Pages tagged wii:

Talking to a Wiimote in Ubuntu 8.10
Wii: Play Burned Game Backups on Your Wii Without a Modchip

Ever since video game consoles moved to optical discs manufacturers and users have battled over backups Manufacturers fear that if
How to Store/Load Wii Games via USB Hard Drive [Slick Tricks]
One of the cooler hacks that I've found for the Wii is how to store and load your games from a USB Hard Drive. The idea is that you plug a hard drive into one of the USB slots on the back of the Wii, and rip/store your games. When you want to play them, you have only to access the hard drive and select what you'd like to play. There are 3 primary reasons that I am excited to have this working:
How to Store/Load Wii Games via USB Hard Drive [Slick Tricks]
Rip games!
Lifehacker - Back Up and Play Your Wii Games From an External Hard Drive - Wii
A disc that never leaves the case can never be scratched. Save your Wii games to an external hard drive with this handy tutorial for speedier and scratch-free playback.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself
brengt youtube naar de TV
YouTube en grand format pour la télé
Nueva versión de YouTube preparada para ver videos de mayor tamaño y por consiguiente, más preparada para visualizarlos en pantallas grandes, como por ejemplo las de los televisores.
YouTube XL
TV나 대형 모니터 화면에 적합한 인터페이스를 제공. 버튼이 큼지막해서 모바일 화면에도 적합할 듯...
Thank you to everyone who emailed asking about a World of Goo Soundtrack. This is probably as close to an "official" soundtrack I'll ever make for the game World of Goo.
Hack Your Wii for Homebrew without Twilight Princess - Wii - Lifehacker
Bummed because you've got a new Wii and the Twilight Princess hack won't work on it? Have an older Wii but you don't want to buy Twilight Princess just to install Homebrew? Try the free and easy bannerbomb exploit.
How to Back Up and Play Your Wii Games from an External Hard Drive - Wii - Lifehacker
virtual windows . DIY
Random Hacks Of Boredom/Genius: Wii Motion Plus + Arduino = Love
howto — warning: the wire colors are not correct!!
Wii Blog: Nintendo Wii News and Views
Gaming with the Wii and the games for it.