Pages tagged webserver:

Securing a Web server

from ibm developerworks
How to Setup a Dedicated Web Server for Free - NETTUTS
All great websites have a great server behind them. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to set up a dedicated web server (with Apache, MySQL, and PHP) using that old computer you have lying around the house and some free software.
Lifehacker - Web-Based Tracks Keeps Your GTD System in Order - Getting Things Done
Something to look into, maybe
Windows/Mac/Linux: Tracks is a flexible, web-based Getting Things Done server app that installs easily on your system and keeps your work flow accessible anywhere. We've featured BitNami before, as they have a slew of handy installers for a variety of server applications. Now they've taken the fantastic Getting Things Done tool Tracks and rolled their own installation package, making it a breeze to install. If you've come across Tracks before and been put off by all the things you'd need to install and configure, the BitNami installer removes the hassle. Although the installation is entirely automated, it does take a chunk of time—on our test machine it took a good 20 minutes to fully unpack and install. Not a big deal if, but worth noting. Once installed, there is a brief setup where you create a user name and login and then you're on your way. The interface is easy to use and very polished. A significant amount of thought has been put into making entering and managing your tasks as
Tracks is a flexible, web-based Getting Things Done server app that installs easily on your system and keeps your work flow accessible anywhere.
APE (Ajax Push Engine) :: Real time data streaming
APE is a Server for pushing real-time data to Rich Internet Applications, no pull! Data is sent, live, to thousands of clients, in a JavaScript socket fashion. It allows you to write real-time web applications without using any client plugins (Java, Flash...).
Turn Your Home Computer into a Web Server; Host Websites and Files for Free
Go to, download the Opera Unite software and install it. Congratulations, you are now running a web server on your machine and just need another minute to configure local file folders that you want to share with others over the internet.
Tornado Web Server
"open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and and tools that power FriendFeed"
Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed. The FriendFeed application is written using a web framework that looks a bit like or Google's webapp, but with additional tools and optimizations to take advantage of the underlying non-blocking infrastructure.
Tornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed.
File: README [Unicorn: Rack HTTP server for Unix and fast clients]
Tornado Web Server Documentation
Era un po' che non mi emozionava una tecnologia...
"FriendFeed's web server is a relatively simple, non-blocking web server written in Python. [...] Tornado is an open source version of this web server and some of the tools we use most often at FriendFeed." can handle 8000 reqs/s
Build Your Own Dev Server with VirtualBox
Sun’s VirtualBox is ideal for testing different desktop environments (for example, browser testing), but I’ve discovered it’s also great for running a test server environment. Instead of setting up Apache, PHP, and MySQL right on your desktop machine, you can place them in a virtual Linux server. That way there’s no interference with your desktop, and you can ensure that your development environment is as close as possible to your eventual deployment environment.
How to obtain and install an SSL/TLS certificate, for free
Top 20 Nginx WebServer Best Security Practices
Nicholas Piël » Benchmark of Python Web Servers
Benchmarks super intéressant de quasi tout les webservers python (de mod_wsgi à Twisted en passant par CherryPy). Je ne les connaissais pas tous et certains semblent vraiment fort intéressant (je pense notamment à uWsgi).
使わなくなったPCをマイホームサーバにできるソフト『Amahi』 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
: ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
『Amahi』は、 Fedora Linux systemにインストールすると、データ保管庫にもなるのですが、自分だけのホームデータサーバのような使い方もできるのです。自分のネットワークからアクセスできるWEBインターフェースを使えば、映画や音楽を聞いたり(iTunes や他のプレイヤーでストリーミング再生も可能)、写真を見たり、カレンダーやOutlookにもアクセスできます 自分のネットワークのVPN設定をすることもできるので、VPNの設定なんてしたこと無い、という人でも、サーバのデータにリモートアクセスすることもできます。 『Amahi』は、『Fedora 10』が入っていて、CPUが1.0 GHz以上、RAMが256MB以上のパソコンであれば、十分動作
Add Compression to Your Web Server - Webmonkey
The Web Developer's Resource
Your web server should be compressing your files before serving them to your users. Why? There is no reason not to, 99% of browsers know how to decompress them and if you're serious about hosting a professional web site, you should know every second it takes to get your content from your web server to your user counts.