10 Awesome Ways to Integrate Twitter With Your Website - NETTUTS
10 of the most useful ways to start turning your site readers (or your client's customer base) into Twitter followers, and vice versa.
There's no better time to start utilizing Twitter integration tools than right now. Here are 10 of the most useful ways to start turning your site readers (or your client's customer base) into Twitter followers, and vice versa.
Start turning your site readers into Twitter followers and vice versa.PhotoJoy – Amazing Photo Widgets, 3D Screensavers & Collages that display your personal photos!
Programma gratuito per Windows in grado di creare collage simpatici e divertenti con le foto, m anche sfondi, screensaver e piccole applicazioni di presentazione10 Most Interesting Upload Widgets | AjaxLine
Upload Widgets25 Great Blogger Widgets
Here are 25 Blogger widgets to create an even more powerful way of communicating with your visitors.20 Great Widgets to Enhance Your Tumblr Blog
With the right combination of theme and widgets, you can maintain Tumblr's minimalism and bring your readers more value. Here are 20 to enhance your Tumblr blog.
blog widgets
self explanatory
20 Great Widgets to Enhance Your Tumblr Blog
20 Tumblr to integrate your social networks, skype, your music,...Pluck On Demand | Website Content & Social Media for Any Site
Cool web content. Can generate revenueTwitterCounter Stats: The Ultimate Twitter Statistics Provider!
Twitter in website
Widget twitter à la MBLPBS Teachers - Activity Packs
An Activity Pack is a set of educational resources focused on a theme and packaged in a widget-format that you can embed in your own class or social media web page. Each pack includes links to PBS web sites and a set of activities by grade level.
Explore educational resources and activities from PBS with our library of Activity Packs. Each one focuses on a curricular theme and includes links to great PBS resources and supplemental activities
Another widget source from PBS and Dr. Valenza.Lightweight jQuery Portal
light weight query portal
Interesting jQuery framework for Portal interfaces. Reminds me a lot of older versions of NetVibes.
Major Features: * Content Integration - Lots stuff gets aggregated fast and easy. * Sound User Experiences - Slick UI, responsive interaction ... * Basic Module Themes - Colors can be assigned to modules. Multiplex Developer Support: * Content Integrator - Basic HTML skills and a little knowledge about JSON shall be enough to accomplish basic content integration tasks fast. * Interface Dresser - Advanced CSS knowledge and skills shall be mandatory to customize and improve the look and feel of this framework, i.e., the modules and the overall layout * Framework Extender - [jQuery] knowledge and JavaScript skills are required to further extend and customize this framework to address your advanced requirements. Walk through more features or go to Download now.Facebook Developers | Facebook Developers News
Commenting with Facebook Connect
Permet de publier ses commentaires à la fois sur le site et sur son compte facebook
Facebook comments vient d'être lancé, permettant de relier les commentaires que l'on poste sur un site, avec son compte facebook. fort.
"(facebook comment system)"iBegin Share - Share + Spread your Content
Make it Easy to Share and Spread your Content
Somewhat limited version of addthisbutton. Only has wordpress plugin.20 Twitter Badges to Show Off Your Tweets
20 Twitter Badges to Show Off Your Tweets
There are a number of ways to promote your Twitter (Twitter reviews) account. You can add yourself to one of the many growing Twitter directories, advertise your brand, or, as I’ll discuss in this post, feature a badge with your Twitter information on your website, blog, or even in your email. Here are 20 embeddable badges and widgets that you can customize to include your tweets and, in some cases, those of your friends. Have another badge or widget to add to the list? Tell us about it in the comments.
Here are 20 embeddable badges and widgets that you can customize to include your tweets and, in some cases, those of your friends. Have another badge or widget to add to the list? Tell us about it in the comments.SIMILE Widgets | Exhibit
Exhibit lets you easily create web pages with advanced text search and filtering functionalities, with interactive maps, timelines, and other visualizations.
Exhibit lets you easily create interactive web pages with advanced text search and filtering functionalities, with interactive maps, timelines, and other visualizations...SIMILE Widgets
SIMILE Widgets Free, Open-Source Data Visualization Web Widgets, and More This is an open-source “spin-off” from the Simile project at MIT. Here we offer free, open-source web widgets, mostly for data visualizations. They are maintained and improved over time by a community of open-source developers.
This is an open-source “spin-off” from the Simile project at MIT. Here we offer free, open-source web widgets, mostly for data visualizations. They are maintained and improved over time by a community of open-source developers.
Free, Open-Source Data Visualization Web Widgets, and MoreFive Fabulous Gmail Gadgets You Won't Find in Labs - ReadWriteWeb
gadgets for gmail
Additional Gmail pluginsTwitter Gadget for Gmail(v2)
Twitter gadgets for Gmail
Kako ubaciti twitter u gmail.
Twitter Gadget for Gmail is a Twitter client specially designed for Gmail. Features * OAuth authentication, your Twitter account password is not required. * Supports multiple Twitter accounts * Mark all as read(like Google Reader) * Automatically refresh * Reply, Re-tweet inline * View reply to inline * Gmail look and feel * SSL support * (new)Share tweets with your friends(your Gmail friends group' contacts) * (new)Twitter Search
Twitter Gadget for Gmail is a Twitter client specially designed for Gmail.QuirksBlog: Introduction to W3C Widgets
QuirksBlog: Introduction to W3C Widgets
Essentially, a widget is a local HTML/CSS/JavaScript web application. A mobile phone user downloads a widget once, and from that moment on he has a web application stored locally on his mobile phone. Although currently widgets are mostly used for relatively limited functions such as clocks, RSS readers, or Twitter or Flickr clients, as well as for games, there’s no theoretical reason why they couldn’t contain a complete, complicated, JavaScript-heavy web application; for instance a mobile-optimised spreadsheet application.James Smith • loopj.com » Blog Archive » jQuery Plugin: Tokenizing Autocomplete Text Entry
This is a jQuery plugin to allow users to select multiple items from a predefined list, using autocompletion as they type to find each item. You may have seen a similar type of text entry when filling in the recipients field sending messages on facebook.
Autocomplete with multiple items per input.10 Wordpress Plugins Guaranteed to Save You Time
Standalone embeddable widgets from Google that you can drop into any web page. The maps widget finally frees the maps API from the tyranny of coupling a domain with an API key.
Google web elements is a new service that provides Google widgets for your own blog.
Google Web Elements allow you to easily add your favorite Google products onto your own website.dhtmlxScheduler - Ajax Events Calendar/Scheduler
Belo exemplo de simplicidade e velocidade nos portlets usando a api do jquery e imitando o igoogle
Para Crear una interfaz parecida al igoogle
Welcome t31 Useful Twitter Plugins For Wordpress To Choose From | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
If you've been reading some of the previous WordPress-related articles here on Smashing Magazine, you'll know that WordPress is much more than a blogging platform.http://www.zooloo.com/
The complete online environment for everyone, built around your domain name.
ZooLoo Аггрегатор. Все в одном...The complete guide to creating widgets in WordPress 2.8
Qualche consiglio avanzato su come dare all'utente più controllo sul display del widget all'interno del pannello di controllo.Twitter / Search Widget
add this search widget to any website30 MAC Dashboard Widgets for Web Designers and Developers : Speckyboy Design Magazine
jquery.timepickr was created in a attempt to make the process of inputing time in a form as easy and natural as possible.
Not perfect, but an interesting time picker implementation.
A time selector with a very ergonomic UI -- pick hour, minute in 15 minute increments, then am/pm.
jquery time pickerSocial Follow - All social networks in one button
Have Facebook, Myspace, YouTube and LinkedIn accounts and want to feature them all on your website? Social Follow has created one happy place for all your social profiles to hang out and get along. Social Following is the action of following someone through all of their social accounts. The Social Follow button gives people an easy way to Social Follow you through all your social accounts, either personally or for your business. Take the tour or create your free account by clicking the "Get it Now!" button. Then create and customize your button. It's a simple 3 step process.
crea un bottone dove sono linkati tutti gli account di social networking
Create a Follow Me Button | All social networks in one buttonFacebook | Facebook Widgets
Facebook Page Badgets for Websites
Para que los fans puedan enlazar tu página de facebook desde tu web
Widget overview page, both for personal and business profiles.mixwidget.org - the free and open source mixtape
Per posar so en la web o blog, molt agradable, interessant
Open source mixtape software—used to be Mixwit
het voormalige mixwit is beschikbaar als open source-programma.Live Stream Box - Facebook Developer Wiki
<iframe src="http://www.facebook.com/widgets/livefeed.php?app_id=YOUR_APPLICATION_ID&width=400&height=500" width="400" height="500" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>Datepicker and Calender Eightysix documentation and examples dev.base86 javascript, calendar, mootools, datepicker, eightysix
Understanding jQuery UI widgets: A tutorial Last updated 2009-06-07 This was written largely to help me make sense of using UI to create my own widgets, but I hope it may help others. "Widget" to me means a user-interface element, like a button or something more complicated like a popup date picker, but in jQuery UI terms it means a class, members of which are associated with HTML elements; things like Draggable and Sortable. In fact, not everything that I would have called a widget uses $.widget; the UI datepicker does not.OS X Dashboard Widgets with jQuery | Steve Reynolds Blog
I didn't realize they were just HTML & JS !MooEditable
rich text editorToldYa! - Social Selling
Catalog of Twitter applications
Nice annotated list of twitter tools.
RT @chaseathompson 55 useful and cool Twitter widgets and apps:http://bit.ly/fMoS7 [from http://twitter.com/gbyat/statuses/1833462899]
Voilà: tout est dans le titrejpolite - Google Code
jQuery Framework
JPolite (jQuery POrtal Lite) is a lightweight front-end web portal framework based on jQuery.
JPolite (jQuery POrtal Lite) is a lightweight front-end web portal framework based on jQuery. The focus is easy content integration at the front-end, through an intuitive naming system and conventions plus simple and easy configuration. Developers can make use of various server side technologies and frameworks to generate content for the portal. Features: * Flexible layout configurations * Module drag-drop (thanks to jQuery UI * Simple UI controls (Tabs, accordion, ...) * Sample RSS Reader ... Last not least, the core js file weighs only 5kB after compression! Check out the Live Demo to experience.build a widget
Dijit widgets enable users to socially distribute photos, music, videos, create micro-blogs, and create slideshows. Dijit Custom Widget Engine & Dijit Flash Widget Creator allow you Build Dijit Widget Slideshow Online for Free,create youtube widget,Myspace widgets, facebook widget, dashboard widgets, desktop widgets, mobile widget, flash widgets, blog widget and network widget.
Widget creatorTimes Widgets - Build Your Own Times Widget - The New York Times
Sección de widgets para permitir que otras páginas distribuyan sus contenidosDissecting the WordPress Text Widget - Nettuts+
Dissecting the WordPress Text Widget
In this tutorial, we will take a close look under the hood of the WordPress text widget to uncover the process of creating a widget that can be added to
How Do You Create Your Own Multi-Widget ? - Nettuts+
wp_widget_text“Who Is Online” Widget With PHP, MySQL & jQuery – Tutorialzine
Wow this is really neat
It will display the number of visitors, currently viewing your site, and thanks to Hostip’s free IP to location API, it will even be able to detect the country your visitors are from and display it in a slide out panel.
“Who Is Online” Widget With PHP, MySQL & jQuery – TutorialzineWhat Is The Deal With This Stupid Lighter iPhone App?
Unlike its competitors, it’s effectively leveraging location awareness and social networking/human team building instincts to create a bit of a phenomenon. The result is a viral spread.
Smule uses location and visualization on a map to make their game viral.
You can optionally share your location information with the application, and when you light it you show up on a virtual earth-like globe. France and Japan are going absolutely crazy with users, which you can see quite clearly from the virtual globe and the screenshot to the right. The longer a person keeps the lighter going (I have mine sitting here burning while I write this), the more”KiloJoules” you burn. So why is this working? I told you loyal readers back in August. Unlike its competitors, it’s effectively leveraging location awareness and social networking/human team building instincts to create a bit of a phenomenon. The result is a viral spread.
Bizarre example of a social app leading to huge viral growth
Everyone keeps talking about Smule’s virtual lighter iPhone application called Sonic Lighter.
Smule has built in social and viral features that are helping this spread like mad, and they also give this ridiculous but effective incentive to use the app all the time. France and Japan are going absolutely crazy with users, which you can see quite clearly from the virtual globe and the screenshot to the right. With 69,000 downloads * .99 cents = US$68310 US$68310 - 30% Apple takes = $47,81730 Most useful WordPress Plugins - May 2009 | AjaxLine
The Like button enables users to make connections to your pages and share content back to their friends on Facebook with one click. Since the content is hosted by Facebook, the button can display personalized content whether or not the user has logged into your site. For logged-in Facebook users, the button is personalized to highlight friends who have also liked the page. The basic Like button is available via a simple iframe you can drop into your page easily. A fuller-featured Like button is available via the <fb:like> XFBML tag and requires you use the JavaScript SDK. The XFBML version allows users to add a comment to their like as it is posted back to Facebook.
Code to embed 'like' button on websites
Didn't realize creating facebook like buttons is easy! Libs use them?. http://bit.ly/axBokV privacy concerns ?
Come aggiungere il bottone "like" su qualsiasi sito.Picturesurf
Picturesurf Gallery is a free service that allows you to upload, link, and share photo galleries anywhere.
plugin วพ ไว้ทำ galleryProdule: Create Highly Customized Social Widgets
Best Javascript Tree Menu Widgets
The name says everything
hich implements the J.Q.Walker II layout algoritScott Rafer: The Facebook Platform is Dead
Is Facebook Connect the way forward?
well hopefully NOT but still interesting read and a really nice ppt viewing application there too
The real test of Facebook Connect will be the opportunity for viral growth. So far there have been few implementations of Facebook Connect and it is difficult to test the success of each of these applications.
Facebook News, Facebook Games and analysis of Facebook.
Interesting video discussing Facebook Platform and Facebook Connect.Featured Desktop: The Giant Flip Clock Desktop
desktop customize
Follow the links in this post to cusomize your own desktop.Dragdealer JS
Dragdealer JS http://ow.ly/1Ynv1 // this is very niceHow to build a web widget (using jQuery) - Alex Marandon
Muy interesante