30+ Interesting Twitter services and applications
30 twitter tools that help you do things like search, monitor and send alerts based on twitter trafficTrackle - Your Personal Tracker on the Web
Your personal tracker on the Web for the things you care about
They provide a simple way of tracking anything on the web, from product prices to insider trading, medical research to crime in your neighborhood, or hip-hop albums on iTunes to apartment listings on craigslist.
Sigue el tracking de las cosas que te gustan mediante mapas interactivos
RSS tracking service with alerts.
Might be an interesting follow up to our call yesterday Marsh...CSS Orgy » Blog Archive » 10 great tools for working with HTML & CSS
The Future of Web Apps: 7 Things Companies Must Do to Succeed
News Flash: Web 2.0 is so over. Here are seven things web app companies will need to do to succeed in the future.CaptionTube: Home
Herramienta para ponerle subtítulos a un vídeo de Youtube.
Make captions for youtube videos
Para subtitular videos de Youtube
Add captions to Youtube
Using Caption Tube you can create captions for your own videos or for any other video that you find on YouTube. The editing tools for Caption Tube includes a timeline to help you match your video's images to the captions that you create. You can choose the duration of time for which each caption is displayed.TiltShift Generator - Art&Mobile
TiltShift Generator - Art&Mobile
TiltShift Generator is a web service that adds cool camera effect to your picture on the fly. This app is originally made to improve my cheap iPhone Camera's potential.Web Design Ideas » Huge List Of 395+ Web Design Resources
Today I would like to share some interesting PHP codes to handle HTML dynamically. These codes are free to use under GNU General Public License. I hope this post would help Web Developers. Here's the following:
Automatic generation of HTML for table. - Colspan, rowspan, table style, column style, cell style, and data style may all be defined. - OO interface - Simple but effectiveHome - AlertFox Web Application Monitoring
Most website owners have been there: Your old-style monitoring system shows nothing but green lights, yet the website is not functioning the way it should: Traditional web monitoring services do not dig deep enough to detect glitches in the application code, and database or find that problems arise with bugs in Ajax, Flash or Silverlight front-end applets. The solution: AlertFox is a revolutionary new self-service website transaction monitoring service that is capable of keeping tabs on the functioning and performance of all websites, even sites that use AJAX, Flash and Silverlight.Classroom Web Tools
Classroom Web Tools is a collection of nine years research into Internet resources to assist in the learning process, not only in the classroom but also at home. Sites have been selected on the basis of quality, reliability, interactivity, ease of use and, of course, free of charge. New tech tools and features are e-published to Havre Public School Teachers as they become available. This site lists the teacher tech tool publications for the last eight years. Suggestions of web site resources are always welcome!http://www.smashingapps.com/2009/07/22/11-of-the-most-handy-free-tools-to-increase-designers-productivity.html
11 Of The Handy Free Tools To Increase Designer’s Productivity15 (More) Free Web Tools To Simplify Your Work Life @ SmashingApps
15 (More) Free Web Tools To Simplify Your Work Life7 Widely-Used And Open Source E-Learning Applications
«There are various open source e-learning applications that can be installed easily, have a wide user community & offers a complete system. Here are 7 of them which you will like:»WebTools4u2use - Finding the Right Tool
Examples of service that can be used. Classified by task, by cognitive level, by learning style.35 Extremely Useful Free Online Tools for Web Developers and Designer | tripwire magazine
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[vía @basilio] # Learn the difference between good and bad code. read more # Stick to coding standards, it will make it easier for you to understand other people’s code and other people will be able to understand yours. read more
PHP programming tips and tricks26 Must Have Resources for the Web Developer's Toolbox | Fuel Your Creativity
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Good apps and tools for building websites
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Permite grabar voces y sonidos
Blog con ejemplos muy claros de lo que es cada una de las 10 herramientas de las que hablan.
Top50+ Free Resources for Writers, Bloggers, And Other Freelancers | FreelanceFolder
75 Online Resources for Geeks100 Web Tools to Enhance Collaboration (Part 1) by Ozge Karaoglu
100 Web 2.0 Tools
It is easy to collaborate with your colleagues around you. What about other people in your PLN? Can you collaborate with 50, 100, 1000 people? "Collaborate", "Collaborative", "Collaboration" were the most frequent words I heard last year and I believe it will be more important and popular in this new decade. Here is my first 20 web tools to enhance collaboration among us!7 Tools You Should Be Using For Better Web Designs
7 Good UI design tools, and testingPDF: MergePDF Combines PDF Documents for Free
Firefox Tips: 5 Ways to Spice Up Your SidebarBetterMe - Send private, anonymous feedback to coworkers, classmates, and friends.
"Give private, anonymous feedback. Go ahead... say what you really think. " Send private, anonymous feedback to coworkers, classmates, and friends.
Send private, anonymous feedback to coworkers, classmates, and friends.wyiswyg - mootools
#wysiwyg #mootools
Editor wisiwyngBoard800 : Flex / Flash / Red5 based Interactive Whiteboard
Board800 es una nueva herramienta que permite a varios usuarios compartir un mismo panel de dibujo por Internet. Puede utilizarse para fines educativos, por ejemplo, ya que al fin y al cabo no deja de ser una pizarra en la que todos pueden ver el contenido al mismo tiempo que se publica.
Interactive multi-user (shared) whiteboard application.Capture full page - Screenshot Full web page - Capture full web page
Capture Full Page Take Screenshot on the Fly
Take Screenshot on the FlyWEBTOOLS applied to teaching
RT @shannonmmiller: WEBTOOLS applied to teaching ...Great resource! http://ow.ly/20kpT #fhuedu642