Fuck it right in the ear. Trust it like you would trust a guy pulling up in a van offering a sweet deal on electronics. Maybe you’ll make out, maybe you won’t. But he ain’t necessarily going to be there tomorrow."
Centralization is not the future.
And even
Trust it like you would trust a guy pulling up in a van offering a sweet deal on electronics.
"By the cloud, of course, I mean this idea that you have a local machine, a box running some OS, and a vital, distinct part of what you do and what you’re about or what you consider important to you is on other machines that you don’t run, don’t control, don’t buy, don’t administrate, and don’t really understand."10 Most Interesting Upload Widgets | AjaxLine
Upload Widgetsブラウザ上でさくさくデータベースの設計ができる『WWW SQL Designer』がすごすぎる - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
これは次回使いたい。Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: A new Google Sitemap Generator for your website
Our new open-source Google Sitemap Generator finds new and modified URLs based on your webserver's traffic, its log files, or the files found on the server. By combining these methods, Google Sitemap Generator can be very fast in finding these URLs and calculating relevant metadata, thereby making your Sitemap files as effective as possible. Once Google Sitemap Generator has collected the URLs, it can create the following Sitemap files for you.fecklessmind - How to create perfect form mark up and style it with CSS
30 twitter tools that help you do things like search, monitor and send alerts based on twitter trafficdfGallery 2.0 - Free Flash Gallery | Dezinerfolio
Wooo! Finally we are on dfGallery 2.0. We now commit to you that this gallery will be one of the coolest Free Flash Galleries. v1 with 200,000+ downloads was the hottest topic on our site and we hope to see a lot with this too. This is just the alpha release and we expect lots of feedback to get this to its best possible.. The reason for this gallery to be cool is not just its UI but the way it is built and architected. We have an amazing theme engine built to support custom themes with multiple skins for each. The administration console built on CodeIginter lets you manage multiple galleries and albums of different types. Soon we will have a dedicated section on the site where the community can contribute themes and skins. Till then enjoy this beautiful work by us :)
dfGallery is a free Flash gallery that works for flickr, picasa and custom albums. It also supports custom themes, skins, background music, fullscreen, ajax uploads and more...A List Apart: Articles: Elevate Web Design at the University Level
Web education is out of date and fragmented. There are good people working hard to change this, but because of the structure of higher education, it will take time. As part of a year-long journey to discover where we are in web education and where we need to go, Leslie Jensen-Inman interviewed 32 web design and development leaders. The consensus: technology moves too fast for college and university curricula to keep up. How, then, can educators create a sustainable foundation for the future?
Sponsor an Educator...sounds like a new nonprofit idea to me.
Web education is out of date and fragmented.ウェブデザインのレイアウトに役立つ11サイト | DesignWalker
web layout
Provides a good summary of the latest layout tips
フッターをブラウザの最下部、もしくはコンテンツの最下部に表示させるCSSのテクニック、 各カラムのボックスの高さを合わせてくれるスクリプト30 Useful Open Source Apps for Web Designers - Six Revisions
In this article, you'll find 30 exceptionally handy open source applications for web designers.
In this article, you'll find 30 exceptionally handy open source applications for web designers.5 Design and Interaction Reference Books you should have available | Tutorial9 - Tutorial Bliss.
Books to buy/order from library
The author details Web Design and Interaction Design books for beginner to advanced readers.トータル1000種類以上、XHTML/CSSのフリーのテンプレート配布サイト集 | コリス
Smashing Magazineのエントリーから、XHTML/CSSのフリーのテンプレートを配布しているサイトを紹介します。 100 FreeHow To Choose The Right CMS | Webdesigner Depot
Lista com 5 novos CMS
How To Choose The Right CMS:
Allowing an IT Guy to Pick the CMSThe Power of WordPress and jQuery: 30+ Useful Plugins & Tutorials
jQuery is ideal because it can create impressive animations and interactions while being simple to understand and easy to use. WordPress awesomeness lies in its fact that it can be customized to power any type of site you like! But what happens when you combine the power of jQuery with WordPress, the possibilities are infinite.
wordpress plugin reviews70+ Photoshop Tutorials to improve your Skills as Web Designer | Best Photoshop Tutorials
To be a web designer means to have a flexible professionalism that enables to make a project, to create a design respecting and reflecting the customers
tlačítka, headery, layouty, patičkyStunning Examples of Light On Dark Web Design | Web Design Ledger
Good design ref.17 Noteworthy Alternatives To Google Notebook
Google’s decision to discontinue development of Google Notebook had some users petitioning to save it, while Evernote is offering Google Notebook imports.
note-taking web sites
2009-01-27 by Guamenyo. Says Google.Com removing support for its Notebook. Author gives kudos to "Evernote", plus reviews several other analogues.The Unforeseen Consequences of the Social Web - ReadWriteWeb
The social Web has given users great power: the ability to create and share content with people around the world - easily and quickly. The problem of course, ...
what you do on social media leaves traces and cannot be easily removed from the Web. Information can fairly easily be tracked back to you and what you say and do will be public for a long time. Whether you believe in monitoring yourself online or not, don't forget the point of the social Webfeedscrub :: keep your feeds squeaky clean!
RSS filter.
Feedscrub filters your feeds based on your preferences. Subscribe to all your favorite feeds, then tell Feedscrub which posts you do and don't like. Feedscrub will learn your preferences and begin filtering out posts that don't interest you.
"Feedscrub acts as a spam filter for your RSS feeds..."
Keep your feeds squeaky cleaniPlotz: wireframing, mockups and prototyping for websites and applications
iPlotz offers a Web-based tool for quickly sketching wireframes of Web sites and demonstrating navigation between pages.
create mockups of your website design
test drive websitesDatePicker - jQuery plugin
interesting for SIFE?
Date Picker - jQuery plugin15+ Tips to Speed Up Your Website, and Optimize Your Code! - NETTUTS
Sqworl is this thing that you can use to turn a bunch of long dumb website links into one single smaller link with pretty web previews.27 Best Photoshop Web Layout Design Tutorials - Part 2
Browser detection with XSLT.
an interesting way to handle css conditionals20 Beautiful Tumblr Themes
These are themes for Tumblr, not Wordpress.What the Web knows about you
If you're not concerned about privacy in the age of the Internet yet, you should. Don't want to take my word for it? Then read this.
What information is available about you in cyberspace? Where does it come from, and what risks does it present? Computerworld's Robert L. Mitchell set out to see just how much he could find about himself online. What he discovered is frightening.
The web is fast becoming the collective knowledge base of all of humanity, for better or for worse.46 Sites To Get Inspired And Familiar With Hand Drawing Style | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
Get familiar with one of the most popular and unique web design trend - hand drawing style through many examples. Also great way to get inspired![ws] Color Scheme Designer
COULEUR et LUMIERE. Superbe outil web a détourner avec tout le bonheur de l'Ecole primaire entre ARTS PLASTIQUES et Sciences / Decouverte du monde +++
choose and match colors
Color Scheme Designer[JS]これ最強かものツールチップスクリプト -BeautyTips | コリス
BeautyTips | Coliss
シンプルなツールチップも簡単に実装できるだけなく、デザインのカスタマイズが可能で、対応トリガーも豊富なツールチップのスクリプト「BeautyTips」を紹介します。Coding Horror: Avoiding The Uncanny Valley of User Interface
zumo driveを詳しく。これはデータ利用についての概念が変わりそうだ。大容量を使わないのであれば、便利さを手軽に手に入れられそう。HDDほどめったに利用しない音楽や写真を置く必要はないし。
“すべてクラウド”も間近!? 「ZumoDrive」を使ってみた - @IT
DropBoxみたいなサービス の説明|データはweb上にあって、ローカルには置かない と
ネットワークの新活用法。端末の制限が消えていく。21 Typography and Font Web Apps You Can’t Live Without : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources
Social Media is Evolving Social media is morphing into a holistic experience that speaks to people's social needs in new ways. If you are a CEO of a startup who is focusing on the next generation of social media, here are 10 areas you'll need to take into consideration in the coming year:
"Social media" was the term du jour in 2008. Consumers, companies, and marketers were all talking about it. We have social media gurus, social media startups, social media books, and social media firms.YouTube - History of the Internet
Finfin animasjon som viser Internett utviklinga frå 1957 til 2009. Forenkla sjølvsagt, men fin. Litt komplisert ordbruk innimellom, men det må ein vel rekne med.
Yawn! Cool animation though.
"History of the internet" is an animated documentary explaining the inventions from time-sharing to filesharing, from Arpanet to Internet. The history is told using the PICOL icons on , which are available for download soon. On you can get news about this project.
filmpjes op internet20 Useful Resources for Learning about CSS3 - Six Revisions
Though W3C’s CSS3 specifications aren’t finalized yet, modern web browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and WebKit-based browsers already have full or partial support for them.
Like the title saysUse tools running on M-Lab to test your Internet connection. | M-Lab
Welcome to Measurement Lab
by Google.How Obama Will Use Web Technology
web 2.0 and collaborative communication
open-source democracy.
Obama nutzt die Onlinedienste von Google, Facebook etc auch als Präsident. Spannende Entwicklung, neben der bejahenden Tech-Sicht fehlt noch die kritischere Hinterfragung.BBC - Radio Labs - How we make websites
how good is the BBC?404 Error Pages, One More Time | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Graphics with JavaScript
plotting, geometry, visualization57 Internet Possibilities to Investigate |
Awesome list of what and how to use tools on the internetGeorgia On My Mind - Inspiration Bit
Story about Georgia the fontBest 15 Ajax Based Start pages | TechCityInc
startpageThe Ultimate Free Fonts Pack | yensdesign - Tutorials, Web Design and Coding
In a battered economy, free goods and services online are more attractive than ever. So how can the suppliers make a business model out of nothing?
Free is not enough. It also has to be matched with Paid.jQuery on Rails: Why Bother? // RailsTips by John Nunemaker
Jquery railsYahoo!百科事典 - 無料のオンライン百科事典
小学館『日本大百科全書』Everything you Know is Wrong! - NETTUTS
NETTUTS/ guru Jeffrey Way says: "Everything is changing. This weekend, I read a very interesting book: 'Everything You Know About CSS is Wrong'. The book illustrates how, now that IE has passed the ACID 2 test, we can finally begin to build our websites the proper ways. Up until now, we've been forced to implement hacks to form the perfect layout - absolute positioning, precarious floats, etc. But that's all beginning to change! I'll show you how in twenty minutes."
Everything You Know About CSS is WrongA Better Pagination / Portfolio / Christoph Pojer
PaginationWeb屋のためのVim設定・Tipsまとめ 1/2 - ナレッジエース
In November 2007, we listed 10 Semantic apps to watch and yesterday we published an update on what each had achieved over the past year. All of them ...
Now we're going to list 10 more Semantic apps to watch. These are all apps that have gotten onto our radar over 2008. We've reviewed all but one of them, so click through to the individual reviews for more detail. It should go without saying, but this is by no means an exhaustive list - so if we haven't mentioned your favorite, please add it in the comments.Infrastructure for Modern Web Sites « random($foo)
leonard lin's weblog. topical geek news.
list of backend and frontend requirementsWeb Design+ — Tips and advice on web standards development
Very useful tip for clearing floated divs
The online home of Harry Roberts, freelance front-end : projects : microprinter
A social letterbox. Prints messages directly from the Internet.
A social letterbox. Prints messages directly from the Internet. Based on the arduino microcontroller.
The printer that Ben Griffiths is building. I read about Tom Taylor building one at PaperCamp - looks cool.
"microprinter for everyday use"
TEXT-(HTTP POST)->sinatra(as MQ)-(ethernet)->arduino-((MAX232+)RS232c)->micropriner
The microprinter is an experiment in physical activity streams and notification, using a repurposed receipt printer connected to the web. I use it for things like reminders, notifications, and my day at-a-glance, but anything that can be injected from the web and suits text only, short format messaging, will work.Build - Think Glocal™ - Blog
普通に携帯サイト見てても気づくレベル。基本中の基本。こっから先が難しい。Play Perfect Balance, a free online game on Kongregate
Good round up of some social media search tools
Last week we looked at how easy it is to leave footprints on the Web; today we'll show you how easy it is to digg_url = '';digg_bgcolor = ...
Welke 'footprints' laat ik zelf eigenlijk achter ;-)?5 Popular CSS Frameworks + Tutorials & Tools for Getting Started
icons and more iconscufón - fonts for the people
Good list of ways to back up all Google services
Easy instructions on how to back up google data
Some easy solutions for extracting and backing up your data on popular Google apps and services.10 exceedingly useful Flash tutorials | News | TechRadar UK
cmtesA Coding Fool: jQuery 1.3 Cheat Sheet
Buscar tips en twitter
I discovered awesome tips on ?CSS should not be used for layout
css for layout
Why CSS should not be used for layoutKidRex - Kid Safe Search
filtered for kids. Used google on backend
KidRex is a fun and safe search for kids, by kids! KidRex searches emphasize kid-related webpages and are powered by Google Custom Search and use Google SafeSearch technology. Google's SafeSearch screens for sites that contain explicit sexual content and deletes them from your child’s search results. Google's filter uses advanced technology to check keywords, phrases, and URLs. No filter is 100 percent accurate, but SafeSearch should eliminate most inappropriate material. In addition to Google SafeSearch, KidRex maintains its own database of inappropriate websites and keywords. KidRex researchers test KidRex daily, to insure that you and your child have the best web experience possible. We do our best to keep KidRex as up-to-date and comprehensive as possible, but inappropriate sites will sometimes slip through the cracks. If you find websites containing offensive content in your results, please visit our webpage removal request tool to tell us about the site you found.
Official Site. Fun and Safe Search for Kids, by Kids!
interested in this
Safe search for kids, by kids!Are You Making These 10 PHP Mistakes? - NETTUTS
php25 Beautifully Minimalist Websites - Part 5 | Vandelay Design Blog
Over the past year and a half, I have published four collections of inspirational websites with a minimalist approach to the design. Since more great websites of this style keep appearing, and since readers continue to show an interest in this style, here is the fifth edition. You can see the first four parts here: 25 Beautifully Minimalistic Website Designs 25 Beautifully Minimalistic Website Designs - Part 2 25 Beautifully Minimalistic Website Designs - Part 3 25 Beautifully Minimalistic Website Designs - Part 4 Netlings
25 Beautifully Minimalist Websites1000+ Classic Icons for Free Download | - dedicated public weblog to form ecosystem of visual artists.
дохрена фришных иконок8 Useful Tips To Become Successful With Twitter | How-To | Smashing Magazine
how to become successful with twitter
mas recomendaciones utiles sobre twitterサイトをもっと速くしたい! サイト最適化に使えるツールいろいろ | DesignWalker
サイトをもっと速くしたいと思ったときに、サイトを最適化して表示速度を速くしてくれる、使えるツールいろいろとまとめ from Design Walker[]
いろいろあるなぁClear And Effective Communication In Web Design | How-To | Smashing Magazine
By Steven Snell Communication is one of the foundational elements of a good website. It is essential for a positive user experience and for a successful website that truly benefits its owners. All types of
Communication is one of the foundational elements of a good website. It is essential for a positive user experience and for a successful website that truly benefits its owners. All types of websites are affected by the need for good communication in one way or another. Regardless of whether the website in question is an e-commerce website, a blog, a portfolio website, an information website for a service company, a government website or any other type of website, there is a significant need to communicate effectively with visitors.
methods, challenges, content, and tips.How-To Minimize Load Time for Fast User Experiences | UX Booth
In December 2008 through January 2009, WebAIM conducted a survey of preferences of screen reader users.
In December 2008 through January 2009, WebAIM conducted a survey of preferences of screen reader user
Pesquisa recente feita pela WebAIM com usuários de leitores de tela15 Great Flickr Extensions for Firefox
Access Flickr! Better Flickr - several Greasemonkey scripts such as photo magnifier, thumbnail enhancer, rich edit and more into one convenient extension. Fireflix - A sidebar extension that works with Flickr. Flickr - A simple extension that adds the ability to search Flickr photos directly from your browser. Flickr Auto Page. Flickr Buddy Flickr Gallery Plus! Flickr Original Flickr Themr Flickrfox FlickrSpaceBall FlickrTrans - Right click on any image on any site, and you can load it to your Flickr account and then use it Fotofox - A photo upload manager that allows you to drag and drop images from your system into the extension, add tags, set privacy and more; then you can upload them to over 40 different photo sites including Flickr. Lockr - Share content from Flickr with users on Facebook without them having to log into Flickr. Uploadr for Flickr - Gives you the ability to upload images you find on various websites directly to your Flickr account.
Flickr Firefox extensions.Top 10 Web 2.0 Tools for Young Learners : February 2009 : THE Journal
According to Lovely, and education technology consultant and speaker at the FETC 2009 conference in Orlando, FL in January, it was the recognition of those needs that led her to develop a "top 10 list" of go-to technology tools to help inspire young students and empower under-funded teachers. "The important thing to remember here," she said, "is that this isn't about simply providing you with 10 links. It's much more important to ask, 'What are you going to do with these things? How are you going to use these tools?' That's why we're here," she said. "So I can show you not only what's out there but also how other educators are using these resources to teach their students right now."
February 2009 : THE JournalJohn Resig - Talk: The DOM is a Mess
I gave a talk last week at Yahoo (at the request of the YUI team) all about the DOM. I outlined some of the reasons why the current situation is such a mess, outline some strategies for working around it, and then give some examples of real world code that's being implemented in libraries today.50+ Free WordPress Themes for Personal Blogs of High Quality - WPZOOM
The lesson, Marissa said, is that speed matters. People do not like to wait. Do not make them.
On the web, speed matters. I see it with campaigns all the time.
This conclusion may be surprising -- people notice a half second delay? -- but we had a similar experience at In A/B tests, we tried delaying the page in increments of 100 milliseconds and found that even very small delays would result in substantial and costly drops in revenue.dotbot |
i find it cool that 7% of the web is not there.
We are just a few Seattle based guys trying to figure out how to make internet data as open as possible. You should be able to find everything you are looking for below. If not feel free to contact us. Happy Surfing!
Whole Internet in one file :)Times Developer Network - Welcome
amidst the flames, NYT opens up a phoenix API.
The NY Times Developer Network. Looks like they have some really interesting API's to play with.Twitter’s Massive 2008: 752 Percent Growth
There’s little doubt that Twitter was one of the most talked about startups over the past year. But just how much did it grow in 2008? The final numbers are15 Excellent Logo Design Tutorials Using Illustrator
logo design
In this collection, you will find 15 hand-picked tutorials from a variety of talented graphic designers and illustrators that discuss the logo creation process using Illustrator.» The Evolution of Search ChunkIt!: TigerLogic ChunkIt!
Evolution of Search
A look at the History, Vision, Innovators, and Future of Information AccessibilityClive Thompson on How YouTube Changes the Way We Think
Marshall McLuhan pointed out that whenever we get our hands on a new medium we tend to use it like older ones. Early TV broadcasts consisted of guys sitting around reading radio scripts because nobody had realized yet that TV could tell stories differently. It's the same with much of today's webcam video; most people still try to emulate TV and film. Only weirdos like MadV are really exploring its potential. A bigger leap will occur when we get better tools for archiving and searching video. Then we'll start using it the way we use paper or word processing: to take notes or mull over a problem, like Tom Cruise flipping through scenes at the beginning of Minority Report. We think of video as a way to communicate with others—but it's becoming a way to communicate with ourselves.
Article connecting YouTube with participatory culture.
"So here's my question: What exactly is this? What do you call MadV's project? It isn't quite a documentary; it isn't exactly a conversation or a commentary, either. It's some curious mongrel form. And it would have been inconceivable before the Internet and cheap webcams—prohibitively expensive and difficult to pull off."50 Beautiful And User-Friendly Navigation Menus | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
5o exemples de menus de navigation Internet de qualitéDomainTyper - Fast Domain Search
Search for your Domain as fast as you can type. Domain Finder with Domain Hacks, and Domain Name Generator.
WOW! handig!Supersized - Full Screen Background/Slideshow jQuery Plugin | Build Internet!
It’s no secret that web designers and developers love Firefox! Firefox provides an endless amount of functionality that you simply won’t find in any other市町村変遷パラパラ地図
ahora si el url. del primer sitio donde no pasa nada via @elneco
Interesting site by Kit Kat, who wants to give you a break!
Um site onde nada acontece.
The First Worldwide Site Where Nothing Happens. KitKat.40+ Excellent jQuery Tutorials | instantShift
Most of you already aware that jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. it's also known for fast
Most of you already aware that jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. it’s also known for fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. Or in developer’s words “write less, Do more”. Now days jQuery is on top of its charm and everyone from Javascript world love to experiment with it. Because of the remarkable significance of JQuery in Designing field, it is an essential to keep yourself up-to-date with its Quality uses and Examples. In this article, we’ll take a look at Various jQuery Tutorials for your source of inspiration.100 Powerful Web Tools to Organize Your Thoughts and Ideas | Online College Blog and School Reviews
Whether you are a busy executive, a single parent, a freelancer working from home, a student, or a combination of these, you have probably found yourself needing help when it comes to organizing all your thoughts and ideas that occur throughout your busy day.home | paramore|redd online marketing | website and media design and development
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Defensive coding is about preventing these bugs before they happen. If you don’t prevent them, they will be like an avalanche — there will be a lot of them interacting with each other, making it difficult to figure out what’s what.CSSでさくっと作れるグラフいろいろ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
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An eye tracking study from Google. However, please note that none of the searches are overly commercial in nature (no top position ads). In almost all G heatmap studies, they only show mostly information searches. Interesting data, but don't assume your ad will not get nice visibility for more commercial based searches.twitter検索
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2008年に注目を集めた使えるJavaScriptライブラリ集が紹介されていました。 どれも非常に便利でサイト構築に役立ってくれるでしょう。Designers Toolbox: Web Safe Area
Safe window sizes for browsers and computer operating systems.How To Design The Perfect Form | Web Design Tuts
You can have the most beautiful website in the world, and without traffic, it might as well be a billboard in the middle of a cornfield in Iowa.
Social marketing is the new search engine optimization. Reciprocal voting is the new reciprocal linking. It offers a fairly low barrier to entry, and the opportunity to drive a TON of traffic in a short period of time. Even more importantly, social media has become a cornerstone of the strategy for launching sites, or improving their link popularity.A List Apart: Articles: This is How the Web Gets Regulated
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"This doc attempts to show how custom buttoms with a 1px radius could be created without corner images. The gradient requires an image, but is optional. Ideally, the <button> element should be used if possible (instead of <a>) for semantic and accessibility reasons. Note that the hover state will not work on button elements for IE6 and lower without using JavaScript to detect a mouseOver event."
This doc attempts to show how custom buttoms with a 1px radius could be created without corner images. The gradient requires an image, but is optional. Ideally, the <button> element should be used if possible (instead of <a>) for semantic and accessibility reasons. Note that the hover state will not work on button elements for IE6 and lower without using JavaScript to detect a mouseOver event.Agile Testing: Load Balancing in Amazon EC2 with HAProxy
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The icons are available in PNG, ICO and ICNS format. They are free to use for both personal and commercial projects, including websites, templates & software. You are not allowed to sell or redistribute the icons anywhere else. If you like to share the icons please link to this article.The League of Moveable Type
A site and -- they hope -- movement for free, open-source fonts. "We're done with the tired old fontstacks of yesteryear. Enough with the limitations of the web, we won't have it. It's time to raise our standards. Here, you'll find only the most well-made, free & open-source, @font-face ready fonts."
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'Here, you'll find only the most well-made, free & open-source, @font-face ready fonts.'
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* 質を高める ユーザに狙った価値を提供できているのかテストするためのもの ユーザテストのときには質問には答えない、質問が出るインターフェースは失敗 顔マーケティング ライバルに勝てる「ウリ」Is Google Chrome The New IE 6 For Web Designers? | Webdesigner Depot
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Just when you thought you were done with IE 6 and its hacks and exceptions, now you've got a new browser to consider: Google's Chrome. The good news is that
Here are some tips to get your web pages working in Chrome and hopefully looking the way they were designed to look.
No, but it does have problems all of its own!
Getting around some of the weirdness that Chrome brings to the table. Like Opera, Chrome is unusually unforgiving when it comes to HTML, CSS, and javascriptリンクをクリックしたときに横に伸びる点線を消す方法(Firefox) - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
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これをするとキーボード操作でどこにいるかわからんくなるので、ユーザビリティ下がります50 Useful JavaScript Tools | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
50 Useful JavaScript Tools : Web Typography Rules Every Designer Should Know | Webdesigner Depot
10 Web Typography Rules Every Designer Should Know TO: Live Inside Twitter and Still Stay Productive
1. Manage to do lists This one is my favorite, simply because the two sites here make it so easy to never forget - even when your brain is lost inside the Twitterverse. Both Remember The Milk, and Toodledo have commands you can use to add to do items. Next time you’re telling your followers what you ate for lunch, you can also make a note to call the cute waitress you met while you were there. 2. Set a timer 3. Add a Google Calendar item 4. Get your flight information 5. Track your expenses 6. Get news alerts 7. Track packages 8. Freelancers: track job time 9. Keep track of gas mileage 10. Get the weather forecast» 40+ “Must see” CSS Tools WebAir Blog
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The web has repeatedly demonstrated its ability to evolve and leave embedded franchises struggling or in the dirt. Prodigy, AOL were early candidates. Today Yahoo and Ebay are struggling, and I think Google is tipping down the same path. This cycle of creative destruction — more recently framed as the innovators dilemma — is both fascinating and hugely dislocating for businesses. To see this immense franchises melt before your very eyes — is hard to say the least.Are the Creators of Twitter Living in the Last Dreamworld on Earth? -- New York Magazine
Sure, the Twitter guys still have no idea how to make money off their fabulous invention. But for now they are living in a dreamworld of infinite possibilities, maybe the last one on Earth.WHO DID IT?
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Might be an interesting follow up to our call yesterday Marsh...Favicon Generator
Upload an image (GIF, JPEG or PNG) and convert it to a Windows favicon (.ico).Eric's Archived Thoughts: Using HTTP Headers to Serve Styles
Une astuce pour avoir une CSS rajoutée partout sur un site : dans le .htaccess Header add Link "</staging.css>;rel=stylesheet;type=text/css;media=all" Ça permettrait de gérer plus efficacement le mode prévisualisation de SPIP
nice hack for staging sites. doesn't work in safari or ie, though.
"So: why not send the link to the style sheet using HTTP headers? Yeah, that’s the ticket!"10 Harsh Truths About Corporate Websites | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Business, it's a different story, some (harsh) points made about corporate websites.Movie Website Designs: Examples And Current Practices | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Disney, Bedtime Stories
Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine100+ Best Web Galleries Around for Your Inspiration | instantShift
su nuevo servicio con el que ofrecen alojamiento gratuito para diversas aplicaciones web, de forma que dispondremos de software gestionado por ellos, que se encargan de la instalación, actualización,... sin pagar nada. Entre las aplicaciones soportadas actualmente se encuentra Wordpress, Drupal, ZenPhoto, MediaWiki o phpBB, además de las Google Apps, a las que tienen intención de añadir de nuevas en el futuro. Estas aplicaciones podrán usar un dominio ya existente, uno nuevo o un subdominio de La idea de Dreamhost es que una parte de sus usuarios se acaben pasando al servicio de pago, pero parece una buena opción si necesitamos algún software y no queremos pagar nuestro propio hosting.
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I get this: "The more I upload the details of my existence, even in the form of random observations and casual location updates, the more I worry about giving away too much. It's one thing to share intimacies person-to-person. But with a community? Creepy."
Wired magazine article ... another in the line of stories about social media burnout and why/if it is really worthwhile.A List Apart: Articles: Brighter Horizons for Web Education
Nuevos horizontes para la educación web
"The Web Standards Project have begun trying to tackle the education issue. Industry experts and veteran educators on the WaSP Education Task Force are currently working to develop the WaSP Curriculum Framework (WCF), a modular curriculum that can be used to improve existing curricula or serve as the foundation for emerging programs. (Disclosure: I’m a member of The Web Standards Project, an educator, and the project lead of the WaSP Curriculum Framework.) The WCF will be released in March of 2009 as a living curriculum that will adapt to changes in the industry so that schools using it can ensure their students are learning the concepts that are relevant to their field of study. The WCF’s first release will contain approximately 14 courses divided into six learning tracks: * Foundations * Front-end Development * Design * Server-side Development * User Science * Professional Practice "
"Building a real relationship between industry and education requires that we answer this question for both parties: 'What’s in it for me?' Whether you’re a practitioner or educator, the answer is the same: graduates who are ready for a career in the web."
Schools that teach web design struggle to keep pace with our industry, and those just starting their curricula often set off in the wrong direction because the breadth and depth of our medium can be daunting.
Brighter Horizons for Web Education by Aarron WalterWhatTheFont! « MyFonts
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This post illustrates five interesting rich text editors ready to use in your web projects. I also provided some guidelines regarding how to implement them on your pages using a few lines of HTML code. Try them!Web Design Inspiration: 40+ Impressive Single Page Websites
Small videos showing UI elements.When can I use...
Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies.
"Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies" (This page lists several advanced web features, like data URIs, for instance, and offers recommendations on when it may be safe to use them.)真似からはじめるウェブデザイン | DesignWalker
ウェブデザインを上達させる一番早い方法は、やはり真似をすることなのではないでしょうか? 少しずつマスターして、カッコいいデザインが作れるようにがんばりましょう!
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手書きで書いてスキャンして、テクスチャ画像と合成Ask SM [CSS/JS]: Pixel Width Decisions, Modal Boxes | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
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when Web advertising declined in the fourth quarter of 2008, free felt like the future of journalism only in the sense that a steep cliff is the future for a herd of lemmingsAn Intensive Exploration Of jQuery - NETTUTS
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Lovely Charts is an innovative web application allowing its users to create gorgeous diagrams (flowcharts, sitemaps, organisation charts, wireframes, …) of professional quality without requiring any drawing efforts or design skills.Everybody enjoys things @
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Good Site.30 More Portfolio Sites for Your Design Inspiration
Sample portfoliosKeepMeOut
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指定した時間だけアクセス制限。コミュ中毒者向け・・・。23 Amazing And Open Source Ruby On Rails Applications
Ruby on Rails is a powerful web framework that helps creating web applications easier, faster & writing an organized code. There are lots of websites that use it including popular ones like Twitter, Basecamp, AboutUs & many more. Also, Ruby on Rails powers some amazing open source web applications which you may want to use directly or improve further. Here is a well-categorized 23 open source Ruby on Rails applications50 Insanely Good Vector-based Web Designs - VECTORTUTS
uygulama geliştirme hedesi51 Amazing and Inspiring Blog Style Web Designs : Speckyboy Design Magazine
These are probably the blog design benckmarks for 2009, they all have there own individual characteristic that defines them as inspiring. They also have one thing in common: They are Amazing.
"These are probably the blog design benckmarks for 2009, they all have there own individual characteristic that defines them as inspiring. They also have one thing in common: They are Amazing."
some inspirational designs, even if they look not very flexible to meScaling Digg and Other Web Applications | High Scalability
Joe Stump, Lead Architect at Digg, gave this presentation at the Web 2.0 Expo. I couldn't find the actual presentation, but fortunately Kris Jordan took some great notes. That's how key moments in history are accidentally captured forever. Joe was also kind enough to respond to my email questions with a phone call.
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Bespin is a Mozilla Labs experiment that proposes an open, extensible web-based framework for code editing that aims to increase developer productivity, enable compelling user experiences, and promote the use of open | Free AJAX animated loading gif's | 3 dimensional (3D)
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これは便利。JavaScriptで使用可能なブラウザ判別スクリプト。IE用。The Top 35 Web Design Galleries on the Internet | Xatal
1, 2, and 3 have some use to me
5 obscure HTML tags
With the rising popularity of CSS for styling, many web developers and users alike have become alienated from the good old HTML tags. Only a handful of these tags are used in the markup of web pages today. Most of them have got limited representation and some of them are entirely forgotten. I decided to round up a couple of HTML tags that perhaps should be used a little more often than they actually are.25 Font-tastic Type Resources for Web Designers | Build Internet!
Great Typographic Start!Over 15 Top Open Source Tools for Web Developers
HTML に、<link rel="canonical" href=""/> を加える、と。
ページネーション使ってるページとかにも使っていいのかな。SOY CMSは、SOHOやWebデザイナーの救世主になるかもしれない: 世界中の1%の人々へ
HTMLソースにコメントやタグを埋め込むだけだから、デザインは自由自在。XHTML+CSSさえ、理解していれば簡単にサイト構築ができる。 前回の「XAMMPインストール編」に続き、SOY CMSレポー
SOY CMSは、SOHOやWebデザイナーの救世主になるかもしれない10 Writing Tips for Web Designers | Webdesigner Depot
Writing for the web is a skill set of its own. Website text, or copy, needs to be written in a different tone for the web than a brochure. It needs to beHTML 5 ― HTML 4 からの変更点
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HTML5はSGMLやめたのね60+ Stunning Scriptaculous Applications
This post will help you in checking out most stunning Applications in the World of Web and at the same time might help you in coming up with new web applications using I would like to request all the developers to have a look at these stunning applications which are made and developed by Script.aculo.usThe Death Of “Web 2.0″
The Death Of “Web 2.0″A List Apart: Articles: The Details That Matter
A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, the graphic arts industry was populated by full-time illustrators, production assistants and compositors. With only composing sticks for laying out type, straight edges for defining grids, a human proofer to catch spelling mistakes and an arsenal of X-acto blades for making edits, these guys lived and breathed detail. Mistakes were costly. It was a trade position that required lengthy apprenticeship; job security depended on getting all of the little things right.
good article on the business qualities that make a great & successful web designer/developer
Good article on being a good designer
Great summary of a Web designer's job...32 Indispensable Bookmarklets for Web Developers and Designers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
All of these bookmarklets/favelets will be useful to all web designers and developers, they are the quickest method for testing, analyzing and tweaking any web page.
love the XRAY :DCarrer Blog: Sketchbook for web designers
via swissmiss5 Ways to Instantly Write Better CSS - NETTUTS
t rememVideo: An Introduction to CSScaffold | Anthony Short | Web Design & Development
I'm working on my own spin on CSS frameworks, except that mine is a little bit different. It requires PHP to make CSS better, rather then relying on the bad system that we have to work with.How (Not) to Write like a Designer: 5 Tricks You Didn't Learn in Studio - Core77
How (Not) to Write like a Designer: 5 Tricks You Didn't Learn in Studio ...
Half technical, half intuitive, the design process is tough to explain. But that’s my job—I’m a design writer. I write so you don’t have to, putting into words the work that you’d rather do than write about. But write you must—website copy, proposals, captions, emails to clients—and though the worse designers are at it, the more work I get, in the spirit of collaboration I’m going to share my secrets. So what if it puts me out of a job.Facebook: All Your Stuff Is Ours, Even If You Quit
Change in Facebook's Terms of Service: In short, all of the content you’ve ever uploaded on Facebook can be used, modified or even sublicensed by Facebook in every possible way - even if you quit the service.
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Mobile phone users struggle mightily to use websites, even on high-end devices. To solve the problems, websites should provide special mobile versions.
Comparison of the mobile web to what we use(d in 1998).the-golden-grid - Google Code
The Golden Grid is a web grid system. It 's a product of the search for the perfect modern grid system. It 's meant to be a CSS tool for grid based web sites.
CSS grid-based layout library c.f. Blueprint.60 CSS Tools to reduce your work load. |
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Mockup grids for the 960 framework with a browser bar.
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Info to check laterWP WooThemes Ultimate Icon Set - First Release | WooThemes
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f your business or organisation requires clients to print and fill-in PDF or Word forms and documents, Doculicious can simplify the form completion for your clients, and give you the tools to track and process completed forms. Doculicious lets you create online PDF documents that have a web form you can embed on your website or co-brand and access from When someone completes the web-based form, they receive the completed PDF download, and we store the entered data into your secure account.
Forms and fillable PDFsFacebook | How to permanently delete your facebook account.
Ever tried to leave Facebook and found out they only allow you to "deactivate" your account? All your personal data, including photos, interests, friends etc will still be saved indefinitely! You don’t have to be a conspiracist to find this quite fishy (or simply annoying)! Look further down for instructions on how to get your account permanently deleted.
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.Blog Index - 25 Best Blogs 2009 - TIME
Some very very good insights here. Particularly about the 1st para and WHY it needs to be different.
"Despite the ubiquity of reading on the web, readers remain a neglected audience. Much of our talk about web design revolves around a sense of movement: users are thought to be finding, searching, skimming, looking."
The best readers are obstinate. They possess a nearly inexhaustible persistence that drives them to read, regardless of the circumstances they find themselves in
Some interesting web design thoughts - does bloggernacle design lead us to skim instead of read?5 Ways to Instantly Write Better CSS - NETTUTS
A no nonsense approach to, you guessed it, writing better CSS.SimpleBits ~ How I Might Deal with IE6
Eight years ago (almost to the day), Jeffrey Zeldman wrote, To Hell With Bad Browsers, signaling the dawning of “The CSS Age”. Explaining how the use of @import for referencing stylesheets is ignored by Netscape 4, was an important step in shedding away the problems related to supporting an ancient browser. Eight. Years. Completely ignoring a browser in terms of CSS is a wonderfully freeing thing. It certainly can’t be done on every site. The important thing to remember is that it’s a site’s statistics that should determine what level of support you decide to offer.
Dan Cederholm on when you should drop Internet Explorer 6 and how to do it.
Might Deal with IE6
IE6 begone! Ah, someday.
Dan Cederholm: “Completely ignoring a browser in terms of CSS is a wonderfully freeing thing. It certainly can’t be done on every site. The important thing to remember is that it’s a site’s statistics that should determine what level of support you decide to offer.”
<!--[if gte IE 7]><!--> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" href="screen.css" /> <!--<![endif]-->WordPressをちょちょいと使いやすくする15のスニペット | コリス
コメントとトラックバックを分離するコードが出てる。10 Beautiful and free fonts for web designers
all good designers and developers realize the importance of usability for their work. Usable websites offer great user experiences, and great user experiences lead to happy customers. Delight and satisfy your visitors, rather than frustrate and annoy them, with smart design decisions. Here are 9 usability problems that websites commonly face, and some recommended solutions for each of them.
Quelques erreurs d'ergonomie à éviter dans la conception d'un site Internet
By now, all good designers and developers realize the importance of usability for their work. Usable websites offer great user experiences, and great user experiences lead to happy : Palm Developer Network - Palm webOS from O'Reilly Media
Overview of webOS
Palm® webOS™ is Palm's next generation operating system. Designed around an incredibly fast and beautiful user experience and optimized for the multi-tasking user, webOS integrates the power of a window-based operating system with the simplicity of a browser. Applications are built using standard web technologies and languages, but have access to device-based services and data.
First chapter of upcoming book on Palm's new webOS
The first chapter of an O'Reilly book on developing JavaScript-based webapps for Palm's new webOS
Details of how Palm is leveraging widespread knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript to ease development on their new platform.18 Tools I use as a Designer & Blogger | Fuel Your Creativity
I’m always sharing what tools are useful to me via Twitter, but just incase you don’t use it - I wanted to share here! I always get asked what productivity tools and apps I use on a regular basis and I pretty much open all of these everyday. There are a few apps that are similar in type because some may be all in one tools or I’m just starting to use one more than the other. Check these out, they are ones I would recommend to a designer/blogger/creative type. If there is something missing from the list that you think should be on here, please share in the comments!
Fuel Your Creativity -Six ways to make Web 2.0 work
An article about "web 2.0"
Six ways to make Web 2.0 work. A Application Management Feature Article about Six ways Web 2.0 work by The McKinsey Quarterly. Free registration for most Business Technology Application Management articles. Web 2.0 tools opportunities, and how to use web 2.0. Web 2.0 tools present a vast array of opportunities—for companies that know how to use them.Official Google Blog: Stop bouncing: tips for website success
This is the first post in a series on The Power of Measurement. In this economic climate, these posts are designed to cover ways to make your website as successful as possible. Over the course of the next few weeks, our in-house Analytics guru, Avinash Kaushik, and others will demystify the world of website analytics and offer tips for getting the most out of your metrics. -Ed.Open Source - The Washington Times - Home
The Washington Times has always focused on content. After careful review, we determined that the best way to have the top tools to produce and publish that content is to release the source code of our in-house tools and encourage collaboration.
* django-projectmgr, a source code repository manager and issue tracking application. It allows threaded discussion of bugs and features, separation of bugs, features and tasks and easy creation of source code repositories for either public or private consumption. * django-supertagging, an interface to the Open Calais service for semantic markup. * django-massmedia, a multi-media management application. It can create galleries with multiple media types within, allows mass uploads with an archive file, and has a plugin for fckeditor for embedding the objects from a rich text editor. * django-clickpass, an interface to the OpenID service that allows users to create an account with a Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, Hotmail or AIM account.
The source code is released under the permissive Apache License, version 2.0. The initial tools released are: * django-projectmgr, a source code repository manager and issue tracking application. It allows threaded discussion of bugs and features, separation of bugs, features and tasks and easy creation of source code repositories for either public or private consumption. * django-supertagging, an interface to the Open Calais service for semantic markup. * django-massmedia, a multi-media management application. It can create galleries with multiple media types within, allows mass uploads with an archive file, and has a plugin for fckeditor for embedding the objects from a rich text editor. * django-clickpass, an interface to the OpenID service that allows users to create an account with a Google, Yahoo!, Facebook, Hotmail or AIM account.40 Excellent Illustrations In Web Designs | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
40 Excellent Illustrations In Web DesignsWeb Development Project Estimator
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Twitter 21 useful apps
Top 21 Twitter Apps.
List of the twenty most popular Twitter applicationTwitter Drives Traffic, Sales: A Case Study - O'Reilly Radar
"So what about the actual business numbers? Namecheap's site traffic increased more than 10 percent in December, driving a 20 percent increase in domain registrations. In addition, Michelle says, "The increase in Twitter followers allowed us to see a 30 percent increase in traffic when we ran a Super Bowl promo on Twitter [in February]."
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comme et d'autresPrevious and Next Actions in Web Forms
Among designers, there are often discussions on the placement of actions in web forms that span several web pages. The quintessential question underlying this debate is: can an action that leads people to the previous step of a process be placed to the right of an action that leads users to the next step of a process?
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Prev & Next buttons... whats best and what isn't!あなたのウェブサイトを高速化する方法 - builder by ZDNet Japan
ウェブサイトを高速化するにあたり、そのフロントエンド処理に着目し、処理効率の向上に役立てることのできるティップスやツールを紹介する。 - builder by ZDNet JapanHow to build a Facebook app in Django — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
facebook, djangoGreg Rutter's Definitive List of The 99 Things You Should Have Already Experienced On The Internet Unless You're a Loser or Old or Something
Just cuz...Pluck On Demand | Website Content & Social Media for Any Site
Cool web content. Can generate revenue10 tips for efficient design : Boagworld web design podcast
A podcast for those who design, develop and run websites.Ask SM [CSS/JS]: Divs of Equal Height, Dealing with IE 6 | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
This is our third installment of Ask SM, featuring reader questions about Web design, focusing on HTML, CSS and JavaScript. In this post we'll cover how you can take care of a smooth page scrolling
flush right lists, equal height divs, designing for IE 6, RSS30 Beautifully Textured Web Designs
Some pretty rad ideas for webdesign. Fancy-schmancy backgrounds.
In this collection, you'll find 30 gorgeous web designs that employ textures as a design component. Hopefully, you'll become inspired to explore this design trend and apply it into your own designs.What Fonts Are Websafe in 2009? - SitePoint Forums
The 'font ecosystem' changes so slowly that it's not hard to go years without taking those gradual changes into consideration. Each new version of MS Office, each new release OS X brings with it a new kit bag of available fonts. Although there are plenty of reasons to grumble about the way CSS handles type, it does have a few redeeming features. Font stacks is one of them.Web Design Matters - 2/15/2009 - Library Journal
Info in library format on Web Design
library web design and sites
10 top features of a library website according to Library JournalMetamosphere™
デザインとか動きとかカッコいい40 resources to become a successful freelance Graphic/Web Designer | Hein Maas - Freelance Graphic/Web Designer
The Zero Clipboard library provides an easy way to copy text to the clipboard using an invisible Adobe Flash movie, and a JavaScript interface. The "Zero" signifies that the library is invisible and the user interface is left entirely up to you.DropBoxを駆使してFirefox全設定を完全シンクロさせる :教えて君.net
The HTML 5 specification includes lots of new features, one of which is the canvas element. HTML 5 canvas gives you an easy and powerful way to draw graphics using JavaScript. For each canvas element you can use a "context" (think about a page in a drawing pad), into which you can issue JavaScript commands to draw anything you want. Browsers can implement multiple canvas contexts and the different APIs provide the drawing functionality.
Mann, ist das cool!50 Minimal Sites
Galería de sitios con diseño claro limpio
50 Great Minimal Sites (via @adellecharles)
Since Web Designer Wall launched, I’ve been featuring a lot of graphic intense websites such as the artistic, large background, vintage, and illustrative styles. Now it is time to feature the minimalist design. Here is a massive list of 50 minimal sites. See how designers use minimal elements to create high visual impact — less is more.6 Interesting online presentations for web developers
The list includes a short introduction to Ajax, how to write modular CSS code, PHP Object Model fundamentals and an overview about the most popular JavaScript libraries.43 PSD to XHTML, CSS Tutorials Creating Web Layouts And Navigation | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
Good for ideasWriting Blazing Fast, Infinitely Scalable, Pure-WSGI Utilities - Die in a Fire - Eric Florenzano’s Blog
DeepPeep is a search engine specialized in Web forms. The current beta version currently tracks 13,000 forms across 7 domains. DeepPeep helps you discover the entry points to content in Deep Web (aka Hidden Web) sites, including online databases and Web services.
Moteur de recherche pour le web invisibleTop 10 Professional Sample Code Websites For Programmers |
Most programmers are not just desktop programmers, web programmers or scripting gurus - they are often all of the above. Over time, most software developers find that it’s much easier to re-use code components than it is to recreate the wheel every time you write an application. Over time, these developers typically archive a library of these reusable modules in order to save time the next time they need to do the same task.HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet - Nihilogic
simple non-suck image hostingUsability Analysis of Why is it so Good? | Spoonfed Design
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In this tutorial , you will learn about the basics of a Joomla template, and create one from scratch. We will quickly go through installing a local server and Joomla itself, and then create a basic functioning template.
Paso a paso y con - Create a cached copy of any url!
For backup your site. Good!!!
BackupURL propose de créer un cache d’une page web ou d’un site, qui restera identique dans le temps. Chaque sauvegarde est datée. BackupURL fournit pour chaque page une URL dédiée permettant ainsi de partager facilement ses Backups. NB : les images sont elles aussi archivées.
"The First Instant URL Caching Website!"New Search Technologies Mine the Web More Deeply -
"Now a new breed of technologies is taking shape that will extend the reach of search engines into the Web’s hidden corners. When that happens, it will do more than just improve the quality of search results — it may ultimately reshape the way many companies do business online."
Google now indexes a trillion web pages - but that's just a fraction of what's out there. So, what does it miss? is built for a static web...................$100 Linux wall-wart launches
"Marvell Semiconductor is shipping a hardware/software development kit suitable for always-on home automation devices and service gateways. Resembling a "wall-wart" power adapter, the SheevaPlug draws 5 Watts, comes with Linux, and boasts completely open hardware and software designs, Marvell says."
power found in the servers of only a decade ago.Cynosura | Ray Glover's Weblog
Glover's Weblog
Nice design.
Beautiful website
Lovely!7 Interface Design Techniques to Simplify and De-clutter Your Interfaces | Webdesigner Depot
If you can take a complex device or a piece of software and somehow rearrange, reorganize and redesign the interface to make it easy to use and understand, then you’re well on the way to delivering a better user experience.Six ways to make Web 2.0 work - The McKinsey Quarterly - Six ways Web 2.0 work - Business Technology - Application Management
Found on Delicious with Ultimate How-To: Grow your social media network
i like it
make Web 2.0 work
reference about 2.0Atlas - 280 North
Screw Flex, AIR, and Flash for RIAs - we've got browsers, Cappucino and Atlas
280Atlas is a basically Interface Builder written for the browser.Blackbaud Labs - Labs Article
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Ein iPhone Browser-Emulator für Windows - zeigt wie eine Website auf dem iPhone gerendert wird
IPhone Simulator for Windows12 CSS Tools and Tutorials for Beautiful Web Typography | Web Design Ledger
Achieving beautiful typography with CSS on the web is no easy feat, and there are many limitations to what can done with type on the web. However, there are generous people out there that have taken the time to build tools and write tutorials to help you overcome these limitations and create websites with beautiful typography.Mirror's Edge 2D
A cool 2D port of the game. I must say its a bit less nauseating than the full game
Nice 2D version of the 3D videogame by EA.Welcome - Timer
Not surprisingly, there was a lot of community feedback asking for better layout mechanisms. Actually, people were asking for any decent layout mechanism at all, which CSS has historically lacked. Floats mostly work, but they’re a hack and can be annoyingly fragile even when you ignore old-browser bugs. Positioning works in limited cases, but does not handle web-oriented layout at all well.
ERic Meyers grundsätzliche Gedanke über ein Layoutsystem für Webseiten.
Eric Meyer elaborates on why we need a better layout mechanism for web content (whether it be via CSS or not). We know we shouldn't use tables for layout. Floats are a hack, positioning is flawed, and <code>display:table-cell</code> is no better than using a table itself. But Eric explains here why table <em>behavior</em> works moderately well for layout: <blockquote>... this is why the old “only use tables for layout” argument keeps coming up over and over: strip away the overheated rhetoric and obvious link-baiting, and you find the core of a real need. Because as powerful as CSS can be, table cells do certain things very easily that CSS makes very, very hard. Cells stretch vertically, keeping equal heights as a matter of their intrinsic nature. They stay out of each others’ way, while still being allowed to sit next to each other and use any sizing dimensions. They tie their layout to their parent elements, and vice versa.</blockquote>
Turning a bunch of divs or list items or whatever into table-role boxes is no better than just using table markup in the first place, and it’s arguably worse. Using element names other than table and td to create layout tables, and then claiming it’s not using tables for layout, borders on self-deception.How to Use Twitter Without Twitter Owning You - 5 Tips
How to Use Twitter Without Twitter Owning You - 5 TipsHow to Make an Impressive Animated Landscape Header with jQuery | Build Internet!
Introducción a Joomla.
Nice intro to the Joomla Content Management System and Open Source project.
Joomla is one of the most popular open source content management systems that exist today. In this step by step tutorial, Andrew demonstrates how easy it is to get started.Logica Web Developer Handbook — Tips and advice on web standards development
Welcome to Logicas Web Developer Handbook. This is, in no particular order, an amalgamation of web-standards solutions for common web development issues and problems — a way to tackle development in the cleanest, most accessible and semantic way possible. By using WDH, the aim is to standardise practices throughout an organisation; from accessibility to hacks, WDH covers the best ways to tackle a variety of dev problems.50 Awesome Blog Designs - Part 1 | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
ウェブサイトでやってしまいがちなユーザビリティのミスHerdictWeb : Home
Have you ever come across a web site that you could not access and wondered,"Am I the only one?" Herdict Web aggregates reports of inaccessible sites, allowing users to compare data to see if inaccessibility is a shared problem. By crowdsourcing data from around the world, we can document accessibility for any web site, anywhere.
"Have you ever come across a web site that you could not access and wondered,"Am I the only one?" Herdict Web aggregates reports of inaccessible sites, allowing users to compare data to see if inaccessibility is a shared problem. By crowdsourcing data from around the world, we can document accessibility for any web site, anywhere."14 Essential Magazines for Graphic Designers | Webdesigner Depot
In spite of the tremendous expansion of the Internet, the power of the printed word remains strong and popular. Print media is where it all began and today we take a close look at some amazing design magazines that can really boost your productivity and expand your design knowledge. In addition to their printed versions, some magazines also offer online versions on their websites as well as PDF downloads and single issue orders. Order online or pick them up at your local bookstore. Here’s our recommended list with descriptions taken from each magazine’s website…50+ Sites to Promote your Portfolio, Web Design, Blog | Desizn Tech
Commenting with Facebook Connect
Permet de publier ses commentaires à la fois sur le site et sur son compte facebook
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KeepHD is a sweet tool that lets you download HD videos off Youtube! Not only can you download HD copies of your movies, you can also download the mobile 3GP version for your mobile devices plus the standard MP4 and FLV format. Just enter your Youtube video URL below, and KeepHD will automatically grab each version of the video you want to download.
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Save High Definition to your computer as MP4 using keephd.com世界の有名教授の授業がオンラインで聴講し放題!『Academic Earth』 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
So you want to write a script that sites all over the web can use to access your REST API, eh? Well, that would be pretty straightforward if it weren’t for two things: 1. browser same-origin restrictions on XMLHttpRequests (XHRs) and inter-window/frame access 2. the lack of wide browser support for HTML 5-style message passing between windows. The Same-Origin Policy and its minor browser-specific variations are detailed elsewhere, so I’ll just summarize it with a few key points. I use the term window to mean window object, which can be a top-level page or reside inside a frame or iframe.
So you want to write a script that sites all over the web can use to access your REST API, eh? Well, that would be pretty straightforward...
A comprehensive article outlining an approach on how to create a RESTful JavaScript client. The article explains not only how to create a client for your own RESTful services, but also interacting with cross-domain ones. There is also code posted on Google Code which implements the concepts presented in the article.John Resig - Talk: Performance Improvements in Browsers
Video and slides from Feb 2009 presentation at Google on trends in Javascript performance, web applications, making use of higher performance, stateful browser clients.
reads like The not so far Future of the Web. Great.How to deal with large webforms
In our latest browser speed tests, I half-heartedly complained that Firefox eats up memory over long periods of use. Our lovely, helpful commenters pointed out that there is, indeed, a tweak to help with that. It's important to note that this about:config tweak doesn't actually change how Firefox uses (and hoards) memory over actual use. For the purposes of user speed, then, it's not much change. But while Windows can normally grab memory back from applications that are minimized, Firefox prevents that and keeps all the memory it acquired during your multi-tab wanderings—unless you enable this tweak, which some have claimed also makes Firefox scale down the big memory pile it had going upon re-focusing.Lifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for Your Blog or Web Site
Ten favorite tools to help anyone launch and maintain their internet presenceHow to Buy Domain Names Like a Pro: 10 Tips from the Founder of
great resources here. thanks tim. love the random generation and then checker
A rose is a rose is rose... but not with domain names. (Photo: nickwheeleroz) I am James Siminoff. I’m an ...300 millions songs to listen instantly - Unlimited music -
Access to over 300 millions songs for free ! Listen instantly to the music and embed it easily on your site/blog.
No signup required. Listen instantly to the music. Embed our customizable player on your site/ | Free AJAX animated loading gif's |
video tuturialNew Search Technologies Mine the Web More Deeply -
An interesting look at the daunting task of connecting/mining the interwebs.
Search engines are starting to penetrate databases that are set up to respond to typed queries.
how to search databases, semantic sebWeb ページを高速化する
YSlowTweetSum :: Digest your followers
TweetSum does one thing and does it well: we show you at a glance who’s following you, give you the tools you need to decide whether you should follow them back or not, and let you quickly add or dismiss your new followers.
Please note that we've just launched and DBIs may change. The DBI is a learning algorithm and will improve over time.
Get the DBI (Douche Bag Index) for yourself and your friends. lol
TweetSum helps you more efficiently decide whether you should follow someone back once they've followed you on Twitter.
DBI=Duchebag indexState of the Art - Google Geniuses at Work on Free Goodies -
Google goodies
February 25, 2009 NYT column By DAVID POGUE offers a professional tour guide to help you find the lesser-known features of various Google apps./* */
A site for web developers to show which sites they've created.
See who built sites and claim your own. lets you claim the sites you build!ウェブサイトの制作・検証に役立つブックマークレット集 | コリス
ウェブサイトの制作・検証に役立つブックマークレットをspeckyboyから紹介します。What Bruce Sterling Actually Said About Web 2.0 at Webstock 09 | Beyond the Beyond from
Very long transcript of Bruce Sterling's talk at Webstock but well worth the effort.
We've got a web built on top of a collapsed economy. THAT's the black hole at the center of the solar system now. There's gonna be a Transition Web. Your economic system collapses: Eastern Europe, Russia, the Transition Economy, that bracing experience is for everybody now. Except it's not Communism transitioning toward capitalism. It's the whole world into transition toward something we don't even have proper words for.Facebook to Launch Redesigned Pages for Businesses - Tour & First Impressions
Last fall, Facebook launched a major site redesign that primarily impacted the profile page, home page, and application developers. With the redesign, the Facebook profile page changed from a “box-oriented” design to a “Wall and tabs” design to make sharing more prominent and viral. Now, Facebook is preparing advertisers and brand managers for a similar redesign to its Pages product for businesses that could launch as soon as sometime in the next few weeks.
Redesigned Pages for Businesses50 Press Release Submission Websites
Released Submission WebsitesThe Most Incredibly Outstanding Site Templates - NETTUTS
おぉ、かなりわかりやすい。やるかどうかわかりませんけど・・。15 Applications No Online Business Can Live Without | Freelance Folder to Live: 6 ways to find reusable media
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よく使うステータスコード一覧とtipsjoan pons moll | disseny grafic
website diseño7 Great Podcasts for Web Designers | Webdesigner Depot - Web Design Resources and Tutorials
BoagworldTiddlyDu2 - - a free personal organizer from
TiddlyDu2 is a free personal organizer in TiddlyWiki format. It allows you to easily organize your goals, projects, tasks, dated tasks, important information, and contacts. Click on the links below for further instructions.
elcome to TiddlyDu2! TiddlyDu2 is a free personal organizer in TiddlyWiki format. It allows you to easily organize your goals, projects, tasks, dated tasks, important information, and contacts. Click on the links below for further instructions.40 Textured Websites for Design Inspiration
Alpine Meadows Ski Resort makes great use of texture. The next best thing to feeling a website!Apple Developer Connection - Safari Dev Center
Apple Developer Connection - Safari Dev Center -
maybe something of note in here
if, like me, you were wondering why the safari javascript docs never show up in google apart from some weird apple PR, then it's coz they are hidden behind the freewall on ADC.CSSBlog ES - ¡CSS 100%!
CSSBlog ES - ¡CSS 100%! -
Todo sobre css, geeks, internet y otrosブラウザで X86 のマシン語を動かす! Google 謹製 Native Client をさっそく試してみる - IT戦記
Googleが作ったオンブラウザでx86コードを動かすやつのデビュGetting OpenID Into the Browser - O'Reilly Radar
Getting OpenID Into the Browser - O'Reilly Radar - Great Alternatives to the Twitter Interface | LostInTechnology
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Some tools to enhance your Twittering.
It's been probably a year since I typed I do use Twitter daily, just not the Twitter site. Sometimes, I use desktop-based applicationsECサイトのメディア事業戦略の資料を作った | smashmedia
EC 参考サイト。
* リスティング広告はやがてパフォーマンスに限界が来る* アフィリエイト経由の売上構成比が高まると原価率を圧迫する* 専門メディアの価値が高まり、ECサイト自ら運営するケースも増えるTop 50 photography websites by Photocritic
Pretty todo list generatorGoogle: Google Maps Car Hits a Deer, Records Entire Ordeal on Google Maps
知ってるかもしれないけど、ここのTIPSは使える。 livequeryは超便利。5 Cost-Efficient, Flexible Open Source Resources for Cloud Computing
5 Cost-Efficient, Flexible Open Source Resources for Cloud Computing including Eucalyptus and GlobusBBC NEWS | Technology | Dangerous coding errors revealed
The US National Security Agency has helped put together a list of the world's most dangerous coding mistakes.
funny article
25 common coding mistakes, eg CWE-426: Untrusted Search PatOfficial Google Reader Blog: Square is the new round.
تغییرات در ظاهر گوگل ریدر
from mace conference
On the Reader team, we know that the old adage "change is good" isn't always true. Sometimes, change is just change. In this case, we hope that these decisions both improve your Reader experience today,
Google Reader intro
THis is for the MACE sessionサイト制作のためのテンプレートをごっそり自動生成してくれる『Project deply*』 | IDEA*IDEA
エエ感じ!10 Tips to avoid designer’s block. | GoMediaZine
Ever feel like some days you can crank out amazing looking designs with little effort? Then on other days it feels like nothing is working, you’ve lost all your talent and you’ll never make another good design for the rest of your miserable life? Don’t panic – this is natural...10分でわかるOpenIDの概念と用語集 - livedoor ディレクター Blog(ブログ)
Written in pure javascript, Sigma Grid is an Ajax data grid for displaying and inline editing data in a scrollable and sortable table. LGPL license available from 2.1 version.Cheap SSL Certificates - RapidSSL, Geotrust, Verisign
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$19.99 a year for SSL certsSunlight Labs: Blog - Content Management Systems just don't work.
The line between Content Management Systems and Application Frameworks is starting to blur and this is the core basis for this post. The comments are also great reading and provide a balanced argument for CMSs
Sunlight Labs Blog says that CMS's don't work because they contain too many 'opinions' that you won't agree with (to do with user interface and workflow) so you are better off using content frameworks.
Great observations on frameworks vs. CMSs.
good read
Kevin: Clay at Sunlight Labs talks about the issues he has with content management systems and argues that web frameworks like Django and Ruby on Rails are a better option. It's an interesting wrinkle on a common discussion in the industry, and it's worth the read.
blue state digital and information on community mailing toolsOmniGraffle Wireframe Icons | Konigi
OmniGraffle Wireframe Icons
Great set of icons!GitHub Pages — GitHub
nice. static pages only, but nice.
cf "access control and version control: an overconstrained problem?"iamelgringo: Tables vs CSS: CSS Trolls begone
Silly me, I thought we'd won this war years ago but there's always one guy who has used CSS for a month doesn't get it and writes a post like this. Good comments though.
CSS Trolls begoneGotGame Rogue: In Game Web Browser
Navegador web para videojuegos
World of Wacraft In Game Browserフォームデザインいろいろ - DesignWalker
Six Valuable Things Web Design Clients Won’t Tell YouInterview with Clay Shirky, Part I : CJR
%D リクエストを処理するのにかかった時間、マイクロ秒単位
Apacheのマニュアル読めってことGoogleのAjax APIをその場で試せる『AJAX APIs Playground』がとてつもなく便利 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
これはエンジニアにはたまらない。GoogleのAjax API群をブラウザ上で試すことができます。 サンプルコードが最初から用意されているのでお手軽です。ちょこちょこっと変更して結果を見ながら組み上げていくことができます。cooltoolsforschools » Collaborative Tools
jQueryのプラグイン33+1選手書き風ウェブデザインまとめ - DesignWalker
手書き風デザインは、あまり上手すぎてもダメだし、かといってめちゃめちゃへたくそだと、それはそれで微妙ですよね。いい感じのうま下手感が出したいですよね。今回は、手書き風のデザインに使えそうなサイトをインスピレーション、ブラシ、チュートリアル、フォント、アイコンなどいろいろと集めてみました。Learning AJAX APIs Made Easier: Google Releases API Playground - ReadWriteWeb
streamlined user testing idea10+ Web Resources to Make Web Designer’s Life Easy | Desizn Tech
10+ Web Resources to Make Web Designer’s Life EasyHacking Education
I spent a lot of time on this blog in the past month exhorting everyone to give teaching tools to the neediest public schools. I did that because education is possibly the most important thing we can do for our...
2.012 Blogs That Can Expand Your Web Design Repertoire | Web Design Ledger
asdfjkl;Liquid Canvas | - Steffen Rusitschka
Bordi Arrotondati (Semplice da usare)
Liquid Canvas Todo! Gradients, dropshadows y roundedcorners, todo junto!Ruby, Rails, Web2.0 » Blog Archive » Add a powerful AJAX Table to your Rails Application in 5 minutes
Tabelle mit Ajax in Rails.HTML Scraping with scRUBYt! for Fun and Profit
Navigation is fairly obvious I guess (the other actions besides fetch - which should be always present as the first step - are fill_textfield, fill_textarea, click_link, check_checkbox, check_radiobutton, select_option, submit and if you can’t submit the form automatically for some reason, click_by_xpath as the last resort.
Peter Szinek walks us through the process of scraping data from web sites with scRubyt!. Impress your friends (and even your mother!) this Christmas with your slick data mining skillz!10 harsh truths about corporate websites : Boagworld web design podcast
Introduction Part 1: rel Part 2: XFN Part 3: hCard Part 4: hCalendar Part 5: hAtom Part 6: hResume Part 7: Themes & Issues
Introduction Part 1: rel Part 2: XFN Part 3: hCard Part 4: hCalendar Part 5: hAtom Part 6: hResume Part 7: Themes & IssuesDoes the broken windows theory hold online?
windows theory
But what about a site's physical appearance? Does the aesthetic appearance of a blog affect what's written by the site's commenters? My sense is that the establishment of social norms through moderation, both by site owners and by the community itself, has much more of an impact on the behavior of commenters than the visual design of a site but aesthetics does factor in somewhat. Perhaps the poor application of a default MT or Wordpress template signals a lack of care or attention on the part of the blog's owner, leading readers to think they can get away with something. Poorly designed advertising or too many ads littered about a site could result in readers feeling disrespected and less likely to participate civilly or respond to moderation. Messageboard software is routinely ugly; does that contribute to the often uncivil tone found on web forums?創業450年 京友禅の老舗 千總 / Founded in 1555. CHISO OF KYO YUZEN
Cool! グラフィックは凄いけどサイトとしての内容はないなw でも見とれてしまう
Founded in 1555. CHISO OF KYO YUZEN
12MB feinstes Flash. Sehr schön.
een heel rustige 'zen' site. Oosters met oosterse typische aquarellen in de achtergrond. heel » 40 Beautiful Dark CSS Website Designs
CSS plantillasSimilarWeb - Help you find similar websites
estensione per Firefox per scoprire nuovi siti web in linea con i nostri interessi
firefox extension that provides similar websites, a bit like stumbleUponPostpostmodern » A Smarter MAMP
最近のデザイントレンドにはまるクリーンなフォント、グランジ風のフォント、レトロ風のフォント、手書き風のフォントをSix Revisionsのエントリーから紹介します。
最近のデザイントレンドにはまるクリーンなフォント、グランジ風のフォント、レトロ風のフォント、手書き風のフォントをSix Revisionsのエントリーから紹介しますCloudo
sistema operativo online, in the cloud.The Future of Web Apps: 7 Things Companies Must Do to Succeed
The Future of Web Apps: 7 Things Companies Must Do to Succeed
News Flash: Web 2.0 is so over. Here are seven things web app companies will need to do to succeed in the future.Ajaxian » Designing Web Interfaces with Bill Scott and Theresa Neil
Blog about web programming & web design
The Golden Grid aims to be the perfect web grid with golden proportions, rule of thirds symmetry and more
I was searching for the prefect web grid, playing with golden proportions, rule of thirds, symmetry, asymmetry, usability, monitor proportions, typography and the result came spontaneous - The Golden Grid. Why not share it with you :).
The Golden Grid is a web grid system. It 's a product of the search for the perfect modern grid system. It 's meant to be a CSS tool for grid based web sites.汎用性の高そうな無料で高品質のベクターのアイコンセット集 | コリス
VECTOR TUTSのエントリー「無料の高品質な60のベクターのアイコンパック」から、汎用性の高そうなアイコンセットを紹介します。
VECTOR TUTSのエントリー「無料の高品質な60のベクターのアイコンパック」から、汎用性の高そうなアイコンセットを紹介します。 60 Free Vector Icon Packs for Design Professionals 165 Lovely Ve...Veritocracy - The best perspectives, on the topics that interest you.
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JavaScript Libraries | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing MagazineReadability - An Arc90 Lab Experiment
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70 New, Useful AJAX And JavaScript Techniques
As the Web grows and becomes more dynamic, more and more websites have user-generated content and tools that greatly improve the user experience in terms of usability and accessibility. Interactive solutions for lightboxes, form validation, navigation, upload, auto-complete, image cropping, slideshows, tool tips, sliders and tables are being developed that use nifty JavaScript and AJAX scripts. When using these, developers have to carefully consider many subtle techniques to help users get things done. In this article, we present 70 new and useful JavaScript and AJAX techniques, all of which are of the highest quality and are more or less easy to configure. You will also find some very useful but better known techniques to use on almost any project you work on. jQuery, MooTools, Prototype and are used in these examples, so every taste gets its due.
Useful AJAX And JavaScript Techniques Smashing Magazine
by Noura Yehia As the Web grows and becomes more dynamic, more and more websites have user-generated content and tools that greatly improve the user experience in terms of usability and accessibility. Interactive solutions foriconPot - totally free icons
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The aim of this site is simple. We list a whole bunch of icons which are all great to use for your web development projects. But we are different to other icon-related websites because we only list icons which you can use for free on personal AND commercial projects AND without having to provide back-links/credit to the author. These types of icons can be tough to find, so here is a while list for your convenience! Although these icons are all free, you are encouraged to donate to the author if they make this option available. If you know of any other icons which meet the requirements of being totally free to use, please email so that we can add them to the list.85+ Tools & Resources for Freelancers and Web Workers
alerted when an invoice is overdue and numerous other features
Deciding to become a freelance worker can be a scary proposition. Sure there is an allure to picking what projects you work on, but it can also be stressful not knowing where your next paycheck will come from. Luckily there are numerous resources out there that not only help you find more work, but also loads of tools to help you do your job more efficiently with a professional edge.
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videos and other fixed width objects inside the content may upset this fluid layout, but see links for how to solve that.
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With TinyChat you can create your own chatroom and invite people through one simple link. Chat rooms are disposable and can be created within seconds.
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weblog dedicated to reviewing some of the newest and best web and mobile apps on the web. Additionally, we have insights and analysis on some of the hotest topics from around the net25 Powerful and Useful jQuery Tutorials for Developers and Designers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
25 Powerful and Useful jQuery Tutorials for Developers and Designers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
jQuery is everywhere, its fast and versatile, and is rapidly becoming as common on websites as CSS. The only small problem you may have is keeping up with development, keeping up with new plugins and tutorials. This article will do just that. All of these tuts have been written within the past eight weeks, bringing you up to speed with latest developments.12 Excellent Tools for Picking a Domain Name
12 Excellent Tools for Picking a Domain Name - the jQuery resources you’ll ever need | Hein Maas - Freelance Graphic/Web Designer
Hi, today i will show a monster collection of jQuery resources you’ll ever need to create that amazing site for one of your clients or for one of your personal projects.
All the jQuery resources you’ll ever need | Hein Maas - Freelance Graphic/Web Designer -
Great resource for awesome jquery sliders10 Things To Consider When Choosing The Perfect CMS | How-To | Smashing Magazine
A brief, but well written overview of things to consider when selecting a CMS.
Choosing a content management system can be tricky. Without a clearly defined set of requirements, you will be seduced by fancy functionality that you will never use. What then should you look for in a CMS?PDFVue Beta : Edit, Annotate, and Share PDFs for Free
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SHORT URL shortest urls in the WORLD. LINKS WILL NEVER BE THE FRICKEN' SAME! (isn't it silly the things we come up w/? (h/t @elCatch22)How to Delete Accounts from Any Website - Features by PC Magazine
Features by PC Magazine
Oh sweet. Now I can finally get rid of my stupid myspace.
Deleting accounts you've created on Facebook, MySpace, AOL, and elsewhere on the Web isn't always easy. Here are the details on leaving 23 services behind.Ultimate Round-Up For Version Control with Subversion | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
by Glen Stansberry Subversion is a version control system that many Web developers and designers use to back up their work. Subversion was started in 2000 and is quite popular in the open-source community; majorTinyTable JavaScript Table Sorter - 2.5KB - Web Development Blog
Faire défiler le contenu d'un tableau avec javascript
This updated table sorter script is easy to use and feature packed at only 2.5KB. New features include column highlighting, optional pagination, support for links, and date/link parsing. A few other features are alternate row highlighting, header class toggling, auto data type recognition and selective column sorting. More updates will follow soon.
Un javascript de 2,5 ko pour faire des tables triables.
From WebAppers. Non library specific table sorting plugin.40 Beautiful Examples of Vintage and Retro in Web Design
loads of alternative, websites with great visual impact
For your inspiration, here are 40 beautifully-designed websites that revert back in time to retro and vintage styles.
These, are just stunning. MUST SEE - INSPIRATIONALDave Woods - Freelance Web Designer UK » 10 CSS Tips Every Web Developer Should Know
’ve written a fair few articles over the past year and thought it might be useful for any new subscribers and visitors to see a summary of the most useful onesDa Button Factory - Create shiny buttons online, quickly!
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"It's not a "Google killer" -- it does something different. It's an "answer engine" rather than a search engine."High Performance Web Sites
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"These rules are the key to speeding up your web pages. They've been tested on some of the most popular sites on the Internet and have successfully reduced the response times of those pages by 25-50%."75+ Excellent Free Fonts For Professional Design | Fonts | Design
In an information space, a human’s needs are simple and his behavior straightforward. Find. Read. Save. But once you get a bunch of humans together, communicating and collaborating, you can observe both the madness and the wisdom of crowds.
site with thousands or millions of people, how do you make sure you can keep track of the people you care about? Resolution: Create ways for people to identify, connect, and organize the people they care about, as well as the information those people produce. The complexity of relationship classification depends on how your customers will use your website.
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"Top" four instant sound effect sites5 Simple Ways to Improve Web Typography | Webdesigner Depot
Type is one of the most-used elements of the web. Think about it. Unless you are YouTube or Flickr, chances are your site visitors are coming for your text content - not the fancy packaging that surrounds it. So why are web designers still treating text like a secondary element? Good typography brings order to the page and increases legibility. It allows people to process information faster.
Consejos sobre cómo utilizar la tipografía y el diseño en el diseño de páginas web57 Wallpapers You Must See | Presidia Creative
Reading anything on the Internet has become a full-on nightmare. As media outlets attempt to eke out as much advertising revenue as possible, we're left trying to put blinders on to mask away all the insanity that surrounds the content we're trying to read. It's almost like listening to talk radio, except the commercials play during the program in the background. It's a pretty awful experience. Our friend to date has been the trusty "Print View" button. Click it and all the junk goes away. I click it all the time and rarely print. It's really become the "Peace & Quiet" button for many.
A bookmarklet for stripping unnecessary fluff from web pages, and style the text as you want it.
An app that clears away all the clutter, leaving just the content.Showcase of Beautiful Fashion Websites | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
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Fashion Website Design Sample
In this article we’ll take a look at the websites of leading fashion companies, as well as some fashion news sites, and see when fashion, style and web design come together.Why TV Lost
Now would be a good time to start any company that competes with TV networks. That's what a lot of Internet startups are, though they may not have had this as an explicit goal.Collaborative Map-Reduce in the Browser -
After several iterations, false starts, and great conversations with Michael Nielsen, a flash of the obvious came: HTTP + Javascript! What if you could contribute to a computational (Map-Reduce) job by simply pointing your browser to a URL? Surely your social network wouldn't mind opening a background tab to help you crunch a dataset or two!50+ Freebies Every Web Designer/Developer should have | Desizn Tech
Hi there, just wanted to share this icon library I've been toying with — it's both free and dolphin safe.Wolfram Blog : Wolfram|Alpha Is Coming!
via Nova Spivack: It doesn't simply return documents that (might) contain the answers, like Google does, and it isn't just a giant database of knowledge, like the Wikipedia. It doesn't simply parse natural language and then use that to retrieve documents, like Powerset, for example. Instead, Wolfram Alpha actually computes the answers to a wide range of questions -- like questions that have factual answers such as "What is the location of Timbuktu?" or "How many protons are in a hydrogen atom?," "What was the average rainfall in Boston last year?," "What is the 307th digit of Pi?," or "what would 80/20 vision look like?"
Wolfram Research introduces a search engine10 AJAX-based & PHP WebMail Clients For a Great User Experience | Noupe
Today i wanted to share with you 10 AJAX-based & PHP webmail client that delivers the look and feel, usability and performance of a desktop application. Some of the webmail clients listed below are open source code that can be easily modified to better suit user's needs, while others are not.
Employees need to access their email from wherever they happen to be – on the road, at customer sites, remote offices, and at home. WebMail clients allows receiving and sending email messages using POP3 and SMTP protocols through both local and remote mail servers. Providing secure filtering of unsafe content while viewing HTML-formatted email messages. WebMail clients can operate under different popular web platforms (PHP, ASP.NET, ruby on rails, java). Today i wanted to share with you 10 AJAX-based & PHP webmail client that delivers the look and feel, usability and performance of a desktop application. Some of the webmail clients listed below are open source code that can be easily modified to better suit user’s needs, while others are not. So You must check their license to know the rules.
10 AJAX-based & PHP WebMail Clients For a Great User ExperienceFluid Grid System
Nice site for structuring xhtml with css for some dynamic organized layouts22 Extremely Detailed and Beautiful Icon Sets | Web Design Ledger
Icons come in many different sizes and styles. Some are flat and solid colors, while others can be very detailed. Icons in web design are often used to enhance
Detailed and Beautiful Icon Sets20 Useful CSS Tips For Beginners | How-To
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Layout Tutorials 4 teh interwebs ^^
60 Layout design tutorials Posted by sedFEIS on March 12, 2009 Category: Adobe Photoshop, Tutorials / Tags: adobe, design, layout, photoshop, tutorial 60 Layout design tutorials In this post I gathered 60 layout design tutorials, from which you can learn how to make your own website design. This post together with 43 PSD to XHTML, CSS Tutorials Creating Web Layouts And Navigation could teach you how to make your own website. Just click on the title to go to Design Lab TV Styled Layout Design Lab TV Styled Layout GreenPress WordPress Theme Design Colorful Funky Web Layout Tutorial などなど。2500+ Free Icons - NETTUTS
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Grid Based Design Toolbox | Fuel Your Creativity
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Recursos para diseño web con gridsWeb Apps - index of web applications and online tools - Go2web20
Simple but useful checklist for websites. Certainly not a comprehensive list, but a good starting point.40 Web Design Artists And 102 Websites Worth Watching | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
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Awesome chart plotting scripts!50 Monochromatic Website Designs | Webdesigner Depot
8 CSS tips for better linking
It may sound stupid to say that, but the ability to link is one of the best features of the web. It is then really important to make your links display as
It may sound stupid to say that, but the ability to link is one of the best features of the web. It is then really important to make your links display as convenient for use as possible. In the following collection you’ll find some tips to make your links better looking and more usable.43 Incredibly Useful Collection of Tutorials, Resources, Inspirations etc To Discover The Best Of The Web In February - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
43 Incredibly Useful Collection of Tutorials, Resources, Inspirations etc To Discover The BesThe 20 Best Job Search Web Sites - Features by PC Magazine
Unemployment numbers are sky high, but there is a silver lining: there are lots of great online resources to help job seekers find work.99 Essential Twitter Tools And Applications | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
full tool for twitterBreadcrumbs In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Using breadcrumb trails is a fairly straightforward affair, and there are only a few guidelines to consider before deciding to implement them on a website. Let’s take a look at some common mistakes to avoid.
By Jacob Gube On websites that have a lot of pages, breadcrumb navigation can greatly enhance the way users find their way around. In terms of usability, breadcrumbs reduce the number of actions a website10 Blog Designs with Innovative Layouts | Web Design Ledger
It seems that the majority of blogs all follow a standard layout: a long list of posts on the left and a sidebar on the right containing such things as recent
10 Blog Designs with Innovative Layouts
Creative Blog designs
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Blog Design10 Things They Don’t Teach You In Design School | Design Reviver
I had a great time in design school, I was constantly learning and surrounded by lots of like minded people. However, after five years of freelancing as a graphic designer, I’ve learned many new things. The following list is the top ten things that I had to learn the hard way.
Insightful article about preparing for a career in designIt’s Time To Start Thinking Of Twitter As A Search Engine
At a dinner tonight with a friend the conversation turned to Twitter. He just didn’t get it, and he’s certainly not the first person to tell me that. Specifically, my friend didn’t understand the massive valuation ($250 million or more) that Twitter won in its recent funding. I told him why I thought it was more than justified: Twitter is, more than anything, a search engine. I told him what I thought of Twitter as a micro-blogging service: it’s a collection of emotional grunts. But it’s wonderful nonetheless. And enough people are hooked on it that Twitter has reached critical mass. If something big is going on in the world, you can get information about it from Twitter.
I don't want to think of it that way, but this is one of the best explanations I've read.Tim Berners-Lee on the next Web | Video on
In this post, we’ll explain some Web typography terms and how they play into readability; we’ll present numerous tips to help improve the readability of your content; and we’ll showcase very readable websites, layouts and articles.RSSフィードを全文配信で読むなら まるごとRSS
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Last week I did a review of 6 jQuery plugins that were great for implementing charts. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to work with a couple more alternatives that are outside of the jQuery realm, and arguably look like they could be real contenders for removing Flash’s dominance in this area, so let’s check them out:Bring Down IE 6: a campaign by .net magazine
^^ this
Bring Down IE 6
a campaign by .net magazine : the ultimate ajax file manager.
AjaXplorer is an easy-to-install file explorer for remotely managing files on a web server. Its “rich client” layout and actions make it accessible to any end-user for a variety of purposes: file management/sharing, photo gallery, code browsing, etc. Only PHP (4 or 5) is necessary, no database needed.
AjaXplorer is a free ajax file managerI’m sorry but Dreamweaver is dying | PC Pro blog
Is till hold a torch for DreamWeaver but it's been dead since CSS went mainstream and it's WYSIWYG mode couldn't keep up.
Dreamweaver is dying, well it cant live forever.. although i loved it for putting together a quick page, but it just doesnt cut it when i need more advanced stuff.. it just starts coming in the way.. I am Linux since last couple of months anyway.. No dreamweaver here! I have better tools though.. I can write / improve more of those too ;]Lessons Learned: Don't launch
Here's a common question I get from startups, especially in the early stages: when should we launch? My answer is almost always the same: don't. First off, what does it mean to launch? Generally, we conflate two unrelated concepts into the term, which is important to clarify right up front. 1. Announce a new product, start its PR campaign, and engage in buzz marketing activities. (Marketing launch) 2. Make a new product available to customers in the general public. (Product launch) In today's world, there is no reason you have to do these two things at the same time. In fact, in most situations it's a bad idea for startups to synchronize these events.8 Tips to Design a Charity Website | Webdesigner Depot
And 20 examples of nicely designed charity websites
So how does a charity get the most out of its website? It needs to let users find out information about the charity, but the main objective of the site is to get people involved with the charity, usually resulting in the user donating money. In this article, we look at 8 principles that you should follow when creating a charity website.WPInspiration | Showcasing the Best WordPress Sites on the Internet
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Showcasing the Best WordPress Sites on the Internet
Very inspirational place to find Wordpress SitesExploring Cufón, a sIFR alternative for font embedding ~ Authentic Boredom
Une alternative à sIFR à explorer. Plus simple à installer et à configurer mais quelques désavantages par rapport à sIFR (pas de sélection du texte, pas de style sur a:hover, etc.)20 Useful Typography Tools
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What makes WordPress so beautiful? The plugins developed by the many WP enthusiasts. These plugins help you transform a blog into a genuine rich-media experience by adding to your site interactive elements that appeal to your community.
mobile version of your site that is only active on mobile devices is a snap wiTop Five Web Design Tools
Nature Design
Fantastic designs here including one or two australia based ones. Special mention goes to the site with the interactive water, sift through until you find it, you'll be pleasantly surprised. The exploding earth coal site is equally brilliant.StatCounter Global Stats
Statistiken Browser, Search Engines, Mobile, ...5 Great Microsoft Web Services You Probably Don't Use - PC World
Microsoft is so often the behemoth everyone loves to hate that people overlook the stuff it does right. We tried its newer Web services and found five gems.indispensibletools / FrontPage
Indispensible ICT Tools for teachers The following list of ICT tools was crowd sourced from individual educationalists and not companies when the question 'What Indispensible ICT tools do you use in education' was asked and is not meant to be exhaustive in any » Blog Archive » Write an Internet search engine with 200 lines of Ruby code
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design inspiration - submit here35 Black Web Designs That Show Us That Once You Go Black, You Never Go Back | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
black layouts10 Must-Know Topics For Software Architects In 2009
"Mainstays of application architecture such as the relational database model, monolithic run-times, and even deterministic behavior are being challenged by non-relational systems, cloud computing, and new pull-based systems where consistency and even data integrity sometimes take a backseat to uptime and performance."40+ Most Inspiring 3D Text Typography Designs | Naldz Graphics
3d text illustrationプログラマが1ヶ月でWebデザイナーに転身する方法 - やねうらお−よっちゃんイカを食べながら年収1億円稼げる(かも知れない)仕事術
6 Fool-Proof Steps to Make More Money With Your Website
Every website has a bunch of web pages which get more search traffic than others. These pages are constantly visited daily by new visitors, people who have never seen the site in question before. I call these ‘money pages’ because they are a reliable source of immediate and future income. But they’re not just ‘money’ because they bring in revenue: they are one of the easiest ways to grow your audience without much work. If you learn how to optimize these money pages (its not hard to do), you’ll really improve your website in so many ways. More revenue, more members, more influence and authority. Doesn’t that sound good?20 Sites That Brought CSS into the Mainstream [Design Practice]
Descarga el favicon de la página que uno especifica
Instructions: Enter a URI and select an image format. The URI can be a domain name or the URI of a specific web page. Press the Grab It! button to get the shortcut icon for that page or site. If the image is displayed in the Grabbed Icon area, save the image. (With our browsers, we can right-click the image and select "Save Picture As..." or "Save Image As...".) If there is a problem grabbing the icon, you will see the "Error!" image in place of the icon. If you have any suggestions, let us know. Useful Tools for Web Development Testing
Before launching any new website, it has to be tested. There are many great tools for web development testing so that users have a problem-free experience.Creating a File Hosting Site with CodeIgniter - NETTUTS
Creating a File Hosting Site with CodeIgniter - NETTUTS
MVC Baby!33 Nicely Designed And Well-Colored But Simple Web Designs - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
"tag webtool"Why Advertising Is Failing On The Internet
… the Internet shatters all forms of advertising. “The problem is not the medium, the problem is the message, and the fact that it is not trusted, not wanted, and not needed,” …4 Principles of Good Design for Websites | My Ink Blog
MyInkBlog, March 21, 2009. Unread.101 More Quality CSS, XHTML Free Templates: Part 2 | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
Got an Hour? Create a Server in the CloudProfessional Frontend Engineering - NETTUTS
Video - seminar on front end engineering. best practices, naming conventions, etc.30 Useful Web Design Books for 2009 | Webdesigner Depot
To keep up with the fast-paced web design industry you must seek out self education sources as often as possible, such as books, or you'll be left30 Creative Examples of Illustrations in Web Design
ilustração em websitesMega Drop-Down Navigation Menus Work Well (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Big, two-dimensional drop-down panels group navigation options to eliminate scrolling and use typography, icons, and tooltips to explain the user's choices.
Don't make response time too fast, though: the mouse should remain stationary for 0.5 seconds before you display anything that's hover-dependent, such as a mega drop-down or a tooltip. Violating this guideline will make the screen flicker insufferably when users move the mouse. Only after 0.5 seconds of resting the pointer on a navbar item can you assume that a user actually wants to see its associated drop-down. Thus, the timing should be: 1. Wait 0.5 seconds. 2. If the pointer is still hovering over a navbar item, display its mega drop-down within 0.1 seconds. 3. Keep showing it until the pointer has been outside both the navbar item and the drop-down for 0.5 seconds. Then, remove it in less than 0.1 seconds.
Summary: Big, two-dimensional drop-down panels group navigation options to eliminate scrolling and use typography, icons, and tooltips to explain the user's choices.
Big, 2-dimensional drop-down panels group navigation options to eliminate scrolling and use typography, icons, and tooltips to explain users' choices.FWAPhoto - One Photo a Day
One Photo a Dayecoder | home
Timetric's here to help you make sense of data. It focuses on time series analysis: graphing, tracking and comparing the movements of data over time. It creates tools to make it easy to build models on top of time series — updated whenever the data they're based on is updated — as it is to use a spreadsheet. You can use data in the program or upload your own.18 WordPress Plugins for RSS Management & Tweaks
Here are 18 WordPress plugins to help you manage your blog's RSS feed, track subscribers, and much more.
Real Simple Syndication (RSS) enables site owners to automatically syndicate their content to readers in an easily digestible format. There are a number of WordPressWordPress reviewsWordPress reviews plugins to help you manage your blog’s RSS feed, track subscribers, and much more.10 Rare HTML Tags You Really Should Know - Nettuts+
10 Rare HTML Tags You Really Should Know
I should look into these!JetBytes — free file exchange service
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Jetbytes is an experimental file transfer service which works without storing files during the transfer and allows to download it immediately. Just choose a file:Labuat
Controling the graphics with your mouse movement
Matching the pace that the ink line travels to the perceived momentum in the song works particularly well here.
chouette concept de site pour promouvoir un artisteThe Ultimate Guide for Everything Twitter | Webdesigner Depot
We’ve compiled an alphabetized glossary here for you so that you can just scan down the list and find the term that you are looking for, as well as a list of popular Twitter applications and instructions for incorporating Twitter into your website and blogs.
A post that is a tutorial for a beginner on twitter
Great site explaining twitter150 Useful Adobe Photoshp Web Design Layout Tutorials and Techniques | 2experts Design - Web Design and Graphic Design Blog
fizy is an online jukebox that was designed with the express aim of being simple and easy to use. enjoy and share it with your friends.
fizy / videomusic.
Find that song quickly!The Javascript Trap
You may be running non-free programs on your computer every day without realizing it—through your web browser. In the free software community, the idea that non-free programs mistreat their users is familiar. Some of us refuse entirely to install proprietary software, and many others consider non-freedom a strike against the program. Many users are aware that this issue applies to the plug-ins that browsers offer to install, since they can be free or non-free. But browsers run other non-free programs which they don't ask you about or even tell you about—programs that web pages contain or link to. These programs are most often written in Javascript, though other languages are also used. Javascript (officially called ECMAscript, but few use that name) was once used for minor frills in web pages, such as cute but inessential navigation and display features. It was acceptable to consider these as mere extensions of HTML markup, rather than as true software; they did not constitute a sig
The Javascript Trap
Richard Stallman, with his unsurprising take on — How to get a merchant account
Merchant account
Describe the pain of getting a merchant account with a bank. Give some tips on how to do it.
"guide to obtaining a merchant account, from the cash-strapped start-up’s point of view". chargebacks, 3D-secure, AVS/CV2, PCI-DSS. Start the process early; Apply to several banks; Exaggerate your volumes (realistically); Know all about fraud; Be serious to ensure the bank feels you’re a trustworthy business; Read the fine print and negotiate the terms.8 Excellent Free Websites To Enjoy Your Weekend Or Just For Fun - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
8 Excellent Free Websites To Enjoy Your Weekend Or Just For FunThe Importance of Wireframing — 45royale Inc. — A web design studio in Atlanta, Georgia
an giMaster Web Typography: 8 Detailed Typography Tips for the Web | Brian Cray's Blog
Good little article on using HTML special characters on your site.
One of the most under–rated elements of beautiful Web design is the subtle art of typography. Part of this, I know, is a lack of a solid font support for Web sites. But never fear! Today I’ll show you some quick things you can do to appear to be a type master.Magento SEO - Yoast - Tweaking Websites
save50 Inspirational Website Introductions | Webdesigner Depot
50 Inspirational Website Introductions
intro page40+ Beautiful Examples of Paper Websites Design | Naldz Graphics
40+ Beautiful Examples of Paper Websites Design
interesting website designTHE VINTAGE WEB
A log of websites with real character.10 Popular Web Designer Tools for Firefox | Firefox Facts
FireFox add-ons for Web Design
Thanks to Firefox and some of the great add-ons that have been developed for it, your browser is your best friend when it comes to web site design. From CSS tools, to promoting your domain, here are 10 of the most popular web designer tools for Firefox.30 Photoshop Web Elements, Backgrounds and Icon Sets (via GraphicRiver) - Nettuts+
Active and Passive White Space White Space is often used to create a balanced, harmonious layout. One that just ‘feels’ right. It can also be used to take the reader on a journey through the design. In the same way a photographer leaves ‘looking room’ in a portrait shot, by positioning the subject o! the centre of the frame and having them looking into the remaining space, a designer can do this to increase the effectiveness of their design. Another way of looking at white space is by how a reader, or user, reacts to it. White space can not only be used by the designer to create harmony and balance in design, or to help position a brand, but it can be used to lead a reader from one element to another. This is called Active White SpaceFast polling using C, memached, nginx and libevent - amix blog
Plus a nice comment from Zed.WEBデザイナーという肩書きを使う場合にあったらいいかもなスキルとWEBで見れる無料教材とリソース集:phpspot開発日誌
WEBデザイナーという肩書きを使う場合にあったらいいかもなスキルとWEBで見れる無料教材とリソース集Microsoft Web Platform - Home
Microsoft Web Platform - Home• 無料ホームページを作成! - Jimdo
we100 Terrific Web Design Cheat Sheets that Will Save you Time, Money and Mistakes - Web Design Schools Guide
Most web designers know that cheat sheets are incredibly useful. You can use them for quick reference, easy learning, and more. In this list, we’ve compiled an incredible collection of the 100 best and most useful cheat sheets out there.
excellentRedesigning Craigslist With Focus On Usability | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Pretty interesting look at how Craigslist could be redesigned and retain its minimalism while being more usable and more attractive.
кейс юзабилити-переделки Craiglist. Почитатьフォームをデザインしよう | DesignWalker
Business models for web applications
monetizing web appsA List Apart: Articles: Coaching a Community
this is a test.
A great article from ALA on how to cultivate an active membership base
A key to running successful "social networking sites" is to remember that they're just communities. All communities, online or off, have one thing in common: members want to belong—to feel like part of something larger than themselves. Communicating effectively, setting clear and specific expectations, mentoring contributors, playing with trends, offering rewards, and praising liberally (but not excessively) can harness your members' innate desires—and nurture great content in the process.In the Woods - Common Mistakes in Web Design
Web design hintsA List Apart: Articles: The Elegance of Imperfection
A List Apart: Articles: The Elegance of Imperfection
design aesthetics
Very interesting.
A taxonomy of elegance Jeremy Alexis, of the Illinois Institute of Technology’s Institute of Design, asks us to consider three types of elegance when we face a design problem: logical elegance, systemic elegance, and aesthetic elegance.25 Photoshop Tutorials for Creating that Perfect Web Page Design : Speckyboy Design Magazine
During the past year or so, I have published 3 collections of colorful websites. Today we'll take a look at another 25 sites that make exceptional use of color. There is a wide variety of color schemes and design styles represented here, so I hope the work of these designers provides some inspiration for your own work. 25 Beautifully Colorful Websites 25 Beautifully Colorful Websites - Part 2 25 Beautifully Colorful Websites - Part 3 By MarinaWebクリエイターのための求人情報サイト[MOREWORKS]
FICCが運営するクリエイターのための求人サイト☆さすがなつくり。 CBCNETより見やすくて親切。
あとでI, Cringely » Blog Archive » Parrot Secrets - Cringely on technology
Weil Papageien teure Geheimnisse haben.Write for Reuse (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Users often see online content out of context and read it with different goals than you envisioned. While you can't predict all such goals, you can plan for multiple uses of your text.
Un nuovo alertbox con i consigli del guru dell'usabilitàMozilla Re-Mix: ケーブルもチューナーも無しで世界中のテレビチャンネルを試聴できるFirefoxアドオン「TV-FOX」
まじかー?でもテレビにきょーみないIn the Woods - The Importance of Color in Web Design
All too often, I see a great design concept with a poor choice of colors. Part of what makes a great web design “great” is layout, typography and color. When each of these aspects work to compliment each other, great design is born.あなたのブログやサイト作りに、タダで使える10の方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
Siena is a brand new set of 200 free icons, developed exclusively for Webdesigner Depot. You can use them for your designs such as logos, websites and much
200 Free Exclusive Icons: SienaAdmix Web » 30+ Beautiful menus examples
ナビゲーションメニューのデザイン実例30+ | Admix WebSitePoint » 10 Web Analytics Tools For Tracking Your Visitors
10 Tools for measuring site visitors30 Creative Examples of the Hand Drawn Style in Web Designs
cool hand drawn
In this collection, you will be able to find some of the best designs that have hand drawn, sketched elements infused into them for your inspiration.SXSW Typography: Quit Bitchin and get Your Glyph on
SXSW Typography: Quit Bitchin and get Your Glyph on
If there's nothing in here about Unicode symbols, I'm filing a complaint.
Designers are still complaining about the limitations of Web typography. Is their case valid, and will it be in the future? What myths are there about web typography and how do we dispel them?
web typography resourcesCreate a new social networking site in few hours using pinax platform (django). — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
An interesting talk on reusable apps and an article on installing / blog / 10 useful jQuery authoring tips
Here's 10 tips that will makes you code more efficiently with jQuery. / blog / 10 useful jQuery authoring tips
Here's 10 tips that will makes you code more efficiently with jQuery. 1. Be lazy // Don't if ($('#item').get(0)) { $('#item').someFunction(); } // Or if ($('#item').length) { $('#item').someFunction(); } // Just do $('#item').someFunction(); jQuery will call the function only if there is a match, no need to double check. 2. Use shortcuts // You can but.. $(document).ready(function(){ // ... }); // There is a shorter equivalent $(function(){ // ... }); It should be well known, but obviously it is not. 3. Chain // Don't $('#frame').fadeIn(); $('#frame .title').show(); $('#frame a:visited').hide; // Do $('#frame').fadeIn() .find('.title').show().end() .find('a:visited').hide(); Unnecessary DOM traversal is a expensive operation, avoid it when possible. 4. Group queries // Ugly $('div.close').click(closeCallback); $('button.close').click(closeCallback); $('input.close').click(closeCallback); // Not ugly $('div.close, button.close, input.close') .clicHive Five: Five Best Mind Mapping Applications
をおこなうべき60+ Free Vectors Icons for Web Designers | SherifAbdou - The Design Blog
Finding decent hi-quality vector icons for free via google is kinda hard & annoying. My results mainly lead to sites that wanted to sell you icons. I don’t beleive in paying for things like that, especially when there’s an abundant amount of vector icons that are available for free.Making the web pay | The end of the free lunch—again | The Economist
Ultimately, though, every business needs revenues—and advertising, it transpires, is not going to provide enough. Free content and services were a beguiling idea. But the lesson of two internet bubbles is that somebody somewhere is going to have to pick up the tab for lunch.
the lack of any business model describes the Web 2.0 era
"Ultimately, though, every business needs revenues—and advertising, it transpires, is not going to provide enough. Free content and services were a beguiling idea. But the lesson of two internet bubbles is that somebody somewhere is going to have to pick up the tab for lunch."
"Now reality is reasserting itself once more, with familiar results. The number of companies that can be sustained by revenues from internet advertising turns out to be much smaller than many people thought, and Silicon Valley seems to be entering another “nuclear winter”"The Spanner - XSS Rays
The Spanner - XSS RaysMost common passwords list from 3 databases
List of most commonly used passwords
A detailed password analysis of compromised passwords from myspace, phpbb, and
Singles.orgのパスワード、やけに宗教的な語句が多いなと思ったら、キリスト教徒用出会いサイトなのねas 101 coisas que
Coletânea de vídeos e sabe lá o que mais. Muito bom!Test the Performance and Scalability of Your Web Applications With Tsung | BeeBuzz
perfomance and scalability testing of a website
stress test your web app
What is Tsung ? The purpose of Tsung is to simulate users in order to test the scalability and performance of IP based client/server applications. You can use it to do load and stress testing of your servers. (Definition coming from the Tsung website) In this post, I will introduce the use of Tsung in order for you to stress test your web applications. Why Tsung ? Because it’s an Open-Source project and, to tell the truth, mainly because this application has been coded in Erlang which gives Tsung a little advantage on the other tools: it has the potential to simulate A LOT of concurrent requests … without crashing. That’s what we expect from a stress testing app, isn’t it? Let’s start the installation We will need the Perl Templating-Toolkit and the Gnu plotting utility in order to create nice HTML and graphical reports with the result data set. So, back to your command prompt: ~$ sudo apt-get install gnuplot-nox libtemplate-perl libhtml-template-perl libhtml-template-expr-pe
ウェブアプリケーションのパフォーマンステスト用ツール Tsung の使い方Tweleted: recover deleted Twitter messages for good or evil
Find the tweets you've lost
Tweleted allows you to recover Twitter messages — tweets — after they've been deleted.Omegle
Service for talking to strangers ... bizarro world.
Omegle is a brand-new service for meeting new friends. When you use Omegle, we pick another user at random and let you have a one-on-one chat with each other. Chats are completely anonymous, although there is nothing to stop you from revealing personal details if you would like.Moontoast
ask an expert
Quite an interesting idea. (via sai)
Peer 2 peer e-learningパンくず詳解 | コリス
7. Experimental Examples 実験的なパンくずIE1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8の確認が同時にできる -Internet Explorer Collection | コリス
IE1からって。400+ Beautifully Footers In Web Design | 2experts Design - Web Design and Graphic Design Blog
As you may already be familiar with footer, the footer is a last and significant element in a web design, as well as the coolest place to display Twitter updates, popular posts, recent comments, and Flickr photo streams are just a few common ideas. I have fetched some of the most creative footer posts from multiple blogs which will inspire you. Go ahead and check out these footers which make it stand out of the rest. Let us know your best pick!
As you may already be familiar with footer, the footer is a last and significant element in a web design, as well as the coolest place to display Twitter updates, popular posts, recent comments, and Flickr photo streams are just a few common ideas. I have fetched some of the most creative footer posts from multiple blogs which will inspire you. Go ahead and check out these footers which make it stand out of the rest. Let us know your best pick! Footers In Modern Web Design: Creative Examples and Ideas Footers In Modern Web Design Modern Sitemap and Footer Modern Sitemap and Footer 25 More Inspirational Footers 25 More Inspirational Footers 25 Impressive Blog Footers 25 Impressive Blog Footers 25 Stylish Website Footer Designs 25 Stylish Website Footer Designs 19 Gorgeous Website Footers 19 Gorgeous Website Footers 40 Beautiful and Creative Website Footers 40 Beautiful and Creative Website Footers 50 Excellent Blog Footer Designs 50 Excellent Blog Footer Designs 40 Cre
Footers40 fresh websites for daily visual inspiration | Inspired Mag
Web design has come a long way since its beginning, especially in terms of styling. Take a look at a website from 10 years ago and compare it to one from today. The differences are10 Best Libraries for generating PDF Files | AjaxLine
nice jquery stuff30 Fresh and Promising Design Blogs to Follow
30-fresh-and-promising-design-blogs-to-followWeb Designer Help » 15 Great CSS Galleries
Great selection here.
Web Designer Help » 15 Great CSS Galleries - private real-time sharing and collaboration by
initiate chat or conference from anywhere.119 quick cheat sheets for some of the most widely used tools on the web
How-tos for various web software6 Things To Include for a User Friendly Footer | UX Booth
new and hot bookmarksCADIE's personal World Wide Website
April Fool's joke 2009Top 5 Sites To Learn Some CSS Programming |
Blog post, 5 lessons learned from YouSendIt.comSaveIE6: Help us save the best browser around
These days we are inundated with bloated web browsers that overcomplicate our lives. However, there is one eminent exception: IE6. It has been around since 2001 and is still one of the most powerful and versatile browsers available.
You have been mislead by a vocal minority and are using firefox, which is clearly an inferior web browser to IE6. Please switch to IE6 and sign our petition.80+ Photoshop Tutorials: Practical Web Interface Design | Photoshop Tutorials | Tutorials
When it comes to graphic design, Adobe Photoshop is a very popular option and for a reason. Photoshop really can do magic in the hands of a skilled designer. However, the software itself is really hard to use if you're not used to it. In fact, in Photoshop it usually takes ages to achieve something you have never done before. This is where Photoshop Tutorials comes to your help by guiding you though the many difficult steps needed to achieve a specific goal. In this article tripwire magazine present you more than 80 high quality Photoshop Tutorial that guides you step by step in building up a web interface all the way from scratch.
80+ Photoshop Tutorials: Practical Web Interface Design40+ Must-See Resources And Inspirational Collections For Designers To Discover The Best Of The Web In March - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers20 Examples Of Dark & Minimalist Website Designs With Great Typography | Spyre Studios
20 Examples Of Dark & Minimalist Website Designs With Great Typography | Spyre Studios
20 Examples Of Dark & Minimalist Website Designs With Great Typography | Spyre Studios - methods to bring your front end coding to rockstar levels |
With the massive exodus towards online publishing, many people hardly reach for the newspaper these days. If there’s one thing I truly miss from the newspaper, it would be reading the comic strips. There’s something magical about comic strips that seems to lighten your day and make you feel good. There’s certainly something to be said about starting your day with a bit of humor. I figured that we’re so immersed in the Internet that it would be cool to compile a list of funny strips related to web design, the Internet and of course blogging. Take a few minutes from your busy day to relax, have some fun and see how many of these situations relate to you… :)northtemple - Accessibility to the Face
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to go into Section 508 or the Rehabilitation Act or any of the rest of that stuff. It’s all about politics and has nothing to do with what I’m going to talk about.”
The issues of accessibility are a daily reality for my family. For us, it’s not a political issue at all. Our oldest daughter, Ramona, has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair to get around.
in which accessibility is about people, not checklists.
Accessibility is NOT a checklist. Accessibility is about usability.jQuery入門(その1):CodeZine
nth-child[CSS]上級者向け、スタイルシートのテクニック集 | コリス
小粒ピリリ。ブラウザは選ぶかも…なテクニック集。10 Simple and Impressive Design Techniques | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Complex design techniques are often time-consuming and, well, complex. Some of these advanced effects can add plenty of depth to designs, but when used in the wrong place, they do little more than distract viewers from the project’s intended focus. These effects may be precisely what a design needs to have the impact it requires, but even in these cases, they should be complemented by simpler effects. Simple effects and techniques are the building blocks of today’s designs. For example, what good is a stellar lighting technique if you can’t decide which colors to use or which text-based effects to use in conjunction with the effect? With a “less is more” mentality, we’ve selected 10 very simple and impressive design techniques that can drastically improve the performance and appearance of your designs.Digital Marketing: The Golden Rules of the Web - Advertising Age - DigitalNext
very good rulesYes, We Plan: How Altruism and Advertising Could Change the World | Epicenter from
Small, good intentions can bring about great leaps.
Sort of quest/points/prestige based site for encouraging and coordinating social activism. Seems to have no ethos except facilitating action (and making a profit).PageZipper - Life's too short to spend clicking "Next" «
this is great - but it costs money.
Life's too short to spend clicking "Next"
PageZipper put broken up pages back together again but it lets you easily navigate sites where image galleries have been broken into dozens of sub-pagesFun With CSS Shapes - Nettuts+
I bet a bunch of you don't realize that we can create the illusion of shapes by using 100% CSS. By utilizing the border property in creative ways, we can make some really interesting polygons.8 Simple Ways to Improve Typography In Your Designs | CSS | Smashing Magazine
i think this is the - bloat that tiny URL into a Freaking Huge URL
Freaking Huge URL Generator Short URL: How freaking huge?: Freaking Huge URL: Your original URL was 0 characters long. Your freaking huge URL is 51 characters long. Confused? Read the FAQ ©2009 Jeremy Mitchell. | FAQ
- bloat that tiny URL into a Freaking Huge URL9 Reasons Japanese Interactive Work Is Awesome |
9 Reasons Japanese Interactive Work Is Awesome | dica do Savone
Great digital creative. esp the addias running app.25 Incredibly Artistic Websites - Part 5 | Vandelay Design Blog
interesting site that needs a bit of time100+ Massive CSS Toolbox | CSS Tools | Tools
Interesting opinion piece on the hazards of link shortening services - inserts an unreliable middleman in the standard web transaction.
All good points in here.
"We need to prepare for the day when N of the URL shorteners go out of business. When that happens a large part of the web will die. It will not be a good day." - Scripting News
Why URL shorterners are bad for the Internet.Analysis: Which URL Shortening Service Should You Use?
Interesting analysis on URL shortening services. Good recommendations.
Which is the best to use, when so many are offered and new ones seem to appear each day?Yahoo Pipes: getting started with custom RSS feeds - Ars Technica
A free webcam-based conferencing system for up to 24 users, valid for up to 24hours, available 24/7
File under: Something to look at later is a web conference system for up to 24 users for 24/7. (We have a pro account option menu.) Only a meeting host user needs to create a user account. Other members can join the meeting by web browser without registration or login. It's so easy. (If you use your browser in English, all texts convert in English automatically and you can use it at international conference.)
up to 24 users in one online conferenceBuild a Content Slider with jQuery :: Brenelz's Web Development Tips :: Winnipeg Web Development
Looking for new Ideas and inspiration in the design industry? Here is a list of the 29 best web design blogs to subscribe to. The web design industry is always changing, so as a web designer, it is important to always be ahead of the curve. These blogs are always coming up with cutting edge new ideas and providing free tools for web designers such as wordpress themes, templates and icon designs. Follow them on RSS or check them out on Twitter.
Looking for new Ideas and inspiration in the design industry? Here is a list of the 29 best web design blogs to subscribe to.
Blogs com assuntos relevantes para o webdesignSocial Media ROI - Zygote @ Egg Co.
How can we measure success and returns from social media campaigns?
teen sex analogy
Solid presentation on how to approach social media marketing from a quantitative perspective. Most interesting are the examples of different types of social media campaigns to drive different business goals. There is no one-size-fits all social media marketing campaign.10 Simple and Impressive Design Techniques
设计教程Flickr Photo Download: Web Trend Map 4 Final Beta
I have no idea how to read it, but it looks interesting
AWESOME visualization of web trends
Web Trend map maps influential web domains and people onto a Tokyo Metro map
The Internet in the form of public transitAdSweep - An ad blocker for Opera and Chrome (like Adblock)
An ad blocker for your favorite web browser, including Chrome
Just like it says this is an add blocking program like adblock. This one can be made to work with Google Chrome and IE too though.
An ad blocker for your favorite web browser (like Adblock)14 Most Usefull design cheat sheets and coding cheat sheets |
Magnífico estudio, con un portafolio muy apañao. Me ha gustado mucho...
estudio diseño inspiracion15 Beautiful Typography Inspired Websites - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland - Lee Munroe
Portfolio of award winning web designer Lee Munroe. Specialising in creative web design and innovative web solutions for your business - 15 Beautiful Typography Inspired Websites14 Incredibly Useful Web Design Cheat Sheets
web design cheat sheets
A useful set of cheat sheets for web designers.20 Useful PHP + jQuery Components & Tuts for Everyday Project | Noupe
きれいだInformation Architects » Blog Archive » Web Trend Map 4 - Final Beta
The newest webtrends map.. great work. (kris)
The fina beta of the web trend map, a fantastic work trying to explain how the web is distributed right now
mapas de tendências estilo metrô25 Most Useful Blogs for Web Design & Development | Web Resources | WebAppers
25 Most Useful Blogs for Web Design & Development - Open Source Resources for Web Developers
Almost all of them are daily updated, and cover a wide range of topics including inspiration, design trends, tutorials, interviews, website showcase, programming techniques and resources.Design To Sell: 8 Useful Tips To Help Your Website Convert | How-To | Smashing Magazine
As we see more and more businesses move their services online, and even more that begin their life on the Web, a greater need arises
design usability !!10 Tips to Design Usable Shopping Carts | Webdesigner Depot
Performance VideoReadable App: read the web
Tunnel HTTP over HTTP, in a structured, controllable, securable way. Let programs claim part of URL space, and serve HTTP, all by using an ordinary HTTP client library.
An interesting alternative to polling http services.
not polling
Interesting web hooks stuff. Yet another PubSub solution:
singpolyma: Interesting web hooks stuff. Yet another PubSub solution: Of Beautiful Sports Websites | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Showcase of Sports Websites
Sports Website Collection
This article showcases the most beautiful website designs from the North American sports industry, including ones for news, teams and leagues, sports apparel and more.Lifehacker - Exhibit Transforms Your Spreadsheet into an Interactive Web Page - Exhibit
Érdekes mashup. Interaktív, szűrhető, csoportosítható táblázatot készít Excel -ből, amibe képeket, térkép pontokat, stb. szerelhetünk
Turn a boring old spreadsheet into an interactive web-based map, timeline, or table with some simple HTML using the free, open source Exhibit project.
Very cool!
Turn a boring old spreadsheet into an interactive web-based map, timeline, or table with some simple HTML using the free, open source Exhibit project. Exhibit takes data sets up to about 500 rows, plots locations on a Google Map, dates on an interactive timeline, and displays images and links in a tabular or thumbnail view. The viewer can sort, search, and filter data in any Exhibit view without reloading the page. You can make Exhibit do all this with a single HTML file and a spreadsheet–no hardcore programming requiredSites Without Menus: Do You Really Need a Main Nav? | Devlounge
"I always thought that the main navigation would be one of the most important elements of a website. I couldn’t believe it, so I set off to look for minimalist websites that didn’t use navigation. Sure enough, I found plenty." -- Dustin BostonZoomorama - Tech Crunch Web Trends
Express Yourself in Pictures. Create, share, and zoom in complete freedom.
les 333 sites les plus influents....First 2 Words: A Signal for the Scanning Eye (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
A link's first 11 characters are the most important, their impact should not be squandered with bland, generic words.
... shows whether sites write for users, who typically scan rather than read lists of items.
This kind of information is useful to me as background to my understanding of digital literacy. Soon I can note it via Diigo, but not yet.
»Testing how well people understand a link's first 11 characters shows whether sites write for users, who typically scan rather than read lists of items.«25 Examples of Cool Coming Soon Page Designs - Part II | Dzine Blog
Here are 25 examples of Coming soon pages.How the Web Made Me a Better Copywriter — AIGA | the professional association for design
by Cathy Curtis posted on AIGA | the professional association for design website
Great website!!! Article is very instructive
Excellent guide to writing for the web from Cathy Curtis, a former staff writer for The LA Times.
"It struck me recently that the web has led me to develop a different way of writing—tighter, simpler, more transparent. The results, I believe, are greater clarity and persuasiveness, and a speedier, more user-friendly read."15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Your website is designed, the CMS works, content has been added and the client is happy. It’s time to take the website live. Or is
15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your WebsiteGE | Plug Into the Smart Grid | Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality
The Smart Grid integrates 21st century technology with the 20th century power grid. So GE can help you manage energy more efficiently than ever before.エンジニアにもわかる「ユーザーインターフェース設計」 (Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog)
エンジニアにもわかる「ユーザーインターフェース設計」 (Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog) - The Game of Miscommunication
this is sooo funny to read!!!!
web game: telephone w/pictionary
Broken Picture Telephone is a game similar to the childhood game of Broken Telephone - the game in which children sit in a circle, and whisper a sentence or phrase in a circle. If you've ever played the game, you know that very quickly hilarity ensues. Broken Picture Telephone is the web-incarnation of that old children's game, with a slight variation in how it's played. Rather than whispering words to strangers around the internet, the game alternates between words and drawings.15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website
Diseño de sitios webIntroduction
Findings from the A LIST APART Survey, 2008
As we did in 2007, A List Apart and you teamed up to shed light on precisely who creates websites. Where do we live? What kind of work do we do? What are our job titles? How well or how poorly are we paid? How satisfied are we, and where do we see ourselves going?
Findings from one of the best non-profit web think-tanks - Stats on working in the web industry.
As we did in 2007, A List Apart and you teamed up to shed light on precisely who creates websites. Where do we live? What kind of work do we do? What are our job titles? How well or how poorly are we paid? How satisfied are we, and where do we see ourselves going? In 2008, 30,055 readers took part in the A List Apart Survey. Once more, data analysts Alan Brickman and Larry Yu crunched numbers this way and that. With a global recession in full swing as of December 2007, we were particularly interested to find out how financially and professionally secure web people felt, and whether there were discernible differences in the way people responded to questions about satisfaction and security in 2008, compared with 2007. This year we also improved our fact-finding on freelance and part-time web personnel. The more things change For 2008, instead of a downloadable (PDF) white paper, we decided to present our findings on the web. Which meant, in addition to compiling and analyzing data and
nice html + css version of graphs.
Some people care about the actual survey, me? I stare at how the tables were structured.
As we did in 2007, A List Apart and you teamed up to shed light on precisely who creates websites. Where do we live? What kind of work do we do? What are our job titles? How well or how poorly are we paid? How satisfied are we, and where do we see ourselves going? In 2008, 30,055 readers took part in the A List Apart Survey. Once more, data analysts Alan Brickman and Larry Yu crunched numbers this way and that. With a global recession in full swing as of December 2007, we were particularly interested to find out how financially and professionally secure web people felt, and whether there were discernible differences in the way people responded to questions about satisfaction and security in 2008, compared with 2007. This year we also improved our fact-finding on freelance and part-time web personnel.111 Free Icon Packs for Your Dock/Website | Free Icon Packs | Windows Tools, Help & Guides
111 Free Icon Packs for Your Dock/Website
Here at, we love Icon Packs. In this collection, I’ve picked 57 new packs and included 54 of my favorite packs already featured here on the site. Enjoy these packs and please feel free to suggest some more.
111 Free Icon Packs for Your Dock/Website Here at, we love Icon Packs. In this collection, I've picked 57 new packs and included 54 of my favorite packs already featured here on theiPhone Development: 12 Tips To Get You Started [HTML & XHTML Tutorials]
Great tips for tuning your website for mobile (iPhone) screens
Sitepoint - GoodPerfect 3 Column CSS Liquid Layout. No Images, Cross-browser
A three column liquid layout with no images, no JavaScript. Cross-browser & iPhone compatibleBuilding Sites Around Social Objects (Live from Web 2.0) - ReadWriteWeb
Building Sites Around Social Objects (Live from Web 2.0)
Some basic web marketing rules
Erklärt das Konzept des "Social Objects" sehr anschaulich - einem Design Paradigma für funktionierende soziale Anwendungen
"socialize your product online"350+ Great CSS Tools and Techniques | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
350+ Great CSS Tools and Techniques20 Excellent Mootools Techniques for Rich User Interface | DevSnippets
20 Excellent Mootools Techniques for Rich User Interface | DevSnippets -
20 Excellent Mootools Techniques for Rich User Interface
Sliding navigation
tabbingGoogle App Engine Blog: Seriously this time, the new language on App Engine: Java™
Java on Google App Engine
Today, we're very excited to announce the availability of a new programming language for Google App Engine. Please welcome the Java runtime!SpringSource Team Blog » Write your Google App Engine applications in Groovy
Write your Google App Engine applications in Groovy
Google just announced that their Google App Engine cloud hosting platform now supports other languages than Python: namely Java and Groovy!Free Icon Pack: Web Injection - Tutorial9
This Free Icon Pack is for use in your personal and commercial projects, and can be used without attribution. It may not be redistributed. Web Injection is an Icon Pack for webmasters and web developers created exclusively for the viewers of Tutorial9. The set includes 26 stylish icons designed by Midtone Design Studio. Each icon is a .png at 48×48px. The Icons were tediously hand crafted by designer Jonatan Castro Ferná
Converte files in pagine web e permette di condividerle.
Può uploadare files per poi poterli condividere, fino a 15Mb
Convert any file into a web site
Convert any file into a webpage. Distrubute information to many people fast.アフィリエイトサイトやニッチキーワードサイトを作成してアクセスを集めるためにやるべき事のリスト…というかほぼマニュアル - 海外のSEO対策・SEOツールをわかりやすく解説するブログ
これは自分自身のためのTo-DOリストとして作成しました。 ぼくがアフィリエイトサイトを作ったり、ネットショップのサテライトサイトを作ったりする場合に行っている事です。つまりぼくがやっていることはここに書いた程度のことです。ノウハウ的にはたいしたことありません。みなさんの参考になればと思いアップします。 アフィリエイトサイトを作ったり、ネットショップのサテライトサイトを作ったりする場合には、ニッチキーワードをメインキーワードとしてサイトを作成50 Stylish Navigation Menus for Design Inspiration
There are many ways to design a navigation menu - and since almost all websites have some form of navigation - designers have to push their creative limits to build one that's remarkable and outstanding. In this article, you'll find a showcase of beautiful, creative, and stylish navigation menus for your inspiration.
There are many ways to design a navigation menu - and since almost all websites have some form of navigation - designers have to push their creative limits to build one that's remarkable and outstanding. In this article, you'll find a showcase ofHigh Performance Web Sites :: don’t use @import
The bottomline is: use LINK instead of @import if you want stylesheets to download in parallel resulting in a faster page.TutShelf
The Art of CSS Positioning Warm welcomes to our very first guest poster Rob MacKay! CSS Positioning is one thing I used to struggle with, hopefully I can help you understand how positioning works and what it’s affected by, and iron out some of those kinks.
etween browsers where elements vanish, don’t show or are a few pixels out of alignment, it’s normally because you are guilty of using margin and padding for positioning
CSS Positioning is one thing I used to struggle with, hopefully I can help you understand how positioning works and what it’s affected by, and iron out some of those kinks.
The Art of CSS PositioningDaring Fireball: How to Block the DiggBar
How to PLC ladder
"Digg sends a tremendous amount of traffic to sites that make it to the top of their front page, but it’s the worst kind of traffic: mindless, borderline illiterates. Good riddance, really."無料で読めるLinux本ベスト20 - YAMDAS現更新履歴
The User experience has dramatically improved over the past few years, resulting in rich and responsive user interface. AJAX, javascript and CSS are widely used to offer users the dynamic interaction that they have come to expect from advanced, sophisticated, professional solutions. There’s a lot of powerful interactivity you can bring to your site to spice up just about any web page using one of the most powerful and modular javascript libraries—MooTools! It’s important to note that small and useful features can cleverly deal with hiding and showing important information in non-traditional ways. Today, we will have a look at 20 creative techniques using MooTools javascript framework for rich UI in modern day websites.Ballpark: The better way to send invoices and estimates.
good UI for inline video
Nice and clean interface (of the gazillionst invoice app)
The easy way to send estimates.True/Slant
news site
wordpress video - wordpress plugin for integrated video on video blogs, and video tools25 Sources For Logo Design Inspiration | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
Inspiration logos
As logo designer You can often find moments, when You cannot think of anything good, but then such inspirational like this can become very handy. There are a lot of logo showcase sites You can inspire from and usually those sites list also all logo on popular categories, so You can see which logos and actually why there are so popular, sometimes artists even add their logo creation workflow there, allowing us to see what’s really happening behind the scene. OK, now to the post - I found together 25 logo showcase, portfolio sites and even few blogs which dedicate their life to help You become an expert as logo designer. Enjoy!35 Beautiful Commercial And Free Joomla Templates | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Joomla is one of the most powerful, robust and feature-rich content management systems out there. Besides being open-source, Joomla is capable of some really stunningWiderbug: Widescreen Firebug | Command-Tab
a few trivial changes to Firebug, I’ve modified it to open on the right side of the browser as a sidebar. With the stock plugin, you can achieve a similar layout by detaching Firebug from the current tab and moving its window in the same position, but this has a generally unwelcome side effect: the separate window doesn’t update when you switch tabs. With Widerbug, you can open the Firebug sidebar, and it will keep up with you as you switch tabs and maintain its width.
If you do any amount of web developing with CSS and JavaScript, it’s probably a safe bet that you use the Firefox and Firebug combo to test ideas, tweak appearance and behavior of pages, and debug problems when they crop up. You might also use a widescreen monitor to provide more screen real estate to flip between your code and the rendered output. In an arrangement like this, the open Firebug panel takes up precious vertical space, while spare pixels on the side go unused.Name that Color - Chirag Mehta :
Chirag Mehta - Personal Web Log - 'blog - Chime Softwares - Indian Blogger live from Saint Petersburg, Florida, St. Pete, FL
Color picker - the cool part is the inclusion of a long list of color names and the 'closest' named color from the list is shown against your color. You can also pick a color by name and it will display.25 Sources For Logo Design Inspiration
In this showcase, you'll see some of the best web designs that involve the use of paper elements and textures - for your inspiration.駅データ 無料ダウンロード 『駅データ.jp』
Antidote n°1 : Ne pas avoir peur Antidote n°2 : Contester systématiquement Antidote n°3 : Voter Antidote n°4 : Changer d'adresse IP Antidote n°5 : Le Streaming Vidéo Antidote n°6 : La Musique en ligne Antidote n°7 : Le P2P sécurisé Antidote n°8 : Les sites de stockage en ligne Antidote n°9 : Neutralisation du Logiciel Espion d'HADOPI Antidote n°10 : Propagez massivement ces antidotes.De-anonymizing Social Networks
De-anonymizing Social Networks[CSS]外部スタイルシートの指定は@importとlinkでどちらがいいか | コリス
そうやねんけど@import以外でやるとメンドイしなぁ管理Function Web Design & Development [ Blog ] » How to Spot Quality within Web Design: Examples & Tips
Finding the perfect font can be done through trial and error, or you can make your choices based upon the different moods certain fonts help bring to a design
Quality is a word that a lot of people like to use when describing their web design services. But what is quality, how do you know if a design is quality or not. Well, I think that there’s quite a few ways to spot quality within web designs. Once you can see just what goes into making a quality web design, you can use the techniques to perfect your own style. I’ve put together a few pointers, and collected some examples to explain just how I look for quality within a website design.Tonido - Privacy and Online Freedom from third-party servers | Personal Web Applications and Private P2P Network | Tonido
Tonido is a smart way to access your applications, data and share, sync, collaborate with friends and family without relying on public online services. Available for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
* Tonido Webshare * Tonido Photos * Tonido Workspace * Tonido Jukebox Tonido is an open personal web application platform that safeguards your privacy and online freedomEssential PHP Techniques for Web Designer and Developers | Desizn Tech
just information let startThe Mother of All Lists - 600+ Lists On Anything You Can Think Of | MyMarketer
Categories: Animals, Art, Blogging, Books, Business, Crafts, Design, eCommerce, Education, Email, Employment, Entertainment, Environment, Exercise, Family,The 100 Most Iconic Internet Videos [Full List] - Urlesque - Internet Trends, Viral Videos, Memes and Web Culture
Urlesque - Internet Trends, Viral Videos, Memes and Web CultureStop the Press: Building A Startup Presskit 101 - Chuw on this.
Need to build a presskit? This guide is fantasticWeb Design Trend Showcase: Horizontal Bands
cool story about web community and instant media gone horribly wrong; see also griefers
"It's obvious Amazon has some sort of automatic mechanism that marks a book as "adult" after too many people have complained about it. It's also obvious that there aren't too many people using this feature, as indicated by the easy availability (& search ranking) of pornography & sex toys & other seemingly "objectionable" materials, otherwise almost all of those items would have been flagged by this point. So somebody is going around & very deliberately flagging only LGBT(QQI)/feminist/survivor content on Amazon until it is unranked & becomes much more difficult to find. To the outside world, this looks like deliberate censorship on the part of Amazon, since Amazon operates the web application in question. To me, this looks like one of two things: 1. Some "Family"-type organization astroturfing Amazon in an attempt to rid the world of EVIL PRO-HOMOSEXUAL FILTH!! 2. Bantown ... a tactic for inciting meta-lulz on multiple levels through the alignment of third-parties against each other"
Amazonfail theory about it being a "glitch." I call bullshit, though.
Bantown is a tactic for inciting meta-lulz on multiple levels through the alignment of third-parties against each other. Bantown is like the plot of most James Bond movies, wherein some nefarious evildoer brings the US and the Soviets close to war. Bantown is a trolling technique of the highest order, which usually pits communities against each other, or communities against companies, or organizations against companies, or companies against organizations50 Excellent Corporate Website Designs | Webdesigner Depot
This article presents further principles and rules that will help your site convert. Among other things, we cover A/B testing, footnotes, testimonials, feature lists, the sign-up process and typography.
7 useful tips the help your site convert. A great article from Smashing Magazine.いろいろな色の名前が分かるサイト色々 | コリス
各国の伝統色 日本、アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、ギリシャ、フランスなど
いろいろ15 Firefox add-ons for Web developers | Webware - CNET
Quero explorar cada um dos 9 sites, mas preciso de tempo antes disso.40 Beautiful and Creative Logo Designs For Your Inspiration
【危険】実名を公開すると、あなたの住所や電話番号なども丸見えになります50 Sites That Will Help You To Become a Better Designer | Dzine Blog
Lista com sites úteis para buscar referências de dsign web.10 Cool Things We’ll Be Able To Do Once IE6 Is Dead
Some people think that IE6 is dead already. But only developers who have the luxury of a specialist audience, or who don’t have any business interest vested in their work, can think like that. For the rest of us, who have a real-world audience of ordinary, non-technical users to think about, IE6 is still very much a going concern. Now that IE8 is out we’ll see a greater number of users finally upgrading; there’s no doubt that Microsoft wil be pushing for this, and pushing hard. Quite apart from that, we’re seeing a slow but steady progression of users moving away from Internet Explorer altogether, and turning to Firefox and other browsers. Inevitably, there will come a time when IE6 has a sufficiently minor audience that we can treat it like we did Netscape 4 a few years ago — as legacy technology that it no longer behoves us to support, and its remaining users as willfully stubborn individuals whom we’re not required to pander to any longer!
When IE6 is gone, cool new web techniques will be implemented.
Or you could just do them now and avoid the rush later…Elliott Kember dot Com
"What" ain't no rendering engine I ever heard of! They support CSS3 in "What"?!
Pulp Fiction, as told by browsers
Does it look... like... a box?!8 Characteristics Of Successful User Interfaces « Usability Post
Good reference material on UIs. It's an often overlooked aspect to good design.
Tips and insights into good design and usability.‘Hyperlocal’ Web Sites Deliver News Without Newspapers -
If your local newspaper shuts down, what will take the place of its coverage? Perhaps a package of information about your neighborhood, or even your block, assembled by a computer. A number of Web start-up companies are creating so-called hyperlocal news sites that let people zoom in on what is happening closest to them, often without involving traditional journalists.
If your local newspaper shuts down, what will take the place of its coverage? Perhaps a package of information about your neighborhood, or even your block, assembled by a computer.blaubo design
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blaubo design 伊野亘輝 GoogleMapsでportfolio
DesignHow to Become a Freelance Web Developer - Nettuts+
Freelance Web Developer44 Must Learn Web Design Layout Tutorials in Photoshop | Naldz Graphics
Web page button designs
Button Design Showcase
Button design is something that may be considered a small detail and doesn't often get a lot of attention, but well-designed buttons can make a big difference in the overall look of a site. In this post we'll look at 40 buttons that come in a variety of shapes, sizes, styles and colors. If you enjoying seeing great examples of button design, you may also like: 50+ Gorgeous Navigation Menus 50 Gorgeous Navigation Menus - Part 2 GoodBarry30 Exceptional CSS Navigation Techniques
Great strides have been made towards teaching web development, but what about design? The personal web design degree is an open edu
Great strides have been made towards teaching web development, but what about design? The personal web design degree is an open education curriculum that teaches both beginning web designers and seasoned print designers design within the context of the web.
Personal Web Design Degreeデザインを魅力的なものにする、シンプルな10個のテクニック | コリス
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サイト例多し。145 new quick cheat sheets for some of the most widely used tools on the web
145 new quick cheat sheets for some of the most widely used tools on the web
"tagged cheat sheet links"Seth's Blog: The first question every web site designer must ask
"Do you want the people visiting this site to notice it?"
Great example of what sort of site a client would need.
De eerste vraag die een designer aan een klant moet stellen is, volgens Seth, "Wil je dat je site opvalt?" En dat is, hoe vreemd het ook klinkt een goede vraag die verschillend beantwoord kan worden.
Not for nothing, but I've been saying this for years.12 WordPress Plugins for Theme Development | Vandelay Design Blog
One of the great things about using WordPress as a content management system is the huge community of users and all of the resources that are available. While all plugins could be used by theme developers, the ones featured in this post have features that can be especially helpful for various aspects of theme development.
12 WordPress Plugins for Theme Development
Temų demonstravimo įskiepiai
A great list of plugins for people developing (or just hacking up) Wordpress themes.Webby Nominees
Webby Awards Cycle 13.16+ Tech-Tool/Tip that will Make you a Better Web Designer and Blogger | Desizn Tech
16+ Tech-Tool/Tip that will Make you a Better Web Designer and BloggerPeacekeeper - The Browser Benchmark by Futuremark Corporation
<draco> interesting concept, but I think their testing methodology is slightly forced/false
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The Browser Benchmark by Futuremark Corporation
Find out which is the fastest browser on your system with Peacekeeper, the browser benchmark from Futuremark. Peacekeeper measures browser speed with a wide range of JavaScript tests and displays the results in an easy to understand format.8 Simple Ways to Improve Typography In Your Designs • Blog Archive • AisleOne
I wrote this article for Smashing Magazine and it was published last Friday on their site. I'm re-publishing it here for your reading pleasure. Enjoy.15 Firefox add-ons for Web developers | Webware - CNET
I've been working on a new Web site for the past few weeks. But instead of doing it alone, I decided to get some help from Firefox extensions. They've made my work a lot easier, and they all can be downloaded in just a few seconds. Aardvark: Aardvark lets you select elements from a Web page and perform various actions on them. I use it to analyze the structure of a page. You can also remove and isolate elements or generate DOM code. I highly recommend it. ColorZilla Find any code for the color you want. (Credit: ColorZilla) ColorZilla: If there's a color on a Web page that you like, ColorZilla will find the precise code for it and allow you to paste it into your coding program. You can also create custom colors with its built-in palette browser. It saves the most-used colors for easy access later on. It's powerful, it's simple, it's a must-have. CSS Validator: CSS Validator adds a right-click option in your browser, sending the CSS to the W3C CSS Validator. It opens the results inこのFirefoxアドオンがすごい! Best10 【09年度版】 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
IE6 Update looks like IE’s Information Bar, but instead of offering your visitors an ActiveX plugin, it offers a browser update.
Help kill Internet Explorer 6 IE6 is like an illness that just won’t go away, but we have the medicine. IE6 Update looks like IE’s Information Bar, but instead of offering your visitors an ActiveX plugin, it offers a browser update. Click here to see a demo! - Read the blog post. IE6 Update Install IE6 Update on your website Copy and paste this code before your closing </body> tag: <!--[if IE 6]> <script type="text/javascript"> /*Load jQuery if not already loaded*/ if(typeof jQuery == 'undefined'){ document.write("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"\"></"+"script>"); var __noconflict = true; } var IE6UPDATE_OPTIONS = { icons_path: "" } </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <![endif]--> And you're done! OR If you’re a feeling adventurous... Download the Code Buzz on Twitter Already using IE
Install IE6 Update
Trick people into updating IE6 to something far better.
"IE6 Update looks like IE’s Information Bar, but instead of offering your visitors an ActiveX plugin, it offers a browser update."……これはさすがにやり過ぎ感があります。Google Services for Websites
Custom Search, Webmaster tools, etc.
Serviços do Google para websitesFinding Inspiration
As a designer, I think we all have experienced the hard time of finding new ideas and inspirations.
Artigo, encontrando inspiraçãoRails Template: Create a Twitter Application in Seconds - Intridea Company Blog
u quickly build a TwitterAuth app for depl
Twitter Demo AppCMSとしてのWordPressでサイト構築をするときに便利な13のプラグイン | 5509 - easy website thumbnails
PageGlimpse Blog Read our blog to find more about the interesting things happening right now, from the words of our developers
What is PageGlimpse? PageGlimpse is a service providing developers with programatic access to thumbnails of any web page. The thumbnails can be virtually used in any kind of applications that require the display of website screenshots: web sites, windows/linux/mac applications, iPhone/mobile utilities, browser plugins, etc. Including web site thumbnails in your application will dramatically improve the user experience. The service is easy to use, fast and reliable, no restriction on thumbnail sizes or number of hits. Click here to see how it works. PageGlimpse Blog Read our blog to find more about the interesting things happening right now, from the words of our developers
PageGlimpse is a service providing developers with programatic access to thumbnails of any web page. The thumbnails can be virtually used in any kind of applications that require the display of website screenshots: web sites, windows/linux/mac applications, iPhone/mobile utilities, browser plugins, etc.
PageGlimpse is a service providing developers with programatic access to thumbnails of any web page.Fluid Images — Unstoppable Robot Ninja
Ethan follows up his Fluid Grids article with an equally excellent piece on resizing images.
Dynamically scale images with the rest of fluid layouts.
Comprehensive article about using fluid images and details about appropriate ways to achieve this.ウェブデザインにおける効果的な背景の使い方 | コリス
ウェブデザイナーなら覚えておいて損はないはず。Design To Sell: 8 Useful Tips To Help Your Website Convert
Show this to Danny at work.
Design To Sell Useful Tips To Help Your Website Convert
1. Subliminal Suggestion; 2. Prevent Choice Paralysis; 3. Show The Product; 4. Let People Try It; 5. AIDA; 6. Guide attention; 7. Always Provide Next Actions; 8. The Gutenberg rule600+ Free Design, Twitter and Social Media Icons: A Collection Motherload | The Design Cubicle
Whether it’s those little Twitter birds, social media or website icons, we all love and need them from time to time. Over the past several months many other blogs have compiled their list of website, social media, Twitter and other icons, so in case you missed them here is the motherload collection!Hover Effects in Web Design: Best Practices and Examples | Spoonfed Design
Spoonfed Design is a blog for designers and developers to get inspired, learn new techniques, and pick up new ideas or resources.The method still works - (37signals)
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Simple concise flexible approach to drafting UI with pen and : search craigslist like a madman
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BitNami Tracks Stack is an easy to use installer for Tracks, which is a Ruby on Rails web-based application to help you implement David Allen's Getting Things Done methodology. Tracks is Open Source and licensed under the GNU GPL
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BitNami Tracks Stack is an easy to use installer for Tracks, which is a Ruby on Rails web-based application to help you implement David Allen's Getting Things Done methodology. Tracks is Open Source and licensed under the GNU GPL.Outstanding Website Background Guide: 60+ Resources
guide to understand background
Web designers compete to impress visitors with distinctive and appealing visual elements. Background images are one of those visual elements that when designed well, can create an amazing atmosphere and convey the style the designer has chosen. In this post you will see how web designers carefully created background images to achieve their goals.» Run PHP on the Google App Engine - PHP, Web and IT stuff
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pretty good targeted advertising for early adoptersおそらくはそれさえも平凡な日々: Akamaiが想像以上に鬼畜だった件 in Akamai勉強会
ネントの裏企業Akamaiについて。世界のwebトラフィックの15%をさばく、ビジネス特許で独禁法回避、ISPにサーバ4万台、動的コンテンツキャッシュ->ユーザ行動監視。怖すぎwww9 Steps To A Happy Relationship With Your Hosting Provider | How-To | Smashing Magazine
5 Simple Tricks To Bring Light and Shadow Into Your DesignsInicio Biblioteca Digital Mundial
Es un proyecto colaborativo de 32 instituciones en donde se pueden consultar documentos únicos de otras bibliotecas y archivos de todo el mundo. El sitio tiene acceso a manuscritos, mapas y libros raros, material multimedios como películas, grabaciones y fotografías. Una de las cosas más llamativas del proyecto es que el acceso es ilimitado y gratuito. Las búsquedas en la Biblioteca Digital Mundial pueden ser realizadas por: sitio (lugar geográfico), tiempo, tema, tipo de artículo o institución. Tiene la ventaja de que está disponible en 7 idiomas, incluyendo el español.
La Biblioteca Digital Mundial pone a disposición en Internet, de manera gratuita y en formato multilingüe, importantes materiales fundamentales de culturas de todo el mundo.
La Biblioteca Digital Mundial pone a disposición en Internet, de manera gratuita y en formato multilingüe, importantes materiales fundamentales de culturas de todo el mundo. Los objetivos de la Biblioteca Digital Mundial son: * Promover el entendimiento internacional e intercultural; * Ampliar la cantidad y la variedad de contenidos culturales en Internet; * Facilitar recursos a los educadores, estudiosos y el público en general; * Permitir a las instituciones asociadas reducir la distancia digital dentro de y entre los países.
Biblioteca digital de la UNESCO30 Creative Illustrative Website Headers
30 Creative Illustrative Website Headers -
Great headers for blogs, sites, etcA List Apart: Articles: In Defense of Eye Candy
Great article about how good design really works
We’ve all seen arguments in the design community that dismiss the role of beauty in visual interfaces, insisting that good designers base their choices strictly on matters of branding or basic design principles. Lost in these discussions is an understanding of the powerful role aesthetics play in shaping how we come to know, feel, and respond.101 Examples of Text Treatments on the Web | Webdesigner Depot
Text Web Design100 (Non-Design) Blogs that Every Web Designer Should Read - Web Design Schools Guide
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by google. Quote: an open-source web API for creating rich, interactive 3D applications in the browser
3D web API for creating rich, interactive 3D applications in the browser
Google CodeTwitter API Wiki / Sign in with Twitter
pattern of authentication that allows users to connect their Twitter account with third-party services in as little is one click. It utilizes OAuth and although the flow is very similar, the authorization URL and workflow differs slightly as described below.
Use your twitter account as an openID account to sign-inGoogle Analytics Blog: Web Analytics Tips & Tricks: Attention Developers: Google Analytics API Launched!
these forums so let us know what you think about the API there, and share your ideas and your applications with us. We look forward to seeing your creativity!
Attention Developers: Google Analytics API Launched!16 Best Web Design Galleries for Inspiration
URLに指定する変数 (ループ再生etc..)
YouTubeパラメータまとめJeffrey Zeldman Presents : “Taking Your Talent to the Web” is now a free downloadable book from
Jeffrey Zeldman “Taking Your Talent to the Web” の全文PDFを無料配布。
I wrote this book in 2001 for print designers whose clients want websites, print art directors who’d like to move into full–time web and interaction design, homepage creators who are ready to turn pro, and professionals who seek to deepen their web skills and understanding.
Jeffrey Zeldman'in kitabını indirinjspdf - Google Code
jsPDF generates PDF documents using nothing but Javascript. You can use it in a Firefox extension, in Server Side Javascript and with Data URIs in some browsers.How to Create a Sleek and Textured Web Layout in Photoshop
provides a good explanation of frontend web development
Front end
[transcript: ] This YUI Theater entry captures one of the courses Nate has taught at Yahoo, "Professional Frontend Engineering." It covers the foundations of the discipline, some of its core ideas, and...【kotobank】時事問題、ニュースもわかるネット百科事典コトバンク
朝日新聞、講談社、小学館などが参加する、信頼性の高い用語解説が特徴のサービスです。朝日新聞社とECナビが運営しています。(無料)ウェブサイトの設計図 ワイヤーフレームを活用しよう | DesignWalker
list of web based utilities you can use it and speed up your own web development.The jQuery Style - Awesome sites built with jQuery
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Exemplos de jQuery20 Excellent Plugins for Safari | Webdesigner Depot
Excellent reasons to switch from Firefox. From Webdesigner Depot
Safari actually does support plugins. While the choice is nowhere near as extensive as that of Firefox, there is still a good variety of them to choose from.
These days we have great choices for Web browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome and the list goes on. Each browser comes with its own
Kevin: Delicious plugins, bookmarking plugins and ad blockers. It's all here. A good collection of plugins for Apple's Safari browser.How To Use Help Elements To Improve Your Designs | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Short URL auto-discovery is a simple way to link a long URL with a short URL
Twitter clients and other consumers would load the URL that the user is embedding during posting time and check for the <link rel="shorturl" href="..." /> tag. If it exists the application should honor the href value and use it in place of the original - Statistical analysis and market research of Internet usage trends
"The information offered on this site provides valuable insight into Internet usage trends. We compile system data from numerous web sites and organize it into reports so you can stay current. We also put the power of market research and statistical analysis in your hands by allowing deep drill-down reporting as well as a powerful filtering system to limit data to only specific browsers, operating systems, search engines and even corporate versus residential usage!"
Statistical analysis and market research of Internet usage trendsFive Types of Effective Headers in Web Design
Your website’s header makes an immediate impact on your user so it’s important to get it right. Think about what you’re trying to achieve, what’s the first thing you want to tell your users when they visit your site, what will intrigue them and get them to read further? A header gives you room to play and be creative, especially on the homepage, and there are a number of techniques you can use to connect with your user.Fuck the foundries [dive into mark]
Dynamic web fonts are coming. Actually they’re already here, but most of Our People haven’t noticed yet. But they will, and that’s going to be a huge boon to somebody.
The more I read about embedded web fonts, the more I crystalize my thinking. Take, for example, this latest “A List Apart” article where Jeffrey Zeldman interviews David Berlow: Zeldman: Let me put it another way. I want to use your ITC Franklin in a site I’m designing, but I’m not willing to violate my end user licensing agreement. How do we resolve this impasse, from your perspective? Berlow: The next step is for those who control the font format(s) to define and document a permissions table to be added with all due haste to the OpenType, CoolType, TrueType, and FreeType formats. … Zeldman: How can type designers and web designers work together to persuade the engineers who control the formats to modify the code to include a permissions table? Berlow: [W]eb designers flat-out refused to part with real type, which has filled the web with type as graphic files, scaring the bejesus out of a lot of engineering people. … How important dynamically rendered type is to de
Your Fonts are superior to Our Fonts in every conceivable way, except one: WE CAN’T FUCKING USE THEM
Mr. Pilgrim at his best :)PSD to WordPress Theme Coding | Your design to a beautiful WordPress Theme
There's a fun job.15 Favorite E-Books for Web Design and Development | TutorialFeed
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CSS Gallery Showcasing Illustrated Web Designほめられサロン |[カクラ]
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かなり釣りエントリーっぽいタイトルですが、企画を作る際に使っているツールについて...ブラウザチェックに使える無料ツールいろいろ | DesignWalker
各ブラウザや携帯の画面をチェックする。堀江貴文 エンジニアは誇り高くあれ/Tech総研
また、正社員には福利厚生費などの負担や将来への責任が生じるから、派遣を使うという声も聞きます。だけど、それらを社員に与えるのは企業の責務じゃないですか。こんな当たり前のことを実現できないで利益を出そうとするのは、既に商売ではないと思う。そう言うと、「企業努力の末に高品質で安価な製品が提供されているんだ」と返されるかもしれないけれど、ならばその考えが間違っている。消費者におもねりすぎです。いいものはそれなりの値段がする。消費者は安くて品質のよいものを求めるけれど、それは当然だけれども、安易に応じて無理をするから企業がおかしくなっていく。企業の立場からは「安い商品を不当に求める世間が間違っている」とは言えないのもわかるけど、無理を続けた結果が、賞味期限切れの食品、各種のリコール、汚染米などの根になっているのだと感じます。QuirksBlog: Introduction to W3C Widgets
QuirksBlog: Introduction to W3C Widgets
Essentially, a widget is a local HTML/CSS/JavaScript web application. A mobile phone user downloads a widget once, and from that moment on he has a web application stored locally on his mobile phone. Although currently widgets are mostly used for relatively limited functions such as clocks, RSS readers, or Twitter or Flickr clients, as well as for games, there’s no theoretical reason why they couldn’t contain a complete, complicated, JavaScript-heavy web application; for instance a mobile-optimised spreadsheet :: the shortest urls. period.
a url shortener on THE shortest domain nameJavaScript for hackers - Opera Developer Community
Introduction I love to use JavaScript in unexpected ways, to create code that looks like it shouldn't work but does, or produces some unexpected behavior. This may sound trivial, but the results I've found lead to some very useful techniques. Each of the techniques described can be used for XSS filter evasion, which was my original intention when developing them. However, learning such JavaScript can dramatically increase your knowledge of the language, helping you become better at cleaning up input, and increase web application security. So read on and enjoy my weird and wonderful JavaScript hacks. RegExp replace can execute code When using regular expressions with replace the second argument supports a function assignment. In Opera it seems you can use this argument to execute code. For example, check out the code snippet below: 'XSS'.replace(/XSS/g,alert) This results in alert('XSS'); this works because the match from the RegExp is passed to the alert function as an argument. N
I love to use JavaScript in unexpected ways, to create code that looks like it shouldn't work but does, or produces some unexpected behavior. This may sound trivial, but the results I've found lead to some very useful techniques. Each of the techniques described can be used for XSS filter evasion, which was my original intention when developing them. However, learning such JavaScript can dramatically increase your knowledge of the language, helping you become better at cleaning up input, and increase web application security.Phusion’s One Year Anniversary Gift: Phusion Passenger 2.2.0 « Phusion Corporate Blog
Phusion Passenger now supports nginx - which is absolutely cool.15 Interesting online presentations for web developers
Various Web DevelopmentProcessing.js
Processing.js is an open programming language for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions for the web without using Flash or Java applets. Processing.js uses Javascript to draw shapes and manipulate images on the HTML5 Canvas element.
Processing library ported to JavaScriptThe WHATWG Blog » Blog Archive » The Road to HTML 5: Link Relations
Some good information here about how to describe links in you webpage. Most of them aren't implemented yet, but may be worth adding for forward compatibility.
Welcome back to my semi-regular column, "The Road to HTML 5," where I'll try to explain some of the new elements, attributes, and other features in the upcoming HTML 5 specification.
Regular links (<a href>) simply point to another page. Link relations are a way to explain why you're pointing to another page. They finish the sentence "I'm pointing to this other page because..."
A refrence article about HTML5 Link - now featured in 1000 megapixels!
Entertaining優れたユーザインタフェースを設計する際に考慮する8つのポイント | コリス
collective screen of various news feeds30 Examples of Watercolor Effects and Brush Strokes in Web Design
In this showcase, you’ll see 30 examples of watercolor effects and brush strokes in web design.The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress | Noupe
The Comprehensive Guide for a Powerful CMS using WordPress商用サイトでも無料で利用できる日本語のフリーフォント集 | コリス
並べただけって感じ。Five Reasons Why
Sehr interessanter Artikel bei Smashing Magazin.The Future of the Social Web: In Five Eras « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
iPhone applications are hotter than ever. So how do these applications stand out and get noticed? One great way to do this is by creating a great websiteLifehacker - Gantter Does Project Management in Your Browser - Project; free; no sign-up; imports & exports Microsoft Project files.
Web-based project management tool Gantter has an interface that looks remarkably similar to Microsoft Project—and even lets you import and export your Project files.
Web-based project management tool Gantter has an interface that looks remarkably similar to Microsoft Project—and even lets you import and export your Project files.pubsubhubbub - Google Code
pubsub appengine atom http webhooks
A simple, open, server-to-server web-hook-based pubsub (publish/subscribe) protocol as a simple extension to Atom.
A simple but clever way of using web hooks (HTTP callbacks) to inform subscribers that an Atom feed has updated in almost real-time.
A simple, open, web-hook-based pubsub protocol & open source reference implementation.
Une architecture distribuée de Pub/Sub avec HTTPIP Address Location XML API :: IP Location Tools
Startups, small business, marketing, and useful geekery from someone who's been there: Jason Cohen, founder of Smart Bear Software
It's not just a passing thing, it's not just for kids, and it's not OK to sit idly by, even though we don't understand it yet.moot wins, Time Inc. loses « Music Machinery
A team of pranksters found a way to control the Time top 100 influential people list... I guess this demonstrates that they are in-fact "influential"...
programming hackingBuild a Social Network Using Joomla! - Nettuts+
Social network implementation has become a necessity for successful websites. Joomla!, the popular Open-Source CMS, has some great and affordable ways to bring
Apr 20th in Other by Rick Blalock Social network implementation has become a necessity for successful websites. Joomla!, the popular Open-Source CMS, has some great and affordable ways to bring your site to the social networking level. Let's review how.
Joomla! Social Network - build your own. FIVE-STARS!!!
Shows how a social networking application could be built with Joomla using extensions
Joomla Social NetworkWeb Design Trend Showcase: Letterpress Text Effect
Showcase of site designs using the letterpress effect & instructions on doing this technique in photoshopウェブデザインにおける、ライトとシャドウの効果的な5つの使い方 | コリス
@デザイン全般に言える影の効果 ライトは対象物を射しシャドウを生み出します。デザインに奥行きを与え、ビジュアル的な刺激を生み出します。
質感を高めるためのTipsTRUECAR - The Authority on New Car Pricing
What is TrueCar? TrueCar is the fresh voice in new car pricing. We bring truth and transparency to the sales process by aggregating data from many different sources to show car buyers and dealers how much people actually paid for a particular car in their geographic area. We are a data-driven company, processing thousands of real transactions nationwide on a daily basis to generate objective and irrefutable Price Reports. TrueCar is offered online, all free of charge. Our hope is that consumers no longer walk into the dealership only partially informed and fully suspicious. Instead, they show up with our Price Report in hand and know how to strike a fair deal. Dealers offer the same buyers a TrueCar Price Report: car buyers who understand the dealer cost and price structure will know when to stop negotiating and buy with confidence. With TrueCar, buyer and seller both get a better deal. Team Management Scott Painter, CEO Philip Inghelbrecht, President Rob Taylor, COO Chris Lichti,
SWEET, TRANSPARENCY ON CAR PRICING (one of the worst rackets out there)
Figure out what you should really pay for your new car based on what others have paid.
Price of a car -- what is a good deal and what is not.BlueServo
Project described in the Age, volunteer border watchers for USA-Mexico border
The TBSC BlueServoSM Virtual Community WatchSM is a network of cameras and sensors along the Texas-Mexico border that feeds live streaming video to Users will log in to the BlueServoSM website and directly monitor suspicious criminal activity along the border via this virtual fenceSM.
The Texas Border Sheriff's Coalition (TBSC) has joined BlueServoSM in a public-private partnership to deploy the Virtual Community Watch, an innovative real-time surveillance program designed to empower the public to proactively participate in fighting border crime. The TBSC BlueServoSM Virtual Community WatchSM is a network of cameras and sensors along the Texas-Mexico border that feeds live streaming video to Users will log in to the BlueServoSM website and directly monitor suspicious criminal activity along the border via this virtual fenceSM.95 Old School Games You Can Play Online | AMOG - Alpha Males of the Group
You loved your classic NES so much you would blow the cartridges for hours on end just to play. Now you can play those same wonderful games online for free.mixi Developer Center
あとで見ること。アイドレスに落とせない?Messengerあたりとの連携もすれば翻刻(連絡)管理ツールになる?12 Excellent Examples of “Lazy Registration”
Lazy registration systems allow site visitors to build a profile and register without filling out a signup form right away (or some at all).Showcase of Big Backgrounds in Web Design | Vandelay Design Blog
jquery image sequence
Glimmer allows you to easily create interactive elements on your web pages by harnessing the power of the jQuery library. Without having to hand-craft your JavaScript code, you can use Glimmer’s wizards to generate jQuery scripts for common interactive scenarios. Glimmer also has an advanced mode, providing a design surface for creating jQuery effects based on your existing HTML and CSS.Creattica
Creattica is a gallery of great design and inspirational imagery. Anyone can submit their work for consideration and voting on items is open to one and all. The best work is accepted and featured in the gallery which receives thousands of visitors every day.
Creattica is a gallery of great design and inspirational imagery. Anyone can submit their work for consideration and voting on items is open to one and all. The best work is accepted and featured in the gallery which receives thousands of visitors every day. To start submitting your work simply create an account and then hit Submit. Submissions take up to a few days to review depending on the volume of work coming in. To vote on other people's work you'll also need an account. We hope you enjoy the site and find the inspiration to make some brilliant work of your own. And when you do, don't forget to submit it to creattica!15 Impressive and Beautiful Uses of WordPress | Web Design Ledger
WordPress is no longer just used to power blogs.
otros wpDesign a Beautiful Website From Scratch - Nettuts+
share with clan! :)
Have you ever wanted to design a beautiful website but just didn't know how? To be honest, a few years ago, that happened to me too. While browsing the web, IXSS (Cross Site Scripting) Prevention Cheat Sheet - OWASP
XSS (Cross Site Scripting)Do more with less
With the right approach and resources, a downturn can actually provide real opportunities for a savvy marketer. We've compiled a list of recommended strategies and Google tools that can help you reveal opportunity and achieve your marketing goals. Even better? Many of these tools are free, so they can also help you do more with less.
usThe Art of Crafting Beautiful Stylesheets «
URL-Wandlung in kurze URL-Adressen
this service has been created to convert long URLs into wonderful works by Charles Dickens. The fear of cryptic URLs, long or short, is now no longer a problem. Enter an ugly URL above and hit convert button. Soon you will be faced with beautiful words of Charles Dickens. Forget, now you have!
Inspired by a comment from reddit, this service has been created to convert long URLs into wonderful works by Charles Dickens. The fear of cryptic URLs, long or short, is now no longer a problem. Enter an ugly URL above and hit convert button. Soon you will be faced with beautiful words of Charles Dickens. Forget, now you have!Micro Persuasion: The Next Twitter or Facebook is the Open Web
Marketers need to really embrace the fact that it's peers and their data, rather than brand, that will become the primary way we make decisions. The greatest rewards will go to those who embrace and participate in as many communities as they possibly can in credible ways.
Today online shopping
Second Life was digital marketing's Vietnam. Communities come and go. Hubs seem to lose their innovation edge just as consumers grow more fickle, new venues emerge and viable monetization options remain scarce. If history repeats itself, Facebook and Twitter will one day be replaced by something else. However, this time it will be the open web.10 Ways To Be Useful on Twitter
1年に 1回は書いているこのネタ、懲りずに私が個人的に日常利用している Firefox アドオン(+ Greasemonkey ユーザースクリプト)を挙げてみました。Firefox 3 対応のアドオンのみを集めています。
FireFoxのアドオンのリンク集7 Ways to Build Trust on a Portfolio Site
7 Ways to Build Trust on a Portfolio SiteIn the Woods - Examples and Tips for Great HTML/CSS Formatting
Examples and Tips
RT @IsaacVanName: Examples and #Tips for Great #HTML/#CSS #Formatting (via @rilwis) [from]
An overlooked aspect of websites is the formatting of HTML and CSS documents. This affects validation, SEO, and visual ease of use. Visual ease of use is the last thing most authors tend to keep in mind, but it’s still very important.40 Outstanding CSS Techniques And Tutorials | Arbenting
cssの技いろいろPlease Critique Me: Design Critiques for Designers by Designers
If you spend more than a few minutes in forums or on social networking sites, you've probably heard someone say those three little words. Everyone – noob designer to experienced professional – is seeking feedback on design projects. We even see those requests regularly on Twitter, and many of us do our best to give feedback (as best we can in less than 140 characters) in an effort to give something back to the design community. With that in mind, we are proud to provide a place where designers can submit their work and have it reviewed (albeit publicly) by one of their industry peers.Reinventing the Book in the Age of the Web - O'Reilly Radar
Tim O'Reilly on the future of books.
new web books be ...
But simply putting books onto electronic devices is only the beginning. As I've said for years, that's a lot like pointing a camera at a stage play, and calling it a movie. Yes, that's pretty much what they did in many early movies, but eventually, the tools of production and consumption actually changed the format of what was produced and consumed. ... (+ own "TwitterBook":) The web has changed the nature of how we read and learn. Most books still use the old model of a sustained narrative as their organizational principle. Here, we've used a web-like model of standalone pages, each of which can be read alone (or at most in a group of two or three), to impart key points, highlight interesting techniques or the best applications for a given task.
O'Reilly Radar post from Tim on the #twitterbook
Tim O'Reilly and his O'Reilly media empire are reimagining the way they look at publishing books, and providing some insight into their thought process.
There's a lot of excitement about ebooks these days, and rightly so. While Amazon doesn't release sales figures for the Kindle, there's no question that it represents a turning point in the public perception of ebook devices. And of course, there's Stanza, an open ebook platform for the iPhone, which has been downloaded more than a million times (and now has been bought by Amazon.) But simply putting books onto electronic devices is only the beginning.REST worst practices
A few weeks ago, I sent the following in a email to a co-worker asking for input on designing REST APIs in Django. Since then, I’ve quoted myself a few times; I thought these thoughts would be worth a (slightly edited) public home. I think the best way to dive in terms of mistakes to avoid. If you poke around you’ll find a couple-three different stabs at writing a generic REST API module for Django. So, with no further ado, some REST “worst practices:”
REST worst practices
A few weeks ago, I sent the following in a email to a co-worker asking for input on designing REST APIs in Django. Since then, I’ve quoted myself a few times; I thought these thoughts would be worth a (slightly edited) public home. I think the best way to dive in terms of mistakes to avoid. If you poke around you’ll find a couple-three different stabs at writing a generic REST API module for Django. So, with no further ado, some REST “worst practices:” Conflating models and resources In the REST world, the resource is key, and it’s really tempting to simply look at a Django model and make a direct link between resources and models — one model, one resource. This fails, though, as soon as you need to provide any sort of aggregated resource, and it really fails with highly denormalized models. Think about a Superhero model: a single GET /heros/superman/ ought to return all his vital stats along with a list of related Power objects, a list of his related Friend objects, etc. So the - interactive charts online!
Over 1 billion charts, maps, plots and diagrams are found in print publications each year - but only 40 million online. This huge discrepancy is a reflection of the complexity to create & publish charts online. tears down the complexity of online visualizations - offers simplicity, ubiquity and interactivity instead.
Over 1 billion charts, maps, plots and diagrams are found in print publications each year - but only 40 million online. This huge discrepancy is a reflection of the complexity to create & publish charts online. tears down the complexity of online visualizations - offers simplicity, ubiquity and interactivity instead.
It’s a free, very intuitive, fast (Java-powered) website for generating embeddable graphs. All the basic types are there (line, bar, pie, etc.) along with some fun & unusual ones, like this “Google-O-Meter” (that’s what they call it!):9 Essential Principles for Good Web Design - Psdtuts+
Make sure you scroll down.Use of White in Web Design: Tips and Trends | Desizn Tech
What comes to your mind when you think of the color white? White is the most simple, elegant and peaceful color. Use of white color in web design is seen in many blog, online portfolio, e-commerce and many more sites.
White in Web Design
White web design inspiration - Tips and Trends
white websitesKeep It Simple, Stupid
K-I-S-S: Keep It Simple, Stupid. It’s a mantra that always pops into my head when I’m looking at new startups. A lot of them seem to want to do a million different things because other companies have been successful at one of those things in the past. But that’s a bad idea. Way too many new products and services are too complicated. And I would suggest, often fail as a direct result of that.
A great article on simple design and how it
is that it was so much neater, cleaner — yes, simpler. But with an explosion in growth, came an explosion in features. And, in turn, an explosion in complexity.
K-I-S-S: Keep It Simple, Stupid. It’s a mantra that always pops into my head when I’m looking at new startups
I liked this article -- particularly the part about Google Labs (so true about how to add new features)サイトマップをフッタに配置する際のポイントとその効果 | コリス
コリスさん日本語訳。/元記事: May Be The Biggest Winner From The Web 2.0 Era - ReadWriteWeb
Skype does not get the respect it deserves, because eBay not only publicly admitted to overpaying for it but is making a mess of its core business. Another reason may be that Skype flies in the face of conventional Valley wisdom that says it has to be all about social media. Or maybe the fact that Skype came from Europe, and we all know that Europeans are just lunch-eating dilettantes. Whatever the reason, a company that has $500 million in revenue, is profitable and growing, and has a shot at becoming the largest player in what is now a $2 trillion (yes, "t" for trillion) market, should get more respect.
10 Resons why Skype is here to stay.
Whatever the reason, a company that has $500 million in revenue, is profitable and growing, and has a shot at becoming the largest player in what is now a $2 trillion, should get more respect.Para entender a internet (versão beta)
Este "beta-livro" reúne textos originais de ativistas, acadêmicos e profissionais que estão ajudando a inventar/moldar a cultura da Web no Brasil. É uma experiência de produção de conteúdo educativo usando a Rede que começou na Campus Party em janeiro de 2009. É também um projeto colaborativo publicado com licença CC e aberto a interferências. E está melhorando graças a eles/as.
Este "beta-livro" reúne textos originais de ativistas, acadêmicos e profissionais que estão ajudando a inventar/moldar a cultura da Web no Brasil.The Effective Strategy For Choosing Right Domain Names | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Naming is linguistic design, and a good domain name is an important part of the overall design of a website. A name plays a prominent role when people discover, remember, think about, talk about, search for, or navigate to a website. It establishes a theme for the branding of a website before people even visit it for the first time. Coming up with a good domain name requires a combination of strategy, imagination and good linguistic design practice. You’ll find some basic pieces of advice all over the Web, and it’s worth mentioning those right away. Ideally, your domain name should be: * Short * Catchy and memorable, * Easy to pronounce, * Easy to spell, * Not too similar to competing domain names, * Not a violation of someone else’s trademark.画像などのファイルへの直リンクを禁止する方法 | コリス
画像などのファイルへの直リンクを禁止する方法Securing a Web server
from ibm developerworks50+ Refreshing Web Design Interfaces | SherifAbdou - The Design Blog
Spolsky on how to make a successful social site
Subscribe to ReadWriteWeb * Subscribe to RWW via RSS * Follow @rww on Twitter * Join the RWW FriendFeed Room *SingleFunction - Showcasing Single Function Websites
SingleFunction is a showcase of one purpose, one function, single serving sites; meaning, websites that have one functionality, no clutter, and require no learning curve. Being a big fan of simplicity, I thought it would be a good idea to share my passion… I decided to list my finds of single function sites, allow other enthusiasts to do so as well, and make it an effortless experience for anyone to find them.Web漫画 胎界主
Google Chrome with 3D
april fools jokeStart Panicking!
Do's & don'ts van webdesign7 Ways to Create Your Own Social Start Page
DesignArtWall - Wall of Gorgeous Design Inpiration, Web Design Inpiration, Design Showcase, Design Art Wall85+ of the Best Twitterers Designers Should Follow
There are thousands of designers on Twitter (Twitter reviews) tweeting about everything from ongoing projects to their personal lives. But only a small percentage of those tweet about design topics of interest to other designers and design addicts. These people cover everything from their design process to their own projects, and design resources from all over the web. Below is a list of more than 85 of those Twitterers15 Wonderfully Creative Uses for PHP - Nettuts+
A place for creating, sharing and searching for imaginations and the people who imagine. In this bank, saving is sharing. Investing is liberation. Winning is squandering. And imagining is, as always, free.27 Huge Publishers Join To Replace The Banner
הגדלת גדלי הבאנרים
Tror Oliver IA skrev om idén för ett år sedan.Web Designer Help » Over 40 Beautiful Portfolios
Web Designer Help - Your home for help in web design!20 Facebook desktop apps to try | Webware - CNET
A lot is happening on Facebook. Not only are your friends telling the world what's going on in their lives, but the social network itself is changing. It's more open now than before, thanks to the Facebook Connect program, and there are several good products that let you see Facebook data in new ways. You don't have to use to use Facebook anymore. Here are some of the best desktop applications. The newbies: AIR apps Seesmic for Facebook An Adobe AIR app, Seesmic for Facebook (news) uses Facebook Connect to let you update your status and view friend status updates without surfing to the Facebook site. It's in beta testing, but it works as advertised: updating status is quick and easy, and whenever a friend updates their own status, it's there for me to see. It's a little buggy, but it was just released. TweetDeck TweetDeck is one of the most popular Twitter desktop clients, and now the app's developers are vying for Facebook dominance too. The upcoming version of TweetDe
A lot is happening on Facebook. Not only are your friends telling the world what's going on in their lives, but Facebook itself is changing. It's more open now than before, thanks to the Facebook Connect program, and there are several good products that let you see Facebook data in new ways. You don't have to use to use Facebook anymore. Here are some of the best apps.9lessons: jQuery and Ajax best 9lessons.
Grandes lecciones de Ajax con JqueryList of Really Useful Tools for CSS Developers | W3Avenue
css toolsADC—CSS Recipes for WebKit
For membership-oriented websites, registration forms are one of the most important parts. A problematic experience, even if the sign-up is completed, will place a "question mark" to the visitor or vice-versa. Password LockAnd, it is also the first step where you can show that you care about the security of the website & all the data collected. Although you can control/improve the security of the website, it is sometimes the weak passwords used that may have unwanted consequences. Guiding users to have a strong password with the help of password strength meters, besides being an easy process, will help improving the security of the whole & show that the website pays attention to it...60 Best Ubuntu / Gnome Themes | Sneer Well
우분투 테마 모음YooouuuTuuube
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fragmentos de vídeos, incrivel20 CSS Short Hands You'll Love
An interactive view of the all the memes that swept across the internet and burrowed in our zeitgeist. Built from Wikipedia and Memelabs, open for you to add and maintain.
Timeline of internet memes
Dancing Baby, Susan Boyle, etc.35 Examples Of Masterful Lighting Effects In Web Design | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
35 Examples Of Masterful Lighting Effects In Web Design
light effects in web design
Using a light source the right way can add dimension and beauty to a website design. Strong light sources create a stark contrast between light areas and shadows in a design, making the elements look more realistic and dimensional and less flat. Some websites opt instead for a dim light source to create a soft glow around particular areas of the website, to attract the eye more subtly. Lighting can also create a mood for a website. Some websites use bright swirls of light to show energy, while others use a dim glow to create a peaceful mood. In the examples below, you will see a wide range of lighting effects used, from subtle lighting effects to bold rays of light streaking across the pageHenry Porter: Google is just an amoral menace | Comment is free | The Observer
Article about Google monopoly of the Web
One of the chief casualties of the web revolution is the newspaper business, which now finds itself laden with debt (not Google's fault) and having to give its content free to the search engine in order to survive. Newspapers can of course remove their content but then their own advertising revenues and profiles decline. In effect they are being held captive and tormented by their executioner, who has the gall to insist that the relationship is mutually beneficial. Were newspapers to combine to take on Google they would be almost certainly in breach of competition law.
"the destructive, anti-civic forces of the internet. " "newspapers are the only means of holding local hospitals, schools, councils and the police to account, and on a national level they are absolutely essential for the good functioning of democracy."
The ever-growing empire produces nothing but seems determined to control everythingいま起きているWeb標準の進化、HTML5、CSS3、JavaScript 2.0 - Blog on Publickey
HTML も CSS も、すっかり動向を追わなくなって久しい。たぶん今書こうと思ったら相当忘れてるんだろうなぁ…。まだ進化するのですかー
俄然HTMLが面白くなってきた!jQuery Cheat Sheet
May 6, 2009
Article on how to use Twitter.44 Web Designers to Follow on Twitter | Think Vitamin
This post is a showcase of 45+ Excellent Examples using Character Illustrations in Web Design. The list below are showing some of the coolest sites where character illustrations are put into action.95 Resources to Simplify Your Life as a Web Designer
Web design trends come and go. You should be very wary not to jump on the latest ones that have no real staying power. An over abundance of glossy-iconed 2.0 sites are sure to look really outdated, real soon. I’d argue they already do. However some trends, can look awesome long after the trend has peaked. I think watercolor designs, when done right, are one of those trends. Recently, I’ve spotted more and more gorgeous watercolor effects in web design. I’ve created this post to serve as a bookmark for inspiration, resources and tutorials on designing these effects. Inspiration Web Designs Here is a showcase of some beautiful examples of watercolor effects in web design. Agami Creative agami Brad Candullo bcandullo Viget Labs viget Platin building Matt Mullenweg matt Billy Hughes At War billy-hughes Squawk squawk Webstock webstock Happy Cog happy-cog blog.critical blog-critical Electric Pulp electric-pulp Resources A bunch of awesome freebies that will help you produce the
Efeitos de webdesgin, maravilhosos!
+++Canvas 3d JS Library » What is C3DL?
The Canvas 3D JS Libary (C3DL) is a javascript library that will make it easier to write 3D applications using canvas 3d. It will provide a set of math, scene, and 3d object classes to make the canvas more accessible for developers that want to develop 3D content in browser but do not want to have to deal in depth with the 3D math needed to make it work. If you are viewing this page with a canvas 3d (ver. 0.4.2 or higher) enabled browser (Firefox 3.5 or higher), the scene below will be moving. If not you will see a screen shot. This scene was originally created by Jay Edry and has been adapted to work with 1.0 Release of the library. Click here to download the source and models
JS Library
すばらしい。 javascript めどいがそろそろ ....10 Firefox Add-ons for Web Designers | 10 Volt Media Blog
With a plethora of add-ons and extensions, created for developers by developers, Firefox becomes much more than just a browser and turns into an essential part of your toolbox. Here are 10 free add-ons covering everything from DOM inspection to screenshots, making designing and developing with Firefox a breeze.
Firefox has emerged victorious from the Great Browser War - at least as far as web developers are concerned. While it may not be the most-used browser for the everyday web surfer, Firefox is clearly the first choice of developers for a few very simple reasons. Its support for web standards is legendary, but the real super powers come from Firefox’s extensibility.Ruby Proxies for Scale and Monitoring -
Including transparent sending of production traffic to staging.
Maybe for Omniture testing?
Lift the curtain behind any modern web application and you will find at least a few proxy servers orchestrating the show. Caching proxies such as Varnish and Squid help us take the load of our application servers; reverse proxies such as Haproxy and Nginx help us partition and distribute the workload to multiple workers, all without revealing the underlying architecture to the user. In the Ruby world, Rack middleware and Rails Metal are sister concepts: both allow the programmer to inject functionality in the pre or post-processing step of the HTTP request.
Three clusters Production (Huge!!) Staging (one) Benchmarking (same as staging)30 Inspiring Web Design Layouts from deviantART
There are many designers and artists at deviantART who choose to display their beautiful creations to the rest of the community. In this collection, you'll find some of the best web design layouts presented created by deviantARTists.
layouts deviantArt
In this collection, you’ll find some of the best web design layouts created by deviantARTists.95 Resources to Simplify Your Life as a Web Designer
There are Twitter users covering virtually every niche out there. Authors are no exception. Here are over 100 writers who are active on the service.Compass: A Real Stylesheet Framework on Vimeo
various Twitter tip articles here -- see under RELATED on right side
CIO Magazine: How and Why to Launch a Business Presence on Twitter (quoted) (via Twitter) [from]
From an upstart airline to the cable company some people love to hate, organizations big and small have reaped success in improving customer service, receiving R&D tips, and marketing their products on Twitter. Here's expert advice on how and why your business should tap into Twitter.iPhone Makes Up 50 Percent of Smartphone Web Traffic In U.S., Android Already 5 Percent
iPhone Makes Up 50 Percent of Smartphone Web Traffic In U.S., Android Already 5 PercentFlash vs. Silverlight: What Suits Your Needs Best? | How-To | Smashing Magazine
A detailed comparison of Flash and Silverlight with good explanations of the technology.
smashing magazineクールすぎて本当に動的に作ったの?というグラフが描画できてしまう「visifire」:phpspot開発日誌
Visifire クールすぎて本当に動的に作ったの?というグラフが描画できてしまう「visifire」。 以下にある画像のような、ちょっと他ではなかなか無いグラフを提供してくれます。フリーで使えます。
資料作成に。Lifehacker - Top 10 Greasemonkey User Scripts, 2009 Edition - Greasemonkey
Two years ago, we compiled our 10 favorite Greasemonkey scripts, the site-fixing wonders you can load into Firefox's Greasemonkey extension for a better browsing experience. We've updated our picks, and there's a lot that's new.Why HTTP? « Timothy Fitz
just use http already. don't invent your own wire format!
Why HTTP? The world doesn’t need another arbitrary binary protocol. Just use HTTP. Your life will be simpler. Originally this came up when scaling a gaggle of MySQL machines. I would have killed for a reliable proxy. It’s with this in mind that I’ve come up with my list of things that HTTP has that an arbitrary protocol will have to rebuild. Anytime you choose to use a service based on a non-HTTP protocol, look over this list and think carefully about what you’re giving up.
I like how this posts list out some of the great reasons to just use HTTP and the method of interop communication. So much is already built on HTTP and there are more than enough great tools ubiquitously available for interacting and communication over HTTP. The post also has a long discussion thread.Errorlytics - Track and Redirect 404 Page Not Found Errors
Fix website 404 errors with Errorlytics Errorlytics is an easy to use service that centralizes reporting and handling of 404 "Page Not Found" errors for your websites. Errorlytics gives you the tools to transparently fix the problems quickly and easily so they never happen again. No more regex writing, no more messing with your .htaccess file for search engine friendly redirects. Errorlytics handles it all, effortlessly. The end results are better user experiences and higher search engine rankings for your websites. What Does Errorlytics Do? * Tracks your websites' 404 Page Not Found errors. * Transparently redirects users and clients away from 404 Not Found pages. * Increases your websites' SEO (and users' happiness!) by eliminating 404 errors. How Does It Work? How Errorlytics Works 1. A user browses to your website, and encounters a Page Not Found. 2. The Errorlytics Client Script, installed on your website, captures the 404 and sends the details to the Error
track and redirect 404 errors seamlessly
transformer les 404 en mine d'or, php java rubyGoogle Open Source Blog: Introducing WebDriver
Google offers a new tool which helps out with testing web apps using Firefox and IE extensions rather than pure JS.
Works as an extension in Firefox, uses Automation controls in IE etc.
"Selenium 2.0 will offer WebDriver's API alongside the traditional Selenium API, and we shall be merging the two implementations to offer a capable, flexible testing framework"
WebDriver is a clean, fast framework for automated testing of webapps.25 Unique uses of WordPress as CMS | Noupe
WordPress is often thought of as little more than a blogging platform. But it’s capable of so much more. Through a little customization and the use of plugins, WordPress can easily be transformed into a full-featured content management system. Here are more than 25 sites who have done just that (and done it well).
WordPress is often thought of as little more than a blogging platform. But it's capable of so much more. Through a little customization and the use of plugins,Identify: Google People With Two Keystrokes - ReadWriteWeb
Article discussing the Google Social Graph API, a search engine for all the webpages that we identify as profiles online and it tracks the connections between pages linked together for a single person.25+ Celebrity Twitter Users - Mashable
25+ Celebrity Twitter Users
From Britney Spears to Dave Matthews, Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama, here are over 25 celebrities who use Twitter.Best sites online to watch movies for free
The Internet may have killed the music industry, but a handful of companies are stepping in to guarantee that the same fate doesn't befall the film industry. It's a simple formula: offer top quality streaming for free or low cost with minimal advertising and the experience is much more pleasurable than pirating.26 Horizontal Websites | Inspiredology
opt out of internet ads
tracking cookie を無効化させるThe 7 Time Saving Firefox Add-Ons To Make Your Lives Easier - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
The 7 Time Saving Firefox Add-Ons To Make Your Lives Easier15 Free Functionality And Load Testing Tools For Web Applications
has also links for many good sites on right sideOfficial Google Webmaster Central Blog: Introducing Rich Snippets
Now, time for some Q&A with the team: If I mark up my pages, does that guarantee I'll get Rich Snippets? No. We will be rolling this out gradually, and as always we will use our own algorithms and policies to determine relevant snippets for users' queries. We will use structured data when we are able to determine that it helps users find answers sooner. And because you're providing the data on your pages, you should anticipate that other websites and other tools (browsers, phones) might use this data as well. You can let us know that you're interested in participating by filling out this form. What about other existing microformats? Will you support other types of information besides reviews and people? Not every microformat corresponds to data that's useful to show in a search result, but we do plan to support more of the existing microformats and define RDFa equivalents. What's next?Twitter Puts a Muzzle on Your Friends: Goodbye People I Never Knew (Updated) - ReadWriteWeb
Includes workable solution for IE < 8.The Evolution of a Website Design | Think Vitamin
Germ - thought you might enjoy this as much as I did
Last week I was presented with a design brief. It was to design and build a site to promote our new Stack Overflow DevDays event that’s happening this October. Ryan gave me a rough wireframe detailing the content that needed to be included. The layout and design was down to me. As usual I didn’t have a bloody clue where to start… and I didn’t have long to do it. The initial hope was that I get it all done in just over 2 days. So I thought it might be interesting to share with you the various stages of design the site went through before arriving at the finished design. Here’s the wireframe Ryan put together for me wireframe Ok so here goes. Stage 1 Stage 1 Stack Overflow DevDays is mainly gonna be a US tour + a gig in London. So I want a map or something to show where the dates are gonna be. I was going to use a flat map but decided a globe was cooler. I drew the globe based on one I bought from (Note: Dates and cities shown in these designs were just provisionalSEM Labs Web Blog Icon Pack
よく考えるなこんな方法……。Introduction to Wolfram|Alpha by Stephen Wolfram
Super search engine to be launched 18 May 2009
Stephen Wolfram è quello che ha inventato Mathematica. Adesso lancia una specie di "Google della conoscenza", una riga in cui puoi accedere alla conoscenza e inserirla in calcoli. Sono le cose che mi rendono orgoglioso della specie umana.Non Profit Website Design: Examples and Best Practices | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
AWESOME RESOURCE: Non profit websites share many of the same best practices as any website. They need to be user friendly, easily navigable, and use appropriate fonts, colors, and other design elements. But often a non profit website needs to offer more than your typical corporate site.
Non profit websites share many of the same best practices as any website. They need to be user friendly, easily navigable, and use appropriate fonts,Understanding the New Web Era: Web 3.0, Linked Data, Semantic Web - ReadWriteWeb
I've been following a fascinating 3-part series of posts this week by Greg Boutin, founder of Growthroute Ventures. The series aimed to tie together 3 big trends, all based around structured data: 1) the still nascent "Web 3.0" concept, 2) the relatively new kid on the structured Web block, Linked Data, and 3) the long-running saga that is the Semantic Web. Greg's series is probably the best explanation I've read all year about the way these trends are converging. In this post I'll highlight some of Greg's thoughts and add some of my own.
Interesting read about the ideas of linked data and how that relates to web3.0 and the semantic web . . .interesting take on it.30 HTML Best Practices for Beginners - Nettuts+
By and large, an excellent article.
good list
30 HTML Best Practices for Beginnerssimple private real-time sharing and collaboration by
Wow, I have to say this looks really cool.
simple private real-time sharing and collaboration by
The key to is simplicity. First you make a “drop,” which is’s term for storage space, and add any required media in two clicks. You get a unique URL for your drop to share it with your participants. Then you activate a presentation, and everyone viewing your drop will be able to access your presentation. Everything the admin of the presentation does is seen in real time by the participants. Open a picture, video or a document, everyone sees it. Participants can also see your cursor as you click through options. Like any web conferencing presentation software, participants cannot click on and affect your presentation, since it is not a collaborative space. works well with document presentation, and you can open the document into full-screen mode for more detailed viewing. Audio and video presentations work in the same way. You can also open up a chat window at any time for real-time text chat..Why Does Clean Markup Matter in Web Design? | Webdesigner Depot
Traditionally to install WordPress you would have to download the archive, extract it to your computer, upload over 600 files to your website, and then set up your databases, etc.14 Great Photography Tips, Tutorials and Videos From Around the Web
From Around the Web
14 Great Photography Tips, Tutorials and Videos From Around the WebUsability.Edu: 25 Incredibly Useful Usability Cheat Sheets & Checklists — Best Web Design Schools
Is your Web site primed for any viewer? How do you know? The nicest thing about a usable Web site is that it’s just a good thing to do for others so they can easily read your online information. The other side to usability is that it can increase your search engine standings so more people can find your Web site. The following list of cheat sheets and checklists are fairly recent; however, some older usability checklists are useful for older sites that haven’t been upgraded. You can find cheat sheets and checklists for forms, blogs and more below, all listed in alphabetical order. 1. 15 Essential Checks Before Launching Your Website: Use this Smashing Magazine list to double-check your site’s usability before you launch. 2. 15 Valuable Usability PDFs You Never Heard Of: This list of usability papers in PDF format will put you well ahead of the pack. 3. 25-point Website Usability Checklist: A concise list of checkpoints to make sure your site is usable. 4. Checklist for UsWeb Design from the Gut - Articles - MIX Online
Nice article about the design process. Particularly like the feature wireframes; I've seen features written out for each page before, but never as a non-layout wireframe.
A walk through the real-world process of redesigning a major site. Great stuff.How to Elevate Your Website Design Process and Results - Psdtuts+
This tutorial will guide you through the process and ideas behind the designing a professional website with a funky flair in Photoshop. The tutorial will read much like a "choose your own adventure" novel in the hopes it will encourage creativity and uniqueness in your design with a little advice and instruction along the way.Optimizing Conversion Rates: It's All About Usability | How-To | Smashing Magazine
In eCommerce usability improvements usually have a huge impact on conversion reates. However, usability doesn’t only mean better visual guide or better site hierarchy. It also means a better communication with potential customers using a professional, trustworthy design, delivering the right information at the right time and communicating with users instead of throwing ad-slogans at them.blackbirdjs - Google Code
Blackbird offers a dead-simple way to log messages in JavaScript and an attractive console to view and filter them. You might never use alert() again.
javascript logging utility
Great looking js logging console for all browsersTwoogle: Search Twitter vs. Google Recent results at the same time
Search Twitter and Google at the same time and get quick results side by side in one single window.
Twoogle40 Most Useful Travel Websites That Can Save You a Fortune | Wise Bread
Wise Bread
Traveling doesn't have to break the bank (in fact, you can travel for free), and there are plenty of places that'll help you find the best vacation for your budget. Get discounts and the insider scoop with these great resources. Don't forget to ask for free travel upgrades.11 Free Websites To Send And Recieve Large Files Quickly
HT: lojic
yes, but it takes balls
read this source codeA Detailed Django Tutorial: Blog Basics Part I :: Brenelz's Web Development Tips :: Winnipeg Web Development
Far from the huge colored web galaxy, there is a small but extremely catchy black & white css planet. Please make yourself comfortable & enjoy our selection! If you have some suggestions, leave them in the comments. Thank you!
40 Inspirational Black & White Websites | Inspired Magazineシューズ&バッグ通販 靴、バッグ、財布なら - 送料&返品無料:
シューズ&バッグ通販 靴、バッグ、財布のお買い物サイトPhotoshopで作るウェブデザイン レイアウト・チュートリアル50選 | DesignWalker
Photoshopで作るウェブデザイン レイアウト・チュートリアル50選Ruby on Rails Security Project - The Book
My Ink Blog
Great list of web design trends. Love the illustration trend!Blog Archive - 40+ Beautiful Hand-Drawn Websites - CSS Gallery of Best Web Design
branding web design tipsLinked Data is Blooming: Why You Should Care - ReadWriteWeb
Last week we discussed how the current era of the Web is evolving. One of the concepts we noted was Linked Data, an idea whose time has come in 2009. Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web, gave a must-view talk at the TED Conference earlier this year, evangelizing Linked Data. He said that Linked Data was a sea change akin to the invention of the WWW itself. We've gone from a Web of documents, via the WWW, to a Web of data. Berners-Lee is now on a crusade for everyone from government departments, to individuals, to open up their data and put it on the Web - so that others can link to it and use it. In this post we give a high-level overview of Linked Data. Read on to stop and smell the roses.55+ Extremely Useful Online Generators for Designers
the holy grail of web design elements, generators
便利ツール オンラインジェネレーター ボタンとかACQUINE: Aesthetic Quality Inference Engine - Intelligent, Unbiased and Instant Assessment of Photos
Automatic photo rating software
Aesthetic Quality Inference Engine - Intelligent, Unbiased and Instant Assessment of Photosmicha's resty at master - GitHub
rest from the command line (bash+curl)
Very, very cool. Fire up a local REST host pointing to any service, and then GET /blogs.json etc from the command line.
Little command line REST interface that you can use in pipelines. [Sublime :-) ]
resty is a RESTful HTTP friendly wrapper around curl30 Untypical WordPress Sites
Compara tus documentos digitales con los contenidos de internet
Herramienta para buscar textos parecidos a los trabajos de uno
Comparador de documentos con contenidos de internetRalf Herrmann’s Typography Weblog » Blog Archive » 10 Great Free Fonts for @font-face embedding
10 Great Free Fonts for @font-face embeddingWeb Design Ideas » Huge List Of 395+ Web Design Resources
List of Really Useful Free Tools For JavaScript Developers
Nice collection of tools for Javascript Development.Prism - Get Started
Create desktop shortcuts of web applications; as a Firefox plugin or standalone install.10 Best CSS Practices to Improve Your Code | Webdesigner Depot
10 boas práticas em CSS!!!
Writing clean, super-manageable CSS is simple when you start off on the right foot and make your code easier to maintain and edit later on. Here are 11 tips for speeding up the process, writing CSS that is slimmer, faster and less likely to give you a headache.Flavour Extended: The Ultimate Icon Set For Web Designers | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
icon set with 452 icons in a resolution of 48×48 pixels, freely available to use in private or commercial projectsdjng—a Django powered microframework
Intrigued by microframeworks.
The trickiest problem I still need to solve is how to replace A group of developers (including Adrian, Armin, Alex and myself) had an excellent brainstorming session at EuroDjangoCon about this. We realised that most of the stuff in can be recast as configuring services which Django makes available to the applications it is hosting.
I like the idea of a one-file microframework for websites. It is like SQLite instead of a fullfledged DBMS.
Simon Willison on his __djng microframework__ (which depends on Django). I share his hatred for and I'll be keeping an eye on this one.Eye tracking study reveals 12 website tactics
'While this is just one eye tracking study focused on a particular type of site, I think there are instructive nuggets here for any informational website.'
Some surprising results from eyetracking studies
Eye tracking studies have revealed valuable information about how people read and interact with websites. One study, Eyetrack III, published a summary of their eye tracking results for news sites. While this is just one eye tracking study focused on a particular type of site, I think there are instructive nuggets here for any informational website.- Lost and Taken - 5 Free Vintage Wallpaper Textures
Free Vintage Wallpaper
wallpapers with textures9 Essential Principles for Good Web Design - Psdtuts+
very good article
Obviously, I have lots of disclaimers: rules are made to be broken, different types of design work differently, and I don't always live up to my own advice.How to Build a Login System for a Simple Website - NETTUTS
In today's video tutorial, we'll be building a login system with PHP and MYSQL. Many, many features will be covered; including MySqli, Prepared Statements,13 Most Useful Free Scripts That You Should Know - Opensource, Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
25 เ้ครื่องมือที่นักทำเว็บไม่ควรพลาด
There are lots of web design tools available on internet, which will help you accomplish your tasks easily and quickly, and still more are coming. Every
25 Important Web Design Tools - [from]
There are lots of web design tools available on internet, which will help you accomplish your tasks easily and quickly, and still more are coming. Every designer now has his/her own toolbox. I will try to make such toolbox for you too. I have collected 25 such tools, and if you know more feel free to add in the comments.News: Webanalyse: Die aktuelle Verbreitung von Schriftarten bei Web-Usern - Design - Tutorials, Tipps und Tricks für Webmaster auf
Web-Usern - Design
Webanalyse: Die aktuelle Verbreitung von Schriftarten bei Web-UsernHighrise Contacts Design Exploration
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I have used it and it works. Limit to ten pages per hour, each 2 MB or less.Web Design: Restaurant Sites | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
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THis site is awesome for finding design resources/ | Your free online color matching toolbox
Free online tool for color palette design and matchingInternet generation leave parents behind | Media | The Guardian
This expensive private report is summarised in this Guardian article which monitors changes in childrens behaviour in terms of reading and the internest
Artikel uit The Guardian over de internetgeneratie en hun ouders
Internet generation leave parents behind • Change in communication creating divide, says study • Children spend six hours a day in front of screens
UK stats anmd trends presentd by the Guardian.
According to research children cram in nearly six hours of screen time per day
The report is based on an annual survey, now into its 15th year, of 1,800 children at 92 schools across the country. "This year has seen a major boost to the intensity and the independence with which children approach online activities," the report says. Annotated link
good to animate
When you want a really strong security on the web, it's a good idea to use SSL. SSL can be used to encrypt your end to end connection to the web server, but you will need a client certificate for the possibility to verify you as who you are. The right way to get a certificate like this is for your browser to generate it! The private key should NEVER get out of the client machine. It should be generated and stored within the browser certificate store.
<form> <keygen name="pubkey" challenge="randomchars"> <input type="submit" name="createcert" value="Generate"> </form>
html <keygen>
When you want a really strong security on the web, it's a good idea to use SSL. SSL can be used to encrypt your end to end connection to the web server, but you will need a client certificate for the possibility to verify you as who you are. The right way to get a certificate like this is for your browser to generate it! The private key should NEVER get out of the client machine. It should be generated and stored within the browser certificate store.30 Beautiful Web Designs Inspired by Nature
photos stay on facebook for weeks【特集】知っておきたいWebサービス - ジャンル別リスト (1) Webサービスの紹介ジャンル | ネット | マイコミジャーナル
Webアプリ、ネットサービス一覧、まとめThe Faces of Mechanical Turk -
The human face of "slave" labor? in any event an amazing idea. [from]
Actual users of Amazon's Mechanical Turk service revealed. Seems to contradict (though in a non-scientific way) the myth of the MT sweatshop. These are not third-world workers.Secret of Googlenomics: Data-Fueled Recipe Brews Profitability
Kuinka Googlen AdWords oikeasti toimii. Steven Levyn erinomainen juttu Wiredissa.
The economics behind the ads you see, and what they cost.
Article by Steven Levy (not: Steven Levitt ;-) ) on Hal Varian, Google chief economist and the application of auctions to all kinds of logistical, organisational or economic problems.10 of the Best Adobe AIR Applications
The problem with Google, from a design perspective
"The male brain, extreme or not, is compatible with visual design. It allows you to learn every font in the Letraset catalogue and work from a grid. In fact, the male-brain capacity for years-long single-mindedness explains why the heads of large ad agencies and design houses are overwhelmingly male. (It isn’t a sexist conspiracy.)"
Work at Google? (Via Daring Fireball: ).10 Promising CSS Framework That Worth A Look
WE all know that a good CSS Framework can help us and save our development time. Today, i am going to share 10 most promising CSS Framework that worth a look.
Most of web designers should heard about “CSS Framework”, and some web designers had tried them before. Just like other programming and scripting language, CSS do have some repeat code that can be packed together to ease our daily job. When use properly, CSS Framework may cut down your development time. On the other hand, it may cause extra works and time if you choose the wrong framework for your project. There are a lot of open source CSS Framework, and you can easily reach them by using Google.30 Examples of Attractive Nav
nav flash graphic pimpsiteネットを通じて無料FAXが送れる『my fax』を試したら普通に送れた件 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
「FAXを多用する人は有料版(FAXをメールで受け取れるサービス)もご検討くださいな。」 こいつぁ結構画期的なのでわ。Illustratorでつくるテキストエフェクト集 | DesignWalker
テキストエフェクトまとめBBC NEWS | Technology | Stephen Fry: The internet and Me
>> And the press are already struggling enough - God knows they've already lost their grip on news to some extent. If they lose their grip on comment and gossip and being a free PR machine as well, they're really in trouble. <<
Stephen Fry speaks to BBC Radio 4's Analysis about why he believes the web is such a wondrous thing.
As is usually the case with Our Lord Stephen Fry - ne'er was a truer word spoke about that place we spend our days and nights - the internet
Stephen Fry on living with the internet, and enjoying it.
Stephen Fry - wit, writer, raconteur, actor and quiz show host - is also a self-confessed dweeb and meistergeek. As he confesses "If I added up all the hours I've sat watching a progress bar fill up, I could live another life." His feed on the social networking site Twitter is one of the most popular in the world. He spoke to BBC Radio 4's Analysis about why he believes the web is such a wondrous thing.
Self-confessed technology geek Stephen Fry tells BBC Radio 4's Analysis programme why the world wide web is a wondrous thing.とんでもない音楽系ウェブアプリが出た - Hobnox Audiotool | DIGITAL DJ
Twitter search.
A search engine powered by tweets
Topsy nutzt Tweets und Retweets zur allgemeinen Indexierung der Web-Inhalte. Bei der Social Media-Suchmaschine kommt es nicht auf die Zahl der Twitter-Follower (Abonnnenten) an. Was machen rund 30 Millionen Twitterer weltweit immer häufiger? Sie posten ohne Ende Linktipps und indexieren damit indirekt relevanten Content. Auf dieses Prinzip setzt Topsy auf.
Sehr gute Suchmaschine, um herauszufinden, wer über welches Thema twittertThe future of wireframes? | Made By Many - London based next generation social media digital agency
I have a love hate relationship with wireframes. In the last 10 years they’ve been a part of every web project I’ve worked on. There have been times when I can’t imagine how we would have solved a particular problem without them. Yet there are also times when I’ve been completely exasperated at the amount of time and energy they’ve consumed, seemingly to very little reward.
I have a love hate relationship with wireframes. In the last 10 years they’ve been a part of every web project I’ve worked on. There have been times when I can’t imagine how we would have solved a particular problem without them. Yet there are also times when I’ve been completely exasperated at the amount of time and energy they’ve consumed, seemingly to very little rewa
I have a love hate relationship with wireframes. In the last 10 years they’ve been a part of every web project I’ve worked on. There have been times when I can’t imagine how we would have solved a particular problem without them. Yet there are also times when I’ve been completely exasperated at the amount of time and energy they’ve consumed, seemingly to very little reward. This frustration has forced me to change the way that I approach wireframes. And as my approach has changed, I’ve been able to extract more and more value from black key lines and grey boxes…15 wonderful set of icons for web design | Design daily news
15 wonderful set of icons for web designGoogle Web Elements
Standalone embeddable widgets from Google that you can drop into any web page. The maps widget finally frees the maps API from the tyranny of coupling a domain with an API key.
Google web elements is a new service that provides Google widgets for your own blog.
Google Web Elements allow you to easily add your favorite Google products onto your own website.LingrとRejawサービス終了のお知らせ:江島健太郎 / Kenn's Clairvoyance - CNET Japan
> しかし一方で思うのは、4人というのはやはり大所帯だったということです
それで、上記のようなもろもろで何を言いたかったかというと、この分野では「企業の競争相手が個人になる時代は目の前まで来ている」ということです。スタートアップ企業を作って数名で作るのと、一人の個人が副業で立ち上げるのとでは、最終的に出てくるモノの差がだんだんなくなってきており、単に「かかるコストだけが100倍違う」ということになりかねない、と思うのです。 さらには、個人で開発するということは、意志決定の速さが格段に違ってきます。たとえば作っている最中で何かが根本的に間違ってるのでプロジェクトを中止したほうがいいと思っても、チームでやっていると中々言い出せず、ずるずる引きずって時間を浪費してしまうというようなことがあると思います。しかし、10発撃って1発当たるかどうかという世界で勝負していくには、そういう「見切り」の速さこそが命ではないでしょうか。The Man Who Made Gmail Says Real-Time Conversation is What's Next - ReadWriteWeb
"The open, realtime discussions that occur on FriendFeed," he says, "are going to become a major new communication medium on the same level as email, IM and blogging." ... even more the *distributed* discussions via Twitter, me thinks.
"Paul Buchheit built the first version of Gmail in one day. Then, he built the first prototype of Google's contextual advertising service, Adsense, in one day as well."
The Man Who Made Gmail Says Real-Time Conversation is What's Next (The Future of FriendFeed) [from]40 Exceptional “CMS Enabling” WordPress Plugins | Noupe
Some very handy Wordpress plugin's in here and certainly something that I will be taking a closer look at.
Great list of pluginsWith YQL Execute, the Internet becomes your database (Yahoo! Developer Network Blog)
The Yahoo! Query Language lets you query, filter, and join data across any web data source or service on the web. Using our YQL web service, apps run faster with fewer lines of code and a smaller network footprint. YQL uses a SQL-like language because it is a familiar and intuitive method for developers to access data. YQL treats the entire web as a source of table data, enabling developers to select * from Internet.
YQL + Linked Data = possibilities
Execute elements run server-side JavaScript with E4X (naDavid DeSandro: jQuery Masonry
jQuery Masonry thumbnail boxGoogle Bets Big on HTML 5: News from Google I/O - O'Reilly Radar
How google sees the future in HTML5, some seldom known facts about the new version of this versatile markup language...
Definitely need to look into this more -- we've done one site with HTML 5 and it looks like more is already out there in the wild than we'd think.
Google doesn't want to repeat that mistake, and as a result, he said, "we're betting big on HTML 5."
"We knew then that the web had won. What was once thought impossible is now commonplace."Modal Windows In Modern Web Design | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
he modal window has many advantages. For example, when a modal window contains a smaller element, the user doesn’t need to load an entirely new page just to access it (another way to achieve the same effect is e.g. by using AJAX-based tabs). By providing modal windows, you improve the usability of your website. Having to load pages over and over will annoy most users, so avoiding that is definitely a good thing. Modal windows also allow you to save space by getting rid of large elements that don’t need to be on the main page. For example, rather than putting a full video on a page, you can just provide a link, thumbnail or button of some sort. In this article, we’ll go over best practices and trends for working with and building modal windows. We’ll also provide numerous examples of well-constructed modal windows and a few scripts to get you started with building them.QuirkeyBlog » Blog Archive » Github Pages for Fun and Win
Stop what you’re doing and make your project a github page. For the love of god, your project has no documentation. RDoc is cool, READMEs are decent, but descriptive websites with examples? Oh, they RULE.
Github blog engine for OpenSource - create tini urls - create tini urlsZimplit - Easiest Content Management System
Zimplit - Easiest Content Management System - Step-by-Step Tutorials on Web Design with Photoshop - Psdtuts+
NoneIntroducing Typekit « The Typekit Blog
via windfucker
all browsers will soon support a wide range of fonts. but using fonts on the web (in most cases) is a direct violation of the font's copyright, as linking to a font gives the viewer a direct way to download the font . It's like using a font to print a book and then including the font with the printed book. Enter TypeKit, a web app that designers and developers subscribe to. The service has a collection of typefaces that the dev can link to in their jscript and TypeKit handles all the background witch's brew of delivering the font to the end user's screen, without that iser being able to download the font package. Interesting idea! I wonder what the tech looks like behind the service and the susbcription fees.
As a Typekit user, you’ll have access to our library of high-quality fonts. Just add a line of JavaScript to your markup, tell us what fonts you want to use, and then craft your pages the way you always have. Except now you’ll be able to use real fonts. This really is going to change web design.
We’ve been working with foundries to develop a consistent web-only font linking license. We’ve built a technology platform that lets us to host both free and commercial fonts in a way that is incredibly fast, smoothes out differences in how browsers handle type, and offers the level of protection that type designers need without resorting to annoying and ineffective DRM.5 Very Weird URL Shorteners
RT @phaoloo: <- my dickens URL [from]The CSS Overflow Property
comparador de hostingIn the Woods - 40 Really Awesome Resources for Design Inspiration
What if you used this for reports and you could comment on them in the wave?
Google's Wave may be the future of email, but looks like it will stump Grandpa and Grandma, who are barely grasping webmail. I wonder how well it can be miniaturized to fit on smartphones.High Performance Web Sites :: Loading Scripts Without Blocking
Article explaining the basics of how to make a website so it loads - the web highlighter
ok shiftspace is too much and is confusing to use. so markkit, i give you a try
markkit is a web2.0 text highlighter. Drag'n'Drop the markkit yellow pen into your browser toolbar. Whenever you want to highlight text in a web page, click on the markkit bookmarklet.Official Google Blog: Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave.
Finally, we're moving beyond the confines of the format of the channel, and the point of it: communication: 'A "wave" is equal parts conversation and document, where people can communicate and work together with richly formatted text, photos, videos, maps, and more.'
Google Wave Official Blog
long but the vid
'You create a wave and add people to it. Everyone on your wave can use richly formatted text, photos, gadgets, and even feeds from other sources on the web. They can insert a reply or edit the wave directly. It's concurrent rich-text editing, where you see on your screen nearly instantly what your fellow collaborators are typing in your wave.'WORDOID - Creative Naming Service
Normal sounding words that actually have a funny look
Create a catchy name for your product, company or domain. The wordoids have to be random and should tend to look natural.
英語のアルファベットをランダムに並べてくれます。単純にランダムにするだけでなく、自然な形に見えるようにしてくれます。ドメイン探しに利用できるサイトで、ドメインが取得可能かも調べてくれます。Tutorial Magazine - 33 Best Photoshop Tutorials of April 2009
photoshop tuts
Jolie présentation.
Best Photoshop Tutorials of AprilDesign and Code a Slick Website from Scratch –
With the Internet becoming more and more popular every minute, a great-looking website is somewhat of a must-have. You could obviously pay a web designer to design one for you, but wouldn't it be really cool to design and code it yourself? "Difficult", you may say; but it's actually not too hard once you've learned how to do it! In this first part, you'll learn how to design a neat-looking website that you can easily adapt to your business. It’s time to get started!Coding a Clean Web 2.0 Style Web Design from Photoshop
this bookmark brought from the different place.
Really good tutorial. has got a nice thing for jquery.
photoshop design
Web Design from Photoshop
In this web development tutorial, you'll learn how to build a web page template from a Photoshop mock-up from a previous tutorial called How to Create a Clean Web 2.0 Style Web Design in Photoshop using HTML/CSS and the jQuery library.10 of the Best Programming Fonts
this bookmark brought from the different place. or POST: The REST of the Story « Open Sourcery
Interesting explanation on why CRUD with REST doesn't directly map to the HTTP verbs POST, GET, PUT, and DELETEBing
Microsoft's search engine
Microsoft's new search engineCSS - Contents and compatibility - mobile
Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
List of interesting web apps that could make my life easier, a couple Home
Government Data in XML (web services etc)
More datasets courtesy of uncle Sam.
Listado de direcciones del gobierno de EEUU con WebServices que permiten acceder a informacion
da@gringoDragon Labs
The Labs showcases some of our research and development with web technologies like JavaScript and CSS. We also release tutorials and resources to help other web developers enrich the web.
Apply gradients, shadows & highlights. All without using any images!5 Quality Sites to Increase Your Knowledge of PHP | Dev Tips | Become a Better Developer, One Tip at a Time.
Smub: Post, Share and Bookmark instantly from your mobile...Create Python GUIs using HTML HOWTO
This howto is about using HTML and associated web technologies (JavaScript, CSS, JSON, ...) to create a GUI for a standalone application in Python.30 Inspiring Dark and Sleek Web Designs
30 Inspiring Dark and Sleek Web DesignsBBC NEWS | Technology | Web tool 'as important as Google'
Articolo in inglese della BBC, paragone con Google
Researchers claim that a new web tool - Wolfram Alpha - could be as important as Google.
This free program aims to answer questions directly, rather than display web pages in response to a query like a search engine. Like interacting with an expert, it will understand what you're talking about, do the computation, and then present you with the results. This technique has long been the holy grail of computer scientists who aim to allow people to interact with computers in an instinctive way.5分でわかる Tumblr の始め方 | WWW WATCH
すでに使っている人には今更なんですが、これから始めるって人向けに簡単なまとめ。tumblr といってもその用途は人それぞれ。自分の Blog として使う人もいるでしょうし、情報収集のツールとして使い人もいるでしょう。今回は情報収集 & クリッピングツールとしての使い方に主眼を置いて紹介してみようと思います。
これでお勉強Make your forms beautiful with CSS | Web Designer - Defining the internet through beautiful design
Web 3.0 will be about semantic web, personalization (e.g. iGoogle), intelligent search and behavioral advertising among other things.50 great websites designs for your inspiration | Design daily news
Kevin: As the post says: "50 of the best data visualizations and tools for creating your own visualizations out there, covering everything from Digg activity to network connectivity to what’s currently happening on Twitter."
Haven't gone through these yet. Found link via DIGG InfoVis
Data visualization10 HTML Tag Crimes You Really Shouldn’t Commit
HTML Web DesignDesign and Code a Slick Website From Scratch –
run through this tutorial as a refresher
2nd part of an awesome tutorial - design and code a site from scratchJ.ot Down - simple internet notepad
simple internet notepad
J.ot Down lässt sich in ungefähr 10 Sekunden erlernen: Man öffnet die Seite unter der Adresse und schreibt seine Notiz. Sie wird automatisch gespeichert und erhält einen kryptischen Permalink. Diesen speichert man als Lesezeichen und schreibt weiter. Das war’s.
一つめのワザは複数枚の画像を1枚にまとめる「CSS Sprite」の採用です。 従来はGIF形式を採用していましたが、これをPNG形式にしました 最後のワザが、PNG形式の制御情報(チャンクと呼ぶ)の削除
チリも積もれば。 ここら辺はYahoo!の素敵なところ。
ヤフーは、あの手この手のワザを駆使して画像ファイルを少しずつ小さくしていったのです。日本のWebは「残念」 梅田望夫さんに聞く(前編) (1/3) - ITmedia News
「ウェブ進化論」から3年。梅田望夫さんは日本のWebが「米国とはずいぶん違うものになっちゃった」と残念がる。Twitterの“はてブコメント事件”についても聞いた。40 of the Best Websites of Non-Profit Organizations | Vandelay Design Blog
Non-Profit OrganizationsWebサイトを作ったらまずやるべきことチェックリスト | Web担当者Forum
Web サイトを作った後に行うこと. Web サイトをより多くの人に見てもらうための工夫.Carrer Blog: 1 line CSS Grid Framework
very cool way to do a minimal css grid using percentages
1 line CSS Grid Framework
dp50 {width:50%; float:left; display: inline; *margin-right:-1px; }Jude Gomila: Mapping Out Your Web Startup
Interesting look at the different elements of a web startup.開発チームが明かす、Google Waveの実装概要 - @IT
Waveはリアルタイム/同期通信だけか? まず、「リアルタイム」という点。ミリ秒単位の遅延しか感じられないチャットやゲームをHTMLページで行うというデモンストレーションに驚かされたために、レポート記事ではこの点を強調しすぎたようだ。Waveが「リアルタイム通信、同期通信だけのもの」という印象を受けた人もいた。それは誤解 Waveではメール同様の非同期通信も可能だ。つまり、あなたが新規にWaveを作り、誰かに宛てたWave(メッセージ)を書けば、それはまずサーバに送られる。受信側(Wave参加者)は、その時点でオンラインでもオフラインでも構わない。オンラインであれば、すぐにそのWaveを開いて読むことができるが、オフラインであれば、メールのインボックスのように(おそらく最終更新時刻の時間順で)、自分が関与しているWave一覧が表示
レポート記事(【詳報】Google Waveとは何なのか?)への反響を見ると、さまざまな疑問を感じている人がいる。そこでここでは、直接Waveのプロジェクトリーダーに話を聞いたり、別セッションで開発チームが行った説明、およびオンラインドキュメントから読み取れたことなど、いくつか追加情報をまとめたい。5 Essential Steps to Make Your Site Search & Social Media Friendly
The popularity of the social web is growing rapidly and has already changed the way we discover, consume and share information online. Consumers and businesses alike will continue to publish digital media that can be searched on, giving marketers opportunities to make it easier for search engines and consumers to discover and interact with content. The challenge is to figure out where social media and SEO fit within an overall online marketing and content strategy and implementing a plan that aligns realistic tactics with business goals.
5 Essential Steps to Make Your Site Search & Social Media Friendly
The increasing demand for fresh, live web content as well as the expectation of consumers to interact with what they find in the search results requires that website owners and content publishers make their websites both search and social media friendly.Dear American Airlines | Dustin Curtis
I redesigned your website's front page, and I'd like to get your opinion.
"I’m a user interface designer. I travel sometimes. Recently, I had the horrific displeasure of booking a flight on your website, The experience was so bad that I vowed never to fly your airline again. But before we part ways, I have a couple questions and three suggestions for you."
Time to let good people work : "Dear American Airlines, I re-designed your website", + fascinating response from AA -Twitter
lidt lisom facebook:)
RT @mashable: Love this gorgeous image of all the Twitter tools: (We review most of em here: [from]Fixed vs. Fluid vs. Elastic Layout: What's The Right One For You? | How-To | Smashing Magazine
pro´s n´ cons
The problem has boggled the minds of Web designers for years: fixed, fluid, elastic or a hybrid layout design? Each option has its benefits and disadvantages. But the final decision depends so much on usability that it is not one to be made lightly. So, with all the confusion, is there a right decision? By considering a few factors and properly setting up the final design, you can end up with a successful layout design that reaps all the benefits. This article discusses the pros and cons of each type of layout. Either one can be used to make a successful website layout, as long as you keep usability in mind.
Smashing MagazineThumbnail In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices | 2experts Design - Web Design and Graphic Design Blog
There are numerous ways to use thumbnail in a web design to make it really be prominent, especially on the Blog Articles, Design Galleries, SideBars, and Footers or in the Comments as an Avatar. Some of the examples below we’ve together the best looking thumbnail designs and compiled them all into a massive list for you guys.
Web Design and Graphic Design BlogBreaking The Design Cycle: Get Creative To Be Creative | Webdesigner Depot
Designers, we have a problem. It seems we have forgotten how to be creative.
Difficile d'exposer une méthode pour être créatif et innovant, il s'agit de quelques trucs pour se re-oxygéner la tête avant de partir sur un nouveau webdesign.Choose Your Own HTML 5 Adventure
Choose Your Own HTML 5 AdventureHow to Save the World
a look at intranets and social net tools within an organization
leaf trust your instincts
Great overall look at tools and how to use them
environment economics politics stories business innovation knowledge management entrepreneurship eco blog
el futuro de la web 2.025 Hot Female Web Designers Part 2 - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland - Lee Munroe
Google Squared takes a category and creates a starter 'square' of information, automatically fetching and organizing facts from across the web.CSSline - All about excellent css sites.
BrowserLab provides web designers exact renderings of their web pages in multiple browsers and operating systems, on demand. BrowserLab is a powerful solution for cross-browser compatibility testing, featuring multiple viewing and comparison tools, as well as customizable preferences. Since BrowserLab is an online service, it can be accessed from virtually any computer connected to the web. Also, Adobe Dreamweaver® CS4 software users have access to additional functionality such as testing local and active content.Все10 — Клавиатурный тренажер
Клавиатурный тренажер Все10. Обучение слепому методу печати на клавиатурном тренажере онлайн. Научиться быстро печатать – легко. Все10 – набирай быстрее всех!週刊誌記者の取材に心が汚れた:佐々木俊尚 ジャーナリストの視点 - CNET Japan
予定調和の世界 この記者がどういう本心で取材してきたのかは、私は彼ではないので本当のところはわからない。しかしマスメディア出身で、いまも取材活動を仕事の中心に据えている私としては、この記者が何を考えていたのかはある程度は推測できる。それはつまり、こういう記事を書きたいということなのだ。 「テレビなどのマスメディアからは相手にされなくなったホリエモンは、ブログやYouTubeのような自分のメディアを作ってそこで閉じこもって細々と情報発信」「60億円の民事訴訟に敗訴したホリエモン、必死で裁判で戦っていくとやせ我慢」
良記事5 Useful WordPress Functions You Didn’t Know Existed — Nathan Rice
XMPP + Flash = Awesome. True, but what about iPhones?
"Hemlock is an open-source framework that combines the richness of Flash with the scalability of XMPP, facilitating a new class of web applications where multiple users can interact in real time. Games, workspace collaboration, educational tools… The only limit is your imagination."50 Beautiful Hand-Drawn Web Design | Inspiration
50 Beautiful Hand-Drawn Web DesignjQuery TOOLS - The UI library for the Web
The hottest videos on the internet right now15 Amazing jQuery Image Gallery/Slideshow Plugins and Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Image galleries, sliders and slideshows have become increasingly popular within webpages over the last year or so, and with jQuery becoming ever more popular, more and more developers have been creating these amazing powerful, versatile and sleek galleries. Thank you jQuery. Below you will the most powerful, the most creative and most versatile of jQuery plugins and tutorials built using jQuery.10 Tips to Create a More Usable Web | Webdesigner Depot
Whether it’s your portfolio, a blog, a marketing web site, or a collection of games, we all want to attract visitors to our website and to ensure that they have a pleasant experience. Usability measures the level of a user’s experience and can be characterized by how easily a given task can be completed; whether it’s done with prior knowledge, or by having the user learn a new way to interact. I think Jakob Nielson probably explained it best when he said: “Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to use. The word “usability” also refers to methods for improving ease–of–use during the design process.” In this article I hope to give you some form of a usability checklist, covering topics from form design to simple navigation tips that you can apply to any Web project.
10 Tips to Create a More Usable Web50 Beautiful Website Designs For your Inspiration | Dzine Blog
(reference for new website)25 Fun & Creative Web Designs from DeviantArt | Spyre Studios
How many web designers can say that there are too many places to draw inspiration from? Exactly. None. Inspiration is welcomed from high and low, far and wide. Sure, there are css galleries you can check out, or even other designers portfolios you may be friends with on twitter or other social media websites, but what about DeviantArt? I have taken the time to gather some of the best, most creatively designed websites from users on the site and put them together in this list of 25 Fun & Creative Web Designs.
25 Fun & Creative Web Designs from DeviantArt | Spyre StudiosBehind the websites
Page speed is a google tool for evaluating website performance
Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them.Google Code Blog: Introducing Page Speed
Page Speed is a tool we've been using internally to improve the performance of our web pages -- it's a Firefox Add-on integrated with Firebug.
Website optimization plugin for Firefox/Firebug by Google16 great .htaccess Tricks and Hacks ~ SoftwareRoxer
A short Apache config cookbookSimilarSites - Find Similar Sites
There are a few cases where you want to know if the user is idle. Namely: * You want to preload more assets * You want to grab their attention to pull them back * You want close their banking session after 5 minutes of inactivity. (Jerk!) * You want the site to sneak off the screen and see if they notice ;-)
jQuery idleTimer plugin25 Great Examples of iPhone Optimized Sites | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
During the weekend I decided to work on the iPhone version of Abduzeedo. Firstly I thought that only a few tweaks in the CSS file would be enough, but it was a bit more complicated than that. However, there are quite a few ways to create a nice iPhone version for your site using services like In my case, I decided to build a new Drupal theme from scratch.Googleが社内で使っていたWebサイト高速化ツールを一般公開
チェック!Mobile Analytics by Percent Mobile - Mobile Analytics - Mobile Web Analytics - Free Mobile Analytics - Mobile Site Tracking
Mobile Analytics by Percent Mobile
What is your % mobile? Measure and analyze the mobile traffic to your website for free.
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Mobile Analytics - Mobile Web Analytics - Free Mobile Analytics - Mobile Site Tracking21 Stylish CSS/jQuery Solutions To Beautify Your Web Designs @ SmashingApps
tau80+ Perfect Ending of Modern Website Design- Footers! | Showcases | instantShift
A perfect layout, A Good Design and Nice resource can produce a creative output. Layout, textures and patterns are used more often than one may think but the outcome of different combination can result verity of designs. One of the interesting trend which I noticed recently is using a attractive footer to provide a perfect ending to your website’s presentation. Modern age designers love to experiment with things and observe how people interact with their work. Even though this is not a common trend to follow but still as the new design styles come up, and as more and more designers notice them and make use of them in their work, this kind of new trends emerge. In this showcase, you’ll find a variety of highly-creative, beautiful, and most importantly inspirational footer designs by which you can learn a thing or two.Web Performance Best Practices
Web Development Speed Optimization.
Google tips on speeding up the load and render time of a web page.Glympse - Share Your Where
Glympse - Share Your Where -
Share Your Where
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easy way to find myself in strnge cities
this bookmark brought from the different place.Entity Code - A Clear and Quick Reference to HTML Entities Codes
EntityCode A Clear and Quick Reference to HTML Symbol Entities Codes
Codes for HTML symbols
Decent reference.55 Best Ways To Track Your Website Daily Traffic | Tools | instantShift
Web analytics is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. Historically, , Daily Resource for Web Designers and Developers.
Daily Trafficnot < 1
Sell stuff online
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In preparation for total immersion into the Greensboro community, I am selling everything that I own. Below is a detailed archive of my personal belongings. Move your cursor over each image to obtain a brief description of the item. When you stumble upon a treasure you can't live without (i.e. neon pipe-cleaners) click on the item for further instruction. If you wish, you may select to make a donation in the amount of your choosing. All items not sold will be given to the Crossover Ministries of Flint, Michigan. Any revenue generated from the sale of these goods will be directed towards my travel and living expenses for the next 14 months.
In preparation for total immersion into the Greensboro community, I am selling everything that I own. Below is a detailed archive of my personal belongings. Move your cursor over each image to obtain a brief description of the item. When you stumble upon a treasure you can't live without (i.e. neon pipe-cleaners) click on the item for further - Manage your web time
Popups must be allowed for options 2 and 3
Sítio para controlar o tempo de uso na internet...
Manage your time on the webIntroduction to Google Forms | Matt Silverman
A brief tutorial on creating a Google form.. As recommended by Will Richardson, this is an excellent resource for anyone desiring to organize, collect, and analyze data -- turning the data into information
Great for PD on Google Forms10 must-have Linux web-based tools - Program - Linux - Builder AU
There's no shortage of web-centric Linux tools -- the trick is figuring out which ones are best for your needs. This article offers a list of those that Jack Wallen thinks are the cream of the crop.FairSpin
news polarity aggregator
FairSpin lets you see all the top political news from left to right. Click on titles to read stories, decide for yourself if they are biased, then vote your mind. Every vote makes FairSpin more accurate and useful.The Typekit Blog
As a Typekit user, you’ll have access to our library of high-quality fonts. Just add a line of JavaScript to your markup, tell us what fonts you want to use, and then craft your pages the way you always have. Except now you’ll be able to use real fonts.
The Typekit solution That’s where Typekit comes in. We’ve been working with foundries to develop a consistent web-only font linking license. We’ve built a technology platform that lets us to host both free and commercial fonts in a way that is incredibly fast, smoothes out differences in how browsers handle type, and offers the level of protection that type designers need without resorting to annoying and ineffective DRM.
The W3C recommendation for CSS web fonts will be 7 years old soon. Why, after all these years, has typography for the web not progressed further? Why haven’t designers embraced linked, downloadable fonts in their designs?
embed any font into your website, with the use of js
Platform and legal support for using linked fonts in CSS
May 27のblogの米欄は賛否両論ね。金払って@font-faceの薄いラッパーとか意味わからんという感じか。しかし、そもそも気になるのは、FF3.5+ではremote fontのsame-origin policyにひっかかって動かないんじゃねーの?という点だ。せっかくなので直接聞いてみる。無料で使えるアイコンサイトいろいろ | DesignWalker
アイコン探すならここ。QtWeb - QtWeb Home
QtWeb Internet Browser.Fast,portable,secure & compact browser.Customizable GUI. Privacy features. Qt&WebKit based.
QtWeb is a lightweight, secure and portable browser having some unique UI and privacy features. QtWeb is an open source project based on Nokia's Qt framework (former Trolltech) and Apple's WebKit rendering engine (the same as being used in Apple Safari and Google Chrome).
A new WebKit-based browser for Windows.
Kostenloser, portabler Web Browser mit WebKit Engine.
QtWeb is compact, portable and secure web browser having some unique UI and privacy features. QtWeb is an open source project based on Nokia's Qt framework (former Trolltech) and Apple's WebKit rendering engine (the same as being used in Apple Safari and Google Chrome).
"QtWeb is compact, portable and secure web browser having some unique UI and privacy features. QtWeb is an open source project based on Nokia's Qt framework (former Trolltech) and Apple's WebKit rendering engine (the same as being used in Apple Safari and Google Chrome)."
embedded kioskSeth's Blog: Making commercials for the web
Seth does a great job reminding us that what's posted on YouTube shouldn't be the same as what goes on TV. Great list of tips, too.
TV advertisers are finally discovering that YouTube + viral imagination = free media.
Making commercials for the web /Seth's Blog/ - TV advertisers are finally discovering that YouTube viral ... [from]Web Performance Best Practices
"..Page Speed evaluates performance from the client point of view, typically measured as the page load time.."20 Developers to Follow on Twitter
For me, the jury is still out on Twitter's staying power and whether/not the benefits outweigh the costs of following folks. The serendipity can be nice but a high-volume Twitterer (Tweeter?) generates a <i>lot</i> of noise — and it's hard enough to keep up with the overflowing buckets as it is, eh?Mapping the Current Web Transition - ReadWriteWeb
A year ago, I wrote a magnum opus three-part post that attempted to chronicle some of the underlying changes happening in the economy and how this would impact ...
"A year ago, I wrote a magnum opus three-part post that attempted to chronicle some of the underlying changes happening in the economy and how this would impact web technology ventures. "Useful, but too long" was a recurring comment. So, here is a one-year update, much shorter. And hopefully a bit clearer, seeing as we are further into this transition."
Closed social-network sites cannot survive in their current form, and yet they are so dominant today. So the transition to open and pervasive will be a big and messy fight... which will be great fun for journalists to cover! - is this another way of saying there will be one big network? Advertising: Advertisers will adopt a barbell approach: CPM for branding, and CPA for direct-revenue generation (as soon as publishers figure out how to make money selling CPA). CPC will still be dominated by Google but will become less dominant as CPA gains traction. Google will play in CPA and CPM but won't dominate as it does in CPC. Publishers will sideline CPA because nobody will be able to compete with the CPC price set by Google
(no description)40 Mac Freewares and Open Source Software for Web Designers | Desizn Tech
Although popular Adobe Creative Suite software or paid software as such are essential tools for web designers, not everyone can afford them or nor they need to buy it. Some of the free applications are really powerful, time saving and gets the job done. In this article we have complied 40 best freeware and open source software for web designers.
Desizn TechSitePoint » Microsoft SuperPreview: a New Way to Test Websites website-tester/website-tester MicrosoftSuperPreview
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designersおごるTV [] - ごはん、おごります。
ogoru.tvGoogle Ad Planner(アドプランナー)で“あのサイトのPVやUU”を調べてみよう! | Web担当者Forum
Google Ad Plannerは、広告主が出稿先を検討するツール。URLを指定すると、そのサイトのページビュー(PV)、ユニークユーザー(UU)などの数や、そのサイトを見ているユーザーの性別・年代・学歴・年収などの属性が表示されるもの。
Google Ad Planner(アドプランナー)で“あのサイトのPVやUU”を調べてみよう! | Web担当者ForumScalable Web Architectures: Common Patterns and Approaches - Web 2.0 Expo NYC
The future of social business: It's all about dis(x2)intermediation. [from]
talks about the social networking phenomenon mentions an interesting new google program coming about soon
walls come tumbling down - how to take social networking to the next level
Google wave- how it will let you build the next facebook, twitter, whatever...Sending Nice HTML Email with PHP
Загрузить картинку отправить ссылку, указать комментарии к картинке
Easy to use tool for graphic annotations, that allows taking quick feedback about graphical content.
Outil de révision en ligne| ^^ |秒刊SUNDAY | 鼻血が出るほど高センスなWEBデザインサイトギャラリー集まとめ
Japan' swebpage design collection
日々のあらゆるシーンで役立つ情報を提供するアルファブロガー秒刊SUNDAY管理人 湯川晃 がお送りします。
WEBデザインギャラリーサイトのまとめWhy REST ? | /var/log/mind
El Y2K de Twitter, ¡muy divertido!
The Twitpocalypse is similar to the Y2K bug. Very soon the unique identifier associated to each tweet will exceed 2,147,483,6471
O fim do twitter está próximo...TwitZap
Great online web 2.0 twitter tool
twitter 第三方web端
TwitZap is the ultimate Twitter client. Real-time Twitter monitoring. Tweet while Twitter is down.16 PHP Frameworks To Consider For Your Next Project
Artigo falando sobre frameworks em PHP (em inglês).
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers9 Online Free And Useful Tools That Can Help Designers A Lot @ SmashingApps
9 Online Free And Useful Tools That Can Help Designers A Lot @ SmashingApps [from]Writing Microcopy - Bokardo
"Microcopy is small yet powerful copy. It’s fast, light, and deadly. It’s a short sentence, a phrase, a few words. A single word. It’s the small copy that has the biggest impact. Don’t judge it on its size…judge it on its effectiveness."
Microcopy counts
The fastest way to improve your interface is to improve your copy-writing.UNIQLO CALENDAR
Calendario UNIQLO miniaturasThe Best 20+ Icon Designers & UI Ninjas | Inspired Magazine
The Best 20+ Icon Designers & UI Ninjas | Inspired MagazineA List Apart: Articles: Indexing the Web—It’s Not Just Google’s Business
a basic one about optimizing database query execution time
Indexing the WebWeb applications directory, reviews, and ratings | AppUseful
Social Directory for Useful Web Applications and Websites.
good88 Single Page Website Designs For Design Inspiration | Showcases | instantShift
Fred ce n'était pas celui-là auquel je faisais allusion...
One of the interesting trends which I noticed recently is to showcase your work in single page design. It's kind of ironic to see what designers can do with , Daily Resource for Web Designers and Developers.
single page websitesMoserware: The First Few Milliseconds of an HTTPS Connection
Convinced from spending hours reading rave reviews, Bob eagerly clicked "Proceed to Checkout" for his gallon of Tuscan Whole Milk and... Whoa! What just happened?60+ Awesome Grunge Font That Every Designer Should Collect
Styling buttons to look like links
Adventures creations and musings from a girl geek.Hal Varian on how the Web challenges managers - The McKinsey Quarterly - Hal Varian web challenge managers - Strategy - Innovation
Hal Varian on how the Web challenges managers
I keep saying the sexy job in the next ten years will be statisticians. People think I’m joking, but who would’ve guessed that computer engineers would’ve been the sexy job of the 1990s? The ability to take data—to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualize it, to communicate it—that’s going to be a hugely important skill in the next decades, not only at the professional level but even at the educational level for elementary school kids, for high school kids, for college kids. Because now we really do have essentially free and ubiquitous data. So the complimentary scarce factor is the ability to understand that data and extract value from it.15 Effective Tips and Tricks from the Masters of CSS | Noupe
There are thousands of sites out there offering tips and tricks for using CSS. But how do you know where that information is coming from? Who says the people writing these “tips” know what they’re talking about? For all you know, it could be someone who has not clue what CSS even stands for, let alone how to use it effectively. But that’s not the case with the experts below. They’re all well-known for their mastery of CSS and all that goes along with it. Read on for their tips and tricks with regards to everything from avoiding hacks to understanding the box model.10 Apps for Web Designers Using a Mac
"Neat Graph"35 Beautiful & Free PSDs For Charming Designs
free stuff50 Websites to follow if you’re into Web Design | The Interactive Wall
It's funny because it's true.
Gods, I love it when Anil gets bitchy.
Hilarious satirical prediction about what’s going to happy when Facebook releases vanity URLs this weekend.Yahoo!ラボ
Yahoo! Japanの公開実験場Check My Colours - Analyse the color contrast of web pages
It is a tool for checking foreground and background color combinations of all DOM elements and determining if they provide sufficient contrast when viewed by someone having color deficits.
What is CheckMyColours? It is a tool for checking foreground and background color combinations of all DOM elements and determining if they provide sufficient contrast when viewed by someone having color deficits. All the tests are based on the algorithms suggested by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).The Web of Data: Creating Machine-Accessible Information - ReadWriteWeb
The Web of Data: Creating Machine-Accessible Information In the coming years, we will see a revolution in the ability of machines to access, process, and apply information. This revolution will emerge from three distinct areas of activity connected to the Semantic Web: the Web of Data, the Web of Services, and the Web of Identity providers. These webs aim to make semantic knowledge of data accessible, semantic services available and connectable, and semantic knowledge of individuals processable, respectively. In this post, we will look at the first of these Webs (of Data) and see how making information accessible to machines will transform how we find information. The amount of information and services available is growing exponentially. Every day, it is getting harder to find the information we are actually looking for. Still, we have to learn how to tell machines what we want. Why can't a machine understand which website, recent tweet, Flickr photo, Facebook message, or restaurant1-click Award by 株式会社リクルートメディアコミュニケーションズ
Ah, the Japanese!
Jokey japanese mouse arrow16 great .htaccess Tricks and Hacks « PHP Twitter
htaccess tips
Address for the
The .htaccess files (Hypertext Access file) is a very powerful configuration tool on Apache web server. The Apache web server has a number of configuration options that are available to the server administrator. The .htaccess is a simple ASCII text file placed in your website root directory. You can create and edit an .htaccess file using a text editor like notepad. Here in this post I have come up with useful 16 tips and hacks to configure your web server. As a configuration file .htaccess if a very powerful and a slight syntax error can result in a severe malfunction of your server. So to avoid that always try to keep a backup copies of all your files from the server before working with the .htaccess file.60 Awesome Sites for Free Fonts | Dottony
รวม 60 เว็บแจกฟอนต์Why Designers Should Learn How to Code
robbie...would say...
The hard truth is that the buck of development should stop with designers. For optimum efficiency, designers should not only be concerned with painting the bigger picture but also building it! In this article, I'd like to share with you some reasons why designers should learn how to code.
Why Designers Should Learn How to CodeSysomos | In-Depth Look Inside the Twitter World
I am in the minority on practically everything.
"We wanted to take an extensive snapshot of Twitter that goes far beyond anything done to document Twitter's use, growth and demographics," said Nick Koudas, Sysomos' co-founder and chief executive. "While Twitter's growth has been well documented, we wanted to put the spotlight on how people use Twitter, as well as identify many of the key trends in their backgrounds, demographics and activity. Our study, based on the most comprehensive dataset of Twitter users, provides a wealth of information for anyone interested in getting in-depth details about Twitter."
Estudio sobre TwitterProcessing.js
a port of the Processing Visualization Language
Processing.js is an open programming language for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions for the web without using Flash or Java applets. Processing.js uses Javascript to draw shapes and manipulate images on the HTML5 Canvas element.TinyURL Decoder for Greasemonkey
@doax 저는 그리즈멍키 스크립트 씁니다. [from]Effective Maintenance Pages: Examples and Best Practices | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Every website has to perform maintenance at some point or another. Whether it’s just to upgrade a portion of the site or because of some problem with the site, it’s an inevitable fact of website ownership. And in many cases, maintenance requires taking your site offline for at least a few minutes. So what should you do if your site is going to be down for maintenance? You don’t want users coming to a 404 or other error page. And hopefully you’d like to encourage them to come back to your site sooner rather than later, right? If that’s the case, you’ll need to build a custom maintenance page. Below we present a list of best practices to building effective maintenance pages that will help keep your visitors, whether new or returning, happy.
Every website has to perform maintenance at some point or another. Whether it’s just to upgrade a portion of the site or because of some problem with the site, it’s an inevitable fact of website ownership. And in many cases, maintenance requires taking your site offline for at least a few minutes. So what should you do if your site is going to be down for maintenance? You don’t want users coming to a 404 or other error page. And hopefully you’d like to encourage them to come back to your site sooner rather than later, right? If that’s the case, you’ll need to build a custom maintenance page. Below we present a list of best practices to building effective maintenance pages that will help keep your visitors, whether new or returning, happy.
Effective Maintenance
Every website has to perform maintenance at some point or another. Whether it's just to upgrade a portion of the site or because of some12 Excellent Free Tools for Monitoring Your Site’s Uptime
It's essential that your sites and web apps are constantly accessible to your users. In this article, you will find free and useful monitoring tools to help you know when your website or web application becomes unavailable.
very timely25 Free People Search Engines to find Anyone in the World | FinderMind
From the website: "I’ve been in this people search industry for over 2 years now and while researching, I found many free, high quality free people search engines to help you reconnect with friends, family, school friends or any other person from your past. So I decided to put them in one huge list. Here they are:" - I haven't tried any of these but usually these lists are handy30 Best Photoshop Web Layout Design Tutorials to Design Decent Websites | Dzine Blog
Vários tutoriais para desenvolvimento de interfaces para sites
Here is a collection of 30 layout design tutorials that will help you with designing a decent looking website.How the Web and the Weblog have changed Writing
"This was preserved because the author had been Emperor. How much ancient wisdom was lost because the common Roman citizen lacked TCP/IP?"
"[by 1700 bc, the minoans were trading with spain, had big cities with flush toilets, a written language, and moderately sophisticated metalworking technology. had it not been for the eruption of thera (on santorini), it is quite possible that romans would have watched the assassination of julius caesar on television.]"
'This article, prepared to support a talk at Wordcamp 2009, discusses how writing itself has changed because of the availability of the Web and the Weblog.'アイトラッキングの実験からわかった12のWeb戦略 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
アイトラッキングシステム。それを使った実験結果のまとめ。Lifehacker - CometDocs Converts Between More than 50 File Types - PDF
HTML 5 and Web video: freeing rich media from plugin prison - Ars Technica30 Creative And Eye-Catching Web Designer Portfolios | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
Autoren lesen 10 Seiten aus ihrem Werk
Auszüge aus interessanten Büchern vorgelesen;DeeperWeb Search - The Essential Search Engine Addon and Plugin
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DepperWeb se base entièrement sur les résultats provenant de Google mais ajoute un certain nombre de fonctionnalités s'affichant dans la partie droite de l'écran: nuage de mots, nuage de phrases, sites référents, zones (domaines),
DeeperWeb is an innovative search engine plugin and an essential Firefox addon for Google. Start using us immediately at or download a free search plugin and Firefox addons
Un moteur de rechercher qui tente d'organiser les résultats de Google en plusieurs catégories : résultats, nuages de mots-clés, questions/réponses, informations d'affaires, et données chiffrées + "ressource search" (semble correspondre à des informations plus élaborées?) + les résultats de Wikipedia + les résultats dans les | Photo Gallery Software for the Web
this bookmark brought from the home.もっと評価されてしかるべき Twitter クライアント: TweetDeck |
ではなぜ TweetDeck が便利かというと、次の3つの機能が組み込まれていて、たとえ大勢の人を follow していたとしてもかかる手間が少なくてすむという理由があります。Webbynode
"Webbynode is a hosting solution for developers. Whether it's Rails, Django, LAMP or your choice of Linux Distro, we have a solution for you"
新的hosting介绍。可以试试噢20+ Best Tutorials to Convert Psd to Html/CSS | Dzine Blog
See comments to post for information about integrating security.Introduction
For those how make websites.
“la encuesta de la gente que hace sitios” que, con más de 30.000 encuestados
Interesting survey about developers in 2008Why you need your own company | Derek Sivers
The best blog post everIn the Woods - Coda Slider and More With jQuery Tools
In the Woods - Coda Slider and More With jQuery Tools - to Create a Dark and Sleek Web Design from Photoshop
How to Create a Dark and Sleek Web Design from Photoshop - Best Photoshop Tutorials for Creating Web Designs | Web Design Ledger
Tutorials for creating web designs are a great way to learn new techniques and get inspired by new design concepts. Since Photoshop is the design tool of choice
Tutorials for creating web designs are a great way to learn new techniques and get inspired by new design concepts. Since Photoshop is the design tool of choice for many web designers, I thought it would be useful to show you, what I believe, are the best Photoshop tutorials for creating web designs and web design elements.
:) internet 6 mapa 4 internetmapa
Percepción de una gran cantidad de usuarios de la estructura de InternetObsurvey
Create you own surveys, collect answers and analyze
new survey tool
Create surveys to take online with anonomous feedbackSniffing Browser History with NO Javascript!
Uses HTML and CSS to determine your browsing history. Slowish but effective.
This is a method of sniffing your browsing history without using Javascript. If you haven't cleaned your browsing history recently, just click "Start Scan" and the system will get to work. If this doesn't shock you, it should: websites are not supposed to see this information. It has potential for anyone, in particular advertisers, to view your history and profile you.20 Free Useful Tools for Designers and Developers | Presidia Creative
There are a host of free tools available on the internet that can help designers and developers increase their productivity. Some tools are great, others just waste your time, so today, we’ve sorted through the free tools available to find 20 free and useful tools for designers and developers. Whether you’re looking to create invoices, contact your colleagues, find a color scheme, generate some code, or share files, you’ll find a free tool in this list to do the job.
Fantastic resources!IE6 Bugs, Problems, Fixes, Solutions, Tips & Tricks, Hints? NO MORE! .:.
RIPIE6 is the obituary notice of Internet Explorer 6's death.
IE6 Bugs, Problems, Fixes, Solutions, Tips & Tricks, Hints? NO MORE!30+ Advanced SEO Tactics, Techniques and Resources (55+ Links) | SEOptimise
This collection aims to showcase just fifteen beautifully designed minimalist website designs using photograph as background
15 Coolest Minimalist WebDesigns Using Photograph as BackgroundOpera Unite
Nouveau service du navigateur Internet Opera pour partager facilement des données comme on le fait actuellement sur le web en passant par des services tiers ou en configurant différents serveurs. Pour l'instant, on peut partager des documents, des photos, des notes ou encore de la musique en streaming. On peut également faire un salon de chat privé ou même publier un site Internet. De l'extérieur, chaque service peut être accédé publiquement à partir de n'importe quel navigateur ou avec une protection par mot de passe. Pour les développeurs, il est possible de créer ses propres services de partage pour Opera et on a donc avec Opera Unite une solution intéressante pour partager rapidement des données.
Welcome to Opera Unite
Opera’s big announcement: a developer preview (“labs release”) of their new web-server-in-your-browser feature, Unite. Includes an Opera-hosted proxy to help break through your firewall. The web server can be customised using server-side JavaScript running in an Opera Widget.How to Create a Grunge Web Design Using Photoshop
In this tutorial I am going to show you how to create a clean corporate layout in Photoshop. The original layout was created by kuntiz from ThemeForest and I want to thank him for allowing me to write this tutorial.
Web Layout tutorial40 Essential iPhone Applications For Web Designers
OOCSS isn’t really a framework … but a way of writing scalable, sane, maintainable CSS,” writes Sullivan. Sullivan uses and recommends a grid framework like Yahoo!’s YUI Grids, but you’re free to write your layout styles from scratch using OOCSS principles if that’s your thing. But OOCSS applies equally to the work you do after you have implemented your site’s layout, as you design the blocks and content that slot into your layout. Most web designers tend to write CSS code so that it requires as little extra markup (whether <div> or <span> tags or class attributes) as possible. Fundamentally, adopting OOCSS is making a mental shift towards easy maintenance and reuse of your styles, even if it means writing extra HTML markup.
In October, I’ll speak at Web Directions South 2009 in Sydney about CSS Frameworks. One of the main questions I will answer in my talk is whether or not you should use a CSS Framework in any given project. Since the alternative is writing your own CSS styles from scratch, I’m researching some of the latest thinking on hand-coded CSS.
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers
Sitepoint article on object oriented CSS.
Object Oriented CSS
Une idée quin'est peut être pas si bonne que ça, si on suit les commentaires. Mais comment cordonner les classes d'une css ?メンテナンス中画面を出す正しい作法と.htaccessの書き方 | Web担当者Forum
Novel search engine that depicts search results as blocks of text and images.
enter your search term ...get a page of quotes and photos and links...visually appealing
A new visual search engine is making the rounds...
When too cool becomes useless. Results are returned in the form of a collage. The cool factor gets in the way of trying to review the results.TweetTabs : Realtime Twitter trends and Twitter search
Realtime Twitter trends and Twitter search
twitter searchTaking the Web into our own hands, one computer at a time
OperaUnite - Web browser and Webserver into one?
this seems to be a very nice feature:
USWFUpload jQuery Plugin : Adam Royle
A jQuery plugin for SWFUpload
When I first stumbled across SWFUpload about two years ago I was impressed by how easy it was to implement. However, their example code has always bugged me as being rather crap, having to assign a separate global event handler for each event, and the lack of multiple handlers for a single event.All the Small Icons You’ll Ever Need | Web Design Ledger
Kig på nogle af de fede designs og gør et af dem efter til mit eget site
Photoshop Website
photoshop25 of the Best Photographer Portfolio Websites - Part Two | Vandelay Design Blog
web design tipsInformative And Usable Footers In Web Design | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
フッターPictaculous - A Color Palette Generator (courtesy of MailChimp)
interesnte subir la foto de Deportes
Upload a picture and have a palette generated that works well with it
A Color Palette Generator (courtesy of MailChimp)Things about Web Images I Just Learned - Gabriel Weinberg's Blog
Easy + secure group collaboration over email
Easy + secure group collaboration over email with a handy web archive.
Email is still the most prominent form of communication we have. Do you really need that fancy collaboration tool or do you just need to get tgethr?
也是一个在线协作办公的14 Essential Wordpress Development and Design Cheat Sheets : Speckyboy Design Magazine
wordpress design helps「使えるUIパターンをまとめたサイト40選!」という記事があったので本当に使えるものだけ選んでみた - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
というわけでユーザーインターフェースのパターンをまとめたサイトですよ。「ここのインターフェースどうしようかなぁ」というときに使えます。なお、選んだ基準はサイトの使いやすさと事例の多さ、ざっくり「インターフェースのこと語るんなら綺麗なサイトじゃなきゃね!」というアバウトな視点です。Coding like it's 1999 ~ Authentic Boredom
Recently I made the switch back to HTML 4 for DOCTYPEs and px for font-size (sound like 1999 again?), and I’ve tweeted about it occasionally. I’m documenting the switch more thoroughly here.
"I’ve chosen to go with HTML 4.01 Strict as the DOCTYPE in my projects moving forward, favoring it above XHTML 1.0 Strict and HTML 5. I’ll briefly explain my reasoning."
HTML 5 – In a nutshell, HTML 5 is the next major version of the hypertext markup language. The good news is meaningless div and span elements will be replaced by more meaningful elements such as nav, header, and video.
Cameron Moll on HTML5 and px for font-sizeA Collection Motherload of Inspirational Website Collections | The Design Cubicle
web design inspiration – so in case you missed them here is the Motherload Collection organized into categories for your convenience!
inspiração para webdesign10 Ways To Make Your Site Accessible Using Web Standards | How-To | Smashing Magazine
Collecta monitors the update streams of news sites, popular blogs and social media, and Flickr, so we can show you results as they happen
The web is alive with real-time information. So why search a stale archive? Collecta monitors the update streams of popular realtime blogs and sites like Twitter, Wordpress, and Flickr, so we can show you results as they happen.
Collecta is not like other search engines. The web is alive with real-time information. So why search a stale archive? Collecta monitors the update streams of news sites, popular blogs and social media, and Flickr, so we can show you results as they happen. Give it a try.
Searching the Real-time WebHow to Syndicate Content Without Utilizing a News Feed - Nettuts+
Many websites offer syndication formats such as RSS, JSON, or XML based services to allow for easy content delivery. How do you syndicate content from a website that doesn’t offer a news feed? This is what I set out to solve.
php経由で他ドメインのページをロード タイトルを見てページをパースし前回のアクセスと比較して更新箇所を抽出するのかと驚いたら、単なる丸ごとロードだった jqueryASP.NET MVC 1.0 - ScottGu's Blog
scott guthrie, pub 4/1/2009
ScottGu's Blog10 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Firebug - Nettuts+
10 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Firebug
Explicacion de porque se debe usar firebug y algunas extensiones
10. FirePHP Our last, but not least, important Firebug component is FirePHP. With this add-on, we can transparently send information (warnings, errors, logging, info) to the Console panel from our PHP code. Example usage from FirePHP's website:Geekなぺーじ : みんなが知らずに使ってるAkamai
Akamaiについて全般的な話。おもしろい。有名どころ・ユーザが多いサービス=トラフィックが多いってことでよく知られる企業が多く利用しているのね。 細かいことだけど「(インターネットは)冗長性を実現するために信頼性を犠牲にしています。」がちょっと気になった。その後に書いてある速度の話は信頼性に分類されるのかな。
みんなが知らずに使ってるAkamaiFreebie Release: Quartz Icon Set | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
XRefresh is a browser plugin which will refresh current web page due to file change in selected folders.
really cool tool for web developmentIntroducing Yip: A Unified Notification System for the Web « abi's blog
Like growl for the MAC
Maps Fluid and Prism notification APIs into Firefox.35 Excellent Websites for Downloading Free CSS Template | Desizn Tech
Ad Management plugins
Almost everyone out there who runs a website has toyed with the idea of selling ads on their website. So many options are available. Dozens of ad and affiliate networks exist, and you have different ad formats to consider. Should you sell text ads or banner ads? Should you allow Flash ads? What about ads with sound, pop-ups or floating ads? People have so many decisions to make that they often just end up slapping on some AdSense code and calling it a day. And that’s fine.Google Analyitcsをもっと便利に | DesignWalker
みなさんGoogle Analyitcsでアクセス解析をされている方が多いのではないでしょうか? 無料で使えて、高機能なGoogle Analyticsは、先日APIも正式に公開され、今後様々なツールが公開されていく事だと思います。 そのままでも、十分いろいろな解析ができて便利なツールなのですが、今回はGoogle Analyticsをさらに便利に使えるツールや設定方法、コードなどをご紹介します。Turn Your Home Computer into a Web Server; Host Websites and Files for Free
Go to, download the Opera Unite software and install it. Congratulations, you are now running a web server on your machine and just need another minute to configure local file folders that you want to share with others over the internet.camen design · Video for Everybody!
how to embed video using html5
Video For Everybody is very simply a chunk of HTML code that embeds a video into a website using the HTML5 <video> element which offers native playback in Firefox 3.5 and Safari 3
Video For Everybody is very simply a chunk of HTML code that embeds a video into a website using the HTML5 <video> element which offers native playback in Firefox 3.5 and Safari 3 & 4:
Video For Everybody is very simply a chunk of HTML code that embeds a video into a website using the HTML5 <video> element which offers native playback in Firefox 3.5 and Safari 3 & 4
Excellent code example (plus encoding explanation) for using the HTML5 <video> tag while providing a Flash-based fallback player for older browsers (i.e. not Firefox 3.5 or Safari 4).BBC NEWS | Technology | Web tool 'as important as Google'
A look at Wolfram Alpha.
WolframAlpha launches 15 May. natural language
A web tool that "could be as important as Google", according to some experts, has been shown off to the public.
<blockquote>A web tool that "could be as important as Google", according to some experts, has been shown off to the public. Wolfram Alpha is the brainchild of British-born physicist Stephen Wolfram. The free program aims to answer questions directly, rather than display web pages in response to a query like a search engine. The "computational knowledge engine", as the technology is known, will be available to the public from the middle of May this year. </blockquote>Yury Lifshits | Algorithmic Problems Around the Web
We’ve been working with foundries to develop a consistent web-only font linking license. We’ve built a technology platform that lets us to host both free and commercial fonts in a way that is incredibly fast, smoothes out differences in how browsers handle type, and offers the level of protection that type designers need without resorting to annoying and ineffective DRM.
»We’ve been working with foundries to develop a consistent web-only font linking license. […] As a Typekit user, you’ll have access to our library of high-quality fonts. Just add a line of JavaScript to your markup […] We’ll be launching this summer with a great collection of beautiful and hardworking typefaces.«
Basically, Typekit will offer a way for designers to license fonts for use on web pages, which is a big deal because of a CSS feature that is soon to be supported in most major browsers that will allow designers to reference fonts installed on the server and render them as fonts (rather than Flash or images) for users.43 Must Read PHP Articles and Resources | Hi, I'm Grace Smith
php12 jQuery based chart
jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. As Web developers we are always in search of new tutorials and resources, tips, tricks for our readers . Today we listed Most Desirable Collection Of powerful jQuery etc. We obviously cannot cover all the best from the web, but we have tried to cover as much as possible
listing out 12 JavaScript based chart .
12 jQuery based chart35 Absolutely Useful Firefox Plugins For Web Designers And Developers
texturesblablabra - O que o Brasil anda twittando?
serviços para o twiter muito bom
Um timeline do Twitter em portugues
'trending topics' dos perfis brasileiros
O que o Brasil anda twittando?Support Details | Tech support anger management
Great tool to find out tech information and send to IT, project manager or developer when you have problems viewing web based content.
Get tech support info like OS/Browser versions, flash player details, javascript settings, etc.10 Useful Firefox Extensions to Supercharge Firebug
Lets treat our users with a little respect, eh?
404 error pages are not often seen and get underestimated. Some of them can be really interesting to look at when stumbled onto accidentally. Here are 60 of the many beautiful 404 error pages that I compiled.
404 error pages are not often seen and get underestimated. Some of them can be really interesting to look at when stumbled onto accidentally. Here are 60 of the many beautiful 404 error pages that I compiled. There are a lot more nice ones actually but think we save it for the next round. Enjoy!How one company uses Web 2.0 tools to run and promote their business
He purchased a Mail Boxes, Etc. mail box and paid a little extra to have it not show a P.O. box number. By keeping one mailing address (and consistent phone numbers through Google Voice) Jagger doesn’t have to reprint company stationary every time they move.41 Sleek Single Page Websites | Inspiredology
41 Sleek Single Page Websites
With the internet moving faster and faster, users wanting more and quicker, some designers try to give the user everything all at one – on one single page. This works very well with portfolios, when you don’t need to leave the page or site to see a full source of portfolio pieces. With easy scrolling sliders with jQuery and other web technologies, and the ease of mouse scrolling, for me this is a great way of trying to make your site work a different way.
With the internet moving faster and faster, users wanting more and quicker, some designers try to give the user everything all at one – on one single page. This works very well with portfolios, when you don’t need to leave the page or site to see a full source of portfolio pieces. With easy scrolling sliders with jQuery and other web technologies, and the ease of mouse scrolling, for me this is a great way of trying to make your site work a different way. This trend has been around a few years now, and these websites are showing many different ways of exploring the single page design.The Ultimate Wordpress 2.8 Optimization Guide
Having a blog that’s snappy & responsive is just one of the many factors that makes a great blog. Even with the best content in the world, a slow blog will frustrate readers & potentially force them elsewhere. In this post we’ll focus on optimising Wordpress, a popular free open source blogging platform that runs on PHP.
Guia de optimizacion de WordPress 2.8
Having a blog that’s snappy & responsive is just one of the many factors that makes a great blog. Even with the best content in the world, a slow blog will frustrate readers & potentially force them elsewhere. In this post we’ll focus on optimising Wordpress, a popular free open source blogging platform that runs on PHP.Create CSS pin balloons with ease
Home page of Africa Tour 2008 is a good example of how simple solutions can also be effective. In this tutorial I will recreate (in my own way) their effect using World map. As I said, the effect is more than simple - each continent is marked with a "pin balloon" (I couldn't think of a better name) and when you hover the balloons they get larger. This is something that many of us have done many times, I'm sure of it. However, this example has a trick: balloons grow diagonally starting at the anchor point (anchor point is the little triangle that comes out of the balloon).
Helps you build good looking and functional web sites.CSSbake
おされなサイトにあるテクニックを、CSSを使って再現法を教えてくれてるナイスなサイト。Fuze Meeting: Free Web Conferencing & Online Meeting Software
Desktop Share Share your entire screen with meeting attendees anytime, anywhere. Icon Hd High Definition Content Show videos, graphics and documents and other content in high-resolution – in total sync. Icon Fetch Fetch Meeting Attendees Bring an attendee straight into a live web or audio conference in one easy step. Icon Interface Easy, Intuitive Interface Beautifully simple. Web-based. No hardware or software to purchase or download.Web Top 50 Free Open Courseware Classes to Develop Better Web Sites — Best Web Design Schools
The following list of 50 free open courseware classes can help you develop better Web sites. The university or learning center name is included so you can begin to browse through their other online resources as well. The list is categorized, and each link under those categories is listed alphabetically. This method assures readers that we do not value one resource over another.25 Creative Flash Websites with 3D Illustration Environment | Dzine Blog
Here is a collection of the best Flash Websites with 3D Environment and 3D interface, Make sure to turn your speaker ON as most of these flash websites are using cool audio as well. (These sites will require little bit More band width, please be patient while the site loads, these sites are worth the waiting time)『Linuxサーバー構築標準教科書』開発プロジェクト - LPI-Japan - エルピーアイジャパン
した。 この「Linuxサーバー構築標準教科書(Ver1.0.1)」は、多くの教育機関から、Linuxによるサーバーの構築を「基礎」から学習するための教材や学習環境の整備に対するご要望があり、開発したものです。 本教科書の目的は、LPICレベル2の201試験と202試験の学習範囲The 21 Most Popular Blogs for Web Designers Jake Rocheleau Blog
Every time I visit all of my favorite social media sites, all I end up seeing are the same top blogs ending up in the results, and for good reason! There are some blogs out there (Smashing Magazine, Web Designer Depot, Web Designer Wall…) that have created huge impacts in the web design community, publishing great content each and every day for us to look forward to. So I have compiled a list of the 21 greatest blogs for website designers, developers, and webmasters. These blogs usually include tips, tricks, tutorials, freebies, interviews, and much more to grab the average web designers attention. So without further ado, let’s hit the list (and all on one page, for you Diggers).An introduction to Opera Unite - Opera Developer Community
An introduction to Opera Unite
In a nutshell, Opera Unite is a collaborative technology that uses a compact server inside the Opera desktop browser to share data and services. You can write applications — in the form of Opera Unite Services — that use this server to serve content to other Web users.23 Colorful And Inspiring Web Designs Where Textures Are In Full Action @ SmashingApps
A great collection of inforgraphics. Really inspiring.
Infographics can be a great way to quickly reference information. Instead of pouring over figures and long reports to decipher data, an infographic can50 Fresh JavaScript Tools That Will Improve Your Workflow | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Lista de ferramentas Javascript. MUITO BOM!!!Code Style: Build better CSS font stacks
The font stack builder will help you build a better font stack from scratch, but what if you need a jump start, inspiration, or want to build on tried and trusted CSS font stacks? Start with this selection of pre-built font stacks and customise with your own preferred fonts.Lifestream Backup :: Home
been looking for something like this...
Lifestream Backup :: Home13 Useful Techniques for Enhancing Web Design Photography | Web Design Ledger
Photography can either make or break a web design. This starts with the photographer and the camera, but more than likely, photos coming straight from the camera will require some type of adjustments or treatment in order to match the style of it’s surrounding design. Here are 13 Photoshop techniques that you should find useful for enhancing photos to be used in your web designs.
How to enhance photos on a website; Photoshop
Photography can either make or break a web design. This starts with the photographer and the camera, but more than likely, photos coming straight from the50 Inspiring Examples of Minimalism in Web Design
The sophisticated image of minimalism has always been a popular style of design. In webdesign a minimalist site is stripped naked of eye candy and fancy colours or effects, leaving the underlying structure exposed. The key to a beautiful minimalist site is a solid and structured layout, as well as focus on stylish and well designed typography. These 50 examples showcase some of the best minimal site designs out there on the web.
Minimalism in Web DesignPage Speed Home
Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them. How does Page Speed work? Page Speed performs several tests on a site's web server configuration and front-end code. These tests are based on a set of best practices known to enhance web page performance. Webmasters who run Page Speed on their pages get a set of scores for each page, as well as helpful suggestions on how to improve its performance. Why should you use Page Speed? By using Page Speed, you can: * Make your site faster. * Keep Internet users engaged with your site.
Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them.
A plugin for Firebug similar to YSlow
What is Page Speed? Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them.55 Sexy Our Work Page Designs | Showcases | instantShift
55 Sexy Our Work Page Designs
web design
With the sheer number of web design company and freelance websites out there, it's easy to see unoriginal and uninspiring website designs but in my opinion one , Daily Resource for Web Designers and Developers.404 Best Practices
A 404 error on the web is what a web server responds with when it is tasked with serving up a resource that it can’t find.“Outside the Box” Navigation with jQuery - Nettuts+
Just about every website uses the regular navigation concepts we're all used to. After awhile this can get pretty boring, especially for designers who thrive on creativity. While mimicking the OS X dock and stacks isn't new, it's certainly not common.JavaScript tests, compatibility tables and examples
phew. praise be to the universality of javascript.
"In this web site I have collected various JavaScript tests, to display code samples, have them run and check web browser compatibility." (This page tests various advanced JavaScript operators against common browsers.)
A report on compatibility of various JavaScript features & functionality against common web browsers.Tim Berners-Lee on the next Web | Video on
Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. He leads the World Wide Web Consortium, overseeing the Web's standards and development
Web 3.0Web & Patterns: patterns for a better web
Web & Patterns: patterns for a better web
Una gallery dei migliori esempi di web pattern design, information architecture, user experience, per aiutare chi ha il compito non semplice di costruire siti web belli e funzionali.MegaZine 3 - A Free and Opensource Pageflip Engine
more than 75 tools, resources, and articles that can help you in various aspects of web analyticsA List Apart: Articles: Introduction to RDFa
Contadores para blog10 UI Design Patterns You Should Be Paying Attention To | How-To | Smashing Magazine
30 Best Photoshop Web Layout Design Tutorials to Design Decent Websites | Dzine Blog
30 สุดยอดตัวอย่างทำเว็บสวยด้วย PhotoshopA List Apart: Articles: Visual Decision Making
Why attractive things work better
The visual aesthetics that frame and define content are much more than simply a “skin” that we can apply or discard without consequence. Users react in fast, profound, and lasting ways to the aesthetics of what they see and use, and research shows that the sophisticated visual content presentation influences user perceptions of usability, trust, and confidence in the web content they view
User interface experts are often suspicious of the role of visual aesthetics in user interfaces—and of designers who insist that graphic emotive impact and careful attention to a site’s visual framework really contribute to measurable success.CartFrenzy | Gallery of the Best E-Commerce Website Designs
galeria de tiendas online - e-commerce - teso
CartFrenzy - Gallery of Ecommerce WebsitesフリーランスのIT技術者を支援するオンラインツール32選 - IT業界を生き抜く秘密10箇条 - ZDNet Japan
SpriteMe makes spriting easy.
export the modified CSS to integrate back into your code. [TBD]
SpriteMeEnterprise Java Community: Modularizing Existing Web Applications With OSGi: A Migration Path to OSGi
This article takes you through 12 easy steps to understand how OSGi bundles can be used within an existing classic WAR application. Prior experience with Eclipse Web Tools (Tomcat runtime and launcher) is recommended. The code referred to in this article is available for download here [1].Let's make the web faster - Google Code
Don't know when I'll ever get round to reading this!Let's make the web faster - Google Code
Discover best practices that can make your apps faster. Get informed with developments in web performance.
Agilidade na web
Google resource center on performance optimization. Articles, videos and downloadable tools. Includes tips on how to optimize CSS declarations, how to optimize JavaScript code and avoid memory leaks, how to use the best image format and prefetch resources. Also released Google equivalent of YSlow, Yahoo's Firefox extension for performance tips.Module Tabs in Web Design: Best Practices and Solutions | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Best Practices and Solutions | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine. A module tab is a User Interface (UI) design pattern where content is separated into different panes, and each pane is viewable one at a time. The user requests content to be displayed by clicking (or in some instances hovering over) the content’s corresponding tab control.
discussion of the use of module tabs or subtabs within a page
The most extensive post I've seen on Tabs, ever. Well done SM.
Module tabs are seeing an increase of use as websites and web applications push for optimizing web page screen areas without sacrificing the amount of information presented at once. For example, in weblogs, they are used in secondary content sections (such as the sidebar) to present relevant and interesting information such as a listing of blog posts which users can interact with to get to web pages quicker. This inevitably allows for an unobtrusive and compact manner of presenting content. This article discusses the use of the module tabs design pattern for use in websites and web-based applications. We share with you some best practices to consider when using module tabs, a listing of real-world examples of websites the take advantage of module tabs, as well as tutorials and free downloadable scripts for building and deploying module tabs in your sites.10 Unusual Places to Get Design Inspiration
Algumas inspirações para pesar em layout diferenciados!
Design inspiration is everywhere. In this article, you'll discover some creative and unique places to get creatively inspired in your - Colouring The World.
website colors - Colouring The World.
Pagina q t ayuda a sacar el codigo de los colores de las imagenes
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Type a URL of any online image below and our system will tell you the most used colours from that image27 Must-Have Starter Kits For Web Designers | Graphics
Starter kits are great timesavers for web designers and they are particularly useful for those who often create mock-ups for project pitching on daily basis.A Simple Twitter App with Ruby on Rails - Messages With Ajax | Noupe
How to Create an Illustrative Web Design in Photoshop - Million-user Comet Application with Mochiweb, Part 3 | Richard Jones, Esq.
One MILLION connections !Let's make the web faster - Google Code
Cuzillionアイトラッキングから検証した、使いやすいフォームの10のポイント | コリス
10 erreurs courantes dans le design de logo25 Excellent Examples of Using Texture in Web Design | Web Design Ledger
'If Joomla! is Linux, then WordPress is Mac OS X. WordPress might offer only 90% of the features of Joomla!, but in most cases WordPress is both easier to use and faster to get up and running.' Over the course of the last few years, I've been in c
Web company WireLoad shares their experience and tips and tricks for the internet-age business world.Into the Cloud: Our 5 Favorite Online Storage Services - ReadWriteWeb
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Into the Cloud: Our 5 Favorite Online Storage Services -
Being able to access your files from anywhere and from any computer is one of the great conveniences of the always-on Internet. Online file storage has been around for quite a while, but the latest generation of services are so cheap and easy to use that there is almost no reason not to back some of your files up into the cloud. Most online storage providers also give you the ability to then share these files with your friends and colleagues. We selected the services on this list because they have a good track record of keeping your data safe while providing you easy access to your files from wherever you are.うごメモはてな - メモからはじまる新しいコミュニケーション!
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kids creative output. reminds me of my old amiga deluxe paint animationsSuper simple way to work with Twitter API (PHP + CSS)
PHP - jak korzystać z API Twittera
api35 CSS-Lifesavers For Efficient Web Design | CSS | Smashing Magazine
35 CSS-Lifesavers For Efficient Web DesignHTML email inline styler
"Converts CSS rules into inline style attributes" - This will come in handy the next time you're designing an HTML email.
インラインスタイルに変換Build an Insanely Great Web Service - ReadWriteStart
Good reading material100 Essential Web Tools for Any Side Business | Management Degree
Whether you’re a victim of cutbacks, outsourcing or your own personal ambitions, your side business is probably more than just a hobby. And since you’re intent on growing your company into something respectable and profitable, you’ll need the tools and connections to help you project a professional image. Check out our list of 100 essential web tools for anyone who’s starting up a side business.Untiny
Diff as semantic operations, not as bare difference.
Revizr is a new way to work collaboratively to improve the quality of your documents. Use it for editing, proofreading, and ongoing development when you need other people's input but remain responsible for the contents.
What Revizr does for you: * Keeps all your revisers working together on the same copy of the document, with updates shared live * Turns reviser edits into what looks like hand-drawn markup (but it's usable) * Gives you a complete history of your document including who suggested what, when * Lets you revise documents with rich text, images, and formatting
ht now. You can select any
ew way to work collaboratively to improve the quality of your documents.56 Light & Clean Website Designs Using A Minimalist Color Scheme | Spyre Studios
And this is what we wanted a year ago. At least.
defineWeb Nerd Terminology (Explained)
Esta enlace es para aprender terminos
Great technology glossary to use when explaining Web technology to the less-initiated…74 Fresh Examples Of Beautiful Single Page Website Designs | Showcases | instantShift
one page
Links to several good web layouts as well as links to numerous other top N lists.Vaadin -
Vaadin is a Java framework for building modern web applications that look great, perform well and make you and your users happy.
WebApps auf Basis von GWT erstellen. Sieht gut aus.25 Stylish Examples of Headers in Web Design headers in web design
hedersCreating an Advanced Password Recovery Utility - Nettuts+
Join us for a webcast about Web Squared on Thursday, June 25 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific time with John Battelle and Tim O'Reilly.
"we’ll get to the Internet of Things via a hodgepodge of sensor data contributing, bottom-up, to machine-learning applications that gradually make more and more sense of the data that is handed to them. ... As the information shadows become thicker, more substantial, the need for explicit metadata diminishes. Our cameras, our microphones, are becoming the eyes and ears of the Web, our motion sensors, proximity sensors its proprioception, GPS its sense of location. Indeed, the baby is growing up. We are meeting the Internet, and it is us"; "evidence shows that formal systems for adding a priori meaning to digital data are actually less powerful than informal systems that extract that meaning by feature recognition"; "There are many who worry about the dehumanizing effect of technology. We share that worry, but also see the counter-trend, that communication binds us together, gives us shared context, and ultimately shared identity"Webware 100 2009 - CNET
Some great online services and ideas of now and the future!Gmailの機能を拡張して、もっと便利にする38のTips | コリス
超便利そう 使わない理由が見つからないwCrowdEye
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Real-time... Social... Search. Find out what all the twitter is about.
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Ring2Skype for Skype is FREE. "Skype In" charges you for the service. Another difference is that Ring2Skype for Skype provides numbers in more than 40 countries, while "Skype In" only in 20.Carrer Blog: O rule + golden proportion for calculating the gutter in the grid
Covers XMLHttpRequest10 Free Icon Sets for Theme Design | Blog Oh Blog
pewnie już było, ale ..zestawy gotowych icon do webdesignuVintage 2.0 - Glossy Retro Takes Over Web Design | Inspired Magazine
y Retro Takes Over Web Design13 Free Content Management Systems other than Wordpress | Coding Cow
Believe it or not, Wordpress is not the only free Content Management System (CMS) avaliable. Don't get me wrong though, Wordpress is a great blog orentated CMS
Awesome look at other CMS's besides wordpress - wordpress is still my fav tho ;)html5doctor, helping you implement html5 today
helping you implement html5 today. We publish articles relating to HTML5 and it’s semantics and how to use them, here and now. We also invite questions, in the form of ‘Ask the doctor’ to help answer people’s queries and questions. Answers will be posted in the form of articles for all to learn from.45 Incredibly Useful Web Design Checklists and Questionnaires | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Designing websites can be a long and complicated process. Dealing with clients, designing prototypes, coding, programming, and testing – there's a lot to keep trackPodShifter
interesting page...
podcast acelerator
create feeds for speeded up podcasts
make podcasts fasterRecreating the MobileMe Web Gallery Interface - Nettuts+
In 2007, Apple updated .Mac (now MobileMe), and introduced the "Web Gallery" feature - a photo sharing service that integrates with iPhoto. Web Gallery offers a beautiful interface, but the layout is done entirely with JavaScript. In this tutorial, we will attempt to recreate the Web Gallery interface using only CSS and a small amount of jQuery.30 Exceptional Web Designs - Nettuts+
30 web designers35 Awesome Augmented Reality Examples on BannerBlog News
rounded corners mostly, with jquery
A roundup of 7 CSS3 techniques that will be available in FF 3.5.MySpace's Performance Tracker
MySpace’s Performance Tracker is a browser plugin that help developers to improve their code performance by capturing and measuring possible bottlenecks on their web pages. MySpace’s Performance Tracker Features * Measure the CPU hit and memory footprint of your pages as they render on the client’s browser * Review screen shots of the page while it renders * Review the rendered HTML on each point of the page’s lifecycle * Measure and show estimates of the time it takes to render each section of the page in different connection speeds * Validate the content of your page against a set of proven “best practice” rules of web development * Review downloaded files and show download time estimation on different bandwidths MySpace’s Performance Tracker currently supports Internet Explorer 6 and up.
IEプラグイン、←YSlow/Google Page Speed、パフォーマンス/高速化/レンダリング
MySpace’s Performance Tracker MySpace’s Performance Tracker is a browser plugin that help developers to improve their code performance by capturing and measuring possible bottlenecks on their web pages. MySpace’s Performance Tracker Features * Measure the CPU hit and memory footprint of your pages as they render on the client’s browser * Review screen shots of the page while it renders * Review the rendered HTML on each point of the page’s lifecycle * Measure and show estimates of the time it takes to render each section of the page in different connection speeds * Validate the content of your page against a set of proven “best practice” rules of web development * Review downloaded files and show download time estimation on different bandwidths MySpace’s Performance Tracker currently supports Internet Explorer 6 and up.
Cause memory leaks love IE?....The “Light” CMS Trend | CSS-Tricks
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Test website in different resolutionsFolio Focus | Web Design Gallery of the Best Portfolio Sites
páginas de portafoliosWeb上の膨大な画像に基づく自動画像補完技術の威力 - A Successful Failure
2007年のSIGGRAPHで、アメリカ・カーネギメロン大学のJames HaysとAlexei A. Efrosが発表した、画像内に映り込んだ所望のオブジェクトを排除し、違和感の無い画像を生成するシーン補完技術。Web上の画像から対象となる画像の類似画像を検索し、その画像で隠蔽領域を完全に置き換えることで違和感の無い補完画像を生成するというもの。出来上がった画像に違和感を感じない。恐ろしい…
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Free templates? I'll believe it when I download a few of them...Write Better CSS with Less
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RED (Resource Expert Droid) checks HTTP resources to see how they use HTTP, makes suggestions, and finds common protocol mistakes20 Promising Open Source PHP Content Management Systems(CMS)
20 Interessantissimi CMS sviluppati in PHP
Meget kort anmeldelse af 20 open scource CMSystemerFive Minute Upgrade – Making Your Design Pop | Build Internet!
Web Design, Development, and Business
Quick steps to polish a design
nice tips for the fine touches that will make your designs stand out from the crowd15 Best iPhone Applications for Web Designers | Web Design Ledger
Can I replicate some of these for Windows Mobile?
When it comes to web design, there are apps for nearly everything, from helping create color schemes to managing your busy schedule. Here are 15 of the best!10 Things Every Web Designer Just Starting Out Should Know
Great article explaining how to use HTML 5 now.
Might be time to start looking at the use of HTML 5 for development nowWeb Site Story - CollegeHumor video
Made me laugh.
Web-savvy parody of West Side Story, featuring such hits as "I want to be on eHarmony" and "Evite, Evite"
Musical! Knapp 5 min. :)今時のデザインのウェブサイトの作り方を丁寧に解説しているPhotoshopのチュートリアル集 | コリス
Get inspired.
graph with cssSEOmoz | A Checklist to Choose Which Internet Marketing Channel is Right for Your Business
If a client came to you with $1 million to invest in a single Internet marketing channel, which one would you choose? Obviously, the question is a bit ridiculous (given that there's no additional detail provided), but it's designed to elicit an "off-the-cuff" response to a challenging scenario. The answer, of course, is "it depends" - and therein lies the rub. On what does it depend? Well... That's what I hope to answer with this blog post. My goal is not to solve the issue for an individual campaign, but from a very strategic level - asking questions like "where is the company today and where does it want to get to?" then applying those answers to the selection of marketing opportunities. Let's start by defining the macro-level channels themselves, then examine how we'd reach the right conclusions.Texster — подбор шрифтов и создание CSS стилей для текста
tool exploring the CSS parameters for your font
Подбор шрифтов и создание CSS стилей для текста50 best female web designers around the world | INDEZINER
Either is using a free template, a free blogging system or other custom solution, every person with just a little knowledge about computers is able today to “show” something. But who are the real professionists behind the scene? Who are the real designers in this big ocean of information? Well… some years ago we could have provided a simple answer: men. But today? … Many people would say… still men. Many surveys proved that and maybe its the same, but what about women? Who else can bring emotional, stylish and artistic touch on web design other then women? We searched the web and found an impressive number of great female web designers that bring inspiration and great sensitivity in this web design community. Please enjoy our 50 best female web designers list and in case you know about other great female designers please add them to our list.
webdesign female20 great dark website designs for Inspiration | [Re]
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20 great dark website designs for Inspiration50 Free High-Quality and “New” (X)HTML/CSS Templates | Noupe
For designers nothing can be more handy than effective and time saving tools supporting their creative process. Of cause dependant on the specific needs free web-based tools can significantly help you accomplish tasks such as color selecting, color pJPEG画像をより美しく、より軽量に最適化するテクニック | コリス
JPEG画像をより美しく、より軽量に最適化するテクニックをSmashingMagazineから紹介します。 Clever JPEG OptimizationNo to SQL? Anti-database movement gains steam
No to SQL? Anti-database movement gains steam
The meet-up in San Francisco last month had a whiff of revolution about it, like a latter-day techie version of the American Patriots planning the Boston Tea Party. The inaugural get-together of the burgeoning NoSQL community crammed 150 attendees into a meeting room at CBS Interactive. Like the Patriots, who rebelled against Britain's heavy taxes, NoSQLers came to share how they had overthrown the tyranny of slow, expensive relational databases in favor of more efficient and cheaper ways of managing data. "Relational databases give you too much. They force you to twist your object data to fit a RDBMS [relational database management system]," said Jon Travis, principal engineer at Java toolmaker SpringSource, one of the 10 presenters at the NoSQL confab (PDF). NoSQL-based alternatives "just give you what you need," Travis said. Open source rises up The movement's chief champions are Web and Java developers, many of whom learned to get by at their cash-strapped startups without Ora
The meet-up in San Francisco last month had a whiff of revolution about it, like a latter-day techie version of the American Patriots planning the Boston Tea Party.
piece on an alternative approach to data managementWalls Come Tumbling Down presentation slides and transcript | For A Beautiful Web
Walls Come Tumbling Down presentation slides and transcript It’s been one helluva busy, tiring but inspiring week, traveling first to speak at An Event Apart Boston, then, with Jeremy Keith and Jason Santa Maria onto London for @media2009. At both events, I presented Walls Come Tumbling Down. Here are the presentation slides and transcript
It’s been one helluva busy, tiring but inspiring week, traveling first to speak at An Event Apart Boston, then, with Jeremy Keith and Jason Santa Maria onto London for @media2009. At both events, I presented Walls Come Tumbling Down.
alpha-transparent PNG images are perfect when you're designing in a browser, particularly when you are experimenting with different color options.
"It's time to stop showing clients static design visuals" Damn right. All my personal projects have been designed along with the backend code, and they're of variable prettiness, but at least they work. I'm finding the more traditional model much, much harder to deal with these days.
designing in the browser? AMEN. Too right. About time that the outdated workflow detailed herein changes. It's old, it DOESN'T WORK, and it needs to be replaced.
For A Beautiful Web is a series of web design master class training workshops covering topics including visual design for the web, best-practice XHTML mark-up and CSS, Microformats and practical web accessibility design and techniques.A Showcase of Super Clean Web Designs | Web Design Ledger
I went around online and found 25 of the coolest iPhone app websites – not necessarrally the coolest APPS, but the coolest website designs. What I found was a lot of the big iPhone image on the page, showcasing how the app actually looks. I also found a lot of darker website designs. We’ve featured dark website designs here before on Spyre Studios and today seems like it’s shaping up to be another notch in that belt. The one thing I did notice – and loved – was the couple websites that did things differently. They didn’t feature a big iPhone image, they did brighter, more eye catching designs. These are truly my favorite out of the bunch.
Nice webpages to copy.22 Extremely Useful Tools for Web Designers and Developers | Queness
22 free tools for web designこれだけは覚えておきたい、Twitter検索で使える便利なオプションまとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
This article aims to show you how to attract users and make them hungry for more. Who is this post for? Anyone with a web site. Not all of the items listed below will apply to you and your business, but they are, at the very least, a source for inspiration.Stop Counting Clicks | UX Booth
The 3-click-rule is the Freddy Kreuger of web design advice. You think it’s finally dead and then it comes back and starts slashing up sensible debate about usable design. I’m hoping to convince you to stop talking about the 3-click rule. I don’t mean substituting it with the 4-click rule or the 5-click rule. You should stop counting clicks as a measure of usability altogether.Anemone - Ruby Web-Spider Framework
クラウドコンピューティングの問題点の一つに、レイテンシ(通信遅延)の問題があると言われます。これは光ファイバを通じる光の伝搬速度は一定なので、距離が遠ければ遠いほど遅くなり、海の向こうのサーバがある以上は、SSHでのターミナル画面の文字入力は相応に遅延します。Putting Government Data online - Design Issues
Notes from Tim Berners-Lee画像で見るウェブデザインのプロセスいろいろ | DesignWalker
画像で見るウェブデザインのプロセスいろいろ | DesignWalkerモバイルサイトのチェックが効率よくできるツール - livedoor ディレクター Blog(ブログ)
モバイルサイトのチェックが効率よくできるツール。firefoxのアドオンが主。アークアップエンジニアのことを「アックアッパー」と呼んでいる…Die dreizehn Lügen der Zensursula :
Warum Netzsperren nicht mißbrauchten Kindern helfen und dennoch für Ursula "von der Laien" herhalten müssen Dazu auch der folgende Podcast:
Im folgenden Beitrag analysiert, kommentiert und erwidert Netzaktivist Lutz Donnerhacke die Aussagen des Familienministeriums zur Notwendigkeit von Zensurmaßnahmen gegen die Dokumentation von Kindesmißhandlungen. Dabei will Donnerhacke 13 Lügen ausgemacht haben, welche das Ministerium in den vergangenen Tagen und Wochen in Form von Textblock-Antworten und anderen Stellungnahmen verbreiten ließ.30 Most Influential People In Web Design | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
ta bueno... buenas fonts for freeHTTP PubSub: Webhooks & PubSubHubbub -
The best part about Webhooks is that most of us are already familiar with them: callbacks over HTTP. Pioneered by PayPal and Subversion as a way to send real-time notifications to the client, they have found their way into many dozens of products we all use every day. Need pre or post commit hooks for your SVN or Git repository? Both GitHub and SVN support HTTP callbacks. Need a payment alert from PayPal, or an alert when a wiki page is modified? There are webhooks for that too. This simple mechanism allows us to build web services that work together via a simple and ubiquitous protocol we can all understand: HTTP!
"We offer this spec in hopes that it fills a need or at least advances the state of the discussion in the pubsub space. Polling sucks. We think a decentralized pubsub layer is a fundamental, missing layer in the Internet architecture today and its existence, more than just enabling the obvious lower latency feed readers, would enable many cool applications, most of which we can't even imagine. But we're looking forward to decentralized social networking."
With all the recent buzz about real-time web, surely this is the year XMPP/AMQP Publish-Subscribe (PubSub) makes it to the big leagues! Or maybe not. Ejabberd (XMPP), RabbitMQ (AMQP) and other pubsub server implementations have come a long way but they remain cumbersome to setup and maintain,CSS Cheat Sheet Wallpaper in Helvetica | theWPresser
I was looking around for a good CSS cheat sheet yesterday and I thought OK why do I have to open and close this .pdf file every time why don't i just put it as a wallpaper on one of my monitors...Get Your API Right « Trek
If you’re not allowing clients to create new data, or update/delete existing data on your system then you do not have an API. You have a feed. There’s nothing wrong providing read-only access to your data (it’s laudable, in fact), but I’m often disappointed to hear “Yeah! We have an API” only to find the person really meant they offered a number of customizable data feeds as XML.
"I can’t stand working with a poorly designed API! If you’re about to design or release an API for the web and want to avoid the ire of your developers, I’ve summed up the best (and worst) of what I’ve seen into 8 rules..."
Controlando el API
8 key gotchas when implementing RESTful web APIs. great advice
If you’re about to design or release an API for the web and want to avoid the ire of your developers, I’ve summed up the best (and worst) of what I’ve seen into 8 rules:PHP Security: Fortifying Your Website- Power Tips, Tools & How to’s | Noupe
Web Design150 Worth Knowing Web Developer Tools and Techniques | tripwire magazine
loads of goodies hereHTML 5 Cheat Sheet (PDF) | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
HTML 5 Cheat Sheet (PDF) | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
Download the cheat sheet for free!70 Tutorials Using Photoshop To Design A Website | Creative Nerds
This article features a huge amount of Photoshop web design tutorials, which will teach you simple effects which can be combined together in order to create a12 Tools To Check Your Site’s Accessibility
website accessibility tools247 web usability guidelines
Although designing usable systems requires far more than simply applying guidelines, guidelines can still make a significant contribution to usability by promoting consistency and good practice. We use this list of guidelines in our consultancy work. For best results, remember to interpret the guideline in context — this requires a bit more thought but ensures you will get a lot more from your review. — DAVID TRAVIS, JULY 6, 2009
Although designing usable systems requires far more than simply applying guidelines, guidelines can still make a significant contribution to usability by promoting consistency and good practice. We use this list of guidelines in our consultancy work. For best results, remember to interpret the guideline in context — this requires a bit more thought but ensures you will get a lot more from your review. — David Travis, July 6, 2009SEO(検索エンジン最適化)に役立つ日本語対応のツール集 | コリス
GoogleやYahoo!などの検索エンジン用にウェブサイト(ページ)を最適化する際に役立つ、日本語対応の無料ツールを紹介します。10 CSS tricks that make website looks cool instantly!
There are numerous ways a Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) can improves our web design and it’s not difficult to implement a few to make our website looks better and more user-friendly. Listed below are 10 cool CSS tricks that will improve your web designs instantly. The good thing about these tutorials is that they make complicated CSS tricks look easy (and you don’t have extensive coding work to do!). If you are new to web design and development, I suggest you bookmark this article for further reference in future.145 Ultimate Round-Up Of Photoshop Tutorials and Resources | Tutorials | instantShift
Ultimate Round-Up Of Photoshop Tutorials and Resources80 Corporate Website Designs For Design Inspiration | Inspiration | instantShift
web bookmarks
To replace
like DeliciousFree File Distribution Service - Drop Record
In-depth tutorial from NetTuts on combining existing HTML5 and CSS3 to create a slick web-design.35 Beautiful Minimal Websites - Part 6 | Vandelay Design Blog
35 Beautiful Minimal Websites - Part 6 | Vandelay Design Blog
Collections of well-designed websites with a minimal approach have always drawn a great response from our readers, so we'll continue the series with the 6th showcase post of this kind. Due to the large percentage of our readers that are interested in minimal designs, last month we launched a gallery site, Minimal Exhibit, that focuses on these types of sites. Many of the sites featured in this post have also been featured at Minimal Exhibit, so if you like what you see here, be sure to follow Minimal Exhibit where many new sites are added each week. (mt) Ventures
35 Beautiful Minimal Websites
Collections of well-designed websites with a minimal approach have always drawn a great response from our readers, so we’ll continue the series with the 6th showcase post of this kind.12 Excellent Social News Sites for Web Designers
are a great for finding useful resources, tutorials, and information on the web. These sites typically puts users in the driver’s seat by giving them the ability to submit links, vote on other people’s submissions, as well as vote down stories that they don’t like. Because of this, they’re able to create a user-driven site and connect people who have similar interests.
social news sitesGoogle Apps
Google apps free edition, bookmarked so they don't hide it again.Rise of the Data Scientist | FlowingData
Interesting!70 beautiful Drupal sites | Mogdesign
The HTML 5 video element has the potential to liberate streaming Internet video from plugin prison, but a debate over which codec to define in the standard is threatening to derail the effort. Ars takes a close look at the HTML 5 codec controversy and examines the relative strengths and weaknesses of H.264 and Ogg Theora.
A shame to see patent issues, vendor disagreements and other issues derail adoption of HTML 5 video.
something to read... about html5 and its usage with video standards and such
Decoding the HTML 5 video codec debate - Ars TechnicaHANDCRAFTED CSS by Dan Cederholm with Ethan Marcotte
New web design book by Dan Cederholm with Ethan Marcotte.Screenjelly - Home
This service allows you to tweet screencasts.
Permite capturar lo que sucede en la pantalla.
Screenjelly records your screen activity with your voice so you can spread it as a video via Twitter or email. Use it to quickly share cool apps or software tips, report a bug, or just show stuff you like.Official Google Blog: Introducing the Google Chrome OS
An operating system for PCs that is tied to its Chrome Web browser. Called the Google Chrome Operating System, is initially intended for use in the tiny, low-cost portable computers known as netbooks. “Speed, simplicity and security are the key aspects of Google Chrome OS. “We’re designing the OS to be fast and lightweight, to start up and get you onto the Web in a few seconds.” Would be released online later this year under an open-source license, which will allow outside programmers to modify it. Google Chrome OS will run on both x86 as well as ARM chips and we are working with multiple OEMs to bring a number of netbooks to market next year. The software architecture is simple — Google Chrome running within a new windowing system on top of a Linux kernel. For application developers, the web is the platform. These apps will run on any standards-based browser on Windows, Mac and Linux. Google Chrome OS is a new project, separate from Android.
We all knew it was coming, but it's absolutely interesting to see proof from the horse's mouth
This sounds pretty interesting... Google has resources, so if they can develop a good product, it just means more competition which is great in my book!
Microsoft just shat themselves.
Interesting how this will work - an OS specialized to get you onto the web, quickly and in a secure way.Free Website Builder - Moonfruit - Beautiful websites, simply
inspiration for websitesAviary - Creation on the fly / blog / Capture any webpage: Just add in front of the URL!
You can capture any webpage at all, from any browser, by simply putting in front of the URL!
Grab a copy of the entire scrollable content of a web page (via Garry Martin)
Creation on the fly / blog / Capture any webpage: Just add in front of the URL!
Looking to grab a copy of the entire scroll-able content of a web page? Aviary, makers of a previously mentioned online image editing tool and Firefox extension, make it really simple: just add the site's URL after The speed with which Aviary's Flash-based editor pops open depends on their server load and the content of the site you're trying to paste over. But the full-length capture works, allows you to save to the desktop (through the "Export" function) and make basic edits like cropping and text and shape addition. Aviary's URL appending service is free to use, requires a free account to save images online and access certain advanced features.
Aviary has just launched it's easiest feature yet! You can capture any webpage at all, from any browser, by simply putting in front of the URL! For example, say you want to capture Google's homepage: Just change to Dead. Simple. After capturing the page, you can edit it, add simple markup to it and save it to your desktop (or host it online with a single click). It should work on almost any public page on the Internet, with any browser. It can even capture Flash!10 Web Apps To Build The Next Big Thing Without Writing Any Code
programar sin teclear
Para probar alg´un dia26 Worth Knowing PHP Tools & Resources For Web Developers | Tools |
Web development is not that much difficult now a days. The important is how you do it and how much time you take to complete the task. Web developers do notSlickMap CSS — A Visual Sitemapping Tool for Web Developers
SlickMap CSS is a simple stylesheet for displaying finished sitemaps directly from HTML unordered list navigation.
SlickMap CSS is a simple stylesheet for displaying visual sitemaps directly from HTML unordered list navigation.Bing vs. Google
Compare search results between Bing and Google.
side by side comparison of searches in Google and Bing
bing vs googlePOPit - ポップイット
POPit(ポップイット)は手書き風のPOPをあなたが気に入っている商品などにつけて紹介できるWebサービスです。GeoFill - automatically filling form data with geo information
automatically filling form data with geo information
GeoFill - automatically filling form data with geo information3 apps to check username availability across all sites at once – The Next Web
I think the notion of content templates will be useful. Both for the Collections overview working group and for the implementation of a CMS at NLA Web.これまでに使った20のjQueryプラグイン | 5509
From Paul Robert Lloyd.The Roadmap To Becoming A Professional Freelance Web Designer | How-To | Smashing Magazine
a time and budget management tool. One can create tasks, time their own work, run reports, and manage their money overall more efficiently.Easy PHP Websites
Learn jQuery in 17 Easy ExamplesAccueil | Portail des métiers de l'internet
portail du gouvernement
« Informations utiles pour s'orienter dans les formations mais aussi dans les filières d’emploi nouveaux créés par l’Internet. Le Portail des Métiers de l’Internet [...] intègre un référentiel qui met en lumière les métiers des technologies de l’information et de la communication parmi lesquels des métiers émergents à forte valeur ajoutée que le public n'identifie pas toujours aisément. »5 Essential Google Cheat Sheets Which Surely Will Come in Handy | Css Reflex - Design Blog | Web Design | Inspiration and Resources for Designers
Cheat sheet is a reference tool that provides simple, brief instructions for accomplishing a specific task. here is a collection of essential Google Cheat sheets which will surely come in handy.
Cheat Sheets
Cheat sheet is a reference tool that provides simple, brief instructions for accomplishing a specific task. I have collected a bunch of essential Google Cheat sheets which will surely come in handy.Unqualified Reservations: Wolfram Alpha and hubristic user interfaces
A fantastic piece that gets to the heart of the problem with WA: its UI provides only unreliable affordances. To make the best use of its great computational engine and data visualisation parts you essentially have to learn the idiosyncrasies of an incredibly complex and unpredictable front-end.
"Like most hubristic UIs, Wolfram Alpha is operating with a completely fictitious user narrative."Coding a Clean & Illustrative Web Design from Scratch
Coding a Clean & Illustrative Web Design from Scratch
One tutorial to do the whole thing form start to finish
In this comprehensive and step-by-step web development tutorial, you will learn how to convert a Photoshop mockup of a professional web layout design that features an illustrative landscape header into a standards-compliant XHTML/CSS template.Dinky Page | Disposable pages for everyone
Um link tão genial que não sei nem definir.The longest list of CSS frameworks you probably ever seen. | User Interfaces | Libraries and Components for Software Developers @ LibHound
web design navigation. core nav, doc nav, classification path etcWeb Design Tutorials: The Ultimate Roundup | Graphics
Designing a website has never been easier. These days, you really don’t have to be attend design courses nor Photoshop workshop to pick up a skills or two; everyone can be self-taught thanks to generous designers who are willing to share their techniques online. Whether you are looking at creating a personal portfolio, corporate website, blog template or merely a simple personal websites, chances are somewhere out there there’s a Photoshop tutorial with a step to step guide showing you how to turn a blank canvas into a complete layout. Here’s a round-up of some of The Best Photoshop tutorials related to website interface design. Full list after jump.20 great Wordpress Footer Designs for Inspiration | [Re]
20 great Wordpress Footer Designs for Inspiration wordpress footer designsAn Unofficial Q&A about the Discontinuation of the XHTML2 WG
pedacoes de codigos uteis em phpCreate your free website - Moogo
Costrutor de sitesWiseStart | UK's top startpage. Reach everything with just one click.
Motor de Busca do Google muito bomKyle Standing / Daniele Codega's network
check this codeHow To Make Your Next Website Design Pop: Web Design Tutorial
Background, chewable
Web design is one of those areas that when done right, you know it. It looks polished, refined and generally, just well done - it pops! There are a number of ways that you can achieve this and that is by ‘polishing’ off your design. Here we look at some of the ways to do just that.ReadWriteWeb Interview With Tim Berners-Lee, Part 1: Linked Data
מספר על המצאת חייו WWW- ממציא ה
First of a 2 Part interview between McManus of RWW and Berns-Lee director of W3C and father of the Internet15 Website for jQuery Enthusiast and Addicts | Desizn Tech
Are you someone who is constantly wowed by the cool effects and animation jQuery can do and always searching jQuery tutorials and plugins? Here is a post for
jQuery tutorial and learningodosketch
It might be lovely. I can use this meta servise to cool useful
cool sketchesCMS.txt | What it is
php cms in 6k
CMS.txt is a free, open-source, 6kb content management system which allows you to easily manage web pages.mnot’s Web log: What to Look For in a HTTP Proxy/Cache
is added to the ModelAndView using a key that is expected by JsonView. In summary, the controller responds to two URLs, “carselector.html” and “models.html”. It renders an HTML page as the response to the “carselector.html” URL, via a standard JSP view. Let's take a look at the JsonView class, which renders the JSON result for the “models.html” request:
After the user enters a name and clicks submit, the entire screen turns white while the page refreshes and then the results are displayed. This is not a good user experience. Now, let's use jQuery to improve that experience by refreshing only the part of the page that actually needs to change. The modifications made to the existing page are: 1. Split the search form and search results into 2 separate JSPs so the results can be displayed separately, without having to re-render the search form. 2. Add a placeholder <div> on the search form JSP to hold the search results. 3. Add a line of jQuery that submits the search form in the background using AJAX, placing the results in the placeholder <div>. The resulting code looks like this:TwitPaint - Twitterでお絵かきしよう
TwitPaint lets you paint graffiti and post it on Twitter.Grid Style In Modern Web Design: Showcase and Resources | Showcases | instantShift
A Grid is an invisible structure used to guide the placement of elements on your page. Now days using a grid are one of those basic design principles. Over the past few years, there’s been a lot of talk about grid systems and using column grids for website layouts. It’s easier these days to embed a audio/video on the web than it is to set type consistently or align elements to a universal grid. Most news and editorial designers are working with grid systems someone else designed. No matter what you think about it, how you know about it, you need to understand how to use it. Here, in this Presentation, you’ll find everything you need to know about Grid Based Designs with some excellent resources provided by fallow designers and developers.Making a Content Slider with jQuery UI - Nettuts+
Typically, there are two main ways of debugging server-side code: you can utilize an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with a built-in debugger or log and perform your debugging processes in a web browser.The hazy future of Web typography - Ars Technica
7/6/09 article: @font-face and typekit information
Chris Foresman for Ars Technica: "Type designers and font foundries don't want their fonts ripped off, browser vendors want a single standard, and designers want to be able to use whatever font best suits the design at hand. So far there isn't one clear solution that reconciles these competing desires."
Font workarounds Great article on font usage now and in the past.100 Excellent iPhone Apps for Web Designers and Developers | Web Design ...
Geat list of iPhone apps for developers & designersHow to make really nice buttons — GIANT ROBOTS SMASHING INTO OTHER GIANT ROBOTS
A nice tutorial from the Thoughtbot crew on button design for web appsKohana: The Swift PHP Framework - Nettuts+
tutorial dedicado a kohana
Interested in Kohana. Seems like it is progressing more aggressively than CodeIgniter.ご都合.com | みんなの「都合のよい日」がすぐわかる、無償&登録不要の共有カレンダー
| みんなの「都合のよい日」がすぐわかる、無償&登録不要の共有カレンダー
スケジュール調整ツール 無償&登録不要の共有カレンダー パスワード設定可30 Light and Sleek Web Designs for Inspiration
The creative utilization of color gradients, lighting effects, glow effects, and details such as inset pixel dividers can result into a beautiful and impressive website design. When deciding on a color theme, designers often choose whether they’d like to use a dark or a light palette; in this showcase, you’ll get to see light and bright designs.
30 Light and Sleek Web Designs for Inspiration
This collection presents exemplary and gorgeous examples of light, bright and sleek web designs for your design inspiration.
Six RevisionsTen Simple Rules for Choosing the Perfect CMS + Excellent Options | Noupe
Artigo que discute algumas variedades de CMS
nice list of CMS tools
The content management system you choose can really make a huge difference in how much time you (or your clients) spend keeping a site updated and maintained. There’s a huge variety out there—some estimates put the number at around 1700 different options. Some are great…some, not so much. Below are ten useful guidelines to consider when choosing a CMS, followed by rundowns on ten great CMS options available and how they stack up based on the guidelines.Les 103 conseils que j’aurais aimé qu’on me donne quand j’ai débuté sur Internet…
A lire avant de lancer son business sur internet
RT @Altaide_JF: RT @sebmaster: Les 103 conseils que j’aurais aimé qu’on me donne quand j’ai débuté sur Internet… [from]Digg the Blog » Blog Archive » Much Ado About IE6
pasado por Fran
Sounds like we need a new approach
Basically, IE6 users are forced to use IE6 at work. Giving them a message saying, “Hey! Upgrade!” in this case is not only pointless; it’s sadistic.
Diggin blogi toteaa tutkimuksensa perusteella, ettei kaksi kolmesta IE6-käyttäjistä yksinkertaisesti voi päivittää. "Giving them a message saying, “Hey! Upgrade!” in this case is not only pointless; it’s sadistic."
July 2009 Survey at Digg shows that over 90% IE6 visitors can't, won't, or are forbidden to upgrade their browser.A List Apart: Articles: Introduction to RDFa II
15+ techniques and tools for cross browser CSS coding
Catswhocode20 Tips to Manage Your Online Social Life – Part 1
Good DNS tutorial for students or anyone wanting to understand DNS basics.Create a Vertical, Horizontal and Diagonal Sliding Content Website with jQuery | Queness
Create a content sliding website that slide vertically, horizontally or diagonally. This is one of the famous techniques used by most of the porfolio websites.SlickMap CSS Demo
50 Creative and Inspirational Personal Portfolio Websites : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Creative Portfolio designsOpen Web Tools Directory
Directorio con herramientas buens para dar solucion all diseño web
This is the HTML version of the Open Web Tools Directory, a Mozilla Labs experiment to catalog the expansive universe of tools related to creating web applications based on open standards; see the announcement blog entry for more information.
Open Web Tools Directory25 Examples Of Light Effects In Web Design | Design Shard
25 Examples Of Light Effects In Web Design | Design Shard -
Light Effects in Web Design25 High Quality Free Fonts for Professional Designs
40 logos creativos
I have always loved looking at well-designed logos and I like it even more when they feature great typography (hey, after all typography is sexy!) So, lately I’ve been looking for some inspiration for a new project and thought I’d check out some logo galleries to get those creative juices flowing.vTip | Vertigo Project
vTip is designed to quickly provide very lightweight (706b js, 272b CSS, 270b image) tooltips to users of jQuery. The zip includes everything you need (including an example page), as well as jQuery for the examples to work.
para usar con javasctipt y jquery
vTip is designed to quickly provide very lightweight (706b js, 272b CSS, 270b image) tooltips to users of jQuery. The zip includes everything you need (including an example page), as well as jQuery for the examples to work. Using the jQuery framwork any element with a class of vtip will have it’s title attribute turned into a sleek, customizable tooltip without the klunk and loading time of a large tooltip script. Version 2 introduces a minified version meaning the entire script is now 44% smaller.
tool tipsAnimating Design Elements: 7 Unique & Creative Practices | Noupe
We saw different methods and techniques that truly speak to the designer’s capabilities and creativity. A great way to distinguish yourself from the crowd is to have a truly unique user interface. Although there are many possibilities, you should carefully plan each project on its own. Not all techniques provide a solution for everything. Some of them are very helpful and easy to implement, but some lack usability and simplicity.マスターしておきたい、Illustratorの基本的なエフェクト集 | コリス
Como usan algunas universidades al social media
Universities are constantly exploring new ways to use social media to fulfill their missions of engaging and sharing knowledge with their constituents. Below are just 10 highlights of how universities are using social media for public affairs. As always, please share other examples you have used or come across in the comments - Threely - The Shortest URL Shortener in the World!
Very impressive!
3 letter URL shortener
for twitter and likeBeautiful Gradient Effects On Web design - Research: Part 2 | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Gradient Effects On Web design
It’s Monday and beautiful time to get inspired with very good examples and research a little bit what’s happening behind the scenes from graphic designer view. This time I will showcase and analyze gradient effects used effectively in web-design and logo design creation. It’s very important to create and use subtle and eye-catchy color combinations and transitions to achieve modern and stylish effect. Maybe you haven’t noticed but light and shadow effects are widely used and it doesn’t necessary mean just color, but to bring greater effect, use textures and then put on them light but observable transparent color effects and you’ll see magic happening. Using light you can easily emphasize places and actually lead visitor’s attention from point to point using just color, illustrations, text size. After this short introduction I’ll start to share beautiful examples of web site designs which use such light,shadow and gradient effects in very good way.27 Stunning Examples of Header Design Inspiration - Inspect Element
exemplos de topos para sites
Headers are the usually the first thing you see so the examples shown have gone for big, bold and beautiful headers that give the design character while also making them very memorable.wkhtmltopdf - Google Code
"Simple shell utility to convert html to pdf using the webkit rendering engine, and qt. "A Guide to Google Analytics and Useful Tools | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Google Analytics is undoubtedly the most widely used web analytics application. Emerged from and based upon the analytics-package developed by Urchin Software Corporation (which wasTeaching with Technology / Index
An large directory of online software and services useful for teaching. Catagorized by function. The site is also a wiki so it can be improved by many persons.50 Tools and Tricks to Revolutionize Your Notetaking | Distance Learning Net
Prise de notes sur Internet
Whether you’re a high school or college student, a small business owner looking to set up a new business plan, or someone who wants to be better organized with your errands, goals and regular to-do lists, there are a variety of tools to keep your notes and tasks safe and filed away online. These 50 tools and tricks will revolutionize your note-taking by introducing you to techniques and websites that let you share ideas, store your thoughts directly on a web page and more.10 Incredible Sites to Improve Your Typography Skills | Web Design Ledger
list great typography websites that will inspire and equip
TypographyWelcome to webOSdev - Palm
The following pages should give you answers regarding Palm® webOS™ platform development that you could not find anywhere else on this site. Just jump into the section(s) that interest you.Code Style: CSS style guide, learn CSS style code and glossary terms
Code Style: CSS style guide, learn CSS style code and glossary terms
CSS style guide with FAQs on CSS code, cascading style sheet problems, CSS coding techniques and example CSS navigation code.Seesmic
Posting from the #Seesmic new web service . After desktop (which I love) here comes seesmic web. Clever @loic. [from]
Sécurisé par oAuthHTML5 and The Future of the Web | How-To | Smashing Magazine
'In this article, I’m hoping to give you some tips and insight into HTML5 to help ease the inevitable pain that comes with transitioning to a slightly different syntax.'
Some have embraced it, some have discarded it as too far in the future, and some have abandoned a misused friend in favor of an old flame in preparation. Whatever side of the debate you’re on, you’ve most likely heard all the blogging chatter surrounding the “new hotness” that is HTML5. It’s everywhere, it’s coming, and you want to know everything you can before it’s old news.Play Street Fighter 2 CE, a free online game on Kongregate
Kongregate free online game Street Fighter 2 CE - Official version by Gametap. /!!\ COMBOS AVAILABLE BY CLICKING (?) BUTTON (at the top right).... Play Street Fighter 2 CEIE6 Must Die for the Web to Move On
Amen! Anyone who has any influence over corporate IT policies _needs_ to read this.The Autopsy Of WordPress As CMS With 25 Great WP Plugins & Designs | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
good tips on wordpress
WordPress clearly need no introduction for web devotees like us. Starting out from just a humble blogging platform in 2003, it had grow exponentially into a popular platform not only being used extensively by bloggers but designers and developers too. WordPress have since then become the rice bowl for many Netizens. Whether it’s through blogging, designing WordPress templates, converting PSD to WordPress style XHTML or creating corporate sites, no one could argue that it’s indeed one of the most important platform on the web today.How hetero? - Stockholm Pride 2009
As part of the celebrations for Stolkholm Pride 2009, this cool website gives you your very own "heterosexual" rating through the evaluation of keywords found in your Twitter posts. Very amusing and easy to use.
How hetero are you?
This site analyzes Twitter feeds to determine how the percentage hetero of the tweeter. It's meant to make users think about heterosexual norms and how they affect the gay and lesbian community.Best Examples of Watercolor in Web Design | Web Design Ledger
Amazing listing of some gorgeous, gorgeous web interfaces.has_many :bugs, :through => :rails: Ruby on Rack #1 - Hello Rack!
Intro to Rack, with a slight rails focus.PNG画像をより美しく、より軽量に最適化するテクニック | コリス
The massive Drupal community, headed by its 2000 developer account members, offer a huge range of free resources. As with the nature of anything open-source, the resources available for Drupal, are (mostly) free, professional and high quality. free drupal cms themes10 Usability Lessons from Steve Krug’s Don’t Make Me Think | UX Booth
"Many people in the usability community regard Steve Krug’s book Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, 2nd Edition as the laypersons usability bible. This book explains briefly and concisely everything one needs to know about getting started with web usability. For more advanced users, it’s a great refresher course."
Korte samenvatting van het boek "Don't make me think!" van Steve Krug (aanrader)15 Really Useful Web-based HTML Editors
15 Really Useful Web-based HTML Editors -
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **Online Javascript Regular Expression Tester
Online Regular Expression Tester
Really cool - makes life a lot easier and has nice syntax down the sideBlog comments design considerations
WordPressを使っていて「これが有ると無いとで全然違ってくる」と思う7つ道具(ソフトやツールなど)YouTube Will Be Next To Kiss IE6 Support Goodbye
YouTube phasing out support for IE6. (via @wrumsby) Finally a motivator for corporate IT depts everywhere. [from]
This is great news. I've already started hearing more and more people feeling comfortable about not supporting ie6
@atoouefeito Calma, isto já está acontecendo! [from]
YouTube ukinja podporo za IE6! Isto je napovedal tudi Digg (tudi top 10 stran), tako da bi to znalo končno prisiliti preostale IE6 uporabnike da upgradajo.Jackson dies, almost takes Internet with him -
It could go down as the biggest mobile event in history
Google News users experienced difficulty accessing search results for queries related to Michael Jackson," a Google spokesman told CNET, which also reported that Google News users complained that the service was inaccessible for a time. At its peak, Google Trends rated the Jackson story as "volcanic."
Well written article... seems Social Networking has REALLY come of age. it was TMZ and Twitter that turned to for the "scoop." Just natural evolution of how things work these days. The loss of Michael Jackson is like the loss of Princess Diana, it seems we lost 2 super gems, and got a lesson about the loss (and mauling) of innocence as well as the seductive destructive aspect of acumulating fame and riches. sad sad sad.25 Amazing Retro Web Sites for Your Inspiration | PV.M Garage
ナビゲーションのUIはこれで完璧かもなjQueryプラグイン集。 階層メニュー、タブ、ツリーやページャにいたるまで、ナビゲーション部分に使えるjQueryプラグイン集25種Top 10 Great Social Sites for Movie Lovers
Enemies of usability claim that because "the experts disagree," they can safely ignore user advocates' expertise and run with whatever design they personally prefer.rev=canonical: url shortening that doesn't hurt the internet
"RevCanonical is url shortening with a twist. Instead of creating its own super short versions of links, it checks to see if the link owner has published a shortened version of the given page using HTML link element. If not, we just return the original URL. And you should bug the link owner about providing a better alternative."
"url shortening with a twist. Instead of creating its own super short versions of links, it checks to see if the link owner has published a shortened version of the given page using HTML link element. If not, we just return the original URL. And you should bug the link owner about providing a better alternative."
A URL-shortening bookmarklet that looks for a canonical shortened URL (for example, a link for a Flickr photo, or a link for Get Satisfaction) and returns it, instead of using a third-party service.
RevCanonical is url shortening with a twist. Instead of creating its own super short versions of links, it checks to see if the link owner has published a shortened version of the given page using HTML link element. If not, we just return the original URL. And you should bug the link owner about providing a better alternative.Web-Design Trends: 40 Illustrative Website Designs | Spyre Studios
Web-Design Trends: 40 Illustrative Website Designs
Best of All TimeHow To Automate Optimization and Deployment Of Static Content | How-To | Smashing Magazine
How To Automate Optimization and Deployment Of Static ContentThe Most Popular Photoshop Tutorials of all Time
The Most Popular Photoshop TutorialsTop Twitter WordPress Plugin Roundup | Chicago Web Design
15 Awesome tutorials and resources for web developers
by @woork
n extremely lightweight jQuery plugin which gives users the ability to easi
Great list of useful web tutorials.15 Plugins to Unleash the Invincible Power of jQuery and Wordpress
The number of Internet users in the US is nearly static compared to China and India. Wonder what this holds for the future of the Internet?The Amazing Blog : Your Web Service Might Not Be RESTful If…
added a single resource that described the locations of these other resources, they would have much more flexibility in the future. An example of the content of such a resource:
Good blog on the basics of building RESTful web services Fresh and Unique Personal Portfolio Websites | Noupe
"With all the talk about web fonts, I think it’s time I tried to outline the present situation. I’ve not attempted to do so before, owing to the complexity of some of the material, and the speed at which things are moving."25 High Quality Free Fonts for Professional Design | tripwire magazine
25 High Quality Free Fonts for Professional Design
This article will give you an overview of some high quality free fonts available for use in professional designsThe Power of HTML 5 and CSS 3 • Perishable Press
HTML 5 and CSS 3 are quickly gaining popularity, revealing their collective power with some exciting new design possibilities.
Web designers can do some pretty cool stuff with HTML 4 and CSS 2.1. We can structure our documents logically and create information-rich sites without relying on archaic, table-based layouts. We can style our web pages with beauty and detail without resorting to inline <font> and <br> tags. Indeed, our current design methods have taken us far beyond the hellish era of browser wars, proprietary protocols, and those hideous flashing, scrolling, and blinking web pages.The Most Engaged Brands On The Web
What big brands do the best job with social media? A new study by analyst Charlene Li of the Altimeter Group and Wetpaint ...
What big brands do the best job with social media? A new study by analyst Charlene Li of the Altimeter Group and Wetpaint ranks the top 100 brands by social media engagement. You can find the report embedded below or on ENGAGEMENTdb, which was presumably created with Wetpaint’s site-creation software.
Ranks the top 100 brands by social media engagement - claims level is tied to revenue growth (correlation does not mean causation?)
A new study by analyst Charlene Li of the Altimeter Group and Wetpaint ranks the top 100 brands by social media engagement. Contains report15 sites web developers and designers should know
Metalist of good sites for assisting in web development27062201.jpg (JPEG Image, 1476x1101 pixels)
様々な変わったデザインのwebの作り方web-optimizator - Google Code
This application is aimed to automate all clientside improvements for website that should significantly increase load speed of its pages.携帯サイト制作の時に勉強になるサイトとか、あれこれ。|linker journal|linker
When starting out with PHP, it can be daunting figuring out how best to organize a project. If you've ever been confused with where to put your images, external libraries, or keeping your logic separate from your layout, then check out these tips; they'll get you heading in the right direction.55 Niche Web Design Galleries for Your Inspiration | Vandelay Design Blog
Varios Formatos de Paginas Web
Designers are always looking somewhere for inspiration, and there are plenty of design galleries online that have been created for this purpose. Personally, many of my favorite galleries are niche-specific, which makes them stand out from the hundreds of other galleries and unique in some way.
Designers are always looking somewhere for inspiration, and there are plenty of design galleries online that have been created for this purpose. Personally, many of my favorite galleries are niche-specific, which makes them stand out from the hundreds of other galleries and unique in some way. Over a year ago Muhashar Iqbal published a list of niche galleries on the Most Inspired blog. I decided to put this list together because a number of great additions have been launched since that post was published. In this post I've tried to focus on the niche galleries that are currently active (or at least point out those that are not being updated) so that they can be useful resources to you if the topic is of interest. E-Commerce Galleries: CartFrenzy Our own gallery that showcases the best e-commerce designs.60+ Must Have jQuery Toolbox | tripwire magazine
Más de 60 utilidades jquery.
60+ Must Have jQuery ToolboxOpen Source Designers - A community of practice for design & user experience people in Open Source
If you’re doing design & user experience work in an open source community, then chances are we have a lot in common – no matter what community we’re working in. We have some big challenges every day, but we also know that if we can overcome those challenges we can make a really big contribution to the sustainability and increased popularity of open source software.
Leisa Reichelt's been working on Drupal (in the open) and sent this pointer to a community for people doing UED work for open source projectsHow to Make a Green & Sleek Web Layout in Photoshop
A talk given at OSCON 2009 on July 21st, 2009.
This tutorial examines how best to cope when the Real World intrudes on your carefully designed website.
There’s plenty of material (documentation, blogs, books) out there that’ll help you write a site using Django… but then what? You’ve still got to test, deploy, monitor, and tune the site; failure at deployment time means all your beautiful code is for naught. This tutorial examines how best to cope when the Real World intrudes on your carefully designed website.30 Handy Cheat Sheets and Reference Guides for Web Professionals | Webdesigner Depot
Cheat sheets and reference guides are useful for both beginners and advanced web professionals. They can be used to help you remember syntax or as a tool to aid in memorization. In this post, we aim to cover the reference guides for all of the most commonly used platforms, software and coding languages. Below you’ll find a compilation of the 30 most useful and well-organized cheat sheets, checklists and reference guides. If you know of a useful cheat sheet that we haven’t covered here, please share the link in the comments’ section at the end of the article.ブログを書いている人が FriendFeed を始めるべき7つの理由 |
「施策を考えたらすぐに実施してしまいたい気持ちはわかりますが (また、経験者の方にとっては当たり前のことかもしれませんが)、その施策がただの作業・自己満足で終わってしまわないよう、急がば回れで現状の数値を把握してみてください。」
このチェックリストに沿っていくつかのコンテンツを複合的に施策を行ったところ、検索流入・検索順位ともに結果は非常に良好でした。 そして、ひとつひとつご覧になればわかるかも知れませんが、チェックリストといっても何か特別な (秘密の) 施策が書かれているわけではありません。SEOに興味のある方なら知っているようなことばかりです。 しかし、チェックリストなしに漏れなく項目をチェックするのは難しいと思います。ひとつひとつは当たり前のことでも10を超えると何かが抜けたり、忘れるからです。このようにチェックリスト化することにより、担当ディレクターのSEOリテラシーを高め、致命的な抜け漏れやスパム行為を未然に防ぐことで、コンテンツの価値をそのまま検索エンジンに伝えられると考えています。 ライブドアではモバイルSEOに強いディレクターを募集しています。How To Develop a jQuery Plugin
jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library and many sites adopt it for dynamic effects and Ajax functionality. However, relatively few developers delve into the depths of plugin development. In this tutorial, we will create simple plugin to explain the basics. Our code will reverse the text within one or more selected nodes — view a demonstration page.
How To Develop a jQuery Plugin
jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library and many sites adopt it for dynamic effects and Ajax functionality. However, relatively few developers delve into the depths of plugin development. In this tutorial, we will create simple plugin to explain the basics. Our code will reverse the text within one or more selected nodes — view a demonstration page.John Resig - Computing with JavaScript Web Workers
"A 'worker' is a script that will be loaded and executed in the background. Web Workers provide a way to do this seamlessly, for example: new Worker("worker.js") - available in Firefox, Safari and Chrome - "If you're doing any computation with JavaScript you should definitely opt to use Web Workers if they're available"
Computing with JavaScript Web Workers
"Normally in order to achieve any sort of computation using JavaScript you would need to break your jobs up into tiny chunks and split their execution apart using timers. This is both slow and unimpressive ..."Notify me when up.
notify when website is up and running.
@ginatrapani I used to use this site, but found out about this one a couple weeks ago: Sends an email notification. [from]
Sends an email when a downed site you wanted to visit reappears on the internet.
Notify Mee performs a very simple but invaluable task: It sends you an email when a downed site you want to visit reappears on the internet.16 Gorgeous Web Safe Fonts To Use With CSS | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Las 16 tipos disponibles para web css en MAC, PC y Linux50 New Beautiful Blog Designs | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
There are things that can't be showcased too often. For instance, beautiful blog designs. We have presented hundreds of beautiful blog designs in the pastA Different Top Navigation
interesting option go to near the bottom with "We're Done" Demo
When designing a new site, web designers usually face the age-old question: vertical or horizontal navigation? There are pros and cons to both solutions. One30 Examples of Extreme Minimalism in Web Design | SingleFunction
I thought this week would be the time to share with everyone examples of extreme minimalism in web design, and how with minimal elements, when properly used, so much can be achieved.
30 Examples of Extreme Minimalism in Web DesignBringing Web Fonts Closer | Kernest
Web based tools are always very helpful for any designer and developer and no one can deny of its importance, Today We have compiled 21 Free And Helpful Web Based Tools for daily web needs. Most of them are not very well known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features.Load Data while Scrolling Page Down with jQuery and PHP
Load Data while Scrolling Page Down with jQuery and PHP
Like scroll in google reader70 Typographic, Clean And Minimalist Color Scheme Web Designs | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
great, simple ideas40 Inspiring Blog Designs | Vandelay Design Blog
Great blog design overview
good for bs designBumpbox - lightbox alternative - support for flv,swf,images, html and pdf
Bumpbox - lightbox alternative - support for flv,swf,images, html and pdf
Bumpbox - lightbox alternative - support for flv,swf,images, html and pdf - Brights: Howard Rheingold : Crap Detection 101
Excellent advice on thinking critically abt media & how to teach your children to do so from @hrheingold #homeschool [from]
legitimate websites
Annotated link
"The first thing we all need to know about information online is how to detect crap, a technical term I use for information tainted by ignorance, inept communication, or deliberate deception. Learning to be a critical consumer of Webinfo is not rocket science. It's not even algebra. Becoming acquainted with the fundamentals of web credibility testing is easier than learning the multiplication tables. The hard part, as always, is the exercise of flabby think-for-yourself muscles."50 Kick-Ass And Creative Dark Website Designs | Spyre Studios
Inpirational Black colored sites25 Inspiring Examples of Sign-Up Pages | Webdesigner Depot
Great ideas for packages.How to Create A Simple Web-based Chat Application - Nettuts+
印刷用CSSSpeed Up Your Website with Better Image Optimization in Photoshop | UX Booth
post interessante sobre otimização de imagens para uso na web
Otimização de Imagens para Web | Tutoriais
Otimização de imagens para web.JavaScriptツール&ライブラリ50選 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
とりあえずThe Pushbutton Web: Realtime Becomes Real - Anil Dash
Pushbutton is a name for what I believe will be an upgrade for the web, where any site or application can deliver realtime messages to a web-scale audience, using free and open technologies at low cost and without relying on any single company like Twitter or Facebook. The pieces of this platform have just come together to enable a whole set of new features and applications that would have been nearly impossible for an average web developer to build in the past. July 24 2009
Anil Dash of Six Apart weaves together several ideas, some very old, some relatively new, and spins a story of the web to come. This is a great read, rich with informative links. Web developers should read it twice and argue about for hours.Flash CMS - Manage Flash with Yooba Studio
Flash Content Management (CMS) for professional use, SMB, large business, enterprise and agencies with scalable pricing structure.50 Useful Google Apps for Writers - Learn-gasm
IE7 targetingThe Big Picture
Real-time information delivery is fast emerging as one of the most important elements of our online experience. No more waiting for the Pony Express to deliver a parcel cross-country, no more waiting for web services to communicate from one polling instance to another. This is information being available to you at nearly the moment it's produced, whether you're watching for it or not. Just this afternoon, Google declared real-time search to be one of the biggest unsolved challenges it faces. This morning the NYTimes put a link to a new real-time view of all its news stories on the front page of its site. Last night Facebook announced a new feature that will let users be notified instantly when their friends interact with media related to themselves on the site. This is big stuff, but what does it all mean? We offer below a collection of readings on the real-time web.
Real-time information delivery is fast emerging as one of the most important elements of our online experience. No more waiting for the Pony Express to deliver a parcel cross-country, no more waiting for web services to communicate from one polling instance to another. This is information being available to you at nearly the moment it's produced, whether you're watching for it or not.ChatPad|1クリックで始まる!見知らぬ誰かとのチャットサービス
チャット 匿名 ランダムCreate UML diagrams online in seconds, no special tools needed.
あえてもなにも、必要性が感じられなかったOfficial Google Mobile Blog: Google Sync Beta for iPhone, WinMo and SyncML Phones
Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; XXXXX like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/241 Safari/419.3Macrosoft Excel - Book1
Excel 風 2ch
エクセル風の2chビューアーPNG Optimization Guide: More Clever Techniques | How-To | Smashing Magazine
This post describes some techniques that may help you optimize your PNG images. These techniques are derived from laborious hours spent on studying how exactly the PNG encoder saves data. It talks about grayscale, how to use fewer colors for optimization and also about reducing detail to minmize the file size.Discussing PHP Frameworks: What, When, Why and Which? | Noupe
"Within the past few years as PHP has evolved as the scripting language of choice by most developers, [...]" - aha. Und die Top Five der PHP-Frameworks sind: The Zend Framework (built for coporate-level development); CakePHP (Ruby on Rails for PHP); Symfony (main objective is to create enterprise-level applications ... like Askeet and Yahoo! Bookmarks - wtf?); CodeIgniter (ease-of-use, performance, speed, small footprint, shared hosting); Seagull (used for building web, command lind and GUI apps, extremely easy to use) - auch wenn der Artikel irgendwie quark ist, so scheinen CodeIgniter und Seagull vielleicht fast einen Blick wert.Bing and Google Agree: Slow Pages Lose Users - O'Reilly Radar
Velocity Conference.
Stats on how much users choose to leave a page as load time increases
Awesome study -- everyone knows speed is "good," but this quantifies it.Online Scheduling and Appointment Software - BookFresh
BookFresh works like an online appointment book. It lets new and existing clients schedule with your business online.
Online Scheduling and Appointment Software
BookFresh helps your business take online appointments and much more: Easy online appointment scheduling Advertises your services locally Reminds clients of their appointments Notifies you by SMS text and email Connects to your website160+ Mega Web Design Tutorial Roundup | tripwire magazine
160+ Mega Web Design Tutorial RoundupTweeting from the Web? Nine Alternative Web Clients
10 Advance jQuery Scripts to take Your Website to the Next Level
10 Advance jQuery Scripts to help distinguish your website from the rest! Use these stunning functions to add some spice to your site.Zaum & Brown | CD Sleeve Design, Band Art, Myspace & Website Design
Choosing a domain name for a new client is a difficult task. Domain names are the crux of a website’s existence. A bad name can create a negative impact on branding and the ability to strengthen the domain value. A good domain name is essentially priceless (tacky but true) in name, branding, ease of understanding, and catchiness.
Get Creative With Your Domain NameA List Apart: Articles: The Inclusion Principle
Accessibility is commonly touted via some text and a small hyperlink that leads to Section 508 at the bottom of a web page, a practice which upholds the spirit of the law. It usually reads something like this: “We are committed to making our site accessible and continue to test and modify the site for accessibility. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any problems accessing any of our content.” Some quick accessibility checks reveal that many site owners and developers consider the second part of that statement a convenient “get out of jail free” card. Developers sometimes think that using standards-based development principles, separating presentation and behavior via external CSS and DOM-based scripting techniques, and applying alt attributes to images creates Section 508 compliance. They don’t want to spend more effort on accessibility until they get feedback from users who have problems with the site.
"In universal design, perceived affordance—that is, the implicit understanding of how to interact with an object—actually coincides with the user’s ability to execute the action. Universal design is, therefore, inherently accessible." - yes!Massive Compilation of Designer Tools | Webdesigner Depot
We’ve compiled a massive list of some of the best and most useful tools out there for web designers. Purposely left off the list are common tools most designers are likely already using (like Dreamweaver or Panic’s Coda, Photoshop or GIMP, and similar common software programs that pretty much every designer already has in their toolkit). These are tools that will save you time, make you a more effective designer, simplify or speed up your design process, or otherwise make your life easier.
a massive list of some of the best and most useful tools out there for web - Semantic Information MAshup
While is by no mean the first data aggregator for the Semantic Web, its contribution is to show that the sum is really bigger than the single parts and exciting possibilities lie in a holistic approach for automatic semistructured data discovery and consolidation
Live, embeddable information summaries from sites which use RDF, RDFa or Microformats. Use it in your Blog, Tweets or as an APIBeautiful Personal Portfolios | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
These past few weeks I've been on the lookout for some nice portfolios to inspire me to make my own.
Beautiful Personal Portfolios | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials - » Web Design is a Journey
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the webLABjs (Loading And Blocking JavaScript)
"Even Faster Web Sites"CSS Prism by Ryan Berg
Enter the URL of any CSS file to view and modify its color spectrum.Icons for Interaction / journal / hicksdesign
Great presentation from Jon Hicks on icon design in UX.
Presentation on the design and use of icons.
Nice PDF with a lot of tips.How To Use Twitter(Twitterの使い方) - カイ士伝
After years of observation and reverse engineering I am proud to say I have been able to reproduce the IE6 algorithm to break even the most standards-compliant websites. IE6ify!
So sad but oh so true. A great way to explain to a client why IE6 shouldn't be catered for.
After years of observation and reverse engineering I am proud to say I have been able to reproduce the IE6 algorithm to break even the most standards-compliant websites.Notable | Easiest way for teams to provide feedback on websites.
Federated Media - Rep AgencyInfoQ: The First Few Milliseconds of an HTTPS Connection
InfoQ: The First Few Milliseconds of an HTTPS Connection50 Fresh Portfolio Websites for Your Inspiration | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
via Smashing MagazineThe CSS3 border-radius property « Blogging CSS
One of the CSS3 properties designers have been longing the most for is undoubtedly the border-radius property. With CSS3 border-radius property it’s possible to create the so popular rectangles with rounded corners exclusively via CSS - no images needed. Cross-browser compatibility CSS3 aren’t supported by all browsers yet. The border-radius property is supported by Firefox (since version 3.0), Safari (since version 3.1) and Chrome (since the first version), but it’s not supported by Internet Explorer or Opera (it should be implemented in Opera 10). Since CSS3 aren’t standard yet, you must add prefixes to border-radius in order to work with the browsers that support it. If you want to work it with Firefox, you must write -moz-border-radius in the CSS; if you want it to work with Safari/Chrome, it’s -webkit-border-radius. Note that although Firefox, Safari and Chrome support this property, they do so in slightly different modalities.ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: ゼロからはじめる携帯サイト構築。
# 結局はキャリア感の差異を知り吸収する事がすべて ・キャリア毎やマークアップによるIME制御の違い ・メーラー起動時の引数の付け方の違い ・au ではプログレッシブjpgが表示できない ・auの WML拡張は Content-type が text/html じゃないと使えない? #これ無しではやってられないぐらい頼りきったツール達 ・FireMobileSimulatorLive ・HTTP Headers ・QRコード出力 #ナイスなライブラリ達 ・Net_UserAgent_Mobile ・Net_IPv4 ・絵文字ライブラリ ・位置情報ライブラリ #素晴らしい書籍 ・PHP×携帯サイト 実践アプリケーション集 ・PHP×携帯サイト デベロッパーズバイブル
これ無しではやってられないぐらい頼りきったツール達 FireMobileSimulator 便利過ぎる タブ事にシミュレーターのon/offを切り替えられる様になって言う事無し 7/30追記: タブ事にシミュレーターのon/offを切り替えられると書いていますが、この機能が実装されているのは現在のところベータ版のみです。詳しくは開発者の堀川さんのブログタブごとに端末選択可能なFireMobileSimulatorベータ版公開と人柱募集でご確認ください。 Live HTTP Headers 定番のHTTP ヘッダー表示ツール デバッグ時に活躍 QRコード出力 実機テスト時に大活躍 QRコード関連はライブラリも揃っているので、自前でQRコードを生成して使って居ますが、Google Chart API のQRコード生成をはじめとしたWEBサービスを使えば十分だと思います。 Firefoxのアドオンにもあります Free Website Analytics Tools | Web Design Ledger
I’m showing you the best free analytics tools available.
Web designers are often website owners. If you fall into this category, you have probably already realized the importance of knowing and understanding who is20 Creative Web Forms For Design Inspiration | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
web tutorial
I know lots of you love our design inspiration, so here is another dose of it. This time I have compiled together some creative web forms from around the internet. Included are contact forms, login forms, comment forms and a few others. I hope you enjoy the collection, and if you want to add anymore you have found be sure to drop us a comment.
I know lots of you love our design inspiration, so here is another dose of it. This time I have compiled together some creative web forms from around the internet. Included are contact forms, login forms, comment forms and a few others.How to Code a Grunge Web Design from Scratch
How to Code a Grunge Web Design from Scratch -
How to Code a Grunge Web Design from Scratch[CSS]ネガティブマージンの理解を深め、活用するテクニック集 | コリス
ネガティブマージンの理解を深め、活用するテクニック集 | コリス
スタイルシートを使用する際、必ずといっていいほどマージンを使用するでしょう。しかし、ネガティブマージンになると意見は分かれ、それは悪魔の仕事であると考える人たちも ネガティブマージンで意識しておくポイント ・vaildなCSS(ちゃんと規定あり) エラーを直すために使用するのはただのHack ネガティブマージンをfloatを使用しないエレメント群に適応した際、配置した順番で表示 ネガティブマージンはすべてのモダンブラウザ(IE6以降)で完全にサポート floatでの使用には注意 ネガティブマージンはDwのデザインビューで反映されません ul一つで、3カラムに配置 ポイントをオーバーラップ 3Dのテキストエフェクト シンプルな2カラムのレイアウト floatと一緒にネガティブマージンを使用すると、古いブラウザで下記の問題が生じます。 (解決方法あり) * クリッカブルでないリンク * 選択しにくいテキスト * フォーカスを失った際、消失するタブのリンク
デザイン的に有用! はみでたり系で。 の日本語訳個人店等がWebサイトを使って収益を上げる為に行うブランディングTips - かちびと.net
グTips - かちびと.net
1・サイトマップ送信 2・本来の相互リンク 3・無料ブログを使って人柄をアピール 4・Yahoo!のサービスを利用する
個人店等がWebサイトを使って収益を上げる為に行うブランディングTips21 Amazing CSS Techniques You Should Know
Güzel cssler var.【レポート】5分で把握するHTML5 - Google Developer Dayセッションリポート (1) HTML5仕様の概要 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
うおー。WebStorage って! ウェブアプリは今後どーなっていくんだろー。
Web StorageCarsonified » Getting Started with Typekit
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web重いFirefoxをなんとかして速くしたい | バシャログ。
重いFirefoxをなんとかして速くしたいHow big is the internet? | Latest news |
Nice visualization of population and percentage of those who are online
If you spent just one minute reading every website in existence, you’d be kept busy for 31,000 years. Without any sleep.Carsonified » How to Make Your Web Design Stand out from the Crowd
How to Make Your Web Design Stand out from the Crowd
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
Carsonified » How to Make Your Web Design Stand out from the Crowd
Few inspiring designs13 Free Adobe AIR Apps That Can Make Your Lives Easier @ SmashingApps
Adobe AIR is a cross-platform runtime environment for building rich Internet applications using Adobe Flash, Adobe Flex, HTML, or Ajax. It’s popularity is increasing every day and getting more lovers who are using tools developed on Adobe AIR for diversified purposes. Designers are the top on the list in those lovers and this list is specially for designers who can save their time and complete their task in the less time using these little but simple AIR apps. But you probably will like this if you are developer, office worker, manager, supervisor, student, home user, etc. Because we make sure to add something interesting for everyone. Most of them are not very well-known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features. The best thing about these apps that they are cross-platform using Adobe’s AIR technology. Just take a look at them and share your thought here.
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers!@#$!@@@@@@@ MY ISYS PROJECT @@@@@@!%#@!@
can hate on some old shit done right5 Web Accessibility Improvement Tools | UX Booth
Over the past few weeks we’ve been showcasing some amazing articles, tools, and videos in our Resources section. Our twitter followers have gotten a taste of these resources and have let us know they are really enjoying them! Today I would like to share some tools with you that focus on accessibility, a very important sector of user to avoid ads in gmail
you need 1 catastrophic event or tragedy for every 167 words in the rest of the email. I usually toss in a couple extra for good measure. I've been told by an early adopter that the very elegant and self explanitory "These words are designed to kill advertisements" works wonderfully.
apparently, adding words about death and tragedy causes gmail to not show ads.
using keywords to invoke gmail's algorithmic sense of decorum, turn off gmail ads「モバゲータウン」のつくりかた - TechTargetジャパン
1日6億PVを6人のインフラ担当で支えられる理由punypng - PNG Image Optimization and Compression - Gracepoint After Five
punypng - PNG Image Optimization and Compression - Gracepoint After Five
- PNG Image Optimization and Compression - Gracepoint After Five10 Excellent Services To Get Feedback For Your Design Works | Inspired Magazine
Crowdsourced usability tests for your own designs9 Characteristics of Well-Designed E-Commerce Websites | Vandelay Design Blog
Login pages for web apps/websites are something that regular users are likely to see over and over again but are also can be an opportunity to entice new users to sign up so a well designed login page can have greater benefits than you think. Below are some of the best login pages currently out there.What You Need To Know About JavaScript Scope | How-To | Smashing Magazine
What You Need To Know About JavaScript Scope | How-To | Smashing Magazine20 Light Minimalistic Website Designs
website designs 美工专用The Skinny on Doctypes
Proposes we use the skinny doctype? that's a doctype?
<!doctype html>, that's it.
At Google, we have this obsession with byte size. And by byte size, any “lack-therof” the better. Therefore the doctype you will find on most Google webpages while still triggering the browser into “standards mode” is as simple as you see below:100 Free Open Courseware Classes on Journalism, Blogging and New Media | Online Degree World
here was a time when writers and artists were at the mercy of a few decision-makers who said what was published and what was cast aside. The ease of getting your work online has made those days a distant memory. Blogging about your world, reporting what goes on around you, and even publishing your own art is as easy as setting up a blog or purchasing a domain name and creating your own website. The following free open courseware classes will help you learn about new media, writing, reporting, or even just understanding the culture or your rights as an online publisher.Die Fail Whale: Have You Played?
Die Fail Whale is a free social gaming utility for killing fail whales in real-time.
Shooting gallery featuring the Twitter fail whaleThree Instantly Effective Social Media Strategies - Conversation Starter - social marketing socialmedia social-media socialmediastrategy Ideas business internet web2.0 web webdesign twitter network Networks strategy
I saved this because everything is about business. Do I sabotage myself over that, or practice my craft?
If you've got an experienced social media team, a solid budget and an appetite for innovation, you can create an original online presence that engages your customers or supporters in an entirely new kind of online experience. But many organizations lack the time, budget or experience to start from scratch. That doesn't limit your social media options to a generic corporate news blog or a standard-issue Facebook page. Here are three great options for robust social media presences that let you manage cost and risk by building on existing tools and established best practices.The Essence Of About Us Page With 12 Captivating Showcases | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
Google for Advertisers25 Classic Fonts That Will Last a Whole Design Career
25 beste lettertypes
25 FONT CLASSICHEThe Do’s and Don’ts of Dark Web Design | Webdesigner Depot
A few tips to make your next dark website design appeal to a broader audience, while letting you, the designer, express your creativity.
Do's and Dont's33+ Online Resources to Learn CSS | [Re]
resources to learn cssDesign and Code Your First Website in Easy to Understand Steps - Nettuts+
Here’s a list of 10 essential software apps for web development on a Mac.
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Knowledge Based (Semantic) SearchCartagen
A vector-based, client-side framework for rendering maps in native HTML 5. Written in JavaScript, it uses the new Canvas element to load mapping data from various sources, including OpenStreetMap. Maps are styled with Geographic Style Sheets (GSS), a cascading stylesheet specification for geospatial information – a decision which leverages literacy in CSS to make map styling more accessible. However, GSS is a scripting language as well, making Cartagen an ideal framework for mapping dynamic data.
A vector-based, client-side framework for rendering maps in native HTML 5
"Just like CSS for styling web pages, GSS is a specification for designing maps. Adapted for dynamic data sources, GSS can define changing geographic elements, display multiple datasets, and even respond to contextual tags like "condition:poor"."Twib - Twitter ホットエントリー
Twib(ツイブ!) とは、Twitter でつぶやかれたホームページのURLを集めて、 人気順に並べるサービスです。
Twitter でつぶやかれたホームページのURLを集めて、 人気順に並べるサービス
Twitterで話題のサイトをはてブ風に並べる「Twib(ツイブ!)」。Building a Data Intensive Web Application with Cloudera, Hadoop, Hive, Pig, and EC2 | Cloudera
This tutorial will show you how to use Amazon EC2 and Cloudera's Distribution for Hadoop to run batch jobs for a data intensive web application. During the tutorial, we will perform the following data processing steps:
* Configure and launch a Hadoop cluster on Amazon EC2 using the Cloudera tools * Load Wikipedia log data into Hadoop from Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) snapshots and Amazon S3 * Run simple Pig and Hive commands on the log data * Write a MapReduce job to clean the raw data and aggregate it to a daily level (page_title, date, count) * Write a Hive query that finds trending Wikipedia articles by calling a custom mapper script * Join the trend data in Hive with a table of Wikipedia page IDs * Export the trend query results to S3 as a tab delimited text file for use in our web application's MySQL database
This tutorial will show how to use Amazon EC2 and Cloudera's Distribution for Hadoop to run batch jobs for a data intensive web application.The Top 100 Web Sites of 2009 - Reviews by PC Magazine
Our picks for the hottest Web sites and Web trends of the year, plus some old favorites to enjoy.A List Apart: Articles: Redesigning Your Own Site
Designing for your worst client: yourselfCheese & Burger Society
Cheese & Burger Society We are the Cheese & Burger Society. We believe that cheese is the Grand Poo-bah of every cheeseburger grilled at a backyard barbecue or flame-broiled at a roadside diner. But not just any slice of cheese, Wisconsin Cheese. So join us as we celebrate the greatest cheeseburgers ever made. Has Lady Luck been treating you right? Then listen up. Because from August 1 to September 30, the Cheese & Burger Society is giving its fans the chance to win a top of the line gas grill. Yes, we're nice like that.
Must be enjoyed with sound on.GetSimple CMS | GetSimple CMS
GetSimple has everything your client needs, and nothing a CMS doesn't
GetSimple has everything your client needs, and nothing a CMS doesn't.
GetSimple is an open source CMS that utilizes the speed and convenience of XML, a best-in-class UI and the easiest learning curve of any simple Content Manageme
The Simplest Content Management System EVER. GetSimple has everything your client needs, and nothing a CMS doesn't REQUIREMENTS * Unix/Linux host with PHP 5.1.3+ * No MySQL Database * 6 minutes to spare FEATURE LIST * XML based data storage * Best-in-Class User Interface * 'Undo' protection & backups * Easy to theme * Great documentation33 Most Useful Domain Tools | Mogdesign
Domain tools become almost a daily tools for most website developers and designer. Hunting for the perfect domain name became a hard work, since most of the
Domain tools become almost a daily tools for most website developers and designers. Hunting for the perfect domain name is hard work since most of the catchy, usable and easily remembered domains names are already used. Thankfully - there are many tools which can make this task easier or do the work for us. You can instantly search, create and register custom domain names, take care of domain name typo variants, all that in just a few moments with these amazing domain tools.The Top 100 Web Sites of 2009 - Reviews by PC Magazine
Best sites of 2009!jquery week-calendar | redredred
pretty amazing
The jquery-week-calendar plugin provides a simple and flexible way of including a weekly calendar in your application. It is built on top of jquery and jquery ui and is inspired by other online weekly calendars such as google calendarIE6 No More - Home
Campaign site for retiring the old Internet Explorer 6 browser for good.
IE6 No MoreMussumgrapher
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mussumgrapher.swf (objeto application/x-shockwave-flash)13 Javascript libraries for visualizations on
As data visualization often needs to reach a broad audience the browser is becoming the number one tool to publish and share visualizations. A lot of visualizations require user-interaction to unleash their full potential, thus interactive applets that run directly in the browser are a a great way to analyze the data at hand. Beside the usual suspects like Flash, Silverlight and Processing, JavaScript is quickly gaining ground in the field of interactive visualization embedded in websites. We’ve collected 13 JavaScript visualization libraries that help you get started faster, keep it flexible and develop with higher reliability.IE6 No More! Popular Web Companies Start Project to Kill IE6
Twitter users and the Digg community both rallied behind our battle cry. But now a high-profile group of startups, most funded by the well-known early stage venture firm Y Combinator, have started their own initiative, IE6 No More.
We've made no attempt to hide our belief that Internet Explorer 6 must die. IE6 is an ancient browser that does not support many of the major innovations of
We’ve made no attempt to hide our belief that Internet Explorer 6 must die. IE6 is an ancient browser that does not support many of the major innovations of the last 8 years. Yet it is still used by 15-25% of Internet users – and that fact alone is holding us back from a new area of web applications.20 Tips on How to Write for the Web | Webdesigner Depot
I got really amazed what can be done with Flash and how limitless possibilities are. You also may notice there are a lot of design, development and interactive agencies in this article, but that’s really self explaining – creative souls and agencies really offer the greatest creativity, because on their own designs they really have no limits. Enjoy!Steepster
a social network for tea?
Maybe it'll get better...seems a bit too "I'm 2.0!" From:
Steepster is a site that helps you keep an online log of the teas you drink. Using our super-simple interface, you can easily fill your tealog with tasting notes and tales of your tea drinking adventures. You can also follow other tea drinkers to see what's in their cup, discovering brand new teas from people you know and trust.15 Creative Wordpress Footers @ Designussion
Some good navigation, but really these examples are about appealing design at the bottom of the page.
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Wordpress allows designers to take advantage of the functionality that the CMS provides. Becase of this, gone are the days of having a simple copyright footer and hello to the days of complex, inviting and informational footers. Designers have found
Some inspiration for making the most out of a page footer.
Des pieds de page créatifs et inspirés30 More Helpful Video Tutorials For Web Developers - Nettuts+
Liste mit Video-Tutorials für PHP, mySQL, jQuery und vieles mehr
You can find a good tutorial on just about any subject of web development, but great video tutorials are much less common. Here are a few great tutorials that
Video Tutorials For Web Developers
ng to do some advanced processing on RSS feeds, Yahoo! Pipes has some modules that can do almost anything you can think of to alter orJoobsBox
* o and build a [...] o
JoobsBox is the most flexible framework for job boards, allowing community expand it to unlimited needs.
Plateforme web open source d'offres d'emploi développée en PHP avec le framework Zend.
ジョブボードA List Apart: Articles: Unwebbable
It’s time we came to grips with the fact that not every “document” can be a semantic “web page.” Some forms of writing just cannot be expressed in HTML—or they need to be bent and distorted to do so. But for once, XML can help. Joe Clark explains.
"The creation myth of the web tells us that Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML as a means of publishing physics research papers. True? It doesn’t matter; it’s a founding legend of the web whose legacy continues to this day. You can gin up as many web applications as you want, but the web is mostly still a place to publish documents."Skulpt
Fantastic Illustrative Web Designs!!
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Our main goals: to attract bigger and better projects—and thereby cement our business, see it through the downturn, and discover excellent growth opportunities. Our aim was not simply to increase inquiries, but to improve the quality of inquiries, and our internal inquiry workflow.Team Apart - Real simple. Real-time.
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Meet face to face with others to quickly and efficiently share information. Go ahead, try it out now! Communicate with others using a webcam/microphone. Sketch out your ideas and visions on the whiteboard. Real-time Notepad Create a To-Do list or take meeting notes with others, synchronously!
Super simple online collaboration in real time. Meet face to face with others to quickly and efficiently share information.
Team Apart is browser-based application that provides small teams with a place to meet and collaborate in real-time. A Team Apart meeting includes tons of great features to help you collaborate, including document and image viewing, whiteboarding, simultaneous text editing, and screen sharing. Team Apart also allows for face-to-face interaction through your computer webcam and microphone.Milton Home
API javaDevelop Twitter API application in django and deploy on Google App Engine — The Uswaretech Blog - Django Web Development
Useful, quick and easy walkthrough of writing a Python/Django app which interfaces with Twitter, and deploying it to Google AppEngine.
Twitter’s robust REST API enables building of good applications that leverage its increasingly large and real-time data. Google’s cloud system App Engine not only provides a scalable platform for deploying applications, but also proves to be economically viable because of its pay per resource usage model and a large free quota. Little wonder then, there are increasingly large number of twitter apps being deployed on App Engine. In this post, I am going to examine how to create a simple application based on twitter’s REST API and deploy it on Google App Engine. A deployed version can be found on Twitter-Follow. The specification is simple. It finds if a twitter user is following another twitter user, given their user names. The application is developed using django and deployed on Appengine using the app engine patch project. The code is open sourced with GPL v3 and can be checked out from Google Code. Lets get started building this application.Create UML diagrams online in seconds, no special tools needed.
uml diagrams10 low-cost, high-value Web 2.0 strategies | 10 Things |
Some tips on Web 2.0 strategies
Here’s our list of top 10 Web-oriented tools, technologies, and ideas that promise to deliver the most value at the lowest cost.
Polly Schneider Traylor pulls together a very nice summary list of quick and inexpensive ways to leverage the power of 2.0【特集】詳解! HTML 5と関連APIの最新動向 - 新タグ&API編 (1) はじめに - 本特集の趣旨 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
今回紹介する内容は以下の通りだ。 * HTML 5マークアップについての簡易リファレンス(新要素/廃止された要素/DOCTYPEについて) * Video/Audio要素とそのAPI * Canvas要素とそのAPI * 大幅に強化されたフォーム要素 * アウトラインを意識したマークアップ(section,articleなどを用いたマークアップ方法) * ドラッグ&ドロップAPICSS Typography Reference Sheet - Get Creative with your Headlines! : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources
Reference tables of CSS properties and sample texts (web safe)
size conversion
The global rise of Facebook is nothing less than astounding. In the month of June alone it gained 24 million unique visitors worldwide, compared to the month before, for a total of 340 million unique visitors worldwide. It is now the fourth largest site in the world, trailing only Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo sites, according to comScore (see table below). Facebook itself only officially acknowledges 250 million active registered users (but you don’t have to be a registered user to visit some Facebook pages).UI Pattern Documentation Review - Boxes and Arrows: The design behind the design
User interface (UI) patterns have the potential to make software development more efficient. The prospect of such efficiency gains has led to interest in user interface (UI) patterns by individuals and organizations looking for ways to increase quality while at the same time reducing the costs associated with software development. The very nature of UI patterns requires that they be familiar to end-users. An individual UI pattern is a discrete, repeatable unit of user experience. I refer to collection of patterns as a library.16 Apps That Make Sharing Large Files A Snap
Whether you own a professional WordPress website or build them for other people, here is the definitive list of must-have, free WordPress plugins for professional WordPress websites.
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ツイッターを使ったコミュニティーサイト。やっぱりこういうのあるんだ。Over 300 Unique and Creative Google Logo Designs - Web Design - letscounthedays
Over 300 Unique and Creative Google Logo Designs - Web Design - letscounthedays
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Google Logo
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The Online Portfolio of Shay Howe
Sehr schöne Sammlung an allen Google Doodles von Beginn an11 Free Web Apps for your Daily Work
While CSS sprites offer nice performance benefits (less connections/overhead), they are troublesome in every respect. Putting lots of tiny images with different dimensions into one bigger image is fiddly and very hard – np-hard in fact. But that's the smallest issue. It doesn't need to be perfect after all. Deflate will happily squish all that extraneous white-space to virtually nothing. One of the real problems is CSS. It just isn't flexible enough to let you do everything you might want to do with your sprite sheet. For example repeating parts of the image isn't possible. And if you want to display a sub region of an image in the upper right of some element, it only works if that sub region is in the lower left of the sprite sheet. So, the best thing you can do is to use elements in the size of the sub region and use background-position to slide the image around, but that usually means extra markup for something that should be very simple.What Works: The Web Way vs. The Wave Way - Anil Dash
"And a weekend-scale implementation on a personal site usually translates roughly into a 90-day implementation cycle in a business context, which is a reasonably approachable project size."
Google Wave is an impressive set of technologies, the kind of stunningly slick application that literally makes developers stand up and cheer. I've played with the Google Wave test sandbox a bit, and while it's definitely too complex to live up to the "this will replace email!" hype that greeted its launch, it certainly has some cool features. So the big question is whether Wave will succeed as overall in becoming a popular standard for communications on the web, because Google has made an admirable investment in documenting the underlying platform and making it open enough for others to build on and extend. I think the answer is no, and the reason is because the Wave way is not compatible with the Web way.
Anil thinks Google Wave is too big a step to catch on with developers. What about with users?
The big question is whether Google Wave will succeed as overall in becoming a popular standard for communications on the web, because Google has made an admirable investment in documenting the underlying platform and making it open enough for others to build on and extend. I think the answer is no, and the reason is because the Wave way is not compatible with the Web way.
Google has made an admirable investment in documenting the underlying platform and making it open enough for others to build on and extend. I think the answer is no, and the reason is because the Wave way is not compatible with the Web way.
What Works: The Web Way vs. The Wave Way from @anildash: My first impressions: [from]DelliStore: A Free Professional CSS/XHTML/PSD-Template | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
This template is a full px-based, cross-browser-compliant (X)HTML/CSS-template. It consists of 4 custom pages; the PSD-source is included in the release package. You may modify this template for a e-commerce web site, restaurant, pool and spa web-sites and other caters, ventures and facilities
Over the last months we’ve heard numerous complaints about the lack of quality in our freebie releases. We are aware that our readers have high
Ideal para tienda, spa,...Evolution's third replicator: Genes, memes, and now what? - life - 31 July 2009 - New Scientist
!! digital information을 세번쩨 replicator로 규정. 그런데 그것이 copy,mutation,natural selection을 모두 충족하는가? 글쓴이에 의하면 현재의 컴퓨터들은 웹 상에서, 인간의 통제를 벗어나 스스로 복제하고, 정보를 수집하며, 편집하고, 뭐..그런말을 하는데.. / / mutation은 없고 summary만 있을뿐 아닌가? 그리고 natural selection은 혹시 virus에 의한것을 말하는가? 그렇다면 너무 유치하고.. 검색순위 상단에 오르는 것을 말한다면 그것은 인간에 의한것인데?
There's a new type of evolution going on and it may not be to our liking, says Susan Blackmore
Memes are a new kind of information - behaviours rather than DNA - copied by a new kind of machinery - brains rather than chemicals inside cells. This is a new evolutionary process because all of the three critical stages - copying, varying and selection - are done by those brains. So does the same apply to new technology?In the Woods – 20 SEO Tips That Every Web Developer Should Follow
One aspect of web development that is many times overlooked is search engine optimization. In this list, I’ll show you some basic SEO techniques that will help you make friends with Google, and increase your page rank!37 of the Best Web Designs from the Travel Industry | Vandelay Design Blog
Travel / Adventure web pagesWeb 2.0 Guru - Web 2.0 Resources
Table of Contents WEB 2.0 RESOURCES FOR 21st CENTURY INSTRUCTION NEW! - View all resources on your mobile phone - Animation Assessment and Evaluation Blogging Charts and Spreadsheets Collaboration Communication Conversion Tools Celebration of Success - Award and Certificate Makers Desktop Publishing Dictionaries/Glossaries/Data Digital Storytelling Disposable Email Accounts for Site Registration Ebooks or Audio Books Games for Education Virtual Games in Education Global Connections in the Classroom Keyboarding Mobile Tools Multimedia Networking and Online Communities Note Taking, Concept Mapping and Flow Chart Tools Online Interactive Classroom Environments Personalized Web Browser Pages Podcasting Polls/Surveys Presentations Professional Networks Research RSS Aggregators Search Engines Social Bookmarking Storage - online storage and for files Studying and Help Text <>Speech The "Tubes" Virtual Field Trips Virtual Worlds in Education Vodcasting - Video Broadca
A collection of web 2.0 tools for 21st Century classrooms.
A GREAT resource of 2.0 websites, tools, etc. grouped by categories ****You Deleted Your Cookies? Think Again | Epicenter |
More than half of the internet’s top websites use a little known capability of Adobe’s Flash plugin to track users and store information about them, but only four of them mention the so-called Flash Cookies in their privacy policies, UC Berkeley researchers reported Monday.
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More open source iconsWeb design Q&A - Doctype
Nytt forum för webbutvecklare
Doctype is a free question and answer site for web designers. You can ask questions about CSS, HTML, web design and email design.15 Tools for Testing your Website
15 Tools for Testing your Website
If you want to have the same experience over multiple browsers and different machines then testing your website is vital. In this article I’ve gathered some of the most important tools that you can use in testing your site against various errors – CSS Errors, HTML Errors, Crossbrowsing Errors etc.10 Useful resources for web designers and developers
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10 Useful resources for web designers and developers
CMS5 Sliding Content Techniques, Examples & jQuery How to’s | Noupe
The more intuitive layout structure is designed, the better users can understand the content. Whatever content you have to present, you can present them in a
The more intuitive layout structure is designed, the better users can understand the content. Whatever content you have to present, you can present them in a more interactive & more responsive ways.Today we would like to focus on sliding effects and how i can change the structure of a page in a truly unique and creative way. There are many transition effects that can be used to slide different contents, such as fading, horizontal sliding, vertical sliding, the list goes on. Try to pick the transition that best captures the style of your website.In this article we’d like to present 5 smart techniques for sliding and scrolling content using the power of CSS and the beauty of jQuery.SEOmoz | 10 Things You Must Check When You Re-launch Your Website
seoThe Rails Way: Do it Later With Delayed Job.
Ryan's meta-programming approach for declaring background tasks doubles-up as documentation, and puts the focus on the individual methods rather than requiring you to create separate classes for your jobs.
Do it Later With Delayed Job.15 Tutorials that helped me grow as a Designer |
# XHTMLテンプレート配布 # css関係 # Flash # 素材関係 # 画像加工関係 # カラー関係 # .htaccessジェネレーター # その他便利なジェネレーター # プログラミング # オープンソースのCMS # SEO、Webサイトチェック # 各種リファレンス/チートシート # FirefoxアドオンCarsonified » 17 Awesome Web Developer Cheat Sheets
I am sure we have all been in the situation where we’ve learned a new piece of software and only a couple of weeks later we’ve forgotten all but the basic commands. This happened to me recently when moving back to SVN after working with Git. Thankfully I have a handful of “cheat sheets” that I call upon at these times.
17 Awesome Web Developer Cheat Sheets
cheat sheets for all sorts of foo30 Essential Web Developer Cheat Sheets
30 Essential Web Developer Cheat Sheets
The list of skills a given web developer must possess is growing everyday. With the massive growth of web technologies, comes the demand for developers with a wide skill set. A useful tool in any developers tool box can be the well known 'cheat sheet'. Today, we will have a look at 30 essential web developer cheat sheets, ranging from MySQL to Photoshop.30 Creative Examples of Javascript Slider & Scrollers | Dzine Blog | Free AJAX animated loading gif's | Horizontal
Free animated loading gif preloaders generator for AJAX loading
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email marketing ideasisolani - Web Standards: IE8 Blacklist: forcing standards rendering opt-in
isolani - Web Standards:
To pre-empt this nonsense the practical course of action is to add the IE8 Compatibility view to your pages now before your sites get added to a blacklist. Exactly what Microsoft announced a year ago. They've routed around the web standards community. Again. Two extra browsers to test in And to spite us, last week I noticed that the IE7 Compatibility mode doesn't render pages exactly the same as Internet Explorer 7 itself.
"The gist of it is if you want to be sure your site renders in standards compliant mode in IE, you have to explicitly opt into it. Otherwise you risk being blacklisted and thrown into IE7 Compatibility mode."
users install Windows 7 Beta or the next IE8 update, they get a choice about opting-in to a list of sites that should be displayed in Compatibility View. Sites are on this list based on feedback from other IE8 customers: specifically, for what high-volume sites did other users click the Compatibility View button? This list updates automatically, and helps users who aren't web-savvy have a better experience with web sites that aren't yet IE8-ready.
RT @gezlemon: IE8 Blacklist: forcing standards rendering opt-in: (via @isofarro_public) [from]
IE7 Compatibility Mode separately.
Microsoft in sneaky u-turn shockDesigning for Social Traction (slide deck) - Bokardo
great presentation slides.. very valuable!
Presentation by Joshua Porter. "each part focusing on a specific problem in software. Each problem is a major hurdle in what I call the usage lifecycle, or the stages people go through as they use and adopt software over time."
Social Web Design by Joshua Porterウノウラボ Unoh Labs: WEBアプリのテストに便利なFirefoxのアドオン
Here is a collection of some testing tools that we have compiled to aid your testing handily grouped into categories. Look out for our reviews of some of these tools coming soon.
Testing Web Sites30 PHP Best Practices for Beginners - Nettuts+
I took one (bad) computer science class in college, and I'm not a web developer. So in early 2008, when I decided I was finally going to build a web site I'd been fantasizing about for years, I was starting from scratch.The Social Bird icon set - The First Inspired Release | Inspired Magazine
Well, we kinda felt the time has come for the first Inspired Release. In the same time, we saw many of our readers blogs are using too generic icons for their Twitter widgets, so we came up with a brilliant idea – why not ask our favorite artists to draw a bird icon in their...
The crow twitter icon comes from here.
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Uma maneira bastante simples de rotacionar textos usando apenas CSS.
text rotation with CSS
You can pretty easily put in text rotation code for any browser. Well, the three major ones, anyway.400+ Beautiful Twitter Icons for your Website | Blog Godown
De quoi piocher pour l'icono d'Arsène je pense ...Translation Party
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IP Hider masks the real IP of a user, allowing him to browse all kind of pages without ever worrying that the ISPs or any other marketing tool is monitoring your surfing habits or spammers are attacking your computer. The simplest way to do this is to have traffic redirected through anonymous proxies.
IP HideCarsonified » The Definitive Guide to GET vs POST
How to build faster loading websites utilizing image sprites and CSS.
Using CSS sprites allows you to greatly increase your websites speed by using single image files that contain multiple graphics. This tutorial will show you how to use CSS sprites of your own!
Using CSS sprites allows you to greatly increase your websites speed by using single image files that contain multiple graphics. In other words, when you have many images to be used, instead of having them as different individual files, we combine them into one. Therefore, the client computer only downloads one image for all the different graphics to be displayed.40 Stunning and Creative Web Sites | Inspiration |
Typography on the web is anything but simple, and for many, it is a troubling mystery. Today, we're going to review six ways that web designers and developers can improve the typography of the sites they
microSyntax is about conventions, not standards. << iRobt openIDeas tagLinks syndicNation
Stowe Boyd's project to bring structure to the microstream
Deep structure for the real time stream.
Stowe Boyd
As a result of all this activity, and the potential for collective action in these efforts, we are launching a new non-profit,, with the purpose of investigating the various ways that individuals and tool vendors are trying to innovate around this sort of microsyntax, trying to define reference use cases that illuminate the ways they may be used or interpreted, and to create a forum where alternative approaches can be discussed and evaluated. We may even get involved in the development of proof-of-concept implementations that can act as reference architectures for microsyntactic extensions to the Twitter grammar emerging in the real time stream.
Like Microformats but for marking up syntactic data eg Twitter30 Essential Free Portable Web Design and Development Applications : Speckyboy Design Magazine
All of these freeware applications have been in some cases, modified and trimmed down in size to allow them to fit on to a portable device like a USB drive or a portable hard drive. Rather than carrying a bulky laptop, you can carry all your applications and programs, your bookmarks, local servers, emails, passwords, graphic editors and favorite browsers with you anywhere in your pocket. What a great idea!
All of these freeware applications have been in some cases, modified and trimmed down in size to allow them to fit on to a portable device like a USB drive or a portable hard drive. Rather than carrying a bulky laptop, you can carry all your applications and programs, your bookmarks, local servers, emails, passwords, graphic editors and favorite browsers with you anywhere in your pocket. What a great idea! Portable Web Browsers
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Een aantal erg leuke designs voor kantoorruimtes, om de creativiteit te stimuleren. Doet mij erg denken aan ideeën die ik heb voor mij nieuwe kamer (zie volgende bookmark)AjaxCase - Ajax Examples And Demos Collection - Latest Ajax
AjaxCase is the best collection of Ajax examples and demos around the web. you could find many useful ajax examples and demos on AjaxCase, the ones you can use in almost every project you will be working on.
Ferramentas Web
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ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
deathHow to get clients to say yes to your designs
"Obtrusive JavaScript Checker is a tool to traverse through all elements in a web page, and when it finds a HTML element with inline events (which is bad, JavaScript should be unobtrusive), it highlights it with a red border." (This is available as both a Greasemonkey script and as a separate extension.)
Obtrusive JavaScript Checker is a tool to traverse through all elements in a web page, and when it finds a HTML element with inline events (which is bad,
'Obtrusive JavaScript Checker is a tool to traverse through all elements in a web page, and when it finds a HTML element with inline events (which is bad, JavaScript should be unobtrusive), it highlights it with a red border. It also highlights javascript:'
"Obtrusive JavaScript Checker is a tool to traverse through all elements in a web page, and when it finds a HTML element with inline events (which is bad, JavaScript should be unobtrusive), it highlights it with a red border. "
Obtrusive JavaScript Checker is a tool to traverse through all elements in a web page, and when it finds a HTML element with inline events (which is bad, JavaScript should be unobtrusive), it highlights it with a red border. It also highlights javascript: links with a magenta border.Zinc: Unlimited Internet Video on Demand |
Zinc™ software delivers Internet and downloaded video in an easy to navigate graphical interface. Zinc is designed to be driven with a remote control and displayed on a TV so it is a pleasure to use from the couch. With Zinc you can: * Watch video from the virtually unlimited sources of Internet video content. * Keep track of your favorites and easily see what's new. * Watch video content stored locally on your computer. * Navigate easily with a remote control from the comfort of your couch.
Zinc™ organizes and delivers the best of internet video- we call it an Internet Video Browser. It’s easy to use, and offers fast access to prime time TV episodes, movies from streaming services like Netflix, and web-only content. Connect your computer to your HDTV, and unleash the full power of Zinc. * Top internet video sites are available on a single screen- find something to watch in moments. * There are tens of thousands of programs and movies, all just a click or two away. * Specially styled for display on the Big Screen; bring online video to the living room.
Unlimited Internet Video on Demand8 Web Usability and Best Practices for Beginners | Desizn Tech
I am continuing my research and this time I thought I’ve never done Photoshop layout tutorial roundup and wanted to become better in this matter. One of the reasons I didn’t make this kind of list, because I saw there are already many of similar articles. But as always to stand out I invested two days in this article, collecting only really high quality tutorials and also ordering them all by date. Maybe such measure isn’t right – but I am sure you are tired of lists featuring old tutorials you have seen over and over again. I was searching only for Year 2009/2008 tutorials and was surprised myself, how many of them I found, which I really enjoyed and was high-quality ones. Keep updated because this article was created also to study already created tutorials and get inspired to create my own layout tutorials trying to teach you what I already know about web-design! As always – hope you enjoy this work!
Tutoriales de photoshop y otros電通とGoogleの間で交わされた、ジョークのような本当のような交渉 - Feel Like A Fallinstar
何億あるかしらないキーワードごとのリスティング広告の1位に全部広告を出すつもりだったんでしょうか、電通さん。 でも、これこそがネットと総合の食い違いの象徴なのかも
電通はセカンドライフだけもちあげていればよいものを...20 Useful Resources To Download Free Website Templates | Smashing Downloads
see numbers below the videoTwilog - Twitterのつぶやきをブログ形式で保存
会議中に見せてもらったのは、これか。19 Firefox Add-ons For Designers
Extensiones de Firefox para diseñadores de webs.250+ Resources to Help You Become a CSS Expert | Webdesigner Depot
CSS is the second-most-important thing you can master when it comes to web design, right after HTML. And the capabilities of CSS can be staggering (especially with the new CSS3 standard already making appearances in some browsers). If you can imagine it, it’s likely someone has already figured out how to do it with CSS.Five Key Reasons Why Newspapers Are Failing | Politics & Media | SPLICETODAY.COM
a little too long and paginated (argh!) but the guy gets many key points right ... will little Artie Sulz who pays himself $4MM a year bother to read it? ... send to evan ... "(I worked for a household-name news organization whose top web editor told me the design of the site didn’t allow links in text. The assertion raised so many questions in my mind I was rendered speechless. It was almost like a Zen koan; the terrestrial equivalent might be of a newspaper whose pages were all glued together.)" I'M LAUGHING BUT IT'S WORTH A CRY ... "Let’s be honest: These papers deserve to die. " AMEN ... "If I were running a chain of papers, here’s what I’d do:" THE NINE SUGGESTIONS THAT FOLLOW ARE GREAT BUT OF COURSE WILL NEVER HAPPEN
One of the things the digital convergence is doing is exposing that fact. Newspapers have to understand that the value that they could as a consequence offer to advertisers just doesn’t exist any more. Another thing: since that delivery monopoly is gone, you can see how much of the production of the American newspaper was not only promotional, but redundant.
"Press releases contain dated information, the release of which is valuable only to the companies involved; in most cases, they’d actually pay to advertise it, and in that sense it has a negative news value. But vast swaths of a typical American daily is filled with news whose primary source is a press release of one form or another, from entities governmental, political, or corporate. It was part of an unspoken but implicit agreement the papers had with advertisers—that the vast majority of what the paper printed would be complementary with the advertising. (It would be complimentary too, of course.)"Coding Horror: All Programming is Web Programming
are two reasons for thiThe Art of User-Centric Web Design - Webitect
Muy importante, leer detenidamente
User-centric web design is a method of web design where the content, design, and usability factors are all placed in accordance to the target audience’s needs and goals — a design that is centered around the user. This article will cover the basics of what user-centric web design is, and how to achieve it.The Web Design Process Start to Finish - Freelance Web Design Belfast Northern Ireland - Lee Munroe
Portfolio of award winning web designer Lee Munroe. Specialising in creative web design and innovative web solutions for your business - The Web Design Process Start to Finish
Very useful overview of the design process - IN114
Design P
The Web Design Process Start to Finish
I’ve always found it interesting reading the design process of others (David Airey, Contrast, Brian Hoff). It’s good to have an insight into others work, to see if I can learn anything from their process but also for curiosity. So I’ve put together a break down of my design process, using a recent project as a real life example, Newsgroup Direct. Overview I was recently hired by Newsgroup Direct (NGD), a leading Usenet newsgroup service provider, to revamp their website, make it more modern and improve signups. Old Here is their previous design. Planning Planner The first thing that happens when I get an enquiry is I send the potential client a website planner. The website planner, a series of questions I have listed in a Word document, will gather requirements for the project. The key objectives of the planner: * Find out who the client is and what they do * Who their target market/user is * Who their competition is * What deliverables they want from me * Tim22 Beautiful jQuery Plugins for Web Designers | Tutorial9
This collection of jQuery plugins might come in handy next time you’re building a site. This post highlights some of the more aesthetic plugins online that can add a spark of creativity into your web design.
This collection of jQuery plugins might come in handy next time you're building a site. This post highlights some of the more aesthetic plugins online that can add a spark of creativity into your web design.The Anatomy of a Portfolio Site | Build Internet!
The abstract example pitches the tools needed to do the job, while the concrete example pitches the result.
Web Design, Development, and BusinessWeb Design: Minimalistic Sites | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
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Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player. Get Adobe Flash player
Build a simple iPhone application using a series of web forms. The upside is you don’t need any specific technical knowledge to build up an app quickly (the company touts “in as little as 5 minutes!”), but the downside is the app interface and functionality are relatively basic. Still, for companies, individuals, or artists looking to put out an iPhone app quickly and for relatively little cost as compared to hiring a developer, Sweb Apps is worth checking out.75 Free Useful Icon Sets for Web Designers and Developers | Icons | instantShift
Icons are the basic requirement of any web related projects and good icons are like a treasure for web designers. The demand for good icons are too much in , Daily Resource for Web Designers and Developers.Ottawa Interactive Agency Ottawa Web Design Development Canadian Ottawa Interactive Ottawa Canada Ottawa Design Agency Web
***OLA Interactive Agency*** Ottawa - As a Interactive Agency we create innovative experiences through digital media. We provide solution that covers the entire process from creative design to production, complemented by our expertise in marketing and brand management.14 Easy to Implement Drop Down Menu Solutions | Web Design Ledger
Aimed primarily at small and medium-sized businesses without an in-house development staff, Sweb Apps is a new startup that lets you build a simple iPhone application using a series of web forms. The upside is you don’t need any specific technical knowledge to build up an app quickly (the company touts “in as little as 5 minutes!”), but the downside is the app interface and functionality are relatively basic. Still, for companies, individuals, or artists looking to put out an iPhone app quickly and for relatively little cost as compared to hiring a developer, Sweb Apps is worth checking out.
Build Your Own iPhone App in 5 Minutes With Sweb Apps [from]トップページ - 小林聡美.jp
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Welcome to HEYCRAIG, the simplest way to find the stuff you want on craigslist. Give us a keyword, an email and a location. We'll email you when stuff you want is available. It's seriously that simple.
Simple craigslist search notificationI Am Paddy » A - Z of Web Design
a holy geezus of web design links
An alphabetical list of all the best resources, galleries, tools and other sites relating to web design. It was quite a challenge to choose representatives for some of the letters. Who do you think should have made the list? Post your suggestions in the comments.
An alphabetical list of all the best resources, galleries, tools and other sites relating to web design.Directed Edge - Home
Recommendations engine plug-in
Empfehlungs-Engine a ala Amazon15 Beautiful Free Web 2.0 Fonts | Dzine Blog
from Twitterブラウザを選ばずWebテストを自動化するSelenium (1/3) - @IT
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In this presentation, you’ll find a variety of highly-creative, beautiful and most importantly inspirational designs which is following the same trend of single page designs. The main purpose here is to stimulate your creativity and to inspire your imagination to create your own design trend because your website represents you and your brand.
Single Page WebsitesTypographic Design Patterns and Best Practices | How-To | Smashing Magazine
interesting studyCSS Font-Sizing: a Definitive Guide
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers
Font sizing in CSS sounds as though it should be easy. Until you try it. Many developers use the force; they tinker with the font-size property until it looks right only to find it’s different in another browser. A little understanding can go a long way…22 Beautiful Photoshop Web Layout Tutorial Sites | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
ホントに助かるフリーのcssジェネレーターいろいろをいろいろとご紹介します。Speckyboyにあった使える50のcssジェネレーターの記事の中から11個ほどご紹介します。(Close to) Perfect Full Page Background Image | CSS-Tricks
Tired of delivering the typical stream of status updates on Twitter (Twitter)? Why not try some of the following ideas for other things you can do with the service?
List of advanced Twitter functionsCarsonified » 10 Vital Lessons for Web Start-Ups
Interesting points about demos, pricing infrastructure, release schedules etc高木浩光@自宅の日記 - やはり退化していた日本のWeb開発者「ニコニコ動画×iPhone OS」の場合
IBM's browser as platform project
He replied that customers have been consistently telling them for 1-1.5 years now that they don't want to do installs anymore. Their customers want the rich experience that desktop apps have traditionally provided, but they want to have it in the browser. Collaboration and sharing data is also a trend that IBM is tapping into with Blue Spruce.
Interesting piece about what IBM's Emerging Technology team is up to.
ReadWriteWeb was given an exclusive first look at Blue Spruce.ペーパーデザインのWEBサイトを作るときに見るべきまとめ*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
デザインいろいろUnicode table for you
iA is a strategic design agency in Tokyo, Japan. We analyze business goals and user needs, and develop interfaces that match.Make Your Web Analytics Actionable in 5 DIY Steps | FutureNow's GrokDotCom / Marketing Optimization Blog
はてブと Twitter を使って、1ヶ月で約3万 PV を稼いだ顛末
俺もTwitterで更新通知しよっかなあYour Guide To Music On The Web - Part #1
Read: Developers: Never Mind the APIs, Here's YQL Execute [feedly] [from]
RWW's @jolieodell dares to tackle the powerful beast that is the new YQL Execute and so far has lived to tell the tale [from]
...includes explanation of what YQL is, starting with: a sophisticated solution that is agnostic across all Internet platforms and that lowers both the burden of labor and the barriers to entry for social and other web application developers32 Trashy And Distorted Fonts For Your Next Grungy Design | Spyre Studios
32 Trashy And Distorted Fonts For Your Next Grungy DesignBuild a Free Website That Makes Money Without Any Programming
Interesting custom affiliate-type system
I'd been hearing snippets of talk about a company that offered a way to make a website without programming. Then I heard that they make it dead easy to add allHow To: Kick Your Torrent Addiction With Usenet - Usenet how to - Gizmodo
Usenet: Everyone's heard of it, nobody uses it. This is ridiculous. Not only is it a fantastic way to download—it's not that hard to use. Here's how to drop your torrent habit once and for all, with Usenet.The 65 Most Annoying things about the Web Today |
We’ve come a long way on the web today. Or have we? While we’ve innovated in many areas, we’ve also continued to disregard pre-existing issues. And in some cases, we have also created new ones. Here is my list of the top 65 most annoying things about the web today. They’re in no particular order, but I have organized them into what I consider core groups.Your Guide To Music On The Web - Part #1
excellent note on internet music applications like pandora12 add-ons every Firefox user must have | News | TechRadar UK
Listing of good FireFox add-onsFive Best Video-Sharing Sites - video sharing - Lifehacker
With everything from our cellphones to laptops to keychain trinkets coming sporting video cameras these days, more and more people are capturing and sharing digital video. The following video sites make sharing your video missives easy.
Content Type: text/html; charset=utf-8;
Earlier this week we asked you to share your favorite video sharing web site and tell us what made it your favorite. We've read over your comments, tallied the votes, and now we're back to share the most popular video sharing sites.Creating the “Perfect” Portfolio | Webdesigner Depot
Creating the “Perfect” Portfolio
Portfolio sites for designers & web dev houses
Sjikke hoofdingFull List - 50 Best Websites 2009 - TIME
good listA Crash-Course in Advanced CSS3 Effects - Nettuts+
Webkit is one of the few - if only - browser engines that really embraces advanced CSS3 effects. Unfortunately, this presents somewhat of a double-edged
EDT 66710 Excellent Feedback Tools for Web Designers
10 fresh, useful and fun ways to get an outside perspective on your work.20 tips for writing for the web | FatDUX | blogging about user experiences
Interesting set of rules to follow, when writing for an online audience.Methodologie Web Canvas
v swissmiss
Nice overview of web canvas sizes and their audiences
A canvas of websafe browser sizes.
Current statistics of user's screen size laid out in a nice visual representation. Definitely worth checking out.
Shows canvas with pixel size見積もり・発注 - 技術情報Wiki
見積もり関連まとめリンクBaseline - a designer framework by
'Build with typographic standards in mind, Baseline makes it easy to develop a website with a pleasing grid and good typography. '
Build with typographic standards in mind, Baseline makes it easy to develop a website with a pleasing grid and good typography. Baseline start with several files to reset the browser default behavior, build a basic typographic layout — including style for HTML forms and new HTML 5 elements — and build a simple grid system. Baseline was born to be a quick way to prototype a website, it grew up to become a full typographic framework for the web using “real” baseline grid as it’s foundation.ウノウラボ Unoh Labs: PubSubHubbubとは
分かりやすい日本語の解説。113 Design Guidelines for Homepage Usability (Nielsen Norman Group)
As you already seen in our previous showcase of Corporate Website Designs that a perfect layout, A good design and nice resources can produce a creative output. Layout, textures and patterns are used more often than one may think but the outcome of different combination can result verity of excellent designs. However, When it comes to corporate website design you need to take care about many things which includes simplicity, readability, presentation and accessibility. In this presentation, you’ll find variety of highly-creative, beautiful and most importantly inspirational corporate designs which is easy to accessible and convenient to approachable. The main purpose here is to stimulate your creativity and to inspire your imagination to design or redesign your work site to show your skills to potential clients.Home | CKEditor
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It's a WYSIWYG editor, which means that the text being edited on it looks as similar as possible to the results users have when publishing it.
text editor for internet publishing
CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It's a WYSIWYG editor, which means that the text being edited on it looks as similar as possible to the results users have when publishing it. It brings to the web common editing features found on desktop editing applications like Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.
Der frühere FCK-Editor, einer der wichtigsten Open Source-Editoren für Content Management-Systeme
CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It&#039;s a WYSIWYG editor, which means that the text being edited on it looks as similar as possible to the results users have when publishing it. It brings to the web common editing features found on desktop editing applications like Microsoft Word and OpenOffice. Because CKEditor is licensed under flexible Open Source and commercial licenses, you&#039;ll be able to integrate and use it inside any kind of application. This is the ideal editor for developers indented to provide easy and powerful solutions to their users.
like tinymce9 WordPress Hacks to Encourage User Interactivity | Vandelay Design Blog
"nofollow" href="<?php echo urlencode("Currently reading: "); ?><?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="Share this article with your Twitter follower
more WPウェブデザインのユーザーインターフェースに使えるサイトまとめ | DesignWalker
Edit website content right on the page …in a browser.
In-browser text editing, might suit the bookstore
small content editor for static sitesFind the right website size for every audience with the Web Canvas | Methodologie
Encuentra el tamaño perfecto para tu website con Web CanvasEssential Learning for Ruby and Rails - Nettuts+
Ruby is rapidly becoming the preferred programming language for many developers. With that said, let's look at some of the best tutorials, videos and books toアマゾンの90%OFFなどの特価商品を簡単に探す方法 - ひとぅブログ
アドレスバーの末尾に&pct-off=90-Why Craigslist Is Such a Mess
We don’t have Craigslist around here, and looking at it makes me wonder that it works at all. But sometimes the sheer density of information can make the battle worth it. As does a lack of marketing blindness: How many times did marketing or ‚developing a business‘ actually improve products or the companies making them? From the POV of the user/customer, that is.
I Thought this was a very interesting read - the tragedy of craigslist
The Internet's great promise is to make the world's information universally accessible and useful.
The axioms of this worldview are easy to state. "People are good and trustworthy and generally just concerned with getting through the day," Newmark says. If most people are good and their needs are simple, all you have to do to serve them well is build a minimal infrastructure allowing them to get together and work things out for themselves. Any additional features are almost certainly superfluous and could even be damaging.
Craig Newmark says that craigslist works because people are good, and he has stuck to this point of view without wavering. Whether you accept it as true will depend on your standard of goodness.
despite the initial focus on the irrelevant topic of CL's design, and the typical annoying writing, the article becomes quite good later: "These are technically sophisticated people who take pride in their work, and when we knock them down they don't just decide to go find something else to do. You could say we are breeding the perfect spammer."
"Craig Newmark seems to have discovered a new way to run a business. He suspects that it may be the right way to run the world."Hive Development Limited: Google Web Toolkit (GWT) MVP Example
I have no idea what half of this means but I think It's worth some bedtime reading13 Best Sites to Get Your Questions Answered! – The Next Web
sites to answer questions. Some from experts, some driven by users.
The Internet is a huge resource of knowledge and information where you can find virtually anything. But, very often there are situations where you aren’t able to find the answers to your questions. Your question may require local knowledge or particular expertise.
You can find answers to various questions from different categories on Answerbag You may ask questions on any topic but will need to register to do so. You can also browse through questions in selected categories of your choice and read all the questions and answers posted by other people.
solving query
Paginas para hacer preguntasThe Internet is about to change « blog maverick
WebHooks or PubSubHubBub are designed to simplify and optimize the web.DryDrop
DryDrop is a tool that lets you host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub.
Host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub.
DryDrop is a tool that lets you host your static site on Google App Engine and update it by pushing to GitHub. Thanks to GitHub post-receive hooks your App Engine site can be updated automatically when you push new content.
Host static web sites on Google App Engine managed by GitBig Fonts in Web Design | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Big Fonts used in Web Design
Web design has its own limitation, and us, web designers, have been working and learning how to overcome this constraints to create a better solution. Typography is our most important asset and we've seen that designers are really apply old concepts and wThe Best in the Online World - 50 Best Websites 2009 - TIME
This post covers the unique core aspects of e-commerce sites that make online shopping possible. Customers appreciate the convenience of ordering online, but if a site is cumbersome, they leave.25 Excellent Handwritten Fonts
The use of certain fonts is an easy way to give a design a hand-drawn effect. Fortunately, there are a number of fonts in this style that are freely available. In this post we’ll showcase 25 of the best. As always when you are dealing with freebies, be sure to check the usage restrictions from the designer.Why Craigslist Is Such a Mess
Great article on the problems with Craigslist as well as a good profile on the founder
The Internet's great promise is to make the world's information universally accessible and useful. So how come when you arrive at the most popular dating site in the US you find a stream of anonymous come-ons intermixed with insults, ads for prostitutes, naked pictures, and obvious scams?
Newmark's claim of almost total disinterest in wealth dovetails with the way craigslist does business. Besides offering nearly all of its features for free, it scorns advertising, refuses investment, ignores design, and does not innovate. Ordinarily, a company that showed such complete disdain for the normal rules of business would be vulnerable to competition, but craigslist has no serious rivals. The glory of the site is its size and its price. But seen from another angle, craigslist is one of the strangest monopolies in history, where customers are locked in by fees set at zero and where the ambiance of neglect is not a way to extract more profit but the expression of a worldview.
"If most people are good and their needs are simple, all you have to do to serve them well is build a minimal infrastructure allowing them to get together and work things out for themselves. Any additional features are almost certainly superfluous and could even be damaging." "During the company's first years, Newmark approved nearly every message on the list, and in the decade since he has spent much of his time eliminating offensive ones. Even by the most conservative accounting, he has passed judgment on tens of thousands of classified ads. Very few people could do this and thrive." "These all signal Newmark and Buckmaster's wariness about what humans, including themselves, might do if given the chance. There may be a peace sign on every page, but the implicit political philosophy of craigslist has a deeply conservative, even a tragic cast. Every day the choristers of the social web chirp their advice about openness and trust; craigslist follows none of it"
this is the anti-business48 Trendy And Fresh Web Interfaces From Deviantart: August 2009 | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Put an amazing portfolio together In the freelance business, having a solid portfolio is important. While many employers will accept your résumé, your portfolio is the bit of you that stands out. It shows employers what you can do and what you have done. Make it as creative as possible.webfinger - Project Hosting on Google Code
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Back in the day you could, given somebody's UNIX account (email address), type finger and get some information about that person, whatever they wanted to share: perhaps their office location, phone number, URL, current activities, etc. The finger protocol, sadly, died. Fast-forward to Web 2.0. We're currently bickering about how we do interop between all these social web services, and even how we represent a person's identity. The two main identity identifier camps are email addresses and URLs.
Google Code Project Page for "WebFinger" protocol
We're bringing back the finger protocol, but using HTTP this time.
from here, it should be downhill to world-wide, usable identity
WebFinger is about making email addresses more valuable, by letting people attach public metadata to them10 Awesome Websites That Help You Discover the Best Web Apps | Inspired Magazine
WebApps, BestOf, Websites
// If you're watching the blogosphere close enough, you can observe a new trend coming along pretty quick - the application blog, whether is focused onUltimate Guide To Web Optimization (Tips & Best Practices) | How-To
Optimization of website performance.Top 10 Most Usable Content Management Systems - Nettuts+
There are plenty of options when it comes to picking a content management system for a development project. Depending on how advanced you need the CMS to be, what language it's built in, and who is going to be using it, it can be a nightmare trying to find the "perfect" CMS for a project.Diagrammr
That is diagrammatic representations of sentences on the web. Pretty cool!
Very cool
"Create and share diagrams by writing sentences!"
Create and share diagrams by writing sentences.Showcase of '09 Festivals and Conferences | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Some of the best festivals and conferences of the year are gone by now, but if we’d just want to judge them by their online presence we can do it from the comfort of our couch. There was some research involved in this article, you wouldn’t believe it how many of the biggest events in the world have so flat and unexciting websites. However, we’ve finally managed to find quite a few cool ones, so we wish you a pleasant and inspirational journey. In this post we present some of the beautiful, original and inspirational web designs of festivals and conferences that took place or are going to take place this year. Please feel free to add links to further designs in the comments to this post!
Webs de festivalesMailTo Encoder | Prevent Spam by encoding your email address
Prevent spambots from getting your email, encode all the email addresses you publish on your site! Enter the address you want to encode, then put the code we provide in the source code where the address should appear and...VOILA!
Prevent spambots from getting your email, encode all the email addresses you publish on your site!
If you’ve encountered a situation where you leave your email address on a public website and start getting spam starting next day, then you are not alone. Mailto Encoder is a site which helps to prevent this by encoding your email address with javascript in a way that makes it unreadable to any spam bot spider or email extractor.Apigee
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Analytics and Protection for APIs and Mashups30+ Examples of Big, Bold, and Beautiful Website Navigation Menus | FreelanceFolder
30+ menus de navegação30 Beautiful Contact Forms | - Tutorials from A to Z
advanced photoshop. Good stuff
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
How to make Fold, Blur, Lighting effects in Photoshop.How to Make Any Food
every recipe ever14 Alternative Browsers That Are Not Internet Explorer 6
Here are 14 fantastic alternative web browsers that are not Internet Explorer 6.
Känner du till alla på den här listan?Adminer
Single-file PHP MySQL database administration tool
Adminer (formerly phpMinAdmin) is a full-featured MySQL management tool written in PHP. Conversely to phpMyAdmin, it consist of a single file ready to deploy to the target server.
an alternative to phpMyAdmin50 Beautiful and Creative Portfolios
By Best Psd to XHTML/CSS Tutorials
Many web designers find it difficult to convert their Photoshop designs into valid HTML/XHTML markups, either due to work load or in-efficiency in quality conversion. This gives a rise to the need of quality PSD tutorials for those who can not outsource their work or wants to learn on their own. Below are the 20+ best PSD to HTML tutorials which are selected form all over the Internet. This post can certainly help you to learn or clear your doubts regarding PSD slicing.25 Large Photo Background Websites | Inspiredology
25 Large Photo Background Websites
paginas con backgrounds grandes
背景全面に大きな写真を配置したデザインビジュアルブログ検索エンジン [Blogopolis]
designのはじっことスラム街にあった。/ はてブは偏りすぎなので是非ともdeliciousでやってほしい
日本のウェブサイトの情勢をみることができる。デザイン系、グーグル系、プログラミング系は後でRSS登録しておきたいな。55 Beautiful Green Layouts in Web Design | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Fonts are a huge part of design (as we all know). Text on the web needs to be much more dynamic than in any other media. We have solutions like Cufón, sIFR, etc. but perhaps one of the better options is using @font-face in CSS.
What is @font-face? @font-face is a CSS rule that lets web designers link to a font that visitors may not have installed. Using this, we can get around the problem of web-safe fonts as well as prevent creating additional dependencies in other methods such as Cufón, sIFR, etc.Picok
Picok stands for Personal Information Cockpit. It's an open source software package, aimed at enableing users to build their personal information dashboards. The users content is loaded into small draggable boxes, so called portlets, and layed out in a tabbed column-based interface. There are a quite few standard portlets shipped with Picok, but since it is an open system, maintainers of picok installations can easily create portlets of their own.
Opensource dashboard like igoogle integrating lotus notes
Picok stands for Personal Information Cockpit. It's an open source software package, aimed at enableing users to build their personal information dashboards. The users content is loaded into small draggable boxes, so called portlets, and layed out in a tabbed column-based interface. There are a quite few standard portlets shipped with Picok, but since it is an open system, maintainers of picok installations can easily create portlets of their own. Picok is written in PHP 5, uses the Yahoo User Interface Library and Zend Framework Components and supports MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Lotus Notes and is ready to be integrated into your corporate intranet, website or community platform as well.
Picok stands for Personal Information Cockpit. It's an open source software package, aimed at enableing users to build their personal information dashboards. The users content is loaded into small draggable boxes, so called portlets, and layed out in a tabbed column-based interface. There are a quite few standard portlets shipped with Picok, but since it is an open system, maintainers of picok installations can easily create portlets of their own. Picok is written in PHP 5, uses the Yahoo User Interface Library and Zend Framework Components and supports MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Lotus Notes and is ready to be integrated into your corporate intranet, website or community platform as well.
Personal Information Cockpit
"Picok stands for Personal Information Cockpit. It's an open source software package, aimed at enableing users to build their personal information dashboards. The users content is loaded into small draggable boxes, so called portlets, and layed out in a tabbed column-based interface. There are a quite few standard portlets shipped with Picok, but since it is an open system, maintainers of picok installations can easily create portlets of their own."High Performance Web Sites :: Simplifying CSS Selectors
This post is based on a chapter from Even Faster Web Sites, the follow-up to High Performance Web Sites. Posts in this series include: chapters and contributing authors, Splitting the Initial Payload, Loading Scripts Without Blocking, Coupling Asynchronous Scripts, Positioning Inline Scripts, Sharding Dominant Domains, Flushing the Document Early, Using Iframes Sparingly, and Simplifying CSS Selectors. “Simplifying CSS Selectors” is the last chapter in my next book. My investigation into CSS selector performance is therefore fairly recent. A few months ago, I wrote a blog post about the Performance Impact of CSS Selectors. It talks about the different types of CSS selectors, which ones are hypothesized to be the most painful, and how the impact of selector matching might be overestimated. It concludes with this hypothesis:
[Browsers read CSS selectors from right to left, therefore...] The key to optimizing CSS selectors is to focus on the rightmost selector, also called the key selector (coincidence?). Here’s a much more expensive selector: A.class0007 * {}. Although this selector might look simpler, it’s more expensive for the browser to match. Because the browser moves right to left, it starts by checking all the elements that match the key selector, “*“. This means the browser must try to match this selector against all elements in the page.25+ Excellent Free Stock Photo Sites for Designers | tripwire magazine
女の子のブログを中心にしたサイト。The design pricing formula | David Airey, graphic designer
Pricing is a task a lot of designers struggle with. I receive questions on a weekly basis to prove it. As much as I want to, I can’t tell you what you should be charging. The design pricing formula explains why.Fever° Red hot. Well read.
Server based RSS feed engine.How Facebook Can Ruin Your Friendships -
Although it's annoying when people tell you how you should act online, this article does have some good points. Esp. liked the "Facebook needs to have an eyeball roll function"
WSJ article.35 Websites To Teach You How To Use CSS Effectively | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Search Engine15 (More) Free Web Tools To Simplify Your Work Life @ SmashingApps
15 (More) Free Web Tools To Simplify Your Work Life40 Fresh & Beautiful Websites for Design Inspiration | Pixelactic
インスピレーションHTML5サンプル集 - 株式会社あゆた
u sure that cloud compu
This is part 1 of a three-part series on the fundamental characteristics of the real-time Web. Like cloud computing less than a year ago and social networking two ...Over 500 Layout Design Tutorials | AREA 1 - Graphic/web design tutorials & articles
Big list of web layoutsHitwise Intelligence - Robin Goad - UK: Twitter and UK newspaper websites
"One consequence of Twitter rapid rise up the rankings is that the micro-blogging service has now overtaken most of the UK newspapers online."
Hitwise UK hat ein wenig in den Statistiken gegraben. Ergebnis: Fast zehn Prozent allen ausgehenden Traffics bei Twitter landet bei Nachrichtenseiten, davon wieder 41 Prozent bei den Homepages von Zeitungen.
Last week (w/e 14/03/09) was the 54th most visited website in the UK, up from 66th the week before. One consequence of Twitter rapid rise up the rankings is that the micro-blogging service has now overtaken most of the UK newspapers online. As the chart below illustrates, last week Twitter received more UK Internet visits than the homepages of the Guardian, Times, Sun and Telegraph. It also over took Google News UK. Of the main newspaper homepages, only the Daily Mail received more UK Internet visits than Twitter last week.
Estudo da Hitwise Intelligence afirma que audiência do Twitter já é maior que a de homepages de jornais no Reino Unido
Of the newspaper brands, only the Mail's site has more traffic than Twitterやりたかったあの機能を実現する、WordPress 中級者必見のテーマカスタマイズ6個 ::
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Titlen er noget vrøvl, men mange fine eksemplerlaunchly: Discover and Get Feedback and Analytics for New Websites.
We are focused on one thing — delivering the latest in new website launches to people that are interested in and passionate about them so their owners can get the feedback they need to succeed
Launch your website in a forum dedicated toward launches. How meta.9 Most Useful jQuery Plugins.
9lessons is a popular programming blog maintained by from Srinivas Tamada. Topics focus on programming, tutorials, jquery, ajax, php, mysql, javascript, jsp, database, java and resources 9 lessons.Use Firefox to Fix the Web's Biggest Annoyances - Annoyances - Lifehacker
ext page inline without having to reload. Each of the extensions works a little differently, and
Use Firefox to Fix the Web's Biggest AnnoyancesYouTubeのURLを細工して使える小技をざくざくまとめてみた - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
IxEdit is a JavaScript-based interaction design tool for the web. With IxEdit, designers can practice DOM-scripting without coding to change, add, move, or transform elements dynamically on your web pages. Especially, IxEdit must be useful to try various interactions rapidly in the prototyping phase of your web application.
IxEdit is a JavaScript-based interaction design tool for the web.Proxy Lists
Below is a list of some third-party sites where you can find free proxy server lists.
a list of some third-party sites where you can find free proxy server lists.
good list of proxiesA List Apart: Articles: Inline Validation in Web Forms
by LukeW, author of "Web Forms" from Rosenfeld media
Real-time inline validation can help people complete web forms more quickly and with less effort, fewer errors, and (surprise!) more satisfaction.
....en hoeveel % conversieverbetering het oplevert!
for unlnown items (is this username taken?) validate fields as the user proceeds from one field to the next50 Essential Web Typography Tutorials, Tips, Guides and Best Practices : Speckyboy Design Magazine
今風。色々と装飾とか、そういうチュートリアル。Creating a Usable Contact Form | UX Booth
There are some simple steps you can take to create the best bridge possible between you and your clients. The most obvious way to receive that feedback is through a contact form. It is an essential component for owners of websites. It creates a channel to hear feedback, suggestions, and even sell services.VapURL - Disposable URLs (beta) - The disposable URL
Creates a shortened URL with a user defined shelf life.
"Necessidade de criar uma URL que desaparece no ar? VapURL cria uma URL encurtada com uma vida de prateleira. \r\n\r\n Seja qual for a sua motivação para fazê-lo, se você precisa criar uma URL que tem um tempo fixo poderá fazê-lo com VapURL. Você conecta uma URL no site VapURL ou utilizar o bookmarklet VapURL e especificar os parâmetros de validade. Você pode ter um VapURL expiram após um determinado número de visitas, um determinado período de tempo, ou uma combinação de ambas as variáveis."
temporary URL creating siteHow to Design and Code a Flexible Website - Nettuts+
quick and easy website design tutorial
How to Design and Code a Flexible Website
In this tutorial, we're going to be designing and coding a simple blog-style web-page. We'll pay special attention to making our design flexible and accessible by using clean and simple XHTML and CSS. This tutorial is aimed at beginners, and anyone looking to improve the accessibility of their web designs.45+ Excellent Fresh Free Wordpress Themes Around | Showcases | instantShift
this is my first experience in here
Wordpress! is an award-winning CMS, which enables you to build Blogs, Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Wordpress the most popular blog software available. Best of all, Wordpress is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone. There are hundreds of Wordpress themes online waiting to be paid for. Some of them are worth it, some are not. Just because many of our followers decided to stay with Premium themes, that doesn’t mean Free Themes are ugly, cluttered, and boring.nanapi[ナナピ] | 7分であなたの生活を便利にしちゃうライフレシピ共有サイト
これは面白い試み。見やすさとわかりやすさが良い10 Easy To Implement Flash Based Mp3 Players For Your Website
Web Design Booth puts out articles like this all the time. Gets lots of traffic. Its a WordPress blog put out by Dickey, a young Malaysian .net programmer. Professionals might think 'aye, right, very nice' but for anyone else with a website its worth a look.The Definitive Guide to About Me Pages | Web Design Ledger
One of the most important and least used aspects of any website is the “About Me” page. It’s not enough to have an interesting site and great product if your visitor can’t find a way to relate to you. Never under-estimate the power of personality. The internet isn’t a cold, sterile environment. As a matter of fact, within the last 15 years, it’s developed into a community addicted to interactivity, and communication. If you don’t believe me, check out Twitter. Twitter is a good example of why “About Me” pages are crucial. If you can amass a group of followers based on 140 characters of random biographical chatter, it’s a safe bet that those readers would also like to know a bit more about's Top Trending Links - Web Trend Map
The Web Trend Map community curates meaningful link trends by choosing sources they trust.Carsonified » How to Create Bulletproof Sessions
»In the first part of this series we went over how a cookie works and what can be done to secure them. In this section we’re going to go over ways to add additional security to the session beyond the cookie itself.«
I've been looking for a good way to do sessions. I only skimmed so needs further reading.
Carsonified >> How to Create Bulletproof Sessions [from]TV Show Web Designs: Trends and Examples | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine
diseños web TV showsFlickr - 50 Best Websites 2009 - TIME
the best websites of 2008
Best Websites 2009 - TIMERUNmyERRAND: Post your errands and get connected with local Errand Runners immediately! is an online community of Errand Senders and Errand Runners joining together to get things done. Think of it as a Craigslist meets Ebay. Leveraging social networking concepts, we have created a Service Networking community to help people get errands done, while others can make money running these errands.NAVERフォトエディター
オンライン画像エディタ100 Essential Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers
Good for learners
Herramientas muy útiles para la docencia.ついつい長居してしまう専門的なサイト25選 - かちびと.net
あー、いい観点のまとめだなー。25 Examples of Web 2.0 and Traditional Design Rules Coming Together | Webdesigner Depot
At its best, Web 2.0 stands as an equal to the traditional design rules practiced for centuries, though it is no doubt a reflection of our誠 Biz.ID:Webサービス図鑑
ToDo管理、スケジュール調整、文書作成、画像編集。誠 Biz.IDの「Webサービス図鑑」では、あなたの仕事を楽にしてくれる古今東西のWebサービスをカテゴリー別にまとめています。
Webサービスをカテゴリー別にまとめHow 20 popular websites looked when they launched - Telegraph
How websites looked at the launch.
2005ウェブデザインの幅をひろげる20のキーワード | コリス
ウェブデザインのクオリティをアップする20のエッセンスをnoupeから紹介します。20 Must-Have Bookmarklets For Your Web Browser
get these
A great group of Bookmarklets that are proving to be very useful
ブラウザにいれておくべき Bookmarklet 20選。All bookmarklets were tested on Firefox 3.5 and Safari 4HTML 5: The Markup Language
This specification describes the fifth major version of the HTML language and provides details necessary for producers of HTML content to create documents that conform to the language. By design, it does not define related APIs nor attempt to specify how consumers of HTML content are meant to process documents.50 Websites (and More) for Your Design Inspiration | Vandelay Design Blog
Create and collaborate interactive mockups for your software and websites.Create a Web Layout with 3D Elements using Photoshop
For nice website designSmart Wiki Search
Similarity search engine for English Wikipedia!Back to School: 15 Essential Web Tools for Students
Create Vintage Traveler Diary in Photoshop
Tutorial für ein total schickes Bild mit einem Reisetagebuch und Fotos
In this reader tutorial Nikola Lazarevic aka Colaja from Nis, Serbia will show us how to create a very stylish vintage traveler diary in Photoshop. We will mix brushes with stock photos and blend modes to achieve the effect.Monk
Monk is a glue framework for web development in Ruby. It’s truly modular by relying on the best tool for each job. It’s also pretty fast thanks to Rack and Sinatra.
Sinatra is a tiny and flexible tool. It can be used to write super simple web applications like an API or a fully-fledged, highly interactive website. As you develop more applications using Sinatra, you will start to find some patterns: You apply a similar structure to all of your projects (where to put your routes, whether to use classic or modular style, etc.) You also find some other common bits you need to set up a logger, configure reloading on development mode, and more. You need to hook up your persistence layer of choice. Wiring in your desired testing suite. It’s easy to see how time-consuming this can be when you want to start a new project with the minimum amount of work. That’s why we wrote a tool that could enable us to get started on a new project in no time. The result is a command line tool that lets you create a new project out of an existing skeleton. The default skeleton we ship does all the work for you, and you can just dive into your code.
Glue for Rack + Sinatra
A probarlo, via maxwellCarsonified » How to Create a Valid Non-Javascript Lightbox
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the webHow To Use Pure CSS To Style Web Form Dynamically Plus 12 Awesome JavaScript Plugins | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
css web form and jquery plugins
style your forms91 Trendy Contact And Web Forms For Creative Inspiration | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
The internet has wrought huge changes on our lives – both positive and negative – in the fifteen years since its use became widespread.
u.a.: 13) memory 14) dead timeMaking Your Web Colors Visible For All – Five Color Accessibility Tools
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers
some colour review tools for websites
If you are designing, or re-designing your web site, it is time well spent running your website through the color accessibility tools below to ensure that your site can be seen correctly by as many people as possible. Most of these tools use WC3 guidelines to perform their various operations. If you can actually read and understand them, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 requires, amongst other things, that there is sufficient contrast between text and background color. For a person with a color disability, the colors used on a web site can mean the difference between being able to read text and images or not. 1 in 12 people have some sort of color deficiency.Designing Tweets: How To Integrate Twitter Into Your Website
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designersWebdesign Trend Hunting – 27 Bright Websites Using Popping Colors | Inspired Magazine
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Surreal CMS - Begin editing your website in minutes! After The Messy Desk, The Fluid Grid Layout, and The Circle As A Design Fetish, our Trend Hunting series continues with a big roundup of cool websites designed with bright colors in mind. And in the eye :] Please leave your comments below, suggest other websites, and tell us what do you think about this trend.
สีสันสดใสUI Trends
The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly of User Interface Design UI Trends ( is intended to be 1. a dynamic light-weight repository for interesting user interface designs and trends for website and web applications 2. a place to comment on and discuss user interface designs and trends 3. a source of inspiration for designers and developers
site where you can vote up or down a trend in ui designSnakes on the Web
simple nice comment formatting.
A very interesting presentation on the past, present and future of webdev. Python and Django oriented.
That is, PHP suffers from most of the same problems as CGI, but to a lesser extent.
Joe Gregorio suggested Protocol Buffers as a efficient to implement inter-operation for applications built with different languages. Look in the comments for "Common Lisp Users" and laugh out loud. It's really true. Man, we, those who program as a business, are really screwed big time with mass concurrency problems.
Why do you hope you're using Python in 2020? I've been a Ruby developer for the last 3 years, but I don't hope I'm still using Ruby in 10 years. I hope something has come along by then and swept away my expectations of what programming can be like and replaced it with something that feels wholly new, like has happened for me multiple times. I'd feel stagnant and dependent if I was using one primary language for 10 years.
Bit of crystal ball peering
What sucks, now, about web development? How will we fix it? Can we fix it with Python?Photoshopの動作を軽快にするための10のポイント | コリス
photoshop高速化Pubwich — Open-source online data aggregation PHP application
Good way to do the homepage mashupThe Influentials : Web Ecology Project
New Approaches for Analyzing Influence on Twitter
ents on the Web. Especially compared to other social networks, Twitter simplifies most of the eTechPosters: Technical Posters and Cheats for IT Guys
Technical Posters and Cheats for IT Guys
świetne, sporo cheatsheet'ów15 Places to Make Money Creating Your Own Products
Creating your own products used to mean a significant up-front investment — purchasing a minimum amount of the product as dictated by the manufacturer, paying for warehousing, packaging, point-of-sale systems, and other overhead costs. And that was all before you even took a single order! Thankfully, for many types of products, print-on-demand technologies have made it possible for anyone to create and sell goods over the Internet with little or no up-front costs. Below is a roundup of 15 great print-on-demand sites that will help you create and sell everything from t-shirts to clocks, from books to skateboards, from board games to fabric. If you know of additional print-on-demand sites to make and sell your own products, let us know in the comments.5 Websites To Keep A Kid Busy & Happy
Sometimes you just have to get some work done, when all your child wants to do is play with you. While playing with your kid should be your top priority, you can’t always neglect your work. Being a parent sure isn’t easy. I’ve had a colleague who sometimes had to bring her 3 year old son to work when the nanny was sick and no one else was available to take care of him. We all helped keeping him busy and now and then he would also enjoy some games on the computer. Here are five ways to distract your child for a few minutes when you absolutely need it.
save40 Must Have Cheat Sheets for effective Web Designers | tripwire magazine
As a follwoup on the article 40+ Essential Front End Web Developer Cheat Sheets it is now time to deliver a similar package to Web Designers. Creating Web Designs isn't easy at all as it is first of all a creative process. To get the creative pro
Web design cheat sheets
40 Must Have Cheat Sheets for effective Web Designers | tripwire magazineGoogle Wave: 5 Ways It Could Change the Web
Google Wave arrives on September 30th. On that day, Google will start sending out 100,000 invites to non-developers to its much-anticipated real-time communication platform.Smart Clients: ReverseHTTP & WebSockets -
Seems like we need the equivalent of an ssh connection with a reverse tunnel. The browser can initiate (and control) the connection, and the web server can ‘touch’ the browser directly.
Web Socket/HTML 5、onopen/onread/onclose、←Opera Unite/Webhooks、最近の一連のブラウザサーバー関連まとめ
Polling architectures, as pervasive as they are today, did not come about due to their efficiency. Whether you are maintaining a popular endpoint (Twitter), or trying to get near real-time news (RSS), neither side benefits from this architecture. Over the years we've built a number of crutches in the form of Cache headers, ETags, accelerators, but none have fundamentally solved the problem - because the client remains 'dumb' the burden is still always on the server. For that reason, it's worth paying attention to some of the technologies which are seeking to reverse this trend: ReverseHTTP & WebSockets.
It feels dirty... but seems like a useful conceptHow to Create a Unique Colorful Site Layout - Psdtuts+
Take a look at the image we'll be creating. Want access to the full PSD files and downloadable copies of every tutorial, including this one? Join Psd Plus for just $9/month. You can view the final image preview below.
This tutorial will guide you through the process of designing a professional website with a funky colorful flair. The tutorial features some great colors, effects and layer styles in which you can use over and over for future projects.
This tutorial will guide you through the process of designing a professional website with a funky colorful flair. The tutorial features some great colors,Fonts for web design: a primer - Opera Developer Community
Opera Developer Community article: Fonts for web design: a primer
Really interesting discussion of the standard web fonts.Why I’m Done Making Desktop Applications: MicroISV on a Shoestring
Why this developer switched his bingo calculator from a desktop app to a web app and increased conversion; Why I’m Done Making Desktop Applicationsレンタルサーバー完全ガイド | 共用・専用・VPSホスティングを比較検索
Please design and build me a house. I am not quite sure of what I need, so you should use your discretion. My house should have somewhere between two and forty-five bedrooms. Just make sure the plans are such that the bedrooms can be easily added or deleted. When you bring the blueprints to me, I will make the final decision of what I want. Also, bring me the cost breakdown for each configuration so that I can arbitrarily pick one.
[en] ... ils recevraient un descriptif aussi précis que celui-ci!
Old but so true...
If Architects Had to Work Like Web Designers【特集】詳解! HTML 5と関連APIの最新動向 - Webアプリ開発編 (1) 本特集の趣旨 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
アプリケーションキャッシュ, クロスドキュメントメッセージング, Web Workers, Web Storage, Web Database, Web Sockets, Geolocation API など30 Free Fonts Which Are Perfect For Professional Logo Designs | Creative Nerds
A Great compilation of Creative Nerds favourite Free Fonts Which Are Perfect and suitable For creating Professional Logo Designs. A great collections ofInternet-Manifest
heute nur so nebenbei überflogen, noch keine Zeit gehabt es genau zu lesen aber man sollte es sich auf jeden Fall mal anschauen.
Nichts Neues, aber mal alles an einer Stelle, kein Internet-Manifest, sondern ein Journalismus-im-Zeitalter-des-Internets-Manifest, vielleicht aber auch nicht so richtig ein Manifest und leider nur von den üblichen Verdächtigen erstunterzeichnet, was der Wirkung nicht zuträglich sein dürfte; trotz allem sinnvoll.
Wie Journalismus heute funktioniert. 17 Behauptungen.17 Techniques for Creating Designs Inspired by Nature | Webdesigner Depot
Do you know the environmental or social policies of the places you shop? Do you know where your products come from? These 10 sites will help you find out.
9/6/09“Misunderstanding Markup” 日本語訳
“Misunderstanding Markup: XHTML 2/HTML 5 Comic Strip”
xhtml2の解説マンガWebアプリにおける11の脆弱性の常識と対策 (1/4) - @IT
From keeping track of grades to sharing lesson plans, from helping students collaborate to communicating with parents, teachers now have a host of web-based tools at their disposal to help them stay organized and make their jobs easier.
Web apps are helping teachers to save time and focus less on administrative tasks and more on teaching students. Here are 10 terrific apps that make the grade.50 Inspiring Web Application and Service Web Site Designs : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Minimising the CSS required for cross browser @font-face.
With all these CSS3 enhancements going on it's not hard to get confused. We're still trying to fond the best way of doing things. This is apparently the most bulletproof way of including the @font-face rule for IE and modern browsers.30+ Fresh & Amazing jQuery Plugins & Tutorials
Here are 30+ fresh and amazing jQuery plugins and tutorials which i have hand-picked from jQuery articles or plugins published in last 30 days on the interwebs. If you are looking for latest on jQuery, then this is a must read for you.Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Optimize your crawling & indexing
"...what effect does the large-scale structure of the JS output code have on the DEFLATE algorithm of GZIP which is used to serve up compressed script?" Another instance of using knowledge of the specific file type to get gains in compression. Is there a web proxy running all this at which I can point my phone?
On JavaScript minification and compression.
better compression through instruction rearrangement. this guy drives me somewhat crazy, but he does cool work.HTML 5 And CSS3 Cheat Sheets Collection
Writing rules
"Many people assume that the same words that work for print campaigns or materials can just be copied and pasted for the web, but that’s just not true. "
keep it short, scanable & know you objectives and target groupデザイナーさんにカフェで教えてもらったこと - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
Adobe Fireworks
デザイナーさんにカフェで教えてもらったこと - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログTop 5 Web Trends of 2009: Structured Data
OpenCalais는 첨보는데, 벤치마킹해봐야징~
whichThe Hierarchy Of Digital Distractions | Information Is Beautiful
Infographic: Hierarchy of Digital Distractions
Visualisation of distraction in the digital age. All far too true!
Excellent carto :-)
herrlich - kann ich voll bestätigen (via Free PSD Website Templates - slodive
Let's make the web faster20 of the Worst Designed Websites In the World | Manolith
We all come across some seriously bad websites in our day-to-day lives on the Internet. It's just an unavoidable fact of life, like coming across monsters on
20 of the Worst Designed Websites In the WorldDesign for Startups: The Aesthetics of Web Apps in 6 Questions - ReadWriteStart
Evil Rich has some helpful tips.20 Useful Fireworks Tutorials for Designers
And you thought Fireworks was useless, these are nice!SpotifiTunes
Para oir tu colección de itunes en spotifyDiscover Music, Movies, Books, and More - SwingVine
Tracks popular trends online
Discover new music, movies, books, fashion, wine, food, drinks, and more. Browse related multimedia, contextual vines, and reviews.Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: The Real-Time Web
Lists several apps that offer real time web experiences and explains how they cam to be.
Looks at how recent developments at FriendFeed, Twitter, Google's PubSubHubbub, Facebook, RSScloud, and Delicious exemplify a move toward the real-time web.Hi, I'm - your nametag on the internet
Hi, I'm is like your nametag on the internet
Featuring your latest content from your favorite networks, your Hi, I'm page tells everyone who you are and what you're about all on one page.
agrégateur de réseau sociaux
Agrégateur d'identité numérique
nametag on the internetThe freelancer’s toolbox: 33 useful apps & websites for the freelance designer | Designer Daily
This site shows some applications similar to what I am thinking of as well as some really cools stuff to分でできる!Webサイトを高速化する6大原則
Javascriptの読込みは</body>のすぐ前が良いって聞いたことがある。Top 10 Web 2.0 Activities for Ecommerce | Get Elastic
이커머스를 위한 웹2.0 소셜 기능
by Linda Bustos. [August 17, 2009]
Some good ideas for utilising Web 2.0 tools with examples.
Retailers often wonder what Web 2.0 / social media activities to be involved with, so this post ranks what I believe are the top 10 Web 2.0 activities for ecommerce based on their business impact.Google Wave - Tutorial
This article describes Google Wave and the usage of the Google Wave API to build a robot. Небольшой пример программирования под Гугл вейв This article was developed with Java 6.0 and Eclipse 3.5.
This article describes Google Wave and the usage of the Google Wave API to build a robot. This article was developed with Java 6.0 and Eclipse 3.5.How the Web OS has begun to reshape IT and business | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
Where is da Blank Applciation?
Dion Hinchcliffe on leveraging the convergence of IT and the next generation of the Web.
These days in the halls of IT departments around the world there is a growing realization that the next wave of outsourcing, things like cloud computing and crowdsourcing, are going to require responses that will forever change the trajectory of their current relationship with the business, or finally cause them to be relegated as a primarily administrative, keep-the-lights-on function.100 Fantastic Resources For Web Designers | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
jQuery UI Multiselect -
Another attempt of a sortable, searchable multiple select widget It depends on jQuery 1.3 and jQuery UI 1.7. The widget is styleable using Themeroller. It works in an unobtrusive fashion, by just turning html multiple select inputs into a sexier equivalent. There's no extra markup needed. For installation instructions please have a look at the corresponding blogpost Source code is available at Github In case you are looking for the original version, it has been moved here Bleeding Edge Demo is always available here (thanks to Github Pages)
Converts html multiple select inputs into slicker interfaces. It makes searching within the options possible which is very functional for large lists & selected items can be re-ordered by drag’n drops.10 Absolute Best Web Design Galleries | Web Design Ledger
Places to get inspiration for your site from other good web sites.CSS: Design Out Of The Box
HTML Goodies TutorialsThe technology behind Tornado, FriendFeed's web server - Bret Taylor's blog
I'm sure IIS is just as good. Right?
Blog post announcing the release of the Tornado web server, based on Python and epoll, providing an asynchronous programming model for web apps. Comes with a web-app framework supporting 3rd-party authentication via Facebook Connect, Twitter, Google, FF, OAuth, and OpenID.Tornado Web Server
"open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and and tools that power FriendFeed"
Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed. The FriendFeed application is written using a web framework that looks a bit like or Google's webapp, but with additional tools and optimizations to take advantage of the underlying non-blocking infrastructure.
Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed.日本国内でリリースされた14のTwitter系ツール - かちびと.net
Twitterで中々良いサービスに出会えない。。。ちょっと見てみる。Best jQuery Plugins - August 2009 | AjaxLine
Best jQuery Plugins
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
Best jQuery Plugins - August 200929 Free Stunning Web Icons Sets To Enhance Your Web Design | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
29 Free Stunning Web Icons Sets To Enhance Your Web Design. Icons can be used alone or with words. By themselves, icons can save space.
Written by: Charlotte in Freebies, Visual, Web 2.0 // 29 Free Stunning Web Icons Sets To Enhance Your Web Design An icon is a small picture used on a screen to represent some action or content. Icons can be used alone or with words. By themselves, icons can save space. A very visual icon can often say more in a few pixels than even a few words can. Icons retain some advantages over textual links. They are often easier for users to recognize than words. As the Web grows, some icons will certainly become commonplace and their meaning fairly well understood. Most of these icons will probably owe some heritage to desktop applications, but some may be new. The particular style for the icon is inconsequential. Consider the shape to be the primary focus of the icon.Design Expanse
Nice Wordpress 404 Designs!!
We will highlight best of best WordPress 404 Error Page Designs, and we will give you our insights on creating a beautiful and highly usable 404 page design for your WordPress.10 Productivity Tips for Web Designers and Developers - Inspect Element
10 Productivity Tips for Web Designers and DevelopersCarsonified » How Colour Communicates Meaning
21 very useful htaccess tips & tricks. htaccess tips tricks. Custom Directory Index Files, Custom Error Pages, access at files & directory, 301 Redirect, Modifying the Environment Variable, Caching Scheme, Compress GZIP, Redirect httpsChecklist For Better Forms | Mert Tol
Forms can be painless or painful for visitors. Keep in mind that visitors want to get their tasks accomplished as quickly as possible, and with the least amount of effort. Proper planning and design can maximize task efficiency.
Checklist For Better Formsongoing · Ravelry
Casey: We’ve got 430,000 registered users, in a month we’ll see 200,000 of those, about 135,000 in a week and about 70,000 in a day. We peak at 3.6 million pageviews per day. That’s registered users only (doesn’t include the very few pages that are Google accessible) and does not include the usual API calls, RSS feeds, AJAX. Actual requests that hit Rails per day is 10 million. 900 new users sign up per day. The forums are very active with about 50,000 new posts being written each day. Some various numbers — 2.3 million knitting/crochet projects, 19 million forum posts, 13 million private messages, 8 million photos (the majority are hosted by Flickr).
Some various numbers — 2.3 million knitting/crochet projects, 19 million forum posts, 13 million private messages, 8 million photos (the majority are hosted by Flickr).The Medium - Facebook Exodus -
Why some Facebook members are moving on.
Things fall apart; the center cannot hold. Facebook, the online social grid, could not command loyalty forever. If you ask around, as I did, you’ll find quitters. One person shut down her account because she disliked how nosy it made her. Another thought the scene had turned desperate. A third feared stalkers. A fourth believed his privacy was compromised. A fifth disappeared without a word.Ten Things You Didn’t Know Apache (2.2) Could Do | Linux Magazine
Send snail mail letters online.Quick Web Design Mockups Using iWeb | Upstart Blogger
(Need a Mac)
If you’re a Mac user, you probably already own a copy of iLife. If you’re like me, you probably gave iWeb a spin when it first came out, played with it for a few minutes, and forgot about it. I’m not sure what prompted me to fire it up again, but I’ve discovered that, while I’d never actually use it to create a site, it’s an excellent tool for sketching out web design ideas and creating quick mockups.ウェブ音楽ストリーミング・サービス、徹底ガイド―Part 1
この記事で紹介するサイトは、楽曲はもちろん、ソフトウェアも一切ダウンロードする必要なく利用できるサービスだけだ。そういうわけで、ここにはSpotifyのようなP2Pソフトは取り上げていない。いずれにせよ、多くのユーザーはテストしたり利用したりするのが困難なわけだが。Photoshop tutorial to design a clean business layout | Grafpedia
ついったーIDを入力して「名刺を作る!」ボタンをクリックしてね! - Pour un internet libre
wiki16 Free Javascript Code Syntax Highlighters For Better Programming | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
16 Javascript para resaltar los códigos de tus postWebデザイナーのための美しいjQueryプラグイン22 | CREAMU
まとめ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆La génération Y va tout changer | ReadWriteWeb France
Most of you should know that instantShift is proudly powered by WordPress, as a Blogging and CMS tool. If you are in search of good CMS or a new web tool for , Daily Resource for Web Designers and Developers.
70 designer inspiradores de blogs70+ Awesome Free Icon Sets and Icons Collections for Web Designers | tripwire magazine
Design a Transparent WebsiteHow to Display Your Content on a Blog’s Front Page | Webdesigner Depot
How to Display Your Content on a Blog's Front Page | Webdesigner Depot [from]
The front page of a blog is obviously of great importance to the overall design. Up until a few years ago, most blogs simply showed posts in order of publication, the most recent at the top. Then excerpts became popular, and later magazine-style front pages. The purpose of the front page will, of course, vary a bit from one type to another; for example, a personal blog will be different from a professional multi-author blog. In this post, we will take a look at the options that bloggers and designers have for showing content on the front page, and some reasons for choosing each.Principles of Effective Web Navigation | Build Internet!
Good navigation gets you places. More importantly, good navigation gets you places without a headache. Even though there are certain exceptions, most websites would be dead in the water without sensible navigation between pages.
navigation usability inspirationBrowser Sandbox - Run any browser from the web
Browser Sandbox - Run any browser from the webDamn Small PHP Frameworks. Because size does matter. | Jeez Tech
Nice round up of lightweight frameworks for PHPIf You Printed The Internet … | CreativeCloud
A bunch of stats about how big the internet is in other terms. circa sept 2009
Feels compelled to share "If You Printed The Internet … | CreativeCloud" ( ) [from]
Have your ever wondered how much ink and paper would be used if you printed the internet? Find out all you need to know in our infographic!How to Make a Light and Sleek Web Layout in Photoshop
Tutorial para crear una bonita web en PSD.40 Free Fonts That Everyone Should Own
Background images make pages look good, but also make them slower. Each background image is an extra HTTP request. There's a fix: combine background images into a CSS sprite. But creating sprites is hard, requiring arcane knowledge and lots of trial and error. SpriteMe removes the hassles with the click of a button.facybox 1.0
facebook like divs and images
doesn't do prev/next however
FamSpam's facebox is great, but the visual is too facebookish (well that's the way they wanted it). Fancybox is great, but programmatically dealing with it is hard (you have to create an element on the fly and trigger a click on it). So, instead of using one or another, a mashup was created. Basically is a facebox with fancybox look.Ultimate IE6 Cheatsheet: How To Fix 25+ Internet Explorer 6 Bugs
I've scoured the web for resources and also included some of my own fixes for IE6 and now I've put it all together in this cheetsheet/reference manual as a resource for anyone who has to deal with Internet Explorer 6.
This is the IE6 resource you've been hoping for. Learn pre-emptive best practices and find fixes for over 25 Internet Explorer 6 bugs.Carsonified » How to Debug in PHP
Great look at Debugging PHP - Useful for anyone really16 Favorite Cheat Sheets for Web Design and Development | TutorialFeed
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web designWeb Site Design Tutorial: Case | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Appleっぽいデザインの進め方 with 画像遅延ロード
チュートリアルサイト。HTML&jsだけど、画像が画面内に入ってから遅延ロードするようにしてる。Remember The Milk - Blog
New smart add shortcuts for RTM
With this update, we've focused on making it as fast and easy as possible to add your tasks to Remember The Milk (that's the "smart" bit). We've also made a bunch of improvements to the web app to make it easier to manage your tasks once they're in there, and have sped up the app a little too.
<p>We're really excited today to be launching a big update to Remember The Milk — we're calling it the Smart Add edition (you'll see why in a minute!).</p> <p>With this update, we've focused on making it as fast and easy as possible to add your tasks to Remember The Milk (that's the "smart" bit). We've also made a bunch of improvements to the web app to make it easier to manage your tasks once they're in there, and have sped up the app a little too. So, what exactly is new?</p> <h2>Smart Add</h2> <p>First, we have a new "Add Task" field that's always on screen (you can still jump to it with the keyboard shortcut <b>t</b>).</p> <p>This field is a little bit special: it supports entering all your task's properties in one line, with our new <a href="">Smart Add</a> feature. Below are details on each of the task properties, and how you can include them when you add a task. Many of the properties have an auto-suggest feature for q
howto use remember the milk
Winston the pigeon carries a 4GB memory stick across South Africa faster than an IT firm's ADSL service can transfer the data.33 Killer Web Icon Sets for Free – Web.AppStorm
Nice sets there.
Has populer web sites web icons and normal web iconsCore CMS
another designer cms - very similar to cargoTop Notch WordPress Footer Designs (Best Practices & Tips)
ありがとうございます。65 New Examples Of Beautiful Single Page Website Designs | Showcases | instantShift
mais inspiração
As you already seen in our previous post about Single Page Website Designs that showcase your work in single page design is a hot trend now days. It’s kind of ironic to see what designers can do with single pages as modern age designers love to experiment with things and observe how people interact with their work. Even though this is not a common trend to follow but still as the new design styles come up, and as more and more designers notice them and make use of them in their work, this kind of trends emerge.HOW TO: Write a Novel Using the Web
Writing a book can be a daunting task, but there are a range of web apps that can help you from start to finish as you attempt to make your novel a reality.30 CSS Best Practices for Beginners - Nettuts+
CSS is a language that is used by nearly every developer at some point. While it's a language that we sometimes take for granted, it is powerful and has manyFresh Free High-Quality Icon Sets « Smashing Magazine
Fresh Free High-Quality Icon Sets
Free Icon Sets
High-Quality Icon【ハウツー】Webデバッガに新星登場!? 操作を記録し、イベント/DOMを一発解析 - FireCrystal (1) FireCrystalとは | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
>>FireCrystalはThe MIT Licenseのもとで公開されている<< >>Webページ上でユーザの操作を記録し、内部でどのようなイベント発生・DOM操作がおこなわれたかを解析して、時系列で表示する。<< >>FireCrystalを使用すればJavaScriptの各所にブレークポイントをわざわざしかける必要もなく、記録開始ボタンを押す→操作をおこなう→記録停止ボタンを押すだけでどこでどのイベントが発生し、DOMの操作がおこなわれたかがわかるようになる。<< >.FireCrystalは現在、アルファ版として位置づけられている。大量のJavaScriptが埋めこまれているWebページで FireCrystalを使用すると、解析に時間がかかったりFirefoxごとクラッシュする場合があると公式サイトでアナウンスがされている。<< >>一部の環境ではセグメンテーションフォルトを起こしてクラッシュする報告もあがっている。利用する際はくれぐれも注意されたい。<< >>どのようなイベントが発生し、どのようなDOM操作がおこなわれたかをバルーンで表示してくれる。<< >>DOM操作の瞬間がアニメーションで表示される<<
これはいい!かもPopular Search Engines in the 90’s: Then and Now
Awesome post - I love looking back at old sites like this
In the heydays of the internet - when Google wasn’t the only search engine people used to seek information on the web - web surfers (I bet you haven’t heard that term in a while) had several options for finding what they needed on the net. This article harks back to the days of AltaVista, HotBot, and when Ask was still Ask Jeeves. You’ll see how the web designs of ubiquitous search engines of the past have evolved through time. Put your nostalgia hats on as we travel back to the ancient times of the internet!
In the heydays of the internet - when Google wasn’t the only search engine people used to seek information on the web - web surfers (I bet you haven’t heard that term in a while) had several options for finding what they needed on the net. This article harks back to the days of AltaVista, HotBot, and when Ask was still Ask Jeeves. You’ll see how the web designs of ubiquitous search engines of the past have evolved through time. Put your nostalgia hats on as we travel back to the ancient times of the internet!
This article harks back to the days of AltaVista, HotBot, and when Ask was still Ask Jeeves. You'll see how the web designs of ubiquitous search engines of the past have evolved through time.How to Design a One-Page Portfolio in Photoshop
design 1 page portfolio in ps
How to Design a One-Page Portfolio in Photoshop - most important web and graphic design blogs | Web design | Articles
In our recent study on Typographic Design Patterns and Best Practices, we asked our readers about case studies they would like us to conduct. One of the most popular suggestions was a detailed case study of portfolio websites. Following the requests of our readers, we have carefully selected 55 design agencies and Web development agencies, analyzed their porfolio websites and identified popular design patterns. The main goal of the study was to provide freelancers and design agencies with useful pointers for designing their own portfolio.
smashing magazine on portfolio sitesY Combinator
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Includes details on web host, email, dns, registrar[N] ツイッターのウェブクライアント「HootSuite」が高機能すぎてヤバい!!
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Wish Google looked like this... 0:)ReadWriteWeb's Top 5 Web Trends of 2009
Last week we ran a series of posts outlining the 5 biggest Internet trends of this year: Structured Data, Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality, Internet of Things. Effectively this was ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web 2009. We've now compiled the main points into a single presentation.
The 5 biggest Internet trends of this year: Structured Data, Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality, Internet of Things. Effectively this was ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web 2009.
ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web in 2009. <a href="">Structured Data</a>, <a href="">Real-Time Web</a>, <a href="">Personalization</a>, <a href="">Mobile Web / Augmented Reality</a>, <a href="">Internet of Things</a>
Effectively this was ReadWriteWeb's State of the Web 2009.15 Indispensable Virtues of Website Design for Serious Graphic Designers | Pixelactic
RT @DesignerDepot: 15 Indispensable Virtues of Website Design for Serious Graphic Designers: [from]Seth's Blog: Things to ask before you redo your website
Info to ask before creating a website
Great list to use before designing a website.
# How many times a month would we like people to come by? For how long? # Who needs to update this site? How often?StackOverflow DevDays
فضای اختصاصی چهار گیگابایت حداکثر حجم هر فایل برای آپلود ۱۰ مگابایت مدت زمان نگهداری فایلها برای همیشه تبلیغات ندارد و هیچگاه نخواهد داشت ! مدیریت فایلها شامل امکان دستهبندی فایلهای آپلود شده و جستجو بین آنها. پیشنمایش فایلها با پشتیبانی از فایلهای تصویری، موسیقی و ویدیویی بدون زمان انتظار برای دریافت فایلها
File upload site. Nice
this is a nice design that would work well for
Upload Robots is a fast, free and easy way to upload, host and share a file. File sharing has never been faster.Clamato: A Smalltalk Dialect for JavaScript
"Clamato is a Smalltalk dialect that is designed to operate within the JavaScript runtime. "
Clamato is a Smalltalk dialect that is designed to operate within the JavaScript runtime.
Clamato is a Smalltalk dialect that is designed to operate within the JavaScript runtime. Clamato is self-hosting, in that it can compile itself to efficient JavaScript, entirely within the web browser. It uses a parser library based on Lukas Renggli’s PetitParser. Smalltalk constructs (eg: temps, instance variables, message sends, blocks) generally map one-to-one to their JavaScript equivalents (respectively: local variables, object properties, method calls, functions). There are several departures from Smalltalk’s syntax and semantics. The most notable of these are: no explicit returns, 0-based indexing, no metaclass hierarchy, special syntax for instance variables. Clamato includes an (incomplete) interface to the JQuery JavaScript library, along with a Seaside-like HTML builder. Cæsar is a system browser built on all of the above. Like Clamato, it departs in a few notable ways from traditional Smalltalk browsers, but retains their spirit.
JavaScriptに変換されてWebブラウザ上で動作するSmalltalkです。Webブラウザから直接開発できます。The Three Spheres of Web Strategy –Updated for 2009 « Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Social Media, Web Marketing
The core structure of the goals and challenges of a Web Strategist
Who’s a Web Strategist? In a company, they often are responsible for the long term vision of corporate web properties. At a web company where their product is on the web, they’re often the product manager or CTO. Regardless of role, the responsibilities are the same, they need to balance all three of these spheres, and make sure their efforts are in the middle of all three.
I hope this is one of those resources you print out pin to your desk, and share with others. This is the core theme of this blog, the balance needed for successful web endeavors in organizations. I originally posted this diagram in 2006, the21 Awesome @font-face Embeddable Typefaces | Spyre Studios
While @font-face may not work in all browsers, I think it’s still one of the best solution available today. Of course not all type foundries will let us embed their fonts on our webpages. There are solutions like Typekit which look very promising but today we’ll simply go over the @font-face CSS property and check out some typefaces you can use with @font-face :)Top 10 Underhyped Webapps, 2009 Edition - Webapps - Lifehacker
As with rock music, video games, and other awesome pursuits, great web applications often don't get enough credit for what they do well. We're revisiting and updating our favorite underhyped webapps to give a new crop of contenders their due.
hat specializes in fully-featured Flash apps, and they're seemingly engaged in a dare to see how much users can gePost-Medium Publishing
An excellent analysis of whether people actually pay for content -- a point I've made before. And colleagues look at me like I'm crazy.
"In fact consumers never really were paying for content, and publishers weren't really selling it either."
"Almost every form of publishing has been organized as if the medium was what they were selling, and the content was irrelevant. Book publishers, for example, set prices based on the cost of producing and distributing books. They treat the words printed in the book the same way a textile manufacturer treats the patterns printed on its fabrics. Economically, the print media are in the business of marking up paper. We can all imagine an old-style editor getting a scoop and saying "this will sell a lot of papers!" Cross out that final S and you're describing their business model. The reason they make less money now is that people don't need as much paper. "
When you see something that's taking advantage of new technology to give people something they want that they couldn't have before, you're probably looking at a winner. And when you see something that's merely reacting to new technology in an attempt to preserve some existing source of revenue, you're probably looking at a loser.
What about iTunes? Doesn't that show people will pay for content? Well, not really. iTunes is more of a tollbooth than a store. Apple controls the default path onto the iPod. They offer a convenient list of songs, and whenever you choose one they ding your credit card for a small amount, just below the threshold of attention. Basically, iTunes makes money by taxing people, not selling them stuff. You can only do that if you own the channel, and even then you don't make much from it, because a toll has to be ignorable to work. Once a toll becomes painful, people start to find ways around it, and that's pretty easy with digital content...What happens to publishing if you can't sell content? You have two choices: give it away and make money from it indirectly, or find ways to embody it in things people will pay for. The first is probably the future of most current media. Give music away and make money from concerts and t-shirtsTurn your jQuery code into a richer, unit testable, plugin —
It took me a little while before I gave jquery plugins a go, thinking it will be complex and I won’t have time. But, it turns out to be really simple, elegant and useful for both simple and complicated scenarios.
Ótimo tutorial que mostra desde a criação de um simples plugin à criação de testes unitários
Might use fireunit instead of QUnit12 Web Design Directories To Improve Your SEO | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditBuzz up!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this on TechnoratiShare this on MixxSubmit this to DesignFloatShare this on FacebookTweet This!Submit this to Script & StyleShare this on DevmarksRelated Posts10 Ways How To Track Site Traffic, Popularity, StatisticsPopular Firefox Extensions for SEO mastersWhat Screen Resolution We Should [...]CSS Compressor - Online code compressor for Cascading Style Sheets
Use this Cascading Style Sheets, CSS Compressor to compress CSS to reduce CSS code size and make your web pages load faster. You can select from four levels of compression, depending on how legible you want the compressed CSS to be versus degree of compression. It is quick, easy and free!
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不要なスペース等を削除したり書き方を変更したりしてCSSのサイズを減らすことが出来るオンラインツール。via Web At A New Crossroads
"And for the time, it fit the write-print/publish model many people had become familiar with thanks to Microsoft Word and other text editors — and which was in turn rewarded by Google’s link-based approach to search."
This real-time web is not mature yet, since the platforms that sequester all of our activities today are proprietary ones like Facebook and Twitter. These are convenient, to be sure, but of limited utility to users with cross-site ambitions, who require interoperability. While “brand-mediated” profiles and relationships may not seem completely odious on the surface, there are four major drawbacks to keep in mind:Official Google Blog: Let's make the web faster
Includes links on initiatives, techniques, and development (opening up by the FCC of the white spectrum) that can make the web faster
Very interesting possibilities with this HTML5 feature. I'm intrigued to see the capabilities it can show in future web apps - if it lives up to expectations.2009年上半期:WordPressのテーマファイル100選 | コリス
2009年にリリースしたものを中心に、WordPressのテーマファイルの2009年上半期100+α選を紹介しますブラックベースの暗いウェブデザインで気をつけたいポイント | コリス
ブラックベースの暗いデザインのウェブサイトを制作する際に、取り入れたいポイントや注意すべきポイントをWeb Designer Depotから紹介します。10 Revealing Infographics about the Web
Some great graphics to use when demonstrating the different topicsCoding Horror: How Not to Advertise on the Internet
Evony, thanks for showing us what it means to take advertising on the internet to the absolute rock bottom ... then dig a sub-basement under that, and keep on digging until you reach the white-hot molten core of the Earth. I've always wondered what that would be like. I guess now I know.
Advertising how bad can it go? How not to do advertising
Coding Horror progression of breast presence in Evony's internet ads boobs.
Gods, I remember seeing these a while back. Protip: If you ads make me feel like I need a shower after viewing them, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG.
Apparently that ad didn't perform up to expectations at Evony world HQ, because the ads got progressively ... well, take a look for yourself. These are presented in chronological order of appearance on the internet.
The (d)evolution of's godawful, ridiculously sexist ad campaign.公開APIを利用したサンプルサイトを作っていくよ
興味があるのでチェック!!Visual Search Galleries - Bing
New Bing feature: Visual Search Earlier this week, Microsoft added a new feature to the Bing search engine. It's called Visual Search and it's useful for those cases where you just can't find the words ... but you know it when you see it. The idea is that you can do searches using images instead of text. I've often had this problem when trying to look up a particular type of bird I've seen, for instance. It also works well with dog or cat breeds, electronics, automobiles and a number of other things. The Visual Search gallery is still in beta, but it looks like it could morph into an interesting and handy option.800+ Most Wanted Free RSS Icons for Bloggers | Naldz Graphics
800+ Most Wanted Free RSS Icons for Bloggers | Naldz Graphics -
800+RSS IconsGoogle Wave: You need to pay attention to this. - Jason Kolb re: the Future of the Internet
Google Wave encompasses and extends XMPP thus it accommodates many forms desirable client-server content - text, pictures, video, streaming, and so on. It also supports different types of conversations: presence, notifications, subscriptions, back-and-forth--these are all modeled by XMPP. And it supports a wide variety of communication TYPES as well: video, audio, text, and so on.Welcome -
iphone dev. environment/resource
Design Mobile Apps (cross platform)
Online dev environment for creating HTML5/CSS3/JS-based apps for smartphones. iPhone now, "Pre and BBerry coming"
a free, collaborative, web-based, open-source mobile development environment where developers can easily create smartphone applications using standard web technologies (such as HTML 5, CSS, and Javascript) and distribute them as stand-alone applications to app stores.Tagul - Gorgeous tag clouds
ongoing attempt to offer alternative methods to spruce up menus, I’ve pieced together an elastic thumbnail menu.
By Google Webmaster Central Blog: Google does not use the keywords meta tag in web ranking
seo and meta tag'sSimplicity in Good Web Design : Advantages & How -to « Noupe
Simplicity in Good Web Design
Provided some examples of simple website designs.
Simplicity in website design doesn't necessarily equate with a minimalist design aesthetic. Simple sites just remove all unnecessary elements from the design,Thin Text in Safari with Snow Leopard // Ordered List // We Make The Web Beautifully Simple
Safari has a not-so-lovely way of bulking up text using sub-pixel rendering. On previous versions of Safari, this was fixed with a text-shadow declaration, but since Snow Leopard that method no longer works. Fortunately, I’ve found an alternative.Google Wave: You need to pay attention to this. - Jason Kolb re: the Future of the Internet
Google Chrome Frame is an open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer
Enable open web technologies in Internet Explorer. Google Chrome Frame is an early-stage open source plug-in that seamlessly brings Google Chrome's open web technologies and speedy JavaScript engine to Internet Explorer. With Google Chrome FrameStacey, Simplified portfolios
"Stacey is an easier way to create a portfolio site. No database setup or installation files, simply drop the application on a server and it runs. Your content is managed by creating folders and editing text files. No login screens, no ‘cms’."
for indexhibit
Stacey is an easier way to create a portfolio site.Guide to CSS Font Stacks: Techniques and Resources « Smashing Magazine
With a good list of font stacks about halfway down the page.
web safe font stacks - creating your own font stacks
Guide to CSS Font Stacks: Techniques and Resources « Smashing Magazine30 Bad Practices of Web Designers | Pro Blog Design
Very useful list of advice and steps to improve websites
Qué cosas no hay que hacerChromium Blog: Introducing Google Chrome Frame
"To start using Google Chrome Frame, all developers need to do is to add a single tag: <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1">"
Renders pages as Chrome inside an IE window. 5 Web Trends of 2009: Internet of Things
The fifth and final part of our series is about the Internet of Things, when real world objects (such as fridges, lights and toasters) get connected to the Internet. In 2009, this trend has ramped up and is adding a significant amount of new data to the Web.
This week ReadWriteWeb is running a series of posts analyzing the 5 biggest Web trends of 2009. So far we've explored these trends: Structured Data, The Real-Time Web, Personalization, Mobile Web / Augmented Reality. The fifth and final part of our series is about the Internet of Things, when real world objects (such as fridges, lights and toasters) get connected to the Internet. In 2009, this trend has ramped up and is adding a significant amount of new data to the Web
2009년 인터넷 트렌드 - 사물의 인터넷Download details: Expression Web SuperPreview for Internet Explorer
Expression Web SuperPreview for Internet Explorer is a stand-alone visual debugging tool that makes it faster and easier to migrate your sites from Internet Explorer 6 to Internet Explorer 7 or 8. With Expression Web SuperPreview for Internet Explorer, you can ensure that your Web sites work correctly in Internet Explorer 8 while also maintaining compatibility with earlier versions of Internet Explorer.
Expression Web SuperPreview for Internet Explorer is a visual debugging tool that makes it easier to migrate your web sites from Internet Explorer 6 to Internet Explorer 7 or 8.
SuperPreview for Internet ExplorerWebsite Features That You Can Easily Offload
offload certain site features to share the burden. In this article, you’ll read about six site features you can easily offload, and the web services that you can use for them10 Things I always forget before launching a website… | The Design O'Blog by Niki Brown
Some good tips
After working for more than a year with Django, I collected here some tips about avoiding copy ‘n paste everywhere on your codebase
Stuff you shouldn't be doing when implemeting django applications. Good articleGoogle Has A Solution For Internet Explorer: Turn It Into Chrome
"Yes, it’s both hilarious and awesome (or hilariously awesome, if you will) that Google seems to dislike IE so much that it has spent its own time improving it."
Woah! IE6 Hacks be gone? RT @mike9r: New IE plugin from Google plugin puts Chrome's rendering engine INTO IE [from]
ll difference is pretty small since Chrome is designed to give resources back to y
People hate IE6; they've made that abundantly clear on the web. Unfortunately, plenty of people are still stuck using it for reasons such ...10 Awful IE Bugs and Fixes | Queness
Detailed description on how pricing for web projects can be done. Important: calculate reasonable prices that can be broken down into several components. Communicate all your assumptions involved. Know your hourly rates. Make transparent what your customer will get.
Graphic Artist Guild Handbook of Pricing and Ethical GuidelinesMeta tags - Webmasters/Site owners Help
Meta tags are a great way for webmasters to provide search engines with information about their sites. Meta tags can be used to provide information to all sorts of clients, and each system processes o
google seo tips
Meta tags - Webmasters/Site owners Help
Google meta tag use informationHow much should I charge to develop a website? : programming
joguinho de corrida, vc vai abrindo bicicletas e personagens novos e tem q vencer diferentes tipos de desafios... mto divertido..Titanium Desktop | Appcelerator
Use Web technologies to create rich applications for Windows, Mac and Linux from a single code base.10 Useful Usability Findings and Guidelines « Smashing Magazine
ideas for design
Research shows that poor product information accounts for around 8% of usability problems and even 10% of user failure (i.e. the user gives up and leaves the website) (Prioritizing Web Usability).How Ravelry Scales to 10 Million Requests Using Rails | High Scalability
How Ravelry Scales to 10 Million Requests Using Rails
Interessantissimo articolo su un sito web fatto in rails ( che ha raggiunto volumi di traffico davvero ragguardevoli. L'articolo illustra come è nata l'idea per il sito (si tratta di un sito per gli appassionati di cucito e lavoro a maglia), come si è arrivati a quei numeri (10 million requests a day hit Rails, 3.6 million pageviews per day, 430,000 registered users. 70,000 active each day. 900 new sign ups per day), dell'architettura adottata, e delle lezioni imparate.
Tim Bray has a wonderful interview with Casey Forbes, creator of Ravelry, a Ruby on Rails site supporting a 400,000+ strong community of dedicated knitters and crocheters.AggData | AggData
The goal of AggData is to play a small part in making this sought-out data more accessible, portable and reliable.
great source for aggregated data
AggData is short for aggregate data, which means a set of data that is collected together in one place. On this site, the AggData will come in the form of a list of records, where each record has details about a specific object in the group.
data aggregated by web scraping
another free data library.10 Sites to Learn Something New in 10 Minutes a Day
This list of web-based resources will point you toward web sites that will help you learn how to do new things, stay on top of current events, and learn about topics where your current knowledge may be lacking.iWebSkel: The Ultimate Website Skeleton! Uncompress and Code.
iWebSkel: The Ultimate Website Skeleton! By Federico Maggi
iWebSkel is the ultimate ready to use kit for website design. It features only the latest version essential components to start developing quickly using XHTML, CSS, and Javascript. Elegantly packed together.Great Examples of Hand Drawn Elements in Web Design | Web Design Ledger
Hand Drawn Elements in Web DesignWebsiteSpark - Home
った。でも、今のところターゲットはIEだけだ。 それは正当な行為だと思える。IEはGoogleの宿敵Microsoftの製品だが、ユーザ数ナンバーワンのWebブラウザであると同時に、Webの標準規格から外れたところの多い問題児だ。IE7からはやや良くなったが、まだほめられたものではない。標準性の問題だけでなくパフォーマンスも良くない。Chrome Frameは、ChromeのWebkitとJavaScriptエンジンの最Why front-end developers are so important to the future of businesses on the web -
This means job security for me. ;)
to the future of businesses on the web
If anyone ever wanted to understand my role in 'making websites' read this now!
The Guardian's Paul Carvill on the importance of front-end development. If you've ever found yourself trying to justify why you need more time to do your job and why it's not just 'pushing pixels', this opinion piece should give you plenty of ammunition.How to Create an Organic Web Design (and Showcase) | Webdesigner Depot
organic web design
Web designFree ‘Social Media Bookmark Icon +’ pack, the ever growing icon set | Nouveller
Free ‘Social Media Bookmark Icon +’ pack, the ever growing icon set [from]Best Places to Find Seamless Background Patterns | Web Design Ledger
CSS and Javascript tricks
Excelentes scripts para varias funciones.cssのテクニックなどを学びたい時に見ておきたい12サイト - かちびと.net
css チュートリアル12 Really Useful CSS3 Tips And Techniques | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
As Twitter becomes the latest online craze, we look at some impressive Twitter profile designs that stand out from the micro-blogging site's millions of users.Asynchronous Image Loading with jQuery | Realm of Zod
Asynchronous Image Loading with jQuery
# on LoadImage(pSelector, pCallback){ # var loader = $(pSelector); # loader.html(‘<img src="’ + gLoadSpinnerUrl + ‘"/>’); # # LoadThisImage($(img), loaderGoogle Sidewiki
Google Sidewiki...Easily annotate/collaborate with any web page..
cons: must have the google toolbar open to access this & side wiki window is big
"Google Sidewiki is a browser sidebar that lets you contribute and read information alongside any web page."
Google annonce Side Wiki. Un module supplémentaire à la barre d'outil maison à installer dans le navigateur, et qui permet de commenter n'importe quelle page web, sans avoir recours aux zones de discussions du site que l'on est train de visiter. Google annonce SideWiki. Un module supplémentaire à la barre d'outil maison à installer dans le navigateur, et qui permet de commenter n'importe quelle page web, sans avoir recours aux zones de discussions du site que l'on est train de visiter. Sur le papier, rien à redire, c'est du Google : simple, facile à utiliser, transparent. Et avec quelques goodies pratiques : connexion possible avec Blogger (la plate-forme de blog maison), mise en place d'une API si vous voulez utiliser ces commentaires à votre guise, partage des commentaires sur Facebook, Twitter, etc.Corporate Website Designs: 60 Inspirational Examples | Inspiration | instantShift
Clouds are cute!
clouds and skies
Showcase Of 40 Website Designs Featuring Clouds And Skies大島てる - CAVEAT EMPTOR
事故物件 東京・神奈川
大島てるMatasano Security LLC - Chargen - Indie Software Security: A ~12 Step Program
Good presentation
1 hr talk (via DaringFireball) - Benutzer über Browserupdates informieren
Inform your visitors about browser-updates
Benutzer über Browserupdates informieren
This service is an opportunity to inform your visitors unobtrusively to switch to a newer browser. Many internet users are still using very old, out-dated browsers – most of them for no actual reason. Switching to an newer browser is better for them and for you as a webdesigner.Typography on the Web is basic and dull. A startup called Typekit will fix it. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
slate article on typekit
"Typeface designers and font fanciers have new reason for optimism though. The past year has seen a surge of Web-browser innovation. Now, most major browsers—including the latest versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and Opera—recognize a CSS rule known as @font-face. What that means, in brief, is that Web developers can now easily embed downloadable fonts in their pages."
@font-faceTwitter, Twitter, Twitter… | ReadWriteWeb France
Beaucoup de gens pensent que Twitter est un flux de pensées futiles, symptomatiques d’une culture qui se perd, irresponsable et egocentrée, à la recherche d’un
Analyse de twitter: barrière, fonctionnement, usage, etc.Your Guide to Music on the Web, Part II
"Today, in Part II we’ll take a tour of music search engines, Web players, ways to share music on Twitter, and music mixing apps."GravityBlast - by Andrea Franz » 2 minutes admin layout with rails and the web-app-theme generator
script/generate theme application --app_name="My Cool Albums" --theme="drastic-dark"
Add layout generator
cool way to generate admin themesShowcase of Designs Optimized for iPhone « Smashing Magazine
Loads of nice iPhone designs.Список полезных инструментов для CSS разработчика / Web-разработка / Хабрахабр
The WooFunction Icon Set includes 178 amazing web-related icons in a sophisticated and glossy design style. All 178 icons are available as 32×32 pixel PNG files and we can assure you that they are indeed pixel-perfect. If you have an in-depth look at the individual icons, you’ll notice that Liam has spent a lot of time paying attention to the finer details, which means that this is a really classy icon set. Here; have a look for yourself:
フリーのアイコン。アイコンのフォーマットはPNGで、32×32pxのサイズをメインに計178個がセットになっています37 More Shocking jQuery Plugins | Listelog
Clever PNG Optimization Techniques « Smashing Magazine -
"This post describes some techniques that may help you optimize your PNG-images. These techniques are derived from laborious hours spent on studying how exactly the PNG encoder saves data. We’ll start with some essentials about the PNG format and will then move to advanced optimization techniques." Influence and dithering masks seem handy.
PNGファイルの最適化方法The Right Way To Kick Off A Web Design Strategy Client Call | The Blog of Joren Rapini
Una gran idea
Online advertising pros-and-cons and blog debate
Yes. Yes. Yes. Been talking about this idea with my friends for a couple years now. Traditional online ads are dead. Eye tracking shows they are largely invisible. Online ad people object, saying "they still work," "just depends on the creative." No. They're a distraction, an ask for attention that pays back very little to the consumer. Banners are the equivalent to flashing LED billboards on the side of the freeway: they're all about the advertiser, not the consumer. Next.
Just differentiate b/w the content writer & the content publisher. The publisher is stuck in the CPM/CPA world as it is now, trying to cover costs & make a return in an ever increasing universe of sites & pages. The writer is spreading his content/meme, in this case a reformer meme.
OK, Advertising Week just ended… does anyone else feel like the online advertising industry is the orchestra, playing on while the Titanic is sinking?30 Artistic and Creative Résumés | Webdesigner Depot
In this article, we’ll take a look at 30 creative resumes that can inspire you to think outside the box when designing your own resume.Showcase Of 25 Retro Themed Website Designs | Spyre Studios
Site que usam imagem como principal elemento [EXCELENTE]Improve your jQuery – 25 excellent tips | Listelog
In this round-up we’ll be looking at 5 JavaScript libraries that can really ease the development of modern, attractive web sites. The libraries that we’ll
In this round-up we’ll be looking at 5 JavaScript libraries that can really ease the development of modern, attractive web sites. The libraries that we’ll be looking at aren’t libraries in the same sense as something like jQuery or the YUI; they’re much smaller and much more specialized. But they’re the best at what they do and provide unique functionality.1. Fixing PNGs in IE6 with DD_BelatedPNGCreated by: Drew DillerLicense: MIT21 Untapped Traffic Sources
your site is chosen, it will be featured on the homepage and announced to their email list of over 150,000 subscribers.Top 50 Real-Time Web Companies
As part of our lead-up to The ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit, which is just over two weeks away, in this post we're listing 50 leading companies of the Real-Time Web. Like any list, it is bound to be missing some worthy companies - so we invite you to list more in the comments. Our aim is to unveil the top 100 Real-Time Web companies at our event.
As part of our lead-up to The ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit, which is just over two weeks away, in this post we're listing 50 leading companies of the ...
News, Current Events, Latest News and WorlDefinitive List of Free WordPress Theme Frameworks | W3Avenue
Definitive List of Free WordPress Theme Frameworks - wordpressAlternative Ideas For Designing A Web Portfolio | Fuel Your Creativity
Alternative Ideas For Designing A Web Portfolio
Fantastic Ideas for your Web Portfolio!!
The basics for developing an Internet portfolio, do not differ from those we use for developing any website: accessibility, being user friendly, navigability, clarity, consistency, etc.; elements that are determinant for a bank as well as for a creative site.
An article discussing some of the concepts behind some alternative web portfolios and the ideas that one could expand on. A guest post by Fuel Your Creativity Espanol's Enrique Lite, translated by Javier Rivero.13 Firefox Add-ons For Web Development
e (Errors, Warnings, Messages), languages (JavaScript, CSS, XML) and context (Chrome, Content).
browser compatibility information in a handy dock at the bottom of the browser, and was created for SitePoint by James Edwards, a JavaScript guru and author (until the updated version is approved on the Mozilla add-ons site, you’ll need to grab the latest version, which is compatible with Firefox 3.5, froデザインの参考にもなるWordPressのテーマ30選 -2009年2月 | コリス
これはすばらしいうえぶでざいんInterview with Web Usability Guru, Jakob Nielsen | Webdesigner Depot
You only need 5 users to uncover enough usability insights to keep you busy for months.
Inspirational interview with Usability Expert!
In this article, we’ll be focusing on web usability and more specifically, on the views of world renowned usability expert, Jakob Nielsen.How to Make an Impressive Blog Layout in Photoshop
Want to save this for later when I have time to study photoshop.
In this easy to follow web design tutorial, you will learn how to construct a beautiful, sleek, and professional-level weblog design using Adobe Photoshop that you can later use for your very own blog theme.40+ Desert Island Web Development Tools « Smashing Magazine
Includes: Notepad++, Blender, GIMP, Audacity, VLC, Winamp, FileZilla, XAMPP, RubyOnRails, OpenOffice, Foxit Reader, TrueCrypt, Pidgin and more!
Los de smashign siempre tan prácticos. Un listado de aplicaciones para llevarse a una isla desierta. Portables, y freeware. Realmente útil la lista...15+ amazing anti IE resources
本当に基本的な部分しか理解していない。。。いい加減。。。。。。。Album Spotter
locate artist albums and more
*32 Amazing Mini vCard Websites with Slick Javascript Animation | Queness
Slick Javascript Animation
Have a look at these beautifully crafted javascript animated vcard websites. It's simple, beautiful and simply inspiring!64 high-ranked blogs for developers « Dottoro
e abTop 7 Easy and Free Web Hosting Services
Top 7 Easy and Free Web Hosting Services
A great article with lots of free hosting resources
Please refer to each service provider’s website for the full list of features as they will be too long to list down here.10 Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks | AjaxLine
The Css Awards Gallery, the most updated css showcase all over the globeAjaxian » Introduction to HTML 5
Are you interested in HTML 5 and what’s coming down the pipeline but haven’t had time to read any articles yet? I’ve put put together an educational Introduction to HTML 5 video that goes over many of the major aspects of the new standard
More info on HTML 5SU - 10 Useful Usability Findings and Guidelines & Smashing Magazine
headset microphone to make a speech, and it was so good that I bought one to bring it when I make a speech. In addition to the sound quality, I noticed another benefit: Bringing my own Countryman impressed AV people, so they took better care of me
for blog with Thomas Fuchs » Blog Archive » textorize: Pristine Font rendering for the Web
This is so sweet - really clean font renderings even at small sizes. Way superior to Photoshop's defaults.
Textorize - a Ruby + RubyCocoa script that uses OS X's excellent Cocoa font rendering to create sub-pixel anti-aliased PNGs of pieces of type, perfect for serving to dumb browsers that don't understand font-face, and arguably better than Cufon, sIFR, Typekit etc.
textorize: Pristine Font rendering for the Web with Thomas FuchsThe Only SEO Tools You’ll Ever Need - Nettuts+
Search Engine Optimization is a rather complex and never ending process. You have to analyze a lot of things including what keywords people are searching for,The Top 100 Web Sites of 2009 - Slideshow from PC Magazine
Slideshow from PC Magazine33 Epic Works of Typography Art | Web Design Ledger
33 exemples of typography as illustration.6 Websites to Track A Website’s Traffic
Quarkbase est dedans ??実用的なユーザビリティの10のポイント:ガイドライン編 | コリス
# 1. ラベルはフィールドの上に配置 # 2. フォーカスは視線の先に # 3. デザインのクオリティは信頼を与える # 4. ランディングページのスクロール # 5. リンクはやっぱりブルー # 6. 検索ボックスの文字数 # 7. ホワイトスペースの価値 # 8. ユーザビリティテストの重要性 # 9. プロダクトページは作りこむ # 10. コンテンツのような広告
ユーザーにあなたのウェブページを容易で、そして楽しくアクセスできるようにする実用的なユーザビリティの10のポイント(ガイドライン編)をSmashing Magazineから紹介します。Different Methods for Choosing Color Schemes in Web Design | Vandelay Design Blog
Distributed web hosting via erlang/python75+ Marvelous Hand-Picked Navigation Menus - Webitect
Tweet with the hashtag #BlameDrewsCancer and Blame Drew's Cancer for anything and everything you want. $1 goes to charity for every person who participates.
On May 20th, 2009, Drew Olanoff was diagnosed with cancer. Ever since that day, Drew has blamed everything on his cancer. Losing his keys, misplacing his wallet, Twitter being slow, the Phillies losing, etc. Why? Because you have to beat up on Cancer to win… and you can help out. Blame Drew's Cancer for anything you want by tweeting with the hashtag #BlameDrewsCancer and it'll come here. When Drew beats Cancer we hope to have sponsors that will donate a dollar for every participant to our partner, LIVESTRONG.Simple PHP Contact Form
Simple PHP Contact Form -
This is a very simple PHP contact form for your website. Visitors can simply send emails using this contact form to an email address. Different recipient email address’s can be added to the subject dropdown with different subject names so they can be directed to the right department. The form features a CAPTCHA security image to protect your email address’s from spam.50+ jQuery Plugins for Form Enhancements | tripwire magazine
Easy user interaction and data collection is really a key functionality on most websites and web applications. Providing users high quality and intuitive input forms may be just what is needed to make your users take the time to fill in and submit the information you’re trying to collect. In this article I have collected a number of really essential jQuery Form Enhancements. A few cheat sheets have been added as well.
Easy user interaction and data collection is really a key functionality on most websites and web applications. Providing users high quality and intuitive input forms may be just what is needed to make your users take the time to fill in and submihurl
Pretty useful when working with API's. I like it...
"Hurl makes HTTP requests. Enter a URL, set some headers, view the response, then share it with others. Perfect for demoing and debugging APIs."
Hurl makes HTTP requests. Enter a URL, set some headers, view the response, then share it with others. Perfect for demoing and debugging APIs.
Hurl makes HTTP requests. Enter a URL, set some headers, view the response, then share it with others. Perfect for demoing and debugging APIs.
HTTP request debugging in the web, perfect for demoing and debugging APIs.
Hurl make HTTP requests like 'cURL' but a web interface.
Hurl makes HTTP requests. Enter a URL, set some headers, view the response, then share it with others. Perfect for demoing and debugging APIs.xkcd - A Webcomic - Lease
I'm a gronwup?
@madwit17 How DARE you accuse me of being an adult! [from]Relevance Blog : 10 Must-Have Rails Plugins and Gems (2009 Edition)
95 websites you should totally bookmark today Best sites for fun, learning, creating and much more : TechRadar UK単調なウェブサイトのデザインに手を加えてクオリティをアップするチュートリアル | コリス
Remaking of a single page一定規模以上のWebサイトを運営しているエンジニアの方、業務時間外の障害対応ってどういう風にやっていますか? ルールとか体制とかを中心に教えてほしいです。 ちなみに.. - 人力検索はてな
一定規模以上のWebサイトを運営しているエンジニアの方、業務時間外の障害対応ってどういう風にやっていますか? ルールとか体制とかを中心に教えてほしいです。TED University: 100 Websites You Should Know and Use - TED Talks
The Web is constantly turning out new and extraordinary services many of us are unfamiliar with. During TED University at this spring's TED2007 in Monterey, Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH, offered an ultra-fast-moving ride through sites in many different areas, from art, design and illustration, to daily news, blogs and curiosity. Now, by popular demand, here's his list of 100 websites you should know and use. 10 Web Collaboration Tools (That Aren't Google Wave) - Collaboration - Lifehacker
tools for discussion of business
Useful list of collaboration tools online (assuming you aren't on Google Wave yet!)
You've probably heard about a hard-to-get, hugely new service called Google Wave. Lest ye forget, there are plenty of web-based collaboration tools that don't require learning a new way of speaking. Here are a few of our (mostly free) favorites.9 Top CSS Essential Skills That Every Web designer Should Learn | Listelog
This isn’t just an exercise in minimalism, it’s a showcase of effective use of space. These sites only need is one page to spread their message.Create fancy share box with CSS and jQuery
A simple widget to automagically translate your webpage into a bunch of different languages.63 Popular And Promising Web Design Blogs | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditBuzz up!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this on TechnoratiShare this on MixxSubmit this to DesignFloatShare this on FacebookTweet This!Submit this to Script & StyleShare this on DevmarksRelated PostsSensational List Of 25 The Best Design Worldwide Forums25 Sources For Logo Design InspirationHow To Create Popular Blog [...]InfoQ: Clojure and Rails - the Secret Sauce Behind FlightCaster
Clojure is a LISP for the JVM created by Rich Hickey.
FlightCaster, a realtime flight delay site, is built on Clojure and Hadoop for the statistical analysis. The web frontend is built with Ruby on Rails and hosted on Heroku. We talked to Bradford Cross about Clojure, functional programming and tips for OOP developers interested in making the jump.
Another critical piece of infrastructure is Cascading; an excellent layer on top of Hadoop that adds additional abstraction and functionality. We definitely recommend Cascading to anyone doing serious data processing and mining with Hadoop.Inspirational Tips and Tools from a Designer
Twitto is the fastest PHP web framework, and the first to use the newest features of PHP 5.3
A web framework in a tweet.The Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education — 2009 | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day...
A list of new (and some not so new) web 2.0 tools to use in the classroom. It's amazing how the list just keeps growing.
w web tool that very,very easily lets you create a simple online invitaFAQ形式によるJavaScriptの本質がわかる超入門 - 風と宇宙とプログラム
JavaScript の言語仕様周辺のまとめ
結構わかりやすいJSのFAQ。ページが長くて使い辛いのがちょっとだけど。。。On The Internet, Nobody Knows You’re Not In The USA
Ich finde ja man sollte sich gegen so einen Müll wie länderbezogene Angebote wehren. Sorry, aber das is doch Schwachsinn.Women Rule the Social Web
When it comes to sites like Flickr (Flickr), Facebook (Facebook), Twitter (Twitter), FriendFeed (FriendFeed), MySpace (MySpace) and Bebo (Bebo), however, women outnumber men. In fact, there’s only one major holdout for men on the social web: social news site Digg (Digg), where 64% of users are male.
When it comes to sites like Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, FriendFeed, MySpace and Bebo, however, women outnumber men. In fact, there’s only one major holdout for men on the social web: social news site Digg, where 64% of users are male.
…at least according to an infographic by Information is Beautiful. The stats, compiled by Brian Solis from Google Ad Planner data, show that equal numbers of men and women use sites like LinkedIn, DeviantArt and YouTube. When it comes to sites like Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, FriendFeed, MySpace and Bebo, however, women outnumber men.50 Useful Tools and Generators for Easy CSS Development | Listelog
The tools have been sorteds into the following categories: Grid and Layout, CSS Optimisers, CSS Menus Tools, CSS Buttons, CSS Rounded Corners, CSS Frames, CSS Sprites, CSS Tables, CSS Typography and CSS Forms.国産限定・Web制作時に覚えておくと便利な14のフリーのWebサービス - かちびと.net
web制作時に便利なサービス26 Dark Website Designs That Work Well | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
A showcase of the most fantastic dark website design. All of these designs work very well with each other. The colours, backgrounds, text effects, images and overall web design positioning has selected very carefully in order to make them top of their game, and a masterpiece within itself.
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1000+ application icons
Fresh Web IconsThe History of Web Browsers
From the first web browser in 1991 to the present day - one for the geeks!Most Used and Abused Web Design Trends of All Time | Web Design Ledger
The year is 1999. You've just watched the Matrix, and it's blown your mind. You sit down in front of your computer to work on a web design and then create orColor Psychology In Creative Design | Mert TOL
2009-10-05, by Mert Tol, "It’s worth repeating that the single most important thing you can do to build appeal, mood, and ambiance for your site is to select an appropriate color scheme. There really are no awful colors—any color can look attractive when placed with appropriate color companions. Even though web colors are mixed differently than traditional media, that doesn’t mean that you need to learn all new theories to make color work on the web; the old theories about pleasing color schemes still hold true. [...]"
It's worth repeating that the single most important thing you can do to build appeal, mood, and ambiance for your site is to select an appropriate color scheme.77 Inspirational Example of Pricing Page Designs | Inspiration | instantShift
In this showcase, you’ll find a variety of highly-creative, beautiful, unique, and most importantly inspirational designs which are following the same trend of creative pricing presentation.45+ Inspiring Examples of Vintage in Web Design | Naldz Graphics
Naldz Graphics43 High Quality Tutorial Sites to Start Learning Web Design « Natcoll Design Technology
learn to program with these sites
Tutoriales para diseño web.
Learn web design and development from scratch with essential HTML, CSS, Photoshop, PHP, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, AJAX and Flash tutorials.Graphic Design: The Forgotten Web Standard
A talk I gave at the 'Future of Web Design' conference on 30th April 2009.35 Mac Apps to Improve Your Web Browsing Experience – Mac.AppStorm
35 Mac Apps to Improve Your Web Browsing Experience [from]
Safari AddonsI like Unicorn because it's Unix
Eric Wong’s mostly pure-Ruby HTTP backend, Unicorn, is an inspiration. I've studied this file for a couple of days now and it’s undoubtedly one of the best, most densely packed examples of Unix programming in Ruby I've come across.
"Eric Wong’s mostly pure-Ruby HTTP backend, Unicorn, is an inspiration. I've studied this file for a couple of days now and it’s undoubtedly one of the best, most densely packed examples of Unix programming in Ruby I've come across."
ruby + unix, know your history
Unicorn is basically Mongrel (including the fast Ragel/C HTTP parser), minus the threads, and with teh Unix turned up to 11. That means processes. And all the tricks and idioms required to use them reliably.What Browser? - Home
short video on what a web browser is and is not
A simple explanation of 'browsers' for the uninitiated.
What Browser?Photoshop CS5なんて目じゃなくね?落書きからそれっぽい写真を合成する『Photosketch』がやばすぎる件・・・ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
おぉ・・・っ!私が Firefox から Chrome に乗り換えた7つの理由*二十歳街道まっしぐら
091007 こうしてレビューされるとGoogle Chromeってかなり面白そうなんだなーA List Apart: Articles: Usability Testing Demystified
a5 Powerful WYSIWYG editors for web-based applications –
"Clean. Easy to use. User-friendly. Intuitive. This mantra is proclaimed by many but often gets lost in translation. The culprit: complexity. How one deals with complexity can make or break an application. A complex interface can disorient the user in a mild case and completely alienate them in an extreme case. But if you take measures first to reduce actual complexity and then to minimize perceived complexity, the user will be rewarded with a gratifying experience."
Clean. Easy to use. User-friendly. Intuitive. This mantra is proclaimed by many but often gets lost in translation. The culprit: complexity. How one deals with complexity can make or break an application. A complex interface can disorient the user in a mild case and completely alienate them in an extreme case. But if you take measures first to reduce actual complexity and then to minimize perceived complexity, the user will be rewarded with a gratifying experience.
By 5 Web Trends of 2009: Mobile Web & Augmented Reality
Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: Mobile Web & Augmented Reality
Apple's share of smartphone traffic in the U.S. had surged to 64%. Perhaps more significantly though, Apple's share of worldwide smartphone traffic had increased to 47%. This is important, because internationally other smartphones were utilized much more than in the U.S. before the iPhone arrived.1000 Free Farm-Fresh Web Icons by FatCow Web Hosting
Download hundreds of FREE, beautifully designed icons from FatCow Web Hosting! Icon set includes both 16 and 32 pixel versions of icons shown below. Images have been saved in PNG format on transparent backgrounds for your convenience.Woork Up - A Fresh Charge of Creativity
always wooooork :)Free Online Barcode Generator - by
線上條碼產生器The 'Web Squared' Era -
Notes on Information Society
Five years in, collective intelligence applications are increasingly driven by cascades of sensor data being thrown off by devices, often without explicit human intervention. Today’s smartphones contain microphones and cameras, as well as motion, proximity, location, and direction sensors. They have their own eyes, ears, and sense of touch. Revolutionary new applications connect those senses to cloud databases and programs running on massive server farms.
La web al cuadrado (Web squared), el nuevo invento de marketing de Tim O´Reilly.Interactivity in Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide | Desizn Tech
Interactivity in Web Design
The Internet is a different place than it was 10 years ago. Back then, the only way people could find information was by surfing the Internet using searchThe History and Evolution of Social Media | Webdesigner Depot
Contiene una información muy completa de redes sociales, videos, fotos... Genial
Artikel zur Geschichte der Social Media
In this article, we’ll review the history and evolution of social media from its humble beginnings to the present day.
The History and Evolution of Social Media | Webdesigner Depot - Printliminator
Für alle Internet-Ausdrucker. Also Hilfreich ist es definitiv.
The Printliminator is a bookmarklet with some simple tools you can use to makes websites print better. One click to activate, and then click to remove elements from the page, remove graphics, and apply better print styling. Here is the bookmarklet:
Makes a print bookmarklet to delete elements from a web page
The Printliminator is a bookmarklet with some simple tools you can use to makes websites print better.
Print web pages without unwanted ads or other stuff
blendet Banner etc. beim Drucken aushtml5doctor - HTML5.JP
『HTML5 を使おうとする人に、さまざまなリソースを提供することを目的として運営されているサイトです。このサイトで掲載されている記事は、HTML5 を習得する上で、非常に有益なものばかりです。特に、マークアップに関する記事が充実しています。』
html5doctor ( )とは、Richard Clark 氏、Bruce Lawson 氏、Jack Osborne 氏、Mike Robinson 氏、Remy Sharp 氏、Tom Leadbetter 氏といった HTML5 に関して著名な方々が共同で運営しているサイトです。<html>5doctor は、HTML5 を使おうとする人に、さまざまなリソースを提供することを目的として運営されているサイトです。このサイトで掲載されている記事は、HTML5 を習得する上で、非常に有益なものばかりです。特に、マークアップに関する記事が充実しています。 HTML5.JP では、html5doctor の許可を頂き、記事アーカイブの日本語訳を掲載しましたので、ぜひ、HTML5 の理解にお役立てください。
次世代HTML標準 HTML5情報サイトFresh Web Development Goodies Bag « Noupe
More great tools to help your web dev efforts60+ Beautiful Websites Showcasing Minimalist Design
Great example of using @font-face.
Nice techniques for embedding user fonts on webpages. Breaks out of the limited font constraints.
Font embedding in all modern browsers using @font-face50 Awesome Open Courses for Web Writers |
With the popularity and ubiquity of writing online, there’s a new demand for web writers. If you’re studying to become a web writer, blogger, or copywriter, there are lots of courses that can offer you the education you need. Read on, and you’ll learn about 50 awesome open courses for web writers.
50 siti per imparare a scrivere, gratis10 Qualitative Tools to Improve Your Website | Tools | instantShift
If you run or manage a website, you probably have experience with a web analytics package (like Google Analytics). These tools are great at answering the , Daily Resource for Web Designers and Developers.これはもう使用しない方がいいウェブデザインのトレンド | コリス
分かりやすくまとまってますwStartups 101: The Complete Mint Presentation
Last night I posted the video of Mint CEO Aaron Patzer’s 45 minute presentation on building startups from the ground up. If you are an aspiring startup entrepreneur, you’ll want to watch that more than a few times. The candid disclosures and advice he gives is rarely seen in Silicon Valley. Some readers requested to see the presentation deck as well, so here it is. Patzer shows how he raised and spent money, and generated revenue, throughout the lifecycle of Mint, from the very beginning to the $170 million acquisition. He also showed historical slides from early presentations to investors and compares those to the actual results.
Startups 101: The Complete Mint Presentation
Last night I posted the video of Mint CEO Aaron Patzer's 45 minute presentation on building startups from the ground up. If you ...compartir
Internality es el nombre de la empresa fundada por Álvaro Ibáñez y Nacho Palou en 2004, dedicada al desarrollo de proyectos web, que siempre ha tenido especial interés en todo lo relacionado con la Web 2.0. Ambos llevan casi una década trabjando en proyectos de la Internet hispana.
Escrito de la fundacion orange web 2.0
La intención primordial de este trabajo es intentar arrojar un poco de luz sobre la definición de lo que se ha convertido en el meme1 de moda en Internet
claves de publicaciones de libros
comunicacion orange25 Cheat Sheets Web Developer Should Have . | ExtraTuts
25 Cheat Sheets Web Developer Should Have .
Cheat sheets is very important few references sheets that web developer should have , so this is a collection of 25 Cheat sheet , we hope it will help saving your time .23 Brilliant Web Apps To Simplify Designer’s Work Life @ SmashingApps
Brilliant Web AppsHigh Scalability - High Scalability - 10 Ways to Take your Site from One to One Million Users by Kevin Rose
I'm designing my new portfolio, and lately I've been checking many sites to get somekind of reference for inspiration. One of the main style that I've check as a cool trend is the Grain Texture, that can be done really easily in Fireworks. So I've made a
GrainIE 6で泣かないための、9つのCSSハック(1/3) - @IT
IE6のハックのまとめ。Cloudvox - API-driven phone calls, in minutes (call your code: AGI/AMI, HTTP, Asterisk-Java, Adhearsion)
Cloudvox is the most practical, stable, open environment for API-driven phone calls.
Cloudvox is the most practical, stable, open environment for API-driven phone calls. Full control, open architecture, killer docs—the things we all want as developers and entrepreneurs.6 Advanced JavaScript Techniques You Should Know
By - Quick web scripts
to get a URL that will run this code.
A really neat Google App that lets you enter a code snippet in js, PHP or Python, and then run it if you so desire with GET and POST vars; if that's not enough, you can also fire off an HTTP POST to a third party server. So what? So if you ever have a code fragment you need to host and want to be able to call with a variable or two, this service is ideal :-) The perfect accompaniment to a Yahoo Pipe:-)Losing To The Social Web: Visualized | Digital Buzz Blog
Off-Site Content Distribution is rapidly growing, I’m talking RSS Feeds, Twitter, YouTube Channels, Facebook Fan pages and so on… All the best brands and websites now actively push their content (the same stuff you use to get from their website and still want to access) to as many various “off-site” sources and platforms as possible.So naturally this removes unique visitors from their main sites, channeling them into a maze of various networks, feeds and tweets…Oh, and ofcourse, widgets/apps – we’ve only just seen the start of these.
charts - are microsites dead
A brands website has been the single biggest "online" focus for 99% of businesses over the last 10 years apart from banner campaigns and microsites here and there, but with the evolution of social media growing at unheard of rates (Twitter is up
Brand specific sites losing traffic, social sites gaining.
I don’t think websites & microsites are dead yet. There are still years and years of usefulness ahead for them, we’ll just need to come up with better ways to connect them and their content into the social lives of customers online…プレビュー公開が始まったGoogle Wave「超」入門(1/4)-@IT
A good read for designers and maybe even more for clients.Taking your Site from One to One Million Users by Kevin Rose on Vimeo
via @neilperkin
Entrepreneurship video. Presentation by Digg founder, Kevin Rose on how to take your site from one to one million. Interesting strategies to attract traffic to youu websiteMethodic approach to CSS coding: Four Bubbles Model –
Unicorn is an HTTP server for Ruby, similar to Mongrel or Thin. It uses Mongrel’s Ragel HTTP parser but has a dramatically different architecture and philosophy.The Top 21 Twitter Clients (According To TwitStat)
Good read on Adobe FW, and why it works for interface design
Активный пользователь Fireworks рассказывает о хороших и плохих сторонах инструмента проектирования.
talks about the great and bad of Fireworks, and links to a few alternatives to Fireworks to check
See what Kanye West thinks of your website - awesome.
"This website is pretty good, and I'm gonna let you see it..." Taking the piss out of the jackass.Create a Promotional iPhone App Site in Photoshop - Psdtuts+
Template de Iphone App
Insanely good tutorial. Even better example of tutorial style.How Google Taught Me to Cache and Cash-In | High Scalability
A user named Apathy in this thread on how Reddit scales some of their features, shares some advice he learned while working at Google and other major companies. To be fair, I [Apathy] was working at Google at the time, and every job I held between 1995 and 2005 involved at least one of the largest websites on the planet. I didn't come up with any of these ideas, just watched other smart people I worked with who knew what they were doing and found (or wrote) tools that did the same things. But the theme is always the same: # Cache everything you can and store the rest in some sort of database (not necessarily relational and not necessarily centralized). How do you go about applying this strategy?
ing caches is a clasisc strategy for milking your servers as much as possilbe. First look for an exact match. If that's not founReal-time Discovery Engine - YourVersion: Discover Your Version of the Web™
Interest Aggregator
YourVersion is a real-time discovery engine that discovers new, relevant content for you based on your interests and makes it easy to bookmark and share that content with friends.What Does that Hashtag Mean? New Service Tells You - ReadWriteWeb
Tagalus is a social dictionary of tags used on Twitter. Users vote for the best definitions.
hashtagsIn the Woods - Crash Course: YUI Grids CSS
Crash Course: YUI Grids CSS
ce Library is a rather extensive set of JavaScript tools for developers. Often left unnoticed are a few other useful components of the library that will speed up your coding: some CSS libraries. I’d like to give you a quick tour of YUI Grids CSS library.
The Yahoo User Interface Library is a rather extensive set of JavaScript tools for developers. Often left unnoticed are a few other useful components of the library that will speed up your coding: some CSS libraries. I’d like to give you a quick tour of YUI Grids CSS library.
"crash course yui css"35 Beautifully Illustrated Websites
Illustrated Websites
Beautifully Illustrated WebsitesPageLime - The Flat File Hosted CMS for Designers, Developers, and Web Agencies
remote Content Management System that allows you to update the content, images, and documents on your web site without installing any software.
gerenciador de conteúdo OnLine
Flippin Sweet.
cms per css!!!High Scalability - High Scalability - How Ravelry Scales to 10 Million Requests Using Rails
CogentMichael Wolff on Rupert Murdoch |
Rupert Murdoch is going to battle against the Internet, bent on making readers actually pay for online newspaper journalism–beginning with his London Sunday Times. History suggests he won’t back down; the experts suggest he’s crazy. Is he also ignoring his industry’s biggest problem?
Wolff wrote a biography of Murdoch, and presumably knows the man. My take on this fascinating article is that the old guy simply doesn't understand what's happening online, perhaps because you can only truly understand the online world if you participate in it.
"[Rupert Murdoch] can almost single-handedly take apart and re-assemble a complex printing press, but his digital-technology acumen and interest is practically zero. Murdoch's abiding love of newspapers has turned into a personal antipathy to the Internet [...] In the Murdoch view, media only really works as a good business if it achieves significant control of the market—through pricing, through exclusive sports arrangements, through controlling distribution (he has spent 20 years trying to monopolize satellite distribution around the world). [...] Murdoch has a larger problem still. It is, after all, not the Internet that has made news free. News in penny-newspaper or broadcast (or bundled cable) form has always been either free or negligibly priced. In almost every commercial iteration, news has been supported by advertising. This is, more than the Internet, Murdoch's (and every publisher's) problem: the dramatic downturn in advertising."
"In one of my favorite Murdoch stories, his wife, Wendi, who had befriended the founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, told me about how the “boys” had visited the Murdochs at their ranch in Carmel, California. When I marveled at this relative social mismatch and asked what they might have talked about, Wendi assured me that they had all gotten along very well. “You know, Rupert,” Wendi said, “he’s always asking questions.” “But what,” I prodded, “did he exactly ask?” “He asked,” she said, hesitating only a beat before cracking herself up, “‘Why don’t you read newspapers?’”
War is Rupert Murdoch’s natural state. When he launched the Fox Broadcasting Company, in October 1986, he went to war against the hegemony of CBS, ABC, and NBC. With Fox News he crossed swords with CNN’s Ted Turner. At Sky, his satellite-TV system in the U.K., he went up against the BBC. He’s battled China, the F.C.C., the print unions in Great Britain, and, recently, most of the journalism community in his takeover of The Wall Street Journal. He relishes conflict and doesn’t back down—one reason why he’s won so many of his fights and so profoundly changed the nature of his industry. Now he’s going to war with the Internet.
Excellent article about the Rupert Murdoch's apparent allergic reaction to the internet and the reality of the newspaper industry. If the internet is responsible for the downfall of FOX News, I will be so fucking giddy.....
Rupert Murdoch is going to battle against the Internet, bent on making readers actually pay for online newspaper journalism–beginning with his London Sunday Times. History suggests he won’t back down11 iphone apps every web designer should download
As a web designer you know that things are changing at a fast pace. What was hot one day is not the other. One “new” technology that is growing bigger and bigger in popularity each and every day is the iPhone and its apps. This is an appreciated development as it can make our lives as web designers easier. The list below is just eleven good apps among thousands – please feel free to comment with your favorite iPhone app for web designers.13 Excellent Open Source Tools for Web Designers | Web Design Ledger
Unlike the traditional under construction pages from the early days of the web, coming soon pages can nowadays prove to be handy tools when launching a new website. Forget yellow hard hats and flashing signs, let’s take a look at what benefits can be seen from some of the best launching soon pages.swarm-dpl - Project Hosting on Google Code
Swarm is a framework allowing the creation of web applications which can scale transparently through a novel portable continuation-based approach. Swarm embodies the maxim "move the computation, not the data".How to run a one-person web design agency | News | TechRadar UK
Whether Google Wave succeeds is really irrelevant. More important is if the idea of Wave does. Again, the idea of passive-aggressive communication.
Die Umschreibung passiv-aggressiv ist in diesem Zusammenhang schlecht gewählt, aber sonst ist der Artikel auf TechCrunch eine gute Beschreibung für die Entwicklung der Online-Kommunikation.40 Beautifully Designed Vintage Websites
40 Beautifully Designed Vintage WebsitesPlease be patient - This Page is Under Construction!
All animated gifs of Under Construction
Funny archive of "Under Construction" signs--so much activity!
every under construction gif and animated gif ever. save from geocities
This small collection was saved from the rapidly dying Geocities, which Archive Team is working desperately to save for a historical archive. Please consider visiting our site and helping us with collecting, education, and writing.High Performance Web Sites :: @font-face and performance
I started doing some research to answer these questions, but during that time there have been a number of great posts about @font-face performance issues: * Paul Irish: Fighting the @font-face FOUT * Stoyan Stefanov: Gzip your @font-face files * Zoltan Hawryluk (again): More @font-face fun This blog post summarizes Paul, Stoyan, and Zoltan’s findings plus some very important discoveries of my own.
Lazy load to the resuce then…
Last week I was reading Ajaxian (my favorite blog) and saw the post about @font-face. I had been wondering for a few months about how font files impact web performance, so I followed the story back to Zoltan Hawryluk’s original post: @font-face in Depth. A great read on the aesthetics, mechanics, and compatibility issues of fonts, but not much about performance. I added a comment:Is There A Perfect Web Design Width?
I tend to stick with fixed-width layouts, a 960px web design width in particular. It reduces the effects of the visitor x-factor and it’s just about perfect for any website.
Valuable article about website width and a rationale behind 960px wide.60 Resources for the Frugal Web Developer
60 Resources for the Frugal Web Developer -
Photo by s2photo With the economy reeling and VC’s spending less and less on startups, developers have had to adapt how they create sites. Because of the world’s economic state, we’ve had to change how we develop. Some may see this shift as a grim prospect. Change is hard, and change is essential to staying alive in these conditions. However, if you can cut expenses in your development process without cutting quality by using free methods and tools, then you may be able to develop without using any extra money.25 New & Useful PHP Techniques & Tutorials
Looks very good30+ principles to a better landing page design | landing Page Optimization
"There are four basic components to a successful web page design: Research; Design; Copy and Testing and Modification."404 Error Pages for Your Viewing Pleasure | Web Design Ledger
No one likes seeing the dreaded error page on a website. It usually occurs when a link is bad. Error pages, also known by their street name as 404 pages, are1st Photoshop Web Design Professional Layout Tutorial | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Once or twice a week I like to come up with articles that really expose my viewers to the various types of tutorials that they need to get their latest designs off the ground. I have rounded up an amazing collection of high quality web layout tutorials that you will definitely benefit from. In this post, you’ll find everything from creating a clean, colorful web layout to designing an amazing 3d hosting layout in Photoshop. Enjoy!Plugin Check
Check my mozilla firefox plugins to make sure they're up to date.国内の商用利用可能なWeb制作に使えるフリー素材配布サイトまとめ - かちびと.net
国内の商用利用可能なWeb制作に使えるフリー素材配布サイトまとめ。国内の素材サイト集です。日本のサイトには日本の感性で作られた素材が相性いいかもしれません。pinch/zoom // mobile & web applications
Slider example, Traditional Aspects:, grid system, Black on white, Nice balance of fonts and headlines. (The small font, though legible, could maybe be a point size or two larger). Web 2.0 Enhancements: The JavaScript portfolio slider is dang fun and effective. Interface is minimalist and direct. Varied use of Illustration is a great touch. Embraces the web’s current technology without becoming cumbersome. Unique solutions to page layout (Check out the mega-dropdown when clicking the info tab. There’s virtually an entire website hiding up there!).
beautiful interface, very nice jquery UI elements
Garret Murray is co-founderJetpack Flight Log » High Quality Ruby on Rails Example Applications
Sometimes to best way to get up to speed with a new technology is to learn by example. Here is a list of fully featured, production ready example applications I have compiled that I consider to be of very decent quality.10 wonderful fonts you can embed with Cufon and Sifr
Having a keen understanding of Web Design Project Planning Process is unvaluable. With a clear organization, you'll be able to work better and more efficiently.
Disseny i planificació de webs7 Key Principles That Make A Web Design Look Good « Noupe
These elements are the 7 key principles that make a Web design look good: * Balance, * Grid, * Color, * Graphics, * Typography, * White space, * Connection.
desing article d
This is a must read...and must re-read!How The Huffington Post uses real-time testing to write better headlines » Nieman Journalism Lab
The Huffington Post applies A/B testing to some of its headlines. Readers are randomly shown one of two headlines for the same story. After five minutes, which is enough time for such a high-traffic site, the version with the most clicks becomes the wood that everyone sees. When I talked to him afterwards, Berry said the system was created inhouse, but he wouldn’t disclose much else about how or how often it’s done. He did say Huffington Post editors have found that placing the author’s name above a headline almost always leads to more clicks than omitting it.
From direct mail to web design, A/B testing is considered a gold standard of user research: Show one version to half your audience and another version to
So here’s something devilishly brilliant: The Huffington Post applies A/B testing to some of its headlines. Readers are randomly shown one of two headlines for the same story. After five minutes, which is enough time for such a high-traffic site, the version with the most clicks becomes the wood that everyone sees.
he Huffington Post applies A/B testing to some of its headlines. Readers are randomly shown one of two headlines for the same story. After five minutes, which is enough time for such a high-traffic site, the version with the most clicks becomes the wood that everyone sees.21 Rack Middlewares To Turbocharge Your Ruby Webapps
collection of rack middleware
If you've worked with Web apps using Ruby, you might know of Rack, an interface that sits between Ruby applications and HTTP-speaking Web servers. All of the major Ruby frameworks and server setups use it now, including Rails. Middleware (in Rack) is code that manipulates data going back and forth between your Ruby apps and the HTTP server. You can use middleware to intercept requests, change data in mid-flow, etc. Ryan Bates has a great screencast tutorial if you're new to the concept and want to build your own.15 Examples of Modern Web Design - Design, Inspiration and Technology Blog
Oct 14 '09 The flexibility of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) allows web developers to design stunning websites that look great and are easy to navigate. This post features our favorite examples of beautiful and creative website designs from all over the world.Carsonified » The Future of HTML 5
Archive of current HTML5
At FOWA London 2009 Bruce Lawson gave an introduction to HTML 5 and how it might be used in the future.
New HTML is coming! Are you on the bus?25 Free Online Tools for Web Designers, Developers, Freelancers and Individuals
If you're a beginner Web designer, these simple tools can help you create the page you've been dreaming about.
Every site needs its own unique Favicon, that little image you find next to a URL in your address bar and on the tabs in your browser. But creating one might not be easy for novices. That's where the Favicon Generator Tool comes in.
Helpful!D&AD | Creative Search
Creative Search is a search engine that gives you sorted results. Results for: D&AD10 Essential Skills Every Graphic Designer Should Have | Design Reviver
In order to become a well rounded Graphic Designer, there are a variety of skills that are essential to handling a clients or employers tasks proficiently.30 Professional Free Fonts for Excellent Typography | Freebies |
30 Professional Free Fonts for Excellent Typography | -
30 kostenlose Design-SchriftenVideo on the Web - Dive Into HTML5
thorough guide to html5 including batch encoding and degrading gracefully13 Interesting Infographics for Web Workers | Web Design Ledger infographics for web workers
Infographics are a great way to get people to actually look at data. The use of visual design elements can simplify complex information and make it easier to digestUPPERCASEIT.COM provides the ability to uppercase, lowercase, flip, reverse or transform any text. Copy and paste the results into an e-mail, word doc, powerpoint or just about any application. Because nobody wants to retype it! provides the ability to uppercase, lowercase, flip, reverse or transform any text. Because nobody wants to retype it!
reverse, flip & otherwise modify text.High Scalability - High Scalability - Why are Facebook, Digg, and Twitter so hard to scale?
Facebook, Digg, Twitter が、なぜスケールするのに困難なのか?すべてはリアルタイムに更新されるデータだからという見解であっているかな?WordPress | China
readme.htmlPirka'r (ピリカル) - Web作成支援ツール
HTMLファイルやJavaScript、CSSファイルのメンテナンスを行うことが出来るEclipseベースの開発支援ソフトウェア WinはIE・FF・Safari / MacはFF・Safariswissmiss | Consistent PNG quality across browsers
A few tips to ensure that your PNGs look good now matter what browser they are viewed in. (via Tim Van Damme)
how to save out your png’s to guarantee a consistent color/saturation quality across all browsers
Here’s a helpful tip I got from my friend Olivier on how to save out your png’s to guarantee a consistent color/saturation quality across all browsersTornado Web Server Documentation
Era un po' che non mi emozionava una tecnologia...
"FriendFeed's web server is a relatively simple, non-blocking web server written in Python. [...] Tornado is an open source version of this web server and some of the tools we use most often at FriendFeed." can handle 8000 reqs/s
interesantePerformance Comparison of Major Web Browsers
The latest versions of the five major most web browsers (Firefox 3.5, Chrome 3.0, IE8, Opera 10, and Safari 4) went head to head under six performance indicators: JavaScript speed, average CPU usage under stress, DOM selection, CSS rendering speed, page load time, and browser cache performance.
The latest versions of the five major most web browsers (Mozilla Firefox 3.5, Google Chrome 3.0, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0, Opera 10.0, and Apple Safari 4.0) went head to head under six performance indicators: JavaScript speed, average CPU usage under stress, DOM selection, CSS rendering speed, page load time, and browser cache performance. Each web browser was tested three times under an unprimed cache (except for the browser cache performance), and their average value reported in the results.Preparing and Planning for a Redesign | Webdesigner Depot
redesign เปลี่ยนจาก design เก่า เป็น design ใหม่Showcase of Web Design in Russia « Smashing Magazine
Algus trabalhos e design Russos
wowKnow Privacy
A comparison of users' expectations of privacy online and the data collection practices of website operators.
Approach: A comparison of users' expectations of privacy online and the data collection practices of website operators. Goal: To identify specific practices that may be harmful or deceptive and attract the attention of government regulators. Result: Recommendations for policymakers to protect consumers and for website operators to avoid stricter regulation.
research site for ghostery
The Current State of Web Privacy, Data Collection, and Information Sharing
Know Privacy: research by Joshua Gomez, Travis Pinnick, and Ashkan Soltani, UC Berkeley School of Information, class of 200910 secrets to staying informed about web design « Boagworld
The internet is swarming with tutorial websites, many of which are to do with or provide photoshop tutorials. Ive done the hard bit and separated the best ones from the ever growing crowd.|| LE CAÏD | YO-I ||
Alright. Agree on the most of the trends.
tFamily Tree Magazine - 101 Best Web Sites 2009
We’re marking the occasion by honoring 10 categories of 10 noteworthy sites each (plus one to make 101, of course). With this 10th roundup of meritorious sites, we’ve also sought to break the mold a bit and encompass more of the “Web 2.0″ sites that are paving the way for changes in online genealogy over the next 10 years. Something had to give, however, to keep our count at a manageable 101, so we’ve omitted some old favorites—still worth bookmarking, nonetheless—and several excellent foreign research sites of interest to genealogists with that particular ancestry. Sites that are mostly free but where you might still wind up pulling out your credit card for some purchase or other are marked with a $. Subscription-only sites and those where you have to pay for any meaningful results are indicated with $$
Best in 10 areas for searching family history (many free sites includes but also includes $$$ subscribed resources)
Family Tree Magazine - 101 Best Web Sites 200910 Best Content Management Systems for Designers | Web Design Ledger
Cool CMS's for designers!
There are a lot of content management systems out there, but many of them are overly complicated and require a certain level of technical expertise. However,Ten Rock Solid Free Platforms To Start Your Successful Website @ SmashingApps
Now a days, unlimited websites are coming live everyday to take part in the internet world. They can be classified in business sites, blogs, social networking sites, directories, forums, e-commerce sites and many more other creative ideas applied to do something that has never been done. Today, We are compiling a list of Ten Rock Solid Free Platforms To Start Your Successful Website. These free web applications can be use in diversified ways to get your customize results for your fresh and new websites. You can easily find their showcase of running websites to get inspiration and, la plus grande collection d'images PNG et d'icônes
La plus grande collection d'images PNG et d'icônes
L'ultime moteur de recherche pour trouver une image PNG transparente ou une icône parmi plus de 20 000 images référencées.The Mystery Of The CSS Float Property « Smashing Magazine
Safari and Chrome do well, Firefox OK, and IE/Opera stink up the place. Should have displayed this data in a single chart.Five Favorite Web Applications of Designers
Más de 10 sorprendentes recursos jQuery.
jQuery is a very powerful Javascript framework that allow you to built functionnal and extremely good looking webistes. In this article, I have selected 10+ jQuery resources to spice up your website.
jQuery is a very powerful Javascript framework that allow you to built functionnal and extremely good looking webistes. In this article, I have selected 10+ jQuery resources to spice up your - Show/Hide a nice login panel, Easy Display Switch with CSS and jQuery, Create a better jQuery stylesheet switcher, Turn any webform into a powerful wizard with jQuery, Chat with jQuery and PHP, Beautiful tag clouds with jQuery and flir, Fading colors with jQuery, Twitter-like login panel using jQuery, Disappearing “Scroll to top” link with jQuery and CSS, Using jQuery to recreate the product slider from Apple's website, Create an astonishing image rotator with jQuery,9 usability mistakes even the big boys make.
Some nice examples of subtle UI errors on big websites
ユーザビリティのありがちな間違いTop9Master List (A Wiki of Social Media Marketing Examples)
jQuery Plugins to Really Enhance Users Experience
mâcher le travail comme une bibliographie de jquery18 Really Beautiful and Creative Web Designs | TutZone
RT @mayhemstudios @vandelaydesign Showcase of Social Networking Websites [from]A List Apart: Articles: The Myth of Usability Testing
Here are several tools that can be used with a heuristic evaluation to identify trouble spotsA List Apart: Articles: Getting to No
Grey Hoy of Happy Cog describes some common pifalls in the early stages of a new contract and offers some top tips. I like the questionairre suggestion. There is also some good discussion in the forum.
Determining which prospects you want to work with is often considered a luxury. Dont think of it that way. Even if the economy is in the tank and you absolutely need the gig, you should be very critical of the prospects youre considering working with. These are the people who will become part of your immediate and potentially long-term future, and you want to make sure you dont spend that time drinking schnapps to get through the day or grinding your teeth at night.Let's make the web faster - Google Code
Twitter関連のウェブサービスやサイト、ツール等を検索できるサイトです。The Keynotes Of Web 2.0 Design Elements With 30 Dazzling Showcases | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
とても勉強になる。Mobile Web Is Taking Over the World (and Other Internet Trends)
مطابق آمارهای جهانی، میزان استفاده از تلفنهای همراه برای اتصال به اینترنت در سال جاری رشدی چشمگیر داشته و پیش بینی میشود این روند سیر صعودی شدیدتری داشته باشد. بازار اصلی هم از آن آیفون خواهد بود
Mobile Internet usage is on the rise. Apple’s share of the mobile smartphone market is only going to increase. AT&T’s mobile data traffic has increased by 4,932% over the last three years. There will be over 1 billion “heavy mobile data users” by 2013. These are just some of the stats that were shared with the audience at the Web 2.0 Summit today in San Francisco. Morgan Stanley analyst Mary Meeker led a speedy and high-charged presentation over Internet trends. The data and stats packed in her 68 page presentation is nothing short of mind-boggling. The focus of her presentation this year (she gives this rapid-fire speech every year at Web 2.0) was on Mobile Internet and 8 key trends that Morgan Stanley has identified, including that social networking + mobile are driving big changes in communication and commerce.
Mobile Internet usage is on the rise. Apple’s share of the mobile smartphone market is only going to increase. AT&T’s mobile data traffic has increased by 4,932% over the last three years. There will be over 1 billion “heavy mobile data users” by 2013. These are just some of the stats that were shared with the audience at the Web 2.0 Summit today in San Francisco. Morgan Stanley analyst Mary Meeker led a speedy and high-charged presentation over Internet trends. The data and stats packed in her 68 page presentation is nothing short of mind-boggling. The focus of her presentation this year (she gives this rapid-fire speech every year at Web 2.0) was on Mobile Internet and 8 key trends that Morgan Stanley has identified, including that social networking + mobile are driving big changes in communication and commerce.NoSQL: Distributed and Scalable Non-Relational Database Systems | Linux Magazine
From @jesserobbins
Non-SQL oriented distributed databases are all the rage in some circles. They’re designed to scale from day 1 and offer reliability in the face of failures.
NoSQL: Distributed and Scalable Non-Relational Database Systems
lShowcase Of Professional Looking Website Designs | Showcases | instantShift
Professional Looking Website Designs50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About.50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About
my favourite: A ninja stole this page
A huge part of user experience is ensuring site navigation is as easy as possible, in order to retain anyone who happens to be browsing your site. But what happens if there’s a broken link or a page doesn’t load?
404 pages good practiceCloud computing: Clash of the clouds | The Economist
Windows 7 release -- Google vs. Apple vs. Microsoft in the future of OSes.
The launch of Windows 7 marks the end of an era in computing—and the beginning of an epic battle between Microsoft, Google, Apple and others
Briefing from The Economist (17 October 2009)Web fonts and standards – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
@font-face { font-family: "Watusi"; src: url("") format("truetype"); } h1 { font-family: "Watusi", sans-serif; }
Web fonts and standardsClean and Well designed Web Sites | Design Shard
Great resources
Web design and development has significantly changed over the years, as have the tools and technologies involved. With these advancements come tools to make our lives easier, provide higher quality work and better services for our clients. Communication and collaboration over vast distances is no longer painfully frustrating (or impossible) and project or task management is now easier than ever.Web Conferences Roundup: Events from Around the Globe « Smashing Magazine
Helps you find the perfect gadget.Rich Typography On The Web: Techniques and Tools « Smashing Magazine
Let’s face it: Web-safe fonts are very limiting. Maybe a dozen fonts are out there that are widely enough adopted to be considered “Web safe,” and those ones aren’t exactly spectacular for much other than body type. Sure, Georgia, Arial or Times New Roman work just fine for the bulk of the text on your website, but what if you want something different for, let’s say, headings? Or pull quotes? What then?Mozilla Labs » Raindrop
Raindrop is a new exploration by the team responsible for Thunderbird to explore new ways to use open Web technologies to create useful, compelling messaging experiences. Raindrop's mission: make it enjoyable to participate in conversations from people you care about, whether the conversations are in email, on twitter, a friend's blog or as part of a social networking site. Raindrop uses a mini web server to fetch your conversations from different sources (mail, twitter, RSS feeds), intelligently pulls out the important parts, and allows you to interact with them using your favorite modern web browser (Firefox, Safari or Chrome).
Looks promising as a client to manage email+Twitter+Facebook+Web2.0 messages and notifications.ウィンドウサイズを変えるとコンテンツが再配置される可変グリッドレイアウトに関する情報まとめ - かちびと.net
give Google Account users the option to sign in to websites with their Google credentials and without having to sign up for a new account at those sites
rd data formats such as Portable Contacts and OpenSocial REST APIs."14 Simple Tips for Super Fast Web Browsing
Brilliant pointers from Zen Habits on speeding up your web browsing ...Ten Most Popular Firefox Plugins of Web Designers | Web Design Ledger
including "webdeveloper", "firebug" (for debugging code), and fireftp (online secure ftp)Alex Payne — Mending The Bitter Absence of Reasoned Technical Discussion
The next time you’re thinking about engaging in a technical discussion, run through these questions before you hit the “post” button: 1. Are you responding to facts? With facts? 2. Have you read any primary source materials on the issue you’re discussing? 3. Do you have any first-hand experience with the technologies or ideas involved? 4. Do you have any first-hand experience with those technologies operating at the scale being discussed? 5. Have you contacted the individuals involved in the discussion for further information before making assumptions about their findings? 6. Are you falsely comparing technologies or ideas as if there was a zero-sum competition between them? 7. Are you addressing your peers with respect, courtesy, and humility? 8. Are you sure that what you’re posting is the best way to promote your self, product, project, or idea? Does it demonstrate you at your best?
Don’t waste your life screaming into the void. Make things, measure them, have reasonable and respectful conversations about them, improve them, and teach others how to do the same.
"...why is something you can measure controversial? Are we not engineers?"A Teacher's Guide To Web 2.0 at School
Several presentations on Slideshare including one by Diig. And Sacha Chua writing on slides w inkscapeiThinkMedia - Exploring the worlds of new media, social networking, learning and open source.
Top educators to follow on Twitter
100 Educators to Follow on Twitter!
# 65. Milton Ramirez - @tonnet
One of those lists, this time of educators who are on Twitter. Quite a pot pourri the list is heavily US centric. To assist in making a decision to follow there is a brief bio attached to each name though according to the author of the list there are only five K-12 teachers on the list. The list also features some education related organisations. Worth a quick look at least.The Social Media & Web Guide to Going Green
How can consumers who want to reduce their impact on the planet find the best social media tools? The following sites are great shortcuts for weeding through the myriad online options.
How can consumers who want to reduce their impact on the planet find the best social media tools? Here is the social media and web guide to going green.
The social media and web guide to going green: [from]The Little Secret of Web Startups
Founder diagnoses why his startup failed. Good comments on traffic business models
Who are your users and are they really useful/real users?Life is beautiful: 「Flash vs. HTML5」という構図がはっきりと見え始めたぞ、と
ウェブ上のリッチコンテンツという分野でリーダーシップ・ポジションを取りながらも、「無料Flashゲーム」と「ウェブサイトの見栄えをちょっと良くするアイ・キャンディ」というニッチなポジションに一度は追いやられるように見えたFlash(数年前の話)。しかし、動画フォーマットがReal Networks、Microsoft、Appleの三強いの間で中に浮く隙間を付いた戦略で、見事に「ウェブ上のマルチメディアのデファクト・スタンダード」のポジションをがっちりつかんだかに見えるFlash(現在)。しかし、その地位も安泰ではない。
「無料Flashゲーム」と「ウェブサイトの見栄えをちょっと良くするアイ・キャンディ」というニッチなポジションに一度は追いやられるように見えた Flash(数年前の話)。しかし、動画フォーマットがReal Networks、Microsoft、Appleの三強いの間で中に浮く隙間を付いた戦略で、見事に「ウェブ上のマルチメディアのデファクト・スタンダード」のポジションをがっちりつかんだかに見えるFlash(現在)。しかし、その地位も安泰ではない。 パソコン側でこれほど有利な立場にありながら、スマートフォンの世界では土俵際に追いつめられた感のあるAdobe。WebKitという戦略兵器を軸に手をがっちりと手を組んだGoogleとApple。思いっきり出遅れてしまったがOS・ブラウザーのシェアと資金力だけは誰にも負けない Microsoft。この戦いは目が離せない。How to Plan a Content Heavy Site | Build Internet!
RT @juliasmola: How Popular Website Designs Looked Like In Late 90's. [from]
Opensource, Free and Usefull Online Resources for Designers and Developers
How Popular Website Designs Looked Like In Late 90’sInsipiration: 60 Awesome Mac Apps Websites
Usually, a great Mac app has always an outstanding design. This happens beacuse the Mac platform is highly focused on providing a better user experience than other OSes and a good design is very important to acheive this. But, if you’re an app developer, you have to tell users that your app is great in the first place. And the first place is the application’s website. Here I’ve collected 60 awesome Mac apps websites for your inspiration.ページ送りナビゲーションには display:inline-block が超便利 | バシャログ。
inline-block;Introducing Sprockets: JavaScript dependency management and concatenation - (37signals)
Sprockets is a Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript source files. It takes any number of source files and preprocesses them line-by-line in order to build a single concatenation. Specially formatted lines act as directives to the Sprockets preprocessor, telling it to require the contents of another file or library first or to provide a set of asset files (such as images or stylesheets) to the document root. Sprockets attempts to fulfill required dependencies by searching a set of directories called the load path.
Reading about Sprockets: Looks useful. [from]
"Sprockets is a Ruby library that preprocesses and concatenates JavaScript source files. It takes any number of source files and preprocesses them line-by-line in order to build a single concatenation."50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know About - Page 1 | Maximum PC
50 Kick-Ass Websites You Need to Know AboutThe 10 best educational websites - Times Online
Times Online from the UK suggests 10 great educational web sites.The Open Source Toolbox For WebDesigners | Home
opensource web dev apps
web designerShowcase of Web Design in Ireland « Smashing Magazine
Web Design showcase
ソーシャル参考サイトTips and Tricks: Making the Most of Google Calendar
Beautiful And Creative Navigation Menus10 Ways A Designer Can Make some Extra Money | Creativeoverflow
que hacer y no hacer en diseño web10 Reasons why I prefer Fireworks CS4 to Photoshop for Web Design « Boagworld
Great article and one that will inspire me to try Fireworks again. But only as a test - my hands are used to 10 years of Photoshop and I am quick to frustrate.
I have been a Photoshop user for over sixteen years, ten of which have been in a production web design environment. I’ve got used to the way it works. I’m used to its feature set and how it does what it does. I’ve worked happily within that framework and mostly not digressed unless my requirements have been to design a logo – where a vector illustration package like Illustrator has come into its own. More recently, however, I’ve begun to feel like I’m actually using the wrong tool for the job, in some ways like using a word-processor to replicate the work of a spreadsheet.
Oui il faut le dire Fireworks est mieux que Photoshop pour le web !
fireworks versus photoshopModern CSS Layouts: The Essential Characteristics « Smashing Magazine
five characteristics of modern CSS websites: * Progressively enhanced, * Adaptive to diverse users, * Modular, * Efficient, * Typographically rich. In part 2 of this article, coming soon, we’ll go over the techniques and tools that will help you implement these important characteristics on your CSS-based Web pages.Super-Clean and Minimal Web Designs: 70+ Stunning Examples and Resources | Inspiration | instantShift
Super-Clean and Minimal Web Designs: 70+ Stunning Examples and Resources | Inspiration | instantShift - Minute Upgrade - Using CSS Borders for Emphasis | Build Internet!
5 minute improvement with css borders.111 CSS Gallery To Submit Your Design | Listelog
CSS Galleries are places where we can submit our web design and let others vote/rate about it. They are places where we can get inspiration too. Today, we are going to share about 110+ CSS Galleries that you may want to look into when submitting your design or when you want to get some inspirations for your project. The list is too long to fit into 1 post, so i am going to divide it into 2 posts.
CSS Galleries are places where we can submit our web design and let others vote/rate about it. They are places where we can get inspiration too. Today, we are going to share about 110+ CSS Galleries that you may want to look into when submitting your design or when you want to get some inspirations for your project. The list is too long to fit into 1 post, so i am going to divide it into 2 posts.
111 galeries CSS pour soumettre vos designs web
111 CSS Gallery To Submit Your DesignHow to create your best website layouts ever | News | TechRadar UK
あんまりちゃんと設定してなかったWelcome to! ·
A site that provides a bookmarklet to save items on line. Put bookmarklets on all the browsers
Linklist lets you make lists of links with no registration required. You can decide on your topic, write a short description, and then develop an ordered or non-ordered list. After you’re done, you’re given an embed code and url address for it-- one click and all your resources are organized together! You can create linklists to share, and students can create their own linklists that are kept private. You do not need to register, but if you do register, you'll be able to update and edit your linklists. once you paste a url address into your list, the name of the link actually shows up as an active link Linklist would also really be great for teaching media literacy skills. Students could write additional descriptions next to each list item, then the list could be used more effectively for higher-order thinking skills like categorization or comparing information from different sources.Apacheの設定を変更し、単一IPアドレス上で複数のSSLサイトを運用する - builder by ZDNet Japan
へえ。できるんだWeb providers must limit internet's carbon footprint, say experts | Technology |
Soaring online demand stretching companies' ability to deliver content as net uses more power and raises costs
RT @ecologee Web providers must limit internets carbon footprint, say experts [from]
"Soaring online demand stretching companies' ability to deliver content as net uses more power and raises costs"
Web providers must limit internet's carbon footprint, say experts Soaring online demand stretching companies' ability to deliver content as net uses more power and raises costsGoogle's Eric Schmidt on What the Web Will Look Like in 5 Years
# Five years from now the internet will be dominated by Chinese-language content. # Today's teenagers are the model of how the web will work in five years - they jump from app to app to app seamlessly. # Five years is a factor of ten in Moore's Law, meaning that computers will be capable of far more by that time than they are today. # Within five years there will be broadband well above 100MB in performance - and distribution distinctions between TV, radio and the web will go away. # "We're starting to make signifigant money off of Youtube", content will move towards more video. # "Real time information is just as valuable as all the other information, we want it included in our search results."
Previsões sobre o futuro próximo da Internet.
* Five years from now the internet will be dominated by Chinese-language content. * Today's teenagers are the model of how the web will work in five years - they jump from app to app to app seamlessly. * Five years is a factor of ten in Moore's Law, meaning that computers will be capable of far more by that time than they are today. * Within five years there will be broadband well above 100MB in performance - and distribution distinctions between TV, radio and the web will go away. * "We can index real-time info now - but how do we rank it?"Die gefühlte Lesbarkeit | Design Tagebuch
Serife gegen Groteske: die Lehrbuch-Meinung unterstellt beharrlich Qualitätsunterschiede, die offenkundig nicht existieren. Eine neue Studie zeigt: Viel wichtiger als die oft beschworene “objektive” Lesbarkeit ist, was eine Schriftart ausstrahlt – ihr „Look and Feel”.15 Free Online Tools for Web Designers on a Budget | Web Design Ledger
tips y paginas para diseñarReal-Time Web Protocol PubSubHubbub Explained
Real-Time Web Protocol PubSubHubbub Explained [from]
Mer om realtidswebben och pubsubhubbub-protokollet.Trick Out Google Apps for Your Domain - Gmail - Lifehacker
Underscore provides 44-odd functions that support both the usual functional suspects: map, select, invoke — as well as more specialized helpers: function binding, javascript templating, deep equality testing, and so on. It delegates to built-in functions, if present, so Javascript 1.6 compliant browsers will use the native implementations of forEach, map, filter, every, some and indexOf. Underscore includes a complete Test & Benchmark Suite for your perusal. The unabridged source code is available on GitHub.
Underscore is a utility-belt library for Javascript that provides a lot of the functional programming support that you would expect in Prototype.js (or Ruby), but without extending any of the built-in Javascript objects. It's the tie to go along with jQuery's tux. Underscore provides 44-odd functions that support both the usual functional suspects: map, select, invoke — as well as more specialized helpers: function binding, javascript templating, deep equality testing, and so on. It delegates to built-in functions, if present, so Javascript 1.6 compliant browsers will use the native implementations of forEach, map, filter, every, some and indexOf.Users Place More Weight on Design
good web design keeps users
Qu'est-ce qui fait principalement fuir les visiteurs d'un site web en 2009 ? Pour 51% c'est le temps de chargement, pour 25% c'est un contenu de mauvaise qualité, et pour 24% c'est la mocheté du site. Concernant le design, c'était moins de 7% des personnes interrogées en 2007 qui fuyaient pour cause d'interface ratée.
The demand for good web design is increasing, revealed a recent Webcopyplus online poll. Almost 25% of web users indicated "poor visual presentation" as the number one element that drives them away from websites. Only 6.6% of web users who participated in a similar 2007 online poll indicated "poor visual presentation" as the main reason to abandon a website. That equates to a 267% increase during the two-year period.
web designWhat Does It All Mean? - Dive Into HTML5
A concise overview of HTML 5.40 Killer Minimalist Blog Designs | Spyre Studios
Regular readers of Spyre Studios will recognize that the love of minimalism runs pretty deep around here (judging by the minimalism articles we've published before: here, here and here). So today we're going to explore the excellent use of minimalism in blog design. The designers of these blogs knew what was important and made sure that the website focused on those pieces, and for that - we appreciate them.
40 Killer Minimalist Blog DesignsFixed Floating Elements | jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts
jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts
This replicates the floating box as seen in apple's store.
Fixed Floating Elements | jQuery for Designers - Tutorials and screencasts - Clean, Simple and Minimalist Website Designs | Inspiration
This post isn't so much about the usefulness of mailing lists as a discussion medium, it's the complete failure of Google Groups as an adequate purveyor of public discussion software. For the jQuery project we're already in the process of moving the full discussion area to a forum that we control. We should have it set up, and everything moved over, within the next month or two. There is one area in which Google Groups continues to shine: Private, or restricted, mailing list discussions. However any attempts at using it for a public discussion medium are completely futile. The primary problem with Google Groups boils down to a systemic failure to contain and manage spam. Only a bottom-up overhaul of the Google Groups system would be able to fix the problems that every Google Group faces.51 Web Apps for Web Designers and Developers – Web.AppStorm
Real-time Web is becoming more popular.携帯サイト(html)の制作に入る前に確認しておきたいチェック項目 │ これからゆっくり考L
サンプルソースが・・・キャリア同時対応ならこうなるわな。45 Inspiring Navigation Menus That You Must See
Menus WebsitesSmipple - Social Code Snippets
this was built using gae and app engine patchTweetedBrands
50 Most mentioned brands on twitter
TweetedBrands - The most mentioned brands on Twitter
50 Most mentioned brands on twitter.15 sites incontournables sur l'écriture pour le web et les blogs | Presse-Citron
Sur ce sujet riche et varié, il existe de nombreux blogs et sites, qui, de l’ergonomie éditoriale à l’approche sémantique en passant par les conseils en rédaction web, constituent de solides ressources dont vous pouvez vous inspirer pour améliorer la qualité rédactionnelle de votre blog. J’ai sélectionné pour vous les meilleurs parmi ceux que je connais (mais je ne les connais peut-être pas tous)
Sur ce sujet riche et varié, il existe de nombreux blogs et sites, qui, de l’ergonomie éditoriale à l’approche sémantique en passant par les conseils en rédaction web, constituent de solides ressources dont vous pouvez vous inspirer pour améliorer la qualité rédactionnelle de votre blog. J’ai sélectionné pour vous les meilleurs parmi ceux que je connais (mais je ne les connais peut-être pas tous) :
15 sites incontournables sur l’écriture pour le web et les blogs30 Nature Inspired Website Designs For your inspiration | Dzine Blog
Now a days you can see a increasing trend of using nature elements in web-design. incorporating nature elements like trees , landscape, sea, sky etc in to the design gives a more realistic and pleasant look to the website Here i’ve collected 30+ website designs base on nature theme, its quite interesting and inspiring to see how designers take colors and elements for nature and bring them in to web design, hope you all will like this collectionGoogle Releases API for Website Optimizer: A/B & Multivariate Testing for All
google support for a/b testing etc to optimize web site performance.
Multivariate Testing5 Must Read Presentations about CSS Coding –
In past articles, we've shown you beautiful logos for inspiration and tutorials on designing logos. Since we believe you can't have too much design inspiration,
Logo Designs
logoshtml5-cheat-sheet.pdf (application/pdf Object)
HTML5 Cheat sheet.
ตารางรวม Tag HTML5Web Ecology Project
Code Release: Language Detection and Translation
The Web Ecology Project is an interdisciplinary research group based in Boston, Massachusetts focusing on using large scale data mining to analyze the system-wide flows of culture and community online. In addition to the task of understanding culture on the web through quantitative research and rigorous experimentation, we are attempting to build a science around community management and social media. To that end, we are building tools and conducting research that enable planners to launch data-driven campaigns backed by network science. twitter archive.
Researching Quantized Social InteractionMake an iPhone App Using the Envato API - Nettuts+
bobo reborn
Bobo is a light-weight framework for creating WSGI web applications.
It provides 2 features: (i) mapping URLs to objects; and (ii) calling objects to generate HTTP responses.30+ Inspirational Portfolio Designs for Web Designers | tripwire magazine
web design
It's getting more and more usual for designers to showcase their artwork online and the result is tons of portfolio websites competing for awareness. This means that you need to be special to stand out. Having access to collections of great web desigBlog Headers: 20 Great Examples and Best Practices | Webdesigner Depot
coole Headergrafiken
Ejemplos de cabeceras para el diseño de la web[CSS]検索フォームを素敵なデザインするスタイルシート集 | コリス
フォームを綺麗にする8 Hand Drawn Icon Sets For Bloggers - slodive
The hand drawn look as definitely taken over design since the predictions began last year. Makes you wonder if the design sites had not covered it so much, would it be so big now? Whatever the case it’s impossible to ignore. Below we present some great hand drawn icon sets that will be sure to give your blog a more creative / natural look.とっても使えるoverflowプロパティ。その使い方色々。|CSS HappyLife
via.Showjin80 Examples of Add to Cart Buttons for Design Inspiration
lille case om udviklingen af et rating system
hem as markers on the slider, giving you a frame of reference for the new tea. They show up when you drag the slider over them or when you hover over th
smilies, a 100-point slider, AND recent rating tickmarks with rollover info. wow40 Incredibly Useful Web Design Tools You Should Use Daily | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
This article will showcase tools which should and could be used by designers daily. If you need some inspiration – you can visit the most popular and recommended design showcase sites to find really good works and examples. Check out design related tools, online generators, free font sites, template sites, great websites helping to test and manage websites – those all have been created to save your time! Remember - not always the best way is to create everything by yourself. Be smart and you will accomplish your tasks much easier and quicker without struggling!
Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditBuzz up!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this on TechnoratiShare this on MixxSubmit this to DesignFloatShare this on FacebookTweet This!Submit this to Script & StyleShare this on DevmarksRelated Posts30 Most Valuable Digg Tools You Should Use Daily20 Free Keyword Research Tools – Comprehensive InsightUltimate List of [...]40 New Useful Web Development Tools and Resources « Noupe
To become a professional web designer, you need effective tools that would help you implement beautiful designs with solid coding techniques. Handy ready-to-be-used solutions and smart design tools are always nice to have, but good ones are often quite hard to find. And this is where we come into play. In this post we have put together a useful collection of new web development tools to save developers and designers time, energy, and headaches. Let’s take a look at 40 new useful web development tools and resources in a goodie bag for you, including easy and fast tweaks to forms, snippets of code, documentation at your fingertips, fonts, and cheat sheets.The Future of the Social Web | Brian Solis - PR 2.0
Jason Fried hates lame meetings, tech companies that don't generate revenue, and companies that treat their employees like children. A peek inside his typical workday
37 Signals CEO/President writes about how he works
you end up dying with your customer base, because the software is too complicated for a newcomer. We keep our products simple. I'd rather have people grow out of our products, as long as more people are growing into them. We also get thousands of suggestions. The default answer is always no. We rarely have meetings. I hate them. They're a huge waste of time, and they're costly. Creative people need unstructured time to get in the zone. You can't do that in 20 minutes. Very rarely is a question important enough to stop people from doing what they're doing. Everything can wait a couple of hours, unless it is a true emergency. We want to get rid of interruption as much as we possibly can, because that's the real enemy of productivity. Everyone should read stuff on the Web that's goofy or discover something new. IOn The Internet, Nobody Knows You're Not In The USA -
How to access geographically targeted services.
hide your IP address - free tools are plenty available
using proxies to bypass geospecific IP restrictions40 Fresh and Free Icon Sets for Web Designers and Bloggers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Links to free iconsHow to Edit PDF Files - Free Tools for Manipulating PDF Documents
How to Edit PDF Files - Free Tools for Manipulating PDF Documents - Design Trends for 2010 | Web Design Ledger
"Mark Pilgrim traces the origin of the <img> element. A window into standards (and the web) history."
« On February 25, 1993, Marc Andreessen wrote : I’d like to propose a new, optional HTML tag: IMG.»
Why an img element? Quite simply, because Marc Andreessen shipped one, and shipping code wins.
dive into mark ‣ November 2, 2009 ‣ Why do we have an IMG element? (history, html, mu)
BBS discussions on IMG tag implementation.
"HTML has always been a conversation between browser makers, authors, standards wonks, and other people who just showed up and liked to talk about angle brackets. Most of the successful versions of HTML have been “retro-specs,” catching up to the world while simultaneously trying to nudge it in the right direction. Anyone who tells you that HTML should be kept “pure” (presumably by ignoring browser makers, or ignoring authors, or both) is simply misinformed. HTML has never been pure, and all attempts to purify it have been spectacular failures, matched only by the attempts to replace it."Google Wave Extension List
@font-face for free commercial
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myInkBlog.comThe Future Of The Web: Where Will We Be In Five Years? - Noupe
speculation, but interestingSEOmoz | 30 SEO Problems & the Tools to Solve Them (Part 1 of 2)
The travel and tourism industry is a great source of inspiration when it comes to web design. The main goal of any site in this industry is to entice visitors to travel. Imagery plays a huge part in this because any potential customer wants to see exactly where they are travelling to. Here are a few great examples of inspirational travel and tourism websites.Research of Lingerie Industry Web Design: Trends and 33 Sexy Examples | Onextrapixel - Showcasing Web Treats Without Hitch
Great blog designs for inspirationTop 20 Teacher Blogs |
20 "parasta" englanninkielistä opetusblogia.
Top Blogs for Teachers for almost anything!
Relação de 20 blogs que tratam de vários aspectos da educação, desde relatos de alunos e professores até dicas de atividades.
Education blogs
from Scholastic, Fall 2009Make Film Work
500 Internal Server ErrorMockingbird - Untitled
Tool for designing mockups
nice webdesign tool
Web-based wireframing.Secret copyright treaty leaks. It's bad. Very bad. - Boing Boing
RT @featureBlend: Secret copyright treaty leaks. It's bad. Very bad. [from]
The internet chapter of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, a secret copyright treaty whose text Obama's administration refused to disclose due to "national security" concerns, has leaked. It's bad. It says: * * That ISPs have to proactively police copyright on user-contributed material. This means that it will be impossible to run a service like Flickr or YouTube or Blogger, since hiring enough lawyers to ensure that the mountain of material uploaded every second isn't infringing will exceed any hope of profitability. * * That ISPs have to cut off the Internet access of accused copyright infringers or face liability. This means that your entire family could be denied to the internet -- and hence to civic participation, health information, education, communications, and their means of earning a living -- if one member is accused of copyright infringement, without access to a trial or counsel. * * That the whole world must adopt US-style "notice-and-takedown" rules t
The internet chapter of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, a secret copyright treaty whose text Obama's administration refused to disclose due to "national security" concerns, has leaked. It's bad
The internet chapter of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, a secret copyright treaty whose text Obama's administration refused to disclose due to "national security" concerns, has leaked. It's bad. It says: * * That ISPs have to proactively police copyright on user-contributed material. This means that it will be impossible to run a service like Flickr or YouTube or Blogger, since hiring enough lawyers to ensure that the mountain of material uploaded every second isn't infringing will exceed any hope of profitability. * * That ISPs have to cut off the Internet access of accused copyright infringers or face liability. This means that your entire family could be denied to the internet -- and hence to civic participation, health information, education, communications, and their means of earning a living -- if one member is accused of copyright infringement, without access to a trial or counsel.2010年に備えて、知っておきたいウェブデザインのトレンド | コリス
2010年に向けて押さえておきたいウェブデザインのトレンドの14のポイントをWeb Design Ledgerから紹介します。 Web Design
よっしゃCustomize MediaWiki into Your Ultimate Collaborative Web Site - Wikipedia - Lifehacker
working the mediawikiTutorial Magazine - 32 Best Photoshop Tutorials of July 2009
Best Photoshop Tutorials of July 2009Software is hard | Eventbug (alpha) Released
Alguma coisa relacionada à eventos controlados pelo firebug, ainda não li
Plugin for firefox to show event handlers, and more
This extension brings a new Events panel that lists all of the event handlers on the page grouped by event type. The panel also nicely integrates with other Firebug panels and allows to quickly find out, which HTML element is associated with specific event listener or see the Javascript source code.Pagetest - where web sites go to get FAST!
This tool lets you test web pages that are directly accessible as an URL from the Internet.
Welcome. Pagetest allows you to provide the URL of a webpage to be tested. The test will be conducted from the location specified and you will be provided a waterfall of your page load performance as well as a comparison against an optimization checklist. Please visit the PageTest wiki page for more information. Sample results for can be seen here.Chroma-Hash Demo
Chroma-Hash is a sexy, secure visualization of password field input
Kind of pointless but cool
awesome password confirmation tool using color
<elderec> a sexy, secure visualization of password field input - Gives You A Privacy Dashboard To Show Just How Much It Knows About you
the answer is?? and Modern Layout: PSD to XHTML/CSS Conversion
great cheatsheetBest Practices for 6 Common User Interface Elements | Webdesigner Depot
The appearance and usability of certain interface elements and functionality are crucial to the success any websites in today’s market. Studies have demonstrated that even a split-second delay in thinking on the user’s part will weaken their perception and interest in a website and ultimately lower the website’s conversion rate. In certain niches and industries, having UI elements that are not obvious in their use may be perfectly acceptable. The blogging and web development industry are perfect examples. But when we design user interfaces for non-tech-savvy audiences—which is usually the case with client work—we have to ensure that certain UI elements do not stray too far from what users are accustomed to. This article discusses some best practices and usability traits of six user interface elements and the conventions for each, so that developers can create user experiences that are both beautiful and simple.Closure Library - Google Code
The Closure Library is a broad, well-tested, modular, and cross-browser JavaScript library. You can pull just what you need from a large set of reusable UI widgets and controls, and from lower-level utilities for DOM manipulation, server communication, animation, data structures, unit testing, rich-text editing, and more. The Closure Library is server-agnostic, and is intended for use with the Closure Compiler.
Javascript all purpose library
The Closure Library is a broad, well-tested, modular, and cross-browser JavaScript library. You can pull just what you need from a large set of reusable UI widgets and controls, and from lower-level utilities for DOM manipulation, server communication, animation, data structures, unit testing, rich-text editing, and more. The Closure Library is server-agnostic, and is intended for use with the Closure Compiler.
Javascript UI components from Google.Simple CSS Tips that Go a Long Way - Inspect Element
Vagas de emprego!Fonts Used In Popular Band Logos | Build Internet!
海外ミュージシャンのロゴがいっぱいSimply Scala
save10 essential OS X apps for pro web developers | News | TechRadar UK
et TextMate alors ?
Jenny Cecil - 10 essential OS X apps for pro web developers The best tools for coding, testing, uploading and tracking costs : TechRadar UKFun Facts " Shortest English sentence using all the letters of the alphabet
Shortest sentence
shortest sentence using all letters in alphabet25+ Tips and Tutorials of HTML & CSS « Powerusers
listona di strumenti utili per webdesign13 Really Useful Online CSS Tools to Streamline Development | Design Reviver
A very smart visualization of passwords and its effect on usability
Yesterday, I posted Chroma-Hash, an experiment in how to visualize the live-input of secure fields, such as a password on a login screen. So far, I’ve received a lot of great feedback, as well as a number of questions that I thought deserved a proper response. Before I go into any details, I invite you to check out the live demo, (if you haven’t seen it already), so you can get a clear idea of what Chroma-Hash does.
Article on how to solve the masked password issues. Solution doesn't work, but it's a start.
Elegant UI gives user visual feedback on correctness of "hidden" passwords
visualize the live-input of secure fields, such as a password on a login screen野心作Google Waveの壮大なビジョン. 新しいWebには新しいコミュニケーションプラットホームを
最初のフェーズは、Googleが作った製品としてのGoogle WaveがWebアプリケーションとして一般に公開される。第二フェーズのGoogle Waveはプラットホームだ。上で述べたように、一般のデベロッパが参加して何かを作っていく。そして第三フェーズでは、Google Waveはプロトコルだ。すなわち、Webコミュニケーションのための開発プラットホームになる(実装は自由で多様化)。The Font-as-Service | i love typography, the typography and fonts blog
By Elliot Jay Stocks When Johno first asked me to write about Typekit, I jumped at the chance. I’d received a beta invite to try out the service about a week before, but deadlines had got in the way of actually getting round to it. Now I had the
i love typography, the typography and fonts blog
Typekitネットで誹謗中傷を書かれた時に、法的に個人を特定する方法 | nanapi[ナナピ]
個人情報なので出せない、という人に対しては、「プロバイダ責任制限法案があるので、明確な理由がある限り、開示者の責任は問われない」ということをしっかりと教えてあげましょうUsable y accesible: 25 reglas para hacer CSS accesibles
25 Normas de accesibilidad relativas a las CSS
25 reglas para hacer buen css
25 reglas para hacer un buen archivo css
Olga Carrera ha creado un listado de 25 reglas para hacer un CSS mas accesible, la lista incluye notas de porque evitar el uso de hacks y alternativas para mejorar tu codigo CSS, asi como muchos tips para mejorar la accesibilidad del mismo, un articulo muy recomendable y en español.A List Apart: Articles: You Can Get There From Here: Websites for Learners
You Can Get There From Here: Websites for Learners
The Steve Irwin approach to discovery on the web—“I’m going to click this here link…just to see what happens!”
From A List Apart: "Content-rich" is not enough. Most websites are not learner-friendly. As an industry, we haven’t done our best to make our content-rich websites suitable for learning and exploration. Learners require more from us than keywords and killer headlines. They need an environment that is narrative, interactive, and discoverable. Amber Simmons tells how to begin creating rich content sites that invite and repay exploration and discovery.
What we find changes who we become
"But just as important as the narrative consciously built into a website is the narrative readers create for themselves. Readers build their own narrative as they work their way through a website, moving from one content object to another. This narrative emerges from interrelationships between content items and helps readers turn fragmentary pieces of information into knowledge. The more clearly a reader can discern these relationships, the clearer and more meaningful the narrative he’ll be able to construct."Glassical: A Free WordPress Theme - Smashing Magazine
By Started With Content Management Systems - Smashing Magazine
Great write up explaining a CMS and why to use one.Grunge In Web Design: Samples And Best Practices | Spyre Studios
Spyre Studios
Grunge In Web Design: Samples And Best Practices20+ Free and Stylish Typography Wordpress Themes : Speckyboy Design Magazine
20+ Free and Stylish Typography Wordpress Themes : Speckyboy Design Magazine - Fonts Used In Logos of Popular Websites | Build Internet!
This is a roundup of that identifies the fonts used in the logos of some of the top sites on the internet.
More Fonts Used In Logos of Popular Websites | Build Internet!PHP programming tips and tricks | Marius Stanciu Sergiu's weblog
[vía @basilio] # Learn the difference between good and bad code. read more # Stick to coding standards, it will make it easier for you to understand other people’s code and other people will be able to understand yours. read more
PHP programming tips and tricksWatch YouTube Videos Without Flash in HTML5 — The NeoSmart Files
by Mahmoud Al-Qudsi - 8 November 2009 - The NeoSmart Files - NeoSmart Technologies
좋은 자료
our attention that Firefox does not support streaming MP4 content due to licensing restrictions, and as we mention above, an MP4 decoder is a minimum requirement.How to set up an e-commerce site using PayPal to process - Ars Technica
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Good apps and tools for building websites
на случай если делать сайт или что-нибудь типа того10 Fantastic and Creative Web Design Styles - Inspect Element
Quelques propriété CSS courantes mais à ne pas oublier: Clip, min-height, white-space, cursor, display
Handy css tips / clip tag :)More jQuery and General Javascript Tips to Improve Your Code | tripwire magazine
This post pick up on my previous post "jQuery and General Javascript Tips to Improve Your Code" and provides additional nice to know tips for jQuery developers. jQuery is popular for a reason and widely used by nearly everyone from huge companies
jQuery skill upWeb 2.0 Literacy Tools Master List Fall
web2.0 sites collectionFacebook Game Scams Appear on Phone Bills - TIME
Web agencies are the ones that make the trends regarding webdesign. There are a lot of freelancers and companies nowadays. Some are great and some are not… well… we selected a few of great ones to showcase their work. Please check our list and comment about it and submit your own agency if you think [...] Related posts:<ol><li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title='Permanent Link: Creative Media Free CSS Template'>Creative Media Free CSS Template</a></li><li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title='Permanent Link: 30+ amazing cartoony websites'>30+ amazing cartoony websites</a></li><li><a href='' rel='bookmark' title='Permanent Link: 30 inspiring dark website designs'>30 inspiring dark website designs</a></li></ol>15 Great Websites To Download Thousands of Free Fonts | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Top 20 Essential Firefox Add-ons for Web Designers3banana Online Notebook -- Take Notes, Sync, and Share on Android, iPhone, Online
Notetaking app for Web and phones.
Note syncing for Android. Like Android/Blackberry Simplenote.
The easiest way to take notes - online and on the goDesigning “Coming Soon” Pages - Smashing Magazine
Deciding what to do once you've purchased a domain but haven't yet launched the website is always a bit of a conundrum. Leaving up your domain registrar or Web host's...デザイナーのためのHTML5リソースまとめ | DesignWalker
Razorfish's new report on Digital Brand Experience
Razorfish research - via Paul ROJohn Resig - ECMAScript 5 Strict Mode, JSON, and More
Online-piirrostyökalu diagrammien tekemiseksi. Vaatii rekisteröitymisen. Diagrammin voi liittää esim. blogiin.
Webブラウザ上で手軽に使えるドローツールHow to Achieve Painless Registration
Ways to increase sales on ecommerce sites and increase sign-ups on service sites,
Read it. Do it. Awesome advice from Tog.
I'm about to give you a number of ways to increase sales on ecommerce sites and increase sign-ups on service sites, but first, raise your hand if you personally, when surfing the web, enjoy registering to use a site.Horizontally Scrolling Websites Showcase & Tutorials
Check out this collection of 30 inspiring examples of horizontally scrolling sites, and a hand full of tutorials for creating a horizontal site of your own.
"Love them or hate them, horizontally scrolling websites are scattered around the net, and there’s some fantastic examples. Unlike the traditional layout of a website that scrolls up and down, horizontal websites flip things around and scroll from left to right. Sometimes they’re enhanced with Javascript to offer an even richer user experience, such as auto-scrolling effects. Check out this collection of 30 inspiring examples, and follow on to a hand full of brilliant tutorials that give an insight into the theory and practice of creating a horizontal site of your own."
Line2560 Trendy Web Design Interfaces Created In October | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Share this on del.icio.usDigg this!Share this on RedditBuzz up!Stumble upon something good? Share it on StumbleUponShare this on TechnoratiShare this on MixxSubmit this to DesignFloatShare this on FacebookTweet This!Submit this to Script & StyleShare this on DevmarksRelated Posts48 Trendy And Fresh Web Interfaces From Deviantart: August 200946 Outstanding Web Layouts From DeviantArt: September 200955 Really [...]
inspirationGO: Google Launches Its Own Programming Language
There is a growing rebellion against cumbersome type systems like those30 Web Designs with Amazing Attention to Detail
30 Web Designs with Amazing Attention to DetailSimply-Buttons v2 : p51 Labs
Illustrations are a nice way to give to your site a less formal style. With hand drawings, the style gets even less formal and also it gives to the site a super unique feel, allowing the designer to show off his/her skills. This type of element can be used for small details or even for the whole site layout. One thing is almost certainty, hand drawings will make your site looks more friendly, however it's very important to find the balance and make sure that they fit with the theme and subject of your site.
Drag the video at the top to see a beautiful social networking interface.10 Tips for Writing Better CSS | Web Design Ledger
10 Tips for Writing Better CSSThe Smashing Book: Pre-Order Now And Save 20% | Events | Smashing Magazine
ance, a popular color, is taken in Western society to mean environmental consciousness. In China, a green hat could imply that a man’s wife is cheating on him. The color is sacred in the Islamic world, and it has significance in Catholicism. In some African countries, green represents the natural richness of Africa. It has also been associated with money, jealousy, growth, sickness, inexperience, evil, fertility, hope, youth and death. This is just one example of the cultural and psychological implications that color can have for your website’s audience.
from patrickGoogle Wave Info » Blog Archive » Google Wave Cheat Sheet
A great list of commands to use in Google Wave40 Beautifully-Designed Navigation Menus | Vandelay Design Blog
tv content aggregator
Clicker, a comprehensive video search engine for television content on the web.The Best Free Icon Sets of 2009 | Web Design Ledger
I especially like the hand cursor icon set. Nice collection.
Web Design Ledger web design Nov12th In Freebies 17 The Best Free Icon Sets of 2009 Henry Jones The Best Free Icon Sets of 2009 In 2009 we’ve witnessed many talented and generous designers creating tons of amazing stuff and giving it away for us to use. We’ve already shown you all of the best free fonts from this past year. Now we’re going to show you the best free icon sets. There were plenty of free sets created this year, but these stand above the rest in terms of quality and usefulness.
Kann man immer gebrauchen :)
The Best Free Icon Sets of 200950 Inspirational and Fresh Minimally Designed Web Sites : Speckyboy Design Magazine
one of the best analytic tools ever created. Ever wondered what visitors click on your site? Or eve why no one is clicking here or on this page? CrazyEgg tracks what users do on your site, and displaList of Free Icons for personal and commercial use | - Tutorialz from A to Z
ちょっと面白そう。HTML email inline styler
Very handy for email marketing/newsletters.
Converts CSS rules into inline style attributesBig Header - The Power of beautiful web design - Showcase of the best 20 | AEXT.NET
Programming, Designing and Blogging
Great looking big-headers for websites
Big Header - The Power of beautiful web design - Showcase of the best 20 | AEXT.NET -
Big Header - The Power of beautiful web design. Gros header : la tendance Web desing du momentDemo scripts for gnuplot CVS version
The canvas driver for gnuplot was contributed by Bruce Lueckenhoff, and extended by Ethan Merritt (sfeam). To view the results you need a browser that supports the HTML 5 'canvas' element.
Gnuplot demo scripts run through the HTML canvas terminal See also the demo output for the PNG and SVG terminals. Your browser may not support the HTML 5 canvas element The canvas driver for gnuplot was contributed by Bruce Lueckenhoff, and extended by Ethan Merritt (sfeam). To view the results you need a browser that supports the HTML 5 'canvas' element. That currently means firefox, safari, opera, or konqueror (KDE 4.2).5 Damn Easy Ways To Improve User Experience | Spyre Studios
5 Damn Easy Ways To Improve User Experience
Simple tips for a good UX. These are obvious wins...SPDY: An experimental protocol for a faster web (Chromium Developer Documentation)
@kasthomas: "SPDY, Google's answer to HTTP" (from無料で使えるオンライン統合画像編集ツール『Aviary』がすごすぎない?! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
無料で使えるオンライン統合画像編集ツール『Aviary』がすごすぎない?! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~Twitter jilts Ruby for Scala • The Register
"Twitter jilts Ruby for Scala" - Alex Payne [from]11 Flash 3D Tutorials Using Actionscript and Away3D That Can help You Increase Your Productivity
11 Flash 3D Tutorials Using Actionscript and Away3D That Can help You Increase Your ProductivityTurning the tide: a hands-on look at Google's Wave - Ars Technica
29sep09 ... Ryan Paul ... Ars takes you inside of Google's bold vision for the future of Internet messaging with this hands-on look at Wave. Learn more about the experimental service, its underlying technology, and the opportunities that it will provide for third-party developers. [good technical writeup, ref Google Wave as Email replacement]Symfony deployment Cheat Sheet
A cheat sheet about the elements to customize before sending your application to production
Check if your symfony application is ready for deployment
Things to do before going live.Checklist de Competencias, habilidades digitales básicas | El caparazon
Acostumbramos a ver propuestas de competencias digitales, diversas clasificaciones basadas en subcompetencias. Menos frecuente es el ejercicio "de campo" que os presento, que su autor denomina La enseñanza y el aprendizaje en la Era digital, sobr
Acostumbramos a ver propuestas de competencias digitales, diversas clasificaciones basadas en subcompetencias. Menos frecuente es el ejercicio de campo queSanitize and Validate Data with PHP Filters - NETTUTS
Data validation is an integral part of working with forms. Not only can invalid submitted data lead to security problems, but it can also break your webpage. Today, we'll take a look at how to remove illegal characters and validate data by using the "filter_var" function.
Data validation is an integral part of working with forms. Not only can invalid submitted data lead to security problems, but it can also break your webpage.
using filter_var to santise and validate input50 Beautiful and Professionally Looking Joomla Templates | Tools
50 themes Joomla โคตรงาม joomla templatesFixing Poor MySQL Default Configuration Values (by Jeremy Zawodny)
4 tips buenos para mejorar el desempeño de MySQL.
MySQL configuration variables that have defaults which have proven to be problematic in a high-volume production environmentKen Auletta: 10 things Google has taught us - Oct. 26, 2009
As Larry Page astutely observes: "There is a pattern in companies, even in technological companies, that the people who do the work -- the engineers, the programmers, the foot soldiers if you will -- typically get rolled over by the management ... you end up kind of demoralized. You want to have a culture where the people who are doing the work, the scientists and the engineers, are empowered. And that they are managed by people who deeply understand what they are doing."
"Don't settle"
Google 10個の教訓The 'Internet Manifesto' bucks a trend and gets mainstream media attention | Media |
Internet Manifesto
Mercedes Bunz: Its 17 declarations on the future of journalism in the age of the internet have been discussed worldwide
l exchange superior to that of 20th century mass media: when in doubt, the "generation Wikipedia" is capable of appraising the credibility of a source, tracking news back to its original source, researching it, checking it and assessing it — alone or as part of a group effort. Journalists who snub this and are unwilling to respect these skills are not taken seriously by internet users.[を] アマゾンAPIを使うのに2009年8月15日から認証が必要になるらしい
■ <Message>The request must contain the parameter Signature.</Message>
Amazon APIを使うための情報15 Ways to Optimize CSS and Reduce CSS File Size | Queness
You know CSS, but do you know how to optimize it? I have gathered a list of CSS optimization and CSS File size reduction tips and tricks that will help you writing a more effective and efficient CSS code.7 Tools To Integrate Twitter With Your Wordpress Blog |
If it’s just twittering you want, then be sure to check out this post on twitter services or these twitter tools that will get you into the twitter elite. If however you want your blog and twitter account to seamlessly merge into a single platform to get your word out, here are a bunch of twitter extenders that will effortlessly popularise your blog among all your twitter followers, and beyond.Blerp - post comments, photos, videos on any website, annotate the web with music, news, gossip, politics, share bookmarks, online forums, social bookmarking, discussion topics
Annotate or discuss a webpage.
Online post it program.
Annotate web pages and see what others have said about them as well.
Tool to let you annotate webpages
Site for annotating websites - collaboratively (alternative to diigo?)chromedevtools - Project Hosting on Google Code
chrome用デバッグツール eclipse前提10 common mistakes using robots.txt on your website | Houston Web Designer & SEO - Tips on Website Development & Website Marketing tips and Strategies
URLs Relate to Search Engine Optimization
The Online Portfolio of Shay HoweThe History of the Internet in a Nutshell
Die Internetgeschichte BEBILDERT.
gesamtentwicklung, sehr gute zahlen, erste social media erwähnung, blogs, webseiten etc.
Wirklich guter Überblick über die Geschichte des InternetFacebook Developers | Facebook Developers News
Tornado: Facebook's Real-Time Web Framework for Python
Possible to build a site like FB.. using Tornado Cassandra, Hive (hadoop underneath) memcache, Scribe, Thrift.
Real-time updates have become an important aspect of the social Web that make it easier to share with friends. In March, we introduced a real-time News Feed to make the stream as relevant and engaging as possible for users. Similarly, FriendFeed, which we recently acquired, built their entire site to support real-time updates. It hasn't been easy to build and scale these features, so today we're open-sourcing a core piece of infrastructure called Tornado, which was originally developed by the FriendFeed team. Tornado is a relatively simple, non-blocking Web server framework written in Python, designed to handle thousands of simultaneous connections, making it ideal for real-time Web services. Tornado is a core piece of infrastructure that powers FriendFeed's real-time functionality, which we plan to actively maintain. While Tornado is similar to existing Web-frameworks in Python (Django, Google's webapp,, it focuses on speed and handling large amounts of simultaneous traffic.
starting point for ressources about Tornado python based webserver and tools10 Image Free Sexy CSS Menu and How to Create One | Desizn Tech
Desizn Tech: Web Design, Graphic Design, Photography and Tech Blog. Have bookmarked at CSS Menu entry. Worthwhile checking out the rest of the site. Some useful freebies.
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The predicable problem with bounces vs. visits. NB! Check the comments.
It is critical to know how any web metrics package calculates its numbers, even Google. You cannot assume, no matter how big the company, that the numbers will be correct.
Article about a flaw in how Google Analytics is counting its visitsFive Best Online Backup Tools - online backup - Lifehacker
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This document aims to lay out the pros and cons of two popular web publishing platforms: The PHP-based Drupal content management system (CMS) and the Python-based Django framework. It’s impossible to discuss systems like these in a non-technical way. However, I’ve tried to lay out the main points in straightforward language, with an eye toward helping supervisors make an informed choice.
Drupal represents a middle ground between framework and CMS that we’ve chosen not to take. Drupal is far more capable than a CMS like WordPress, but also much less flexible than a pure framework. But more importantly, the facts that Drupal isn’t object-oriented, isn’t MVC/MTV, doesn’t have an ORM, and is generally less flexible than a pure framework, not to mention our preference for working in Python over PHP, all contribute to our decision not to use it. In the end, a good developer can do good work with just about any system, while a bad developer can make mincemeat of even the best system. It’s not all about the platform. But modern tools and best practices in platform design go a long way toward ending up with a cleaner, faster, better-designed architecture that precisely matches the needs of your organizations, with no assumptions or historical baggage to work around.
someone asked me this very question the other day. another reference to hand out on such occasions to support my advice.20 Do’s and Don’ts of Effective Web Typography | Web Design Ledger
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g system that works like the Internet itself, like the web, and like open source operating systems like Linux: a world that is admittedly less polished, less controlled, but one that is profoundly generative of new innovations because anyone can bring new ideas to the market without having to ask permission of anyone. I've outlined a few of the ways that big players like Facebook, Apple, and News Corp are potentially breaking the "small pieces loosely joined" model of the Internet. But perhaps most threatening of all are the natural monopolies created by Web 2.0 network effects.
But I'm betting that things are going to get ugly. We're heading into a war for control of the web. And in the end, it's more than that, it's a war against the web as an interoperable platform. Instead, we're facing the prospect of Facebook as the platform, Apple as the platform, Google as the platform, Amazon as the platform, where big companies slug it out until one is king of the hill.
On Friday, my latest tweet was automatically posted to my Facebook news feed, as always. But this time, Tom Scoville noticed a difference: the link in the posting was no longer active. It turns out that a lot of other people had noticed this too. Mashable wrote about the problem on Saturday morning: Facebook Unlinks Your Twitter Links.
On Friday, my latest tweet was automatically posted to my Facebook news feed, as always. But this time, Tom Scoville noticed a difference: the link in the posting was no longer active.10 Useful Tools for Finding the Perfect Domain Name | Web Design Ledger
Finding the right domain name is an important step in creating a successful website. Luckily there are tools out there to help you in this process by not only helping you find available domain names, but also helping you in the creative aspect by giving you suggestions. Here are 10 of these tools to help you find that perfect domain name.
Finding the right domain name is an important step in creating a successful website. Luckily there are tools out there to help you in this process by not onlyA List Apart: Articles: On Web Typography
With the floodgates poised to open and the promise of many typefaces being freed up for use on websites, choosing the right face to complement a website’s design will need to become another notch in the designer’s belt. But where do we start?Web Font Specimen
Because web type renders differently with only subtle CSS adjustments, seeing it exercised in a variety of ways can help web designers typeset
Real web type in real web context.
"Real web type in real web context"
Because web type renders differently with only subtle CSS adjustments, seeing it exercised in a variety of ways can help web designers typeset—and also help them decide which typefaces to purchase for their projects.
I designed Web Font Specimen and have released it under a Creative Commons license for the betterment of typographic style and practice. Download it, make it your own, and make it better. If you publish a new version, just mention that it’s a derivative of Web Font Specimen.Nice Web Type – How to use CSS @font-face
もうこっそり使ってもいいと思う。 — Your writing synced online
Your writing, notes, and to-do lists online. stores your text and keeps it synced between your work, home, and devices like the iPhone. Unlike manual syncing, merges your changes so you'll never lose data.John Resig - Deep Tracing of Internet Explorer
dynaTrace Ajax works by sticking low-level instrumentation into Internet Explorer when it launches, capturing any activity that occurs
After reading a recent post by Steve Souders concerning a free tool called dynaTrace Ajax, I was intrigued. It claimed to provide full tracing analysis of Internet Explorer 6-8 (including JavaScript, rendering, and network traffic). Giving it a try I was very impressed. I tested against a few web sites but got the most interesting results running against the JavaScript-heavy Gmail in Internet Explorer 8.
notes on dynatrace - traces/graphs everything that IE Does.
dynaTrace Ajax works by sticking low-level instrumentation when it launches, capturing any activity that occurs.HTML5, きちんと。
把握A List Apart: Articles: Real Web Type in Real Web Context
Now that browsers support real fonts in web pages and we can license complete typefaces for such use, let’s move past the hype of web type and think pragmatically about how to use real fonts in our web projects. Several experiments with the CSS @font-face property, including some preliminary work with the much-anticipated Typekit, have led me to a single, urgent conclusion: I need to know how my type renders on screens, in web browsers. To that end, I created Web Font Specimen, a handy (free) resource web designers and typographers can use to see how typefaces will look on the web.7 Tips To Make Your Web Site Mobile-friendly
Every website should understand and implement mobile compatibility.Cut My Pic!
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You may not be away of bookmarklets which are an underused tool in web designer or developer's toolbox. A bookmarklet is a a term that merges bookmark and
10 Useful Bookmarklets for Web Designers and Developers A bookmarklet is a a term that merges bookmark and applet to add functionality to a web browser. They can be stored in the bookmark bar of any browser and used from there to perform useful tasks and consist primarily of Javascript code.Making browsers faster: Resource Packages · Alexander Limi
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This is quite amazing: all resources of a page in 1 HTTP request (excluding the page). Its backwards compatible too.50 Fresh Interactive Studio and Social Media Agency Websites - Noupe
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As you might observe, social marketing is the new black. Tons of studies predict huge budgets for social media strategies from the top shots, so the agencies need to sharpen their interactive skills in order to separate clients from their money. Lots of big advertising and PR networks created digital marketing divisions but given the fact that this is such a fresh trend, the independent studios have almost the same chances to land a big contract if they’re creative enough. Long story short, here is a showcase of 50 outstanding websites of digital marketing agencies, interactive advertising studios and online PR bureaus. The majority follows the trends of modern web design – wide layout, projects carousel, text over images, crisp textures in the background, large headers, homepage smooth animations, and – of course – integrated Twitter & Facebook functionalities.21 Link Builders Share Advanced Link Building Queries
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Speed & rendering look to be vastly improved in IE9. Fingers crossed, we'll get some other goodies.
Because I care enough to.
Community testing efforts like this one can be helpful. Ultimately, we want to work with the community and W3C and other members of the working groups to define true validation test suites, like the one that we’re all working on together for CSS 2.1, for the standards that matter to developers. For example, this link tests one of the HTML5 storage APIs; some browsers (including IE8) support it today, while others don’t.
Microsoft İE) üzerinde çalışıyor, Windows 7 ye yetiştirilemeyen sürümün bir çok bakımdan iyi olacağı söyleniyor. ama ilk testlerde Acid 3 standart testinden 32 alması bizi üzüyor.
We’re just about a month after the Windows 7 launch, and wanted to show an early look at some of the work underway on Internet Explorer 9. At the PDC today, in addition to demonstrating some of the progress on performance and interoperable standards,14 Free Mac Apps for Web Designers on a Budget | Web Design Ledger
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Building your own wordpress themes will open your eyes to a lot of things, mainly the fact that you'll be retyping a lot of code over and over and over again. So in this post I am going to show you ten wordpress code hacks that you can add to your arsenal that will not only save you a lot of time, but they will also set your themes apart from others who don't come pre built with these types of features.Home (The Chromium Projects)
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mind that there are factors in play other than raw page load performance. As a general rule of thumb, if most of your sprite doesn't contain real image content, you should probably avoid using it. Also, keep an eye out for fu
Note that this is a 1299x15,000 PNG. It compresses quite well — the actual download size is around 26K — but browsers don't render compressed image data. When this image is downloaded and decompressed, it will use almost 75MB in memory (1299 * 15000 * 4).34 cheat sheets for web designers and developers | Web and designers | Complete resource platform for web designers and developers
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this recursively is probably a bad idea since it will eventually blow the browser’s JavaScript stack, but it works OK for the demo. The more interesting part is the server-side /wait URL which is being polled. Here’s the relevant Node Useful Coding Solutions For Designers And Developers - Smashing Magazine
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Here are a list of seven things you can do for every web design proposal you write in order to put yourself and your capabilities in the best possible light, and increase the likelihood you'll win the contract.
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tion, and maybe Apple is working on other device APIs. That would solve all problems for the second category. Complex games will remain veShowcase of Beautiful Typography in Web Design - Noupe
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HTTP POST/EメールからJabber/iPhoneに通知 は通知用のいくつかのAPIを提供するウェブサービスです。Stop designing websites, start designing posters « Boagworld
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SPDY, pronounced "SPeeDY", is an early-stage research project that is part of our effort to make the web faster. SPDY is at its core an application-layer protocol for transporting content over the web. It is designed specifically for minimizing latency through features such as multiplexed streams, request prioritization and HTTP header compression.
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SPDY, [...] an early-stage research project that is part of our effort to make the web faster.
Today we'd like to share with the web community information about SPDY, pronounced "SPeeDY", an early-stage research project that is part of our effort to make the web faster. SPDY is at its core an application-layer protocol for transporting content over the web. It is designed specifically for minimizing latency through features such as multiplexed streams, request prioritization and HTTP header compression.
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Dimensions of Media Difference All media move faster these days. Compare an old TV show with a current one, and you'll see that the cuts come quicker. And, between TV and the Web, there are many differences that result in a substantially faster online media velocity:OpenPYME: OpenPYME
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26 Nov 09: new article which gives idea of the scale of the Deep Web and how much of it is actually searched...!
ut Rajaraman knows different. "I think it's a very small fraction of the deep web which search engines are bringing to the surface. I don't know, to be honest, what fraction. No one has a really good estimate of how big the deep web is. Five hundred times as big as the surface web is the only estimate I know."
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You should care because webhooks will be ubiquitous. You should care because they’re going to reshape the internet. You should care because webhooks are the next step in the evolution of communication on the internet and nothing will be left untouched.
"Webhooks are user-defined HTTP callbacks. Here’s a common example: You go to github. There’s a textbox for their code post webhook. You drop in a URL. Now when you post your code to github, github will HTTP POST to your chosen URL with details about the code post. There is no simpler way to allow open ended integration with arbitrary web services. -- You should care because webhooks will be ubiquitous. You should care because they’re going to reshape the internet. You should care because webhooks are the next step in the evolution of communication on the internet and nothing will be left untouched." -- Timothy FitzDeveloping CSS for IE6 and 7-
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Jorge Luis Borges wrote that we each have three themes that guide our creative life. I don’t remember what his were exactly but I’m going to guess labyrinths, knife fights and memory. If you don’t know of him, I would start with Borges: Collected Fictions , which is certainly worthwhile..........To try and trick the self-consciousness away I framed this blog as “Notes and Advice to Someone Just Like Me.” I assumed that someone like me would be a more forgiving audience. 3) I was wrong. Ha!
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We are starting to submit some design elements that can help web designers enhance their creations. Here is a file created by one of our contributors, that contain 17 web design elements in PSD file format. You can download the RAR file and use at any of your personal or customer projects without any limitations. You are free to apply changes, modify the files to suit your needs, however you may not redistribute, resell or claim exclusive ownership rights. The files are registered under Creative Commons Attribution-革新的な情報収集ツール「tumblr」をやってみるべし(CROSSBREED クロスブリード!)
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Hey Rob, Not sure if this is something you or your listeners might be interested in, but here's a link on how to run Google Wave on the iPhone, although it doesn't technically support mobile safari. Keep up the good work Renzo
Google Wave, the search giant's latest experiment in post-email communications, is hardly out the gate, with some of the first 100,000 private beta ...A Showcase of Effective Minimalism in Web Design | Web Design Ledger
A Showcase of Effective Minimalism in Web Design Minimalism in web design is all about stripping things down to only the necessities – so there is nothing in the way of the content. You’ll find that minimal designs have a focus on typography, simple layouts, and a lack of fancy design elements. So what makes an effective minimal web design?グーペ - 飲食店向け簡単ホームページ作成サービス
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Critical Mistakes Freelancers MakeSemantics Incorporated: Tying Web 3.0, the Semantic Web and Linked Data Together --- Part 1/3: Web 3.0 Will Not Solve Information Overload
PART 1: Web 3/0: I've been following a fascinating 3-part series of posts this week by Greg Boutin, founder of Growthroute Ventures. The series aimed to tie together 3 big trends, all based around structured data: 1) the still nascent "Web 3.0" concept, 2) the relatively new kid on the structured Web block, Linked Data, and 3) the long-running saga that is the Semantic Web.43 Minimal And Really Clean Free Wordpress Themes | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
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It’s easy to get caught up doing your own thing and even easier to stick to what you know already know. However, whether you’re a developer or a designer, seeking out constructive, third-party feedback can bring your projects to a new level. You may also know that finding objective, qualified sources of feedback can be near impossible (your relatives and roommates only cut it for so long).
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uWSGI is a fast (pure C), self-healing, developer-friendly WSGI server, aimed for professional python webapps deployment and development.50 Fresh And Inspirational Corporate Designs | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Some inspiration for the Open Objects website perhaps?
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1stwebdesignerHow to Evaluate What CMS to Use
Content Management Systems (CMS) have evolved into more than just publishing content, but managing your workflow as well. CMS’s nowadays allow you to easily conceive, edit, index, and publish content, while giving designers and developers more flexibility in customizing their look and functionality. Although there are many that require advanced skills to operate successfully, this article is going to cover a select few that offer a balance between design, code, and end-user usability.Questions to ask clients before designing their website
As with any project you start, gathering essential information upfront is not only beneficial to a successful deliverableCocoa with Love: A simple, extensible HTTP server in Cocoa
HTTP is one of the simpler protocols to implement for communication between computers. On the iPhone, since there are no APIs for data synchronization or file sharing, embedding an HTTP server is one of the best ways to transfer data from your iPhone application to a computer. In this post I'll show you how to write your own simple but extensible HTTP server. The server classes will also work on Mac OS X (Cocoa un-Touched).
Cocoa with Love: “On the iPhone, since there are no APIs for data synchronization or file sharing, embedding an HTTP server is one of the best ways to transfer data from your iPhone application to a computer. In this post I'll show you how to write your own simple but extensible HTTP server.”
embedding an HTTP server is one of the best ways to transfer data from your iPhone application to a computer. In this post I'll show you how to write your own simple but extensible HTTP server. The server classes will also work on Mac OS X (Cocoa un-Touched).Gmailのキーボードショートカットによる生産効率向上が界王拳並みな件 - カイ士伝
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これは素晴らしい。ヤフオクやってた頃にこのテクを知っていれば・・・Design Trends of Spa Websites | Build Internet!
Design Trends of Spa Websites | Build Internet! -
Inspired by a showcase on hotel site design over at Onextrapixel, this post will explore the design trends and features of well designed spa websites.
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Inspired by a showcase on hotel website design over at Onextrapixel, this post will explore the design trends and features of well designed spa websites.24 ways: Working With RGBA Colour
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PlaylistNowFM is a crafty music discovery tool that creates playlists based on what you are doing right now. It essentially combines Twitter and other music services like and Instead of asking for your favorite artist or song, it asks you what you are doing and gives you an appropriate playlist for it. You can use PlaylistNowFm without registering, but once you sign up you can add and organize playlist, bookmark songs, and make your playlist visible to others. You can also discover the most searched playlists with the auto-suggest feature in the search bar.WebAIM: Screen Reader User Survey Results
In October 2009, WebAIM conducted a survey of preferences of screen reader users. This was a follow-up survey to a previous survey. We received 665 valid responses to the screen reader user survey.10 Templates that Solve Problems for Web Developers - Nettuts+
Artículo que explica algunas de las características de HTML5.
Firefox and Safari partially support it, Google's Wave and Chrome projects are banking on it, and most web developers are ecstatic about what it means. It's HTML5, and if you're not exactly sure what it is, here's an explainer.
What is HTML5? Some kind of really fancy link tag? HTML5 is a specification for how the web's core language, HTML, should be formatted and utilized to deliver text, images, multimedia, web apps, search forms, and anything else you see in your browser. In some ways, it's mostly a core set of standards that only web developers really need to know. In other ways, it's a major revision to how the web is put together. Not every web site will use it, but those that do will have better support across modern desktop and mobile browsers (that is, everything except Internet Explorer).引越し手続き|東京電力 引越コンシェルジュ
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Writing for the web is a challenge. There are usually word length restrictions, the fact that users scan rather than read every word, and sometimes style guides to adhere to. There are enough writing tips online to keep you reading for longer than you probably desire. Here are 1o tips that have been the most useful to me: Know your audience This sounds obvious but is often taken for granted. The only way you can write relevant copy that is targeted at the right audience in the right tone of voice, is to understand who that audience is. Depending on where your audience are located, you may have to include local expressions or if writing for a wide audience be specific with things such as dollars. If it is US dollars then say so. If it is Cardiff in Wales then say so as there is also a Cardiff in New Zealand and other countries.Minimalist Web Design: When Less is More | Webdesigner Depot
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"a free, global Domain Name System (DNS) resolution service"20 Professional jQuery Image Gallery Plugins : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Every designer needs a good collection of free fonts, when working on design projects weather your designing for the web or for print its always essential to have a good collection of fonts. Fonts can be very expensive especially when working on a design project with a small budget. This is a collection of the best free fonts created in 2009.
Every designer needs a good collection of free fonts, when working on design projects weather your designing for the web or for print its always essential
Free FontsCreating AJAX websites based on anchor navigation | yensdesign - Tutorials, Web Design and Coding
In this tutorial we will see how to create an AJAX website without lose the reference to the URL. What is that not lose the reference? If you have created some full AJAX website you have realized when you change the web content, the URL is not updated, so, the URL reference is lost. Services like Gmail uses it to increase the navigation’s user experience.How a Web Design Goes Straight to Hell - The Oatmeal
Be prepared to fire your client
source:stumbleupon kwd:funnySitePoint » Obama’s Groundbreaking use of the Semantic Web
To enable the citizen masher to do their wizardry, the administration will be opening up a veritable candy store of goodies: Semantic Web, RDF, Linked Data, SPARQL, RDFa, SIOC, ATOM, RESTful APIs, JSON, Widgets, Wikis, XForms, P2P Networks. Wow. They only forgot the lions and tigers and bears oh my… This is an unbelievable stack of technology. I didn’t think the government even knew what an RSS feed was :)BREAKING: Facebook Introduces @Mentions in Status Updates
RT @tweetmeme BREAKING: Facebook Introduces @Mentions in Status Updates - Interesting. [from]
RT @yonitdm: BREAKING: Facebook Introduces @Mentions in Status Updates - (via @mashable) [from]
One of Twitter'sTwitter strongest features is the @reply, where you can direct a message to someone else on Twitter by typing @ and then their username.
more evidence of facebook copying twitter
RT @mashable: Considering what this means for Twitter: "BREAKING: Facebook Introduces @Mentions in Status Updates" [from]10 Web trends to watch in 2010 -
10 web trends to watch in 2010
Soon, our whereabouts may optionally be appended to every Tweet, blog comment, photo or video we post.
So many of these were in my list....Color Wheel Pro: Sample Color Schemes
This page contains examples of pre-made color schemes included with Color Wheel Pro. The sample color schemes include HTML color codes, so that you can copy/paste them directly into your web pages. Click here to download Color Wheel Pro: color-wheel-pro.exe (1.96 MB) Analogous Color Schemes Analogous color schemes use colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. One color is used as a dominant color while others are used to enrich the scheme. Energy Color scheme: Energy F7AFB3 FFA8AC F7C4AF FFC0A8 FBDBAC FFDCA8 F15F66 FF5159 F1885F FF8151 F1B75F FFBA51 EA151E FF000B EA5015 FF4700 EA9515 FF9A00 9A0E14 A80007 9A350E A82E00 9A620E A86500 Aqua Color scheme: Aqua BAEDD3 A8FFD4 BAEDED A8FFFF BAD3ED A8D4FF 74DCA8 51FFA9 74DCDC 51FFFF 74A8DC 51A9FF 33CB80 00FF82 33CBCB 00FFFF 3380CB 51A9FF 228654 00A855 228686 00A8A8 225486 0055A8 Sunny Color scheme: Sunny F7D9AF FFDBA8 F7E8AF FFECA8 F7F5AF FFFCA8 F1B55F FFB851 FForget Skype: TinyChat Launches Dead-Simple Video Chat
When you want to do a one-on-one video chat with someone else, what do you use? The first thing that probably comes to mind is Skype. While Skype is a
Forget Skype: TinyChat Launches Dead-Simple Video Chat [from]
To test this thing out, Mashable’s (Mashable) Christina Warren and I just went to the same link (let’s say Once we were there, TinyChat connected to our webcams and … presto! The live chat was working. It even blocks others from entering once there are two participants, so you know your privacy is protected.10 Wordpress Security Plugins To Keep Your Blog Safe « | Web Design Magazine
Shows how powerful the canvas tag is in html 5.Creating a Web App from Scratch
An 8-part tutorial.File Transfer: JetBytes Transfers Files Directly via the Web
JetBytes is a web based file-transfer service that skips the whole remote storage model and shares files directly between users.10 Things You Don’t Know About Scoring Web Design Clients - Webitect
by10 Web trends to watch in 2010 -
From Pete Cashmore, founder of MashableWeb 2.0 photoshop layout tutorial | Grafpedia
This tutorial will guide you through the process and ideas behind the designing a professional web 2.0 website. The layout can be used as a wordpress portfolioBetting on the Real-Time Web - BusinessWeek
No one knows how the microblogging site and similar online social networks will make money, but investors see a new Web revolution
The uncertainty is keeping some investors on the sidelines. Jeffrey M. Crowe, general partner at Norwest Venture Partners, says his firm has looked at several real-time companies but hasn't pulled the trigger on funding. "The jury is still out on how much value gets delivered beyond Twitter itself," he says.
But there's a method behind the mania. In just the past couple of years, several developments have come together to make the Web more of a real-time experience: ubiquitous high-speed Internet connections; a growing number of mobile devices such as the iPhone with full Web browsers; and new Web technologies that enable instant transmission of messages and data. That mix has made always-on, real-time communications easy and addictive. The iconic example, Twitter, attracted 44.5 million people to its Web site in June, plus perhaps an equivalent number who gain access to its services via other sites and software. Facebook's 250 million active users, whose instant status updates are a key part of its appeal, share more than 1 billion videos, photos, and other content each week. "Real-time" is actually a bit of a misnomer. Most of this activity doesn't truly occur in real time,
But there's a method behind the mania. In just the past couple of years, several developments have come together to make the Web more of a real-time experience: ubiquitous high-speed Internet connections; a growing number of mobile devices such as the iPhone with full Web browsers; and new Web technologies that enable instant transmission of messages and data. That mix has made always-on, real-time communications easy and addictive. The iconic example, Twitter, attracted 44.5 million people to its Web site in June, plus perhaps an equivalent number who gain access to its services via other sites and software. Facebook's 250 million active users, whose instant status updates are a key part of its appeal, share more than 1 billion videos, photos, and other content each week. "Real-time" is actually a bit of a misnomer. Most of this activity doesn't truly occur in real time,20 Libros gratis sobre Social Media y Marketing en Internet | Nativo Digital
Compilación de ebooks gratuitos sobre social media y marketingGoogle week: 101 tips, tricks and hacks | TechRadar UK
To help you with effective searching strategies, you can use this wonderful guide for searching in Google. It includes 100 tips for searching; tips 1 - 14 are important to understand
Tips on how to have successful google searchesUnique CSS Borders - Boring borders step aside - The Web Squeeze
Unique CSS Borders
nice css borders10 Impressive Portfolio/Blog Websites | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
10 Impressive Portfolio/Blog Websites
10 layouts de blog mto bons
Everyone tries to be different when creating their own website where their portfolio will be displayed, and lately it seem that more and more people have been choosing to have a little blog together with their portfolio. The trend of blogging got to desigMollify
a web file manager for publishing and managing files hosted in a web server of your choice. Different users can have access to different files and with different permissions.
Mollify is a web file manager for publishing and managing files hosted in a web server of your choice. Different users can have access to different files and with different permissions. User interface is simple and intuitive, and it comes with following languages: Deutsch, English, Français, Português, Suomi. Mollify is 100% free to use, also sources are available with EPL 1.0 license.
Cooler kostenloser online Filemanager25 Impressive and Inspirational Dark CSS Web Designs : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Google promised that Chrome would be fast to launch and fast to load web pages, but people predicted it would fail with the arrival of its extensions. Well, the extensions are here (at least for some of us) and surprisingly they do not affect the browser’s performance. And not only that, but playing with Google Chrome Extensions is like child’s play, whether you’ve added a new extension, or deleted one, you won’t need to restart your browser.Gazette » 50 Web Applications for Teachers
50 Web Applications for Teachers – 50 web tools to help teachers with lesson planning, research and productivity!
50 Web Applications for Teachers – 50 web tools to help teachers with lesson planning, research and productivity! Teachers have one of the most difficult jobs out there. As an educator, you have to manage a classroom of boisterous students, organize heaps of data, stay up-to-date with current events and plan lessons day in and day out. In today’s technologically linked world, the ability to use web applications is at your advantage as an educator, and we are here to tell you the best tools to use5 Pet Peeves Developers Have With Designers (and How to Avoid Them) | Webdesigner Depot
"Cats and dogs. Cain and Abel. Designers and developers. These are just a few of the great historical face-offs. Designers and developers often seem to come from different planets and have completely different brains. Developers want a website to work right, designers want it to look right. A few weeks ago, we explored the main pet peeves that web designers have with web developers, and suggested some solutions for them. Today, we will discuss the other side of the coin: the five most common gripes that developers have with designers."ブログを成功させる攻略まとめ2009*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
Unit-testaus javascriptissä yms.
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The best web 2.0 resources for relevant educational technology integration
The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students. The TIM incorporates five interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments: active, constructive, goal directed (i.e., reflective), authentic, and collaborative (Jonassen, Howland, Moore, & Marra, 2003). The TIM associates five levels of technology integration (i.e., entry, adoption, adaptation, infusion, and transformation) with each of the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments. Together, the five levels of technology integration and the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments create a matrix of 25 cells as illustrated below.
site for Web 2.0 tools and idea - all for the 21st C learner
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Enhance educational experiences! Enrich curriculum and instructional practices! Engage "ALL" learners! Empower every child with critical 21st Century Skills! Envision and build highly advanced quality schools that better prepare our children for the future success!10 Simple Web Accessibility Tips You Can Do Today
<a href=" portfolio.html" title="Some artwork of the artist">Portfolio</a>Icon Fever | Showcase of the Best Free Icons and Premium Icons
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木头材质网页设计InspirationTime - a Showcase of Beautiful Web Design
Free Web Icons for Different Purposes
design. There are over hundred thousands of icons available on the internet. However, how many of them are nicely designed and suitable to you? I am sure you will find “The Best Free Web Icons for Different Purposes” useful to you. We have selected the following top quality web icons, e.g Blogging Icons, Application Icons, Social Media Icons, Emot24 ways: What makes a website successful? It might not be what you expect!
introduction with useful starting points
What's new in HTML5 and what happened to XHTML2.
very good article!!Portfolio Design Trends: vCard Websites |
In this collection, you’ll find some impressive vCard sites for inspiration, templates, themes for WordPress and tutorials on how to create your vCard portfolio.
Portfolio Design Trends: vCard Websites | - You Need to Know About the !important CSS Declaration | Impressive Webs
Interesting article for when and where to use the !important declaration
The !important CSS DeclarationRecently I came across a few articles that mentioned the CSS !important declaration, and there was a little bit of confusion over what it actually did, and how it could be used, as expressed in the user comments on those articles.
Everything You Need to Know About the !important CSS Declaration (via @gopalraju) [from]
Comprehensive article covering the !important CSS statement.An Idiot’s Guide To Accessible Website Design | Web Design Ledger
If you are designing web sites in the UK, you probably already know that the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) mandates web sites be accessible by visually
AccessibleGoogle Analytics Blog: More Enterprise-Class Features Added To Google Analytics
Google Gadgets
Today at the eMetrics Summit in Washington, D.C., after months of development and testing, Avinash Kaushik, our Analytics Evangelist, unveiled the new functionalities that represent a major upgrade to Google Analytics. With these features, gradually being released in beta in all accounts, you'll gain much richer insights into your website traffic, and it'll be even easier to discover, create, and access the metrics important to you. They are (with more details below): Advanced Segmentation, Custom Reports, a data export API (private beta), integrated reporting for AdSense publishers (private beta), multi-dimensional data visualizations called "Motion Charts," and an updated user and administrative interface.Flickrをもっと楽しむためのウェブサイト&ツール14選*二十歳街道まっしぐら
Muitas maneiras de apresentar as fotos do Flickr, Muito Bom
写真共有サイト「Flickr」。ご存じの方も多いかと。 Flickr関連のウェブアプリケーションやツールを集めました。 これらを使うとFlickrがもっと楽しくなるかも! Flickrの閲覧を見やすくするものやダウンロードを支援するサイトなどがあります。 以下に目的別にまとめましたのでどうぞ。Presentation Summary “High Performance at Massive Scale: Lessons Learned at Facebook” « Idle Process
Summary of the Facebook architecture and the bottlenecks they have had to work around
After considering a variety of data clustering algorithms, found that there was very little win for the additional complexity of clustering. So at Facebook, user data is randomly partitioned across indiviual databases and machines across the cluster. Hence, each user access requires retrieving data corresponding to user state spread across hundreds of machines. Intra-cluster network performance is hence critical to site performance. Facebook employs memcache to store the vast majority of user data in memory spread across thousands of machines in the cluster. In essence, nodes maintain a distributed hash table to determine the machine responsible for a particular users data. Hot data from MySQL is stored in the cache. The cache supports get/set/incr/decr and検索エンジンが順位を決定する要因ランキング2009年版が完成! | Web担当者Forum
順位決定の要因トップ5 1.外部リンクのアンカーテキスト 2.titleタグでのキーワードの使用 3.生のリンクポピュラリティ 4.リンク元ドメイン名の多様性 5.ルートドメイン名でのキーワードの使用Datenschutz im Web: Wie Sie sich vor Google verstecken - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten - Netzwelt
Wie Sie sich vor Google verstecken
Interessanter Artikel bei SpOnline18 CSS Compression Tools and Techniques | Design Shack
Learning to write clean, optimized CSS requires lots of practice and an unstoppable compulsive desire for neatness. Keeping your CSS trim and tidy isn’t all about feeding your crazy psychological need for cleanliness though, in the case of particularly large websites, the payoff is faster loading pages. Faster loading times equals increased usability and higher user satisfaction.10 Creative Portofolios x 10 Awesome Studios = 100% Inspiration | Inspired Magazine
(Yet Another) 10 New Design Blogs You Should Check for Daily Inspiration | Inspired Magazine -
Every month we’re scanning the web for fresh blogs delivering quality content in the design-dev-freelance community, and these are the 10 entries for September.15 Hacks Every Dropbox User Should Know | Maximum PC is the best online resource for PC Features. Visit Maximum PC and read about 15 Hacks Every Dropbox User Should Know.25 Graph and Chart Solutions for Web Developers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
cool scripts for creating graphsThe 100 essential websites | Technology | The Guardian
100 เว็บที่ควรเข้า20 Design Features That Will Make Your Blog Stand Out From The Crowd! | Make Money Online
a terrific little tool for arranging your to-do lists by project and easily cross-referencing them by context. You can check all your tasks, figure out your Next Action, set reminders, and see due dates all in a few clicks. Nexty comes with pretty much all the bells and whistles you'd expect to see in a GTD webapp
"Nexty is an easy to use To Do list manager created using GTD principles. Why choose Nexty? * Easy to Use * FREE! * Open Source"はてなブックマークが重い件について、Page Detailerというツールを使って調べてみる - id:HolyGrailとid:HoryGrailの区別がつかない日記
PageDetailerとYFlowによるパフォーマンス改善ポイントの洗い出し あとで計測してみよう。
IBM PageDetailer、そういうのもあるのか
>10. Minify JS これは、JavaScriptの改行や無駄なスペースを削除することでファイルサイズを減らそう、という項目です。 個人的なオススメはJSMinというツールです。
実質 YSlow の解説。わかりやすい
Mollify is a web file manager for publishing and managing files hosted in a web server of your choice. Different users can have access to different files and with different permissions.
Mollify is a web file manager for publishing and managing files hosted in a web server of your choice. Different users can have access to different files and with different permissions. User interface is simple and intuitive, and it comes with following languages: Deutsch, English, Français, Português, Suomi. Mollify is 100% free to use, also sources are available with EPL 1.0 license.Best of CSS Design 2009
Since 2007, every year I do a round up of best of CSS from Best Web Gallery (check out 07 and 08 collection). Well, it is the time of the year again — Best of CSS Design 2009. This year I’ve selected another 50 nicely designed web sites. Among the list, I notice a lot of them are minimalistic design with beautiful serif fonts. The grungy and sketchy styles are still strong. However, the large background is no longer as hot as in 2008, instead, texturized background is popular in 2009.40 Best Ever Photoshop Tutorials of Web Layout Designs | Tutorial Lounge
[ad#post-linkunit] Adobe Photoshop ever famous Designing tool and most useful for creating attract high-quality website designs, all web professional designers have been using in their practices for years as also seen some latest trends like: we
Adobe Photoshop ever famous Designing tool and most useful for creating attract high-quality website designs, all web professional designers have been using in their practices for years as also seen some latest trends like: web 2.0 web layouts, Grung website designs, Portfolio designs, Gallery based websites, wordpress themes, illustrators web layouts and cartoonish web site design tutorials here in listed, there are plenty of tutorials specifically for this purpose. Here is a collection of 40 Best Ever Photoshop Tutorials of Web Layout Designs to teach you create your own layout for your website. Check them out, learn and enjoy the tutorials.
40 ตัวอย่างสุดยอด ทำเว็บดีไซน์24 ways: Type-Inspired Interfaces
nice little article w/ examples
"I often start by choosing type. I don’t need to worry about colors or layout or anything else… just the right typefaces that support the art direction."Run It Back - How we got 18,000 beta users in 4 weeks
How to get 18,000 beta users in 4 weeks[N] 「Google Analytics完全解説」著者から聞いた知らないと損しそうな5つのTips!
Web design is an increasingly important aspect of media and business. Because the Internet has become essential to the way we do business, find information and accomplish a number of other tasks, Web design truly is vital. And someone who understands Web design and can do a good job with it is valuable in a number of ways. If you are interested in improving your web design skills, here are 50 great open courseware classes for web designers:
50 Essential Free Open Courseware Classes for Web Designers | Designer City, USAStyling HTML Lists with CSS: Techniques and Resources - Smashing Magazine
I like the fish eye menu.A List Apart: Articles: The Content Strategist as Digital Curator
During a rebuild or development of a new site, content strategy engagement is site-level and long-term. First, the content strategist assesses, analyzes, and recommends high-level steps to create more cohesive content. In practice, this means many working sessions with business owners to define big picture objectives, the mission, and editorial program for the site based on the initial content assessment. Once the site goals are understood from a business and user point of view, the content strategist-as-curator works to reframe the collection by creating an overarching strategy that defines how content be should be organized, positioned, and made relevant (think: exhibition rooms in a museum or gallery). We then look at the spectrum of what is available and desired for publication, identify what is premium (the most unique among competitors, desirable to users, and drives high traffic) and work with the business to agree on site-wide topical areas of strength, focus and breadth.
What can we learn from museums libraries and other institutions that manage collections about effective content strategies.typo/graphic posters
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typo/graphic posters is a directory of typographic and graphic posters. a passionate project focused on the graphic design community.You work for me, Computer: Dropping Django
Jinja215 Top Logo Inspiration Galleries | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
inspiratie voor logo's
sitios para inspiración de logotipos, muy buenos casi todos, mejores: logomoose, logoinspire
A logo is a visual representation of a brand's core service a lack of inspiration maybe due to a lack of clarity of the service, product or goal of the company. A company lacking a strong memorable logo is a company lacking focus and vision. Design Inspiration is great if you are stuck for ideas, so here is a list of galleries featuring great logos. Of course you don’t copy the idea straight out, hence the word “Inspiration” when we look at these galleries.Introducing Garb: Access the Google Analytics Data Export API with Ruby | Web Development Blog: Web Development Insights, Best Practices, Tips & Techniques : Viget Labs
Useful cheat sheets for some of the most widely used30 Must See Web Generator for Lazy Webmasters
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306 to 268ってことは、10%くらい抑えてくれるのかな?20 Magazine Spread Layouts for Inspiration | Best Design Options
This post showcases 30 creative and beautifully designed inside pages layout or spread of magazines.Top 10 Underhyped Webapps, 2009 Edition - Webapps - Lifehacker
As with rock music, video games, and other awesome pursuits, great web applications often don't get enough credit for what they do well. We're revisiting and updating our favorite underhyped webapps to give a new crop of contenders their due.rev=canonical bookmarklet and designing shorter URLs
Bookmarklet that will 1st check canonical, if there is no shortURL, then it will create one using TinyURL
from simon willison's weblog.
A bookmarklet to extract rev="canonical" links from pages. I only use a few sites that support this at the moment (notably Flickr), but it's quite handy.
django-shorturlsJSON Hijacking
A bit liberal with the profanity, but nevertheless an excellent piece by Paddy Donnelly on the infuriating experience of reading misspelled writing. He's right, of course: if you want anyone to take you seriously you had better learn to spell correctly.
エキソニモのcaptcha T-shirt。自分で作ってオーダーできる。TDC賞受賞。Harish Mallipeddi's Blog - CouchDB naked
Good explanation of how CouchDB indexes.
how couchdb b-trees work internallyPractical Tips for Government Web Sites (And Everyone Else!) To Improve Their Findability in Search - O'Reilly Radar
Practical Tips for Government Web Sites (And Everyone Else!) To Improve Their Findability in Search【ハウツー】jQuery on iPhone - jQTouchを使ったWebアプリ開発 (1) jQTouchとは | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
iPhone向けWebアプリケーションの開発において、jQuery使いなら見逃せないプロダクト「jQTouch」のベータ版がリリースされた。同プラグインを使用すれば、ネイティブアニメーションを伴うWebアプリケーションでも簡単に開発できるようになる。jQueryベースのため、強力なAjaxアプリケーションだって可能だ。本稿ではjQTouchを使ったWebアプリ開発方法を紹介しよう。Storm - Home
A tool to test webservices.
STORM is a free and open source tool for testing web services.A Collection of HTML5 Resources and Tutorials : Speckyboy Design Magazine
……(他のhead要素)…… これは、ヤフー、MSN、グーグルに対し、そのページを「」というURLのコピーとして扱うべきだということと、検索エンジンが適用するリンクとコンテンツの指標はすべてこのURLに還元すべきだということを伝えるものだ。Google, Facebook, MySpace and More Meet to Talk Activity Streams - ReadWriteWeb
how to handle media files in activity feed streams
People from Google, MySpace, Facebook, Yahoo!, Nokia, Comcast" and startups met on January 8, 2009, to "discuss proposed standards for the future of 'activity streams'." Marshall Kirkpatrick analogizes standards to the railroads' standardization on gauge track.無料でPDFファイルをWordやExcelファイルに変換するネットサービス「PDF to Word」&「PDF to Excel」 - GIGAZINE
無料でPDFファイルをWordやExcelファイルに変換するネットサービス「PDF to Word」&「PDF to Excel」 - GIGAZINE 無料でPDFファイルをWordやExcelファイルに変換するネットサービス「PDF to Word」&「PDF to Excel」 - GIGAZINE 無料のPDF変換ソフトPrimoPDFで有名なNitro PDF, Inc.が提供する、PDFファイルをWord、あるいはExcelファイルに変換してくれるネットサービスです。 融通の利かないPDFファイルを、WordやExcelで編集できる形式に変換してくれます。なおかつ日本語の変換にも対応しているので、多くの場面で使うことができるものとなっています。 詳しい使い方は以下から。■PDFファ... はてなブックマーク - 無料でPDFファイルをWordやExcelファイルに変換するネットサービス「PDF to Word」&「PDF to Excel」 - GIGAZINE はてなブックマークに追加 gin-oi2 gin-oi2 webサービス, pdf, excel, word, **お役立ち
無料のPDF変換ソフトPrimoPDFで有名なNitro PDF, Inc.が提供する、PDFファイルをWord、あるいはExcelファイルに変換してくれるネットサービスです。 融通の利かないPDFファイルを、WordやExcelで編集できる形式に変換してくれます。なおかつ日本語の変換にも対応しているので、多くの場面で使うことができるものとなっています。ソフトではなくネットサービスなので、WindowsやMac OSなどのOSに左右されず利用できるのも大きな利点です。 様々なファイルを試してみたところ、編集にパスワードが必要なPDFファイルも変換することができたので、さらに活用の場面は広がるのではないかと思います。詳しい使い方は以下から。Web Design: Awesome Magazine Style Sites | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
for all photoshoppersChromium Blog: Web Sockets Now Available In Google Chrome
Web Sockets Now Available In Google Chrome
The Web Sockets API enables web applications to handle bidirectional communications with server-side process in a straightforward way.
When will this be usable?
"Starting in the Google Chrome developer channel release, Web Sockets are available and enabled by default. Web Sockets are "TCP for the Web," a next-generation bidirectional communication technology for web applications being standardized in part of Web Applications 1.0."
Chrome set to take over the world
The Web Sockets API enables web applications to handle bidirectional communications with server-side process in a straightforward way. Developers have been using XMLHttpRequest ("XHR") for such purposes, but XHR makes developing web applications that communicate back and forth to the server unnecessarily complex. XHR is basically asynchronous HTTP, and because you need to use a tricky technique like long-hanging GET for sending data from the server to the browser, simple tasks rapidly become complex. As opposed to XMLHttpRequest, Web Sockets provide a real bidirectional communication channel in your browser. Once you get a Web Socket connection, you can send data from browser to server by calling a send() method, and receive data from server to browser by an onmessage event handler.nanapiのデザインプロセス(その1) - エスカフラーチェLLC
9/1にロケットスタートからリリースされたサイト「nanapi [ナナピ] - ...RESTful Transactions « Open Sourcery
Websites!Light Fonts Use in Web Design: Examples and Resources
Shorten URLs with Google
Google URL Shortener at is used by Google products to create short URLs that can be easily shared, tweeted, or emailed to friends.30 Web Design Blogs With Consistently Good Content
This collection of 30 design blogs all have a primary focus on Web Design, and each one consistently pumps out great contentDesign View / Andy Rutledge - Where Wireframes Are Concerned
While there remain certain specific contexts where it is advisable to craft and present wireframe layouts for client evaluation and approval, this practice is often a really bad move and one made at the wrong moment in the design process, and for the wrong reasons. Wireframes can be useful, valuable artifacts for informing the designer’s process. But they often fail miserably as a first-step deliverable for clients.
Design View | Articles and opinion on design professionalism, technique and culture by Andy Rutledge
before you create a wireframe for client evaluation and approval, ask yourself: how will this help my client in the project process? Again, evaluate your answer carefully before you decide to craft a wireframe for your client’s evaluation …and before you commit to do so as a part of the project deliverables. Context matters.
Some good points here. Sometimes wireframes are necessary, but other times they get in the way.JavaScript初心者におくる24のグレイトなtips - 三等兵
jslintつかえ というのは、忘れてた。 good partsとかなりかぶるよね たまには読み返せということか console.time("hogehoge") console.timeEnd("hogehoge") これは知らんかった。
翻訳がわかりにくいような…ø 15+ Useful Firefox Addons For Web Developers | ø
Everyone already knows and loves Firebug and Web Developer. So instead of another redundant “Top 10″ list, here’s a collection of 15+ great add-ons that you might not have heard about yet.
Everyone already knows and loves Firebug and Web Developer. So instead of another redundant "Top 10" list, here's a collection of 15+ great add-ons that you might not have heard about yet. Dust-Me Selectors Dust-Me Selectors helps you find unusWhat is the secret to effective parenting? " BCI blog
What is the secret to effective parenting?Free PowerPoint Templates by Categories - PowerPoint Templates Backgrounds
Free PowerPoint Templates by Categories
Free PowerPoint Templates by Categories - PowerPoint Templates Backgrounds -¡Viva Mexico! Showcase Of Web Design In Mexico - Smashing Magazine
This post is the third article of our new series “Global Web Design“. Throughout this series we’ll be covering various continents, featuring web...20+ Tools for Quick and Clean Code Development | Web Design Ledger
Developing websites is much more than just a pretty face, and depending on what typed of features you’d like to implement on the site, there’s a lot of coding that goes into it. Many times designers turn to a WYSIWYG tool, however tools of that sort are more limited to advanced code. Being able to code a site using a variety of tools lets you simplify the coding process while you take a big bite out of saving time. Below we’ve hand picked 20+ Tools for Quick & Clean Code Development that will help you code much faster and in an efficient manner.50 Beautiful Free Icon Sets For Your Next Design - Smashing Magazine
You are more than your virtual identity. Pass away and leave your virtual ID behind.
Facebook Suicide
via psflannery24 ways: Going Nuts with CSS Transitions
The advent calendar for web geeks. Each day throughout December we publish a daily dose of web design and development goodness to bring you all a little Christmas cheer.
Do not attempt w/o exp designer present!Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Toolkit - ScottGu's Blog
ASP.NET, Visual Studio, ASP.NET 2.0, .NET55 Excellent WordPress Site Design for Design Inspiration | Inspiration | instantShift
โชว์ 55 บล็อกสวยช่วยบันดาลใจ
sweet WP theme designs
Now days Creative Designs is one of the key aspects for improving your website’s traffic and pagerank. Getting a site featured in some of the popular WordPress/CSS galleries can bring thousands of visitors and many valuable inbound links with excellent SEO benefits.Watercoolr - Gossip for web applications
"pubsub via webhooks"
Looks awesome. Going to dig into the implementation Real Soon Now...
GR: Watercoolr - Gossip for web applications [from]30 Website Navigations that Make You Wanna Click It | Web Design Ledger
The navigation might be the single most important aspect of a web design's usability. Without a navigation, you would be stuck on the home page for a very long
30 Website Navigations that Make You Wanna Click ItBrowser Size
Simple list about what is good for brain, nothing new, but good round up.
Mahamritunjay Mantra50 Professional Web Design Agency Web Sites : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Speckyboy Design Magazine
50 Professional Web Design Agency Web Sites : Speckyboy Design Magazine -知らなかったらNGなWEBアプリケーション脆弱性一覧 : はぐれプログラマ清純派
Analog is a company of friends who make web sites. It’s a co-operative where imagination, design, and engineering thrive; good people doing good work.
Andrei and company (via Mager)clearbox 3
Clearbox is a professional image and content viewer overlay window. Images below are speaking for themself, where you can see some examples about using the script: image galleries and many type of contents including Flash, Quicktime, Windows Media formats, HTML, inner content, etc.
stop slideshowstart slideshow
This is similar to a jquery slideshow plugin.Top 10 Semantic Web Products of 2009
"The 10 products we've picked out for this end-of-year review are ones that have done interesting things with data. Connecting to other data, building new applications with data, sharing data, and more. These 10 products may not be the type of Semantic Web apps that the W3C envisaged in the 90s, but that no longer seems to matter. What's important is that the Web is becoming more meaningful - more semantic."24 ways: CSS Animations
24 ways: CSS Animations
More hot CSS animation action. Thank you Tim Van Damme.
Very nice example: Building a loading/activity indicator.Functioning Form - The Apple Store's Checkout Form Redesign
Though most people wouldn't consider Apple's Web site an important online destination, November saw Apple in the top ten list of US Web sites. 62 million Internet users visited Apple online during the month with an average of 1 hour and 18 minutes spent per user. By comparison, Google had 155 million unique visitors in November.
Functioning FormPlease Scroll
The title tag reads: "Please Scroll." This is great for those bastards that didn't have anything to say early on and all of sudden they're concerned about something that is quite ambiguous like the "FOLD."
Remember it.
There is no page fold: Google Blog: Browser Size: a tool to see how others view your website
neat tool35 Ultimate Useful CSS Cheats to Streamline Web Development | Tutorial Lounge
WOW - any time I can gets helpful 'hacks', etc for CSS!!How Google Determines the Relevance of a Page
by Jeffrey Zeldman
Why understanding the difference is what it's all about by Jeffrey Zeldman[JS]jQueryのプラグイン100選 -2009年総集編 | コリス
javascript jquery 関連The “Wow” Factor in Web Design | Design Informer
Clean and minimal designs are my favorite type of design style - they have a very classy, professional, and timeless look to them that really appeals! With more and more designers adopting this type of style there are now lots of great clean and mini
Top 25 Clean and Minimal Web Designs - Beautiful Minimalist Websites – Part 7 | Vandelay Design Blog
Web Design and Development BlogEarly Adopters: 5 Ways To Get Users To Your New Website
So you just built the next great web app, the launch day has finally come and .... silence. Crickets chirping. You anxiously check your Google Analytics stats
Early Adopters: 5 Ways To Get Users To Your New WebsiteCSS Techniques I Wish I Knew When I Started Designing Websites - Noupe
By Tim Wright and TJ Kelly CSS is the best thing to happen to the web since Tim Berners-Lee. It's simple, powerful, and easy to use. But even with all its simplicity,...24 Clever Website Designs That Combine jQuery and Illustration | Webdesigner Depot
Thanks to the might of JavaScript, the words dynamic and illustration no longer apply exclusively to Flash-based websites. Now that dynamic HTML is aOPEN WEB AWARDS: People’s Choice Winners
OPEN WEB AWARDS: People’s Choice Winners
Mashable 2008
View my * My Posts * Facebook * Twitter * LinkedIn * OPEN WEB AWARDS: People’s Choice Winners December 16th, 2008 | by Pete CashmoreComments peoplechoiceaward1Today we’re pleased to announce the winners of The 2nd Annual Open Web Awards, a multilingual, international online voting competition that covers major innovations in web technology. Through an online nominating and voting process, the Open Web Awards recognizes and honors the top achievements of websites and services in 26 categories.50 Ways to Fail at Security
百式管理人のライフハックブログSitePoint » 88 Outstanding Favicons and 6 Resources to Help You Create Your Own
beware - immediately wants you to do a survey
Favicons have become a standard element in web design, and they can have a tremendous impact on brand recognition (see Matt Magain’s post, “Google Changes Favicon, Challenges You To Do Better“). If you’re not used to designing for a tiny area (just 16×16 pixels), it can be very difficult to create a distinguishable company-specific or site-branded favicon. And depending on the logo, colors, words, etc. that you’re working with, it can be a challenge to create one that actually looks good.James Strachan's Blog: JAX-RS as the one Java web framework to rule them all?
Jersey/JAX-RS, the ultimate java web framework?
The REST java spec and web appsTop 100 Real-Time Web Companies
As part of the lead-up to our inaugural event this Thursday 15th October, The ReadWrite Real-Time Web Summit, we're pleased to announce our list of the top 100 ...Top Tourist destinations in Europe
유럽여행을 하고 싶다. 영어공부도 열심히하고 기회가 된다면 가보고 싶다. 누가 나좀 보내줄 사람 없을까... 돈모아서 계획하고 가야겠지 근데 사실 외국에 한번도 나간적이 없고 아는 사람도 없어서 무서울것 같은데.//그런데 진짜로 보고싶다. 실제로 한번 보고싶어 사진도 찍고싶고...The 15 Best Articles For Designers in 2009 | Design Reviver
hen I started developing I was fortunate enough to have an experienced friend who pointed me to all the right articles, websites, etc. The right tools make all the difference and this educational jumpstart was exactly what I needed to hit the ground running. Now that I’ve gathered a good deal of Javascript knowledge and used a wide variety of Javascript resources, I’d like to share these so that others can experience the same benefit I did. And don’t stop reading if you already know Javascript inside and out: there’s resources here for all skill levels, from noob to pro. 1. Mozilla Developer Center Mozilla Developer Center Skill Level: Noob to pro Format: Website The Mozilla Development Center should be your starting point for all things Javascript. Beginners should start with the Core Javascript Guide. Javascript can be a really confusing language at first and going through each of these pages will make you comfortable with Javascript’s peculiar syntax and methods. (It’s way bettEvalutech
keyword searchable database
Southern Regional Education BoardTwitterのハッカーとのコンタクトに成功―攻撃手口の詳細が判明した
攻撃手口Eric Vasilik: Code Karma
This "feature" took me a day and a half to fix.
east partially responsible for 10 years ago! Let me explain what it is, why it is and an effeJavaフレームワークの比較検討資料公開 - 矢野勉のはてな日記
"After a small amount of experimentation I was able to make Erlang talk to a web page using pure asynchronous message passing. I think this means the death of the following technologies: comet long-poll AJAX keep-alive sockets"
Erlang's creator anoints websockets (includes example server and client)
After a small amount of experimentation I was able to make Erlang talk to a web page using pure asynchronous message passing.A Look at Some of the New Selectors Introduced in CSS3 - Inspect Element
A Look at Some of the New Selectors Introduced in CSS3My Website Design Was Stolen! Now What? - Smashing Magazine
Open, Smart and 100% satisfaction guaranteed!無料サービスを活用して手軽にwebサイトを作るための12選[ネタ帳内]*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
ランディングページIs YouTube the Next Google? - ReadWriteWeb
Use YouTube to find information?
Discusses the rise of the video and the potential impact on the internet. Includes interesting section on "Generation YouTube"Soma FontFriend • Soma Design
FontFriend is a bookmarklet for typographically obsessed web designers.
FontFriend is a bookmarklet for typographically obsessed web designers. It enables rapid checking of fonts and font styles directly in the browser without editing code and refreshing pages.
FontFriend is a bookmarklet for typographically obsessed web designers. It enables rapid checking of fonts and font styles directly in the browser without editing code and refreshing pages. 2.0’s killer feature is instant drag-and-drop font previewing right in the browser (Firefox 3.6+ only), in any document you’re currently viewing.
"A bookmarklet for typographically obsessed web designers. It enables rapid checking of fonts and font styles directly in the browser without editing code and refreshing pages."
nopaste inaczej (potrafi skomppilowac i odpalic wklejony kod)How to obtain and install an SSL/TLS certificate, for free
The Unusable and Superficial World of Beer and Alcohol Websites - Smashing Magazine
I was pretty excited when I came up with the idea of examining and showcasing some of the most famous beer and alcohol-related websites from a number of countries around the world. After all, who doesn’t like the odd drink now and again? (Well, besides me — I can’t stand alcohol in any form.) Surely this would make for an interesting article that would elicit quite a few comments. Well, if that’s the result, it wouldn’t be for the reasons I suspected when beginning to research this piece. Instead, I’ve concluded — due to problems related to typography, accessibility, and usability — that the apparent “beauty” present on many of the websites related to this industry is merely “skin deep”. To put it quite bluntly, the designers and developers people responsible for decision-making in the beer and alcohol website industry should be ashamed of themselves for creating such horrendous user experiences.
of sites with Flash intros that have the option to be “skippe
The Unusable and Superficial World of Beer and Alcohol Websites - [from]50 of the Best Free Icon Sets of 2009 | Vandelay Design Blog
50 of the Best Free Icon Sets of 2009 | Vandelay Design Blog - - Project Ares
According to Palm "Project Ares is the first mobile development environment hosted entirely in a browser, lowering the barriers for web developers to jump into mobile development."
Project Ares is the first mobile development environment for Palm's WebOS, hosted entirely in a browser
browser based IDE for WebOS
Like webOS, Project Ares embodies Palm's belief that the future of mobile will be built on the web. Project Ares aims to enable a next-generation mobile development workflow, in which developers move quickly and seamlessly from editing in a browser, to debugging on a device, to selling applications in Palm's App Catalog or on the web.Why Your Small Business Needs a Website in 2010
good talking points for small businessesCreating a rogue CA certificate
We have identified a vulnerability in the Internet Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) used to issue digital certificates for secure websites. As a proof of concept we executed a practical attack scenario and successfully created a rogue Certification Authority (CA) certificate trusted by all common web browsers. This certificate allows us to impersonate any website on the Internet, including banking and e-commerce sites secured using the HTTPS protocol.Globetrotter XL - Puzzles
Game did not load.
geography gameGoogle’s Personalized Results: The “New Normal” That Deserves Extraordinary Attention
What are the results you get back for a search on the US health care debate? Fox News might be all set to lambaste Google for giving a liberal site top billing, only to find that CNN reports that it’s a conservative site that’s number one — and both stations might be wrong. That’s because the results each reports on will be only what their particular reporters at each station saw. Their viewers may see different results. In fact, each one of their viewers may see results different from one another.
On Friday afternoon, Google made the biggest change that has ever happened in search engines, and the world largely yawned. Maybe Google timed itsA List Apart: Articles: Findings from the Web Design Survey, 2008
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **
If we, the people who make websites, want the world to know who we are and what we do, it’s up to each of us to stand up and represent. Last year, 30,055 of you did just that, taking time out of your busy day to answer the sometimes detailed and often thought-provoking questions in the second A List Apart Survey.
If we, the people who make websites, want the world to know who we are and what we do, it’s up to each of us to stand up and represent.
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more ** If we, the people who make websites, want the world to know who we are and what we do, it's up to each of us to stand up and repre
"This year’s findings paint a clearer picture of the distinctions between full-time and freelance web professionals: how you work, what you earn, and what you love about the job. "都道府県選択するやつ。|CSS HappyLife
都道府県のselectのテンプレート!9 Tips for Establishing Your Own Marketing Method as a Freelancer | Vandelay Design Blog
9 consigli per impostare il tuo metodo di marketing come freelance
LaTeX and MathML math notation in HTML pages
MathJax is an open source, Ajax-based math display solution designed with a goal of consolidating advances in many web technologies in a single definitive math-on-the-web platform supporting all major browsers.
‘MathJax is an open source, Ajax-based math display solution designed with a goal of consolidating advances in many web technologies in a single definitive math-on-the-web platform supporting all major browsers.’
High-quality display of LaTeX and MathML math notation in HTML pages若い女性が多く見ているサイトは?--ビデオリサーチ調査:ニュース - CNET Japan
F1層(女性20~34歳)の含有率Owltastic — by Meagan Fisher
Shadows and CSS3
Text Shadows
I’m currently working on a design that uses text-shadow and box-shadow, with RGBA in place to create the shadow color. I wanted to tweet about this technique because it’s simple and awesome, but to my surprise I couldn’t find a good, quick tutorial that covered the use of both text and box-shadow, along with RGBA. So I decided to create one.
how to use CSS3 to create drop shadows24 ways: Make Your Mockup in Markup
We aren’t designing copies of web pages, we’re designing web pages.
karlpro Website mockup should be in markup (not photoshop)
In the past we’ve put up with Photoshop because it was vital to achieving our beloved rounded corners, drop shadows, outer glows, and gradients. However, with the recent adaptation of CSS3 in major browsers, and the slow, joyous death of IE6, browsers can render mockups that are just as beautiful as those created in an image editor. With the power of RGBA, text-shadow, box-shadow, border-radius, transparent PNGs, and @font-face combined, you can create a prototype that radiates shiny awesomeness right in the browser. If you can see this epic article through to the end, I’ll show you step by step how to create a gorgeous mockup using mostly markup.Practical Uses of CSS3 | Viget Inspire
35 Fresh and Cool Web Design Interfaces for Inspiration
Refrescants i coloristesShowcase of Testimonials in Web Design | Vandelay Design Blog
Testimonials design美人時計アダルト(AV時計)美女・美少女・素人AV女優によるバラエティ画像
rich text editorS/FJ: who is on twitter
You always wondered and now you know.
Sasha Frere-Jones (via Kottke): people who are just back from a really awesome run, people who are involved with “computers,” DJs, DJs at the airport, DJs who are drunk, people who don’t have anyone’s email address, people who are mad at televisionBackPress
BackPress is a PHP library of core functionality for web applications. It grew out of the immensely popular WordPress project, and is also the core of the bbPress and GlotPress sister-projects.
BackPress is a PHP library of core functionality for web applications. It grew out of the immensely popular WordPress project, abd it includes a variety of the foundations you need to build robust, scalable web applications. It’s all licensed under a generous GPL2 license, so you can use it in your own free or commercial projects.
BackPress is a PHP library of core functionality for web applications. It grew out of the immensely popular WordPress project, and is also the core of the bbPress and GlotPress sister-projects. It includes a variety of the foundations you need to build robust, scalable web applications including (amongst other things): * Logging, * User Roles and Capabilities (Permission systems), * Database connections (across multiple servers and multiple datacenters), * HTTP Transactions, * XML-RPC Server and Client, * Object caching, * Formatting, * XSS and SQL injection protection, including a variety of powerful escaping functions, * Taxonomies and * Options managementCoding Horror: The Problem With URLs
Handy regex to extract URLs in text (break when followed by paren, includes https) "\(?\bhttps?://[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_()|!:,.;]*[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%=~_(|] "
URLs are simple things. Or so you'd think. Let's say you wanted to detect an URL in a block of text and convert it into a bona fide hyperlink. No problem, right?Helvetica Neue Light – Blog – Guillermo Esteves
Font weights and some good thoughts on using the right font declarations.
Finally, someone describes how to do Helv Neue Light online.
font-weight: 300;
Some of my recent visitors might have noticed that the current version of this site uses Helvetica Neue Light1 for almost all the text, a look inspired by the beautiful pages of Panic’s products. As reference, here’s a screenshot of part of CandyBar’s website:50 Best Web Design Blog Posts In 2009 | Web Design Tutorials | Creating a Website | Learn Adobe Flash, Photoshop and Dreamweaver
Sourという日本のバンドがスゴいミュージックビデオを作った。実際にファンがウェブカメラに向けて一斉に同じ仕草をするのを編集したもの。これはビデオ史上でもとびきり難しい編集作業に属するのではないか・・・ 見ていてなんどもぶっ飛んだ。Yooouuutuuubeでも取り上げられているが、そのコメント同様これぞまさにクールでオッタマゲーだ。 是非とも週末に家族といっしょに見てほしい。素晴らしいビデオを作った制作者に敬礼!!
ひゃー こりゃすごい!楽しい!50 Free High Quality Professional Icon sets for Download
Icons sets play an important role in web design and for your desktop. Web Designers instead of investing their valuable time in making these icons sets to use in their web applications and in web designs
Icons sets play an important role in web design and for your desktop. Web Designers instead of investing their valuable time in making these icons sets to use in their web applications and in web designs, they search for icon sets on web which are available for free but they all the icons sets are not present in one place. They have to search every website so we decided to post all of these wonderful high quality and professional icon sets for web developers. Although there are some hundreds of Icon sets, i choose some modern icon sets which will be helpful to you, so i am posting 50 icon sets which are really good and look professional.Internationalization in PHP 5.3
Choosing an appropriate content management system, or CMS, is usually an important decision that needs to be made when launching a new website or blog. A popular choice these days seems to be the blogging platform known as WordPress, and for good reasons. WordPress is a wonderful CMS that can suit many bloggers and end users quite well. However, in the shadow of WordPress's success, lurk some very wonderful CMS that do not get all the attention they deserve. Today, we will have a look at 18 unappreciated CMS's in the WordPress shadow.6 Buzzworthy Laws All Web Marketers Should Understand
Metcalfs Law, Streisand Effect, Longの基礎の基礎を理解していますか?|TCP/IPまるわかり
ブックマークレット まとめ
ブックマークレット48 Creative Websites Designed in Blue
Over the past year, we've been inundated with social media. We've seen Twitter go mainstream, lifestreaming take over blogging, and we've tried what felt like a million different applications. We've joined then abandoned new services recklessly, leaving our accounts to wither away on platforms long forgotten. What more could we possibly do in 2009?
'For the entrepreneurs still looking to get our attention with the latest social media toys, their pitch may no longer be "come try this, it's new," but instead, "come try this, it helps." Because if there's anything we learned from 2008, it's that social media overload is not sustainable."
read again!
what do we think will happen? what would be useful (personally)? what could be applied to clients?Docstoc DocShots: Presenting Your Docs Online
The Best Way to Present Multiple Documents via Your Website or Blog
Docshots is the best way!
Docstoc is a community for people to find and share professional documents. Find free legal documents and free business documents.
Ver documentos en linea
present multiple documents via your website or blogReveal new window links and links to non-HTML files with a user stylesheet | 456 Berea Street
Reveal new window links and links to non-HTML files with a user stylesheet |
user stylesheetスクリーンショットを印刷してもクオリティを落とさないようにする方法 | コリス
Macでもできるよね? やるときはSBMコメント読んでからやろう もっと良い方法があるらしいから...Webデザイナーとしてのスキルを上げるためのPhotoshopチュートリアル70選 | CREAMU
デザインのスキルを上げたい。 そんなあなたにおすすめなのが、『70+ Photoshop Tutorials to improve your Skills as Web Designer』。Webデザイナーとしてのスキルを上げるためのPhotoshopチュートリアル70選だ。 以下にいくつかご紹介。
Photoshopチュートリアル70選だ。50 websites you'll wonder how you lived without | News | TechRadar UK
Software and tools,Storage and files,Graphics,Research and e-learning,Mobile workers,Miscellaneous
When it comes to the Internet, we're creatures of habit – Google for search, Hotmail for email, Twitter to stay in touch and maybe the BBC's website for news. This means that we use only a handful of favourite sites, leaving the rest of the Internet unvisited. Let's put that right. By the time you've finished reading, we promise that your list of bookmarked sites will have ballooned and you'll be getting more from your surfing.From Here to Tweeternity: A Practical Guide to Getting Started on Twitter - Stepcase Lifehack
Praktični vodič za twiteraše25 CSS books you must beg for, borrow, or steal! | Uncoverr
Ever feel overwhelmed with the immense amount of choices of books when trying to learn CSS? Well, we’re here to help. we’ve compiled a list of the 25 very best CSS books in no particular order.fladdict » 日本のwebが「残念」というか、そもそもはてなが「残念」だ
CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. Think of it as JavaScript's less ostentatious kid brother — the same genes, roughly the same height, but a different sense of style. Apart from a handful of bonus goodies, statements in CoffeeScript correspond one-to-one with their equivalent in JavaScript, it's just another way of saying it.
"CoffeeScript is a little language that compiles into JavaScript. Think of it as JavaScript's less ostentatious kid brother — the same genes, roughly the same height, but a different sense of style. Apart from a handful of bonus goodies, statements in CoffeeScript correspond one-to-one with their equivalent in JavaScript, it's just another way of saying it."Apacheの安全を確保するための10の対策 - builder by ZDNet Japan
2009/03/27 07:30 の記事A Crash Course in Django [Server Side Essentials]
Are you after a web framework that drastically cuts the time it takes to build data-driven web apps? If so, the Python-based Django might be worth investigating. With a unique architecture enabling extensive code reuse and an automatic admin system, Django is the state of the art for independent web developers, as well as being a strong tool for large scale web projects. In this article, I’ll show you how the basics of setting up your own Django-powered web site.7 jQuery Cheatsheets For Every Designer & Developer to Have | TutZone
jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. A fast, concise, library that simplifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add AJAX. Here we have collected 7 jQuery Cheatsheets which are definite to come in handy for web developers and designers too. Hope you like the collection.
jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that emphasizes interaction between JavaScript and HTML. A fast, concise, library that simplifies how to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add AJAX. Here we have collected 7 jQuery Cheatsheets which are definite to come in handy for web developers and designers too. Hope you like the collection.Designs of the Year: 2009
Los diseños de web del 2009 explicados13 Useful Code Snippets for WordPress Development | Web Design Ledger
trechos de código, inclusive para encaminhar seu rss para o feedburnerUsing Git to Maintain Your Website |
Using Git to Maintain Your Website | danielmiessler.comOfficial Google Blog: Faster apps for a faster web: introducing Speed Tracer
Speed Tracer is a Google Chrome extension that enables developers to identify performance problems in their web apps using a "Sluggishness Graph," in combination with many other metrics.
12/08/2009 07:14:00 PM Do you ever wonder what's going on inside the browser when a webpage doesn't load or respond as quickly as it should? Many developers do, especially when trying to build powerful web applications for their users. But up until now, it's been difficult for developers to identify problems in a slow-to-respond application. So, tonight at Google Campfire One, we're happy to announce that we're adding a new tool to Google Web Toolkit called Speed Tracer. Speed Tracer is a Google Chrome extension that enables developers to identify performance problems in their web apps using a "Sluggishness Graph," in combination with many other metrics. In the spirit of clean, simple design, developers need only look at the Y-Axis of their application's Sluggishness Graph to see how they're doing: * If the y-axis is close to zero, then the app is fast * If the y-axis registers around 100%, then the app is, well, sluggish And in either case, Speed Tracer provides lots of ad15 of the Most Promising Flash CMS Solutions
Nice list of Flash CMS systems.
Flash developers and users are constantly looking for powerful Flash CMS solutions. The case is any Flash CMS (Flash Content Management System) allows anyone to easily build Flash web sites and update them whenever necessary. These days the number of Flash CMS solutions is growing rapidly and it takes a lot of time to find every new Flash CMS that enters the market. In order to save you time we offer a list of the most promising Flash CMS Solutions. Some of them are free to use, however most of them are commercial products because it takes a lot of time and efforts to make something really good and professional. Please take a few minutes to know more about the Flash Content Management Systems. Maybe some of them could perfectly fit your needs.J'aime le GIF, le site qui aime bien les GIF
Un site qui fait dans le gif animé... Enfin pas toujours de très bon goût mais cela peut Can We Please Kill This Meme Now
"You miss the time-consuming but enriching act of looking through shelves, of pulling down a book because the title interests you, or the binding... Looking for something and being surprised by what you find - even if it's not what you set out looking for - is one of life's great pleasures, and so far no software exists that can duplicate that experience." I find these arguments completely infuriating. Do these people actually use the web? I find vastly more weird, unplanned stuff online than I ever did browsing the stacks as a grad student. Browsing the stacks is one of the most overrated and abused examples in the canon of things-we-used-to-do-that-were-so-much-better. (I love the whole idea of pulling down a book because you like the "binding.") Thanks to the connective nature of hypertext, and the blogosphere's exploratory hunger for finding new stuff, the web is the greatest serendipity engine in the history of culture.
I'm with ya Steven. People (myself included) usually want to find *more* meaning in their lives, not less. To suggest I need more distractions, more tangental, accidental experiences, and a further lack of focus, meaning, and clarity, is insane.
Serendipity isn't dead online.
Serendipity is not randomness, not noise. It's stumbling across something accidentally that is nonetheless of interest to you. The web is much better at capturing that mix of surprise and relevance than book stacks or print encyclopedias. Does everyone use the web this way? Of course not. But it's much more of a mainstream pursuit than randomly exploring encyclopedias or library stacks ever was. That's the irony of the debate: the thing that is being mourned has actually gone from a fringe experience to a much more commonplace one in the culture. Boingboing has a million readers, for crissakes! Right now, on their front door, we have a study of monkey drinking habits, a roadsite alert sign hacking project, a "news of the weird" story about a German would-be suicide, a re-writing of Robinson Crusoe, a collection of vintage cartoons, a digital mapmaking tool, and so on and so on. And this eclecticism is what you get every day there -- which is precisely why it is the most linked-to blog
Serendipity is not randomness, not noise. It's stumbling across something accidentally that is nonetheless of interest to you. The web is much better at capturing that mix of surprise and relevance than book stacks or print encyclopedias.
Thanks to the connective nature of hypertext, and the blogosphere's exploratory hunger for finding new stuff, the web is the greatest serendipity engine in the history of culture. It is far, far easier to sit down in front of your browser and stumble across something completely brilliant but surprising than it is walking through a library looking at the spines of books.
I find these arguments completely infuriating. Do these people actually use the web? I find vastly more weird, unplanned stuff online than I ever did browsing the stacks as a grad student. Browsing the stacks is one of the most overrated and abused examples in the canon of things-we-used-to-do-that-were-so-much-better. (I love the whole idea of pulling down a book because you like the "binding.") Thanks to the connective nature of hypertext, and the blogosphere's exploratory hunger for finding new stuff, the web is the greatest serendipity engine in the history of culture. It is far, far easier to sit down in front of your browser and stumble across something completely brilliant but surprising than it is walking through a library looking at the spines of books.Great Examples Of Coming Soon Pages And How To Create Yours | Spyre Studios
Examples Of Coming Soon PagesCreating a Time Saving CSS Template » Arbenting Freebies - The Product of Being Creative
I am not talking about a full framework necessarily, just a simple stylesheet template that you can open up and immediately dive into. That way when you have an idea for a project and are ready to get started, you have most of the busy work built so you get right into the heart of it. So below I have not only prepared some notes on the process, but also walk you through setting up a basic CSS stylesheet template of your own.
Creating a Time Saving CSS Template40+ новых и полезных jquery-модулей (с tutorial) / jQuery / Хабрахабр
На досуге немного закопался в дебри jquery и на страницах небеизвестного Smashing Magazine нашёл очень любопытную августовсую статейку. Удивлён, что столь полезный материал ещё не появился на Хабре. Исправляю несправедливость своей версией данной статьи.24 Stunning Contact Form-Page Designs - TZ
Awesome collection of contact form designs in html and cssYouTubeが5つ星級の発見:評価システムは無意味だった
後輩の研究者の研究が正しい事を裏付けするようなニュース。よかったね〜 > 後輩快適なWeb開発環境を構築する、Firefoxアドオン10選 - @IT自分戦略研究所
ページキャプチャーのアドオン紹介もありTrack User Geolocation With JavaScript - Webmonkey
Geolocation EASY
GeoLocation69 Coolest Web Apps Of 2009 @ SmashingApps
Coolest Web Apps Of 2009
Definitely review this list.The open, social web | FactoryCity
Open Social Web - Presentation
Chris Messina of OpenID, Citizen Agency, and Flock fame, presents on the open, social web.The Most Linked to Pages of Top Design Blogs
just creative design
Yahoo! Site Explorer has a function that allows you to see the most linked to pages from any website so I ran through some of the top design blogs and compiled their most popular pages here.
Yahoo! Site Explorer has a function that allows you to see the most linked to pages from any website so I ran through some of the top design blogs anddelicious support forum - Categories
딜리셔스를 더 다양하게 알수있게 해주는 포럼The Beautiful Art of Japanese Web Design –
ステキなデザインの日本のサイトをまとめた海外の記事です。jQuery and Ajax Best Demos Part-3
Part 3Adding Depth with Pixel Perfect Line Work | Web Design Ledger
A pixel is a single point in a raster image
So how can one lone pixel have an impact on a web design? It probably can’t. However, if you extend that pixel in one direction, it becomes a line, and in the hands of a masterful designer with an attention for subtle detail, the 1px line is a powerful design element. It can be used in many different ways, but in this article we’re going to take a look at how pixel perfect line work can add depth to a design.HTMLを綺麗に保つ12の原則 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
HTMLを綺麗に保つ12の原則5 Sickening Habits of Mainstream Websites
So true! Especially #5.. I hate that! :O
Oh man I TOTALLY agree with #1 - I hate being forced to click for multiple page articles like that - what a waste of my time. I live in a rural area and don't have the fastest internet - waiting for each new page to load makes me more and more frustrated and less and less likely to finish the article. At the very least, offer a "view on one page" option like some sites do. On some sites, I've used the print version to view articles on one page and not interrupt my reading, but not all sites work that way, either. Please - just stop with the gratuitous multiple pages people!
I understand the marketing incentives for all of these tactics, but I have to admit that they are something that must drive non-marketers crazy.
Websites have some impractical, clunky designs. Let's aim for streamlining designs to facilitate easier web browsing and better information layout. I hate seeing poor website design. It tastes like farts. Farts, farts, farts, farts, farts!14 iPhone Apps With Push Notification for Productivity
Some pretty weird things I didn't know about in here.HostMonk - Compare Linux dedicated server hosting plans
Compare Linux dedicated server hosting plans
Compare Linux dedicated servers from leading hosting providers hosting plans and find the best plan for youGet Satisfaction, Or Else... - (37signals)
Now that the dust has settled a bit, it seems that this convo at @37signals actually benefitted @getsatisfaction - [from]
note critiche sul get satisfaction16x16
As 09' comes to an end, we’re taking a look back at some of the most popular blog posts that we published this year on WDD.
The Most Popular Posts of 2009 | **Great read! [from]
As 2009 draws to an end, we are taking a look back at some of the most popular blog posts that we published this year on WDD.Ten Examples Of Unconventional Site Navigation
iPhone/iPod Touch向けのWebサイトを構築するフレームワークの紹介。PrimerCSS
this might prove useful
Primer undercoats your CSS by pulling out all of your classes and id's and placing them into a starter stylesheet. Don't you deserve a little timesaver?
Primer undercoats your CSS by pulling out all of your classes and id's and placing them into a starter stylesheet. Paste your HTML in to get started.65 Creative And Stylish Footer Designs of 2009 | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
実際のところHTML5でどのくらいのアプリが実装できるのか実験Anything Zoomer | Usage
zoom con jquery
Cool zooming control.
jQ plugin om inhoud te zoomenDesigning with a Grid | blog.critical
分格線設計A Form of Madness - Dive Into HTML5
A Form of MIdentité numérique : 10 règles simples pour contrôler son image sur internet | Presse-Citron
"L’identité numérique reste un concept assez flou pour la plupart des internautes, or il est seulement question de contrôle de l’image et de la réputation, selon les mêmes règles que celles que nous appliquons dans notre vie courante, celle que l’on appelle la vraie vie. / Pas besoin d’être un expert, donc, pour observer ces 10 règles simples qui devraient normalement vous aider à mieux maîtriser votre image sur internet : [...]"
Identité numérique : 10 règles simples pour contrôler son image sur internetPage Speed Home
Ever want to share a video with your friend or family, but wish you were there with them to watch so you could enjoy the moment together? synchtube solves this problem by allowing you to share a video in real-time. Simply paste a YouTube link and create a room. You can share this room with others, and watch videos in real-time... well enough talking, just try it already!
synchtube beta : Watch Videos With Friends in Real Time
A service that lets you create a chat channel that people (students) can comment on a video as you watch it together.英会話 オンライン英会話ならレアジョブ
英会話、Skype、毎日25分、一か月5000円50 Awesome Resources for Design Inspiration
50 Awesome Resources for Design InspirationUNIQLO TRY
opiniões de pessoas do mundo todo. Vc navega pelo globo e vai vendo os vídeos. Classe!
地球HOW TO: Do Almost Anything Online in 2010
Manual sobre redes sociales.25 Examples of Creative Paper Use in Web Design | Line25
25 Examples of Creative Paper Use in Web Design -
Des exemples d'utilisation de textures papier dans le webdesignUsing HTML Symbol Entities
"Some characters (e.g. the less than and greater than signs) are reserved for HTML markup. In order to display these characters as text, you must enter the HTML entities in the source code. For example, to display the less than sign (<), you need to enter < (entity name) or < (entity number). Among the entity list, there are quite a lot of symbol entities that we can use in layout design. For examples: → ♥ ♫ ✓ ✗ • ☞ ✁ ★ “ ⊕. Have you seen the snowman ☃ symbol before? If not, continue on this post to find more surprises."25 Rounded Corners Techniques with CSS | cssJuice
25 Rounded Corners Techniques with CSS | cssJuice - Beautiful Websites of 2009 | CrazyLeaf Design Blog
Cool to show Dreamweaver level 1 and HTML classes
A collection of the most beautiful website designs of 200910 Useful Tips for a Captivating Contact Form | Design Shack
This is the first part in this series of The Principles of Good Web Design. The other parts are listed below: The Principles of Good Web Design Part 2:
is a superb example of flow in web deBest Photoshop Website Layout Tutorials of 2009 | Vandelay Design Blog
Best Photoshop Website Layout Tutorials of 2009Perfection kills » Optimizing HTML
This page is both an essay and a tool. It sets out to explore how two, intertwined concepts, often playful but sometimes cheeky, can be encouraged to dance in web pages. Drag the colored boxes along the scale to throw these words anew. For the most part, this text is just a libretto for the performance you are about to play upon it.10 Tips for Creating Compelling Web Copy | Web Design Ledger
You are the most important person in the world. Wow, I got you to read the second sentence. Your interest is now piqued and you want to read more. If you dosimple private real-time sharing and collaboration by
simple private real-time sharing and collaboration by - is one of the many excellent services created by the folks at allows users to set up a free webinar or video conference with just two clicks. Just like with there is no registration required to use the service and there is no software to install. To use simply create a drop and share the drop's unique url (and optional password) with whomever you would like to participate in the conference. When you're ready to start your conference click "start presentation." If you create the conference you are the administrator and have full access to show the other participants files, links, photos, and any other media you're using on your computer.
Video conferencing through
free for up to 10 attendees; locks them into your presentationツイテレ
テレビを見ながらツイッターRuby & WebSockets: TCP for the Browser -
なにこれおもしろそうRaphaël: a JavaScript API for SVG - Opera Developer Community
Opera Developer Community article: Raphaël: a JavaScript API for SVGNexus One Phone - Web meets phone.
Web meets phone.
Google Nexsus One の動作イメージをFlashで紹介している。いい感じ。
Nexus Oneのスペック
$179 w/ 2 yr service contract, $529 w/o service agreement. (Is it wrong of me to really hate the phone's desktop background? Also very sad to see that a physical keyboard, a la the ones on a Sidekick3 or Sidekick LX, seem to be condemned to history's archives. Why the hell do such awful keyboards come through today's product development cycles?! Designers, aren't you listening to usability issues?!)What’s In A Price: The Guidelines For Pricing Web Designs - Noupe
CleanCutNC.comHTML Slidy (1)
2read35 Incredibly Creative Portfolio Website Designs
Design de sites web avec Photoshop
35 Incredibly Creative Portfolio Website DesignsSortfolio : Find a great web designer by style, budget, and location.
I'm on the fence about this. There's a lot of comparison of stuff that can't figure out how to make money (Facebook, Twitter) to stuff that needs to make money/simplify stuff/track money (CRM, accounting, etc.).
Tim Bray rant on the difference in user experience between Web consumer sites and Enterprise IT. "Obviously, the technology matters. This isn’t the place for details, but apparently the winning mix includes dynamic languages and Web frameworks and TDD and REST and Open Source and NoSQL [...] More important is the culture: iterative development, continuous refactoring, ubiquitous unit testing, starting small, gathering user experience before it seems reasonable. All of which, to be fair, I suppose had its roots in last decade’s Extreme and Agile movements. " His conclusion is: "Plan A: Don’t Build Systems [ defended by ] Nicholas Carr: everything would be better if we could do IT the way we do electricity Plan B: Do it better: [but you cannot do it without adopting the agile ways of the web startup] that kind of thing simply cannot be built if you start with large formal specifications and fixed-price contracts and change-control procedures and so on."
The community of developers whose work you see on the Web, who probably don’t know what ADO or UML or JPA even stand for, deploy better systems at less cost in less time at lower risk than we see in the Enterprise.
pretty good about going with the web dev model. But then he says buy Oracle or SAP which I don't understand.
Study on REST and Enterprise DevelopmentCreating a Web Development Environment using Google Chrome Extensions : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Website performance is a hugely important topic, so much so that the big companies of the Web are obsessed with it. For the Googles, Yahoos, Amazons and eBays, slow websites mean fewer users and less happy users and thus lost revenue and reputation.
Website performance is a hugely important topic, so much so that the big companies of the Web are obsessed with it. For the Googles, Yahoos, Amazons and eBays, slow...JSF sucks « Incremental Operations
A google cache exists at
a hate list of hate articles against the hated jsf, chronicled over time10 Techniques For a Fantastic Footer | Design Shack
10 Techniques for a Fantastic FooterPsychologist: Facebook Makes You Smarter, Twitter Makes You Dumber
based on some recent neuroscience studies
memory_brainOf course, it’s not that simple; but if you believe Dr Tracy Alloway from the University of Stirling in Scotland, Twitter and Facebook are very different beasts when it comes to improve your “working memory“, which relates to “the structures and processes used for temporarily storing and manipulating information in short-term memory.”
Facebook Makes You Smarter, Twitter Makes You Dumber
Psychologist: Facebook Makes You Smarter, Twitter Makes You Dumber [from]
Of course, it’s not that simple; but if you believe Dr Tracy Alloway from the University of Stirling in Scotland, Twitter and Facebook are very different beasts when it comes to improve your “working memory“ [...]
Psychologist: Facebook Makes You Smarter, Twitter Makes You Dumber: Of course, it’s not that simple; but i.. [from]
True or Not? Psychologist: Facebook Makes You Smarter, Twitter Makes You Dumber [from]iA » What’s Next in Web Design?
I’ve been asked by the Italian magazine L’Espresso to write an article on The Future of Web Design. Here is the English text. Thinking about what’s next online is fun because everything you wish to come true will come true. While commercial products obey to the laws of the market, which in part are influenced by [...]PubSubHubbubでRSSもTwitter並にリアルタイムに - @IT
「PubSubHubbub」(パブサブハブバブ)という奇妙な名前のプロトコルが注目だ。2009年8月5日にグーグルはRSSリーダーサービスのGoogle ReaderでPubSubHubbub対応を明らかにしたほか、国内ではライブドアが、同じくRSSリーダー「livedoor Reader」とブログサービスの「livedoor Blog」でPubSubHubbubに初対応したことを8月18日に発表している。まだ対応サービスは少なく、その“効能”も「ブログの更新がRSSリーダーに反映されるのが、ほぼリアルタイムになりました」というだけで小さく見えるかもしれない。しかしPubSubHubbubは、ネット全体のリアルタイムコミュニケーションプラットフォーム化を促す重要なキーとなるかもしれない。Speed up your JavaScript, Part 2 | NCZOnline
nest loops too many....
Speed up your JavaScript,
Last week, I covered the first reason why JavaScript can take too long to execute: too much happening in a loop. There's a similar problem with functions in10 Javascript Plugins that Skin and Beautify Web Forms
10 Javascript Plugins that Skin and Beautify Web Forms -
Alright, another post regarding web form, this time, it's javascript plugins that skin and beautify web forms. As a freelance designer, I found it quite frustrating to see different browsers render form elements differently. They don't look the same. We can skin the textbox and button easily, but form elements like drop down list, checkbox, radio button and file upload are pretty hard to customize it. You would need css and javascript skill to skin it.10 htaccess Hacks Every SEO Should Know |
Lucas Motta - Flash Developer and Flash Designer
flash developer - muito bom
Programador flashModern Art Movements To Inspire Your Logo Design - Smashing Magazine
I'd never heard of Pivolo wine...The six fundamental ways of adding depth to your designs « CreativityDen
デザインにおける6つの視点HTML 5: Could it kill Flash and Silverlight? by InfoWorld: Yahoo! Tech
Therefore, Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight could see their turf invaded by HTML 5, Almaer says. "Essentially, what it does is lays the groundwork to have equivalent functionality that Flash or Silverlight provides," says RedMonk analyst Michael Cote. It also could threaten JavaFX, he adds.
uch as Apple, Google, and Mozilla.
How html5 could affect flash and silverlight
Can it be? Are we going to actually go forward? Allelujah!!!A Showcase of Clean White Web Designs | Web Design Ledger
WordPressをさらに高速化するために青い人の提案でAPCを入れることに。導入して正解。Load Averageもぐっと下がっていい感じ。 なお、APCはPHPの中間コードやらキャッシュやらを最適化して高速化してくれるモジュールです。以下、簡単に導入メモ。Create a Slick and Minimalist Web Layout in Photoshop
In this Photoshop web design tutorial, we’re going to learn how to create a slick and minimal-looking website layout. We will use the 960 Grid System as a template to make it easy to align the design elements on the layout.Nolobo
Animal!!!breily's juno at master - GitHub
ligthweight REST framework for python - Juno violates some usual principles of good design (don't use global variables, don't do things implicitly, etc.) for the sake of fast development and less boilerplate code
like Ruby's Sinatra, but for Python
Sinatra for PythonRockMelt
Promises to basically be the Next Generation's web browser for social networking.. In particular, Facebook is getting a fair share of mention in the early hypes right now.. Backed by Netscape founder Marc Andreessen, will be fun to watch this something new as it evolves.. :)MOONGIFT: » 複雑なWebサイトデザインを容易に実現するテンプレート「YAML」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
Annotated link
> カラムの高さを統一したり、ページの最下部にフッターを表示するものなど、役立ちそうなものがたくさんある。さらにWebアプリケーションとして提供されているビルダーを使って、自分だけのデザインを生成することもできるようになっている。
Yet Another Multicolumn LayoutMost Useful Ajax Tools And Tutorials | Tools |
List of tools and resources for learning and using AJAX.
According to wikipedia, Ajax, sometimes written as AJAX (shorthand for asynchronous JavaScript and XML), is a group of interrelated web development techniquesjbd2.
wechselnder hintergrund beim scrollen.
superb portfolio
nice scroll down effect with this portfolio
背景どうやってんの?Google Analytics vs XiTi: cómo miden el origen de las visitas « Blog de François Derbaix
ero NO afecta exclusivamente al tráfico que llega desde Google sino a cualquier sistema taggeado. Es decir, afecta a SEO, SEM pero también a cualquier click en un link externo, en yahoo search, en tu newsletter (si la taggeas), etc. Lo que hace es que el tráfico directo no lo cuenta como directo si en los últimos 30 días has accedido a la misma web por algún otro medio no directo y asigna las visitas directas (y conversiones) al último canal NO directo por el que llegaste. Esa duración de 30 días de la cookie de GA es5 Rarely-Used CSS Properties
“a list of 5 useful but rarely-used CSS properties that work in all modern browsers.”Creative and Unusual Layouts and Navigation Designs - Noupe
Yahoo!ニュースが2009年4月27日にリニューアルしました。今回のリニューアルでは、お客様に快適にサイトを利用していただけるよう最速でページを表示させることに重点をおきました。お客様がウェブを閲覧するのは1日の中のほんの限られた時...50 Superb 3D Flash websites You Must See!!! | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
This showcase will consist from 50 3D Flash websites, which really stood out from crowd, have received unique attention and got awards! Don’t think this is just another list – you’ll find here endless inspiration in these websites, where each one of them is a huge masterpiece!SEOの順位を上げるためのWordPressプラグイン10 | CREAMU
Google XML Sitemaps Generator
WebDesignBoothというサイトで、SEOの順位を上げるためのWordPressプラグインが紹介されています。4 Design Elements Behind a Good Call to Action | letscounthedays
It is not uncommon for companies to sink large amounts of money into obtaining traffic to their websites in an attempt to increase conversions. Some of their money might go towards search engine optimization and some might go towards pay per click or search engine marketing. Little do they know their problem might not be about getting more traffic. The real problem could be that they have a poor call to action.11 Amazing Free Web Applications To Make Your Lives Easier @ SmashingApps
SmashingAppsCómo montamos Menéame en Amazon EC2 « Ricardo Galli, de software libre
Here it is, the brand new Smashing Book. Announced several months ago in a couple of posts, it has finally arrived. You can buy the Smashing Book right now. And in case you didn’t know, it’s available here exclusively. The book is available and can be shipped right away.
Web Style, design, and typography
Here it is, the brand new Smashing Book. Announced several months ago in a couple of posts, it has finally arrived. You can buy the Smashing Book right now. And in...
But the funny fact is that I was at my local coffee shop and a college girl had the book in hand!Publication Network -
Your website visitors will love it! Make your pdf documents flippable and quickly loading. It is like touching a real document.
Sistema de publicación en formato de revista digital a partir de un PDF (gratuito). Muy visual pero poco práctico a mi gusto para leer en pantalla
Make your pdf documents flippable and quickly loading. It is like touching a real document.15 useful jQuery plugins and tutorials
15 useful jQuery plugins and tutorialsTal Leming » Web Fonts
web type research
Thoughts on embedded fonts for the web from a type designer.djangozen | find stuff for django
Call them best practices if you like, but here's the things I do when starting a new Django project.10 Web Browsers You Probably Haven’t Heard Of
Article on alternate web browsers.
Six Revisions is a blog that shares useful information about web development and design, dedicated to people who build websites."
Jag kände igen alla utom två, vad om dig?
There are more than a dozen excellent alternative browsers out there if you're looking for something distinctive. Here are ten such web browsers, along with why you might want to consider using them.
Alternative browsers - may be handy for testing!jQuery для начинающих / Jquery / Хабрахабр
Popular now Best Practices To Develop Perfect Websites for iPhone and Mobile Devices10commentsBest Practices To Develop Perfect Websites for iPhone and Mobile Devices by Antonio Lupetti / January 10, 2010 / Posted in: Popular, Web Design 277 retweet TOP100 SharePopular 210 DeliciousDiggRedditShare122010 will be the year of consolidation of internet usage via mobile devices. According to, which reports a Gartner analysis, mobile device sales will rise (9%) in 2010. This scenario will impose to internet companies, online newspapers, bloggers, to provide mobile versions of their websites to simplify the fruition of their contents and enlarge their audience. In this post I prepared a roundup of code snippets inspired to some mobile versions of popular websites (such as Facebook, Flickr, The New York Times, Digg, Google, …) that illustrate some HTML best practices to develop perfect websites for iPhone and mobile Devices.How To Create Your Own Twitter Background
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers50 First-class & New Downloadable Fonts For Professional Designs
フリーフォント。商用利用は要確認まずは、mixiアプリを使ってみよう、作ってみよう(1/3) ─ @IT
「mixiアプリ」は、iGoogleのガジェットのように、SNS「mixi(ミクシー)」上に組み込まれて実行される、Webアプリケーションです。Flickr Photo Download: IE6 denial message for
You know what? I can believe he's related to that guy…
Web app development frameworkMOONGIFT: » jQueryを使った開発に便利!Firebug + jQuery「FireQuery」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
FireQuery、Firebugと連携するjQuery開発補助アドオン FireQueryはconsole.logに吐き出した内容を元に、画面上のエレメントをハイライトしてくれる。例えば console.log($(’p'));と出せば、コンソールに出力された jQuery(p)という表示にマウスを当てると、該当部分がハイライト表示になる。どの部分に対して適用されているかがすぐに分かるiPhone Development: 12 Tips To Get You Started [HTML & XHTML Tutorials]
RT @tweetlicius: iPhone Development: 12 Tips To Get You Started [HTML & XHTML Tutorials] - excelentes bancos de imágenes gratuitos
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Bancos de imagenes gratuitos
eso, imagenes10 Best Tutorials To Learn CSS3 | AEXT.NET
List of tutorials and cheat-sheets for leaning CSS3.what-matters-now-1.pdf (application/pdf Object)
What matters now - commentary from thought leaders on the key challenges ahead
Big thoughts and small actions make a difference. Things to think about (and do) this yearGetting Links from the Top 50 Domains
29 Resources for Freelance Designers Operating on a Tight Budget
of highly-useful resources and web apps that have been created with freelance designers and developers in mind. But for many freelancers, especially those who are just getting started, pricing can be an issue. In this post we’ll feature 29 resources that are not only very useful fore freelancers, but also extremely affordable. Many of them are free or offer a free plan, and the others are priced below the competition. Hopefully you will find some resources here that will help you to save time and make your work more efficient and effective. If you have suggestions of other resources asi
There are plenty of highly-useful resources and web apps that have been created with freelance designers and developers in mind. But for many freelancers, especially those who are just getting started, pricing can be an issue. In this post we’ll feature 29 resources that are not only very useful fore freelancers, but also extremely affordable. Many of them are free or offer a free plan, and the others are priced below the competition.Hopefully you wil55 Spectacular Login Form Designs
Brilliant examples of elegant form designs
Login Form
豪華なログインフォーム事例集10 PHP functions you (probably) never use
**PHP** MD5 - pack()
When scripting in PHP, we often restrict ourselves to a limited number of API functions: the common ones, like print(), header(), define(), isset(), htmlspecialchars(), etc. If some needed functionality doesn’t exist, we often write it making use of these basic components which we have in mind. The PHP API actually offers a lot of functionality, some useless and some useful; often seldom used. I have been looking through the available functions and was interested to find some really cool functions that I should have known about. Here, I share my findings.
__()How To Create Depth And Nice 3D Ribbons Only Using CSS3 | PV.M Garage
No images. Just CSS & CSS3. All major browsers support the technique. Love it.The Complete Guide to Getting the Most Out of Twitter - Noupe
By Cameron Chapman We've all heard of Twitter at this point, and I would be the majority of our readers are already using it. But that doesn't mean we're all using it...
This guide should give you the basics you need to get more out of Twitter, whether you use it for your business or personal life.When No News Is Bad News - The Atlantic (January 21, 2009)
James Warren article
By James Warren, former managing editor of the Chicago Tribune
rticle on the state of newpapers, and their imoprtance to our culture
A former managing editor of The Chicago Tribune probes the collapse of the newspaper industry and tries, mostly in vain, to find hope for the future of journalism.
In journalism’s new Internet-dominated landscape, in which attitude and attack are often valued more than precision and truth, handiwork like Crewdson’s is seen as taking too long and costing too much. His situation is hardly unique—the other investigative reporter at the Tribune’s D.C. bureau was told to leave at the same time, as was the top investigator at the Washington bureau of The Los Angeles Times, which is also owned by the Tribune Company. But as an example of journalism’s very best, Crewdson's dismissal is a symbol of the extent to which the news media are imploding. And that implosion is a development with far-reaching implications.
Good essay by a journalist on the current disintegration of paid journalism, but it is exactly this writer's attitude about the noble and essential role of journalism in a democracy that has set the project up for destruction.
"In journalism’s new Internet-dominated landscape, in which attitude and attack are often valued more than precision and truth, handiwork like [John] Crewdson’s is seen as taking too long and costing too much. His situation is hardly unique—the other investigative reporter at the [Chicago] Tribune’s D.C. bureau was told to leave at the same time, as was the top investigator at the Washington bureau of The Los Angeles Times, which is also owned by the Tribune Company. But as an example of journalism’s very best, Crewdson's dismissal is a symbol of the extent to which the news media are imploding. And that implosion is a development with far-reaching implications...."15 Awesome Free JavaScript Charts / JavaScripts / SPLASHnology - Web Design & Web Technology Community
How does the Internet change the way we think?
each year this site asks major thinkers to answer a question, here, "How is the Internet changing your way of thinking?" A great question with lots of respondents' short essays--enough to keep me reading for a week.
HOW IS THE INTERNET CHANGING THE WAY YOU THINK?WebMii - Search for people and get their online visibility score
Find all online public information about you (and other people)
"Find all online public information about you (and other people) and get your PeopleRank: your visibility score on the web."
Find all online public information about you (and other people) and get your PeopleRank: your visibility score on the web.
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Wow. Flash in Javascript.CSS3 + Progressive Enhancement = Smart Design • Perishable Press
article about progressive enhancement using css3 colours could be used for anna's website
covers Multiple Backgrounds, Background Sizing, Border Images, Rounded Corners, Drop Shadows, Text Shadows, Alternate Row Styles, Opacity & Transparency, Custom Fonts, Custom Text-Highlight Styles, Multi-Column Content Display, Box Sizing, RGBa Colors and Transparency, Word Wrap, Resizable Elements, CSS Transitions, CSS Color Gradients, Rotating Elements47 Mandamentos
Automatically builds Spotify playlists based on an artist name and the databaseUsing The New Post Thumbnail Feature In WordPress 2.9 › Kremalicious
WordPress 2.9 added a new feature which allows you to assign an image to an article to make it the post image like it’s often used in magazine style themes. This new feature along with a new template tag makes all the custom field hacks usually used for this functionality in the past obsolete. So [...]
if ( function_exists( 'add_theme_support' ) ) add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
<?php the_post_thumbnail(array( 200,200 ), array( 'class' => 'alignleft' )); ?>The Little Known Secret to Getting Page 1 Google Rankings : Marketing :: American Express OPEN Forum
Tips N Tricks for creating a PR1 site. The trick in this case is SEO Video.
How to rise to the top in Google
"1. Create some great video for your site. Note: Research indicates that if you have video on your homepage, up to 80% of your visitors will click that first, so it better be good! 2. Post it prominently throughout your site. 3. SEO it and submit it. Here’s the trick, and it is two-fold. First, you must optimize the video for search engines. That means key words and phrases must be used in the file name, in the captions, etc. Second, once posted on your site, you must then submit the video itself using XML tools to Google and the other search engines."Web Security: Are You Part Of The Problem? - Smashing Magazine
Website security is an interesting topic and should be high on the radar of anyone who has a Web presence under their control. Ineffective Web security leads to all24 UX Articles to Start 2010 | UX Booth
This post showcases a wonderful collection of wireframe templates. It even includes Jason Robb’s template he showcased in a post for UX Booth titled40 Excellent Websites Showcasing Expression Engine | Webdesigner Depot
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ExpressionEngine by EllisLab is a powerful, flexible content management system (CMS) that many designers (and their clients) love. Various modules exist to40 Essential Drupal Modules | Nick Lewis: The Blog
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40+ Essential Drupal Modulesアクセス解析を使ってサイトの課題を発見する12のステップ - リアルアクセス解析
When designing a large website, especially one that contains a store, you may be required to design a system for ordering online, or a multi-step process of another...Stop Using Stock Photography Clichés « Boagworld
Whitespace: The Underutilized Design Element | Web Design Ledger -
Great short article demonstrating whitespace in webdesign.Yummy! Free Food and Cakes Icon Set - Smashing Magazine
Yummy! Free Food and Cakes Icon Set - Smashing Magazine -
Today we are glad to release something extremely tasty — Yummy Icon Set, a set with 20 beautiful, original and sweet icons in resolutions 48×48px –...
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Very funky looking PHP web application to get around browsing restrictions. Like it, should really put this on dmesg.indiemapper
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IE6 vs IE7, Safari, Opera, Firefox
This was such a fun project -- this is what users of Internet Explorer 6 see when they visit Momentile. You can see sketches and a bit of the process on my website. UPDATE: There have been many requests to use this image on other websites, so I've decided to release it under a Creative Commons license. You are free to reuse the image on your own website as long as credit is given and linked back to For prints, contact me directly.
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I can't belive you're related to that guy. Don't remind me!PayPal ってこんなにすごい! | 開発者ブログ | CMONOS
PayPal を使ってお金を受け取る方法. いつか使うかも.Ketchup
Ketchup is a new tool that will let the busy ones make sure they are never missing important information related to any past meeting ever again. It does that by letting you create a kind of catalogue of meetings. That is, the user comes up with a series of lists that detail information ranging from who was there to what was said and discussed.
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Here is an overview of product design evolution over years: Most of them have moved towards and clean clutter-free user experience. stands out well (perfectly minimalist!) Thanks & Regards, Pravin
Evolución de conocidos sitios webBrowserCouch Documentation
BrowserCouch is an attempt at an in-browser MapReduce implementation.
BrowserCouch is an attempt at an in-browser MapReduce implementation. It's written entirely in JavaScript and intended to work on all browsers, gracefully upgrading when support for better efficiency or feature set is detected.Not coincidentally, this library is intended to mimic the functionality of CouchDB on the client-side, and may even support integration with CouchDB in the futur
"BrowserCouch is an attempt at an in-browser MapReduce implementation. It's written entirely in JavaScript and intended to work on all browsers, gracefully upgrading when support for better efficiency or feature set is detected. Not coincidentally, this library is intended to mimic the functionality of CouchDB on the client-side, and may even support integration with CouchDB in the future."Make Your Site An iPhone App - Webmonkey
You can get most of the benefits of an iPhone application without writing a single line of Objective C. An open source project called PhoneGap lets your wrap your website in iPhone App goodness. And you can even charge for your creation. Even more exciting than being able to easily create an app is getting access to some native iPhone APIs. Currently PhoneGap supports JavaScript access to the user’s location and the device accelerometer. Camera and vibration are still in the works.
You can get most of the benefits of an iPhone application without writing a single line of Objective C. An open source project called PhoneGap lets your wrap your website in iPhone App goodness. And you can even charge for your creation. Even more exciting than being able to easily create an app is getting access to some native iPhone APIs. Currently PhoneGap supports JavaScript access to the user’s location and the device accelerometer. Camera and vibration are still in the works. There’s talk of being able to use a web form to create your app by submitting only the URL of your website. Currently, it’s a little more work, but easier than creating an app from scratch. You’ll still need to download the SDK and write your app in Apple’s XCode. The PhoneGap wiki has a hello world tutorial that should get you started. One really cool aspect of the PhoneGap project is that it also supports Android and Blackberry. A write-once approach to mobile development is within grasp of the ordinary
Proyecto de desarrollo de aplicaciones para iPhoneI’m A » Flash Cookies: The Silent Privacy Killer
The Adobe Flash Player maintains proprietary cookies called Local Shared Objects or LSO’s. LSO’s are capable of storing 100 kb’s of information for an indefinite amount of time by default. When you clear your browser history in Internet Explorer, Firefox or Opera on Windows, Linux, or OS X LSO’s are not cleared from Adobe’s local repository.
Os X
There are hundreds of applications out there from spyware cleaners to built-in browser features that eliminate cookies on the spot, and even let you set cookie policies on your computer regarding what can be stored in your machine, and for how long. I’m assuming that if you’re here reading this post, you already know all of the dangers of cookies on your computer. In all honesty, I don’t seriously believe that they’re the most dangerous form of movement or web tracking, but they can definitely be used to monitor more movements than a person should feel comfortable with.
Explains how to adjust your Flash player settings
Shame on you, Adobe!
Never new this! Amazing amount of stuff stored on your computer using flash 'cookies' which never gets cleaned from the browser.Creative Review - MTV's brand new look
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Ich lebe online. Alle Texte, die ich seit 1983 geschrieben habe, sind auf dem Computer geschrieben worden. Sie liegen auf einem halben Dutzend Rechnern im Netz verstreut. Seit 1986 achte ich darauf, portable Formate zu verwenden, um auch bei einer Migration auf neue Systeme keine Daten zu verlieren. Seit 20 Jahren lese ich laufend meine Mail, ich bin jeden Tag in fünf verschiedenen IM-Systemen zu erreichen.
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EC2 事例。コストや特徴など。10 générateurs de backgrounds et favicons | Presse-Citron
10 générateurs de backgrounds et favicons | Presse-Citron - Inspiring Single Page Websites | Web Design Ledger
Typography is often overlooked in todays design specifically by web developers. It really is a shame because CSS gives us so much control over our type. That being said, we our limited to certain “web safe” typefaces but that shouldn’t decrease our creativity. Here are a few CSS tips for typography on the web.WordPress Plugins: 15 Incredible Wordpress Plugins For 2010
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With more and more businesses needing an online presence, it’s no surprise to see there’s a lot of photoshop tutorials out there about creating a professional business website design layout. We have collected some of the very best 30+ professional website design tutorials mostly done in photoshop. These website design tutorials would help to improve your photoshop skills.
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30 Cutting Edge Examples Of CSS Navigation | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials - all your PNG and JPEG images with one command using imgopt |
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This sort of nitty-gritty optimisation stuff appeals to my nerdy side. An interesting article, but it's also worth reading the comments for a few gotchas.
I've used some of the comments this script shells out to stand-alone, but this combines it all together and makes it nice and easy to extremely squeeze graphics (losslessly)ウェブの収益化は不可能なのか? 相次ぐサービス停止と日本のウェブについて(追記あり) *{m|e|t|a|m|i|x}+
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A short list of my favorite JavaScript grid components. How many times did you hear users asking you: “something simple, a grid like excel”?
Comparison of jQuery grids.W3C cheatsheet
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Design Trends (Predictions) in 2010
I agree with Serif fonts, rounded corners and mobile design.あなたの才能で稼げる!サイトまとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
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100 Web 2.0 Tools
It is easy to collaborate with your colleagues around you. What about other people in your PLN? Can you collaborate with 50, 100, 1000 people? "Collaborate", "Collaborative", "Collaboration" were the most frequent words I heard last year and I believe it will be more important and popular in this new decade. Here is my first 20 web tools to enhance collaboration among us!cssの情報・まとめ - かちびと.net
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Notes and links on pricing your work, especially for people in creative fields
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An ongoing discussion of web app pricing strategies by Paul Farnell, founder of Litmus.HOW TO: Get Rid of Annoying Facebook Notifications
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RT @mashable: HOW TO: Get Rid of Annoying Facebook Notifications - [from]
Pretty cool website called mashable. Can't wait to rid myself of annoying unnecessary notifications.
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SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers - » 4 Easy-to-Use Microformat Tools to Beef Up Your Site"241543903"で画像検索したらわけのわからない写真がいっぱい出てくる件 - 頭ん中
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Movement of "A photograph of your head inside a reezer."Pragmatic Programming Techniques: RESTFul Design Patterns
Summarize a set of RESTful design practices that I have used quite successfully.WooRank | Website analysis tool
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Web que te analiza tu página webInternet 2009 in numbers | Royal Pingdom
What happened with the Internet in 2009?
What happened with the Internet in 2009? How many websites were added? How many emails were sent? How many Internet users were there? This post will answer all of those questions and many more. Prepare for information overload, but in a good way. We have used a wide variety of sources from around the Web. A full list of source references is available at the bottom of the post for those interested. We here at Pingdom also did some additional calculations to get even more numbers to show you.
What happened with the Internet in 2009? How many websites were added? How many emails were sent? How many Internet users were there? This post will answer all of those questions and many more. Prepare for information overload, but in a good way. ;)
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280 North has already made two major breakthroughs in building its web-based presentation app 280 Slides. First, it created the Objective-C-like superset of JavaScript called Objective-J. Then it re-implemented much of Apple's popular Cocoa APIs in the web-oriented Cappuccino. Now, its latest project, Atlas, represents perhaps a third breakthrough: a visual integrated development environment for building the next generation of desktop-like web applications.
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If you suck at picking out colors like me, you will find this comprehensive list incredibly useful!
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20 Color Combination Tools60 Sites with Attractive Typographical Introductions
Typography is a beautiful element that magnifies a website’s creativity. The stunning letterforms and positions of the fonts can be moving and inspiring. Effective use of typography can also be combined grid placement, and allows users to better understand what it is you’re trying to get across. In recent times, we’ve seen our share of websites with beautiful introductions that are purely text-based. This sort of headlining allows you to read and comprehend words on a visual level. They are a great form of art that, if done correctly, will affect the minds and emotions of your visitors.30 Stylish jQuery Tooltip Plugins For Catchy Designs | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
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Tooltips on website are small things which can play a big role in website design. If a tooltip on your website is very well made and looks amazing then it can lift up visitors impression about your website. And that’s why here comes jQuery to help with its well made tooltips. And remember that all those small website design things make your website look better. So this time I will show you my Top 30 of jQuery tooltip plugins. Enjoy!Five Simple but Essential Web Usability Tips
Five Simple but Essential Web Usability Tips - the Web of Tomorrow Will Look Like: 4 Big Trends to Watch
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By far the most important item here is how well the solution works with JavaScript turned off. Too many developers do not think about this. How well are styles ingrained with the code? If a look and feel change requires a JavaScript change, that's a dealbreaker (sorry, Tina). Is the JS code usable without a mouse; is keyboard navigation fully available? (this isn't just an accessibility issue, it's also power user productivity enhancer). Also, KNOW THE CODE.30 Stunning Flash Image Galleries (via FlashDen) - Vectortuts+
One of the most popular uses of Flash for designers and illustrators that I've observed is to create image gallerys to showcase graphic work. So its unsurprising that on our sister marketplace FlashDen the image gallery category is jam-packed with stunning Flash galleries. Today I've rounded up 30 of the best to show off here on Vectortuts+ as we countdown to the imminent launch of our latest Tuts+ site ... Flashtuts+.
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You know, just a really nice site.
Absolutely delicious. Very envious.Strategic SEO for Startups: MicroISV on a Shoestring
This guy works for aaron wall >>>>> One way I’ve found to cut down on support requests is to make sure I write publicly about any issue that keeps coming up for my customers. Other small companies contact me for advice fairly frequently, and that also tends to retread the same issues, so I’m going to blog it in depth once rather than giving fifteen people 30% of my thoughts on the same issue. One common issue is “How do I improve our SEO?”
Lots of good tips on marketing ISV and other stuff.The Mysterious Pseudo Class in CSS
A collection of nicely designed websitesWebsite monitoring status - Public API Status
"an easily-interpreted heads-up display of 26 popular third party APIs. The big boys like Facebook, Twitter and Flickr are all present and accounted for, and other services like Salesforce, and Posterous are supported also."
主要サービスAPIの稼動状況をモニターしてくれるサイトLindsay Robertson
The Do's and Don'ts of Online Publicity, For Some Reason Bio Twitter posts
"...all eyeballs are not equal" - online PRs take note:
"There’s a question that has been bugging me for years: why are 99% of publicists and promotion/marketing people complete useless failures when it comes to blogs and online outlets?"
great notes on online publicityAcademy
A very fresh and creative agency located nearby in none other than Van City. Some extremely innovative campaigns and novel marketing techniques - pumping out some incredibly content. Keep posted.17 Javascript Animation Frameworks Worth Checking Out | Admix Web
JavaScriptのアニメーションフレームワークを17個紹介した記事です。Unlocking innovation |
"Advised by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Professor Nigel Shadbolt and others, government are opening up data for reuse. This site seeks to give a way into the wealth of government data and is under constant development. We want to work with you to make it better. We’re very aware that there are more people like you outside of government who have the skills and abilities to make wonderful things out of public data. These are our first steps in building a collaborative relationship with you.[...]"
ça y est ! le site open data UK est public !
Advised by Sir Tim Berners-Lee and Professor Nigel Shadbolt and others, government are opening up data for reuse. This site seeks to give a way into the wealth of government data and is under constant development. We want to work with you to make it better. We’re very aware that there are more people like you outside of government who have the skills and abilities to make wonderful things out of public data. These are our first steps in building a collaborative relationship with you.Dynamic Dummy Image Generator -
Sometimes you just need a placeholder image right at your finger tips. Just enter the width + x + height at the end of this URL and off you go!15 Common Component Patterns
Odds are good if you are designing a enterprise software or a productivity web application, you’ll need a number of these components…
15种常见的元素典范~15 Must Have Google Chrome Extensions for Web Designers & Developers
chorme plug in
Extensiones google Chrome
15 Must Have Google Chrome Extensions for Web DesignersShowcase of Buttons in Web Design | Vandelay Design Blog
Web Design In Germany
▍ ★∴ ....▍▍....█▍ ☆ ★∵ ..../ ◥█▅▅██▅▅██▅▅▅▅▅███◤ .◥███████████████◤ ~~~~◥█████████████◤~~~~ , instant online Paypal payment! TT Assuring good quality, Coupons and feebies! Don't miss out! Jordan,AF1,Nike , RunningShoes, Sneakers, Dunks $40 Brand Jeans: $ 38 Brand sunglasses, $18 Brand Caps/Hats: $ 18 Brand Belts: $ 28 UGG boots:$ 55 Free Shipping, Retail and wholesale! Payment options: Paypal , TT, Westunion www.nikes-jordan.com20 Indispensable Browser Based Apps | Design Informer
▍ ★∴ ....▍▍....█▍ ☆ ★∵ ..../ ◥█▅▅██▅▅██▅▅▅▅▅███◤ .◥███████████████◤ ~~~~◥█████████████◤~~~~ , instant online Paypal payment! TT Assuring good quality, Coupons and feebies! Don't miss out! Jordan,AF1,Nike , RunningShoes, Sneakers, Dunks $40 Brand Jeans: $ 38 Brand sunglasses, $18 Brand Caps/Hats: $ 18 Brand Belts: $ 28 UGG boots:$ 55 Free Shipping, Retail and wholesale! Payment options: Paypal , TT, Westunion www.nikes-jordan.com80+ Web Tools and Typography resources for web designers
Outils et générateurs en ligne
As Web designers, success is depend on your efficiency in your workflow . Fortunately, there are a number of great resources that have been created with the intent of making your life easier and your work quicker and more effective. Today we listed 80+ Web Tools and Typography resources for web designers. We obviously cannot cover all the best from the web, but we have tried to cover as much as possible.The Future of Journalism Will Be Radically Different - ReadWriteWeb experiment to crowd-source journalism
These days, everywhere you look it seems that some newspaper is closing its doors, stopping its presses, or maybe just going online-only. This sea of change is being heralded by some as the "death of journalism," a transformation that has been brought about thanks to the web. But is the web really killing journalism? Or, is it allowing an entirely new type of journalism to emerge? is a non-profit startup which distributes the cost of hiring a journalist across a community of people. Based in the San Francisco Bay area, has already funded stories where journalists have investigated things like the local police department, poverty issues, and city budgetary issues., SF. crowd-funded journalism. Local stories/issues. Story funded; if publ rts sold will reimburse donors; if not, story released under CC for anyone to republ. Knight Fndtn Grant; also ask cmmty to donate additional $2/partic story. Idea brrwd from micro-financing site: p2p micro-lending. Non-prof: low ovrhds. Aim for (local) journalism to survive death of its institutions. Open-src. Hoping to spread to other locs. Anyone can create pitch: civic stories (politics, edu, enviro etc).Textures In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices | Spyre Studios
Designing an awesome minimalist web design can great, but adding in the textured elements to it can turn it into a visually stunning piece of artwork. Today's article will showcase some of the coolest designs that utilize textures and will also link you to some tutorials that will show you how to turn your website designs into a textured masterpiece :)
ตัวอย่างเว็บที่ใช้ texture background
Textures In Web Design: Examples And Best Practices | Spyre Studios - Free Tools To Validate Your HTML, CSS & RSS Feeds
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers13 Easy And Powerful Website Building Tools To Create Your Free Site @ SmashingApps
This is one of the very best list of its kind where you can find about some best online website building tools available to create your free website. These free website building tools can help a lot to beginners who do not have technical knowledge but have interest in web design. These website building tools can be very helpful for you when you want to get your work done. I hope all of you will like this list if you are office worker, designer, developer, a manager, a supervisor, a student, a home user, etc. Most of them are not very well-known, but they are really amazing in respect to their features. This is the list of 13 Easy And Powerful Website Building Tools To Create Your Free Site. Just take a look at them and share your thoughts here.
E-commerce and website designsFree Website Uptime Monitoring - Uptime Robot
Monitors your websites every 5 minutes, totally free.【速報】 Google Readerであらゆるページを購読可能に ~ 自動RSSフィード生成機能が追加:in the looop:ITmedia オルタナティブ・ブログ
「仕組みとしては,Googleがクローリングしているサイト情報を元に,そのページに変更があった場合に差分からフィードを自動生成していると推測されます。」The Principle of Proximity in Web Design | Webdesigner Depot
Proximity as it relates to web design. Wish there were more articles like this.
Recently I picked up an old design book that I hadn't touched in a while, and it reminded me of a design principle that many of us put into practice
Planlæg dine tweets/fb updates
Application qui permet de publier des tweets ou statut FB en différé
Send Twitter or Facebook status updates later.
schedule tweets and facebook status for laterJilion - SublimeVideo
Not fully there yet, but could be a great one stop solution for video in web pages eventually (why is this still and outstanding issue?)
HTML5 video player
HTML5 video.
"SublimeVideo provides a custom user interface for playing HTML5 videos. The design is Mac-centric (though well polished) and offers a “Full-window” mode which is very visually impressive—and I believe more useful than Flash’s “Full screen mode”. The script will eventually be released free for non-commercial use."110+ CSS Gallery To Submit Your Web Design, Part 1
顔芸自動生成ライブラリHeaders and Footers that Grab You Coming and Going | Web Design Ledger
1、「SEO業者なのに、どうして営業電話してらっしゃるんですか?」と聞くStunning jQuery animations - Webexpedition18
リンククリック時の点線を消す FirefoxやIEではリンククリック時にテキストの周りに点線が表示されるが、それを消したい時に a:active, a:focus{ outline:none; }Panopticlick
"Panopticlick tests your browser to see how unique it is based on the information it will share with sites it visits."
is it possible to uniquely identify your browser w/o any cookies involved? apparently, that's quite feasible.What is a Wiki? [Content]
Good article about wikis
On this site I got information on what a Wiki is.
Site Point
Good article on expaining what a Wiki is. Study this to see how this could be tied onto future web pages/sites that I create.Color Theory for Designers, Part 1: The Meaning of Color - Smashing Magazine
Google maps - sorry, we don't have any imagery at this zoom level
awesome addicting webcomics
Great Google Maps referenceAPE (Ajax Push Engine) :: Comet server :: Real time data streaming
An open source Comet Server for Push AJAX Development» 22 Questions to Ask Before Developing a Website :: CSS, JavaScript and XHTML Explained
Description. You want to read about the code structure of the new website on this historic Inauguration Day of the 44th president of the USA. The site is built on ASP.NET.
"The has a page weight of 821 KB and loaded in 1.58 seconds on my cable modem. This is around average for new and graphically-oriented sites." Say what??Google is changing and it will affect your site « Boagworld
Some of the changes at Google are more visible than others, and some more useful than others, but it goes to show that Google aren’t quite ready to let things stagnate just yet after the launch of Microsoft’s Bing. Realtime results OK, so maybe you have to be using another search engine to miss it, but a list of recent search result changes would be incomplete without mentioning this big one. For some search terms Google are now displaying realtime results: effectively results from Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks. Undoubtedly this will have an effect on search engine optimisation, but whether that means more up to date (and more relevant) results are being returned or simply people will spam Twitter to be featured at the top of Google’s search results remains to be seen.Unleashing the Power of Website Analytics
Uma aula sobre análise de relatórios de acesso (Bounce Rate, Conversion Rate, etc)
Med hjälp av statistik går det att bevisa vadsomhelst brukar man ju säga, men faktum är att statistik för din webbsida också kan hjälpa dig att förbättra den. Det förutsätter att du vet hur du ska tolka statistiken och hur du ska ta till dig av den. I den här artikeln får du hjälp med tips på olika statistikverktyg att använda dig av och hur du genom statistiken kan analysera vad du ska förbättra på din sajt för att
AnalyticsHTML to PDF Converter
webページをPDF化してくれるサイトTop 10 tips to a new django developer - 0 & 1
show rye
Make a font out of your handwriting for free
Free tool for making fonts from your handwriting or any other handwriting. There's also a paid version that allows further control, but the free version also seems to work well.How Much Should You Charge for a Website? - CSS-Tricks
It is a little hard to talk hard numbers here since this will vary wildly from agency to agency, firm to firm, freelancer to freelancer. But let’s just throw some out there just for fun. $75 / hour. That’s a fair rate, I think, for a reasonably skillful freelance web designer.
This question was sent in by Tom Nowell. Tom said he was a university student and has been building websites for people lately. He says that he does it on25 Tweaks for Your Firefox Status Bar | Firefox Facts
Want to add a few more features and functionality to your Firefox status bar? Here are a some common tweaks you may want to make, and how you can get them
Want to add a few more features and functionality to your Firefox status bar? Here are a some common tweaks you may want to make, and how you can get them added to your own browser.14 Useful CSS Editors for Web Developers and Designers
14 Useful CSS Editors for Web Developers and Designers
Excellent set of 14 CSS Editors for Developers and Web Designers browser based, open source css editor are some of the best CSS editors.10 Tips for Better Print Style Sheets | Webdesigner Depot
Very cool!
10 Tips for Better Print Style SheetsMozilla Community Store
"cool mozilla t-shirts"
mozilla community - zazzle storeTaking payments online – merchant account & payment processor fees « Boxed Ice Blog
A possibly useful resource flagged up on the LRUG list.
Excellent article on using a merchant / gateway combination. Can be cheaper than paypal al toldA Better Javascript Memoizer |
javascript performance memoization programming memoizer
Yes, memoization is a neat concept. But why use it rather than just hand-coded caching mechanisms? It’s easy enough to write a caching routine, right? Here are a few good reasons: * hand-coded caching mechanisms obfuscate your code * multi-variate caching routines are bulky in Javascript * fewer lines of code means fewer bugs * Java programmers will think more highly of you*Six Things Your Mom Never Told You About Debugging Javascript « [devlunch]
Hahaha, "Why did you choose a liberal-arts degree when your entire family urged you to go into finance?"
- - - - What is your mother's maiden name? What is your older sister's favorite Monopoly game piece? Who did your paternal grandfather vote for in the 1956 presidential election? Why did you choose a liberal-arts degree when your entire family urged you to go into finance? In what year did you begin working on your novel? How many weeks away was graduation when you dropped out of college? What was your score on the civil-service employment exam? Where were you sitting when your girlfriend told you she was pregnant? Where did you never end up going for your honeymoon? In what year did you begin working for the post office? What is the name of the hedge-fund manager your ex-wife married? How many hours did it take you to drink that bottle of Jack Daniel's yesterday? What time was it when, in a drunken rage, you threw your novel into the fire? If you could do it all over again, what would you do differently?
I think some of these might actually be in use!
Some Answers: Front Door, 4, 1999, Rome, 2014, 8:22
"Why did you choose a liberal-arts degree when your entire family urged you to go into finance?"
haChromium Blog: Danger: Mac and Linux builds available
@phonescooper Link to the blog post here [from]
In order to get more feedback from developers, we have early developer channel versions of Google Chrome for Mac OS X and Linux, but whatever you do, please DON'T DOWNLOAD THEM!「Twitter始めたはいいけれど・・・」 そんな人に
ふぁぼったーSVA Dot Dot Dot Lectures: Jason Santa Maria on Vimeo
jason santa maria on layouts for the interwebs
We all draw influence from somewhere. Whether it be from history, academia, industry, or whether we look to future trends. The work we do has been impressed, whether explicitly or implicitly, by the leadership or direction of others. Who were some of those influencers, and how are they present in our work?9 Widely-Used And Free Forum Softwares
Forum araçları
foruns e mais forunsJason Zimdars | Portfolio | Thinkcage
Useful for my next project
<object type="image/svg+xml" width="100" height="100" style="float:right" data=""> <span/></object>
We’ll explore how to incorporate SVG in a cross-browser friendly manner, including using SVGWeb to ensure that the SVG shows in Internet Explorer.Freebie: Massive Web UI & Button Set » MediaLoot Blog
We’re excited to announce that the first of many MediaLoot freebies is finally here! This freebie is a very large web UI and button set that was designed by our very own Jon Phillips. From text boxes, to buttons, to drop-down menus, this set should have something useful for everyone. Oh, and it’s available in three different styles with over 7 colors. Read more for preview images, licensing information, and a link to download the set for yourself.9 Tips to Smaller & Optimized CSS Files » DivitoDesign
Well Designed Mac App Websites -
디자인이 멋진 Mac App 사이트
You will find 30 alluring Mac app websites here that will hopefully cook up some inspiration and get some of those creative juices flowing.12-words-you-can-never-say-in-the-office.html: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
It's not an intranet, it's a VPN. It's not an extranet, it's a VPN. Hahahaha, I remember PointCast! (But push is back, at least on certain mobile devices that don't let you run background processes ...)
This list is useful for 20-somethings, too. Now when the senior person in the office uses one of these terms, you'll know what he's talking about.
i'm gonna use these as much as possible from now on.40 Beautiful Corporate Websites | Vandelay Design Blog
50 Inspiring Portfolio Designs
great examples of portfolio websitesGoogle’s ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Mantra is ‘Bullshit,’ Adobe Is Lazy: Apple’s Steve Jobs (Update 2) | Epicenter |
About Adobe: They are lazy, Jobs says. They have all this potential to do interesting things but they just refuse to do it. They don’t do anything with the approaches that Apple is taking, like Carbon. Apple does not support Flash because it is so buggy, he says. Whenever a Mac crashes more often than not it’s because of Flash. No one will be using Flash, he says. The world is moving to HTML5.
"No one will be using Flash, he says. The world is moving to HTML5."
After a big public announcement of the sort Apple had this week for the iPad CEO Steve Jobs often takes time in the day or two afterwards to have a Town
I efterdyningarna till Apples lansering av Ipad har det blåst upp till rejält ordkrig mellan Adobe och Apple. Diskussionerna gäller flash-teknikens förträfflighet. Eller avsaknad därav.iPhone CSS—tips for building iPhone websites — CSS Wizardry—CSS, Web Standards, Typography, and Grids by Harry Roberts
By Gallery of Footeristic Footers!!
Gallery of inspirational Footers
フッターのデザイン集JavaScript基礎文法最速マスター - なんとなく日記
Why XMPP will be huge very soonSearch Patterns: Design for Discovery
Search is among the most disruptive innovations of our time. It influences what we buy and where we go. It shapes how we learn and what we believe. This provocative and inspiring book explores design patterns that apply across the categories of web, e-commerce, enterprise, desktop, mobile, social, and real time search and discovery. Using colorful illustrations and examples, the authors bring modern information retrieval to life, covering such diverse topics as relevance ranking, faceted navigation, multi-touch, and mixed reality. Search Patterns challenges us to invent the future of discovery while serving as a practical guide to help us make search applications better today.
A sandbox of search design illustrations, including a pattern library for search and discovery.
Using colorful illustrations and examples, the authors bring modern information retrieval to life, covering such diverse topics as relevance ranking, faceted navigation, multi-touch, and mixed reality. Search Patterns challenges us to invent the future of discovery while serving as a practical guide to help us make search applications better today.25 UI Inspiration and Design Pattern Resources - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Are your fresh design ideas no longer fresh or are you a designer who continually re-uses the same old and trusted design patterns that have followed you for many a year? Or, you might just be a UI designer that is stuck in a rut? If you are looking to change all that, then this is the post for you.Color Theory For Designers, Part 2: Understanding Concepts And Terminology - Smashing Magazineフリーの細字フォントいろいろ - かちびと.net
NICE Thin fonts30 Websites with Lovely Layout and Typography
If you are new to TDC and didn’t know — well lets just say I love me some good ol’ typography — I come from a traditional print design background where layout and typefaces were used more flexibly. With (more) recent advances in web technologies and real font integration services, such as Typekit, the web has definitely become a more beautiful and interesting place aesthetically.
30 Websites with Lovely Layout and Typography - Your Account
Information on how to delete your account from all of the major social networking, blogging, shopping, etc. sites and services across the web.
如何删除各种服务?一站式!Life Below 600px | I Am Paddy
Interesting article about the fold
Insight on designing websites 'below the fold'.
CUTE, AND HE'S RIGHT, I WILL SCROLL, BUT ONLY SO FAR (try to paginate me and I'll get pissed off and leave instantly)What to Expect in 2010: UX/UI Design Simplicity
The change we have been waiting for has come - our users have matured. 2010 is the year of Design Simplicity.Strategizing Web Content - Writing for the Web | letscounthedays
"Users come for the content." True.
Users do not commonly browse the internet looking for a good design or decent user experience. Users browse the web in search of good content. When it comes to designing a website, content is often overlooked, but why? Very rarely do users browse the web looking for a good design or decent experience. Users come for the content. Not giving them what they want with poorly written content will frustrate users. Not only does it waste their time, but your time as well.
When it comes to designing a website, content is often overlooked, but why? Very rarely do users browse the web looking for a good design or decent experience. Users come for the content. Not giving them what they want with poorly written content will frustrate users. Not only does it waste their time, but your time as well.Greasemonkey: The 7 Best New Browser Tweaks and How to Use Them - ReadWriteWeb
Greasemonkey is a powerful Firefox extension that allows users to change the layout and functionality of web pages. Every month hundreds of people write and release Greasemonkey "scripts" that anyone can add to their browser with a single click. A good Greasemonkey script will change your daily use of the web in ways you can't imagine being without. In the post below we highlight our seven favorite scripts published in the last month and offer a quick screencast that will show you how to use Greasemonkey in less than 5 minutes.Web Designers' Browser Support Checklist, Web Designers' Browser Support Checklist : FindMeByIP : what browser am I using, how modern is my web browser, and what's my IP address?
Web Designers' Browser Support Checklist(fab) - a pure javascript DSL for building async web apps
a pure javascript DSL for building async web apps Introduction (fab) is a lightweight (~2KB minified and gzipped) toolkit that makes it easy to build asynchronous web apps. It takes advantage of the flexibility of javascript to create a concise DSL without pre-compilation or magic scope hackery. Node.js currently the only supported platform.
(fab) is a lightweight (~2KB minified and gzipped) toolkit that makes it easy to build asynchronous web apps. It takes advantage of the flexibility of javascript to create a concise DSL without pre-compilation or magic scope » 70+ essential resources for creating liquid and elastic layouts
CSS Design: 70+ essential resources for creating liquid and elastic layoutsFeatured Mobile App Makers | - Home of the Finest Mobile App Makers
Home of the Finest Mobile App Makers
Online directory of iPhone Application Makers11 Outstanding Online Resources for Web Developers
-ImageMagick: to identify the image type and to convert GIF files to PNG files. -pngcrush: to strip unneeded chunks from PNGs. We are also experimenting with other PNG reduction tools such as pngout, optipng, pngrewrite. Hopefully these tools will provide improved optimization of PNG files. -jpegtran: to strip all metadata from JPEGs (currently disabled) and try progressive JPEGs. -gifsicle: to optimize GIF animations by stripping repeating pixels in different frames. uses optimization techniques specific to image format to remove unnecessary bytes from image files. It is a "lossless" tool, which means it optimizes the images without changing their look or visual quality.Bytepawn - Scalable Web Architectures and Application State
Note about Code-State-Cache-Data (CSCD) pattern in scalable web applications.
Short Article propounding the use of a "Code-State-Cache-Data-Architecture" (CSCD) instead of just CD or CCD applications. Basically saying that you should forget about stateful apps if you wan't maximum performance...
Application state - Data you can restore from the database or afford to lose if server is restarted (logged in users). He recommends storing this in-memory. "Application state goes into an in-memory key-value store like Tokyo Tyrant. Cache data goes into Memcached. Persistent data goes into a database"
"What he needs is the insight to identify state, cached data and persistent data in his application. Application state goes into an in-memory key-value store like Tokyo Tyrant. Cache data goes into Memcached. Persistent data goes into a database. Note that the seperation of code and application state may be beneficial later, because it allows you to scale easily by adding new memory servers. ... Let's call this the Code-State-Cache-Data (CSCD) pattern. What Damian originally had was a Code-Data (CD) pattern, and later he optimized to get a Code-Cache-Data (CCD) pattern"無料かつ(おそらく)最速であなたのWebアプリケーションを世界に公開する方法 - スタジオズブリ
Google App EngineでRubyのSinatraをとりあえず動かすチュートリアル。DBはどうすんのかな。Four ways to optimize paginated displays | MySQL Performance Blog
A paginated display is one of the top optimization scenarios we see in the real world. Search results pages, leaderboards, and most-popular lists are good examples. You know the design pattern: display 20 results in some most-relevant order. Show a "next" and "previous" link. And usually, show how many items are in the whole list and how many pages of results there are. Rendering such a display can consume more resources than the entire rest of the site! As an example, I'm looking at slow log analysis results (with our microslow patches, set to log all queries) for one client; the slow log contains 6300 seconds' worth of queries, and the two main queries for the paginated display consumed 2850 and 380 seconds, respectively.
Rendering such a display can consume more resources than the entire rest of the site!
A paginated display is one of the top optimization scenarios we see in the real world. Search results pages, leaderboards, and most-popular lists are good examples.7 Tools You Should Be Using For Better Web Designs
7 Good UI design tools, and testingThe Principle of Contrast in Web Design | Tips
The Principle of Contrast in Web Design | Tips - Font Stack | A Way Back
‘Serious efforts are being made to get more typeface choices on the web to enhance web typography. Still, most of us prefer web-safe fonts like: Verdana, Georgia, Times New Roman and Arial. Though choices are limited, yet the number can be increased by exploring other pre-installed fonts’.10 Big Time-Saving Tools for Web Designers
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers
10 Big Time-Saving Tools for Web Designersshutup.css
Clever stylesheet that blanks out comments on many popular websites.
"… a custom user stylesheet that can be applied to your browser to hide comments on many popular web sites without user intervention."
shutup.css is a custom user stylesheet that can be applied to your browser to hide comments on many popular web sites without user intervention.A Showcase of Website Navigations with Serious Click Appeal | Inspiration
It is easy to forget that the big popular sites were once small too. The first version of Digg cost $200 to build and launch. After Kevin Rose came up with the idea back in 2004 he found Owen Byrne through eLance to develop the idea. He was paying $99/month for webhosting and got the domain name for $1,200. A few months later he launched the site with an announcement on his blog. This is what it looked like.
サービスは最低限で始めてよしCSS3 Techniques You Should Know
Many of you have probably heard all the buzz around CSS3, but exactly which techniques can we use today? In this article I’ll show you some different CSS3 techniques that work great in some of the leading browsers (i.e. Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera ), and how they will degrade well in the non-supported browsers (i.e. Internet Explorer). Using browser specific extensions, many of the proposed CSS3 styles can be used today!Forget About Photoshop: 5 More Ways to Stop Using Images in Your Designs - Cherrysave
If you think user testing is time consuming and expensive, will change your mind with their article on cheap, effective testing, allowing you to get back to designing for your audience.
Quotes from Steve Krug and Jakob Neilsen31 Color Resources Every Designer Should Know | Mogdesign
In this post I will look at most useful, mostly online tools, that can help you to avoid the mistake that many people do and to chose colors for your projects wisely and with confidence.Let’s Call It a Draw(ing Surface) - Dive Into HTML 5
これはかっこいいな!Dropboxで「快適!USBメモリ要らず生活」のススメ | IDEA*IDEA
いまさら感たっぷりですが、Dropboxがいい感じです。「このフォルダの中身は、どのPCから見てもいつでも一緒」という安心感がたまりません。メインのPCで作業をしつつ、ノートPCを持ってイベントに行けばさきほどまで作業していたファイルにすぐにアクセスできます。 今までこうしたファイルはUSBメモリに移して(もしくはGmailで自分に送る)いたのですが、最近はめっきりUSBメモリを使わなくなりましたよ! 複数のPCを持っている人じゃないとあまりピンと来ないかもしれませんが、メインPCとノートPCなんかを使い分けている人は是非導入してみてはいかがでしょうか。 db_files.gif ↑ 普通のフォルダと同じように使えます。同期が終わっているファイルはこのように緑のチェックマークがつきます(同期中のものは青いアイコンになります)。 その他にもいいことたくさんありますよ!個人的にぐっと来たポイントをつらつらと。 * 履歴が残る 昔のバージョンもまとめて管理しておいてくれるので「あの古いバージョンに戻したい!」というときに便利ですね。プレゼンファイルとかに威力を発揮するのでは。 db_revision.gif ↑ 保存するたびに履歴が。 * ウェブからも見れる ウェブにも同じファイルが残るので、バックアップ的な意味合いで安心です。最悪ウェブにあるでしょ、という安心感があれば、「同期作業きちんといっているかな・・・」というストレスが減るというものです。 * 削除したファイルやフォルダも見れる 削除されたファイルやフォルダも復元可能っぽいです。今のところすべての削除されたファイルを保管しているようですね・・・。 db_delete.gif ↑ いざというときに便利っす。 * フォルダ単位で他の人と共有できる あるフォルダだけ他の人と共有することもできますよ。共同作業をしているときに便利。 * Public Linkもあるよ フォルダを共有する場合はDropboxユーザーに限られますが、非Dropboxユーザーとも共有したい場合がありますよね。そうした場合はウェブから誰でもアクセスできる「Public L
これは最強に便利だ!How to Dissasemble a Free WordPress Theme Part 1 | Blog design Blog for Blog Designers
How to Dissasemble a Free WordPress Theme Part 1 | Blog design Blog for Blog Designers - Common Web Design Mistakes (Blunders) | Web 2.0
Creating a website can be challenging but the hardest part lies in making it usable. The problem is the majority of web designers forget that the website wasn’t created for themselves but to solve the users’ needs.I Can’t Believe Some People Are Still Saying Twitter Isn’t A News Source
If I didn’t hear about something important happening by watching my Twitter stream, it’s the first place I go to get an idea of what’s going on. Years ago I would have turned to the cable news channels, now it’s Twitter. It’s not just the speed of early reports either. Twitter also serves up a constant stream of updates as situations progress. The facts seem to be irrefutable. But some people disagree, as they wrote in comments to my Mumbai post. You should also read TomsTechBlog, who argues that it’s irresponsible to think of Twitter as a news source. The reason? The facts are often wrong. This is the same argument that mainstream journalists used against blogs when they rose to fill a void in the news over the last few years. Yet even the NY Times admitted years ago that blogs were an important news source when disaster struck: “For vivid reporting from the enormous zone of tsunami disaster, it was hard to beat the blogs.” But blogs are nothing compared to Twitter, which lets any
Tech Crunch post about use of Twitter in Mumbai
Interesting view. I'm still on the fence.
Twitter is emerging as a major force in breaking news.
Microblogging and news reporting...
people (who need it) point to this as major validation15 Design Tips to Learn From Apple | Design Shack
15 Design Tips to Learn From AppleBBC - The Virtual Revolution - Home
Discover more about The Virtual Revolution with our exclusive 3D Documentary Explorer. Mixing video from the series, with the web pages that tell the story of The Virtual Revolution, this is a radical new way to experience a documentary.
An open and collaborative documentary on the way the web is changing the world
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By Thursday Bram There's no formula for a perfect portfolio. There's no format that's guaranteed to land you clients, as long as you follow it. However, there -- hyper-fast mini-webapp production, in Python
You should need to know a little about using the command line, and perhaps a little Python, before using this.Fontspring | Desktop and @font-face fonts
Check this out for tonight.WEB開発者は必携かもしれないHTTPパラメータ解析用Firefoxアドオン「UrlParams」:phpspot開発日誌
さらに解析するだけでなく、独自パラメータを定義して送信するといったことも可能です。The Future of Web Content – HTML5, Flash & Mobile Apps
Diskussionerna om flash vs. html5 fortsätter.
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HTML5の情報まとめ100+ Resources for WordPress Theme Developers –
One of the great things about working with WordPress and developing your own themes is the community and all of the resources that are available. If you’re not sure how to do something or looking to see what solutions other theme designers and developers are using, you can find plenty of infomation and tutorials to help.QuirksBlog: The iPhone obsession
mobile development opinion
Points made, but terribly incomplete.Hueniverse: Explaining the OAuth Session Fixation Attack
Opera Unite developer's primer
Opera Unite features a Web server running inside the Opera browser, which allows you to do some amazing things. At the touch of a button, you can share images, documents, video, music, games, collaborative applications and all manner of other things with your friends and colleagues. This article gets you started on the road to Opera Unite Service development — it describes how the Opera Unite Web Server in Opera works and how it can be used. Below I will briefly recap some of the basic concepts related to Opera Unite, show how you can enable the Web server in your browser, and give an example of how to write a simple Opera Unite blog service.
Opera Unite features a Web server running inside the Opera browser, which allows you to do some amazing things. At the touch of a button, you can share images, documents, video, music, games, collaborative applications and all manner of other things with your friends and colleagues.
Documentation and examples of unite services
Introduction Opera Unite features a Web server running inside the Opera browser, which allows you to do some amazing things. At the touch of a button, you can share images, documents, video, music, games, collaborative applications and all manner of other things with your friends and colleagues. This article gets you started on the road to Opera Unite Service development — it describes how the Opera Unite Web Server in Opera works and how it can be used. Below I will briefly recap some of the basic concepts related to Opera Unite, show how you can enable the Web server in your browser, and give an example of how to write a simple Opera Unite blog service.I made $622,322.96 in 2009 from affiliate marketing. AMA. : IAmA
Find, try, buy and download fonts from the world's largest collection of fonts online.Making a Photoshoot Effect With jQuery & CSS – Tutorialzine
We are creating a photo shoot effect with our just-released PhotoShoot jQuery plug-in. With it you can convert a regular div on the page into a photo shooting stage simulating a camera-like feel. Using this plug-in, we give visitors the ability to take shots of the background image.
The jQuery PhotoShoot plugin gives you the ability to convert any div on your web page into a photo shooting effect, complete with a view finder.
Agrega un efecto de blur a una imagen como si estuviese hecho en photoshop, cool!A Quick Look at Mobile Web Designs
Designing for the mobile web is not the same as designing for the traditional web, and though as an industry we're just learning as we go, we have to learn to adapt quickly to these new demands. Let's take a quick look at some concepts to keep in mind when designing for the mobile web.
I should dive more into this subject, so let's Instapaper this for now ;) and skim it over for good reference. In April I will attempt to make a mobile version of Orpion and articles like these might prove very useful.Oliver James Gosling - Freelance Web Developer
Oliver James Gosling - Web Developer & Internet specialist based in Bristol, UK.
@j_car is indeed very pretty - clever too, quite a lot to discover for a one page siteAaron Rosenfeld » phpWatch Release Announcement
phpWatch is a general purpose service monitor that is able to send notifications of outages via e-mail or text-message (SMS). The purpose of this system is two-fold: it allows administrators to easily check the status of many different services running on any number of servers and also allows developers to interface with the query and notification APIs.
phpWatch is a general purpose service monitor that is able to send notifications of outages via e-mail or text-message (SMS)JavaScriptファイルやCSSファイルを圧縮して高速化する「YUI Compressor Online」 - GIGAZINE
ほえー。どうなってんだろ。Build a Web 2.0 Document Search Site - Nettuts+
Tutorial q ensina a criar um site de procura basedo nas extensões dos arquivos.
Build a Web 2.0 Document Search Site | Nettuts+ -
In this article, we will create a document searching site with jQuery. This site will be used to search documents by specifying an extension (file type). The data is then filtered and sent to Google. We'll learn many jQuery tips and skills through the process. A gray box plugin called "ColorBox", and a toolTip plugin called "SimpleTip" will also be introduced in this article. Let's get started.
Rechercher un type de document grâce à google.
In this article, we will create a document searching site with jQuery. This site will be used to search documents by specifying an extension (file type). TheDesign 0.101 for Programmers
Getting a blank slate First things first - give yourself a decent doctype to make sure you are turning on "strict" mode so that you have some sort consistency across browsers.
Crappy defaults are indeed demoralizing
I am not a designer now I will never be a designer. I don't have the talent or the patience for it. Unfortunately my very close proximity to a designer for the past 10+ years has led me to tend to place a higher value on how things look than I did previously (or would probably prefer).The hidden power of border-radius « CreativityDen
In this post we will explore the property border-radius and how it can be used to create circles, semi-cricles and quarter-circles. It also has the potential to produce some terrific designs using just CSS – no images.Ask SM: PHP/MySQL Security | How-To | Smashing Magazine
mmo game from the founders of FlickrFirefoxを簡単に軽くする2つの方法 - 2のまとめR
Web Apps Tools
For one reason or another, a lot of freelancers use Web based Applications. As a full-time freelancer and part-time geek, I really like to manage my activities with applications on web too. Web based applications have many advantages over software that you have to download and install it on your computer. First, you don’t need to install or update anything on your PC. Also, you can use the application from any PC or mobile device. You don’t need to worry about backups because your data is safely stored on a server.Developing Sites With AJAX: Design Challenges and Common Issues - Smashing Magazine
buscador de dominios curtos, muitos bom
Voilà un site web bien utile pour rechercher un nom de domaine, entrez l'importance de différents critères (mots courts, sans nombre, ...) ainsi qu'un mot de début et/ou de fin et il vous génère toute une liste de noms de domaines correspondants aux paramètres indiqués tout en vous donnant leur disponibilité.
Si estáis buscando el nombre del domino de vuestro próximo proyecto y no os convence ninguna de las opciones que os comenté hace unos meses, probad con Se trata de un buscador de dominios que permite establecer prioridades antes de mostrar los resultados. Podéis pedirle que muestre sólo nombres fáciles de leer en español, o que no tengan números, o que sean cortos, o que tengan un prefijo determinado… la lista resultado muestra diversas extensiones, para todos los gustos, con un código de colores indicando si están o no disponibles. Un buscador muy completo y sencillo de usar.Giz Explains: Why HTML5 Isn't Going to Save the Internet - HTML5 - Gizmodo
More examples fo CSS3 from Web Design Wall.
The CSS3 trend is getting more and more popular. In fact CSS3 new features open a lot of new possibilities. Check out my previous post on "CSS3 Animation Demos" to see the things that you can do with it. However, don’t get too excited so soon because it is not fully supported by all browsers yet. But this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it at all. So, when should you use CSS3 new features? Well, continue on this post to see some excellent examples.CSS3 Click Chart by Impressive Webs
CSS3サンプルPerfection kills » Javascript quiz
Interesting JavaScript quiz based around closures and orders of evaluation. Some of the questions are quite mindbending.
Great quiz and comments.gMap - Google Maps Plugin For jQuery | Examples
Now that I am getting more into jQuery I may just have to use this20 Fantastic Usability & Conversion Analysis Tools | Spyre Studios
A list of SaaS Project Management toolsJilion
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great lighting, texture, really smooth firm siteTwitter API Viewer
Accounting for every aspect of a new website isn’t easy, especially at the last minute. The problems aren’t the details themselves, but rather theTechniques for Mastering cURL | Nettuts+
cURL is a tool for transferring files and data with URL syntax, supporting many protocols including HTTP, FTP, TELNET and moreCreate Your Own Sliding Resizable Grid
Sliding Resizable Grid
ブラウザのサイズが変更されると、レイアウトがスライドのアニメーションで変更されるスクリプトNewsletter Design: 50+ Great Examples |
A good newsletter campaign can be a great way to inform your subscribers of all your company's latest news, products and specials. In this post you will seeFitted: a jQuery Plugin
Clickable blocks of content.flattr
social micropayments system
Social subscription/payment system
We aim to revolutionize how people pay and get paid for content on the internet. Come, join and show the world that good content is worth some coins out of your pocket.
New micropayment website, founded by the PirateBay guys
"We aim to revolutionize how people pay and get paid for content on the internet. Come, join and show the world that good content is worth some coins out of your pocket."Cookie cutter web sites | Carsonified
Cookie cutter web sites | Carsonified -
Atencion en "Details with personality"Web designs with exceptional forms of navigation « CreativityDen
Web designs with exceptional forms of navigation « CreativityDen - Interesting Design Trends Among Blogs: 2010 | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Intressant läsning om menyer och text på bloggar.
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info about how to manage ads on your site: resources, sites, info and links.
Smashing Magazine articleApostrophe Now!
Apostrophe is a content management system - an open source plugin for the Symfony framework - designed for maximum flexibility with a minimal learning curve. The interface is ergonomic, all content-editing is performed in-context. Manage levels of user permission. Organize and integrate photos and videos in the media library. Create complex page hierarchies quickly.
Apostrophe is a content management system designed for maximum flexibility with a minimal learning curve. The interface is ergonomic, all content-editing is performed in-context. Manage levels of user permission. Organize and integrate photos and videos in the media library. Create complex page hierarchies quickly.
sistema CMS para symfonyWhat are the most useful websites on the web? : AskReddit
This new code gives you the ability to dramatically affect how users will be able to interact with your objects, allowing you to provide getters and setters, prevent enumeration, manipulation, or deletion, and even prevent the addition of new properties. In short: You will be able to replicate and expand upon the existing JavaScript-based APIs (such as the DOM) using nothing but JavaScript itself.商用サイトでもフリーの細部まで丁寧に描かれたアイコン -midtone design | コリス
様々なフリーのアイコン集Jabber/XMPP Server List
Gute Liste mit Servern und TransportsImpressum Generator | specials | intern Portal zum Internetrecht von Rechtsanwalt Soeren Siebert
Impressum, Rechtssicherheit,
Erstellen Sie anhand Ihrer Vorgaben kostenlos ein individuelles Impressum und minimieren Sie so das Risiko, abgemahnt zu werden!Top 40 Ways to Take Notes Online | Marc and Angel Hack Life
Detta är ju något jag konstant experimenterar med också. Defenitivt värt att undersöka!
Regular note-taking is one of the most productive habits a person can practice. The ability to take notes online and access them anytime, from any ...Websites 'must be saved for history' | Technology | The Observer
25 January 2009 The British Library's head says that deleting websites will make job of historians harder. Historians face a "black hole" of lost material unless urgent action is taken to preserve websites and other digital records, the head of the British Library has warned.
web sites are vanishing at faster rate and efforts must be made to prevent this phenomenon in order to keep today's digital web resources for future generation.
The article examines the notion of archiving exisiting websites on the internet for the fear of loosing not only content, but part of our history. With so many online sites, especially in the age of user generated websites, blogs, forums, the question is which sites should be archived, and how do we decide?
Lynn Brindley
Il responsabile della British Library afferma che la cancellazione dei siti renderà il lavoro degli storici più duro
Seems like we're becoming alert to the fact that the web contains stuff that needs to be saved. Good!
Historians face a "black hole" of lost material unless urgent action is taken to preserve websites and other digital records, the head of the British Library has warned. Just as families store digital photos on computers which might never be passed on to their descendants, so Britain's cultural heritage is at risk as the internet evolves and technologies become obsolete, says Lynne Brindley, the library's chief executive.これからのデザインのためのアイコンセット50 | CREAMU
商用可もある。The Life and Times of A Twitter Link :: Blog :: Fuel Interactive
We asked the author of @thewholeworld, who has about 2,500 followers, to run a series of three tests promoting various funny videos or articles. What we found was surprising; nearly all traffic to those links was within five minutes of the tweet. After that… nothing.
A marketers view in some respects but interesting none the less. "The moral of the story is that twitter is like any social event you've ever attended. You can't expect the person you've just met to know what you told someone in a previous conversation. So get involved, have fun and make connections with your consumers."
Based on anecdotal empirical testing, the average useful lifespan of a link shared on Twitter is only ~5 min.
with 5 take aways
Fuel Interactive is a full-service web design, development and marketing agencyRefining Data Tables :: UXmatters
After forms, data tables are likely the next most ubiquitous interface element designers create when constructing Web applications. Users often need to add, edit, delete, search for, and browse through lists of people, places, or things within Web applications. As a result, the design of tables plays a crucial role in such an application’s overall usefulness and usability.
Great filter examples from Luke Wroblewski.
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We all realized that working together for a common good would be much more productive than duplicating things on each side of the fence. Merb and Rails already share so much in terms of design and sensibility that joining forces seemed like the obvious way to go. All we needed was to sit down for a chat and hash it out, so we did just that.
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YahooのYSlow的なCSS Killswitch
CSS (short for "Cascading Style Sheets") is the markup that makes the internet look the way it does. CSS Killswitch works by creating a unique, inconspicuous, and innocuous stylesheet that you'll link the potentially problematic client's site to. Should negotiations go south and passwords get changed before you receive payment, that stylesheet can be activated to superficially black out the site, returning to you the upper hand. * When relations return and you've received payment, the killswitch is easily deactivated and its traces removed. Not convinced? Try a two second demo of what it could do to this page. Oh, did I mention this is free? Because it's free.
CSS Killswitch lets you non- destructively black out a difficult client's website with the click of a button.Thumboo! Free Website Thumbnails and PHP Script to Generate Web Screenshots
Tool to generate website thumbnails. Includes an API.
Free Website Thumbnails and PHP Script to Generate Web ScreenshotsiPhone: A web developer's new best friend : iSmashPhone
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It ia an attractive presentation of sites as thumbnails.A user can click on a thumbnail to open the site, after which the navigation bar at the top of the page allows single-page viewing. From there, a viewer can use the navigation tools at the top of the page to continue to the next page or revisit previous pages -- or return to the thumbnail overview of all pages.A single page views do not open sites in a new window, so the URL remains fixed to Weblist's URL. Users can browse the pages within the spotlighted webpage, but they cannot jump to sites outside of Weblist.
Visual list of links50 Beautiful Clean and Simple Web Designs
When it comes to web design, my experience demonstrates to me that it’s easier to add to a design rather than to take away from it. The challenge with minimalist layouts lies in the conundrum of making something beautiful with basic design elements —and with as few of them as possible.
50 Beautiful Clean and Simple Web Designsデータベースを用いたセッションデータ管理について - Slow Dance
Web アプリケーションとは切っても切れないセッション機構。DB ベースでセッション管理を行なって得られた知見と、それを元に考察した結果をまとめてみます。100 herramientas para Twitter separadas por categorías | Locos x los Bits
100 herramientas para TwitterIs ChatRoulette the Future of the Internet or Its Distant Past? -- New York Magazine
The first time I entered ChatRoulette—a new website that brings you face-to-face, via webcam, with an endless stream of random strangers all over the world—I was primed for a full-on Walt Whitman experience: an ecstatic surrender to the miraculous variety and abundance of humankind. The site was only a few months old, but its population was beginning to explode in a way that suggested serious viral potential: 300 users in December had grown to 10,000 by the beginning of February. Although big media outlets had yet to cover it, smallish blogs were full of huzzahs. The blog Asylum called ChatRoulette its favorite site since YouTube; another, The Frisky, called it “the Holy Grail of all Internet fun.” Everyone seemed to agree that it was intensely addictive—one of those gloriously simple ideas that manages to harness the crazy power of the Internet in a potentially revolutionary way.
I found myself fantasizing about a curated version of ChatRoulette—powered maybe by Google’s massive server farms—that would allow users to set all kinds of filters: age, interest, language, location. One afternoon I might choose to be thrown randomly into a pool of English-speaking thirtysomething non-masturbators who like to read poetry. Another night I might want to talk to Jets fans. Another night I might want to just strip away all the filters and see what happens. The site could even keep stats, like YouTube, so you could see the most popular chatters in any given demographic. I could get very happily addicted to a site like that. Read more: Is ChatRoulette the Future of the Internet or Its Distant Past? -- New York Magazine
"Eventually, I realized that clicking “next” was not so much a rejection as it was pure curiosity, like riding a train past an apartment building at night, looking briefly into as many lit windows as possible."One-Page Portfolios: Trends and Showcase | Vandelay Design Blog
In this post we’ll look at ten trends of one-page portfolios with examples of each. At the end of the post we’ll include a showcase for your own design inspiration, plus some resources to help you if you’re interested in creating your own one-page portfolio.
Web Design and Development Blog27 Beautiful and Inspiring Header Designs | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
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A very simple jQuery CMS that can be configured and set up in around 2 minutes. Plugging in to your site is a breeze, and can be done at almost any time during the life cycle of development. Installation file: due to many requests I have now completed an installation script for this little plugin which is basic, but functional. Note: This is a very small CMS, with no database requirements. Ideal for small sites, or where only a small amount of 'content management' is required. If your site requires all content to be databased, there are many other CMS programs already in existence to choose from, so then maybe this is not the right solution. :)
Project Hosting on Google Code - Visual Editing Jquery plugin50 Inspiring Dark Web Designs | Inspiration
Inspiring Dark Web Designs10 Hand-Picked Tutorials for Beginning Web Designers | Nettuts+
10 Hand-Picked Tutorials for Beginning Web DesignersGoogle Chart Tools - Google Code
The size of an image in a website layout is important. From proper alignment to getting just the right amount of white space, sizing photos and graphics properly beforehand is essential to creating a balanced look. Images on the web are measured in pixels. Yet many people go through the trouble of setting their images to 72 dots per inch (DPI). The process of sizing them is often misunderstood.FRESH01 | Web Design, Code & …Stuff!
Unbelievable! What a awesome WP layout design.justin / webmachine / wiki / BigHTTPGraph —
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updated version of Alan Dean's diagram
http flowchart10 really cool Google Chrome hacks | News | TechRadar UK
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techradarユーザーフレンドリーな優れたナビゲーション集 | コリス
ナビゲーションメニューのデザインショーケースの紹介。この記事からリンクしている「ウェブデザインにおける効果的なコミュニケーションの取り方」は、先日紹介した「Clear And Effective Communication In WebDesign」の意訳版ですね。
SmashingBBC - BBC Internet Blog: A new global visual language for the BBC's digital services
Global Visual Language 2.0
« Previous | Main | Next » A new global visual language for the BBC's digital services Post categories: GVL, uxd Bronwyn van der Merwe | 18:10 UK time, Tuesday, 16 February 2010 The BBC website began its official life back in December 1997 with this very simple design. It was a basic offering with two sections to the site. Over time it has grown to encompass a great deal more. However due to the organic way in which the website evolved and the old structure of the business, with dozens of small design teams working independently of each other, the site had a fairly schizophrenic nature once you delved into its depths. About 2 years ago, after printing out the site onto what has now become jokingly known as the 'Wall of Shame' we decided to embark on an ambitious project, called Global Visual Language 2.0, with the aim of unifying the visual and interaction design of and the mobile website.SVG-edit demo
Browser based SVG editor!
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Une feuille de styles de base pour bien démarrer vos projets - Alsacréations -
Feuille de style de base10 Simple and Light Weight CMS Solutions | Tools
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cms solutionsHow The Times' Home Page Gets Made | The New York Observer
Times deputy managing editor Jonathan Landman still considers the front page of the printed newspaper a sacred space, a place where editors and reporters display their best work and uphold the tradition of The Times’ quality reporting.
By most counts, New York Times deputy managing editor Jonathan Landman still considers the front page of the printed newspaper a sacred space, a place where editors and reporters display their best work and uphold the tradition of The Times’ quality reporting. “The front page is still a front page; there’s still six stories there, and they are what they are,” Mr. Landman told The Observer. “They occupy the same positions that they always have. If they are influential or not influential, it’s for the same reasons, right?”30 Brilliant Websites So Smart in Organizing Design Elements | DevSnippets
Show of hands - how many of you are still clinging to Firefox not because it's the perfect browser, but because it's the best alternative out there to Internet Explorer? Probably a good many of you, and the reason why Firefox has been so hard to supplant as the No. 2 gateway to the Web is because Mozilla had the foresight to make it extensible. Thousands of add-ons exist allowing users to custom tailor the open- source browser however they see fit, and it only takes a few mouse clicks to do so.
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hahahahahahaLimited edition design and typography products for refined tastes – Ligature, Loop & Stem
1. Typographic terminology and letterform characteristics. 2. Creators and curators of fine typography-related products. Ligature, Loop & Stem offers limited edition products created to delight those who love typography and design. Use them for inspiration or reference as you work… or play. LL&S products are original, exclusive and crafted for you with precision and care by fellow designers: the chaps at ButterLabel, of Toronto and California. As each collection sells out, LL&S will release new original work. Consider this first batch a tease to, erm… stroke your serif.
Limited edition design and typography products for refined tastes
Ligature, Loop & Stem is a curator of artisan quality typographic products for designers.40 Single Page Mini Templates
Simple, modern, well documentated mini templates for online resumes, business cards and under construction pages.[CSS]CSS3で何ができるの? という時にみておきたいサイト集 | コリス
CSS3で何ができるの? という時にみておきたいサイト集
CSS3でいったい何ができるのか、どのように記述するのかなど、ベーシックなものから実践的なテクニックまでサンプルやコードなど実装例が掲載されているサイトを紹介します。30 Useful (and Unknown) Web Apps You Need to Bookmark | Maximum PC
500 Internal Server ErrorA Collection of “Coming Soon” Web Pages | Webdesigner Depot
Coming soon page @freshter is on WebdesignerDepot | /via @xeniusmedia [from]Official Google Blog: The intelligent cloud
"Thus, computer systems will have greater opportunity to learn from the collective behavior of billions of humans. They will get smarter, gleaning relationships between objects, nuances, intentions, meanings, and other deep conceptual information. Today's Google search uses an early form of this approach, but in the future many more systems will be able to benefit from it."
Computer systems will have greater opportunity to learn from the collective behavior of billions of humans. They will get smarter, gleaning relationships between objects, nuances, intentions, meanings, and other deep conceptual information. Today's Google search uses an early form of this approach, but in the future many more systems will be able to benefit from it.The Life, Times (and Death?) of Internet Explorer 6 (Comic Strip) - Smashing Magazine
In recent years Internet Explorer 6 has become the browser web designers love to hate. Security issues, JavaScript errors and inexplicable CSS rendering quirks have...
n recent years Internet Explorer 6 has become the browser web designers love to hate. Security issues, JavaScript errors and inexplicable CSS rendering quirks have made it the brunt of many jokes. With IE6 in its twilight and big companies like Google dropping support, it seems like a good time to take a fond look back at our old foe. In this post we’re looking at what Internet Explorer 6 used to be and why its image changed over the years. You can also see the comic in a larger version. Do we need to review our projects in Internet Explorer 6? Can we stop supporting IE6? If not, how do we handle those users who are still using IE6? And if yes, how can we prompt IE6 users to upgrade? Or how do we convince those who don’t allow their employees to get rid of the legacy browser to upgrade? What do you think? We are looking forward to your opinions in the comments to this post!
Really Nicely Illustrated!
I finally know where Andy Clarke got his Twitter avatar...フォトレポート:フリーウェアで有料アプリを代替--節約上手なソフト選び:ニュース - CNET Japan
Download.netの特集から描かれた翻訳記事。ほとんどこっちを読めば済む。CS3の件だけDownload.netの記事(の方が詳しい。Mobile Browser Battlemodo: Which Phones Deliver The Real Web
Excellent overview of Mobile Browsers and comparison - c. late 2008. Safari, Android, IE, Opera Mini, etc
smartphone browsers review
We tested every browser only using the full—not mobile—versions of selected sitesNYTimes Exposes 2.8 Million Articles in New API - ReadWriteWeb
The New York Times did just that this afternoon when it announced that it has released a new Application Programming Interface (API) offering every article the paper has written since 1981, 2.8 million articles. The API includes 28 searchable fields and updated content every hour.
The New York Times announced that it has released a new Application Programming Interface (API) offering every article the paper has written since 1981, 2.8 million articles. The API includes 28 searchable fields and updated content every hour.[CSS]背景画像をページの最下部に固定表示させるスタイルシート | コリス
fixedWhat really happens when you navigate to a URL
As a software developer, you certainly have a high-level picture of how web apps work and what kinds of technologies are involved: the browser, HTTP, HTML, web server, request handlers, and so on. In this article, we will take a deeper look at the sequence of events that take place when you visit a URL.Create a Clean and Professional Web Design in Photoshop
In this Photoshop web design tutorial we are going to design a smashing, clean, and professional website layout in Photoshop. The layout we are doing in this tutorial can be used as personal or corporate website design.
Create a Clean and Professional Web Design in Photoshop’s Make a Deal - 15 Things You Need in a Web Contract | The Wojo Group
Writing the perfect web contract can be a daunting task - but here are 15 tips on what to include and some additional resources for help.Sorry Google, You Missed the Real-Time Web! - ReadWriteWeb
This article, written by Bernard Lunn, portrays (w/example from the Hudson River Crash) the manner in which has ultimately placed itself in the position of after-the-fact-news conveyor/historical web archive`er. Lunn states that sites, such as, have much more up-to-date coverage (no matter how accurate). It is unclear whether or not this due to Google's status as a search engine or internet icon.
In case you missed it, this live streaming mashup of the plane that crashed in the Hudson River yesterday did what no media company could do. It is the future of media -- crude, simple, and missing loads of things we would want, yes, but new media always show up that way.
The era of dominance is shrinking. IBM dominated tech longer than Microsoft did, and Google's period of dominance will be even shorter. As with IBM and Microsoft, a great and wealthy company will remain (after a painful period of post-dominance restructuring).22 Creative Uses of Robots in Web Design
Robots en webs. (Tinkerbot)
22 Creative Uses of Robots in Web Design [from]
Simply put… robots are awesome. Using robots in a web layout adds a touch of unique and futuristic feel to it. In this imaginative showcase, you’ll find creative applications of robotic elements in web design.NIXUS Icon Pack: 60 Beautiful Premium Icons (Free) | Tutorial9
A new high color free icon set.Projective Texturing with Canvas | Steven Wittens -
html5 canvas image skew
The Canvas tag's popularity is slowly increasing around the web. I've seen big sites use it for image rotation, graph plotting, reflection effects and much more. However, Canvas is still limited to 2D: its drawing operations can only do typical vector graphics with so-called affine transformations, i.e. scaling, rotating, skewing and translation. Though there have been some efforts to try and add a 3D context to Canvas, these efforts are still experimental and only available for a minority of browsers through plug-ins.
a working projective transform renderer in JavaScript. The algorithm uses adaptive subdivision to maintain quality and can be tuned for detail or performance.
The Canvas tag's popularity is slowly increasing around the web. I've seen big sites use it for image rotation, graph plotting, reflection effects and much more. However, Canvas is still limited to 2D: its drawing operations can only do typical vector graphics with so-called affine transformations, i.e. scaling, rotating, skewing and translation. Though there have been some efforts to try and add a 3D context to Canvas, these efforts are still experimental and only available for a minority of browsers through plug-ins.С - сайт с картинками, фото и клипартами для фотошопа. Скачать бесплатно картинки, фото, обои, рисунки, клипарты, текстуры, фоны.
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peores paginas
lo que no se debe hacerGlimmer: a jQuery Interactive Design Tool - Articles - MIX Online
Glimmer: a jQuery Interactive Design Tool is a prototype from the Mix Online Labs which makes jQuery accessible through a visual tool. The objective for Glimmer is pretty simple: to enable the power of jQuery through an interactive design surface. If jQuery is the "write less, do more” JavaScript library, then Glimmer is the “write none, do more” jQuery design tool. Glimmer has three core audiences: power users, designers and developers.
this blog is nice looking
כלי נחמד אבל לא ממש שימושי
Glimmer: a jQuery Interactive Design Tool is a prototype from the Mix Online Labs which makes jQuery accessible through a visual tool.
Windows app that generates JQuery, HTML, and CSS
Desktop application that automatically generates jQuery scripts and CSS based on user parameters. Windows only, but looks powerful -- especially for designers who aren't code monkeys. Will benefit power users as well.Social Media Today | The 39 Social Media Tools I’ll Use Today
Thanks to Krysti Wetherell for this link
One social media pro weighs in on favorite social media tools to use daily34 Outstanding Admin Panels for Your Web Applications -
Application platforms, broadly defined, are here to stay. Facebook's platform, first launched in 2007, now has tens of thousands of applications. MySpace, which ...25 Beautiful Examples of “Coming Soon” Pages
The dawn chorus... the music of love... whale song... a babbling brook... but none compare to the beauty of the Codeorgan. It reads the content of any webpage and translates the content into music.
Generiert fluffige Elektromusik aus HTML-Code. Lustig.
code funk fun ♫♪ via Sarah
Turn any website into music...Dispostable - Disposable email!
Create a disposable, throwaway email address. If they force you to provide one for some service you may or may not want, give them one of these40 Free Professional Useful Icon Sets for Web Designers | Smashing Buzz
タイポグラフィ2The Comprehensive Guide to Saving Images for the Web
On the surface, saving images for the web can be a pretty straightforward process. However, if you dig deeper there's a wealth of information and techniques you might be missing out on. This article focuses on the diverse features of Photoshop's Save for Web & Devices command and best practices for saving images that are optimized for web - test any web page in any window size
Sexy Buttons can be created using either <a> or <button> elements by adding class="sexybutton" and wrapping the text in double <span>s:
Click this button right now! Submit <button>Exclusive: How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web | Magazine
Want to know how Google is about to change your life? Stop by the Ouagadougou conference room on a Thursday morning. It is here, at the Mountain View, California, headquarters of the world’s most powerful Internet company, that a room filled with three dozen engineers, product managers, and executives figure out how to make their search engine even smarter.
Exclusive: How Google’s Algorithm Rules the Web
Excellent in-depth look at how Google's constantly-improving algorithms make it superior.Showcase of Great Web App Interfaces | Webdesigner Depot
Compilação das mais belas interfaces gráficas de Aplicativos na WebErqqvg
A demonstration of the potential of the canvas element, which could pave the way for javascript to replace flash.
example of canvas tag for 3d image display
pretty sick html5 canvas demo via Gen Kanei13 Useful Google Chrome Extensions for Web Developers | Tools
Information and downloads for Google Chrome extentions aimed at web developers
Google Chrome, like Firefox, has the ability to increase its functionality and capabilities through the use of extensions. If you’re a web developer, Google Chrome comes with a nice set of developer tools built in that will make your life easier. But there are also a number of extensions that will give you even more tools at your disposal. The great thing about extensions is that they allow you to perform tasks that would normally require you to switch over to another application. Being able to perform certain tasks without leaving your browser can be a big time saver. Here are 13 Google Chrome extensions that you should find very useful.
Google Chrome, like Firefox, has the ability to increase its functionality and capabilities through the use of extensions. If you're a web developer, Google20 Fresh Sets of Free Icons for Web Designers | Freebies
The goal here is to take text formatted like this:And render it like this instead:That way, when it's rendered with a nice variable-width font, it ought to look more or less like this: In the above, take particular note of a few points: * "Doublequotes" were correctly translated to “smart” quotes in the order in which they appeared in the source text; * The second opening doublequote in the first paragraph did not cause the opening doublequote in the second paragraph to mis-render out of order; * The "--" em dash on the second was correctly turned into an em dash (—); * Straight apostrophes are not (yet) turned into nice ’s; Beware! Pasting large blocks of text into a textarea in Firefox is liable to take several seconds to complete; Internet Explorer 8 seems to be about the same speed as FF 3.5; and Google Chrome is quite a bit slower. Execution time is mostly dominated by the running time of string.replace() and the overhead of the function call executed for each m
Cleans up plain text for nice formatting and the like:: :: FREE Stuff for Web Design :: Vector Icons
pretty dopeshow
Online portfolio of Lidia Gana, freelance web designer, free vector icons to use for your personal or commercial projects携帯各キャリアの固有IDについて (全キャリア対応) - ぱらめでぃうす
"Internet Explorer Six, resident of the interwebs for over 8 years, died the morning of March 1, 2010 in Mountain View, California, as a result of a workplace injury sustained at the headquarters of Google, Inc. Internet Explorer Six, known to friends and family as "IE6," is survived by son Internet Explorer Seven, and grand-daughter Internet Explorer Eight."
Site humoristique qui annonce la mort de IE6.
Internet Explorer Six, resident of the interwebs for over 8 years, died the morning of March 1, 2010 in Mountain View, California, as a result of a workplace injury sustained at the headquarters of Google, Inc. Internet Explorer Six, known to friends and family as "IE6," is survived by son Internet Explorer Seven, and grand-daughter Internet Explorer Eight. Venue Change: Apparently even more people want to see IE6's cold dead body than we imagined. To better accommodate the overwhelming response, we're changing the venue. On Thursday, March 4, 2010, at 7:00 p.m., we'll gather with fellow IE6 friends and loved ones at Forest Room 5, 2532 15th Street, Denver, CO 80211-3902 to pay our respects. Those unable to attend the funeral are asked to send flowers.
Funny and very smart from the organizers. --- "Internet Explorer Six, resident of the interwebs for over 8 years, died the morning of March 1, 2010 in Mountain View, California, as a result of a workplace injury sustained at the headquarters of Google, Inc. Internet Explorer Six, known to friends and family as "IE6," is survived by son Internet Explorer Seven, and grand-daughter Internet Explorer Eight. Funeral services for Internet Explorer Six will be held at 7pm on March 4 at Aten Design Group, 1629 Downing Street, Denver, CO 80218. Those unable to attend the funeral are asked to send flowers."
Internet Explorer Six, resident of the interwebs for over 8 years, died the morning of March 1, 2010 in Mountain View, California, as a result of a workplace injury sustained at the headquarters of Google, Inc. Internet Explorer Six, known to friends and family as "IE6," is survived by son Internet Explorer Seven, and grand-daughter Internet Explorer Eight.
Internet Explorer Six, resident of the interwebs for over 8 years, died the morning of March 1, 2010 in Mountain View, California, as a result of a workplace injury sustained at the headquarters of Google, IncI'm just sayin'
fingers that fuck when you change the size of the browser window10 Great Tools to Create a Mobile Version of Your Site | Spyre Studios
10 Great Tools to Create a Mobile Version of Your Site !!!!Web Spidering and Data Extraction with scRUBYt! | Ruby Pond
ui design
Business Web application design is too often neglected. I see a lot of applications that don't meet the needs of either businesses or users and thus contribute to a...Firefox: 46 features you might not know about ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
Awesome things I didn't know that Fire Fox could do.Best Practices for Hints and Validation in Web Forms
Web表示チェックなど、使えるツールまとめ。gleeBox: Keyboard glee for your web
Keyboard glee for your web
gleeBox is an experimental project that takes a keyboard-centric approach to navigating the web. It provides alternatives to actions that are traditionally performed via the mouse. Some of these are radically more efficient than using a mouse, some not so much. In all cases, they are mostly meant for keyboard and command line lovers. Here's a short screencast that goes through the new features introduced in version 1.0:
gleeBox is an experimental project that takes a keyboard-centric approach to navigating the web. It provides alternatives to actions traditonally performed via the mouse and is meant mostly for keyboard and command line lovers.The AIDA Marketing Model in Web Design - Noupe
If you’ve been formally educated in marketing, more than likely you’ve learned about a marketing model called AIDA. AIDA is an acronym that represents the different steps involved in selling a product or service. Very often, the principles of AIDA are applied naturally when a useful product or service is being marketed. Being web designers and app developers, however, our personal involvement on a technical level in our own or client projects may deter our efforts to produce a design that correctly implements AIDA.
modelo de web markwtiing
modelo AIDA en webShowcase of Transparency in Web Design | Vandelay Design Blog
Showcase of Transparency in Web Design | Vandelay Design Blog - Awesome Google Services You Never Knew Existed | Mac|Life
Whether you're sending an email in Gmail, finding directions to that fancy restaurant using Google Maps, or pretending to be a part of the latest microblogging craze with Google Buzz, the G-word is everywhere. Well, it turns out that there is also a whole library of Google web applications and services stacked up behind the everyday services you may have come to take for granted.Creating a Well Designed Invoice: Step-By-Step | Design Shack
List-building community. Ever come across a "Top 20 X" or "Worst 10 Y" list that you totally disagreed with? What if you could edit the list right on the spot and make your opinion heard? Demolistic allows you to do just that, and much more.
Sito realizzato con CakePHPType Tips—short, quick tips on all things web typography from Harry Roberts of CSS Wizardry
Short, quick tips on all things web typography.
A selection of short typography tips: Line length matters, Pay attention to your leading, Use a baseline grid, Type talks, Use a grid.
…Wu Wei // equivocality
シンプルでよしSinatra Book
Useful to review or critique docs collaboratively
Share and mark up documents online
Share and mark up documents online | crocodoc -
Useful for collaboration on documents for teachers and students10 Fresh tools and resources for web developers
Wavemaker is the most interesting of these, but any could come in handy.
In this post I want to suggest you some interesting tools and resources for web developers. This list includes a CSS framework to design sitemaps using HTML lists, some interesting JavaScript frameworks, some interesting jQuery plug-in, a PHP face detection script, a tutorial to work with the Twitter API and a tutorial about how to retrieve your Gmail emails using PHPHTML、CSS、JavaScriptの練習に最適な便利ツール『rendur』 - 100SHIKI ~ 世界のアイデアを日替わりで ~
ブラウザだけでHTML、CSS、JavaScriptの編集ができ、その結果をリアルタイムに確認することができる。10 Essential Chrome Extensions for Web Developers
Now extensions are supported in Chrome and some of the tools you’re accustomed to using in Firefox have become available, plus a few unique to Chrome. We’ve compiled a list of ten of the most useful Chrome extensions for web developers right hereSo... you want to be a web developer? - Download Squad
I had the most interesting conversation with one of my friends the other day. Adam: "Whew... finally finished with my latest web project!" Friend (in awe): "Whoa! That's awesome! How did you make that?" Now, of course, this project of mine was a full-fledged ASP.NET web application; a simple question like "how did you make that" could easily end up with me not only explaining what I did, but how I did it, and which tools and technologies I used. That way, instead of wondering about the magic that makes all those fancy programs out there on the internet work, my friend could understand exactly what goes on to make that happen. Well, that couldn't hurt, right? Adam: "Do you really want to know? I'm warning you... this could get messy." Now, at this point, my friend gives me one of those funny looks like I'm completely crazy. But being a web developer, I'm already used to that. Friend: "Well, sure..." And so it begins. Step 1: Tools of the Trade Adam: "Well, the first thing weWhy Sweden rules the web - Features, Gadgets & Tech - The Independent
Phone calls, movies, music, TV – Stockholm has emerged as the epicentre of an online revolution, giving us all what we want, instantly, for free. Tim Walker reports from the world's new digital capital
Ek acknowledges that, without the far-reaching effects of The Pirate Bay and its ilk, Spotify could never have come to fruition. "There is a big file-sharing community here in Sweden," he says. "It's how people want to consume content. They don't want to be illegal, but they want to have everything at their fingertips instantly, which is what The Pirate Bay facilitated. The best way to compete with that is to come up with a better product. Spotify exists because of piracy."
Phone calls, movies, music, TV – Stockholm has emerged as the epicentre of an online revolution, giving us all what we want, instantly, for freeTO. -- Get Shorty URL
Korteste URL-shortener?...
NanourlThe Semantic Web: A Treasure Trove for Marketers - ReadWriteWeb
"What is the semantic web, you wonder? Don't worry, you're not alone. The term "semantic web," or "Web 3.0" as some folks have started calling it, means different things to different people. In this post, we'll clarify what it is and why we think it will play an important role in the world of marketing. Two technologies in particular (natural-language search and content enhancement) promise to bring companies much closer to their customers and deliver to consumers more relevant content than ever before."
Die Bedeutung vom semantischen Web für modernes Marketing: Natural Language Search und Content EnhancementWeb 3.0 Might Be Really Stupid
@marshallk: "talking about an old classic post with MySpace on phone: Web 3.0 Might Be Really Stupid" (from
What are you doing? How about now? Has anything changed since you started reading this blog post? Every story has a who, what, where, when, and why - ...
The first version of the web was a navigable network of interconnected pages. The next version was based on easy self-publishing through blogs, video, commenting and the like. Still another big shift is believed to be underway; web applications are enabling and taking advantage of all that content to find patterns. Linked data, semantic analysis, analytics and data mining all form a layer on top of the content-web that could serve as the foundation for the next series of applications and other added value.Dare Obasanjo aka Carnage4Life - REST API Design: Invent Media Types, Not Protocols and Understand the Importance of Hyperlinks
The key thing to remember is that REST is about building software that scales to usage on the World Wide Web by being a good participant of the Web ecosystem. Ideally a RESTful API should be designed to be implementable by thousands of websites and consumed by hundreds of applications running on dozens of platforms with zero coupling between the client applications and the Web services. A great example of this is RSS/Atom feeds which happen to be one of the world's most successful RESTful API stories.Hacker News | How I Hacked Hacker News (with arc security advisory)
How I Hacked Hacker News (with arc security advisory)mootoh.log - Native Client
"Java は思想的に近いだろうけど、さらに泥臭いことができるという。あと、 Java とか Flash だと、中間に VM というレイヤがあるのですが、 Native Client ではそこをすっとばしていきなりネイティブをさわりにいく"
Native Client
GoogleのNative Client概要Photoshop Vip » ダウンロードしておきたい100個のフリーフォント保存版まとめ
ダウンロードしておきたい100個のフリーフォント保存版まとめ72 Questions to Ask New Web Design Clients with PDF Chart | BonFX - Logo Designer & Freelance Graphic Designer
How many times have you hung up the phone after a chat with a new prospective client and then immediately slapped your forehead and said “I can’t believe I forgot to ask ______!”. Yes, fill in the blank. You have done this, right? If not, you will shortly. Well, I jotted down my own personal list of forgetful-questions, and did a quick survey of the top 20 results for “questions to ask new web clients” and related searches. Aside from semantic fluctuations, there was zero overlap: we all ask the same stuff. So I present below the best 72 questions to ask prospective web design clients, along with a PDF chart.
How many times have you hung up the phone after a chat with a new prospective client and then immediately slapped your forehead and said “I can’t believe I forgot to ask ______!”. Yes, fill in the blank. You have done this, right? If not, you will shortly. Well, I jotted down my own personal list of forgetful-questions, and did a quick survey of the top 20 results for “questions to ask new web clients” and related searches. Aside from semantic fluctuations, there was zero overlap: we all ask the same stuff. So I present below the best 72 questions to ask prospective web design clients, along with a PDF chart. Get your graphic design brain moving When I brainstormed the list, it was initially very group-oriented and linear, as the brainstorm process naturally is. However, I chose to mix the list results up deliberately for several reasons: * When a list is in random order, you actually have to read it * Random lists will stimulate the brainstorming process in you * OrderedThe Future Of CSS Typography - Smashing Magazine
There has been an increasing and sincere interest in typography on the web over the last few years. Most websites rely on text to convey their messages, so it’s not a surprise that text is treated with utmost care. In this article, we’ll look at some useful techniques and clever effects that use the power of style sheets and some features of the upcoming CSS Text Level 3 specification, which should give Web designers finer control over
poste mais de 140 caracteres no twitterSocratED - Startup 3.0: How to Build a Better Web Startup Course
Excelente curso para starup 3.055 Colorful Web Designs to Inspire You | Inspiration
modfelos de design em corThe Ultimate Collection Of Brilliant Web Design Tutorials - Noupe
Mongo DB Production
Interesting blog post detailing production experiences with mongodb.10+ useful code snippets to develop iPhone friendly websites
"When developing websites, you have to care about different browsers, as well as mobile devices such as iPhones or iPods. In this article, let's have a look at the 10+ most useful code snippets (Javascript, PHP, CSS, etc) for developing iPhone friendly websites, quickly and efficiently."How to Build a Footer That Doesn’t Stink | Webdesigner Depot
Taking an event that fires multiple times in a short period of time, and treating them as one event.
パフォーマンス、ユーザー動作の休止を検知する、バウンス(スイッチの切り換えサイクルが収束すること)、Throttling(イベント発生数を減らす /mousemoveイベントなど)、発生回数などは保持する、一定期間(threshold)イベントが発生しなくなってから処理を実行する/イベントをまとめる、execAsapがtrueの場合は先に処理を行い一定期間(threshold)処理を受け付けない、timeoutが空かどうかで判定している/高速にsetTimeoutとclearTimeoutを繰り返す、←ツールチップ表示のトリガの動作に近い
via youpy、パフォーマンス、ユーザー動作の休止を検知する、バウンス(スイッチの切り換えサイクルが収束すること)、Throttling(イベント発生数を減らす/mousemoveイベントなど)、発生回数などは保持する、一定期間(threshold)イベントが発生しなくなってから処理を実行する/イベントをまとめる、execAsapがtrueの場合は先に処理を行い一定期間(threshold)処理を受け付けない、timeoutが空かどうかで判定している/高速にsetTimeoutとclearTimeoutを繰り返す、←ツールチップ表示のトリガの動作に近い
デバウンス 短時間に発生する複数のイベントをまとめる setTimeout/clearTimeout
timeout id をクロージャにして関数を返す関数を作ることで、resize などの操作が続けて起こる場合は、操作が全部終わってから特定時間待つように。debouncing というらしい。 Inspiration in Uncommon Sources: 12 Places to Look - Smashing Magazine
Ache inspiracao, 12 lugares para olhar... bem interessante
วิธีการหา inspiration แบบต่างๆ7 Must Have WordPress Plugins For Every Blog | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Google XML
some good wordpress stuffUsability Review of Charity Websites Taking the Lead - Smashing Magazine
Over the years designers have pushed themselves to create unique and inspiring designs. Companies have yearned to have websites which are innovative and make them...Your Starter For Ten: 10 things never to leave out of a web design brief « Boagworld
DropBox USB
"万一USBメモリを紛失したとしてもファイルは取り出せる" ことは大きなポイントですね。Breakdown of the Blogosphere
Facts and figures on the Blogosphere
Planning to use this on Jim Mora - National Radio , 3rd March , 2010Alloy UI - A project of Liferay
Composants JS
Alloy is a UI metaframework that provides a consistent and simple API for building web applications across all three levels of the browser: structure, style and behavior. * HTML * CSS * JavaScript10 Simple Tips for Launching a Website
Measure twice, cut once. Better yet, measure thrice. Making certain that your early visitors will have the best experience possible when first arriving at your site means that everything needs to be working correctly. Check to make sure that all hyperlinks work. Make ultra-sure that contact forms, email accounts, commenting systems, and all the other things that your users will interface with, is working properly. One of the late quick fixes we had to implement just hours before Design Instruct’s launch had something to do with category pages. Users visiting a category page from the sidebar links that didn’t have an associated tutorial under it simply said that the page could not be found. It gave the impression that there was something wrong. We had to revise the message to say, "There aren’t any posts in this category yet. We’re working on it though, so please check back soon!" to let users know that the pages do work, just that there aren’t anything in them yet.
10 Simple Tips for Launching a Website
The process of launching a website can be a daunting endeavor. There are many things you want to do, but not enough time and resources to do them. However, even though it might seem like a herculean task, as long as you keep some fundamental things in mind, you can ensure a hassle-free website launch. In this article, I’ll share with you some tips for launching a website based on the experience of our own launch of Design Instruct.CSS3 loading spinners without images • CSS & (X)HTML • Kilian Valkhof
CSS transform (in Firefox 3.5+ and Webkit-based browsers) has a whole bunch of interesting functions, such as rotation, translation, scaling and skewing. To learn more about the different functions, check out the Mozilla developer center overview of CSS transform. After playing around with chaining different transforms and seeing the effect, I found out something interesting:The Drawar Gallery » Where beautiful design is displayed
At the moment anyway, a gallery dominated by high-quality entries.10 Popular Firefox Add-ons for Web Developers
Every plug-in on the list offers outstanding utility to developers who install them in their browsers. In fact, some of them are even considered indispensable. And they’re all available as free downloads for Firefox, right now.
10 Popular Firefox Add-ons for Web Developers
what you'd expect, plus a couple more. Includes FTPFantastic Content Sliders for your Inspiration | Webdesigner Depot
read content sliders
Content sliders are extremely versatile forms of navigation that can be used to display all sorts of information, such as images, popular posts, social information and product features. Some have automatic slideshow capabilities or buttons to scroll sideways or up and down, and most of them feature a transition effect, usually a slide motion. Sliders can be great focal points on websites and blogs as they instantly draw the audience’s attention and provide for an easy and sleek way for visitors to interact with a lot of information that can be sorted through quickly. In this post, we have compiled a massive amount of content slider examples that you can use for inspiration on your own websites. Enjoy!
Webdesigner DepotEverything you should know about CSS Frameworks! - High Resolution Spotlights
Esej od autora YAML, Dirka Jesseho.日本語サイトでもきれいに変換!HTMLをPDFにしてくれる『HTML-PDF-CONVERTER』 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
日本語サイトでもきれいに変換!HTMLをPDFにしてくれる『HTML-PDF-CONVERTER』日本語通るのがなかなかないゆえ、良さそうですね。 [...]TOKYO decade - LatLongLab
via unexpected online user behaviours to look out for
task in mind. This means their tunnel vision is already on, they無料で自由に使えるライセンスのアイコンばかりを怒涛のごとく集めた『iconPot』 - 100SHIKI ~ 世界のアイデアを日替わりで ~
めっちゃ大量のアイコン!!What do you suggest?
Using data from Google to make suggetions on where you might like to go next, What Do You Suggest is an experimental and interactive environment designed to explore how we use language and search on the internet.Ten emerging Enterprise 2.0 technologies to watch | Enterprise Web 2.0 |
Some interesting BPM aspects to this: #5 is "enterprise platforms gaining a social layer", which is what I've been seeing (and presenting on) happening in BPMS for a couple of years. Also, #8, "enterprise social media workflow" is an opportunity for current BPMS vendors to get into the social space, or social media vendors to get into the BPM space.Getting Started with CodeIgniter and How to Create All Those Great Apps | DevSnippets
CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for PHP coders who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. If you're a developer who lives in the real world of shared hosting accounts and clients with deadlines, and if you're tired of ponderously large and thoroughly undocumented frameworks
Choosing a good PHP frameworks can help you develop complex Rich Internet Applications quickly, with a best practices oriented approach, and saving a lot of10 Fun and Free Browser-Based Games | Web.AppStorm
インターフェイスを考える。4 Elements of a Successful Business Web Presence
To improve your business or personal profile, you must increase you web presence.Why the internet will fail (from 1995) « Three Word Chant!
Hahahahaha... now THIS made my day! Read it. You'll laugh.Showcase of City Tourism Website Designs - Noupe
Only putting this up here to test how the sharing thing works.
Städte-Websites, Stadt
Site de turismo de várias cidades do mundo45 Web Builders to Create an Insanely Awesome Free Website | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Welcome to your first taste of Haskell! Let's try Haskell right now! Beginners Type help to start the tutorial. Or try typing these out and see what happens: * 23*36 * reverse "hello" Learn More Real World Haskell book cover Get stuck into a book with Real World Haskell (readable online!), published by O'Reilly Media. Checkout for more information about Haskell.30 Powerful Wordpress Plugins For Blog Administrators | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
some of the most powerful administration plugins for Wordpress
うほうほ。クリエイティブエージェンシー猿人のwebサイトWebデザイナーのためのフリーイメージギャラリー20選 | CREAMU
簡単に使える画像ギャラリー「あのサイトではどんなツールが使われている?」が一発でわかる『Sitonomy』 | 100SHIKI.COM
important research document
Rated Colleges Top Rated Online Colleges and Universities 100 Useful Research Tools for Amateur Economists Posted By Site Administrator You don’t have to be a professional economist to do some really great research on the web. Whether you’re looking into historical trends, modern buying patterns or the latest stats on the global financial market you won’t find any shortage of information to keep you interested. Here are 100 great resources to utilize that can help you find, organize and understand your economic research. General Tools These tools offer some great general research material, help getting it all organized and some essential search capabilities. Internet Resources for Economists: This extensive list will direct you towards journals, economic research institutions, software and more that can be helpful in your search for information. American Economic Association: Here you’ll find a wealth of resources including journals, papers and links to members who may be able to heSocial Networking Now More Popular Than Email, Report Finds - ReadWriteWeb
Nielsen Online, an analytics firm that tracks time spent online at various websites, has issued a report finding that throughout 2008 social networking sites and blogs saw more time spent by users than personal email. While not shocking, the finding does mark an important point in the history of the web.
Social Networking Now More Popular Than Email, Report Finds (corrected link) [from]
Nielsen Online has issued a report finding that throughout 2008 social networking sites and blogs saw more time spent by users than personal email.
Facebooks growth in audience numbers - stats日本を拒否するムカつく海外サイトは「Hotspot Shield」で突破 :教えて君.net
) 地域はAL 他は全部いつものクレカ情報や住所のまま
Hotspot Redesign: The Change Has Come | Design Showcase | Smashing Magazine Redesign: The Change Has ComeTop 25 (Non-Obvious) Ways RSS Can Make Your Life Easier
f you’re looking for ways to more fully incorporate RSS into your technology repertoire, here are 25 applications, sites and ideas that can help you make the most of RSS. There are tons of little ways you can use RSS feeds to help you make your daily tasks, errands and life in general a little easier.Urbantastic - Tech Tuesday: The Fiddly Bits
# My own setup.
An architectural approach that uses mostly static HTML and JSON, powered by CouchDB.
In my last post I promised to talk a little about the technology that underlies Urbantastic. It’s not the usual suspects, so it’s worth some explanation.
Annotated link
Splitting static and dynamic data, moving the synthesis of the two to the client with javascript.Stndrd_@
An open source approach for establishing standards and practices in digital production.
An open source approach to applying standards to productionNorwegian Websites Declare War on IE 6 | Epicenter from
Die IE6, die! Browsercide evangelism FTW!
Several large websites in Norway have launched an advocacy campaign urging Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 users to upgrade their outdated web browsers.15 Google Chrome Extensions For Web Designers And Developers | Tools |
A delicious selection of sites with real depth to their look and feel. Also, interesting to see that Hillsong's 'I Heart Revolution' site is in the mix!Don’t Believe these 10 Social Media Myths | Design And Marketing Blog
Social Media Marketing is Easy-
The importance of establishing a strong social media presence has been discussed to exhaustion. You know that you need to be an active user on these sites because social media can produce numerous benefits for you and your brand. Of course, as the bandwagon for social media has filled up, many myths have been spread.動画やスライドショーのBGMに使えそうな楽曲素材サイトまとめ | IDEA*IDEA
individually designed blog post
good ideas and tools for a blog with a style per page.ウェブデザインに役立つカラースキームのサンプルやジェネレーター集 | コリス
The WebCSS3 Please! The Cross-Browser CSS3 Rule Generator
RT @TrendTracker: Entering The Wonderful World of Geo Location - RT @smashingmag
Giving the user content that is relevant to the physical space they are in at the moment makes a lot of sense.21 Resources Especially for Lovers of Minimalism | Vandelay Design Blog
great photo pop-outs, great post borders, great code-snippets15 Best Free Online Tools for Web Design & Development | Web Resources | WebAppers
誰かまともな発注先を見分ける質問リストとか作ったらどうだろうかThe Ultimate (Fresh) Collection Of High-Quality Free Social Media Icon Sets @ SmashingApps
The Ultimate (Fresh) Collection Of High-Quality Free Social Media Icon Sets
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cssやアイコン、テクスチャ、アクションなどいろいろいろまとめすぎてよくわからない・・・デザイナーのための素材サイト13選 | CREAMU
デザインに使える素材を探している。 そんなときにおすすめなのが、『13 Most Desirable Collection Of Free Resources For Every Designer』。デザイナーのための素材サイト13選だ。 以下にいくつかご紹介。GroundOS - Open Source Cloud Web Application Server
すごいねwwアメブロKatz Got Your Tongue? » Rails and Merb Merge
Today is a fairly momentous day in the history of Ruby web frameworks. You will probably find the news I’m about to share with you fairly shocking, but I will attempt to explain the situation. Before talking tech, and even going into the details
Rails and Merb Will Merge. The end result? Rails 3. See too
Katz Got Your Tongue?
RailsとMerbの統合に関して10 Useful Website Analytics Tools | Tools
รวม 10 อุปกรร์ ทำ Analytics
10 Useful Website Analytics Tools
10 (เว็บ)เครื่องมือออนไลน์ไว้เช็กสถิติ-Analytics เว็บ開発者に聞く、Google Chromeが目指すもの - @IT
「昔はWebブラウザの新バージョンのリリースには1年とか1年半かかっていました。しかし、われわれはWebブラウザの世界にも、Webアプリケーションと同じ速度で革新をもたらしたいのです」。[CSS]実用的なものからマニアックなものまでリスト要素をスタイルするベストプラクティス | コリス
ol要素の数字とテキストに異なるフォントを適用/ul要素で3カラムのレイアウトを実装 @あれこれ無料かつ容量無制限!柔軟な設定ができて使いやすいオンラインストレージの決定版『LiveDrive』 | 100SHIKI.COM
サインアップできないよー| ^^ |秒刊SUNDAY | 0円でWebデザイナーになれる、オープンソースウェブ制作アプリ集30個
オープンソースウェブ制作アプリ集Google Code Blog: HTML5 and WebKit pave the way for mobile web applications
awesome work from the gmail guys using html5 goodness to do local caching for offline among other things, i really do like the web interface on the iphone...天気予報API|天気予報、指数情報をAPIで提供
「天気予報API」は、天気予報や様々な指数情報などをウィジェットやブログパーツなどから利用するためのAPIを提供するサービスです。Google Reader - Play
Nieman Lab article on how the online only has a tiny share of newspaper readership
Could this be true?
Some heavy math on how most newspaper reading is still done in print. And why online revenue is only 10 per cent of print. Interesting...
So, U. S. daily newspapers deliver a total of 90.3 billion page impressions per month, print and online. The online share of these page is only 3.5 percent — 96.5 percent of page impressions delivered by newspapers are in print.
I want to emphasize that this analysis was limited to newspapers and newspaper sites as input to that industry’s ongoing search for business models that work. Any individual newspaper or newspaper group has at their command internal data to repeat this analysis more accurately for themselves, and I’d encourage them to do so. There has been a tendency in the industry to inflate the significance of unique visitors. As noted by Josh Benton in the comments, 100,000 monthly unique visitors on the site is not nearly the same as 100,000 print subscribers, but you can find such statistics conflated into equivalence on everything from ad sales materials to 10-K reports. What the industry really needs to do is to develop a valid, independently-audited measure of audience attention. Who knows, it might even help them sell some print advertising.John Resig - How do Mobile Browsers Behave?
Mobile Browsers Compatibility Table
A study on how mobile browsers work...「たかが色、されど色」 ヒトとWebと色の関係:MarkeZine(マーケジン)
なるほど色ね。色とオーラと関係していると言っていたフランス人の友人もいたもの…High Performance Web Sites :: Hammerhead: moving performance testing upstream
If you browse through the portfolios of graphic designers, or through sites like deviantART, Flickr, and the Behance Network, you’ll certainly find some very interesting and inspiring text effects. This collection features a variety of different text effects from various designers.
Inspirational Text EffectsDesigning for the Web – Contents
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Ce site référence un tas de conseil pratiques afin de bien construire un blog sous WPThe Top 100 Classic Web Sites - Apps and Services - Reviews by PC Magazine
These online tools can simplify your life and your workflow.
PC Magazine's definitive list of the best and most trustworthy Web sites of 2008.一工夫でページのクオリティをアップするCSSとJavaScriptのソリューション集 | コリス
The other night, during our monthly SDRuby meetup, lots of people were very interested in learning more about CouchDB and Ruby. I tried to show what Couch was all about but I didn’t have time to show how to use CouchDB with Ruby. Here is me trying to do that in 10 minutes or less. I’ll assume you don’t have CouchDB installed.
CouchDB with CouchRest in 5 minutes The other night, during our monthly SDRuby meetup, lots of people were very interested in learning more about CouchDB and Ruby. I tried to show what Couch was all about but I didn’t have time to show how to use CouchDB with Ruby. Here is me trying to do that in 10 minutes or less. I’ll assume you don’t have CouchDB installed.Try jLinq Online
jLinq is a Javascript library that makes working with complex arrays easy. jLinq was built based on adding functions to the core library so it is easily extended with your own custom code. jLinq is free and open source so you can contribute your creations and help improve the library!
配列をデータベースっぽく扱うことができるJavaScriptのライブラリ『jLinq』Another take on content negotiation
serve content based on client accept header. whatever user is asking for i.e. json or xml.The State of the Web - Winter 2009
Funny IllustrationKevin Rose: How to Promote Your Web App | Think Vitamin
Scripts e tutoriais para desenvolvedores web.
Muitos tutoriais Interessantes, até uma galeria muito boa em JqueryTim Berners-Lee on the next Web | Video on
TED Talks 20 years ago, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. For his next project, he's building a web for open, linked data that could do for numbers what the Web did for words, pictures, video: unlock our data and reframe the way we use it together.
Over het nieuwe web waaronder linked en open data op het web.「iPhoneテンプレートfor MT」を公開いたします。|iPhone|東京Webデザイナー日記リターンズ|crema design
「Best of CSS Design 2008」からいくつかピックアップしての紹介。ウェブページの高速化に必要なもの (Yahoo! JAPAN Tech Blog)
スクリプトは最後に置くAdd Custom Search to any site in two minutes
No need to register, sign up for anything, get a user ID, or anything like that. You can see the result on the right-hand sidebar of my blog.Proyecto 10 al 100
Ya se puede votar por las mejores ideas del Proyecto 10100 [from]
Proyecto de Google para celebrar los 10 años. 10 millones de dolares en premios.
Google presenta un proyecto para las mejores 100 ideas para cambiar el mundo. La votación empieza el 17 de marzo del 2009[Think IT] 第2回:携帯サイトの制作から公開まで (1/3)
携帯サイト構築時にお世話になったりならなかったりした記事A Themer's Cheatsheet | Development Seed
10 Places to Download Free Icon Sets | Freebies | Tutorial Blog -
10 Places to Download Free Icon Sets | Freebies | Tutorial Blogプロレベルのサイト作成時に使える実用Photoshopチュートリアル集:phpspot開発日誌
「Greasemonkey」は「Firefox」のアドオンの一つで、Webページをより使いやすくするツールです。米lifehackerでは2年前に「Greasemonkey」スクリプトベスト10を発表しています。 当時、ライフハッカーとしては自信を持って紹介したのですが、この2年の間に新しいものがいくつか発表されたり、オリジナルのスクリプトが「Firefox 3」用に実装されたりしているので、今回はアップデート版を紹介しますね。
このベスト10は、ややGoogleユーザー寄りであるように感じるかもしれませんが、「Greasemonkey」とGoogleは同じタイプのJavaScriptを使っているので、ある意味予測された結果だといえます。Google Apps Marketplace
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@myen #Bookmarks tweetwrappr | gift wrap your tweets [from]
Você pode embrulhar seus tweets e mandar pra quem quiser!
IP SImulcast RadioBig-Ass Message | by Bjernie's Fast Food [HOW USEFUL]
RT @wwwhatsnew: - Envía mensajes por internet con formato de hace 15 años
Not sure what you'll use it for, but fun all the same :
Send a BIG-ASS MESSAGE5 Advanced CSS Pseudo Classes that will Save your Day | DevSnippets
5 Advanced CSS Pseudo Classes that will Save your Day
As it says on the tin.10 Search Engines to Explore the Deep End of the Invisible Web
he Invisible Web refers to the part of the WWW that’s not indexed by the search engines. Most of us think that that search powerhouses like Google and Bing are like the Great Oracle…they see everything. Unfortunately, they can’t because they aren’t divine at all; they are just web spiders who index pages by following one hyperlink after the other. But there are some places where a spider cannot enter. Take library databases which need a password for access. Or even pages that belong to private networks of organizations. Dynamically generated web pages in response to a query are often left un-indexed by search engine spiders.シンプル、ミニマルなサイトを作りたい時に役立ちそうなアイコンやフォント、ギャラリーなどのまとめ - かちびと.net
Minimalism is beautiful. It truly is. The best part about minimalism in web design is that it comes in many styles, colors and sizes, but they always have the same goal in mind - saying the most while saying the least.
Everything should be as simple as it is, but not simpler.Designing for the Web: A book by Mark Boulton
Designing for the web, a book by Mark Boulton, is now available online for free!
"A Practical Guide to Designing for the Web aims to teach you techniques for designing your website using the principles of graphic design."10 New jQuery Plugins To Spice Up Your Website | webexpedition18
jQuery is an amazing JavaScript library that makes it easy to create wonderful web effects in just a few lines of code. It was released in January 2006 at BarCamp NYC by John Resig. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript. Here are some stunning new jQuery plugins that will make your website fancy and cool.Effective Design for Multiple Screen Sizes | mobiForge
Our open technology platform is well known and Twitter APIs are already widely implemented but this is a different approach because we’ve created something incredibly simple. Rather than implementing APIs, site owners need only drop in a few lines of javascript.
Worth keeping an eye on
Embeded Twitter....what else is this?
RT @anywhere: Announcing our @ platform! #sxsw
Twitter @anywhere : #fb20 High Quality Photoshop Web Design Tutorials | Tutorials
Create web
Website Design InspirationGoogle Analyticsを導入したらやっておきたい簡単で便利な設定集 | ウェブ力学
Google AnalyticsSneaking into Future: 25 Ultra Modern Websites Using HTML5 | Graphic and Web Design Blog -Resources And Tutorials
Take a look and explore the code for an insight into the future of the internet. Be warned, however, few display properly in Internet Explorer. Here comes the 25 websites built using HTML5A List Apart: Articles: Flash and Standards: The Cold War of the Web
"The bickering is getting old. Here’s what we can do."
"Flash and Standards: The Cold War of the Web" /by @danielmall via @russmaxdesign #webstandards #flash50 Yellow Web Designs to Inspire You | Inspiration
Those with the full page bright yellow bg are just awfully RT @DesignerDepot: 50 Yellow Web Designs to Inspire You
For this week inspirational post about web design I decided to gather some yellow sites for us! Personally, I like yellow in web design. And by that I mean that you can use yellow in the whole website or just in some elements of it - like heather, footer, typography, etc. Sometimes a cool combination between a neutral color and a vibrant one lead to an amazing result, so check out the examples we will show here and start thinking about using yellow for your designs.
By Explorer 9: Platform Demos
RT @joelmoss: Why is IE 9 advertising that it fails the Acid 3 test? (via @rbates)Free Icon Search Engine - (301,039 free icons in 2,157 icon packs)
Did you know that blocking ads truly hurts the websites you visit? We recently learned that many of our readers did not know this, so I'm going to explain why. There is an oft-stated misconception that if a user never...
Did you know that blocking adverts really hurts your websites a person go to? Many of us recently realized of which many of our readers did not know this particular, so I'm going in order to describe the reason why.
Ars Technica angenehm nüchtern über das Problem Adblocking und das Experiment, für kurze Zeit für Adblocker-Nutzer auch den Content auszublenden.
Did you know that keeping advertisements genuinely hurts your internet sites an individual go to? All of us lately figured out which many of our readers would never know that, so I'm about in order to make clear why.
Right now keeping advertisings truly affects the particular internet sites anyone check out? We all lately discovered in which quite a few audience would never know that, so I am going in order to make clear the reason why.2ちゃんねる全文検索
Which are the biggest sites on the internet? Explore this interactive graphic to find out.Nicholas Piël » Benchmark of Python Web Servers
Benchmarks super intéressant de quasi tout les webservers python (de mod_wsgi à Twisted en passant par CherryPy). Je ne les connaissais pas tous et certains semblent vraiment fort intéressant (je pense notamment à uWsgi).Everything you need to know about HTML5 video and audio - Opera Developer Community
Bloody Marie FTW !Welcome | Ibis Reader ™
First ebook app modified for iPad. Uses HTML5Project Icon Set | Dezinerfolio
Here is another simple icon set that covers various aspects of a Project. Here is some more info: * 18 Icons in this set * Transparent PNGs * Vector Fireworks Source files * completely FREE... (even commercial use)
pletely FREE... (even commercial use)20 Gorgeous Web Application Interfaces | Design Shack
There are a multitude of books (whether in digital format or print) that cover every possible aspect of web design, each one is unique and offers a personalized opportunity for the author to both educate, inspire, and guide the reader through there knowledge. In this post rather than offer all of my favorite web design books, I have listed 12 books that I have either downloaded and read (or at least scanned through), or I have bookmarked with the whole-hearted intention of eventually reading it (Ruby Best Practices), and the best thing of all? All of these books are completely FREE, in digital format anyway (PDF or HTML).
RT @thiemogillissen RT @simplease: 12 Useful and Free Downloadable Web Design Books Design: Orange Sites | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
A fully automated, active web application security reconnaissance tool. Key features: * High speed: pure C code, highly optimized HTTP handling, minimal CPU footprint - easily achieving 2000 requests per second with responsive targets. * Ease of use: heuristics to support a variety of quirky web frameworks and mixed-technology sites, with automatic learning capabilities, on-the-fly wordlist creation, and form autocompletion. * Cutting-edge security logic: high quality, low false positive, differential security checks, capable of spotting a range of subtle flaws, including blind injection vectors.
@z0nbi What does the #security community think of this announcement: ~ A Google web app security scanner.jQuery for Complete Beginners: Part 1 | Graphic and Web Design Blog
[object Object]Top 10 Google Apps Marketplace Apps - google apps marketplace - Lifehacker
A list of 10 apps from Google by Lifehacker
Google's Apps suite for domain owners and businesses has finally received some star treatment with the launch of the Apps Marketplace. Which Google-friendly apps are free, worth the cost, and entirely useful? These 10 are definitely worth a look.41 Great Looking Free WordPress Themes
para cuando haga mi blog con wordpressFacebook offers up users as marketing tool | Business |
He added the company has been experimenting with analysis of user sentiment, tracking the mood of its audience through what they are doing online. Such information is potentially very interesting to large brands, which are always seeking to measure what their customers think about their own or competitors' products. Facebook's advertising technology already allows advertisers to choose which sort of customer will see their display adverts when they log on to the site. Advertisers can choose from such categories as where the user is located and their age and gender, based upon what the user has uploaded on to Facebook – which is adding about 450,000 new users a day.
An article from February
RT @alexiskold: RT @zaibatsu Facebook aims to market its user database to businesses [from]
aditya: @artagnon Here you go:
כתבה העוסקת בכוונתו של פייסבוק להשתמש בבנק נתוני הגולשים שלו לצורך מסחריFunctioning Form - Interface Design Blog (Weblog)
Поиск людей в интернетеHTML5 Rocks My Socks Off | Three Styles
RT @tweetlicius: HTML5 Rocks My Socks Off | Three Styles - English vs. British English for Web Content (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
"Users pay attention to details in a site's writing style, and they'll notice if you use the wrong variant of the English language."
worth a glance, but it's the Brits' fault that they cannot spell things correctly. Use wrong size paper too!
Users pay attention to details in a site's writing style, and they'll notice if you use the wrong variant of the English language.Cross-domain communications with JSONP, Part 1: Combine JSONP and jQuery to quickly build powerful mashups
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Suggested by arun
[Found via Coast to Coast Bio] Tim Bray outlines a new CS curriculum that re-focuses on the web as a platform (rather than an individual computer). Under this training, CS students would graduate prepared for the modern challenges of working with big data.
The World Wide Web as a framework for structuring much of the academic Computer Science curriculum.
Viewing the World Wide Web as a framework for structuring part of the academic Computer Science (and Computer Engineering, perhaps) curriculum. Includes a link to "The first few milliseconds of a HTTPS connection" which should be as fascinating as a read.Richardson Maturity Model
Richardson Maturity Model : A staged approach towards RESTfulness by @martinfowler
/via Leonard Richardson
A model (developed by Leonard Richardson) that breaks down the principal elements of a REST approach into three steps. These introduce resources, http verbs, and hypermedia controls.50 Beautifully Brown Web Designs | Inspiration
Here are 50 beautiful brown web designs that will inspire you. You will see that brown makes a great base color for a design and works well with many other colors.
50 sites that predominately use the colour brownSkipfishDoc - skipfish - Project documentation - Project Hosting on Google Code
an active web application security reconnaissance tool. It prepares an interactive sitemap for the targeted site by carrying out a r
Software om webapplications te testen, ook op beveiliging
「・・・skipfish - web application security scanner・・・」
Security checks and link extraction for third-party, plugin-based content (Flash, Java, PDF, etc).The Complete Guide to Ripping and Converting Flash Videos - Ripping - Lifehacker
Download YouTube Video
A good amount of video files online are flash or FLV format. They need to be converted whether for playing on Windows Media Player WMA/WMV/ASF or burning to a DVD to play in a DVD player.
Whether you want to save and watch a Flash video offline, convert a Flash music video for your MP3 player, or do something else entirely, learning how to rip and convert Flash videos is a useful skill. Here's how it works.CSS Beginners Do’s and Dont’s Part 2
This is the second part to my previous article “CSS Beginners Do’s and Dont’s Part 1“, if you haven’t checked it out yet now is a good time. In part one, I went over general tips and reminders, in this article I would like to go over more of the technical aspects of CSS.60 Apple Inspired Websites - Why Apple Design Works? | Graphic and Web Design Blog
Apple inspired websites
example of graphic design using apple websites.
Apple has always been showing what beautiful design means in all their designs, products, icons, websites. But what really make Apple design stand out from the crowd? Why it receives so big attention, so many awards, what’s so special in it? I wanted to find it out so that’s why I created this Apple type inspirational post showcasing all the best Apple inspired website designs and in the meantime I also analyzed Apple website as well trying to drop down important points and explain why their design and approach works. It was very interesting study for myself and also I got reason to put all this stuff in easy to read and transparent way.A Guide To Typography On The Web | Fonts |
<p>Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic.</p><p>The web is alive and growing more active with each new day. The increasing number of sites that crop up on the daily shows no signs of slowing, and as the online ranks grow, designers [...]</p>Mainland China service availability
A list of Google services availability in Mainland China.
Regularly updated page showing which Google services are still available in mainland China.
list of google services available in mainland china
Availability of Google Services in mainland China63 of the Best Free Online Tools for Designers and Developers | CreativeFan
lots of links for color scheme, icons, design toolsShowcase Of Web Design In China: From Imitation To Innovation - Smashing Magazine
Válogatás kínai designerek munkáiból.CSS3 Dropdown Menu
with rounded CSS3 corners
Page de démo présentant des menus déroulants créés uniquement avec un fichier CSS 3 (sans javascript)Userfly: Usability Testing Made Easy | UX Booth
新しい会社と労働者の出会いの場.まだ未知数.22 Useful Online Chart & Graph Generators | Tools
Useful Online Chart & Graph Generators
22 different chart generatorsウェブデザインにおける効果的なコミュニケーションの取り方 | コリス
あとで読みましょうThe fundamental problems with CSS3 | Matt Wilcox .net
This post brings to a head a lot of my thoughts and feelings with regard to CSS3 and the way the W3C is developing it. It does not aim to look at specific topics in detail, but to step back and question some fundamental issues that I feel need to be addressed.
my thoughts axkcd - A Webcomic - Outreach
Professor Improbable
- A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe
LOL another oldie, but Goodie. Scientists rock.Your Gmail Account is Now An OpenID
RT @tweetlicius: Your Gmail Account is Now An OpenID -
You may not know it, but you probably have an OpenID. If you have a Yahoo account, you have an OpenID. If you have a Windows Live account, you will soon have an OpenID. And today, if you have a Google e-mail account, you can also start using your Gmail address as an OpenID. By joining the OpenID movement, Google completes the trifecta and adds all of its Gmail users to the hundreds of millions of Yahoo and Windows Live accounts that can also be used as a single login for any Website that accepts OpenID. While Google is more than happy to become an issuer of OpenIDs, what is not so clear is whether it will accept other OpenIDs for people who want to sign up for Google services.
Google appears to be an OpenID “provider,” not a “relying party.” In other words, you cannot sign into Google with your Yahoo account. But this still helps the OpenID movement as a whole because it gives smaller sites more incentive to join as “relying parties.” Among the first sites to accept Gmail accounts for sign in are Zoho and Plaxo.Research Tools
Teaching information access skills cannot be done in a vacuum. It must relate to the learning environment by actively engaging students to gather and process information in a meaningful way. The Big6 and WebQuest are two frameworks you can use in research. In addition, students need to know whether or not the information is reliable, how to cite resources, and understand copyright. The following guides and activities are designed to help teachers and students examine Websites and their content.20 Stunning Examples of Horizontal Navigation Menus
Основные правила при разработке сайтов
нию на свет более сотни сайтов и около трех десятков интерфейсов. Среди работ есть проекты для таких компаний, как Sunbay Software,SEOをある程度勉強して、初級から中級になりかけた頃に知りたくなる8つのQ&A - 海外のSEO対策・SEOツールをわかりやすく解説するブログ
Search Engine Land に Jill Whalen さんによる、「The Answer To All Your SEO Questions!」という投稿がありました。 記事タイトルを訳すと「SEOに関する全ての質問に対する答え」となります。ポイントは「questions」が複数形であるのに対して、「answer」が単数でしかも「The answer」となっていること。 これは、SEOに関する全ての質問に対する答えは「一つの答え」
タイトルタグ変更などDaniel Mall: Interactive Art Director
good design portfolio新iGoogleのインターフェースがスゴイ!Web OSの時代が来るかも! | Google Mania - グーグルの便利な使い方
javascript:_dlsetp('v2=1'); で新インターフェースに切り替え。v2=0で元に戻す。Blog the Web | Teach the Web
Leslie Jensen-Inman
Jeffrey Brown
lots of resources. wow.Internet: a mídia que mais cresce porque vende | UOL
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this site can be dangerous in a fun time wasting kind of way. ideal for long boring meetings.CoScripter
CoScripter is a system for recording, automating, and sharing processes performed in a web browser such as printing photos online, requesting a vacation hold for postal mail, or checking flight arrival times.
Firefox automation for websites testingLifehacker Top 10: Top 10 Tools for Your Blog or Web Site
Tools to optimize your blog
Having your own hosted web domain has never been cheaper, or easier, with the vast array of free resources out there. Here are our ten favorite tools to help anyone launch and maintain their internet presence.2009年のウェブデザインのトレンド:レイアウト編 | コリス
先日、紹介した「2009年、押さえておきたいウェブデザインの10のトレンド」の続き、レイアウト編をSmashingDon’t Let Your Baby Die - How to use Social Capital to Market Your Web App | Think Vitamin
Conversation and Empowerment, No one cares about your company. They’re into their journey. .....the most powerful way to do marketing in this day and age is to build ’social capital’. It’s a lot like Karma: do good and help others and it will come back to you.個人ニュースサイト界隈で最も「情報元」になっているサイトTop30
directories, account mgt, blog resources, research and WordPress tools for twitterTHINK / Musings» Blog Archive » Distribution … now
"Over the past year there has been a rapid shift in social distribution online. I believe this evolution represents an important change in how people find and use things online. At betaworks I am seeing some of our companies get 15-20% of daily traffic via social distribution — and the percentage is growing. This post outlines some of the aspects of this shift that I think are most interesting. The post itself is somewhat of a collage of media and thinking."
Over the past year there has been a rapid shift in social distribution online. I believe this evolution represents an important change in how people find and use things online. At betaworks I am seeing some of our companies get 15-20% of daily traffic via social distribution — and the percentage is growing. This post outlines some of the aspects of this shift that I think are most interesting. The post itself is somewhat of a collage of media and thinking.
"A stream. A real time, flowing, dynamic stream of information — that we as users and participants can dip in and out of and whether we participate in them or simply observe we are are a part of this flow." / "Overload isnt a problem anymore since we have no choice but to acknowledge that we cant wade through all this information. This isnt an inbox we have to empty, or a page we have to get to the bottom of — its a flow of data that we can dip into at will but we cant attempt to gain an all encompassing view of it. "
information to be conceptualized as flowGoogleのSEOスターターガイドの翻訳 - ソーシャルメディアマーケティング
RT @redesocialesweb: #delicious_hoslist GoogleのSEOスターターガイドの翻訳 - ソーシャルメディアマーケティングユーザーが「見る広告」「見ない広告」--ユーザーの行動を決める要素とは?:マーケティング - CNET Japan
よく見られる広告 ・1PVあたりの滞在時間が長いページ(動画を見ている時、ネットで暇つぶしをしている時など) ・専門メディア無いでかつユーザーの関心にマッチしている
滞在時間と専門性Complete list of 2009 Webware 100 winners | Webware100 - CNET
Complete list of 2009 Webware 100 winners - [from]
All the Webware 100 winners in one place. Read this blog post by Rafe Needleman on Webware100.Featured Download: AlwaysVPN Takes U.S.-Only Sites International
Featured Download: AlwaysVPN Takes U.S.-Only Sites International for HULU, etc from USA collection of 14 Excellent JavaScript Date Pickers
How Accessible is Your Website? 8 Tools to Analyze Your Website’s Level of Accessibility
Designing a website that's as much successful as it is effective takes time, skills, and a lot of testing. Normally, when we're talking about web design and we hear the word testing, the first thing that comes to mind is usability, and that's fine, but when was the last time you sat down to analyze the level of accessibility of your website? Testing on other aspects of your website are important, however, a lot of us seem to neglect our websites accessibility. This can ultimately lead to the loss of a wide range of users and poor elements of design. But not to fear, below we've compiled a set of tools that will help you combat poor accessibility. Every tool is free to use and has been chosen because it's easy to use and offers quality testing.
8 Tools to Analyze Your Website’s Level of Accessibility
Designing a website that’s as much successful as it is effective takes time, skills, and a lot of testing. Normally, when we’re talking about web design and we hear the word testing, the first thing that comes to mind is usability, and that’s fine, but when was the last time you sat down to analyze the level of accessibility of your website?Reverse HTTP - Second Life Wiki
http 方向返回
what's difference between comet and reverse httpEssential Practices for Styling Your CSS | Design Reviver
Essential Practices for Styling Your CSS | Design Reviver - Sprites: Useful Technique, or Potential Nuisance? - Smashing Magazine
CSS Sprites tekniği hakkında makale
What do you think? Should we reconsider the use of mega sprites in CSS development? Do the statistics in favour of the savings on HTTP requests warrant the use of...
CSS sprites, muito util e interessante a tecnica, neste post podemos ver que ele é util em casos de estilizacao... mas nunca no conteudoCoding a Clean and Professional Web Design
In this web development tutorial, you will learn how to code a clean and professional web page template from a Photoshop.
Coden einer WebsiteWhere Is The Fold
Browser Size
Wonderfully useful tool. End the debate!
Great tool50 Retro and Vintage Web Designs to Inspire You | Inspiration
In today’s post, we attempt to sum up as many free and high quality fonts as possible into one post. These following fonts can be downloaded free and use for any of your projects. Although they are free, it’s always good for you to check with various creators about the licensing if you are going to use it for commercial projects.
Tipografías para el diseño web profesional10 Excellent Tools for Creating Web Design Wireframes | Tools
PageRank is a standard and much discussed topic in SEO and while it is relevant, the methods and techniques discussed are often not. There is a lot of
SEO optimization articlesFred Wilson’s 10 Golden Principles of Successful Web Apps | Carsonifiedデザイン劇的ビフォーアフター09年春版
この4月、新しい事業年度のスタートに合わせ、各社のWebサイトが相次いでリニューアルした。ここでは、3月下旬~4月にかけて大規模なリニューアルを実施したWebサイトを編集部でピックアップし、リニューアル前後の画面写真付きで紹介する。TweepMe - Get Twitter Followers. - the first 5,000 members receive free lifetime subscriptions #TweepMe [from]
TweepMe - - the first 5,000 members receive free lifetime subscriptions #TweepMe [from] #FAIL [from] - the first 5,000 members receive free lifetime subscriptions #TweepMe [from] - the first 5,000 members receive free lifetime subscriptions #TweepMe [from]
RT @BertDecker RT @mashable TweepMe seems to totally misunderstand the point of Twitter. Not recommended. [from]
Gimmick or good idea? I want to find out.
This seems like an unbelievably sad effort to rapidly boost follower numbersAngel of Death Ep 1 "Edge" starring Zoe Bell | Crackle
Most awesome ACTION web series ever! Zoe is a pro stunt woman, doubled for Uma in Kill Bill, starred in Grindhouse: Death Proof. Now kicks ass amazingly in this web series that could have been a feature film, it's so good!12 cheap or free web-based tools your web startup should know about « Flexvite's Blog
Brainstorming / Mindmaps, Checking Domain Names, Prototyping user interfaces, Screen sharing, conferencing, feedback, Project Planning and Story/Task tracking, Usability testing, Cross-browser,email testing, Build and keep in contact with your following, Price-scalable hosting, Gathering feedback / market research.『Stack Overflow』から学ぶ最近のコミュニティ構築術 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
コミュニティを作るときに必要なものOooh, that's Clever! (unnatural experiments in web design) | Konigi
Unnatural experiments in web design | **Must see for every #ux designer [from]
Paul Annet, from Clear Left
Knowledge management and competitive research community for user experience design on the web.The web designers' guide to cloud hosting | News | TechRadar UK
The web designers' guide to cloud hosting All you need to know about developing and hosting in the cloud
Cloud computing is quietly taking over the world and changing the way we use our computers forever. Whether you're storing your photo collection on Flickr or logging on to Gmail, everyone's now using the cloud, even if they don't realise it. But how does it work and how can we as web designers and developers make it work for us?
Cloud computing is quietly taking over the world and changing the way we use our computers forever. Whether you're storing your photo collection on Flickr or logging on to Gmail, everyone's now using the cloud, even if they don't realise it. But how does it work and how can we as web designers and developers make it work for us? Cloud computing runs on virtual servers. Rather than being a single physical box, a virtual server runs as part of a physical box. This type of virtualisation is nothing new and has long been a cost-effective entry-level solution. Virtual machines on the cloud run on clusters of servers. Again, this is nothing new: most medium-to-large server set-ups involve clustering.Lifehacker - ColorRotate Creates Design Color Palettes - Web Design
AJAX File Browser demo with IT Hit WebDAV Server Engine running on server side検索数予測チェック - 無料SEOツール |
検索順位別に検索数を調べることができる、キーワード検索数調査・予測ツールGoogle Analytics以上の超強力なリアルタイムアクセス解析ができる「Woopra」を試しに使ってみました - GIGAZINE
通常のアクセス解析はある程度時間が経過してからでないとその結果がわからないため、「まさに今!このページがヒットしている!」というのがわかりにくいのですが、この「Woopra」というアクセス解析サービスはとんでもないリアルタイム性がウリとなっており、誰かが訪問しに来たら即座にわかるようになっています。 リアルタイムアクセス解析を最大限活用するため、ブラウザ経由での利用だけでなく、Javaをベースとして作られたWindows・Mac・Linux対応の専用ソフトがあり、来訪者にタグ付けして個別に追跡、IPアドレスなどあらゆる条件で絞り込めるクイックフィルタ、誰がどこから来たのかすぐにわかるマップ、特定の条件のユーザーが来たらポップアップしたり音を鳴らして知らせてくれる機能などなどを搭載。そのすべてがリアルタイムに刻一刻と変化して最新の情報を教えてくれます。Google Analyticsで実現している機能はほぼすべて網羅しており、情報も非常に見やすく詳細、なおかつ使い勝手もよく、複数サイトへの設置もカンタンです。 というわけで、実際に「Woopra」のリアルタイムアクセス解析の威力がどれほどのモノなのかがよくわかるムービーや使い方の徹底解説などは以下から。
Woopraのお試しMicro Persuasion: The End of the Destination Web Era
l'infomartion va vers l'utilisateurs
@steverubel - "Micro Persuasion: The End of the Destination Web Era" [from]5 Amazing HTML5 Features to Look Forward to | Geektechnica
5 bijzondere nieuwe features in HTML 5IAB Reports Internet Advertising Grew 10 Percent Last Year; Outpacing TV
Very important document
Statistik der Werbeausgaben
IAB Reports Internet Advertising Grew 10 Percent Last Year; Outpacing TVPrivacy: Whspr Lets Anyone Send You an Email Without Revealing Your Email Address
Web application whspr! creates a private feedback form that you can share on services like Twitter without revealing your real email address. Simply enter your real email address, a description of what the form is for, and the number of days you want the form to be active. Once completed, you'll be given a URL to the form to share with others. This application could be useful for job postings, blog contests or giveaways—pretty much anything where you'd like email responses but don't want to give out an email address. If you want to send private messages instead of receiving them, check out previously mentioned Whisper Bot, or you can send your awkward messages anonymously with NiceCritic.
ply enter your real
** Posted using Viigo: Mobile RSS, Sports, Current Events and more **American Mensa | Top 50
American Mensa's “Top 50” Web Sites 2010Technical Note TN2262: Preparing Your Web Content for iPad
RT @veen: Apple's guide to preparing your website for the iPad:
Apple Technical Note TN2262
How to modify web content for the iPad
Time to get busy
Platform-specific considerations for web content in Safari on iPhone OS devices, with specific information for iPad.Skew, The Frontend Engineer's Misery @ Irrational Exuberance
"With limited influence, unlimited hands in the pie, a low barrier to critique, and the perception of triviality, frontend engineers are the janitors of software development. Rather than cleaning up trash, the boulder they toil beneath is skew: the distance between team member's conceptions of a project."9lessons: Submit a Form without Refreshing page with jQuery and Ajax.
javascript post function
good tutorial
Submit a Form without Refreshing page with jQuery and Ajax. Bagus![whatwg] Codecs for
Ian Hickson's opinion of the codec debate
Post to the whatwg list declaring the final decision regarding required codevs for <video> and <audio> in HTML5.
@visik7 @allmarkedup [from]
Wie schon bei den Widgets bremst Apple auch hier.ニテンイチリュウ : yellowBird : VR Video
そのムービーをドラッグした瞬間。Google StreetViewよろしく「ムービーのまま」周りを見渡すことができます。
モーションvrApple - iPad-ready websites
iPodに最適化したサイト集。 / blog / ui.timepickr.js: An experimental jQuery plugin
h nicer look and feel though, nice job. permalink Josh Nathanson ~ October 8, 2008 at 12:56 p.m. Nice work...even though its still in experimental, its looking great so far. I want to find a project to use this on! permalink Ryan Coughlin ~ October 8,
Javascript time (not date) input widget.
A jQuery time picker, similar to an idea I was playing around with a wee while ago.
"I have seen a bunch of JavaScript "time" pickers, but they seem to always stick to the same approach"25 Web Designs with Amazing Attention to Detail –
IE6/7で変だなっていうときは、何も考えずにとりあえず「zoom: 1;」を試してみれば、9割方問題が解決しちゃったり。zoomプロパティはIE独自なので、使いたくない人はwidthプロパティの指定をするとかで乗り切れちゃいます。IE6だけ変だぞ?っていう場合、「display: inline;」やってみると直ったり。如何にIE対策を早い段階で覚えるかってのも作業効率を上げるには重要だと思うっす。
「木を見て森を見ず」・・・これ多いね。Eight Tips for Super Searching - Solutions by PC Magazine
80% of all online sessions start w/ search20 Outrageous, Over the Top, and Incredible Websites |
Is your site suffering from Hyperdesign? Hyperdesign can be diagnosed by tale tell symptoms. Answer these following questions to find out if you and your site[CSS]要素をボタン風にスタイリングするスタイルシートのテクニック集 | コリス
「全ての都道府県について何か見所があるようにパラメータを調整したつもり」なんというサービス精神。Portada | Simplemente pregunta: Integración de la accesibilidad en el proceso de diseño
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Descubre cómo mejorar tus sitios web, software, hardware y productos de consumo para que sean más útiles para más personas en más tipos de situaciones. “Simplemente pregunta: Integración de la accesibilidad en el proceso de diseño” te ayuda a desarrollar de forma adecuada soluciones de accesibilidad efectivas.
Libro online35 Really Useful PHP Tutorials And Development Techniques | Smashing Buzz
PHP is the most popular and widely accepted server side scripting language among developers due to its easy to learn nature, free of cost and its large ever increasing helpful community, we usually seen in wordpress blog platforms, wordpress blogs totally build in PHP language. Today we presenting first time PHP tutorials roundup which are fully contained helping techniques and tips of most useful language PHP, It is the widely-used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft's tools, every web developer know PHP most suited language for web development and can be embedded directly into the HTML, you can idea when ever you write code about that syntax is very similar to Perl and C language.
35 Really Useful PHP Tutorials And Development TechniquesBaby Name Brainstorm
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繰り返し背景パターン作成ジェネレーター10 Google Chrome Extensions for Boosting Your Productivity
RT @web20classroom: RT @hoprea: RT @courosa: "10 Google Chrome Extensions for Boosting Your Productivity"
Nice to see increased usability in Chrome
RT @sixrevisions 10 Google Chrome Extensions for Boosting Your Productivity iPhone Becomes a Web Server - ReadWriteWeb
A new iPhone application which just debuted in Japan's App Store transforms the handheld into a full-blown web server.
When those Apple advertisements toutAviary Makes Screen Grabs Insanely Easy
Screenshot creating tool
u’re satisfied with the image, all you need to do is either save it your desktop or save it online. From there, you can share it on the social sites of your choice, or do a
Web-based image editor AviaryAviaryAviary has just made it exceptionally easy to grab, edit, and share screen captures. To get started, all you need to do is type in “” in front of the URL of the page you’d like to screenshot. From there, Aviary opens up its web-based image editor, where you can do things like crop, resize, and adjust the quality of the image, as well as use some of Aviary’s editing tools, like adding text, doodles, or arrows. Once you’re satisfied with the image, all you need to do is either save it your desktop or save it online. From there, you can share it on the social sites of your choice, or do as us bloggers do and embed it in your blog posts.
Web-based image editor
Of course, by making it web-based, the screen capture feature is now available to anyone that wants it. As such, it also stands to introduce Aviary’s image editing tools to a much bigger audience by luring in users with a feature that lots of people need every day.Google Chrome
Give information on my computer research paper
Video demo of multifunciton type-search bar45 Mobile Resources Every Freelancer Needs to Have - Tips - Mobile Maven
45 Mobile Resources Every Freelancer Needs to Have
Here are 45 resources that will let you do your work wherever you are, as long as there’s a cell phone signal. No Laptop or Broadband required!
nice list off apps to useMicroformats for business owners | Clagnut § Web standards · New media industry
Article explains the usefulness of microformats.iPad Peek
RT @seth_weisfeld: See how your website looks on the iPad: /via @hugeinc
RT @fbrahimi: RT @louis_marie_c: Si tu veux savoir comment sera ton site sur iPad via @MacBrains (sympa)
See how your website looks on the iPad: /via @hugeinc
Try your site out on a ipad layout.
RT @digital_times Hah, very nice. Want to see how your site looks on the iPad. Go here. Examples of Minimalist Web Designs
Press Theme * 11/24/2008 — 32 Comments *脱初心者をめざす人のためのホームページ作成講座
使いやすいページや環境に依存しないページの作り方を考えます。Top 8 Web 2.0 Security Threats - ReadWriteWeb
Programmatic interfaces of Web 2.0 applications let hackers automate attacks easier. In addition to brute force and CSRF attacks, other examples include the automated retrieval of a large amount of information and the automated opening of accounts. Anti-automation mechanisms like Captchas can help slow down or thwart these types of attacks.MOONGIFT: » 今時のWebサイトを構築するのに便利そうなCSSフレームワーク「Malo」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
MOONGIFT: » 今時のWebサイトを構築するのに便利そうなCSSフレームワーク「Malo」:オープンソースを毎日紹介50 Examples of Large Photography Backgrounds within Web Design - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Showcase de webs con grandes fotografías como fondoA Showcase of Watercolor in Web Design | Webdesigner Depot
Watercolor is a great way to add depth, interesting subtle textures and colors. watercolor in web design960pxのグリッドシステムを使用する際に役立つサイト集 | コリス
グリッドレイアウトの際の参考にThe benefits of a monthly recurring revenue model in tough economic times - (37signals)
Very nice
Upside of software as service55 Inspiring Examples of Gradients in Web Design | Inspiration
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Presentations from previous conferences. Slideshows and podcasts from the speakers.
Presentations from past Web Directions and @media conferences
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Visualisierung von Tweets Till Frog Design
Présentation avec Twitter
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How to pronounce foreign names.
An online searchable database containing thousands of name pronunciations. Learn how to pronounce names correctly from native speakers. Audio Name Pronunciation Guide and Database
Escuchar online como se pronuncia un nombreВведение в nginx, часть 1 | GreenMice
так же, Почему Apache — плохо?Preparing Photoshop Files for Web Developers - Noupe
Пиратский GoogleA Basic Look at Typography in Web Design
Think of all the different uses of typography on the web and you'll soon realize that not only is it a crucial part of a web design, but that it's a pure combination of art and science. We've come a long way since the start of the internet, but the use of typography is as important today as it was back in the day.
Gode eksempler på god brug af online fontsMinimalist jQuery: 11 useful plugins under 4K | jQuery Plugins | TRIF3CTA | Austin, TX
A selection of small but very useful jQuery plugins.BBC NEWS | Technology | Google unveils 'smarter search'
Google unveils new search tools [from]
Google unveils 'smarter search'
BBC News, (13 May 2009)60 Beautiful Clean and Light Web Designs for Inspiration
We bring you this collection of light and clean websites, separated into different categories.Coding Horror: The World's Largest MMORPG: You're Playing it Right Now
Recasting the experience as a game means it can be simultaneously complex and easily learnable. That's something we couldn't accomplish through traditional applications, which are designed to be usable but not necessarily fun. They've failed to design for fun. And in an era of ubiquitious web community , that's a big mistake.
Diseñar aplicaciones como si se tratara de juegos. Plantear el aprendizaje de nuevas aplicaciones a través de ir aprendiendo a utilizar las herramientas que se le ofrece. Ejemplo: stackoverflow.
do to improve the signal to noise ratio. Perhaps that was actually the point I was really trying to make: that using these game elements is an excellent way to improve the quality of interactions. I'm still convinced there is a way to have a civilized discussion online with complete strangers, but we haven't gotten there yet. The only really viable way I can see is heavy-handed moderation. When I say heavy-handed, I mean don't allow users to post "me too!" replies. Don't allow straying wildly off-topic. Don't post threads just to chat in specialized forums. And for heaven's sake, don't ever let people talk about other forum peop
Thesis: the internet is like a giant MMORPG.
game mechanics in everyday lifeHome - socks - GitHub
Socks is an intuitive web toolkit written in JavaScript that allows you to quickly and easily create web applications that are interesting, pretty and useful. The API is super easy, and you do not need to know any HTML or CSS. All you need is some JavaScript knowledge, which is quite easy to pick up.
shoes-inspired small web gui toolkit for javascript
Socks is an intuitive web toolkit written in JavaScript that allows you to quickly and easily create web applications that are interesting, pretty and useful. The API is super easy, and you do not need to know any HTML or CSS. All you need is some JavaScript knowledge, which is quite easy to pick up. Socks is inspired by Shoes and you will notice many similarities. However, Socks is not, and wasn’t intended to be a port of Shoes to JavaScript, and thus there are many differences as well.
"An intuitive web toolkit written in JavaScript that allows you to quickly and easily create web applications that are interesting, pretty and useful. The API is super easy, and you do not need to know any HTML or CSS."プログラマのためのテキストエディタ18選 | エンタープライズ | マイコミジャーナル
まとめSlashdot | Freelance Web Developer Best Practices?
"My last employer had to make a series of budget cuts, and I was laid off. I have been on the job hunt since then; however in the meantime I have begun freelancing as a Web developer. This is my first time in this role and so I would like the ask the Slashdot community: are there any best practices for freelance developers? What kind of process should I use when dealing with clients? Should I bill by the hour or provide a fixed quote on a per-project basis? What kind of assurances should I get from the client before I begin work? What is the best way to create accurate time estimates? I'm also wondering if there are any good open source tools for freelancers, such as for time-tracking and invoice creation (aside from simply using a spreadsheet). Any suggestions or insights would be welcome."
Some interesting views.
An article on freelance development best practices.10 Simple Google Search Tricks -
These pages are saved from the Delicious website.
Essential syntax.
I'm always amazed that more people don't know the little tricks you can use to get more out of a simple Google search. Here areExpress - Node.js Web Development Framework
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10 ways to Battle Site Bureaucracy : Boagworld web design podcast
<this site is reallly pleasing to the eyes, especially the font somehow does not kill my eyes / bug me like normal> I always look to work with others rather than against them.
Running a large institutional website is frustrating. Your site is often held back by internal politics and bureaucracy. Let me show you 10 ways to cut through the crap and get results.
Some good tips on battling beueaucracy when designing. The biggest being to turn back on the feedback and ask how they think users will react, and to avoid confrontation by accepting that the request can be done, explaining the consequences, and offering an alternative that achieves the same goal.
Running a large institutional website is frustrating and often held back by internal politics and bureaucracy. Here are management tips on working around the problem, from stakeholder interviews to ensuring you get specific feedback - and avoid committees.6 Tools to Find that Killer Domain |
What’s in a domain? When building your new website or blog - having the best possible domain is a key factor that adds to your success.Using WordPress as a CMS |
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☆☆☆☆☆The Ol' Switcheroo -
You have an element and within that element you want an item to be clicked on and set as active. Then you want to click on another item and have it to be set as active. Maybe it's navigation, maybe it's tabs. This is a common pattern. So much so, that I've rewritten this code a few times but keep losing track of it. This is a jQuery plugin that does the ol' switcheroo and is very simple. When you click on an element, it'll set it as active. When you click on another, it'll remove the active class from the currently active item and then enable the active item. Super simple, nothing more, nothing less.
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You have an element and within that element you want an item to be clicked on and set as active. Then you want to click on another item and have it to be set as active. Maybe it's navigation, maybe it's tabs. This is a common pattern. Snook.caPunctuation and Glyphs — CSS Wizardry — CSS, Web Standards, Typography and Grids
When it comes to typography on the web, there seens to be very little proper use or variation of particular glyphs and punctuation marks. For example, an abundant use of three periods (...) for an ellipsis instead of … (…), or - in place of — (—).REST for Java developers, Part 4: The future is RESTful - JavaWorld
Find out why REST interfaces are foundational for emerging architectures such as the Semantic Web. Brian Sletten takes a big-picture view of REST, now and in the future, in this final article in his series.
JavaWorld高木浩光@自宅の日記 - 新はてなブックマークの登録ブックマークレットは使ってはいけない
認証系の操作を外部サイトにおいて Javascript を使ってページ内ウィンドウを出して行うのはアウトではないかという指摘 via delicious/spiegel9 Ways To Improve the SEO of Every Website You Design
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Search Engine Optimization tips made simple.20+ Web Applications and Tools for Designers | Tools |
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There are lots of helpful tools and web applications to create different design stuff. I tried to compile free or paid web apps that are really useful forCoding Horror: HTML Validation: Does It Matter?
igners who can create old-style "Tag Soup" pages that do work flawlessly in every browser; there certain
The web is, to put it charitably, a rather forgiving place. You can feed web browsers almost any sort of HTML markup or JavaScript code and they'll gamely try to make sense of what you've provided, and render it the best they can. In comparison, most programming languages are almost cruelly unforgiving. If there's a single character out of place, your program probably won't compile, much less run. This makes the HTML + JavaScript environment a rather unique -- and often frustrating -- software development platform.
But the question remains: does HTML Validation really matter? Yes. No. Maybe. It depends. I'll tell you the same thing my father told me: take my advice and do as you please.10% Of Twitter Users Account For 90% Of Twitter Activity
10% Of Twitter Users Account For 90% Of Twitter Activity
10% of twitter users = 90% of traffic. [from]Introducing Add-on Collections « Mozilla Add-ons Blog
In November, we launched Fashion Your Firefox, which was a collection of add-ons that we felt were great for a novice user just getting started with customizing their browser. Now, we’d like to take it a step further and let anyone create their own collection of add-ons that can be shared with their friends, posted on blogs, and featured on the Firefox Add-ons website.
Permet de regrouper dans une extension à déployer, plusieurs extensions.
"Today, we’re excited to introduce a new feature to our website that will expose the niche add-ons that can be hard to find, and gives users a more active role in helping outstanding add-ons bubble to the top." (10/06/2009)are you colorized? @ — is useful method of sharing the programming code with your friends and colleagues. Every dump automatically highlighted with respect to choosen language. — это удобный способ поделиться фрагментами кода с вашими друзьями и коллегами. Каждый дамп автоматически раскрашивается в соответствии с выбранным языком.※ただしイケメンに限る - 絶望感を味わえるWebサービス
絶望的な文章を生成するサービス。大喜利的。CSS: A tribute to selectors | For A Beautiful Web
About CSS attribute selectors.
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Refresh your ideas with fresh links. Discover new web sites. The only site that is always fresh and smells like mint.
Tool for brainstormingあなたは何を作る?Google Analytics APIが遂にリリース! - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
なんか怖いような気がしなくもない。うーん。リアルタイム度No.1のTwitterって、ただのつぶやきツールではなかったのか。 :MarkeZine(マーケジン)
あとで読むクックパッドというサービスを男性エンジニアはどのように解釈すれば良いか - Future Insight
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0to255 cures your color manipulation woes. Simply pick the color that you want to start with and 0to255 gives you a range of colors from black to white using an interval optimized for web design. Then, just click the variation you want to use and the hex code is automatically copied to your clipboard.FREE Mobile Site -
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Build Mobile Sites Create your mobile site in minutes Invite your contacts to view it!Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Using site speed in web search ranking
You may have heard that here at Google we're obsessed with speed, in our products and on the web. As part of that effort, today we're including a new signal in our search ranking algorithms: site speed. Site speed reflects how quickly a website responds to web requests.
@dworni Danke fürs Kompliment! Dieses Merkmal gewinnt an Gewicht, wenn man Google's Ranking Algorithmus betrachtet: – cmsbox (cmsbox) Gradual Disappearance Of Flash Websites - Smashing Magazine
Uma visão sobre padrões web e o futuro dos sites em FlashCross-Browser CSS Gradient
Cómo hacer gradientes usando CSS3 que funcionen en Firefox, Safari, Chrome e Internet Explorer
gradiente por CSS em todos os browsersTypography Is Important - Well-Made Magazine - Techmic Studios
Vasily Vasimov/Techmic Studios, March 11, 2010.The Dying Art Of Design - Smashing Magazine
galeria de fundo a utilizar para projectos fashionIconfinder | Download free icons
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Iconfinder provides high quality icons for webdesigners and developers in an easy and efficient waybrizk design – Portfolio of Web Design Freelancer Kai Brach
ixels, Creativity & Lorem IpsThe Ultimate Free Web Designer’s Icon Set (750 icons, incl. PSD sources) - Smashing Magazine
There are thousands of free icon sets out there, and every other day we see new sets being released by the design community. In fact, Smashing Magazine has been...Introducing the Web Safe Font Cheat Sheet | Devon Web Design and Development - MightyMeta
In all the TypeKit and @font-face excitement, boring old web-safe fonts are getting overlooked. This article attempts to persuade you why you should give them a second chance, and provides you with the Web Safe Fonts Cheat Sheet!PHP: What You Need To Know To Play With The Web - Smashing Magazine
Photographers, just like designers, often use the Internet to help promote their work. Other than using mainstream photography and design sites such asKylo Browser
Seems to be just what I'm looking for.
Tiny jQuery customized for WebKit.
A tiny javascript framework for mobile web apps.
XUI ist eine schlanke JavaScript Bibliothek für mobile Browser. durch die Limitierung auf Opera Mobile und den kommenden Mozilla Fennec wird eine kleine Größe erreicht. Die endgültige Nutzung ist an jQuery orientiert.Everything You Wanted to Know About Semantic Technology, But Were Afraid to Ask (at SemTech 09)
To decribe about what semantic technology is in search engine technology
Participants in the 2009 Semantic Technology Conference walked away considering fundamental questions about what is and isn't semantic technology. The relevance of this post's title will hopefully become clear by the end to those of you mischievous readers who may have stumbled upon it with other ideas. The conference was a great and well-organized affair in San Jose, California. One of the highlights was the Semantic Search Keynote panel, with all of the major players on stage (Ask, Bing, Google, Hakia, TrueKnowledge, and Yahoo!), as seen in the picture below.サイト制作に便利なOmniGraffleステンシル : could
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Have you ever given serious thought as to why marketers are so infatuated with the idea of "viral"? Think about it
Let Content, Context, Connectivity and Continuity Guide Your Efforts| David ArmanoJavascript in Modern Web Design
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"Here are 47 Javascript plugins that you can use to enhance the user experience and functionality of your website."Google Wants You To Become A Gmail Ninja. Or Look Like A Huge Nerd Trying.
The google ninjas mentioned at ala2009
Gmail is far and away the best online email management system out there right now. But a lot of people still use it like a regular email service, never touching some of its power-features that can really help with email overload. So Google launched a new Tips area of the site today to serve as a reference point for how to become what it calls a “Gmail Ninja.
reading Google Wants You To Become A Gmail Ninja. Or Look Like A Huge Nerd Trying. [from]
Good article about the power of Google in research.天才が作った新検索エンジン『Wolfram|Alpha』と、Googleへの影響 | WIRED VISION
This script and opinion is interesting.
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必要最低限の項目を見やすく配置する シフト表作成・勤怠管理The Educator's Reference Desk: Resource Guides
The Educator's Reference Desk builds on over a quarter century of experience providing high-quality resources and services to the education community. From the Information Institute of Syracuse, the people who created AskERIC, the Gateway to Educational Materials, and the Virtual Reference Desk, the Educator's Reference Desk brings you the resources you have come to depend on. 2,000+ lesson plans, 3,000+ links to online education information, and 200+ question archive responses.
governmental (US) databases such as Ask Eric, which provide access to over 3000 educational resources (organized by category)Home
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This resource has one sole function - to make your RapidWeaving life just a little bit easier by collating as much information as you might possibly need under one central roof. Inspiration Station Looking for ideas? Need stimuli? Well, now you can find everything you need to spark your creative plugs and fuel your artistic flow in this one function junction. The Tool Shed A whole shedload of links to the most essential 3rd Party RW Tools and Utilities.どんな画像もベクター画像に変換してくれる『Vector Magic』がいい感じ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
だいぶ前に話題になった技術ですが、かっちりとしたサービスとして展開されはじめたようなのでご紹介。ビットマップ画像をベクター画像に変換してくれるサービスですね。ベクター画像にすると拡大・縮小が自由自在になるのでロゴなんかに向いていますね。6 Lessons We Can Learn From Barack Obama’s Online Marketing Strategy : : Online Marketing Articles by Web Profits
online marketing sty. by B.ObamaThe Top 15 Google Products for People Who Build Websites
Skeptics said the Semantic Web would be too difficult for people to understand or exploit. Not so. The enabling technologies have come of age. A vibrant community of early adopters has agreed on standards that have steadily made the Semantic Web practical to use.
L. Feigenbaum et all. : The Semantic Web in Action - in: Scientific American [from]
This article (originally published in December 2007 and re-featured in January 2009) reviews progress towards the idea of a "Semantic Web: a highly interconnected network of data that could be easily accessed and understood by any desktop or handheld machine." Accompanied by a glossary and related articles and links. From Scientific American.10+ Free Web Application Security Testing Tools
n detect: * File handling errors (Local and remote include/require, fopen, readfile…) * Database, XSS, LDAP and CRLF injections (HTTP response splitting, session fixation…) * Command execution detection (eval(),
Netsparker Community Edition (Windows), Websecurify (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), Wapiti (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), N-Stalker Free Version (Windows), Skipfish (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), Scrawlr (Windows), x5s (Windows), Exploit-Me (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), WebScarab (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X), Acunetix Free Version (Windows)HTML5 presentation
Sure you were on the high school football team and had a wicked Camaro. You may have even done bungee jumping and joined the century club in college. Yet
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The future of the Web is everywhere. The future of the Web is not at your desk. It’s not necessarily in your pocket, either. It’s everywhere. With each new technological innovation, we continue to become more and more immersed in the Web, connecting the ever-growing layer of information in the virtual world to the real one around us. But rather than get starry-eyed with utopian wonder about this bright future ahead, we should soberly anticipate the massive amount of planning and design work it will require of designers, developers and others.Top Websites For Laughing At Others « YepYep - Your Daily Waste Of Time
collection of FML-esque websitesDa Code / Home
apple4us.com张亮+ganmabook.com飞猪高木浩光@自宅の日記 - 「NoScript」をやめて「RequestPolicy」にした
NoScript いいけどなぁ。一般人には使いにくいだろうけど。普段使わないサイトで JavaScript が必要な場合は、Chrome か Safari を使うので問題ないし。HTML 5 Editor Ian Hickson discusses features, pain points, adoption rate, and more | Programming and Development |
"In this interview, HTML 5 Editor Ian Hickson discusses his favorite features, the features he thinks might be most contentious, the pain points he expects HTML 5 will address, and much more. He also tells what he would change in the original HTML spec if he could go back in time."
In this interview, HTML 5 Editor Ian Hickson discusses his favorite features, the features he thinks might be most contentious, the pain points he ex
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良考察エクセルシートをHTMLテーブルに変換しちゃう君 (ββ)
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As Web designers we are always in search of useful sites to Store Your Files Online for our readers . Here is a list of some great file hosting sites that make uploading and sharing files easy as never before etc.I, Cringely . The Pulpit . Data Debasement | PBS
The second time through the Appistry team tossed the database, at least for its duties as a processing platform, instead keeping the transaction -- in fact ALL transactions -- in memory at the same time. This made the work flow into read-process-write (eventually). The database became more of an archive and suddenly a dozen commodity PCs could do the work of one Z-Series mainframe, saving a lot of power and money along the way.SitePoint » SVG Is The Future Of Application Development
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designersThe Proper Way to Draw Rounded Corners « Usability Post
Tips and insights into good design and usability
I’ve been noticing a lot of the same mistake people make when implementing rounded corners in their designs around the Web. For some reason the rounded corner poses a problem when it has another rounded corner inside it — so either there’s a border going around or there is another rounded shape sitting inside a rounded shape.The Evolution of « AppStorm
Printscreen das lojas da Apple online
The Apple website is somewhat iconic, and over the past few years has become one of the most frequented sites on the internet. According to Alexa, is one of the top 100 ranked pages (69th, at the time of writing). Considering the change and evolution undergone by Apple as a company, their website has retained a similar style for almost a decade. This post will take a look at six-monthly snapshots (with a few other notable events) of, providing an overview of how the website has evolved over the past 10 years. Prepare for a trip down memory lane!ケータイのユーザーIDを取得する方法まとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
携帯のID取得方法まとめiPhone Web Development with Ruby on Rails
Apple's iPhone has taken the nation by storm. An alleged half million moved from the shelves into people’s pockets in the first weekend it went on sale. Safari, the iPhone's native browser, claims to bring full featured browsing to the mobile device. You'll learn, over the course of this article, more than a few tricks that will help your website stand out on the iPhone. Knowledge of Ruby is not required to learn from this article as it relies heavily on Cascading Style Sheets and JavaScript to work its magic. You should be able to apply the tricks you'll learn here anywhere you'd use JavaScript or CSS. This article will not teach you everything you need to know about web development with Ruby on Rails, it will simply point out where the iPhone's browser differs from an ordinary one. Add up all these custom tweaks and you should have the tools you need to take your web site mobile. For a primer on Ruby on Rails, take a look at the Related Resources connected to this article.Adobe Edge: October 2008
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Hyviä kysymyksiä — osa vastauksista on vähän epäilyttäviä.Video: History of the Internet - ReadWriteWeb
"If you've ever wondered how the Internet was born, but can't be bothered reading a whole book on the subject, check out this short animated documentary from Milah Bilgil. Entitled History of the internet, it does a great job explaining time-sharing, file-sharing, arpanet and internet. "SEO is Dead
Yesterday I moderated a panel on SEO and Social Media Marketing at the Thin Air Summit in Denver. Panel went great, the folks on the panel were fantastic. Jeremiah Oywang has a great run down of the panel and the advice given, so I wont rehash it her Web Design SEO Tips for Web Masters - Daily SEO blog
Very important for any designer to remember, or be reminded of. As I finally get closer to starting the redesign of my blog, this is great info to have aroundAkihabara
HTML5 tool for creating pixel gamesHouse of Buttons
A collection of great UI buttons spotted in the wild.
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Button examplesShowcase Of Beautiful Vertical Navigation Designs - Smashing Magazine
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Pulse CMS is a simple content management system for small websites.
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Crazy video tricks with the video tag and canvas
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I’ve been doing a bit of experimenting with the Canvas and Video tags in HTML5 lately, and found some cool features hiding in plain sight. One of those is the Canvas.drawImage() api call.55 Beautifully Blue Web Designs to Inspire You | Inspiration
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TwitterのDB構成12 Excellent CSS3 Button and Menu Techniques | Tutorials
CSS Tips I Wish I Knew When I First Started rt @richbuggerDifferent Stylesheets for Differently Sized Browser Windows | CSS-Tricks
Different Stylesheets for Differently Sized Browser WindowsGetting Started - Making AJAX Applications Crawlable - Google Code
RT @RobCottingham: Damned if I can figure out how to feed it an argument. But grooving on the idea behind OpenLike
RT @kanter: checking out open like code Google Chrome Extensions for People Who Build Websites
We share with you the top ten Chrome extensions for designers and developers.
15 extensions Google pour les concepteurs de sites Web (Six Revisions) – Gilles Klein (GillesKLEIN)
RT @GillesKLEIN: 15 extensions Google pour les concepteurs de sites Web (Six Revisions) NEWS | Technology | Study shows how spammers cash in
Spammers are turning a profit despite only getting one response for every 12.5m e-mails they send, finds a study. ... "After 26 days, and almost 350 million e-mail messages, only 28 sales resulted," wrote the researchers. -- And still they found it would have been worth it.
Spammers see a 1 in 12,500,000 response rate and still profit. How the hell do you fight that? [from]
Spammers are turning a profit despite only getting one response for every 12.5m e-mails they send, finds a study.
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"Spammers are turning a profit despite only getting one response for every 12.5m e-mails they send [...] the researchers estimate that the controllers of the vast system are netting about $7,000 (£4,430) a day or more than $2m (£1.28m) per year. While this was a good return, said the researchers, it did suggest that spammers were not making the vast sums of money that some people have predicted in the past."
Spammers are turning a profit despite only getting one response for every 12.5m e-mails they sendX# - XML oriented programming language
X# (pronounced X-sharp) is a domain specific language designed to quickly create Web applications and services. In X# everything is represented as a hierarchical structure or tree and instead of using functions to manipulate information or perform actions, all possible operations you can think of are done by adding, removing or changing nodes from this tree. Since there are no functions to learn and everything is done intuitively, even inexperienced developers can create complex Web applications and services in record time.
X# (pronounced X-sharp) is a domain specific language designed to quickly create Web applications and services. In X# everything is represented as a hierarchical structure or tree and instead of using functions to manipulate information or perform actions, all possible operations you can think of are done by adding, removing or changing nodes from this tree.
Web application and services domain specific language少しのコードで実装可能な20のCSS小技集 | Webクリエイターボックス
便利なCSSのTips 集。目新しいものはありませんが、実践で役に立ちそうなものばかりです。
使える小技New Study Shows the Mobile Web Will Rule by 2015 [STATS]
In a dense, 87-page report, Morgan Stanley analysts have charted the most important online trends and predicted the future of the Internet. In addition to forecasting more online shopping and showing the geographical distribution of Internet users, the study also shows a dramatic shift toward mobile web use. Including devices such as the Kindle, the iPhone (iPhone) and other smartphones, web-enabled tablets, GPS systems, video games and wireless home appliances, the growth of the mobile web has been exponential — and we’re still just at the beginning of this cycle. Morgan Stanley’s analysts believe that, based on the current rate of change and adoption, the mobile web will be bigger than desktop Internet use by 2015.
In a dense, 87-page report, Morgan Stanley analysts have charted the most important online trends and predicted the future of the Internet
In a dense, 87-page report, Morgan Stanley analysts have charted the most important online trends and predicted the future of the Internet.Seven Must-See Web Design Videos and Presentations - Smashing Magazine
In one of our previous articles, I put together a list of 7 must-see videos related to web design. Since then, I've come across a number of other videos from...YouTube - The Future of Publishing - created by DK (UK)
Ein Video, in dem eigentlich nur ein Text vorgelesen wird. Dieser dreht aber mittendrin und wird wieder rückwärts gelesen.» The Best Websites and Blogs of all time for Designers and Developers WebAir Blog
【deli_post】 » The Best Websites and Blogs of all time for Designers and Developers WebAir Blog #deli_post
a mega collection containing more than 60 addresses of websites and blogs for designers and developers. You can find resources of all kinds, from ruby on rails to ajax, from css to illustrator and much more!Anatomy of a Subtle JSON Vulnerability
Resources that emit Json arrays risk data theftArianna Huffington: The Internet and the Death of Rovian Politics
""We are witnessing the end of Rovian politics," Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google told me. And YouTube, which Google bought in 2006 for $1.65 billion, is one of the causes of its demise."
Great article on how the Internet has changed the elections, and probably the face of politics. Age has finally become an issue for John McCain. But the problem isn't the candidate's 72 years; it's the antediluvian approach of his campaign. McCain is running a textbook Rovian race: fear-based, smear-based, anything goes. But it isn't working. The glitch in the well-oiled machine? The Internet.
Arianna Huffington: "Back in the Dark Ages of 2004, when YouTube (and HuffPost, for that matter) didn't exist, a campaign could tell a brazen lie, and the media might call them on it. But if they kept repeating the lie again and again and again, the media would eventually let it go (see the Swiftboating of John Kerry). Traditional media like moving on to the next shiny thing. But bloggers love revisiting a story. So when Palin kept repeating her bridge to nowhere lie, bloggers kept calling her on it. Andrew Sullivan, for one, has made a cottage industry of calling Palin on her lies. And eventually, the truth filtered up and cost McCain credibility with his true base: journalists. "
" So when Palin kept repeating her bridge to nowhere lie, bloggers kept calling her on it. Andrew Sullivan, for one, has made a cottage industry of calling Palin on her lies. And eventually, the truth filtered up and cost McCain credibility with his true base: journalists. The Internet may make it easier to disseminate character smears, but it also makes it much less likely that these smears will stick."ゲームメーター - あなたのゲームを管理・共有
プレイしたゲームや欲しいゲームなどの管理・共有55 Minimal Black and White Web Designs to Inspire You | Inspiration
We’ve already shown you Yellow Web Designs and Blue Web Designs, but sometimes less color is the best color choice for a web site. In this post, we’re showcasing 55 minimal black and white web designs to inspire you. The B&W combination is great, from photography to interior design. It’s simplistic, elegant, and gets out of the way to let the content shine.
55 Minimal Black and White Web Designs to Inspire You A pixel is not a pixel is not a pixel
Now what is the layout viewport? It’s the area (in CSS pixels) that the
Nice breakdown of browser resolutions and web development on mobile browsers / via /
Peter-Paul Koch reder ut begreppen runt skärmbredd, css-pixlar och device-independent
How often have you heard the argument that not following back everyone who follows you is ’snobby’ and ‘arrogant’? (It’s not, and you shouldn’t listen to anyone who tells you so. You have a right to choose who you follow and don’t follow.) Following everyone back...
How to Follow Everyone Back on Twitter Without Ruining Your Experience [from]
short answer: tweetdeck
@DEE522 Yeah ( and ( is interesting too, got me thinking. [from]How to Calibrate Color for the Web | Webdesigner Depot
When is orange more like red? Web designers, even picky ones, sometimes ignore color shift across monitors. How is a web designer to manage color when the
When is orange more like red? Web designers, even picky ones, sometimes ignore color shift across monitors. How is a web designer to manage color when the screens of their users could be any size or color or could be viewed under any lighting conditions? Unlike fixing HTML errors, which affect browsers as the page is loaded, getting accurate color is part of the designer’s work process. Maintaining colors across projects is possible once the problems are understood. Read on for the challenges—and solutions—to getting consistent color on the web.21 Awesome JavaScript / Ajax Effects Every Web Developer Should Know
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this is awesomeThe State of Web Development 2010 | Web Directions
Welcome to this detailed report from our second “State of Web Development” survey of professional web designers and developers. It includes details and analysis of all the responses to over 50 questions covering technologies, techniques, philosophies and practices that today’s web professionals employ.
Welcome to this detailed report from our second State of Web Development survey of professional web designers and developers. It includes details and analysis
What technologies are web developers using in 2010?
Detailed report about web development based on interviews with developersRossBoucher.Com » Funk Rock » Blog Archive » iPhone Touch Events in JavaScript
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RT @kadavy WordPress Optimization: How I Reduced Page Load Time by 75%製サイト高速化Firefoxアドオン「Page Speed」を試してみました:phpspot開発日誌
JavaScript 等の速度を測定する。Firefox add-onescola 2.0 - não há longe nem distância...
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ComunidadesNew OnLive service could turn the video game world upside down » VentureBeat
Few startups have a chance to revolutionize an industry. But if entrepreneur Steve Perlman’s OnLive lives up to its goals, the company will disrupt the entire video game industry — to the delight of both game publishers and gamers.
A guy has developed a data compression technology and an accompanying online game service that allows game computation to be done in distant servers, rather than on game consoles or high-end computers.
OnLive kan de wereld van de game industrie op zijn kop zetten Motivatie: een toekomstbeeld van een journalist, altijd leuk om zo inspiratie te krijgen waar het allemaal heen zou kunnen gaan
“This is video gaming on demand, where we deliver the games as a service, not something on a disk or in hardware,” Perlman said. “Hardware is no longer the defining factor of the game experience.”
"Mike McGarvey, chief operating officer of OnLive, said the new technology 'breaks the console cycle where a gamer has to buy a new machine every few years.' If this happens, the obvious losers are Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo." The death of platform-dependent games is, for my money, absolutely essential to their development as a viable cultural form.
game console using cloud computingIA Task Failures Remain Costly (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Bad IA is now the greatest cause of task failures because it's the stumbling block for getting anywhere on a site. Users try to find their way around a site, and if they're particularly motivated, they might even try again if they fail. But if users are repeatedly led in circles or dumped into no-man's land by weak search, they give up and leave for another site. That's why deficiencies in your IA are costing you a lot of money, right now.
Opening article reference for project25 Resources for Learning How to Customize Your Browser - Mashable
No matter which browser you prefer, there’s a plethora of ways to customize the way you surf the Web. There are countless plugins, extensions, toolbars and more. Some of these are easy to install while others require a little more effort.
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テーブルデータベースとは 簡単に言えば、リレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのように、複数の列からなるレコードを格納できるデータベースです。SQLや表結合などの複雑な機能はサポートしませんが、そのぶん高速に動作します。つまり、DBMの速度で動くリレーショナル風データベースです(厳密にはリレーショナルデータベースではありません)。
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With unemployment at a 14-year high and 240,000 workers laid off in October alone, many Americans are scrambling to update their resumes and turning to job boards and networking sites. Some are panicking as they try to devise new ways to get in front of employers. But even in trying times like these, prospective employees shouldn't completely reinvent their job-seeking styles. Indeed, much of the tried-and-true career advice we've all heard is relevant in your next job search. To outshine your competitors and win the gig in today's economy , here's a secret to success: Don't abandon the steadfast career tips passed down from generations, but rather, refine them -- with a keen eye for the value in Web 2.0 tools like social networking. Whether you're one of many IT professionals out of work or among the few making career leaps despite rocky economic times, consider these five ways to express your candidacy with flair.Ultimate Collection of HTML5 and CSS3 Resources
HTML 5 and CSS 3: The Techniques You’ll Soon Be Using
In this “Ultimate Collection of HTML5 and CSS3 Resources“, you will find articles and tutorials covered on different websites. Demos and examples are also included in this list. I tried my best to collect all useful and related information to put at one place. Still if you find something missing, kindly share it in the comments below.100 of the Best Creative and Grunge Designs About! | Pro Blog Design
Good source for several blogsITまんが - ITが楽しく分かるマンガを集めてみました:Bookmarked - Publickey
Article arguing that generic social networking such as Facebook will not last. Don't have enough information to decide whether he is right or not but worth reading
Facebook's Face Plant: The Poverty of Social Networks and the Death of Web 2.0 - The Huffington Post
Peter Schwartz has worked for Microsoft, lectured in political philosophy and is the Founder and President of an online legal publishing and database. This article is an interesting discussion of the pros and cons of Facebook and the interconnectivity these online applications allow.
Peter Schwartz explores the 'death' of Web 2.0 and how social networking is replacing the basis for business models. Schwartz also examines the decline of banner ads and the increase of advertising on Facebook and the revenue it generates. Ultimately the main focus of the article is on Facebook rather than online advertising.
The Huffington Post's Peter Schwartz claims that Web 2.0 is dead. Looking at Facebook, he asks if its business model is in trouble, and considers the risk that users will grow tired of the site.
Annotated link
Reflexiones sobre Web 2.0リアルタイムで共同編集できるテキストエディタ『EtherPad』 | 100SHIKI.COM
世界のユニークなドットコムサイトを日替わりで紹介していくブログです。【書評】 「実践Web Standards Design」が名著すぎる - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
まだ途中ではありますが、いまいちわかっていなかったDOCTYPEやらマージンの相殺やらfloatやらCSSのセレクタの指定方法だとかがすっきりとわかってかなり気持ちいいです。 r0012124 ↑ ところどころカラーでわかりやすいです。 ウェブ標準やらブラウザ対応やらについては建前ちっくなものもありますが、この本では「現場で使える」手法が満載されているのが素敵すぎます。 こういう本は個々人のスキルレベルによるのでおすすめが難しいですが、CSSでのレイアウトにいまいち自信が持てない、という人にはおすすめですよ。
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Andrew shared this link: [from]
Funny flash game where you play a minotaur who owns a China shop
Play an adorable and earnest Minotaur wobbling around your delicate shop (you can earn money by selling goods, or by going nuts and smashing everything for a Rage Insurance payout).
Serve fine china to discerning mythological customers. Breaking items will cost you money. However, break LOTS of items and you'll enter Minotaur Rage, a crippling psychological condition. Your insurance will reimburse you for any items broken while enraged.Was Sie über CSS-Frameworks wissen sollten! - High Resolution Spotlights
anti-meiert第3回 モバイルサイトを見やすくする絵文字活用&テキストレイアウトのポイント | Web担当者Forum
この連載では、PCのWebサイトとは異なるモバイルならではのユーザビリティに特化して、モバイルサイト構築におけるユーザビリティの基本、成果を出すためにはどうすればいいのか。制約の多いモバイル端末だからこそ求められるモバイルサイトのユーザビリティ、そのポイントをお伝えします。50 Websites to follow if you’re into Web Design | The Interactive Wall
Websites to follow.[JS]チョー簡単にサイトをAJAX対応にするスクリプト -com.bydust.ajax | コリス
Create a nice looking form easily.
Formee - Fresh baked forms for your websites! -
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super completisimo
Learn Web Design: Educational Resources for Beginners | Vandelay Design Blog -
In recent weeks we have published a few posts that focused on graphic design basics: Learn Photoshop and Learn Illustrator. Both of those posts generated a lot of interest from readers, so today we’ll continue with a third post in the series, this one focusing on the basics of web design. Here you will find categorized resources and links for learning HTML, CSS, typography, the design process, and more. If you’re just getting started or looking to brush up on your skills, you may want to bookmark many of these resources.
In recent weeks we have published a few posts that focused on graphic design basics: Learn Photoshop and Learn Illustrator. Both of those posts generated a lot of interest from readers, so today we'll continue with a third post in the series, this one focusing on the basics of web design. Here you will find categorized resources and links for learning HTML, CSS, typography, the design process, and more. If you're just getting started or looking to brush up on your skills, you may want to bookmark many of these resources. Introductory Information and General Learning Resources General resources for learning web design The sites listed below are excellent places to find loads of content aimed at people who are looking to learn more about web design and front end development. Much of the content is free but some of it is available for a membership fee, which may be worth the cost to save yourself some time in tracking down the right resources. W3Schools30 Gorgeous and Versatile CSS Menus | Design Shack
What is this?Weekend Project: Host Your Own Web Services - ReadWriteWeb
Open source web services such as blogs, photo galleries, or mixtape services. How to install them and which services that RWW run on our own domains.JavaScript 内で無圧縮 ZIP を作って Data URI を生成するライブラリを作りました - IT戦記
Pure Javascript ZIP file generation
JSでzip.The word entrepreneur and its baggage - (37signals)
fun stuff
In this new landscape, people who would never think to call themselves “entrepreneurs” are out there starting businesses, selling products, and turning profits.
It’s time to get over the idea that risk and reward are so intertwined in business. And maybe we need to come up with a better term than entrepreneur to describe this new group of people out there building businesses. Any suggestions?50 (More) Excellent Mini Icon Sets | Icons
When it comes to GUI and navigation design, we need our buttons to be relatively small, simple and yet descriptive. There is no room for text or complex design and that’s exactly where mini icon comes in. These small little icons control the flow, ease the navigation and increase better user experience and they are designers’ favorites.
Design weblog for designers, bloggers and tech users. Covering useful tools, tutorials, tips and inspirational photos.5 Warning Signs of a Project In Danger
Elements Of Twitter Style -
"Red Sweater Blog – Elements Of Twitter Style"
Advice on writing tweets and using Twitter.The Current State of Web Design: Trends 2010 - Smashing Magazine
The guys from 280 Slides bring us Atlas based upon their Cappuccino framework.ざっくり Google Wave (1) - こたにき
Operational TransformationがすごいWeb Application Exploits and Defenses
"This codelab shows how web application vulnerabilities can be exploited and how to defend against these attacks. The best way to learn things is by doing, so you'll get a chance to do some real penetration testing, actually exploiting a real application. Specifically, you'll learn the following"The unrecognizable Internet of 1996. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
It's 1996, and you're bored. What do you do? If you're one of the lucky people with an AOL account, you probably do the same thing you'd do in 2009: Go online. Crank up your modem, wait 20 seconds as you log in, and there you are—"Welcome." You check your mail, then spend a few minutes chatting with your AOL buddies about which of you has the funniest screen name (you win, pimpodayear94).A Book Apart, Home
RT @abookapart: Our bookstore is open - preorder your copy of HTML5 FOR WEB DESIGNERS now. http://books.alistapart.comGeneration Loss on Vimeo
This video demonstrates the loss in quality which occurs when saving a JPG 600 times.
A video depicting the progression of over-optimization in the JPEG format over time
[via iconolith] Open the last saved jpeg image Save it as a new jpeg image with slightly more compression Repeat 600 times
Video que muestra como pierde calidad una imagen en sucesivas compresiones JPG
A video showing the loss of quality resulting in saving a jpg image 600 times.Google SEO、10のウソ » 海外SEO情報ブログ・メルマガ
「お願いだから、コンテンツにキーワードを詰め込まないでくれ」 ワロタw10 Reasons To Delete Your Facebook Account
(Jokinen Juuso, ryhmä 23) Dan Yoder kertoo 10 syytä miksi kannattaa poistaa poistaa oma Facebook -tili. Syyt ovat aikalaila samoja, kuin mitä lehdistö on Suomessakin aika-ajoin väläytellyt. Yksityisyydensuoja, Mark Zuckerberg:n historia salasanojen varastelijana ynnä muita. Valitsin tämän aiheen koska se on ajankohtainen. Facebookista on aika-ajoin haukkuja lähes joka mediassa. Jopa siinä itsessään. En itse pelkää yksityisyydensuojaani muulla tavoin, muutenkuin niin että joku toinen julkaisee kuvan jossa en ole otoisimmillani. Se etten olisi Facebookissa ei estä ketään tekemästä niin. Kun olen Facebookissa voin tarkkailla siellä minusta näkyvää sisältöä. Tekstissä arvostellaan myös, että facebook myy tietojani mainostoimistoille. Toisaalta mainostoimistot käyttävät tietojani saadakseen parhaat mahdolliset mainokset minulle. Mieluummin katson FB-sivujeni reunalla minulle mielenkiintoisia mainoksia, kuin esimerkiksi vanhojen naisten alusasujen mainoksia.
I'm really close...
I'm rocking #facebook but if you are unsure, read this -> and then to delete your account go here -> 9 Best Free Web Hosting For Wordpress
9 locais para hospedagem wordpressThe Designer Who Delivers - Smashing Magazine
information architecture mapHexadecimal / Decimal Colors
Color MixerShowcase Of Web Design In The Netherlands - Smashing Magazine
Great showcase -- some flash, some not
Showcase de websites holandeses, bem legal50 Inspiring Examples of Hand Drawn Elements in Web Design | Inspiration
Hand drawn elements are a really good way to give your website a cool touch! You can do that by adding a nice hand drawn illustration to your page, a stylish hand draw font, icon, some lines, characters or any other thing you want. Hand drawn elements can give your website an informal look... they can add personality and humor to it.GTmetrix | Website Speed and Performance Optimization
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GTmetrix can help you develop a faster, more efficient, and all-around improved website experience for your users.Introduction To Online Payments - TL;DR: It's A Total Bitch - Meat In The Sky Blog
As far as I'm concerned, there are three real options: PayPal Website Payments Pro; Braintree Gateway + Account; + Merchant Account
Online payments are a bitch. Just over a decade ago, you had to hook up your online commerce system to an actual terminal that would send bleeps and bloops to the gateways, but even today, it's not much better. There are still a plethora of players who have to touch your information to process a simple credit card transaction, and each and every one of them gets to take a little bit of your money and introduce their own technical hassles. While there are never any easy answers - every option has pretty severe tradeoffs - I'm going to try to shed some light on how the process works and look at some of the major players/options you have for accepting payments on your website.インターネットの歴史--50の主要な出来事(第1章):特集 - CNET Japan
インターネットの基礎となっているテクノロジのルーツから、インターネットの爆発的普及を促したウェブの特性、その途上甘んじて受けてきた訴訟、さらにはネット普及の結果として企業がこうむった被害に至るまで、インターネット全体の歴史を掘り起こしてみることにした。The Elegant Ruby Web Framework - Padrino Ruby Web Framework
Padrino Admin is a quick way to manage your backend!
Sinatra style framework with admin panel
A ruby web framework based on Sinatra - seems to have some kind of auto-admin feature.
A Rails 3 competitor7 coisas simples em PHP que alguns ainda complicam « garotosopa
É comum ver scripts com dezenas de linhas de código pra fazer algo extremamente simples. Fica aqui meu apelo desesperado com algumas dicas rápidas.A useful print stylesheet • CSS & (X)HTML • Kilian Valkhof
Articulo sobre como utilizar css para preparar una pagina para impresion18 Do’s and Don’ts Of Usability On The Web | Spyre Studios
18 Dos and Don’ts Of Usability On The Web
If you’re designing websites for a living or running your business online, there are 18 tips in this article that you should definitely read and remember.Google Japan Blog: Googleが目指す最高の検索UI
* 小さなページ * 複雑なアルゴリズムをシンプルに表示 * どこででも使える機能 * データに基づいた決定-実験、実験、とにかく実験Understand The Web · Ben Ward
Ben Ward - 2 May 2010
About openness, HTML5, flash, Adobe, Apple, the entire current state. He has some valid points
Great essay by @benward on web apps and getting back to the real purpose of the web: – Ben Crowder (bencrowder)
One of the best articles around explaining the difference in 'open', 'the web', 'web-apps' and the current Adobe vs Apple battle.
"...a desire for a free, cross-platform Cocoa or .NET quality application framework that runs in the browsers people already use."Browize | Online Browser Resizer
Online Browser Resizer
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Browize allows you to resize your browser without using a plugin or addon and only requires javascript to run.What If Oscars Were Given To Movie Websites? - Smashing Magazine
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เว็บโปรโมตหนังGoogle Chrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"..The name is derived from the graphical user interface frame, or "chrome", of web browsers. As of April 2010, Chrome was the third most widely used browser, with 6.73% of worldwide usage share of web browsers, according to Net Applications. In September 2008, Google released a large portion of Chrome's source code, including its V8 JavaScript engine, as an open source project entitled Chromium. This move enabled third-party developers to study the underlying source code and help port the browser to Mac OS X and Linux.. The Google-authored portion of Chromium is released under the permissive BSD license, which allows portions to be incorporated into both open source and closed-source software programs. Other portions of the source code are subject to a variety of open-source licenses. Chromium implements the same feature set as Chrome, but lacks built in automatic updates and Google branding, most notably it has a blue-colored logo in place of the multicolored Google logo.." :-)
Google Chrome is a web browser released by Google which uses the WebKit layout engine and application framework. It was first released as a beta version for Microsoft Windows on 2 September 2008, and the public stable release was on 11 December 2008. The name is derived from the graphical user interface frame, or "chrome", of web browsers. In September 2009, Chrome was the fourth most widely used browser, with 2.84% of worldwide usage share of web browsers.[1] Development versions of Chrome for Linux and Mac OS X were released in June 2009. Google released the entire source code of Chrome, including its bespoke V8 JavaScript engine as an open source project entitled Chromium, in 2008.[2][3] This move enabled third-party developers to port the browser to the Linux and Mac OS X platforms, apart from being able to study the underlying source code. A Google spokesperson also expressed hope that other browsers will adopt V8 to help web applications.[4] (...)Top 7 Semantic Search Engines As An Alternative To Google Search
There's no denying the power and popularity of the Google search engine, and in comparison to other similar search engines such as Bing, where results are basedtypism / index
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ここに書いてある内容は注意した方がいいと思う。Excellent Examples of Using Photos in Web Design
Using photos as a design element and central piece in a web design is a great way to get a point across to the viewers or to just add more depth into the design.Four Free Ebooks for Web Developers | yensdesign - Tutorials, Web Design and Coding
As we used to think and say over here, sharing knowledge it's a great way to help others. This time we bring to you four free ebooks about CSS, HTML, Ajax, web
FREE"Conversion-killing" mistakes | Conversion Rate Experts
I liked this article - particularly as Rob and I were looking at the washington post site for other reasons earlier
Send examples of links and buttons that interrupt a website visitor's ability to take an action, specifically "nuke" buttons that kill conversions. Post the URL in the comments area of this blog, or send a screen shot by email to For instance, why would a "Clear Form" button be next to a "Place Order" button? Does the website owner want visitors to cancel the order accidentally? Or how about buttons with drop down menus that get in the way when a visitor is trying to fill in a search box? Does the website owner want visitors to click away from that page by accident instead of searching the site? Let's see a collection of these bloopers.John Resig - EtherPad: Real-time Editing with JavaScript
EtherPad is something new altogether. Building upon their existing platform, and adding in Comet streaming, they've constructed a completely real-time, multi-user, text and JavaScript editor.ユーザがつい読んでしまう表現方法とは? (ユーザビリティ実践メモ)
FAQ QA31 mind blowing collection of jQuery light box
commentary on case study cnn and facebook
A look at the use of Facebook Connect for CNN and the Obama » Blog Archive » My First and Last Webcomic
There are times when PNG is better than JPEG. Like, almost always.10 sites developers should have in their bookmarks
“55 Inspiring Examples of Slideshows in Web Design” by @webdesignledger features Check it out: – Routes App (routesapp) Lab - Welcome
LaTeX with GoogleDocs.
RT @syzipus: 구글 docs와 latex의 결합. ipad 구매가 더욱 당긴다. 이런 서비스를 생각해 보았는데 구글에서 결국 내놓았구나. #LaTex #googlemnutt/hummingbird @ GitHub
Real-time web analytics (tracking pixels). Based on node.js & MongoDB
Real time stats? Can we get something more interesting that page views? (Either way, looks pretty cool. Too bad it's just in WebKit browsers for now...)
nice: Real time web traffic visualization with Hummingbird in HTML5 | Scribd
Sweet! Scribd, now in HTML5: (link to their presentation about the change)
Scribd is a way to easily put your documents online.
Flash -> HTML5
RT @nitot: Moving away from Flash to HTML5 : Web Fonts
Web fontsCreate layouts without limitations | Fluidgrid | A CSS based fluid grid system
Fluid Grid is a new grid system that works the same way as Blueprint or 960, but with any page width, even fluid layouts. It is based only on CSS.
Development on hold
Fluid Grid is a new grid system that works the same way as Blueprint or 960, but with any page width, even fluid layouts. It is based only on CSS. Fluidgrid is still in development, but you can have a preview of what you can do with it in the following examples:
Create layouts without limitationsFive Best Personal Landing Pages - Personal Landing Page - Lifehacker
8 Websites You Need to Stop Building - The Oatmeal
Absolutely hysterical. Of course, Amplify manages to squeak by not being any of these but by borrowing a little bit from all of them. (at least, that's why I think I like it)40 of the Most Stunning iPhone Developer Websites | iPhone.AppStorm
40 of the Most Stunning iPhone Developer Websites | iPhone.AppStorm - 1.4: What you need to know
jQuery 1.4: What you need to know - to Flask — Flask v0.1 documentation
Sinatra っぽい。
A microframework for Python based on Werkzeug and Jinja 2. Posted Micro Blog and Twitter Clone makes among other things..
Flask is a microframework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions. And before you ask: It's BSD licensed!Embed Videos In Your Web Pages Using HTML5 | Webmonkey |
Do you want to use some HTML5 video tags on your site right now? No problem. Fasten your seat belts, as we’re about to take a tour of the wonderful world of HTML5 video.
from webmonkeyGizmodo - Discovering Music in 2009: The New Tools - New Music Discovery
The Anatomy of a Website - (via @sixrevisions) – Chris Spooner (chrisspooner)
which describesDesigning an Infographic with HTML, CSS & jQuery
Designing an Infographic with HTML, CSS & jQueryAmazing Web 2 Projects.pdf (application/pdf Object)
Web 2.0 PDF Book
Note: Free eBook Edited by Terry Freedman. * 87 projects. * 10 further resources. * 52 applications. * 94 contributors. * The benefits of using Web 2.0 applications. * The challenges of using Web 2.0 applications. * How the folk who ran these projects handled the issues... * ... And what they recommend you do if you run them. * What were the learning outcomes?mrdoob's three.js at master - GitHub
three.js Javascript 3D Engine
3D js 库 html5
Javascript 3D EngineHTML5 presentation After 2 days have passed, this alias will beProtoFluid - HTML5 and CSS3 Web App Prototyping
Cómo aparece nuestra web en diferentes navegadores y tamaños. Sólo tenemos que indicar la url, el dispositivo y el tamaño, mostrando un popup con el resultado.
The ProtoFluid App Facilitates web app testing on various screen sizes, orientations and browsers. Lets you design for CSS3 compliant (mobile) browsers using Media Queries. Particularly suited to the early development of fluid layout based web applications. Use all your favourite web browser development tools (Firebug etc.) This approach is particularly relevant considering the upcoming tablet tsunami. Encourages modern design flexibility. No browser sniffing or user agent strings here!Web 3.0 on Vimeo
Great web 3.0 documental movie.
Short movie about web 3.0 from techCrunch. The Semantic Web Black Belt Test ’10: Greensboro, AL
かわった見せ方Principles Of Minimalist Web Design, With Examples - Smashing Magazine
By (Offline) Utensils and Toolkits for Designers | Tools
The @font-face is commonly referred to as a new CSS3 feature, but has actually been around for some years. The only problem was there weren’t any browsers to support it (apart from IE’s obscure EOT methods), so it sat collecting dust at the back of the CSS2 specification. Recently however, browsers have started implementing support for the @font-face rule. First came Safari (3.1), then Firefox (3.5), Opera (10) and Chrome (4.0). So now, any @font-face implementation will be available for a large chunk of your visitors. What’s more, if you insist on IE support you can even get everything working with a quick fumble around with Microsoft’s WEFT tool.
14 tutoriais CSS3 para facilitar nossa vida Wow!
Look ma, no Flash!latex-lab - Project Hosting on Google Code
"LaTeX Lab is an open source implementation of a web based LaTeX editor for Google Docs."
RT @t_hayashi: というか Google によるオンライン版 LaTeX がプレヴューリリースされてた! - 11111110b - 0376 - 254 b9#9: Music Notation with HTML5 Canvas
Music Notation with HTML5 Canvas via @Metaphysicalist
Amazing: Music Notation with HTML5 Canvas Deconstructing Popular Websites (Opinion Column) - Smashing Magazine
In our past articles, we’ve experimented with better ways to engage users on web pages with CSS3. We love getting into the nuts and bolts of web design by showing off some nifty coding tricks. In this article we’ll take a step back to provide some reasoning for designers to embark on that next redesign.
deconstruccion de sitios web popularesSexy Interactions with CSS Transitions | Carsonified
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the web
Sexy Interactions with CSS Transitions - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
Sexy Interactions with CSS Transitions配色パターンからWebデザインを考える | Webクリエイターボックス
カラー設計に使えるサイト。色の意図を人に伝えるのにも便利30 Fresh Icon Sets for Developers and Designers - Speckyboy Design Magazine
#swear #superlative.
Mais uma notícia sobre HTML 5....
Very cool demo of new HTML-5 video.
This has amazing implications for product placement in the future – the product can be customized to the individual.ZURB – Critique a Web Page in 30 Seconds or Less
When you're ready to launch your website, you'll want to give visitors the best user experience possible. Learning to evaluate a website effectively is part art and part science, but it's a skill that can be learned. To develop an eye for what works on a website and what doesn't, there are few simple techniques that help you critique your website in 30 seconds or less.9lessons: Draw Charts with Google Visualization API.
Gute Zusammenfassung von Nutzungsbedingungen für Creative Commons Bildern; ein paar Hintergründe zur Nutzung von "kostenlosen" Bildern aus dem Web6 Cool Websites To Unleash The Mad Scientist Within You |
RT @draenews: Del 6 Cool Websites To Unleash The Mad Scientist Within You |
A list of websites and prograns that let you try out crazy science experiments.プレビュー付きエディタ『Google AJAX APIs Playground』を使ってみた*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
GoogleAPIを使って何か作るときに便利そうなオンラインサービスの紹介MOONGIFT: » Webシステム開発者に送る便利なテンプレート「Web App Theme」:オープンソースを毎日紹介
Webシステムの管理画面に使えそうなテンプレートの紹介。Scheduled Tasks With Cron for Python - Google App Engine - Google Code
manual for defining web services to run - schedule tells when to run which URLs and how often to do it
Use Google app engine to run server-side web scripts regularly - as per suggestion in
cron: - description: daily summary job url: /tasks/summary schedule: every 24 hoursDOMMUNE
DOMMUNE | THE FINAL MEDIA - DOMMUNE | ライブストリーミングサイト&スタジオ 「DOMMUNE」Obituary For IE6
IE6, well, was a browser with fresh features when it first came out but it is currently 8 years old (must be about 160 human years). It is still around, mostly because it came bundled with many distributions of the most popular Windows OS ever: XP & bad luck that users still have that old CD. So, within time, unlike every software, it didn’t disappear, got more powerful & managed to build new communities around it: "designers & developers who try to overcome the IE6 difficulties", "users with bad browsing experiences".. : ).
IE6, well, was a browser with fresh features when it first came out but it is currently 8 years old (must be about 160 human years). It is still around, mostly because it came bundled with many distributions of the most popular Windows OS ever: XP & bad luck that users still have that old CD. So, within time, unlike every software, it didn’t disappear, got more powerful & managed to build new communities around it: "designers & developers who try to overcome the IE6 difficulties", "users with bad browsing experiences".60 Creative Flash Websites You Should Not Miss | Web 2.0
60 Sites creativos feito em Flash.
厳選したFlashサイト60 昔からあるサイトもチラホラ
見ておきたいFlashサイト60KOF 2008 の発表資料 - naoyaのはてなダイアリー
Yes, it's insane, I found these javascript effects in chrome experiments website, and I think I should promote and show them to all of you. Enjoy :)名刺にメールアドレスではなくWaveアドレスを書く時代がすぐそこに? - アンカテ
Google Waveはいろいろな顔を持っていて、これが何であるかについていろいろな意見が出ると思うが、私は、まずは「更地から再構築したWiki」であると見るべきだと思う。
なるほどなー と思う。メッセージのやり取りがまずあるんでなくて、そもそもの目的はメッセージ交換によって何かしらを作る・決めることだものな。 >最初に空の対話ログがあって、そこに二人の人が交互に文章を追記していく。その過程を共有することで、おまけとしてメッセージのやり取りが行なわれる。そういうツールがあれば、メールの代わりになるというのが、「もし今の技術でメールを再構築したら」という言葉の意味なのだろう
「各人は、メールアドレスと同じように、個人名@ドメインの形式で wave アドレスを持ち、これを交換することで、誰とでも Waveドキュメントの共同編集(=メッセージの交換)を行なうことができる。 共同編集は、一つのサーバに全員が直接接続するのではなく、各人が自分のサーバに接続し、サーバ同士が連携することで行なわれる。(上記の文書はそのサーバ同士の連携に使うプロトコルを説明しているものだ) 当然、グーグルのことだから、複数のwaveサーバがそれぞれのユーザの要求にしたがって、あちこちのwaveサーバと接続する時のスケーラビリティを考慮している。 この waveサーバ、 waveアドレス、連携プロトコルのあり方は、EMailと全く同じである。つまり、誰もが自分のメールアドレスとメールサーバを持ち、メールサーバ同士が連携してメッセージが配信されるように、誰もが自分のwaveアドレスとwaveサーバを持ち、waveサーバ同士が連携してwaveドキュメントの共同編集が行なわれることになる。」
これは面白そうだ。半分ほど読んだのであとで全部読む。Rails, Textile, and javascript WYSIWYG roundup | Midnight Oil
Great series of resources to take you through web design from soup to nuts.
User Experiencetechntuit / FrontPage
How to improve activities on line
Web 2.0 developed curriculum via wiki. A teacher share site.
You've arrived at a site where the most complete and current source of information about the Literacy 2.0 will be created. This site will provide a unified gateway to Web 2.0 resources as they are created through participating members of The Summer Institute of Technology.Capture full page - Screenshot Full web page - Capture full web page
Capture Full Page Take Screenshot on the Fly
Take Screenshot on the Fly[N] YouTubeのURLに「mp4」をつけるだけでMP4形式でダウンロードできる「YouTubeMP4」
7 Lessons Learned While Building Reddit to 270 Million Page Views a MonthJitr - Overview
JUnit Integration Test Runner
Ambiente com spring, jetty e banco inmemory em um só classloader para testes. Um espetáculo!Projekktor Zwei - Free HTML5 video player - home
Trailer (Ogg/Theora + MP4/VP6 fallback) 2/4 00:52 | 01:26
pure javascript driven HTML5 video experience. FlAsH is used only whenever there´s no native H.264 support available. In such cases a minimalistic SWF which mimics an HTML5 video element as simple as possible
Sweet, free, open source HTML5 video kit!Facebook Now Growing by Over 600,000 Users a Day - And New Engagement Stats
Facebook stats
Facebook se vendendo para marketing viralHow to build a front page - Rory's.
Your front page is the most important page you’ll make. Without it, you’ve got nothing: nobody signs up, nobody gets to see how cool your product is. It is your most effective advertising tool. Take advantage of it.
Horrible, HORRIBLE advice. Do not listen to this fool folks.The Man in Blue > JS-909: A drum machine in JavaScript
"there was but one thing I could do: make a drum machine. Without libraries. Without Flash."
Ridiculously cool - a drum machine in JavaScript. Die, Flash, die.
there was but one thing I could do: make a drum machine. Without libraries. Without Flash. I'm fully aware that there's much better ways of working with sound on the Web, but I'm also fully aware that I like making useless toys. The result of these two realisations? JS-909.もうアンテナ低いなんて言わせない!? 情報収集11のテクニック :教えて君.net
まあ一応。A List Apart: Articles: A Brief History of Markup
First chapter of "HTML5 for Web Developers" from Jeremy Keith.
Chapter 1 of the book, “HTML5 for Web Designers” by Jeremy Keith
HTML5 for Web Designers by Jeremy Keith. Read Chapter 1 online: #html5The WebM Project : The WebM Project : Welcome to the WebM Project
The WebM Project : Google VP8
The WebM project is dedicated to developing a high-quality, open video format for the web that is freely available to everyone.
The WebM project is dedicated to developing a high-quality, open video format for the web that is freely available to everyone. The WebM launch is supported by Mozilla, Opera, Google and more than forty other publishers, software and hardware vendors.Forkbomb Studios - Premium Web & Design Services
ウェブ開発者にとって欠かせない技術をまとめた1枚の画像です。 約20年前から現在までの流れが一望できます。 クライアント・サーバに分けて図で表しています。35 Inspirational Software and Application Websites | Spoonfed Design
Software and Application Websites
Spoonfed Design is a blog for designers and developers to get inspired, learn new techniques, and pick up new ideas or resources.
"tagged design webapp application layout ideas"Font Preview - Google Font Directory
Google font previewアイコンの効果的な使い方を実例から学ぶチュートリアル | コリス
アイコンの効果的な使い方を実例から学ぶチュートリアル アイコンは、ユーザーをあなたのウェブサイトの内容に惹きこませるシンプルで、効果的な方法です。アイコンを使用して、ウェブサイトのコンテンツをサポートする素晴らしいサンプルとベストプラクティスを紹介します。Google Code Blog: Introducing the Google Font API & Google Font Directory Network World
15 分钟做一个APP
Winning entries from the 2008 annual Ruby on Rails coding contest.
15 amazing Web apps built in 48 hours: Earlier this month, the Rails Rumble 2008 announced the eight winners of its programming competition where teams of up to four people had 48 hours to build original (and somewhat complete) Web apps. Ruby on Rails is perhaps best known as the app development platform that built Twitter. But competitions like the Rumble prove how powerful the young platform can be. Here, we showcase the competition winners along with other cool apps of enterprise appeal from the 130 qualifying entries. Winners were selected by an open vote on the Internet and were judged on appearance, completeness, innovation and usefulness.
15 ruby on rails web apps
15 amazing Web apps built in 48 hoursScreencasts Added to Flickr
Screencasts to accompany the book121. IPアドレスから所在地探し:ITpro
IP アドレスから地域を割り出す
日本語サポートが必要な場合は、サーバの台数が多ければSECOM、携帯対応を重視する場合はジオトラストがよいのかも。18 Great Examples of Sketched UI Wireframes and Mockups | Inspiration
18 Great Examples of Sketched UI Wireframes and Mockups
手書きのワイヤーフレーム。まとめ。Seth's Blog: Warning: The internet is almost full
Warning: The internet is almost full Due to the extraordinary explosion in video, blogs, news feeds and social network postings, the internet is dangerously close to running out of room. Nothing can grow forever, and exponent
Seth Godin's point about information overload seems well made: Ten years ago, you had a shot of at least being aware of everything that mattered. Five years ago, you had to be really selective about what you took in, but at least it was possible to know what you didn't know. Today, it's impossible. Today, you can't even read every article on a thin slice of a thin topic. You can't keep up with the status of your friends on the social networks. No way. You can't read every important blog... you can't even read all the blogs that tell you what the important blogs are saying. Used to be, you could finish reading your email, hit "check email" and nothing new would show up. Now, of course, the new mail is probably a longer list than the mail you just finished processing. The internet isn't full, but we are.
Of course, the decentralized nature of the net means that it will never be physically full. As long as we can keep making hard drives, we won't run out of space to store those inane videos of your Aunt Sally. What is full is our attention.
Great insight on the digital/internet ageWeb Design Trends 2010: Real-Life Metaphors and CSS3 Adaptation - Smashing Magazine
In our earlier article about Web design trends for 2010 we covered the strong influence of print design techniques, keypress navigation, horizontal layouts, rich...
Tendencias del diseño web para 2010, metáforas de la realidad y adaptación a CSS3
Web Design Trends 2010David Ziegler's Blog - A Python Script to Automatically Extract Excerpts From Articles
I recently had to write a script that takes a link to an article and returns a title and brief excerpt or description of that article
I recently had to write a script that takes a link to an article and returns a title and brief excerpt or description of that article. Ideally, the excerpt should be the first few sentences from the body of the article.
I recently had to write a script that takes a link to an article and returns a title and brief excerpt or description of that article. Ideally, the excerpt should be the first few sentences from the body of the article. The first thing I struggled with was something I thought would be trivial: fetching the contents of the webpage.
text=re.compile("DOCTYPE")Opera Unite reinvents the Web
From Opera's Site Opera Unite reinvents the Web Cloud computing and Web-based applications will never be the same June 16, 2009 — Oslo, Norway Opera today unveiled Opera Unite, a new technology that shakes up the old client-server computing model of the Web. Opera Unite turns any computer into both a client and a server, allowing it to interact with and serve content to other computers directly across the Web, without the need for third-party servers. Opera Unite makes serving data as simple and easy as browsing the Web. For consumers, Opera Unite services give greater control of private data and make it easy to share data with any device equipped with a modern Web browser. For Web developers, Opera Unite services are based on the same open Web standards as Web sites today. This dramatically simplifies the complexity of authoring cutting-edge Web services. With Opera Unite, creating a full Web service is now as easy as coding a Web page.
Cloud computing and Web-based applications will never be the same June 16, 2009 — Oslo, Norway Opera today unveiled Opera Unite, a new technology that shakes up the old client-server computing model of the Web. Opera Unite turns any computer into both a client and a server, allowing it to interact with and serve content to other computers directly across the Web, without the need for third-party servers. Opera Unite makes serving data as simple and easy as browsing the Web. For consumers, Opera Unite services give greater control of private data and make it easy to share data with any device equipped with a modern Web browser.
jm: bridging your desktop to the cloud (UPDATE) Annotated link Evolution - Cory Doctorow - Don't Judge New Media by Old Rules
hat tip to Delaney Cunningham. Great article touching on medium influences message--new media means new type of stories. Worthwhile--not just rant. But there's another reason that these new media tell stories in different ways from their old media predecessors: They're telling different stories. TV sitcoms, novels, feature films, and other traditional forms are cages as well as frames. The reason that every sitcom lasts 22 minutes is that no one tries to make sitcoms about stories that take five minutes to tell. The reason movies last 90 minutes is that no one tries to make feature films about subjects that take 30 seconds to elucidate -- or 30 days.
heretoforeLearn Ruby on Rails from Scratch: Week 2 - NETTUTS
Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch: Week 2 - NETTUTS
i like the layout and the colors
Learn Ruby on Rails from Scratch: Week 2Video JS | HTML5 Video Player
Another JavaScript library for dealing with the video support shenanigans across browsers.
looks like a nice player.
Video JS is a javascript-based video player that uses the HTML5 video functionality built into advanced browsers. In general, the benefit of using an HTML5 player is a consistent look between browsers.Top 50 Best Game Design Blogs - Becoming a Computer Technician
Top 50 Best Game Design Blogs - - Interesting and useful list of resources. (via @smashingmag) [from]よいCSS開発を行うための8のTIPS:phpspot開発日誌
使い方によっては使えそうDécryptage : Sarkozy et son oeuvre de contrôle du net - Numerama
(no description)
Artigo sobre o programa de controle da Internet no governo do Sarkozy
"Le président de la République actuel a un plan". C'est la première phrase du livre de François Bayrou, Abus de Pouvoir, et l'on peut la vérifier au moins en ce qui concerne le contrôle du net. Depuis la loi DADVSI où il était président de l'UMP et ministre de l'intérieur, Nicolas Sarkozy a déployé son plan pour contrôler le net. Il a commencé à l'appliquer avant-même la loi Hadopi, et prévoit de le parachever avec la Loppsi.
Le meilleur papier sur Hadopi
RT @t_de_baillon: RT @fmeichel: French [digital] dictature is on the way (in French) [from]履歴消去じゃ消えないエロサイトの隠れた痕跡に要注意 - てっく煮ブログ
通常、ブラウザには「履歴を削除する機能」が備わっていて、ブラウザの履歴を削除すればあなたの悪行の数々は消え去ってくれるように思えます。 しかし、ブラウザからは消せない履歴が残っているのです…
「~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/ランダムなハッシュ/」の場所に Flash の Local Shared Object(Cookieみたいなもの)が保存されるので、サイトの訪問履歴が残されてしまう。Being smart about Web mail | Defensive Computing - CNET News
There was an interesting article recently in The New York Times about getting locked out of a Gmail account. In August, blogger Alan Shimel of StillSecure wrote about his problems regaining access to a Yahoo e-mail account. Suffice it to say that if someone learns your Web mail password, it's a very difficult situation--one that may not end well. For one thing, the Web mail provider may not know enough about you to determine the true account owner. Worse still, anyone using a free Web mail account from Google (Gmail), Yahoo, or Microsoft (Hotmail) can't expect to talk to a human being to resolve a problem with their account. Talking to person at Google requires a subscription to Google Apps Premier Edition for $50 a year. Microsoft and Yahoo similarly offer telephone support only to "premium" customers. If you care about a Web mail account, then some homework may be in order. Alternate e-mail address One thing Web mail users should have associated with their account is an alternatOpera study: only 4.13% of the web is standards-compliant
Opera study: only 4.13% of the web is standards-compliant
"Flash is most popular in China" - um, duh; "only 50 percent of sites that display a badge touting validation are actually valid"Mozilla Brings Webapps to the Desktop Challenges AIR Silverlight - Webmonkey
Mozilla Brings Webapps to the Desktop, Challenges AIR, Silverlight [from]
Prism comes of age ... it's been useful to me for quite a while, looking forward to the improvments
HTML, the lingua franca of the web, is coming to the desktop. Mozilla reached a significant milestone this weekend with the new beta release of its Prism add-on for Firefox which lets you pull your favorite website — like Gmail or YouTube — out of the web browser and run it as a stand-alone application on your computer’s desktop. The scheme offers a number of advantages, the most significant of which is the ability to sandbox particular web apps. For example if you move Google Docs into its own stand-alone window, an errant script in your main Firefox window could cause your browser to freeze and crash, but your unsaved work in Google Docs wouldn’t be lost. Other technologies currently exist for running web apps on the desktop, like Abode’s AIR and Microsoft’s Silverlight. These technologies offer a tight integration with the PC desktop that browser-based solutions can’t yet match.
HTML, the lingua franca of the web, is coming to the desktop. Mozilla reached a significant milestone this weekend with the new beta release of its Prism add-on for Firefox which lets you pull your favorite website — like Gmail or YouTube — out of the web browser and run it as a stand-alone application on your computer’s desktop...Give your Online Store Some Bite! | Think Vitamin
Think Vitamin Profile
good pointers on promoting web siteミニチュア模型風の写真が簡単に作れる『Tilt Shift Maker』 | 100SHIKI.COM
Tilt Shift Maker
いいね~。ホンマタカシ風ですね。How to Spot Quality within Web Design: Examples & Tips
for learningVirtual Keyboard Interface for Greasemonkey
Adds a virtual keyboard to text fields, password fields and textareas allowing keyboardless input of text and special characters. Install the script and double-click on one of the form element types above to display the keyboard.
Adds a virtual keyboard to text fields, password fields and textareas allowing keyboardless input of text and special characters. Install the script and double-click on one of the form element types above to display the keyboard.
to get around keylogging, keyloggersongoing · The Web vs. the Fallacies
Here at Sun, the Fallacies of Distributed Computing have long been a much-revered lesson. Furthermore, I personally think they’re pretty much spot-on. But these days, you don’t often find them coming up in conversations about building big networked systems. The reason is, I think, that we build almost everything on Web technologies, which lets get away with believing some of them.
via rtomayko
If you’re building Web technology, you have to worry about these things. But if you’re building applications on it, mostly you don’t. ¶ Well, except for security; please don’t stop worrying about securityGoogle
Interactive Google logo celebrating the 30th anniversary of Pacman. Playable to 255 levels. Click "Insert Coin" a second time for 2-player mode (control with ASDW).
Google doodle Pac-Man – Javascript News (del_javascript)
a google doodle as a playable pacman gameCreate a GUID
5FD93B33-E5B1-495A-A9F6-D9DA5AE8B84BUsing CSS3 Transitions, Transforms and Animation
These demos are showing of CSS transitions, transforms (2D and 3D) and animations.70 Unique Examples Of 404 Error Pages For Your Inspiration | Graphic and Web Design Blog
What does 404 error page mean? It’s just a page that shows up when user tries to browse the page that doesn’t seems to exist anymore – link may be broken, moved, or even it has never existed and never will. Popular and good looking pages will always have good 404 error pages both from creative and functional point of view.
pomysłowe błędy 404Beautiful Footers in Modern Web Design for Inspiration
Beautiful Footers in Modern Web Design for InspirationButton Maker
スライダー slider
ボタンジェネレータ5 Incredibly Simple, Yet Useful Web Sites
it really doesn’t get any simpler than this.
5 sites simples e úteisСкрипт интернет-магазина Simpla CMS
More of the same. It must be done.
yes please!Opera Software
Opera Software: Freedom
The Web is your browser. Discover how fast and fun the Web can be.
On June 16th at 9:00 a.m (CEDT), Opera will {supposedly] reinvent the Web. [from]
On June 16th at 9:00 a.m (CEDT), we will reinvent the Web.
Reinventing the web Opera se met au buzz, rdv demain pour voir... [from]team-scheduler - Google Code
サーバインストール型のスケジュール管理ツールYou've got to know what you stand for to survive in journalism online
You don't have to believe in my values. But if you want to attract an audience in the competitive online information market, I think you need to choose some values to believe in, and to express them, defend them, and practice them before your audience. Readers, now that they have more choices, want to know whose side you are on.
Established journalists and newsrooms making the transition to online publishing should not do so with the assumption that editorial content provides their strength in a competitive online information market. Often, the editorial content established journalists provide is not what online readers want, or even what they need.
steven johnson, valores do jornalismo
Established journalists and newsrooms making the transition to online publishing should not do so with the assumption that editorial content provides their strength in a competitive online information market. Often, the editorial content established journalists provide is not what online readers want, or even what they need. That's a harsh realization for many journalists, who have worked intensely to cover their communities for years. But effort and will don't deliver readers. Information that engages and rewards them does. Journalists, and their managers, need to take a hard look at how they are producing information, so that they don't repeat the same editorial mistakes that have driven so many readers to online competition.
Good argument: with journalists as experts, why do we need editors?
Something to chew on[CSS]クロスブラウザ、マルチカラム対応のフッタを下部に固定表示するスタイルシート | コリス
主な対応ブラウザは、IE6/7/8, Fx2/3, Op9.6/10, Safari3.2, Crome1となっており、他にも多くのブラウザに対応しています。
クロスブラウザ、マルチカラム対応のフッタを下部に固定表示するスタイルシートを紹介します。7 Online Things To Do To Help Obama Restore America - ReadWriteWeb
7 things to do on-line to help get involved and make a difference
Como utilizar a Internet para ajudar a transformar a America. 7 dicas que cada um de nós pode fazer na Internet para ajudar a restaurar Amé - Free Online Games And Free Video Games Directory - Worlds Hardest Game
El juego mas dificil del mundo
El juego más dificil
pues eso... una tontería pero que enganchaHow to make your user interface CRAP
in making attractive designs, but I think they can (and should!) be applied when designing user interfaces. This post
Graphic design has 4 basic principles that appear to varying degrees in all well designed works; Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity. They are there to help guide you in making attractive designs, but I think they can (and should!) be applied when designing user interfaces. This post will show you how. Anyway, I like the acronym!
How to make your user interface CRAP: [from]
对比,重复,对齐,近似50 Essential Strategies For Creating A Successful Web 2.0 Product [Dion Hinchcliffe's Web 2.0 Blog]
Making a link to Youtube Hi Res
Back in march, it was discovered that when you view a video directly on Youtube, you could add a "&fmt=18" to the URL to enable a higher quality, higher resolution stream which is encoded with the H.264 codec. To make this work in an embedded video, however, you need a slightly different hack. After pasting the embed code into a blog post, adjust the two video URLs (one in a param tag and one as the src parameter in the embed tag) by adding "&ap=%2526fmt%3D18" to the end.
Embed high-res Youtube videosAlexa - Hot Urls
Alexa - The Web Information Company. Services: Alexa Web Information Service - information about the Web available via Web Services; Alexa Toolbar - get information about each site you visit; Alexa Search Engine - built on the Alexa crawl; Alexa Site Info Pages - detailed information about Web sites, like traffic details, contact info, related links and more.
What's Hot On The WebGraph Visualization for Apache log files | Oleg Burlaca's Blog
Graph Visualization for Apache log files50 Reasons to Date a Geek 50 reasons to date a geek (via @crashbox) love it *grin* all true..
Kinda serious. Mirror:
50 Reasons to Date a GeekMaking Google Maps more accessible | 456 Berea Street
It has become very popular to use the Google Maps API to add maps to websites. While the maps work fine for most users, unfortunately Google Maps does not by default work without JavaScript – when there is no JavaScript support, you don’t get a map.
How to easily make google maps accessible with the fall back Google static Maps API
It is quite easy (but not very common) to provide a fallback for users who do not have JavaScript enabled in their browser by using the Google Static Maps API.Add Compression to Your Web Server - Webmonkey
The Web Developer's Resource
Your web server should be compressing your files before serving them to your users. Why? There is no reason not to, 99% of browsers know how to decompress them and if you're serious about hosting a professional web site, you should know every second it takes to get your content from your web server to your user counts.サイト公開前に役立つ25のユーザビリティチェックリスト:phpspot開発日誌
Get Twitter with a Google Reader feel. PHP Install.
google reader like twitter app
Mark Twitter messages as read and unread. Keep track of what you have already read from who you follow with this Twitter Reader
install twitter reader on localhost or any server; looks like google reader100+ Incredible Twitter Backgrounds | cheth Studios
100+ Incredible Twitter Backgrounds |
Uma lista de mais de 100 fundos legais de Twitter.
have missed out some great ones, so do coHow do we write test automation for ASP.NET? - Asp.Net QA Team
Test automation for ASP.NETThe Periodic Table of Typefaces - instant fundas
The Periodic Table of Typefaces is obviously in the style of all the thousands of over-sized Periodic Table of Elements posters hanging in schools and homes around the world. This particular table lists 100 of the most popular, influential and notorious typefaces today.Autodesk Labs Technologies Project Dragonfly
web applications per la progettazione di un appartamento.
DragonFly un service en ligne qui permet de modéliser des intérieurs et d’en avoir une représentation en 3D isométrique.マークアップエンジニアじゃなくても覚えておきたいHTMLとCSSの話(~HTML5・CSS3、IE8 それぞれの準備に向けて) - livedoor ディレクター Blog(ブログ)
ディレクターとして把握しておいた方が良いHTML/CSS関連のお話とのこと。良い記事です。様々なブックマークをミックス! - チャートマニアックス
様々なブックマークをミックス! -
チャートマニアックスを使うと、様々なサイトのアクセスチャートを見ることができます。50+ Semantic Web Pros to Follow on Twitter - ReadWriteWeb
seems i'm one of the 50+ semantic web pros to follow: - hello new followers... [from]Google Flu Trends | Mexico
internet searches lead researchers to predict flu outbreaks early
We've created experimental estimates of flu activity in Mexico using aggregated search data. Unlike Google Flu Trends for the U.S., this data has not been validated against confirmed cases of flu.
RT @rzeiger: Google launches Experimental Flu Trends for Mexico #swineflu [from]
Experimental Flu Trends for Mexico by Google: [from]
Flu trends analisys based on searches in Google | Tendencias de influeza basadas en búsquedas en Google
Seems that information overflow has turned into something positive with Google Flu Trends1ランク上のブログにステップアップするためのアドバイス | コリス
記事のフッタ/サイトのフッタは重要だよなSocial Media in Africa, Part 1 - ReadWriteWeb
Africa is undergoing a connectivity revolution unlike anything it has ever seen. Mobile phones in particular are propagating at an incredible rate, with penetration ranging from 30% to 100%. The average is 30.4% and there are 280 million subscribers in total, making Africa the fastest growing mobile market in the world. This series is to highlight African contributions to social media and, in turn, reveal how social media is changing Africa.
Drei Teile. Sehr gute Artikel. 1. Web 2.0 in Africa. Mit Links zu Afrigator, Zoopy, Ushahidi. 2. Handytechnolgie. Bezahldienste wie MPESA, Wizzit. Oder mpedigree, questionbox. 3. Einfluss auf Demokratie/Cencorship
2008/10 ReadWriteWeb - The point of this series is to highlight African contributions to social media and, in turn, reveal how social media is changing Africa.(PC)² - Consultoria em Software Livre - FAQ CEP Livre
Tokyo CabinetThink Firefox 3 is fast? Try Firefox Minefield | The Open Road - The Business and Politics of Open Source by Matt Asay - CNET News
Firefox is outdoing itself with Minefield, which sets new speed records. Read this blog post by Matt Asay on The Open Road.
How fast? Some claim that it has the fastest javascript engine on the planet, which means it leaves Google's Chrome browser in the dust. In my own unscientific tests, I'd say that this assertion is correct. Ars Technica pegs Minefield as 10 percent faster than Chrome.
2528 diggs精选15个国外CSS框架_cnBeta 视点·观察_cnBeta.COM
还是让我们从框架说起吧。 框架就是一个你可以用于你的网站项目的基本的概念上的结构体。 css框架通常只是一些css文件的集合,这些文件包括基本布局、表单样式、网格或简单结构、以及样式重置。比如:
cnBeta.COMHow To Use Icons On Your Web Site
From the hieroglyphics on the pyramids of ancient Egypt to the orange RSS icon now gracing so many web sites, icons have been used in both print and in web design for the same purpose — to draw the eye quickly to important parts of the document or web page.
RT @problogger: Reading: How To Use Icons On Your Web Site - [from]
"Icons have been used in design since, well, since design began. From the hieroglyphics on the pyramids of ancient Egypt to the orange RSS icon now gracing so many web sites, icons have been used in both print and in web design for the same purpose — to draw the eye quickly to important parts of the document or web page."
Icons have been used in design since, well, since design began. From the hieroglyphics on the pyramids of ancient Egypt to the orange RSS icon now gracing so many web sites, icons have been used in both print and in web design for the same purpose — to draw the eye quickly to important parts of the document or web page.John Resig - CSS Animations and JavaScript
Apple, and the WebKit team, have recently proposed two different additions to CSS: CSS Transitions and CSS Animations.
Apple, and the WebKit team, have recently proposed two different additions to CSS: CSS Transitions and CSS Animations. The two specifications are confusingly named - and it's hard to tell what the difference is between them at first glance. However, to put it simply: CSS Transitions are easy to use, while CSS Animations are made for programmers. CSS Transitions CSS Transitions provide you with the ability to force CSS property changing to occur smoothly over a period of time, rather than immediately and coarsely.Microsoft Office Comes to the Browser (Finally) - ReadWriteWeb
Annotated link
Microsoft announced this morning at its PDC conference that the next release of Microsoft Office will include browser-based versions of some of its main office software products - Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. These will be "lightweight versions", but Microsoft told us yesterday that they'll still have rich functionality and will be comparable to Google's suite of online office applications. The apps will enable users to create, edit and collaborate on Microsoft Office documents through the browser.
Microsoft announced this morning at its PDC conference that the next release of Microsoft Office will include browser-based versions of some of its main office software products - Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. Annotated link
Microsoft announced this morning at its PDC conference that the next release of Microsoft Office will include browser-based versions of some of its main office software products - Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. These will be "lightweight versions", but Microsoft told us yesterday that they'll still have rich functionality and will be comparable to Google's suite of online office applications. The apps will enable users to create, edit and collaborate on Microsoft Office documents through the browser. The apps will work in IE, Firefox and Safari browsers (no word on whether Google Chrome will be supported).[PR]さくらインターネット×はてな、自作サーバを語り合う - はてなブックマークニュース
なんか楽しそう。Google Analytics API Now In Public Beta, Desktop Reporting Takes Stats Offline
[object Object]
analytics API betaWeb 开发与设计师速查手册大全(上)_cnBeta 网站推介_cnBeta.COM
Quite a few inspirational posts and freebies around the web were posted in February. We've collected the best of the best and share them here with you.
Creative Bookmarks features the top resources for designers from around the web every month. You’re busy, so we won’t waste your time. If it’s here, it’s the best.テキストからUML図を生成してくれる『yUML』が良く出来ている - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
テキストで記述できるってのがいいThe 25 Most Valuable Blogs
24/ says Gawker Media is worth $170 million.Scott Rafer: The Facebook Platform is Dead
Is Facebook Connect the way forward?
well hopefully NOT but still interesting read and a really nice ppt viewing application there too
The real test of Facebook Connect will be the opportunity for viral growth. So far there have been few implementations of Facebook Connect and it is difficult to test the success of each of these applications.
Facebook News, Facebook Games and analysis of Facebook.
Interesting video discussing Facebook Platform and Facebook Dead Simple Web-Based Presentations is known for really simple file sharing. Whether you’re hosting and sharing files with contacts, or using for media-rich chat rooms, makes it easy and fast. Now there's reviews is known for really simple file sharing. Whether you're hosting and sharing files with contacts, or using for media-rich
no setup, no software online solution that combines real-time presentations with images, audio, documents, and video.Doomed: why Wikipedia will fail - Ars Technica
- Share your favorites here so we have one big useful page to bookmark! : web_designRails Rumble 2008 Apps « 48-Hour Launch
Rails Rumble 2008 - Find the Pulse of the Web
Twitter search engine that rather than focusing on what people are saying, focuses on the web pages people are linking to.
OneRiot is a social search engine that finds the pulse of the web. Search with OneRiot to find the news, videos and products that people are talking about right now in relation to your search term.
Try our Twitter Search — find the news, stories and videos people are tweeting about right now.
search twitter but see linked webpages...Riding Rails: New 15-minute blog video on Rails 2.2
The old 15-minute blog video was getting really long in the tooth, so it’s with great pleasure that I can present the new video made with Rails 2.2 and done by Ryan Bates. It really takes it all up a notch by showing the creation of a blog with comments, ajax, feed, api, admin interface, and more.
Riding Rails
the 15 minutes to fame tutorial reduxHierarquia de arquivos em Themes de Wordpress |
Para criar um bom theme para Wordpress, você precisa conhecer bem a estrutura de arquivos que são utilizados no construir estes themes. São usados vários arquivos que setorizam as várias funcionalidades do blog ou site.光を効果的に使用したPhotoshopのチュートリアル集:Part 9 | コリス
英語Life is beautiful: マルチスレッド・プログラミングの落とし穴、その2
bookmark してなかったのか… >そう考えると、私にはCreate/Update/Deleteのリクエストに対して、クライアントを待たせながら(つまり、HTTP Requestの処理に必要なスレッド・プロセスを保持したまま)データベースに変更をかけることが根本的に間違っているように思える。 これは同感なんだが、非同期にして comet 的に処理するとしても、他のリクエストとの整合性が必要なケースは存在するので、そこを確実にする配慮が必要になる筈。
問題の分割。実装詳細は詳しいのがほかにいくらでもあると思うCory Doctorow: Search is too important to leave to one company – even Google | Technology |
Search technologies are too important for a single company to dominate
"Search is volatile and we'd be nuts to think that Google owned the last word in organising all human knowledge."
Enter search. Who needs categories, if you can just pile up all the world's knowledge every which way and use software to find the right document at just the right time?
good quotes about dewey and the internet
It may seem as unlikely as a publicly edited encyclopedia, but the internet needs publicly controlled searchGoogle Chrome - Download a new browser
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. Search from the address bar, Thumbnails of your top sites (Access your favorite pages instantly with lightning speed from any new tab), Private browsing (Incognito window when you don't want to save your browsing history)...
Get a fast, free web browser Google Chrome runs web pages and applications with lightning speed.FICC FREELANCE NETWORK | フリーランスWebクリエイターネットワーク
FICCによるフリーランスのためのネットワーク。かっこいいオープニング。Firebug Get Started Step by Step Tutorials - Free IT Tuttorials & Learning Resources
Firebug Get Started Step by Step Tutorials
Firebug Get Started Step by Step Tutorials - Free IT Tuttorials & Learning Resourcesクリック一発でページ内の画像をごっそり最適化してくれる『』 | IDEA*IDEA
ページの軽さにこだわる人に便利そうなツールのご紹介。smush.itを使えばクリック一発でページ内の画像をごっそり最適化してくれます。 この最適化の処理は、オープンソースの最適化アルゴリズムを活用しつつ、画像が持っているメタデータ(どのエディターで作られたとか)を除去することで実現しているようです。.htaccess What, Why, When and How | KomunitasWeb
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml
.htaccess is a file with a power to override certain configurations in the Apache httpd.conf file. If you’re using shared hosting, then you don’t have access to Apache main configuration. So most of shared hosting will provide you with .htaccess file.
RT @cameronolivier: The What, Why, When & How of .htaccess [from]知っておきたいアイコン検索サイトまとめ - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
icon search
アイコンの検索エンジンいろいろハイクオリティな30+のフリーのベクター素材 | コリス
Web Resources Depotのエントリー「ハイクオリティな30+のフリーのベクター素材」からいくつか紹介します。 :: Clojure 1, PHP 0
Annotated link
Building your own blog in clojure.1ファイル毎10GBまで保存してくれるオンラインストレージ FileSavr ログイン不要 - WEBマーケティング ブログ
- WEBマーケティング ブログ
【重宝】音源交換に!! これはすごく便利。 ログイン不要なのはともかく、ファイルをアップして、そのままブックマークしておけばいつでもダウンロードできてしまうお手軽無料オンラインストレージ。 とにかく大きめのファイルをちょっと他の場所でも使いたいとか、ちょっと共有したいファイルがあるといったときにも使えそうな便利ツールです。New Plus Tutorial: WordPress, Beginner to Master - Nettuts+
Throughout this six-part beginner-to-master series, we'll be using the advanced features of WordPress to create our own portfolio & blog, complete with anイランとメディア - Vox
・イランでは情報統制が従来から非常に厳しかった。それをかいくぐってきた人たちだからこそ 今回のように情報統制が行われてもネットで情報を出せているのではないか。 ・メディアでは「イランから起きたTwitter Revolution」的な取り上げられ方も多い中、 実際はTwitterユーザはイラン国内には少なく、メディアリテラシーが高い人ばかりではない。 イラン国内でデモを組織する等の情報交換は、あくまでSMSや電話、口コミといった従来型のツールが使われているらしい。 ・Twitterは情報を世界中に伝播するツールとしては極めてパワフル。 イランからの少数の情報の元、アメリカでTwitterを使って情報がどんどん増幅されているというのが実態であるもよう。 ・ただし、Twitterにはデマや誤情報も多く、伝播してしまう場合もあるので要注意。 ・現在、既存メディアも多くの情報をTwitterから得ている。 ・イランではTwitterよりFriendfeedの方が使われていたのだが、真っ先にアクセスブロックされてしまった。 現在proxyを経由して使えている人たちは、Friendfeedをプライベートモードで使っており、 我々には不可視なコミュニケーションが粛々と行われているらしい。 ・Facebookはお知らせをするには最適で、Mousavi氏もFacebookを使っている。 ・現在なぜか情報統制がゆるんでいるのでこんなに情報が出されているのではないだろうかという専門家も。 政府は現在の抗議活動の情報を記録して、落ち着いた後に逮捕していくのではないかとの懸念が囁かれている。
本当に良記事です。この記事を見ていたら身震いしてきた。ReTweet や各種 twitter 関連サービスによるネットワーク外部性により,もはや完全な検閲は不可能というところか。twitter などのミニブログからジャーナリズム革命を感じる。「本当の大変化はこれから始まる」 by umedamochio "しかし、Twitterの情報の広がるスピードはあまりに速く、間違いもそのまま広がっていってしまう可能性が高い。スピードと会話をとるか、事実確認をとるか。" "Twitterはツールであり、twitter.comのサイトが全てでない点においてFacebook等のSNSと比べて検閲しにくい"
さらに続編、すごいまとめです「Twitterの鳥」画像は600円:クラウドソーシングはデザイナーの敵? | WIRED VISION
iStockPhotoや他のStockPhotoサービスでもロゴとして(またはロゴの一部)としての利用に関しては認めない/拡張ライセンスで対応ってスタンスのところが多かったような。でもtwitterの鳥に関してはすでにそれに比する認識のされ方をしているような気もするんだけどなあ。Not all information wants to be free. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine
Inventing and refining the rich content that wants to be sold.
RT @draenews: Del Not all information wants to be free. - By Jack Shafer - Slate Magazine:
Review of the kind of online content users want to pay for.
Examples of paid content on the web
The idea that people won't pay for content online has become such a part of the Web orthodoxy that New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller risked getting lynched earlier this month for merely musing about paid models for the online editions of his paper. Not helping Keller's cogitation was a contemporaneous "secret memo" from Steve Brill and a Time article by Walter Isaacson, both which advocated variations on the micropayment model. Neither advances the topic much beyond what most Web entrepreneurs understood long ago.
What content will people pay for? Beautifully designed, irreplaceable and authoritative.GeoCities will close later this year. - Yahoo! GeoCities Help
Will something happen to my GeoCities Free or Plus account? Later this year we will be closing all GeoCities accounts and web sites. We'll send you more details this summer. Can I prepare for GeoCities closing now? All of our GeoCities customers can continue to enjoy their sites and GeoCities services until later this year. You don't need to change your service today, but we encourage anyone interested in a full-featured web hosting plan to consider upgrading to our award-winning Yahoo! Web Hosting service.
GeoCities will close later this year. Why is GeoCities not accepting new customers? We have decided to discontinue the process of allowing new customers to sign up for GeoCities accounts as we focus on helping our customers explore and build new relationships online in other ways. We will be closing GeoCities later this year. I'm a GeoCities customer. What's happening to my site? Existing GeoCities accounts have not changed. You can continue to enjoy your web site and GeoCities services until later this year. You don't need to change a thing right now — we just wanted you to let you know about the closure as soon as possible. We'll provide more details about closing GeoCities and how to save your site data this summer, and we will update the help center with more details at that time. Will something happen to my GeoCities Free or Plus account? Later this year we will be closing all GeoCities accounts and web sites. We'll send you more details this summer.
RT @davewiner: Yahoo: GeoCities will close later this year. [from]
Later this year we will be closing all GeoCities accounts and web sites. We'll send you more details this summer. -- I can't be the only one who's been paging through her delicious account and getting twitchy at the thought of missed geocities links going dead. ARGH. Note to self: make note of fics hosted on geocities and tag appropriately. Note to others: please to be backing your stuff up, guys, and providing links to new pages is even better.
Geocities is shutting down sometime later this year. Back-up your pages if you have anything left there, like I do. [from]
check sites closing
via Cory_Arcangel
ffffffffffuuuuuuuuuSlashdot | Freelance Web Developer Best Practices?
o the problems your leads have and tell
Questions about freelance web developer practices.
Freelance Web Developer Best Practices? -- article related to Index, Businesses, Developers, and Ask Slashdot.
great advice on freelancingWeb 開発者の責任 (翻訳): Days on the Moon
Web 開発者の圧倒的多数は、一度もブラウザベンダにバグ報告を登録したことがないばかりか、ブラウザのナイトリー版を使ったことさえありません。これは恥じるべきことです。考えてみれば、ブラウザの何が異常かを評価するのに、ブラウザでの開発に日々を費やす人ほどその資格がある人というのはほとんどいないのです。 ブラウザのバグを登録せず、ナイトリーでのテストもしないプロの開発者を見たとき、私は特に驚きました。ほとんどの開発者の主な仕事のひとつに、クロスブラウザの問題を取り繕うことがあります。よって、バグの数を減らす (そして仕事を劇的に単純化する) ことは最優先事項になります。 私は個人的に全主要ブラウザベンダにバグ報告を登録してきて、良い報告を生み出すいくつかの特徴に気づきました。
Here’s how it works: Blogs and mainstream media sites are indexed by Google very frequently. Many times per day, in fact. And those sites often have great Page Rank already. Combine that regular indexing and Page Rank with Google’s recent policy of ranking news type results higher than older, evergreen stuff, and you have a system ripe for abuse. Let’s say I run a popular political or celebrity gossip site (two topics that pop up a lot on Google Trends). I look for hot queries that people are typing in right now, for whatever reason. Then I write a blog post, making sure to use the query term in the title of the post (which weights heavier for matching content to specific queries). The content of the article itself is mostly irrelevant, as long as your normal readers don’t gag on it. Within a few minutes that content is indexed by Google, and the high Page Rank of the site along with the newness of the content pushes it up towards to top of the first page of results. Possibly all thSandi's Web 2.0 class
Includes training materials created by CCSDTravel Web Sites: A Click-On Showdown - Frugal Traveler Blog -
best travel web sitesassertTrue( ): Two techniques for faster JavaScript
The two most important pieces of advice I can give on speeding up browser scripts, then, are: 1. Never hand-parse a string. 2. Don't do DOM operations in loops (and in general, don't do DOM operations!).
1. Never hand-parse a string. 2. Don't do DOM operations in loops (and in general, don't do DOM operations!).
I like things that go fast, and that includes code that runs fast. With JavaScript (and Java, too), that can be a challenge. So much the better, though. I like challenges too. When someone asks me what's the single best way to speed up "a slow script," naturally I want to know what the script is spending most of its time doing. In browser scripting, it's typical that a "slow" script operation either involves tedious string parsing of some kind, or DOM operations. That's if you don't count programmer-insanity sorts of things, like creating a regular expression object over and over again in a loop.
assertTrue( )ウェブ制作に役立つ、Adobe AIRのアプリケーション集 | コリス
ウェブ制作に役立つ、Adobe AIRのアプリケーション集Jeffrey Zeldman Presents : What are web standards?
What are web standards? And why should I care? A fun new clip from the BigThink marathon Zeldman interview.
from Cathie. What are web standards? And why should I care? A fun new clip from the BigThink marathon Zeldman interview. See also this and that. Or just click the “CHANNELS” button in the video above.Web Design: Collage Sites | Abduzeedo - design inspiration and tutorials
Collage is a cool style that deserves attention. Assembling random images to built a good looking site is one though task, but there are those who manage to do a fantastic job, worth of being showcased here.
collage layoutA Guide to CSS and WordPress: Part 1 — WPCandy — WordPress Themes, Plugins, Tips, and Tricks
A Guide to CSS and WordPress: Part 1 — WPCandy — WordPress Themes, Plugins, Tips, and Tricks -
WPCandy - The Best of WordPress Tips, Tutorials, Hacks, Themes, Plugins, and many more WordPress resources!Do Web Entrepreneurs Still Need Venture Capitalists? - Bits Blog -
"As the cost of starting a Web company decreases, thanks to cloud computing services and technology that entrepreneurs can rent instead of buy, many founders can finance a new company without the help of venture capitalists, using their savings, money from family and friends and credit card debt, Mr. Hendershott writes. More often, they are choosing to sell small, immature companies instead of taking the longer, riskier path of developing a business that could one day go public. That makes venture capital less relevant."
Interesting read for startups
Do Web Entrepreneurs Still Need Venture Capitalists? - Bits Blog - [from]Obtrusive JavaScript Checker 0.7 - support for JavaScript links, inline event information and summary report - Robert’s talk - Web development and Internet trends
Gran herramienta que te ahorrará bastante tiempoネットワーク側から見たヨドバシカメラ問題 - なぷさく
ヨドバシの問題はネットワーク側でなく、やはり CMS の問題みたい
先日CMS導入でトラぶったヨドバシカメラの外側から見た感じ5 Ways To Break Your Design Habits - Just for Fun | Spyre Mag - resources and inspiration for web-designers and developers
We need to question our design style sometimes, even if we end up in the same place that we started from. It’s a matter of taking something and turning it around so we can grasp what it is all about.Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: All hail the information triumvirate!
Carr om Googles och Wikipedias symbios och informationssamhällets misslyckande
Three things have happened, in a blink of history's eye: (1) a single medium, the Web, has come to dominate the storage and supply of information, (2) a single search engine, Google, has come to dominate the navigation of that medium, and (3) a single information source, Wikipedia, has come to dominate the results served up by that search engine.
Wikipedia has come to dominate Google web search results. It often ranks #1 for searches on common topics like Internet and Evolution. Is it true that Wikipedia articles are the very best source of information for all of these topics? Or are we witnessing the effects of a popularity feedback loop, fueled by the principles of least effort, and our tendency to stick with the first and obvious answers? The web link graph is fundamentally a product of socialization, and Google is fundamentally a social search engine. A popularity bias in inherent in all social information systems, leading us all down the same well-trod path. Could it be that, counter to our expectations, the natural dynamic of the web will lead to less diversity in information sources rather than more?
Nicholas Carr questions the internet power of wikipedia & google.
(1) a single medium, the Web, has come to dominate the storage and supply of information (2) a single search engine, Google, has come to dominate the navigation of that medium (3) a single information source, Wikipedia, has come to dominate the results served up by that search engine.Most-Popular Lists Breed More Popularity - | Top-Ten Lists Abound Online, but Following the Herd Can Make You Wonder About the Wisdom of Crowds
Look at This Article. It's One of Our Most Popular Top-Ten Lists Abound Online, but Following the Herd Can Make You Wonder About the Wisdom of Crowds
another piece about "stupidity of crowds"
Popularity is, unfortunately, still all the rage.
These online rankings are public, creating a positive-feedback loop. The more popular something becomes, even if just from a random burst of interest, the more likely it is to grow ever more popular. And that has troubling implications about the effects of all sorts of popularity rankings, from bestseller charts to election polls. Frequently, popularity rankings speak less to the merits of what's being observed and more to the fact that crowds are observing it. In other words, peer pressure.
This used to be called the "lowest common denominator." Now it is called "the wisdom of crowds" or "the democratization of X." Anyway upshot: "Frequently, popularity rankings speak less to the merits of what's being observed and more to the fact that crowds are observing it."
"Top-Ten Lists Abound Online, but Following the Herd Can Make You Wonder About the Wisdom of Crowds"
"...the study showed that popularity is both unstable and malleable ... Deducing merit from popularity 'can lead to self-reinforcing snowballs of popularity, which can become decoupled from the underlying reality," says [the] study co-author."Is Real-time the Future of the Web?
Minutes are not fast enough for our information-hungry society anymore. If it takes you several minutes to break a story, you may be out of luck – Twitter probably has already broken the story and thousands of people are already discussing its ramifications. But there are some major disadvantages to the real-time evolution. With faster information, we have less filters and checks to be sure it’s correct. Rumors about swine flu or any other noteworthy story, can be spread and retweeted without a proper fact check. And some deeper stories require research and dedication that only journalists and other professionals can provide. Social media is even moving toward’s real-time information. Facebook’s redesign is meant to bring the information stream into focus. Friendfeed now updates in real-time. And there are several Twitterapplications that auto-update as well.
post date 05/09/09 by Ben Parr on RRW.
Globe Information ImageIt’s clear that the Web has altered how we as a society consume information. Not only has Internet communication made information more accessible, but social media has made it easier to organize, filter, and most of all, create. Yet with innovations like TwitterTwitterTwitter and microblogging, we’re reaching a point where the flow of information has become so heavy that the only way to really keep track of it is via real-time web tools. With FriendFeedFriendFeedFriendFeed recently switching over to a real-time interface and demand for faster information, is real-time the future of the web? Can we as a society keep up with an ever-increasing amount of information? Or will we have to find better alternatives to filter out the information so only the most important stuff reaches us first?
It's clear that the Web has altered how we as a society consume information. Not only has Internet communication made information more accessible, but social
It’s clear that the Web has altered how we as a society consume information. Not only has Internet communication made information more accessible, but social media has made it easier to organize, filter, and most of all, create. Yet with innovations like Twitter (Twitter reviews) and microblogging, we’re reaching a point where the flow of information has become so heavy that the only way to really keep track of it is via real-time web tools.Googleウェブサイトオプティマイザーで効果的なデザインを提供する方法 | DesignWalker
GoogleウェブサイトオプティマイザーでABテストをやってみた記事Dragon Labs » Rainbows » The Demo
I downloaded the Demo Folder = DL Rainbows Demo . Companion to CSS-Trick button maker. May have more options but not an app.
w to u
The Labs showcases some of our research and development with web technologies like JavaScript and CSS. We also release tutorials and resources to help other web developers enrich the web.
Texto em degradePage Speed Home
Google code: Page Speed Home
Page Speed performs several tests on a site's web server configuration and front-end code. These tests are based on a set of best practices known to enhance web page performance. Webmasters who run Page Speed on their pages get a set of scores for each page.
Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them.
Google Page Speed
"Page Speed is an open-source Firefox/Firebug Add-on. Webmasters and web developers can use Page Speed to evaluate the performance of their web pages and to get suggestions on how to improve them."[CSS]印刷用のスタイルシートがグッとよくなる、3つのポイント | コリス
印刷用のスタイルシートの3つのTipsWeb Development For The iPhone And iPad: Getting Started - Smashing Magazine
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I know that most discussion about the iPhone OS platform centers on native applications. But you can still create powerful, native-looking applications using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. This article focuses on three phases of building and optimizing your website: design, coding and testing.Smokescreen |
Flash ... without the pluginTop 1000 sites - DoubleClick Ad Planner
The 1000 most-visited sites on the web
You can see a list of the largest 1000 sites worldwide, based on Unique Visitors (users), as measured by Ad Planner. This list is updated monthly as new Ad Planner datasets are released. The list defines sites as top-level domains.
danh sach 500 website duoc truy cap nhieu nhat(google)
Stats: Interesting assortment: Top 1000 most-visited sites on the web /Via @dkasrelCSS Three — Connecting The Dots - Smashing Magazine
CSS Three — Connecting The Dots - Smashing Magazine
sweet css tips n tricks
CSS3で何ができるのか?基本的な説明と例。PC.DE - Download Free Icons for Windows and Macintosh @
"As you probably know, cross-browser testing is an important part of any developer’s routine. As the number of browsers increase, and they certainly have in recent years, the need for automatic tools that can assist us in the process becomes ever greater. In this article, we present an overview of different cross-browser testing applications and services."... "This is not just a list of available tools, but rather a comprehensive analysis based on my experience with each of them. For the impatient among you, a summary table is at the end summarizing key metrics and unique features for each service. But if you’re interested in my personal experience with these tools, then read on. Probably the most important metric of these services is the capture delay, which I measured for the URL stackoverflow, with the following browsers enabled: Firefox, IE, Chrome and Safari."
Cross-Browser Testing: A Detailed Review Of Tools And Services #css #crossbrowser #fav
Adobe BrowserLabやMicrosoft Expression Web SuperPreviewなどの複数ブラウザでの表示チェックのためのツール/サービス8つを比較しています
As you probably know, cross-browser testing is an important part of any developer's routine. As the number of browsers increase, and they certainly have in recent...50 Informative and Well-Designed Infographics | Inspiration
Design weblog for designers, bloggers and tech users. Covering useful tools, tutorials, tips and inspirational photos.
some good some bad, but great source
1枚の図で表わしてある。これはステキ。Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains | Magazine
Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains
The book excerpt: the ShallowsA List Apart: Articles: Web Fonts at the Crossing
Web Fonts50 New Useful CSS Techniques, Tools and Tutorials - Smashing Magazine
Ctrl + A ( R-18 )
ctrl+a101 Apps for Your Web App Startup Toolbox | Web.AppStorm
aplicaciones para web
With the multitude of web applications available today, it can be difficult choosing, let alone finding, an application that fits your needs and wants. There are so many fantastic apps available, many of which are bound to be beneficial for you and/or your business. From mind mapping, design and development to collaboration, project tracking and accounting; this roundup of 101 fantastic web apps for startups and businesses are sure to reduce operating costs and increase both productivity and efficiency.
From mind mapping, design and development to collaboration, project tracking and accounting; this roundup of 101 fantastic web apps for startups and businesses are sure to reduce operating costs and increase both productivity and efficiency.
With the multitude of web applications available today, it can be difficult choosing, let alone finding, an application that fits your needs and wants. ThereA New Type of Phishing Attack « Aza on Design
@caryblack Makes me paranoid.
Tabnabbing: A New Type of Phishing Attack - via @dustice
Sell your stuff.
til dato bedste webshop, åbenbart!Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
Great rationale points and starting tidbits.
Designers often don’t take the time they should to learn about how basic psychological principles can effect the experience their visitors have on the sites they build. Psychological principles are either looked upon as unnecessary, or too complicated. But the truth is that they’re neither.
"Psychological principles are either looked upon as unnecessary, or too complicated. But the truth is that they’re neither"
Allow the negative space on your site to direct your visitors to the areas you want them to focus on. By combining empty space and properly styled and proportioned elements, you can encourage your visitors to look at a certain thing and take a desired action.Five Best Personal Web Hosts
"The following web hosts all have plans designed and suited for small site owners with reasonable pricing to match."
The web's full of services happy to host your photos, blog posts, and other online data, but if you're control- or privacy-minded, you can do better. If you're thinking about hosting your own site, check out these five popular personal web hosts.Ultimate List of HTML5 and CSS3 Tools | Admix Web
HTML5 and CSS3 are really revolutionizing the worlds of web development and web design, because they are bringing so many new features to work with to the fields. I have been spending much of my time working with both HTML5 and CSS3 in order to learn more about the two, and have learned that you can do everything from animation to rounded corners to amazing effects and fonts to easy offline line capabilities. In this post, I tried to collect some great tools that can help you to master these new features of both HTML5 and CSS3, by putting together an ultimate list of tools. Even though many of these features are not fully supported yet, as web developers and designers we should always be thinking about the future! I hope you find these tools helpful! Enjoy!
An awesome list of tutorials for HTML5 and CSS3
Herramientas CSS3 y HTML5, algunas bien bizarras34 Inspiring iPad Application Websites | Inspiration
34 Inspiring iPad Application Websites /by @GisMullr via @abduzeedo #mobile #webdesign #ipad
美しいiPadアプリサイト集What the Hex?
They give you a hexadecimal number and you have to guess which of five colours it applies to.
Gissa färgen! :)Fantastic Footers: 25 Examples And Best Practices | Spyre Studios
25 ejemplos y consejos sobre el pié de las páginas wessss. Muy interesante...50 Red Web Designs to Inspire You | Inspiration
Great set of icon librariesBeautiful and Useful 404 Error Pages for Inspiration
Here is a collection of 30 beautiful and creative 404 Not Found error message pages.
Errors don’t need to be ugly. On the Web, any links that are broken result in a 404 Not Found error message. There are two ways you can address this issue when your user navigates towards a broken link. Option 1: Present the user with an old and boring default error page, which displays no information other than "There’s an error." Option 2: The second solution is to present them with a custom error page design that can suggest alternative things they can see or do in order to resolve their problem.Op-Ed Contributor - Mind Over Mass Media -
Mind Over Mass Media
Steven Pinker - Accomplished people don’t bulk up their brains with intellectual calisthenics; they immerse themselves in their fields. Novelists read lots of novels, scientists read lots of science.
Mind Over Mass Media | Twitter, e-mail and PowerPoint are far from making us stupid — they are keeping us smart.
The effects of consuming electronic media are also likely to be far more limited than the panic implies. Media critics write as if the brain takes on the qualities of whatever it consumes, the informational equivalent of “you are what you eat.”
RT @kenanmalik: The Internet does not make you stupid any more than an encyclopaedia makes you smart: CSS3 Lightboxes
I would really like to go thru this tutorial! It has some really neat features, but what I worry about is that this method of creating content does not lend itself to deep understanding on the part of the reader according to much of the recent research. The hyperlinks could be construed as distracting -- would be worth looking at though.
Semantic CSS3 Lightboxes - nouveau Facebook : un guide complet pour les éditeurs, les annonceurs, les utilisateurs et la concurrence | ReadWriteWeb France
"Facebook : un guide complet pour les éditeurs, les annonceurs, les utilisateurs et la concurrence" – regis vansnick (vansnick)
"Facebook a secoué le monde des technologies en annonçant une série d’innovations majeures qui constituent, prises dans leur ensemble, un mouvement destiné à faire du web tout entier un web social et sémantique. Les rumeurs faisait état d’un simple bouton ‘Like’ : en lieu et place, Zuckerberg et son équipe ont révélé une nouvelle plateforme ambitieuse que l’on ne peut pas ignorer."
26 avril 2010 par Fabrice Epelboin et Alex Iskold. Facebook a secoué le monde des technologies en annonçant une série d’innovations majeures qui constituent, prises dans leur ensemble, un mouvement destiné à faire du web tout entier un web social et sémantique.Beginners Guide to Using the Power of Color in Web Design - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Guia para usar paletas de colores armonicas en diseño web
Ejemplos de webs hechas basandose en el circulo cromatico
Referencia de como usar as cores para o desenvolvimento de interfacesここまでできる!CSS3を使ったチュートリアルまとめ | DesignWalker
"A service that can turn practically anything on the web into a JSON feed that any website or mobile app can consume. A JSON conduit, if you will."
RT @LaFermeDuWeb: Jsonduit - Transformez tout site web en un flux JSON Consommable:
Any data, anywhere. JSonduit is a service that can turn practically anything on the web into a JSON feed that any website or mobile app can consume. A JSON conduit, if you will. Feeds are created from one or more source URLs and a custom transform, written in JavaScript, that can manipulate the data before the feed is served. JSonduit also provides a hosting service for web widgets so that any site can easily display JSonduit feeds. In fact, the recent/popular lists you see below are widgets served by the JSonduit service; all done in a couple of lines of JavaScript (go ahead, view the page source!).
JSonduit is a service that can turn practically anything on the web into a JSON feed that any website or mobile app can consume. A JSON conduit, if you will.48 Examples of Excellent Layout in Web Design | Inspiration
48 Examples of Excellent Layout in Web Design | Inspiration
48 Examples of Excellent Layout in Web Design | Inspiration -セレクタの高速化の話し - Webtech Walker
セレクタは右から左に解釈される これは正直知らなくて、結構衝撃でした。 #foo .bar {} これはなんとなく#fooを探して、その中の.barを探している気がしてたんですけど、実は.barを探して、その親要素に#fooがあるかを探すそうです。なので特に#fooが必要なければ .bar {} と書いたほうが高速だということ。 また、以下の様に要素名で指定すると、その要素を全て探します。 #foo a {} これは一度a要素を全て探すので、できればaにclassをふって #foo .anchor {} とするほうが高速のようです。(#fooをとるとより高速) 特にユニバーサルセレクタなどは、 #foo * {} とすると、全ての要素の親要素に対して#fooがあるかどうかを調べるので遅くなるようです。30 of the Best Web Typography Resources Online | Webdesigner Depot
It seems there are two camps among web designers: those who embrace web typography, experiment with it, and try new things in virtually all of their designs;Valuable Cheat Sheets for Web Designers and Developers
June 11, 2010 In this post, you can find cheat sheets of Browsers, Color, CSS, Dreamweaver, HTML, Illustrator, Javascripts ( jQuery and mootools ), Photoshop, SEO, Typography, WordPress.
Ultimate list of Cheat Sheets for Web Designers and Developers with wordpress, photoshop, html, css, color codes, JavaScript , jquery & mootools..60 Excellent Examples of Illustration in Web Design | Inspiration
The great thing about web design is that we have an enormous range of styles, techniques and ideas to implement when designing. You can go from Super Clean and Minimal Layouts to Colorful Layouts, and you can use Huge Typography or Hand Drawn elements – as long as you keep your style and give your website your own personality. As illustration is somewhere in between those options and is something that can be used to give your website a very unique touch, we decided to gather 60 excellent examples of illustration in web design. There should be plenty here to inspire you.OAuthプロトコルの中身をざっくり解説してみるよ - ゆろよろ日記
Google webfonts explained.
Fontes do GOOGLE
Google have made two huge announcements today. One of these concerns the Google Fonts API. Simply by linking to a particular font, stored on Google's servers
Quick Tip: Google Fonts API: You’re Going to Love This
Use Google Fonts Api to change the font simply
Google have made two huge announcements today. One of these concerns the Google Fonts API. Simply by linking to a particular font, stored on Google’s servers (save on bandwidth + caching benefits), we now have access to a wide array of custom fonts. Quite literally, you can integrate these fonts into your project in about 20 seconds. It’s as simple as that. Further, due to the operations being performed behind the scenes, these custom fonts will even be recognized back to Internet Explorer 6. I, for one, and am extremely excited about the possibilities, and the font catalog is surely to continue expanding over the coming years.Website Navigation Menu Toolbox - Web Design Blog –
Great roundup of good looking navigation patterns.Flickr Photo Download: HTML5 (Infographic)
Flickr Photo Download: HTML5 (Infographic)
What is HTML5 and why we should all care: Infographic: #trends via @dorait; @avinashkaushik50 Examples of Black in Web Design – Black is Beautiful! - Speckyboy Design Magazine
From specky - as title describes
50 ejemplos de diseño web en blanco y negroLaunchlist - Your one stop website checklist!
Launchlist is intended to help and encourage web designers and developers to check their work before exposing it to the world at large.
Pre site launch checklist35 Examples of Using Typography in Web Design
typography on website
A collection of sites that use type on the web very well.Advice on CSS you'll wish your mother told you
css resetTechi - Fresh daily technology news
Google Chrome Extentionの説明で一番役に立つと思われる。
Speed Dial... Taberareloo...私がtumblerユーザーであり、はてぶユーザーであり、ツイッターユーザーであり、Evernoteユーザーであり、del.icio.usユーザーで、色々やってるから便利とかそんなレベルではない。どれかひとつのユーザーでもこれはかなり使い勝手の良いツール Google bookmarks.... IE Tab... AutoPager Chrome... Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer(by Google)...パワーポイントが無くて困ったときのお助けエクステンション。これさえあれば閲覧は出来るCreate GitHub-Style Buttons with CSS and jQuery, MooTools, or Dojo JavaScript
I’m what you would consider a bit of a GitHub fanboy. We all know that GitHub is the perfect place to store repositories of open source code, but I think my love of GitHub goes beyond that. GitHub seems to understand that most repo sites are usually boring so they’ve spiced their site up with some catchy CSS and great JavaScript features. One tiny piece of the GitHub design I love are the basic buttons. Lets examine how we can create our own GitHub-style buttons with a bit of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.9 Photoshop Editing Tips Web Developers Should Know
9 Photoshop Editing Tips Web Developers Should Know // #n00b
Here are common tasks and processes that web developers often need to deal with when working on a web design/web interface using Photoshop.30 Free Web Design UI Kit Resources | VisonwidGet
网页设计的工具包,有的是设计类的框架Cross-domain Ajax with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing | NCZOnline
Avoiding proxy use for cross-domain ajax request, easier than you thought.
A couple of years ago, web developers were banging their head against the first wall in Ajax: the same-origin policy. While we marveled at the giant stepSexy Tooltips with Just CSS
Thus, we’re going to look at how using the evolving CSS standard can enhance some lovely cross-browser tooltips.A complete guide to CSS pseudo-classes - Suburban Glory
not too much new stuff but a nice explanationWeb App Client Questionnaire | Carsonified
Questions to ask a prospective client for web application projectsDotWar
Want a good time waster? Let your Twitter avatar battle it out with another avatar: A Haskell Web Framework: Home
Snap Framework: a web framework for Haskell
Snap is a simple web development framework for unix systems, written in the Haskell programming language. A fast HTTP server library with an optional high-concurrency backend using the libev event loop library A sensible and clean monad for web programming An XML-based templating system for generating HTML
What is Snap? Snap is a simple web development framework for unix systems, written in the Haskell programming language. Snap is well-documented and has a test suite with a high level of code coverage, but it is early-stage software with still-evolving interfaces. Snap is therefore likely to be most appropriate for early adopters and potential contributors.Multi-Layered Design: Guidelines and Examples - Noupe
By Cameron Chapman There have been tons of posts about minimalist and simple web design. It's something every designer should consider and study, as minimalist and...30 Minimalist Web Designs for Your Inspiration - Web Design Blog –
30 Minimalist Web Designs for Your Inspiration - Web Design Blog – -
30 Minimalist Web Designs for Your Inspiration - Web Design Blog – Roundup of 15 Mobile Web Design Tutorials - SloDive
mobile para agenda2
Design Resources & Inspiration30 Useful Web-Based Applications for Designers | Most Inspired: Design Inspiration Blog
RT @rkiker: 30 Useful Web-Based Applications for Designers with menu, font, css, and color tools
A web application is an application that is accessed via a web browser over a network. They may also mean a computer software application that is hosted in a browser-controlled environment or coded in a browser-supported language (such as JavaScript,Top 10 Beautiful Minimalist Icon Sets
クリエイティブな「カミングスーン!」ページまとめ。12 Portable Apps for Web Designers
Some of the best portable apps for web designers that are a must-have.覚えて良かったCSSテクニック « zaru blog
覚えて良かったCSSテクニックBeautiful Examples of 3D Elements in Web Design
3D elements used in web design can make a website more impressive and memorable. The purpose of 3D elements is to create a feeling of depth. In this collection, you will find 45 modern website designs that use 3D elements.
3dEffective Search Engine Optimization for Web Designers | Vandelay Design Blog
free for use (personal/commercial)
The spirit20 icon set consists of almost 500 transparent PNGs at 20×20 pixels, and is completely free to use for both personal and commercial projects. No attribution is required. It includes icons documents, media, system, internet, mail, hardware, users, actions and - a piece of paper in the cloud
Online note taking
Notepad, but in the cloud
a piece of paper
a piece of paper in the cloudVuvuzela Time! - View any website like you're at the South Africa World Cup!
RT @antoine_: Vuvuzela time: view any website as if you were at the World Cup:
add vuvuzela to any website
Vuvuzela Time! - View any website like you're at the South Africa World Cup!
View any website like you're at the South Africa World Cup!HTML+CSS Templating
コーディングjQueryプラグインを探す際にだいたい見て回る巡回サイトまとめ - かちびと.net
jQueryプラグインを探す際にだいたい見て回る巡回サイトまとめ - かちびと.net – Javascript News (del_javascript)のみで実装出来る、クロスブラウザ対応のWebデザインテクニック集 - かちびと.net
cssFight with Spam: 15+ Free Captcha Solutions
A 'Captcha' is a challenge-response test most often placed within web forms to determine whether the user is human or a spam bot.10 Web Design Bloggers You Should Follow
10 Web Design Bloggers You Should FollowExploring the software behind Facebook, the world’s largest site | Royal Pingdom
536Share Exploring the software behind Facebook, the world’s largest site Posted in Main on June 18th, 2010 by Pingdom FacebookAt the scale that Facebook operates, a lot of traditional approaches to serving web content break down or simply aren’t practical. The challenge for Facebook’s engineers has been to keep the site up and running smoothly in spite of handling close to half a billion active users. This article takes a look at some of the software and techniques they use to accomplish that.
Software Behind FacebookEverything you need to know about the internet | Technology | The Observer
In spite of all the answers the internet has given us, its full potential to transform our lives remains the great unknown. Here are the nine key steps to understanding the most powerful tool of our age – and where it's taking usLearn HTML5: 10 Must Read Lessons
HTML 5 Lessons.見出しデザインの参考にしたい CSSで作るhタグのサンプル集 | 日刊ウェブログ式
cool idea
Bookmarklet Combiner creates a master bookmarklet that can launch them all. W-Shadow's web tool couldn't be more simple. Copy the JavaScript code from your bookmarklets (usually accomplished with a right-click, then "Edit" or "Properties"), paste them into the combiner field, then give them each a name. Choose whether you want a drop-down menu to appear with your bookmarklets listed, or fire a combination of bookmarklets all at once. Name your One Bookmarklet, drag it to your bookmarks, and you're done.Web Design Inspiration: 55 Beautifully Made Single Page Designs | Naldz Graphics
Single page websites may be described as websites that constitutes all of its features in one page. In this kind of design visitors need not to load different pages just to find what they are looking for and this can give your website an advantage to the rest. But to make this effective, it is of importance to have a creative design to your website to make it more fun and lively.In our next post, we will be showcasing examples of Beautiful Single Page Design. We have collected different creatively made single page design websites to give you an overview on this interesting concept. Come, take a peek, and be inspired.
Single page websites may be described as websites that constitutes all of its features in one page. In this kind of design visitors need not to load different pages just to find what they are looking for and this can give your website an advantage to the rest. But to make this effective, it is of importance to have a creative design to your website to make it more fun and lively.
Made Single
Web Design Inspiration: 55 Beautifully Made Single Page Designs | Naldz Graphics - 10 Beautiful Minimalist Icon Sets
2010How to Set Up OpenID on Your Own Domain
2 lines of HTML code make your domain map to an openid provider... meaning you can type $DOMAIN_NAME into an openid space and not (gmail|yahoo|etc)
OpenID is an open standard for logging onto various web services with a single digital identity. The tool puts your online identity back in your hands—and as it turns out, OpenID on your own domain is surprisingly easy. Setting up OpenID thru your own domain30 Awesome Collection Of DIV/CSS Websites For Design Inspiration
30 Awesome Collection Of DIV/CSS Websites For Design Inspiration -
RT @deliciouspb: 30 Awesome Collection Of DIV/CSS Websites For Design Inspiration
Clever designs.things@kureno : Lorem Ipsum Tool
A nice alternative to Lorem Ipsum using real words intead of greeking
things@kureno :Applying Interior Design Principles To The Web - Smashing Magazine
By Web Design Tools For Creating a Complete Website
Excellent list of web design, web dev and project management tools【HTML5】新規でサイトを作るのに使えそうなの一式。Ver 1|CSS HappyLife
HMTL5になった事で、 のリセットスタイル(v1.4.1)を使っています。 また、フォントサイズは、YUIのv2.8.1を使っております。
HTML5入門セット。Web Designs that Use Textures Beautifully
Using textures in a web design gives it a unique look that roughens the sharpness and crispness that you can find in most other site designs. When used properly, the results of utilizing textures in a web layout can be stunning.HTML Helper
HTML Helper -
tutorial lessons
20 HTML tutorialsCSS image replacement with pseudo-elements (NIR) – Nicolas Gallagher — Blog & Ephemera
"An accessible image replacement method using pseudo-elements and generated-content. Works with images/CSS off; semi-transparent images; doesn’t hide text from screen-readers or search engines; and provides fallback for IE6 and IE7."
"An accessible image replacement method using pseudo-elements and generated-content. This method works with images and/or CSS off; works with semi-transparent images; doesn’t hide text from screen-readers or search engines; and provides fallback for IE6 and IE7."
Great idea
An accessible image replacement method using pseudo-elements and generated-content. This method works with images and/or CSS off; works with semi-transparent images; doesn’t hide text from screen-readers or search engines; and provides fallback for IE6 and IE7.
ou need to support them you’ll have to rely on the Phark method. This can be do
Interesting idea: CSS image replacement with pseudo-elements (NIR) - #css (via @Malarkey) – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag)
CSS image replacement with pseudo-elements (NIR) /by @necolas #css #webdesign
疑似要素を使った CSS による画像置換。より早くcssやhtmlのコーディングが行えそうな情報いろいろ - かちびと.net
zen-coding・・・・・Create and share your list of links —
Create and share and collaborate with putting together a list of links. Not sure why you would, but if you wanted to ...
Specialized lists of links to email and edit with groups.
RT @langwitches: Create and share your list of links —
Create and share your list of links.OpenVBX: the Web-based, Open Source Phone System for Business
OpenVBX allows developers to build voice and SMS applications for business, such as toll free phone numbers, call forwarding, voicemail, visual voicemail, voicemail transcriptions, and auto-attendants. It's like Google Voice, but open source and for business.
: the Web-based, Open Source Phone System for BusinessFree Temporary Web Page builder.
Create your own webpage with ease.
Build a free, permanent or temporary web page. ◦Unlimited, free web pages . ◦Quick and easy sign up process. ◦Service is free & easy to use. ◦Fill out one form to create your page. No toolbars to learn. ◦Pages never expire if they are updated once a year. ◦Inactive pages expire after one year. ◦Great for making temporary web pages. ◦Perfect for creating a small website. ◦Build a page for your event or party. ◦Post flyers and brochures online. ◦An easy alternative to HTML email.
One of the simplest tools to create a free temporary web page without writing any codeHOW TO : Make Your Web Typography Better
UX Myths (via @igloodigital)
Tumblr about misconceptions of UX.
A lot of this is common knowledge for most UX designers, but there are still some interesting nuggets of information.E-commerce: Fundamentals of a Successful Re-Design - Noupe
E-commerce: Fundamentals of a Successful Re-Design - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag) 10 HTML Tags Beginners Aren’t Using | Nettuts+
Let's go back to the basics for this one. Everyone reading this at least knows what HTML is. I believe that, no matter what experience level someone has, reviewing the foundation can help increase knowledge. It also helps to hone skills, especially with the constantly evolving technologies that drives the Internet. There has also been a lot of talk of change with HTML 5. Every tag that I mention below is supported in both HTML 4.01 and HTML 5. While some of these tags are already widely used; I would like to challenge some of the ways that we use and think about them.Your App’s Website Sucks » Matt Legend Gemmell
Tipps für App-Advertising Websites
If you have an app available, you probably have an accompanying website for it. As someone who tries and buys a lot of software, I see many such websites during the average week. Some are great, but most make the same few mistakes again and again. I want to share some tips for making software product websites that don’t turn customers away.FrontPage - マンガで分かる JavaScriptプログラミング講座
"2010年5月10日 18時39分 第1版完成しました"Finally | a fluid Hicksdesign | The Hickensian | Hicksdesign
I’ve been wanting a fluid layout on this site for about 5 years. I had a brief redesign back in 2005 where I flirted with it for a few months, but it was soon switched back to fixed as I couldn’t get it right. Last year, I discovered CSS media queries while working on the internal pages of the Opera Browser, and tried to implement it here. It was half-assed and was removed, again after a few months. It took Ethan Marcotte’s excellent article for A List Apart Responsive Web Design to motivate me to do it properly, as well as know HOW to do it properly. I don’t think I’ve read anything as exciting and inspirational for a long time. So I started from scratch, working on the basic skeleton of the layout, getting the various resolution dependant layouts in place, before re-implementing the design (making a few changes long the way of course). So now, you’ll see the layout and type size change depending on the available width.Designing a RESTful Web Application - Quandy Factory
useful collection of thoughtspdf.js - create basic pdf files in the browser and node.js
pdf.js - create basic pdf files in the browser and node.js -
Para crear pdf usando el navegadorHTML5 presentation
RT @deliciouspb: #HTML5 presentation
Good overview of HTML5 and the possibilities.Create an iPhone optimised website using jQTouch | TutToaster
RT @KISSmetrics: 10 Steps To A More Usable Ecommerce Website #webdesign
VeriSignCSS for iPhone 4 (Retina display) « Thomas Maier – web & communication designer
iPhone4のRetina Displayに対応させたCSSを読ませるlinkタグの書き方
RT @wpSEO: Ein extra CSS für iPhone 4 einbinden #css
This is how you target the iPhone 4 with specific CSS73 Blog Designs From Deviantart You'll Never Forget
73 Blog Designs From Deviantart You'll Never Forget -
Diseño de blogs muy cvres
layouts maravilhosos pra você se inspirar e mudar o do seu blogTop 10 Resources for Design Inspiration
Inspiring stuff...
On a daily basis, designers are challenged to constantly be inspired by the world around them. It’s hard to be on top of your game every day, and sometimes you’re just left completely and utterly uninspired. Thankfully, there are plenty of visual resources on the web where designers and creatives can turn for inspiration.Google TV
Designing websites for Google TV10 Awesome Webcam Feeds From Around the World
a list of ten fascinating webcam feeds from around the world that offer a scintillating glimpse into other people’s lives, and fascinating looks at famous landmarks.
Check out these great webcam feeds that offer a scintillating glimpse into other people's lives, and fascinating looks at famous landmarks.YeahYeahYeahYeahYeah the site “challenges the ideas of surveillance, and public versus private by creating a medium for people walking down the street to instantly anonymously broadcast their experiences to the world using today’s mobile phone technology.”
....weiß zwar noch nicht was es tut, klang bei aber lustig...MojoMotor : The Publishing Engine that Does Less
Teclyn diweddaraf Ellis Lab
"MojoMotor is a simple publishing engine that lets you keep your site fresh. Currently in private beta, it will be available shortly." From the makers of ExpressionEngine.
The Publishing Engine that Does Lessフォームの見栄え・使い勝手を強化するjQueryプラグインいっぱい | DesignWalker
jquery form
jQueryを使ったフォーム集 いいデザインいっぱいブクログのパブー | 電子書籍作成・販売プラットフォーム
RT @draenews: Del 5 awesome HTML5 demos: Your Tables with CSS3 | Codrops
an online portfolio can also bridge you to your job opportunities with no limitation. Everyone on the internet can see all of your projects. Can you imagine if your next valuable client saw your online portfolioModern Element Trends In Minimal Webdesign of 2010
Since you may noticed, There are recently been working on web site redesign for some time already and today I am deeply researching modern day factors inside small webdesign - I made a decision to share with you my investigation using all of you.
ส่วนประกอบโมเดิร์นๆ ที่พบเห็นในเว็บสไตล์ Minimal ในปี 2010
As you may seen, There are recently been focusing on website redesign for a long period previously and after this I will be seriously exploring modern-day elements inside minimal webdesign * Choice to share my personal study with almost everyone.Facebook | BigPipe: Pipelining web pages for high performance
Site speed is one of the most critical company goals for Facebook. In 2009, we successfully made Facebook site twice as fast, which was blogged in this post. Several key innovations from our engineering team made this possible. In this blog post, I will describe one of the secret weapons we used called BigPipe that underlies this great technology achievement.
Pretty cool way of building webpages from facebook to make it super fast.
BigPipe is a fundamental redesign of the dynamic web page serving system. The general idea is to decompose web pages into small chunks called pagelets, and pipeline them through several execution stages inside web servers and browsers. This is similar to the pipelining performed by most modern microprocessors: multiple instructions are pipelined through different execution units of the processor to achieve the best performance. Although BigPipe is a fundamental redesign of the existing web serving process, it does not require changing existing web browsers or servers; it is implemented entirely in PHP and JavaScript.
Site speed is one of the most critical company goals for Facebook. In 2009, we successfully made Facebook site twice as fast, which was blogged in this post. Several key innovations from our engineering team made this possible. In this blog post, I will describe one of the secret weapons we used called BigPipe that underlies this great technology achievement. BigPipe is a fundamental redesign of the dynamic web page serving system. The general idea is to decompose web pages into small chunks called pagelets, and pipeline them through several execution stages inside web servers and browsers. This is similar to the pipelining performed by most modern microprocessors: multiple instructions are pipelined through different execution units of the processor to achieve the best performance. Although BigPipe is a fundamental redesign of the existing web serving process, it does not require changing existing web browsers or servers; it is implemented entirely in PHP and JavaScript.
twiceWeb Services as Governments - Union Square Ventures: A New York Venture Capital Fund Focused on Early Stage & Startup Investing
Web Services as Governments via @VenessaMiemis | Related: War [from]
As I thought about it, it became clear that web platforms really don't make much. Instead, they create the conditions that encourage others to invest their time and energy to create useful services. The value of Twitter is not in the software that runs on their servers; it is in the content that 180 million people contribute to their network - same with Facebook. Many would argue that Apple makes things, but even there, the full experience of the iPhone has a lot to do with the 200,000 applications that others created to run on the device. A lot of people have begun using the term ecosystem to describe these big platforms. That captures their decentralized, emergent character, but ecosystems do not have a central point of control. Apple decided to eliminate third party analytics between one release and the next. That doesn't happen in an ecosystem. The right analogy is a government.
Apple, Facebook, Craigslist, et all as governments (totalitarian, state economies, libertarians?)
Social networks act as governments with their APIs.Dropboxの徹底活用マル秘テクニック : ライフハッカー[日本版]
Dropboxの徹底活用マル秘テクニック : ライフハッカー[日本版] (69 users) – はてなブックマーク::Hotentry (hatebu)
必要Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: Experiments in delinkification
The gist: Links are distracting, so what if we tried putting them off till the end of each post?
read this too, this is the man who said the thing I was interested in the other week . LInk from Scripting News
delinkificationthis, is boomerang
Medición de rendimiento de sitios web
A tool that helps determine not just response and performance, but helps with client side "perceived" performance. Which can be two different cases.
boomerang is a piece of javascript that you add to your web pages, where it measures the performance of your website from your end user's point of view. It has the ability to send this data back to your server for further analysis. With boomerang, you find out exactly how fast your users think your site is.
Interesting tool allowing measurement of perceived speed of a web site on the client side.
Boomerang measures the performance of your website from your end user's point of view.Accessible Text CAPTCHAs: 157,500,799 logic questions
Weg met de captcha's met afbeeldingen #accessibility #textcaptcha
"This site provides a web service to generate text-based CAPTCHAs, based on simple logic questions."
Text Captcha is an accessible alternative to standard captcha methods and relies on logic.The Use of Grids in Website Design
Muy interesante滅べばいいのにと思うSEOの10の迷信(都市伝説) | Web担当者Forum
滅べばいいのにと思うSEOの10の迷信(都市伝説) | Web担当者Forum» SEOmoz - 検索マーケティングのニュース&テクニック のバックナンバーを見る[海外情報] SEOmoz 検索マーケティングのニュース&テクニック検索エンジンは網羅的なガイドラインを提示するわけではない(それどころかSEOを正しく行うのに必要な要素の十分の一すら出さない)。この記事では、SEO業界にはびこる間違った情報、それも正しいSEOの妨げとなる情報につHome | Yahoo! Style Guide
WordPress 3.0, the latest and greatest version of the popular open source content management system, has just been released. The latest version brings a refined backend interface, a brand new default theme, a new custom menu structure, plus improved support for custom post types and custom taxonomies.I Got 99 Problems, but Developing Ain't One
Wired: With intelligent thoughts on tech industry, conventions and even Martha Stewart, Wired is a must-read for any well-rounded Web developer.Free online 360 panoramic photos software, fullscreen flash viewer
cool pics from around the world.
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Create your own panoramas ... create your own panoramas looks promising
Free online 360 panoramic photos software, fullscreen flash viewer
para hacer panorámicas en la web, permite utilizar varias fotos para crear una visión de 360 gradosThe Complete Web Design Style Series (700 Designs in 14 Categories) - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Over the past year or so we have periodically published web design collections and inspirational showcases from the most popular and important design categories. In total there are 14 different and varied categories or styles and within each category there are 50 carefully chosen web designs (that is a total of 700 web designs). We have called this ‘complete’ inspirational collection the Web Design Style Series. In total the entire collection has had just over 5,000 Delicious saves, and as such this post was created. Due to its popularity we felt it may be useful to have a central hub for the entire collection and make it easier for you to find the inspiration you are looking for quickly and painlessly. The Web Design Style Series includes the following design categories: Blogs, Ecommerce, Personal Portfolios, Web Design Agencies & Companies, Magazine & Newspaper, Web Application, Dark, Minimal, Illustrative, Vintage & Retro, Typography, Large Background, Bright & Colorful and, final77 Latest Examples Of Creative Single Page Website Designs | Inspiration | instantShift
Roger30 of the Best Web Development and Design MINI Icon Sets - Speckyboy Design Magazine
30 of the Best Web Development and Design MINI Icon Sets - Speckyboy Design Magazine - Fresh Google Chrome Extensions for Web Developers
chromeの便利なエクステンション50 Powerful Time-Savers For Web Designers - Smashing Magazine
50 Powerful Time-Savers For Web DesignersOnbile - Free mobile website templates
Onbile - Free mobile website templates
allows you to easily modify your site to be mobile friendly
just saw this in recent tabs250 Quick Web Design Tips (Part 1)
You may or may not know some of the tips below — and you may or may not agree with everything listed — but hopefully it will give you some ideas for your own sites. This is the first part of a 2-part series.WebサイトをiPhoneで見やすくする5つの方法 | Webクリエイターボックス
まとまってて参考になりそう90+ Clean and Minimal Web Designs for Design Inspiration | Inspiration | instantShift
90 Sites Clean
RT @carolHoffmann: Esse é para guardar nos favoritos :-) Clean and Minimal Web Designs for Design Inspiration – 10 Excellent About Pages from Designer Portfolios
Portfolio sites are primarily intended to showcase the work of the designer, but they also provide an opportunity for potential clients to get to know more about the designer and to feel a personal connection. Clients generally prefer to work with someone that they like personally, not just someone who has the technical skills to get the job done. Having an About Page that does an effective job of connecting with potential clients can go a long way towards having a steady flow of new work. In this post we'll take a look at 10 examples of About Pages from designer portfolio sites. Mr. Joe Payton Joe Payton's About Page includes illustrations to go along with the different stages of his bio.Firefox 4: CSS3 calc() ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
CSS 로 크기 따위 계산하기..
Firefox 4: CSS3 calc()Free Video Editing Software For Professional and Non-Professional Users
These are times when the 404 page will receive a few visits, but visiting an error page isn’t necessarily part of a pleasant user experienceYouTube API Blog: Flash and the HTML5
google basically being pro flash.
YouTube complains about the inherent problems of using HTML5's <video> tag, and advocates the usage of flash, providing several technical arguments in its favor. Good read, HTML5 is a nice standard-in-the-making, but is not a panacea; also flash is not going to disappear overnightThe Best Web Development Frameworks
RT @deliciouspb: The Best Web Development Frameworks API Blog: Flash and the HTML5
not gonna happen
We’re very happy to see such active and enthusiastic discussion about evolving web standards - YouTube is dependent on browser enhancement in order for us to improve the video experience for our users. While HTML5’s video support enables us to bring most of the content and features of YouTube to computers and other devices that don’t support Flash Player, it does not yet meet all of our needs. Today, Adobe Flash provides the best platform for YouTube’s video distribution requirements, which is why our primary video player is built with it.
It's important to understand what a site like YouTube needs from the browser in order to provide a good experience for viewers as well as content creators. We need to do more than just point the browser at a video file like the image tag does - there’s a lot more to it than just retrieving and displaying a video. The <video> tag certainly addresses the basic requirements and is making good progress on meeting others, but the <video> tag does not currently meet all the needs of a site like YouTube:The Best Web Development Frameworks
Web Development Framework is a software framework that is designed to support the development of a Websites, Web applications and Web services. Many frameworks
framework collection for php css etcThe Semantic Web: What It Is and Why It Matters [VIDEO]
RT @draenews: Del The Semantic Web: What It Is and Why It Matters [VIDEO]:
not bad
Ray’s film is a brief but high-level discussion of semantic technologies, the tech that’s going to affect how we use the Internet() and all its information for years to come. If you’ve ever wanted to know more about the semantic web, what it is and why it matters to all kinds of Internet users, we highly recommend checking out this documentary below.
Ray’s film is a brief but high-level discussion of semantic technologies, the tech that’s going to affect how we use the Internet (Internet) and all its information for years to come.
Video sobre la Web SemánticaDrexler
Digital agency. Great website.
nice horizontal navigationAndrey Ternovskiy’s Web site, Chatroulette : The New Yorker
LETTER FROM MOSCOW about Chatroulette. Andrey Ternovskiy, an eighteen-year-old high-school dropout from Moscow, has a variety of explanations for why he created the Web site Chatroulette. The most reliable version, however, centers on a shop called Russian Souvenirs, where Ternovskiy started working in 2008, selling Soviet paraphernalia…
ndrey Ternovskiy, an eighteen-year-old high-school dropout from Moscow, has a variety of explanations for why he cr
perfil do criador do chat rouletteTransparency in Web Design | CSS-Tricks
La trasparenza nel web design
How is it done? Let's take a gander at four different ways. Each of them handling the illusion in a different way, and each completely appropriate depending onTypekit and Google Announce Open Source Collaboration « The Typekit Blog
More: and "I'm surprised that most of the stuff in the current Google font directory made the cut":
Better to work with, than against, a giant.
Typekit announces that it has teamed up with Google to build the Web Font Loader API, which more smoothly enables web designers to load custom fonts into their pages. Additionally, Typekit has added Goolgle’s new collection of free web fonts to it's own offering.The Web Strategy Pyramid: A Well-balanced Web Strategy
Remember when mom always told you to eat your vegetables? Little did you know she was giving you fantastic advice for managing your Web strategy. In these days of Twitter, Facebook, forums, blogs and more, it can be tempting to skip over the basics and dive headfirst into an oh-so-tempting dish of social media or SEO "tricks." Businesses of all sizes are pigging out on social media without putting an equal amount of effort into forging a solid foundation built on a user-friendly Web experience and great content. To deliver a site that gives users the experience they are looking for, we need to set it upon a solid foundation of content, usable navigation, and strong SEO practices. With this in mind, let’s take a look at what I call the "The Web Strategy Pyramid" (a tip of the hat to the FDA’s Food Pyramid for the inspiration).
Jason Schubring
Let's take a look at what I call the The Web Strategy Pyramid.50 Corporate Website Examples | Naldz Graphics
Of all the man-made development today, the web is indeed one of the most influential technology that has been created. Currently, most business organization turn to web development in either advertising or developing the company.. In this stage, web designers and developers play an important role in providing the company an effective web design to take control of the progress of the project. We now bring you 50 Corporate Website Examples that you can look into for future projects that may involve corporate web designs. The collection has been made to provide inspiration to web designers in the proper approach in designing web sites on the same project in the future. Come and browse through this collection and let the inspiration get you!!!
Of all the man-made development today, the web is indeed one of the most influential technology that has been created. Currently, most business organization turn to web development in either advertising or developing the company.. In this stage, web designers and developers play an important role in providing the company an effective web design to take control of the progress of the project. We now bring you 50 Corporate Website Examples that you can look into for future projects that may involve corporate web designs. The collection has been made to provide inspiration to web designers in the proper approach in designing web sites on the same project in the future. Come and browse through this collection and let the inspiration get you!!! You may want to take a look at the following related articles: • 45+ Inspiring Examples of Vintage in Web Design • 30 Beautiful and Illustrative Website Footers • 40+ Examples of Horizontal Scrolling Websites • 44 Examples of Nature Inspired WeTop 10 Web Hosting Companies In the World
Web Hosting Domination The top Web host is, with a market share of 35.8187 percent. Wild West Domains is part of the Go Daddy Group, providing an easy platform for turnkey domain registrars to become an operation and use the Go Daddy system for registration and support. hosts 25,373,796 domains. The number two Web host is, with a market share of 4.8069 percent. It hosts 3,405,217 domains. Number three is which has a market share of 4.0572 percent. It hosts 2,874,123. Number four is, with a market share of 3.6870 percent. The number five Web hosting company is, with a market share of 2.9401 percent. Yahoo hosts 2,082,750 domains. The sixth-largest Web hosting company in the world is It has a market share of 2.4442 percent. It hosts 1,731,437 domains. The number seven Web hosting company is It hosts 1,483,786 domains and has a 2.0946 percent market share. The e
Top 10 Web Hosting Companies In the World |
Fifty-nine percent of the web hosting market share is owned by ten companies. Here are those companies, as well as a look at web hosting around the world.HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet
HTML5 Canvas Cheat SheetTop 16 Free Online Tools for Designers – Designzzz
以下の一覧にまとめ。。。 * インジェクション * クロスサイト・スクリプティング * セッション・ハイジャック * アクセス制御や認可制御の欠落 * ディレクトリ・トラバーサル (Directory Traversal) * CSRF(クロスサイト・リクエスト・フォージェリ)Free icons!
Free icons!Web Application Exploits and Defenses
RT @joacim_boive: Google Code University: Web Application Exploits and Defenses Live
technik zum einbinden von fonts mittels @font-face, microsoft, kostenpflichtig
Premium quality web fonts using CSS @font-face * Use real fonts, eliminate images for your headlines * Hand-tuned by the font experts at Ascender * Cloud-hosted service for fast implementation * Support for all major web browsersGuacamole
Guacamole provides access to your VNC server through a proxy written in Java. The server-side half of Guacamole thus requres a servlet container like Apache Tomcat, while the client-side requires nothing more than a web browser supporting HTML5 and AJAX.
Guacamole is an HTML5 + JavaScript (AJAX) viewer for VNC, which makes use of a server-side proxy written in Java. The current version is almost as responsive as native VNC and should work in any browser supporting the HTML5 canvas tag. Guacamole provides access to your VNC server through a proxy written in Java. The server-side half of Guacamole thus requres a servlet container like Apache Tomcat, while the client-side requires nothing more than a web browser supporting HTML5 and AJAX. The main project page is here: Features * Near-native performance * Pure JavaScript/HTML5 client-side viewer * CopyRect encoding (if supported by VNC server) * Client-side cursor (if supported by VNC server) * Java servlet server-side proxy (requires a servlet container like Apache Tomcat) * Mouse scroll wheel support * Clipboard support * International keyboard support
Um VNC client que usa HTML5 como cliente e Java Web Application (Tomcat, Jetty, etc...) como servidor.
HTML5 vnc viewerThe Plumbing Revolution: Developers' Improving Toolbox - graysky
Links to a several cloud-ish online business tools in here, and some of them look like pretty good ideas.Showcase Of Web Design In Lithuania - Smashing Magazine
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Smashing MagazineUsable Efficiency - Improving websites and the way you build them
Usabilitat explicada en videosOSを選ばないウェブデザイナーのための使えるウェブアプリ15*ホームページを作る人のネタ帳
damn, son -- look at that fucken grid
retWordPress 3.0 for Web Designers | Carsonified
ThinkVitamin - Carsonified's blog about the webBeautiful Web Designs That Use Nature Themes
nature inspired webdesigns
Giving your web design a natural look can make your website friendlier as well as show your appreciation of the environment. Here is a showcase of over 40 exceptional web designs that use nature themes.10 Cool Free Computer Fonts That Will Make You Stand Out
Catch the ‘Font Conference’ video that’s playing at the foot of the 5 Excellent Sources To Download Free Text Fonts. Times New Roman has his hands full
10 Cool Free Computer Fonts That Will Make You Stand OutEasy Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers
A slideshare presentation about simple and effective tools to use for the classroom.
slideshow showing 20 tools for teachersWeb Design Concepts For Non Web Designers
inspiration concepts for web design
Présentation HTML5Awesome Recent Website Redesigns | Webdesigner Depot
It’s always so interesting when you go to a website you’ve been visiting for months or years to find they’ve been redesigned.
It’s always so interesting when you go to a website you’ve been visiting for months or years to find they’ve been redesigned. Some redesigns are immediately evocative of the old design, and can even leave you wondering if they have....
Web デザイン: もっと素敵に!リデザインしたサイトいろいろ
Awesome Recent Website Redesigns
Awesome recent website redesigns Folly—Google Font API web fonts preview
Get CSS3 or HTML code for custom font/text layouts.
With TypeFolly you can create, save and export your type projects. All projects can be saved in our database or exported as compliant css / html.Making Your Mark On The Web Is Easier Than You Think - Smashing Magazine
We who work on the Web live in wonderful times. In the past, we did of lot of trial-and-error learning, and the biggest hurdle was getting people to understand what we were on about. Over time, companies like Google, Yahoo, Skype, Facebook and Twitter managed to get the geeky Web into the living rooms of regular people and into the headlines of the mainstream press.
Making Your Mark On The Web Is Easier Than You Think
We who work on the Web live in wonderful times. In the past, we did of lot of trial-and-error learning, and the biggest hurdle was getting people to understand what初心者さんのためのWebサイト制作に役立つリンク集 | Webクリエイターボックス
Webサイトを作る流れ まずはWebサイトを作る目的を考える 誰のため?何のため?Webサイトを作り始める前に。 サイトマップと呼ばれる構成図を作成 Webサイトの構成図を簡単に作れる便利ツール ワイヤーフレーム(Webサイトのレイアウト)を作成 Webサイトの骨組み: ワイヤーフレームを素早く・手軽に・美しく制作する Photoshopなどでサイトのデザイン ここでやっとコーディング! 今回はこの5番目にあたるコーディングに関するチュートリアルサイトを中心に紹介します。基本は大事です。基本は。ちなみに私がWebの勉強を始めた時に毎日のように見ていたおすすめサイトは、海外では誰もが知っている(はず)の「W3 Schools」です。HTML、CSS、JavaScript、PHPなどなどかなりわかりやすくまとめられています
あとで読む。初心者にマストな内容が自分に抜けてるのが怖いから!HTML5__.jpg (JPEG Image, 1200x1312 pixels)
What is HTML5?LukeW | 10 Things I Learned In Web School
RT @draenews: Del LukeW | 10 Things I Learned In Web School: Existence: Beautiful Lines
An unobtrusive approach to presenting properly sized text for any reading device that might happen upon your carefully written text. First, if you're not already, drop everything and size all your text in ems. Your text should be 1.0 em, everything else in ems as appropriate.PHPで大規模ブラウザゲームを開発してわかったこと
@snipeyhead Tynt, "It’s a bunch of user-hostile SEO bullshit." - If Apture avoids stories like this, should do ok. – Ben Shive (BenSS)
Over the last few months I’ve noticed an annoying trend on various web sites, generally major newspaper and magazine sites, but also certain weblogs. What happens is that when you select text from these web pages, the site uses JavaScript to report what you’ve copied to an analytics server and append an attribution URL to the text
I found Wired Science doing this bullshit just now, when saving a bookmark to an article there. Very disappointing, guys.
Tynt is a service that automatically forces a link reference into your clipboard when you copy text from web sites using them. Worth blocking.
Over the last few months I’ve noticed an annoying trend on various web sites, generally major newspaper and magazine sites, but also certain weblogs. What happens is that when you select text from these web pages, the site uses JavaScript to report what you’ve copied to an analytics server and append an attribution URL to the text.
of where to find and how to edit your hosts file on Mac OS X or WindowGoogle Font API で手軽に始めるフォント遊び : could
Webで書体を自由に選べる時代も近いのだなと思った。32 Incredible Bookmarklets for Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer | Maximum PC
RT @MikeGrace: MaximumPC lists Kynetx Sweeter as 1 of 32 incredible bookmarklets Get it: @ #edtech伊藤内科医院
大分市大石町 伊藤内科医院のWebサイトです。大分県大分市大石町4丁目1組の2 / 診療科: 内科・循環器科・呼吸器科・消化器科・小児科 / 診療時間: 午前8時半~正午・午後1時半~午後5時半 / 休診日: 日曜・祭日・木曜午後・土曜午後
デザイン的に良いか悪いかは、別にして新しい表現だと思う。40 Tasty Restaurant Websites to Inspire You | Inspiration
Nice: "40 Tasty Restaurant Websites to Inspire You" ( – Jan Jursa (IATV)
Side-by-side results from one search: google and bing in split view; pretty cool.
Bing and Google are my favorite search engines and I execute searches on both. For other Bing and Google loving people like me, Bingle was created. As you can tell from the name, Bingle is Bing (+Goog)le. The site is a search engine tool to search bing and google at the same time. When you type in a search query on Bingle and “bingle” it, a webpage opens with Bing results in the left pane and Google results in the right pane.
Mashup search engine combining Google and Bing
Search Google and Bing at the same time and compare the results!
Bing + Google
Search Google and Bing at the same time and compare the results! GoogleとBingで同時検索し、検索結果を左右に並べられるサイト「」
Bing and Google searches together
Search Bing and Google at the same time!!!
Bing & Google search tool combined.10 Common Mistakes Made by Novice Web Designers
RT @LevelTen_Colin: 10 Common Mistakes Made by Novice Web Designers -
Muito Bom - Gera fonts
サイトにアクセスするだけで自分のパソコンにインストールされているフォントを一覧表示してくれるオンラインサービス。30 Photoshop Tutorials To Create Website Layouts
40 Beautiful Examples of Minimal Design for Inspiration -
This concept of creating a web page tends to emphasize the idea that “less is sometimes more”. Nowadays all the websites are using big headers, enormous footers all full of colors and amazing pictures; much more an important page should have at least a Flash application.
White space helps content breathe.About Pages: Good, Bad, and Missing | UX Booth
Users rarely begin their relationship with a company though its About page. More often than not, they learn about us based on what we do, the product or service that we offer. Why, then, should they want to learn more? About pages help users discover who lives behind the websites we create.サイトを公開する際に最低限抑えておきたい Apache の設定 | バシャログ。
httpd.conf view source print? 01 # 持続的接続を有効化 02 KeepAlive On 03 # IE は除外 04 SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" \ 05 nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \ 06 downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0 07 # HTTP ヘッダの表示を抑制 08 ServerTokens Prod 09 # エラーページの表示を抑制 10 ServerSignature Off 11 # TRACE メソッドを無効化 12 TraceEnable Off php.ini view source print? 1 ; HTTP ヘッダの表示を抑制 2 expose_php = OffHow To Make The Right Keyword Analysis For Your Website (Part-2)
title of the page is the second characteristics Google will see when indexing your page after its name.画像に使用されているフォントの名前が分かるオンラインサービス -What Font is | コリス
画像に使用されているフォントの名前が分かるオンラインサービス -What Font is | コリス
画像に使用されているフォントの名前が分かるオンラインサービスFake - Mac OS X Web Browser Automation and Webapp Testing Made Simple.
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Playing Super Mario Bros. Crossover requires Flash Player 10. Click here to get it. Get Adobe Flash player
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WebMatrix: Brandnew free All-In-One Web Development Kit #Microsoft, Study of Web Designs | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials
Psychological Study of Web Designs | Abduzeedo | Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials - theoriginofthe
would be a pretty harmless easter egg
Where did the <blink> tag come from? This article explains how and why the tag originated.jQuery Fundamentals
Increase Your User Activity with Points, Badges and StatusImperialViolet - Overclocking SSL
SSL is not expensiveThe 10 Founding Fathers of the Web
FutureWave Software
While the phrase “founding fathers” is often used in conjunction with men like Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington, we wanted the think about the phrase on the global level. And what is more global than the world wide web? Thus, this holiday, we’re taking a look at 10 individuals who have been instrumental in helping to shape the world wide web and the culture of the Internet as we know it today.The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack
ideas for making the home page content and article teasers better
"design and copywriting are two sides of the same coin; inseparable in every way"WebFont Loader - Google Font API - Google Code
Useful community ranking, wiki, blog of web applications available out there.
Get help with Facebook, Google, Gmail, and other web apps.
Web Apps is a collaboratively edited question and answer site for expert and advanced users of web applications. It's 100% free, no registration required.Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
paginas muuyyyyy chulassssThe Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack
【deli_post】The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack #deli_post
ideas for making the home page content and article teasers better
CopywritingWebFont Loader - Google Font API - Google Code
Useful community ranking, wiki, blog of web applications available out there.
Get help with Facebook, Google, Gmail, and other web apps.Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
暖色&寒色を使ったサイト35こまとめ。A List Apart: Articles: Prefix or Posthack
problems of browser specific css
A really good article about how CSS evolved and how it should have evolved. Pretty good read and I agree with the conclusion.
Great article by Eric Meyer on the need of vendor-prefixed CSS properties.
Prefix or Posthack /by @meyerweb via @alistapart #css #css3 #webdesignThe Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack
【deli_post】The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack #deli_post
ideas for making the home page content and article teasers better
CopywritingWebFont Loader - Google Font API - Google Code
Useful community ranking, wiki, blog of web applications available out there.
Get help with Facebook, Google, Gmail, and other web apps.Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
暖色&寒色を使ったサイト35こまとめ。Create A Clean and Stylish CSS3 Contact Form | Voosh Themes
Building stylish contact forms typically requires the use of images (and maybe some JavaScript) to create something that looks professional. However, with CSS3 it’s now much easier to create some nice effects that don’t require the use of any images, yet can still look clean and stylish. In this tutorial we’re going to look at a range of different CSS3 effects – in particular, we’ll be creating background gradients, adding shadows to elements, applying some rounded corners, and adding a couple of simple animation effects.How to Set Up OpenID on Your Own Domain | Smarterware
Thanking @ginatrapani
using Google.
For some reason I was under the mistaken impression that setting up an OpenID on my own domain,, would be a big hassle: that I'd have to host my own OpenID server software and that it would take all sorts of installation and maintenance BS to do so. I feel strongly about owning my identity online, mapping it to my nameplate domain, and actively choosing an authorizing party instead of just accepting the sign-in service du jour like Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or Google. Still, I never got set up with OpenID on because my perceived hassle factor was daunting. Instead, I used for my OpenID and put the domain setup on my "someday I have to do that" list. It meant that my OpenID was instead of my own domain. Idproxy is a great service and I thank them for getting me started with OpenID; but still, I want my OpenID URL to be a domain name I own and control.A List Apart: Articles: Prefix or Posthack
So the next time you find yourself grumbling about declaring the same thing four times, once for each browser, remember that the pain is temporary. It’s a little like a vaccine—the shot hurts now, true, but it’s really not that bad in comparison to the disease it prevents.
problems of browser specific css
A really good article about how CSS evolved and how it should have evolved. Pretty good read and I agree with the conclusion.
Great article by Eric Meyer on the need of vendor-prefixed CSS properties.The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack
【deli_post】The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack #deli_post
ideas for making the home page content and article teasers better
CopywritingWebFont Loader - Google Font API - Google Code might be useful, will take a closer look and let you know
Useful community ranking, wiki, blog of web applications available out there.Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
暖色&寒色を使ったサイト35こまとめ。Website Response Times (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
"0.1 seconds gives the feeling of instantaneous response... 1 second keeps the user's flow of thought seamless... 10 seconds keeps the user's attention... After 10 seconds, they start thinking about other things..."
Свежий Alertbox от Jakob Nielsen’а. В общем, ничего нового, люди все еще не любят ждать, тем более ждать пока, загрузиться какой-то там сайт.
Website Response Times
Slow page rendering today is typically caused by server delays or overly fancy page widgets, not by big images. Users still hate slow sites and don't hesitate telling us.
0.1 sec 1 sec and 10 sec rulessigilt - Favorite Web 2.0 Tools
Winter 2010 Newsletter a list of our members favorite Web 2.0 Tools
web 2.o sites
This is a great list of Web 2.0 tools compiled by teachers #chickenweb20tools – Mary Beth Hertz (mbteach)
Web tools- Sent by Carol Tinney LPSCreate A Clean and Stylish CSS3 Contact Form | Voosh Themes
Create A Clean and Stylish CSS3 Contact FormHow to Set Up OpenID on Your Own Domain | Smarterware
Profiles as an OpenID provider and to Chris for a great discussion of OpenID, OAuth, and verifying identity on the web.
Thanking @ginatrapani
using Google.A List Apart: Articles: Prefix or Posthack
So the next time you find yourself grumbling about declaring the same thing four times, once for each browser, remember that the pain is temporary. It’s a little like a vaccine—the shot hurts now, true, but it’s really not that bad in comparison to the disease it prevents.
problems of browser specific css
A really good article about how CSS evolved and how it should have evolved. Pretty good read and I agree with the conclusion.
Great article by Eric Meyer on the need of vendor-prefixed CSS properties.The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack
【deli_post】The Importance of Copywriting in Web Design | Design Shack #deli_post
ideas for making the home page content and article teasers better
CopywritingWebFont Loader - Google Font API - Google Code might be useful, will take a closer look and let you knowGet Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
Get Inspired: 35+ Warm VS Cool Color Website Designs
暖色&寒色を使ったサイト35こまとめ。Web制作に役立つ、何度お勧めしても足りないくらい素敵なツール10選 - かちびと.net
使えるツール10選 Web制作時、個人的にかなり助かっ ているWebアプリやソフトウェアなど をご紹介。何度お勧めしても足りない 位、助けられています。低スキルな 自分にとっては無いと困る。そんな ツールをシェアしたいと思います。"Login" is not a verb
"I will repeat the important part for clarity: 'login' is not a verb. It's simply not." - (via @wordie)
There's a site explaining that "login" is *not* a word? #yougottabekidding (@cole007)Which loads faster? <- Try it. Love it. #webdev #velocity
Which loads faster?: A tool for pitting two sites head to head in terms of page speed – Jacob Gube (sixrevisions)
Comparaisons au niveau de la vitesse de téléchargementGetting Ready for a Website Redesign: Advice, Resources and More - Noupe
jor focus in any design, but here we are more talking about your established readers, not just every user. The main difference is that when you are talking about every user you are
Een post waarin kort wordt uitgelegd waar je op moet letten bij een redesign van een reeds bestaande website
By Robert Bowen There is a season for all things, and this holds true in the world of web design too. Naturally with the technologies and languages evolving at the...Googleコマンドラインなるツールが出たようですね… - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
Googleコマンドラインなるツールが出たようですね。これ、Googleの各種アプリケーションにコマンドラインから直接命令を打てる、という優れものツールです。Web制作に役立つ、何度お勧めしても足りないくらい素敵なツール10選 - かちびと.net
10 maravilhosas ferramentas
使えるツール10選 Web制作時、個人的にかなり助かっ ているWebアプリやソフトウェアなど をご紹介。何度お勧めしても足りない 位、助けられています。低スキルな 自分にとっては無いと困る。そんな ツールをシェアしたいと思います。"Login" is not a verb
Despite what many people --mostly in the computer field-- think, "login" is not a verb. It's simply not. Whether or not "login" is a word at all may spark a debate in some circles, but assuming it is then it may act as many parts of speech, but not as a verb.
"I will repeat the important part for clarity: 'login' is not a verb. It's simply not." - (via @wordie)
There's a site explaining that "login" is *not* a word? #yougottabekidding (@cole007)Googleが出してきたFont APIのすごさを体感したいなら…『Font Previewer』 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
いいなこれ!25 Most Beautiful Website Footer Designs For Inspiration
Lo mejor de las herramientas para rejillas CSS.10 Awesome CSS3 Techniques You'll Want To Start Using | CreativeFan
10 Awesome CSS3 Techniques You’ll Want To Start Using
Some nice CSS effects - rounded corners etc.
웹 개발자와 디자이너에게 도움이 될 10가지 CSS3 테크닉 모음35 Fresh CSS3 Articles & Tutorials / CSS / SPLASHnology - Web Design and Web Technology Community
This is cool collection of most wanted, usefull tutorials and articles by CSS3. In this article you find out how make cool CSS3 Gradient Buttons, Sliding or bouncing Navigation without JavaScript, Slide effect menu with the Apple-Style and much more.
35 Fresh CSS3 Articles & Tutorials / CSS / Splashnology - Web Design ...
Coleccion de tutoriales de css3HTML5 Canvas - The Future of Graphics on the Web
RT @deliciouspb: HTML5 Canvas - The Future of Graphics on the Web
괜찮은 HTML5 캔버스 발표자료... RT @tigerfunk: RT @smashingmag: HTML5 Canvas - The Future of Graphics on the Web (Slideshow) - – Wonsuk Lee (Wonsuk73)
The future of web graphics - let Canvas be your best friendBest Of: CSS Grid Tools | Cookie Labs
Why Your Grandpa Is On Facebook (Mashable) #SocialMedia #Stats rt @Flipbooks @xanpearson @paul_steele
facebook stats for older demographic10 Fresh Galleries for Web Design Inspiration
10 Fresh Galleries for Web Design Inspiration -
10 Fresh Galleries for Web Design Inspiration
wireframe, web apps, web widgets/components showcase6 Tips For Experimenting With Web Video
Everyone has heard the first “golden rule” of web video: keep it short. There are plenty of articles and statistics illustrating audiences preference for short content on the web. To be clear, sh
6 Tips For Experimenting With Web Video
RT: @mashable: 6 Tips For Experimenting With Web Video - [from]GodBlock - Protect your children
GodBlock is a web filter that blocks religious content. It is targeted at parents and schools who wish to protect their kids from the often violent, sexual, and psychologically harmful material in many holy texts, and from being indoctrinated into any religion before they are of the age to make such decisions. When installed properly, GodBlock will test each page that your child visits before it is loaded, looking for passages from holy texts, names of religious figures, and other signs of religious propaganda. If none are found, then your child is allowed to browse freely.
Sad that its come to this.100 Must Read Design Blogs | Design Shack
RT @draenews: Del 100 Must Read Design Blogs | Design Shack:
100 Must Read Design Blogs25 Essential HTML5 Tutorials and Techniques | Template Monster Blog
25 tutoriales y técnicas esenciales para HTML5Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview35 jQuery Animation Tutorials | Vandelay Design Blog
tutorial jquery40 Inspiring Blog Designs | Inspiration
site design 40 blog designs
40 Inspiring Blog Designs | Inspiration -
awesome ass design blogsJRA | CINEMA KEIBA ON WEB JAPAN WORLD CUP
競馬シミュレーションゲーム + スキージャンプペアの人。 普通におもしろい。実は競馬はやったことないんだけど、馬券の説明もオッズ表の見方もちゃんと教えてもらえた。たぶんターゲット層って、競馬ブーム後の若者世代だろうし、まさにドンピシャっぽい効果じゃないのかなと。これ考えて実現させたプラン力に脱帽ですね。ちなみにCGの外注費用ってどのくらいなんだろう・・・?
スキージャンプペア × 競馬。CINEMA KEIBA Japan World Cup
CINEMA KEIBAをウェブコンテンツとして体験する事の出来るスペシャルサイト。スキージャンプペアでお馴染みの真島・茂木コンビがお届けする一味違った競馬の世界観をお楽しみ下さい。
JRAのプロモサイト。口コミ型キャンペーン。「スキージャンプ・ペア」の真島×茂木コンビ最新作。25 Essential HTML5 Tutorials and Techniques | Template Monster Blog
25 Essential HTML5 Tutorials and Techniques | Template Monster Blog -
zmanContent Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
Setting sail on the content management sea? Well here’s a navigational chart that’ll help avoid the ragged rocks and hidden shoals. Don’t leave shore without it!
Knowing in advance what the CMS is going to be used for is critical to selecting the correct one. And the use of content on the web is extraordinarily varied. Consequently so are the content management systems that are out there. Let’s start with some simpler ones. There are two main types of website. Most larger websites are dynamic websites where, after receiving a request from a user, generate the HTML on the fly. For these you need to have your CMS embedded on the server side. But simpler websites, ones that have static HTML documents can have their content managed by much simpler CMS’. And some of the simplest CMS’ out there are entirely web based.
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview -時間の節約になるWeb制作関連ツール 12+1 | Webクリエイターボックス
かなり色々使えそう。 試す。
時間の節約になるWeb制作関連ツール 12+1 | Webクリエイターボックス 時間の節約になるWeb制作関連ツール 12+1 | Webクリエイターボックス Webサイトを作る際に、じっくり時間をかけたい作業とそうでないものがあると思います。細かい作業は便利なツールで作業時間の短縮をして効率よくすすめましょう!今回は私がいつも使っているものとSMASHING MAGAZINEで紹介されていて「おぉっ!」と思ったWeb制作に関する便利ツールを紹介します。Photoshopテンプレートまずは私Mana作のPhotoshop用テンプレート。グリッドなんぞ... はてなブックマーク - 時間の節約になるWeb制作関連ツール 12+1 | Webクリエイターボックス はてなブックマークに追加 gin-oi2 gin-oi2 *webサービス, *webデザイン35 jQuery Animation Tutorials | Vandelay Design Blog
Creative designers can do some amazing things with jQuery. A wide variety of animation effects are possible, and these 35 tutorials provide excellent learning resources for anyone who is wanting to brush up their skills in this area. You'll find tutorials for creative animated navigation menus, as well as for other types of animation that use jQuery instead of Flash. Animate Image Filling Up Using jQuery40 Inspiring Blog Designs | Inspiration
競馬シミュレーションゲーム + スキージャンプペアの人。 普通におもしろい。実は競馬はやったことないんだけど、馬券の説明もオッズ表の見方もちゃんと教えてもらえた。たぶんターゲット層って、競馬ブーム後の若者世代だろうし、まさにドンピシャっぽい効果じゃないのかなと。これ考えて実現させたプラン力に脱帽ですね。ちなみにCGの外注費用ってどのくらいなんだろう・・・?
スキージャンプペア × 競馬。CINEMA KEIBA Japan World Cup
CINEMA KEIBAをウェブコンテンツとして体験する事の出来るスペシャルサイト。スキージャンプペアでお馴染みの真島・茂木コンビがお届けする一味違った競馬の世界観をお楽しみ下さい。25 Essential HTML5 Tutorials and Techniques | Template Monster Blog
We are always close to the latest technologies – you know that, so today let’s cover some more info on the new fundamental markup language for the web – HTML5 that you all love so much. When saying about HTML5, developers mean the new semantic structural tags, API specs like canvas or offline storage, new inline semantic tags, etc. HTML5, in fact, is aimed at creating a comprehensive markup language for front-end development, able to provide qualitative information on the different elements of the page. But to help make some sense of what’s new and essential in HTML5, you could review some helpful and indispensable HTML5 tutorials that go over many of the major HTML5 aspects and new standards.
We are always close to the latest technologies – you know that, so today let’s cover some more info on the new fundamental markup language for the web – HTML5 that you all love so much. When saying about HTML5, developers mean the new semantic structural tags, API specs like canvas or offline storage, new inline semantic tags, etc. HTML5, in fact, is aimed at creating a comprehensive markup language for front-end development, able to provide qualitative information on the different elements of the page. But to help make some sense of what’s new and essential in HTML5, you could review some helpful and indispensable HTML5 tutorials that go over many of the major HTML5 aspects and new standards.Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview
# Multilingual # Delegation, permissions # Roll-back, versioning # User generated content # Asset management # Templates for new pages # Meta-data management # WYSIWYG Preview # Workflow management # Design and layout # Extensibility # End use
Missing Drupal and Joomla but still a need to know overview - Content Management Systems /via @websenat
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview /via @websenat – Alice (Muttiishere)
RT @Muttiishere: Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview /via @websenat
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview /via @websenat
Content Management Systems – A Need to Know Overview – Ramón (websenat)
Article outlining some different CMSs of differening levels. so of the key CMSs have been missed but they are highlighted in the comments.まずは基本から・HTML5のCanvasについて参考になったサイトまとめ - かちびと.net
Apostila de html5
A Visie foi escolhida pelo W3C do Brasil para ministrar um treinamento sobre HTML5 para os seus membros e alguns convidados. Para tanto, construímos uma apostila com todo o conteúdo abordado neste nosso curso. Essa apostila está sendo agora publicada sob Creative Commons aqui no Tableless. Esperamos que ajude a comunidade de desenvolvimento web brasileira.
RT @marcoscampelo: Guia sobre HTML5 em português -
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glyph icons that you can copy to emailsOpen Source Icons - gcons
Complete Beginner’s GuideI ♥ BLUR - Once again, I got distracted... | simurai
"I ♥ BLUR - Once again, I got distracted experimenting with CSS3. ;-) So far I just knew how to make text look blurry by adding a lot of text-shadows like in this example by David. But it’s more a glow, because the text still stays in front. But what if you wanna turn text into smoke? Luckily you can set the text-fill-color to transparent and that gives your text a really nice smoky blur. color: transparent; text-shadow: #fff 0 0 100px;"
I ♥ BLUR - Once again, I got distracted experimenting with CSS3. ;-) So far I just knew how to make text look blurry by adding a lot of text-shadows like in this example by David. But it’s more a glow, because the text still stays in front. But what if you wanna turn text into smoke? Luckily you can set the text-fill-color to transparent and that gives your text a really nice smoky blur.
color: transparent; text-shadow: #fff 0 0 100px;
Text blur using CSS - amazingly simple.5 Web Files That Will Improve Your Website
Dublin.rdf is worth trying40 Excellent Tutorials For Web Development Using CSS3 and HTML5 » DJDESIGNERLAB – Find All Your Design Inspirations From This Laboratory
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40 excellents tutoriels sur le développement web utilisant HTML5 et CSS3Índice
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JavaScript で指定されたブロックを縦書きに変換するJS
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Load external JS file non-blocking and without delaying onload()Índice
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クローラーをどう実装すべきか、クローラーにどう対処すべきか。Top 10 Flash Content Management Systems
Fonts online in die Website laden! Google APITop 10 Flash Content Management Systems
A googler shares his list of favorite extensions for Chrome.
RT @TechnologyGeek: Google Blog - Use Chrome like a pro – Paulo Simões (pgsimoes) Google Blog: Use Chrome like a pro
A googler shares his list of favorite extensions for Chrome.
RT @TechnologyGeek: Google Blog - Use Chrome like a pro – Paulo Simões (pgsimoes) Vip » 2010年のウェブデザインのトレンド21個を徹底解剖
A googler shares his list of favorite extensions for Chrome.
RT @TechnologyGeek: Google Blog - Use Chrome like a pro – Paulo Simões (pgsimoes) vs. Realign | Webdesigner Depot
It's been nearly five years now since the redesign vs. realign debate began. Many designers are still approaching website changes as redesigns, with little[CSS]実例から学ぶCSS3の効果的な使い方 | コリス
[CSS]実例から学ぶCSS3の効果的な使い方Google Analyticsの意外と知られていない便利な裏技5選 | Web担当者Forum
1. 解析の対象とする期間を簡単に指定する 2. 一目でわかる比較レポート 3. 正規表現の活用 4. 500行以上のデータを参照する 5. レポートのメール送信スケジュールを設定する
AnalyticsGet More Done: 10 Tips for a More Productive Web Design Process - Noupe
2010-07-01, by Cameron Chapman, "Getting more done doesn’t have to lead to longer hours. All you need to do is maximize your productivity and efficiency in the time you want to spend working. The tips above can help you do just that. If you have other tips you’d like to share, please do so in the comments!"Get More Done: 10 Tips for a More Productive Web Design Process - Noupe
2010-07-01, by Cameron Chapman, "Getting more done doesn’t have to lead to longer hours. All you need to do is maximize your productivity and efficiency in the time you want to spend working. The tips above can help you do just that. If you have other tips you’d like to share, please do so in the comments!"Web Performant WordPress |
or... How I Increased My WordPress Performance and Got My Page Loads to Under 1 Second.
80% of the time users wait for a web page is because of the frontend. I was sort of thunderstruck with fear. Although we always strive for better, I typically found a 3-5 second page load great and up to 7 seconds acceptable. After recording the show, I stayed up a few hours that night fiddling with The ATX Web Show and increased site performance by ~500%1.
Dave Rupert provides an excellent breakdown of how to speed up your WordPress-powered site. There's no excuse to not spend the time implementing these changes. Even if you're like me, and have already done a lot of the work, I'm willing to bet there's a step or two that will make your site even better. For me, it's the super-duper-easy cut-and-paste improvements to the htacess file to enable gzip and browser caching.
How I Increased My WordPress Performance and Got My Page Loads to Under 1 Second.30+ Inspiring Website Navigation Menus | Naldz Graphics
InsipiraçãoContent Management System (CMS) Icon Set (12 Free Icons) - Smashing Magazine
especially for Smashing Magazine and its readers
Reading 'Content Management System (CMS) Icon Set (12 Free Icons)' (via @smashingmag) Management System (CMS) Icon Set (12 Free Icons) - Smashing Magazine
especially for Smashing Magazine and its readersExcellent Examples Of Icons In Navigation Menu Design | SpyreStudios
When done right, adding visual cues to your main menu can prove very useful in making things just a tad more appealing to visitors. Let's have a look at some sites that make great use of icons in their navigation menus.
July 16, 2010 Navigation design is one of those things you simply cannot overlook. When looking for specific information on a website, a lot of people will look at the main or sub navigation or use the search bar (if present).Content Management System (CMS) Icon Set (12 Free Icons) - Smashing Magazine
especially for Smashing Magazine and its readers15 New and Awesome Developer Icon Sets | Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
Quick references of most common XHTML entities.
Quick References of Most Common EntitiesDesigning Style Guidelines For Brands And Websites - Smashing Magazine
Designing Style Guidelines For Brands And Websites
Designing Style Guidelines For Brands And Websites - Smashing Magazine - New and Awesome Developer Icon Sets | Free and Useful Online Resources for Designers and Developers
15 New and Awesome Developer Icon Sets20 Free Web UI Element Kits and Stencils :Speckyboy Design Magazine
Today jQuery is the hottest design related topic among the web designers. A number of tutorials comes in every month so web designers always wait for this typeDesign lol 全球设计精华分享 | 为设计欢呼
作者西乔的九卦,画神秘程序员的那个mmthis, is boomerang
boomerang is a piece of javascript that you add to your web pages, where it measures the performance of your website from your end user's point of view. It has the ability to send this data back to your server for further analysis. With boomerang, you find out exactly how fast your users think your site is.
RT @draenews: Del this, is boomerang:
boomerang - measure performance of your site from your end user's pov - and HTML5/Canvas Game, No Flash
html5로 만든 겔럭시 게임...
This game, written in JavaScript using the HTML5 Canvas and Audio objects, was developed as a proof of concept that a shooter-style game can be coded without the use of any Flash.Django by Example: Django Tutorials - Django by Example
Galactic Plunder This game, written in JavaScript using the HTML5 Canvas and Audio objects, was developed as a proof of concept that a shooter-style game can be coded without the use of any Flash. The first level of the game is fully implemented, and the second is in development.
html5로 만든 겔럭시 게임...PixeloPhilia2 by *omercetin on deviantART
44 free PNG icons that could be a perfect fit for a Web or user interface design in an online or desktop application. The set contains both general icons (address book, map, mail, download, target) and rather obscure ones (comic book, license, mug, USB), all in a resolution of 32×32 pixels.Django by Example: Django Tutorials - Django by Example
good examples of Django appsJavascript and HTML5/Canvas Game, No Flash
Galactic Plunder This game, written in JavaScript using the HTML5 Canvas and Audio objects, was developed as a proof of concept that a shooter-style game can be coded without the use of any Flash. The first level of the game is fully implemented, and the second is in development.
html5로 만든 겔럭시 게임...20+ Free CSS3 Code Generators | Design Shack
20+ Free CSS3 Code Generators動画:FlashをHTML5に自動変換するSmokescreen、iPadでも動作
Smokescreen FlashをHTML5に自動変換
HTML5Inspiration - 25 Different, Creative Site Designs | Think Design
Think Design collection of beautiful website layouts.
Inspiration - 25 Different, Creative Site Designsウェブデザインに使うフリーの写真リソースサイト10選 | Blitz
How to Deal with Distractions in a Web Worker's World, at Lifehacker – Jack Schofield (jackschofield)
Nice article on trying to stay focused when the internet is around
good ideas for those with internet-attention-span disorder.
Many jobs in the contemporary workplace actually require that you're online all the time, constantly connected to your coworkers—and to a mind-boggling ocean of distractions. Here's how to stay focused.10 More Awesome Web Development Screencasts and Presentations | Nettuts+
Below, I’ve jotted down a few thoughts on design practices that we’ll likely be seeing a lot more of as site owners begin reorganizing and redesigning to welcome our touchy-feely visitors.
Thoughts on Designing Websites for Touchscreens * can we get some stumbles pls :] – Inspired Magazine (inspiredmag)
RT @EricssonLabs: The Tangible Web: Thoughts on Designing Websites for Touchscreens (via @inspiredmag)
It’s probably safe to say that touchscreens as a method of interacting with the web aren’t going away. In fact, it appears quite the opposite: most new smartphones have one now, Google’s making their own tablet, and I think ol’ Steve Jobs has managed to shift a couple…million.
The Tangible Web: Thoughts on Designing Websites for Touchscreens - – Smashing Magazine (smashingmag) Free Online Books for Web Designers | Freebies
10 Free Online Books for Web Designers #webdesign
Recopilación de libros gratuitos sobre diseño web
web design ebook javascript10 Free Online Books for Web Designers | Freebies
While you may have to shell our some money for a good web design book, there are a number of them out that have online versions that are totally free.
There’s a never ending supply of information out there for us web designers. If there’s something we need to learn, we can find it in one form or another. Sometimes it may be on a blog or it could be in a book. While you may have to shell our some money for a good web design book, there are a number of them out that have online versions that are totally free. Here are 10 you should find very useful.Developing and Deploying a Simple Clojure Web Application
The post walks through the process of developing and deploying a simple web application in Clojure. After reading this you should be able to build your own app and deploy it to a production server.
Clojureベースのウェブアプリケーション開発と展開方法A Real Web Design Application | Jason Santa Maria
A real web design application:
A Real Web Design Application
The web and its related disciplines have grown organically. I think it’s safe to say the web is not the domain of just the geeks anymore—we all live here. And those of us who work here should have sophisticated, native tools to do our jobs.
I'm no pro. The most ambitious design I did was @clusterflock, using firebug and hand coding, but this feels right:
A different way of working.Developing and Deploying a Simple Clojure Web Application
The post walks through the process of developing and deploying a simple web application in Clojure. After reading this you should be able to build your own app and deploy it to a production server.
わかりやすそう!10 Free Online Books for Web Designers | Freebies
web design books
Kan vara ganska bra att ha för gymnasietWhat Is The Last Thing You Do Before You Launch A Website? - Smashing Magazine
ココを押えておけばCSS3がだいたい分かるツール集 | 日刊ウェブログ式 #css #web – CSSニュース (css_j) Web Book
Want to build Web sites with HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and MySQL? The Web Book contains all the information you need to create a Web site from scratch. It covers everything from registering a domain name and renting some hosting space, to creating your first HTML page, to building full online database applications with PHP and MySQL. It also tells you how to market and promote your site, and how to make money from it.BBC GEL Social Media Icons – the set //
RT @Zac_eMINTS: RT @rkiker: Top 50 library sites worth bookmarking from around the
quick tool for writing notes and uploading attachments is a dead simple application that allows you to share text between computers and in the cloud. I really focused on ease of use with this app – there are hardly any elements on the page and the only action required by the user is to start typing. There is no need to “save” as its all done automatically.
Save files to the cloud
Share text and files easily30 Cool One-letter Logo Designs
interactive explanationsBanco de Padrões de Design · Instituto Superior Técnico
Creative Commons License
Padrões de design são soluções testadas e verificadas para problemas comuns de design que podem ser aplicados em contextos específicos. Cada padrão corresponde a um problema que ocorre frequentemente no processo de design e descreve uma solução prática para o
quick tool for writing notes and uploading attachments is a dead simple application that allows you to share text between computers and in the cloud. I really focused on ease of use with this app – there are hardly any elements on the page and the only action required by the user is to start typing. There is no need to “save” as its all done automatically.
Save files to the cloud30 Cool One-letter Logo Designs
30 Cool One-letter Logo Designs -業界の専門用語 - 知っておかないと会話できない基本編 | Web担当者Forum