Pages tagged websockets:

Smart Clients: ReverseHTTP & WebSockets -

Seems like we need the equivalent of an ssh connection with a reverse tunnel. The browser can initiate (and control) the connection, and the web server can ‘touch’ the browser directly.
Web Socket/HTML 5、onopen/onread/onclose、←Opera Unite/Webhooks、最近の一連のブラウザサーバー関連まとめ
Polling architectures, as pervasive as they are today, did not come about due to their efficiency. Whether you are maintaining a popular endpoint (Twitter), or trying to get near real-time news (RSS), neither side benefits from this architecture. Over the years we've built a number of crutches in the form of Cache headers, ETags, accelerators, but none have fundamentally solved the problem - because the client remains 'dumb' the burden is still always on the server. For that reason, it's worth paying attention to some of the technologies which are seeking to reverse this trend: ReverseHTTP & WebSockets.
It feels dirty... but seems like a useful concept
Chromium Blog: Web Sockets Now Available In Google Chrome
Web Sockets Now Available In Google Chrome
The Web Sockets API enables web applications to handle bidirectional communications with server-side process in a straightforward way.
When will this be usable?
"Starting in the Google Chrome developer channel release, Web Sockets are available and enabled by default. Web Sockets are "TCP for the Web," a next-generation bidirectional communication technology for web applications being standardized in part of Web Applications 1.0."
Chrome set to take over the world
The Web Sockets API enables web applications to handle bidirectional communications with server-side process in a straightforward way. Developers have been using XMLHttpRequest ("XHR") for such purposes, but XHR makes developing web applications that communicate back and forth to the server unnecessarily complex. XHR is basically asynchronous HTTP, and because you need to use a tricky technique like long-hanging GET for sending data from the server to the browser, simple tasks rapidly become complex. As opposed to XMLHttpRequest, Web Sockets provide a real bidirectional communication channel in your browser. Once you get a Web Socket connection, you can send data from browser to server by calling a send() method, and receive data from server to browser by an onmessage event handler.
armstrong on software: Comet is dead long live websockets
"After a small amount of experimentation I was able to make Erlang talk to a web page using pure asynchronous message passing. I think this means the death of the following technologies: comet long-poll AJAX keep-alive sockets"
Erlang's creator anoints websockets (includes example server and client)
After a small amount of experimentation I was able to make Erlang talk to a web page using pure asynchronous message passing.
Ruby & WebSockets: TCP for the Browser -
Pusher - Realtime client push powered by HTML5 websockets, beyond AJAX
We believe that the real-time web is fantastic and should be easy to implement. This is our simple solution, powered by HTML5 websockets
ferramenta para fazer carding sorting online
LakTEK – Real-time Collaborative Editing with Web Sockets, Node.js & Redis - (Lakshan Perera)