Pages tagged whitespace:

White Space: How to Get it ‘Right’ | Think Vitamin

Active and Passive White Space White Space is often used to create a balanced, harmonious layout. One that just ‘feels’ right. It can also be used to take the reader on a journey through the design. In the same way a photographer leaves ‘looking room’ in a portrait shot, by positioning the subject o! the centre of the frame and having them looking into the remaining space, a designer can do this to increase the effectiveness of their design. Another way of looking at white space is by how a reader, or user, reacts to it. White space can not only be used by the designer to create harmony and balance in design, or to help position a brand, but it can be used to lead a reader from one element to another. This is called Active White Space
Use of White in Web Design: Tips and Trends | Desizn Tech
What comes to your mind when you think of the color white? White is the most simple, elegant and peaceful color. Use of white color in web design is seen in many blog, online portfolio, e-commerce and many more sites.
White in Web Design
White web design inspiration - Tips and Trends
white websites
Whitespace: The Underutilized Design Element | Web Design Ledger
Whitespace: The Underutilized Design Element | Web Design Ledger -
Great short article demonstrating whitespace in webdesign.
The CSS white-space Property Explained
Wrapping Long URLs and Text Content with CSS • Perishable Press