Pages tagged whiteboard:

All Interactive Whiteboard Resources

Free whiteboard applications for teaching.
Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Teachers. A variety of free, easy to use IWB resources, for teaching a variety of subjects. New resources added weekly.
interactive whiteboard lessons maths english science sose
Free file sharing and net meeting | Show Document
Begin a web conferencing, net meeting or file sharing session using... Show Document is a Net Meeting platform for instantaneous and spontaneous online meetings where people can work together on the same document at the same time. All the Net Meeting collaborative services can be used to work together at the same time. The web meeting platform offers the following interactive services Share documents online A file sharing and online document review service that allows users to work together with any document including PDF, Word, Power Point, jpg files. Elearning, online training and work meetings use this service. Shared Text Editor An advanced online text editor allow users to work together during the web meeting on text files and save the files on their workstation afterword. Share Google Map Browse Google Maps together during a live meeting. The Google street view map is seen at the same time by all participants. Begin net meeting by clicking on Interactive Whiteboard and o
Show Document is a Net Meeting platform for instantaneous and spontaneous online meetings where people can work together on the same document at the same time. All the Net Meeting collaborative services can be used to work together at the same time. The web meeting platform offers the following interactive services
Begin a web conferencing, net meeting or file sharing session using... SHARED DOCUMENT, WHITEBOARD,TEXT EDITOR OR BROWSER
a program for easily producing animated "whiteboard lectures" from a tablet PC or electronic whiteboar
Free whiteboard tool.
This website serves as the current distribution point for LectureScribe, a program for easily producing animated "whiteboard lectures" from a tablet PC or electronic whiteboard. LectureScribe is written by Brian C. Dean, an assistant professor of computer science at Clemson Univeristy.
Could be useful.
IdeaPaint turns virtually anything you can paint into a high-performance dry-erase surface, giving you the space you need to collaborate, interact and fully explore your creativity. No matter where you use it, big ideas follow.
cool! whiteboard paint. De opvolger van krijtverf en magneetbordverf.
IdeaPaint turns virtually anything you can paint into a high-performance dry-erase surface, giving you the space you need to collaborate, interact and fully explore your creativity.
IdeaPaint: Turn Your Entire Office Into a Whiteboard | Design & Innovation | Fast Company
With just one coat, IdeaPaint turns any surface into a dry-erase board.
One fantastic product.
Organise your stuff - however you want to! Remember important things, keep to-do lists, organise projects, track work and everything else that you need to do that we've never thought of
A nice todo tool that is based on the web
Squareleaf is a simple and intuitive virtual whiteboard, complete with all the sticky notes you'll ever need. Unlike the real thing, our notes don't fall off all of the time.
Whiteyboard - The Original Stick-On Whiteboard realtime
Dropio realtime collaboration with their file sharing
Board800 : Flex / Flash / Red5 based Interactive Whiteboard
Board800 es una nueva herramienta que permite a varios usuarios compartir un mismo panel de dibujo por Internet. Puede utilizarse para fines educativos, por ejemplo, ya que al fin y al cabo no deja de ser una pizarra en la que todos pueden ver el contenido al mismo tiempo que se publica.
Interactive multi-user (shared) whiteboard application.
Language Arts Activities | Interactive Whiteboard Resources |
many language arts activities for COWs or interactive whiteboard
story starters, myth generator, character scrapbook
Find easy-to-use Interactive Whiteboard teaching tips and make the most of Language Arts Online Activities on your Interactive Whiteboard.
Reading, Science, Social Studies, Math activities on line
Play Whiteboard Tower Defense, a free online game on Kongregate
Whiteboard Tower Defense
Kongregate free online game Whiteboard Tower Defense - Critter warfare at its best!. Play Whiteboard Tower Defense