Pages tagged wordpress_themes:

15 High Quality Free Premium WordPress 2.7 Themes

a couple of cool themes
Vintage and Blues WordPress Themes | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
Themes molones vintage y azul, con "banner superior" y publi
t may not be resold, sublicensed, re
30 Free, Amazing and Versatile Wordpress 2.7 Themes : Speckyboy - Web Design, Web Development and Graphic Design Resources
30 Free, Amazing and Versatile Wordpress 2.7 Themes
An excellent source for WP designs with even more WP resources in the links provided at the bottom of each post.
more free wordpress designs
wordpress templates
"Magazeen": Free Magazine-Look WordPress Theme | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
We love our readers. We respect the hard work of designers and developers across the globe. And we do our best to make the web design community stronger and the Web a little bit prettier.
Wordpress Themes | Best Free Wordpress Themes Download
use wordpress to make a blog 3.1.09
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Best Free Wordpress Themes Download
Wordpress Themes | Download Best Wordpress Themes For Free
Investigate later.
Wordpress Themes | Download Best Wordpress Themes For Free -
27 Stunning Yet Free Premium Wordpress Magazine & News Themes - Free wordpress templates, free wordpress themes, Magazine themes, News themes, Wordpress Themes - Technically Personal!
magazine style wordpress themes - pro-looking for future projects maybe?
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100 Superb Wordpress Themes For Free! | AntsMagazine
Download "Imprezz", A Free WordPress Theme | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
In this post we release Imprezz – a simple and beautiful 3-column-theme, a free WordPress theme designed by Gopal Raju from ProductiveDreams for Smashing Magazine and its readers. The theme can be used in various setting for various purposes - in magazine-blogs, but also in corporate and private blogs. The theme supports WordPress 2.7.1 and works well with the zdcomments widget (which is used to display the top commenters). The package also include the PSD-source file of the logo.
22 Professional WordPress Themes And Resources:Less Is More | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
40 Excellent Free WordPress Themes
In this collection, you’ll find 40 high-quality and free WordPress themes handpicked from the vast amount of free themes out there on the web.
WordPress - the popular open source publishing platform - allows you to easily customize your installation with WordPress themes. In this collection, you'll find 40 high-quality and free WordPress themes handpicked from the vast amount of free themes out there on the web.
10 tricks to make your WordPress theme stand out
10 dicas de programação nos arquivos .PHP do Wordpress.
Como diseñar tu propio tema en WP
41 Great Looking Free WordPress Themes | Wordpress
20 Wordpress Theme Frameworks And Starting Resources | 1stwebdesigner - Love In Design
The use of WordPress theme frameworks may ease theme development by reducing the volume of work which may be needed in creating a backbone for your theme (usually by using PHP and WordPress Template Tags).
A theme framework is a theme that is designed to be a flexible foundation that can serve as a parent theme for building child themes. The use of WordPress theme frameworks may ease theme development by reducing the volume of work which may be needed in creating a backbone for your theme (usually by using PHP and WordPress Template Tags). Theme frameworks also make theme development more accessible, removing the need for programming knowledge. I listed here the best Wordpress theme frameworks available as well as several child themes and related articles to help get Your foot with Wordpress theme developing.
Download "Gallery": A Free WordPress Theme | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
A great gallery or portfolio site for Wordpress. Would be a great solution for showcasing sites involved in the CoPress summer design camp.
Build Your Own WordPress Themes the Easy Way
WordPress is by far one of the most favored blogging tools, and WordPress themes are certainly popular. A custom theme
Make a wordpress theme
50+ New and Beautiful Free Wordpress Themes | CrazyLeaf Design Blog
Download over 50 new and beautiful free Wordpress themes.
50+ New and Beautiful Free Wordpress Themes
15 Fresh Wordpress Themes To Get The Coolest Portfolio For You Or Your Studio | Inspired Magazine
Temas de wordpress para un buen portfolio
13 Magnificent Free Wordpress Portfolio Themes | Css Reflex - Design Blog | Web Design | Inspiration and Resources for Designers
40 Free Premium-Quality Wordpress Themes | Pro Blog Design
40 templates grátis para WordPress para download. Alguns são bastante interessantes.
Free WordPress Theme: Paper Wall | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
Today we are glad to release the Paper Wall WordPress Theme, an original, beautiful, high-quality WordPress theme, designed by Adrian Lazariuc from exclusively for Smashing Magazine and its readers. The theme has a unique, colorful design that will perfectly fit for your personal blogs and, if customized, can be a perfect fit for a unique magazine-style-blog.
12 great tutorials on creating a new Wordpress Theme | [Re]
good tips on developing website in wordpress
perindah blog anda dengan tampilan yang beda.............
Wordpress Theme Frameworks explained
Next wordpress contract I get, start out with a Framework instead of scratch!
his by providing you with commonly used functions and features that modern WordPress themes should have. So when you start a brand new WordPress project, using WP Framework you’ll already have the basic functionality set so you don’t have to worry about mundane task like creating the loop, or recreating all the standard template files. Parallel
In the Woods - 10 Wonderful WordPress Templates That are Setting Trends
Many recent templates on ThemeForest are proving to be trend-setters. Not only are they unique, but they’re also, more importantly, extremely usable. Let’s review just a handful of some of the stand-outs
Many recent templates on ThemeForest are proving to be trend-setters. Not only are they unique, but they’re also, more importantly, extremely usable. Let’s review just a handful of some of the stand-outs.
36 Beautiful and “NEW” Free Wordpress Themes | Dzine Blog
Nuevos templates para WP
Spice up your WordPress theme with jQuery
15 Exceptionally Useful Resources for WordPress Theme Designers | Vandelay Design Blog
wordpress developement stuff, very good!
In this post we’ll feature 15 resources that may be of help to you while you are designing and developing WordPress themes. If you have suggestions for other resources, please leave a comment.
The Future of WordPress Themes 2009
Top theme designers with their predictions: more frameworks...
Last but not least, I see the premium/proprietary theme market expanding instead of shrinking. Will these new entrants abide by the GPL? Only time will tell.
23+ Excellent Tutorials For WordPress Theme Developers
23+ Excellent Tutorials For WordPress Theme Developers
Dicas de WordPress
Tutorials zum Erstellen von WordPress-Themes
RT @bkmacdaddy 23+ Excellent Tutorials For #WordPress Theme Developers - [from]
60 Free, Yet Premium Quality Wordpress Magazine News Themes | Graphic and Web Design Blog - Inspiration, Resources and Tools
60 themes estilo magazine
45+ Excellent Fresh Free Wordpress Themes Around | Showcases | instantShift
this is my first experience in here
Wordpress! is an award-winning CMS, which enables you to build Blogs, Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Wordpress the most popular blog software available. Best of all, Wordpress is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone. There are hundreds of Wordpress themes online waiting to be paid for. Some of them are worth it, some are not. Just because many of our followers decided to stay with Premium themes, that doesn’t mean Free Themes are ugly, cluttered, and boring.
20 free Wordpress themes with premium-like functionalities | Design Reviver
Wordpress is all over the place nowadays, with an endless number of free themes published every day by web designers. Some even took it a step further and published some premium Wordpress themes that you can buy on their websites or marketplaces. What we have for you is even better, a great collection of free Wordpress themes with functionalities just as good as the ones premium themes have.
Definitive List of Free WordPress Theme Frameworks | W3Avenue
Definitive List of Free WordPress Theme Frameworks - wordpress
The Digital Business Card Wordpress Theme – Human3rror – I Break Stuff.
70 Themes (temas) gratuitos de alta calidad para WordPress | Trazos Web
¿Estás a punto de cambiar el diseño de tu blog y no sabes que poner? Entonces aquí te dejo esta recopilación de Themes para WordPress de alta calidad y lo mejor de todo gratuitos. Puedes ver más detalles de estos temas y ver su previsualización.
40 Awesome and Fresh Wordpress Themes : Speckyboy Design Magazine
Some great free themes here...
16 Free Wordpress Themes That Will Make You Forget Premium Themes
20+ Free and Stylish Typography Wordpress Themes : Speckyboy Design Magazine
20+ Free and Stylish Typography Wordpress Themes : Speckyboy Design Magazine -
40 Free High-Quality WordPress Themes | Smashing Magazine
40 Free Themes for Wordpress
free word press themes
28 Free Wordpress Photo Gallery Themes | TutZone
28 Free Wordpress Photo Gallery Themes | TutZone -
Top 20 Best Sources To Find Free WordPress Templates | Print Create
20 mejores sitios de plantilas free para las web
WordPress is that wonderful content management system that has made professional blog pages available to anyone, whether for personal or business use. Even better news is that you don’t have to fork over a truckload of cash for the design. There are pages of free WordPress themes/templates just waiting to be discovered. Here is a list of 20 of the best sources for your free WordPress theme.
temas para wordpress
Here is a list of 20 of the best sources for your free WordPress theme.
55+ Free Premium WordPress Themes | WPSMASH | Best WordPress Resources
55+ Free Premium WordPress Themes | WPSMASH | Best WordPress Resources -
31 Websites Where To Find Free HQ Wordpress Themes - W3Mag
Your search for free HQ Wordpress themes is finally over. We selected best 31 sites to help you find the perfect WP theme for your websites.
Wordpress Themes is nowadays one of the most popular web subjects and that’s because the huge growth of the famous blogging platform that now is the default CMS for many brands and websites.
60 Great Wordpress Themes | AREA 1
10 Places to Download Awesome WordPress Themes | Lists | Tutorial Blog
10 Places to Download Awesome WordPress Themes
25 Fresh, Clean and Unique Wordpress Themes - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Lets be honest, when you look at the volume of WP themes that are available, there is not really that much originality. They are basically they same theme re-hashed in a different style. That maybe fine for some, but not for me.
100 Beeindruckende kostenlose Wordpress-Themes für 2009
100 Beeindruckende kostenlose Wordpress-Themes für 2009 | Downloads, Listen, Themes, Wordpress | Dr. Web Magazin -
Schon wiederholt haben wir Listen mit exzellenten kostenlosen Wordpress-Themes zusammen gestellt, doch seitdem ist einige Zeit vergangen und die Weiterentwicklung von Wordpress hat riesige Fortschritte gemacht, ja sogar noch an Popularität gewonnen. Wir denken, dass es Zeit ist für ein Update dieser Liste und bieten unseren Lesern die besten kostenlosen Wordpress-Themes an. Im letzten Jahr wurde es immer schwieriger, qualitativ hochwertige kostenlose Wordpress-Themes zu finden, da mit der Einführung von Premium-Themes immer mehr Designer und Entwickler ihre Themes verkaufen (und das ist auch gut so - sie leisten großartige Arbeit). Davon einmal abgesehen findet sich viel Qualitätsarbeit und wir sind uns sicher, dass Sie von dieser Zusammenstellung von Wordpres-Themes für 2009 begeistert sein werden.
Schon wiederholt haben wir Listen mit exzellenten kostenlosen Wordpress-Themes zusammen gestellt, doch seitdem ist einige Zeit vergangen und die Weiterentwicklung von Wordpress hat riesige Fortschritte gemacht, ja sogar noch an Popularität gewonnen. Wir denken, dass
31 Rare Wordpress Themes | TutZone
The Most Creative 50 Wordpress Themes of 2009 | Inspired Magazine
The Most Creative 50 Wordpress Themes of 2009 | Inspired Magazine
SimpleFolio: A Free Clean Portfolio WordPress Theme - Smashing Magazine
SimpleFolio: A Free Clean Portfolio WordPress Theme
14 Fantastic Free WordPress Themes
Whether you're a web developer or just someone eager to bring a fresh new look to your own web site, there are hundreds if not thousands of free WordPress themes out there.
Whether you’re a web developer whose clients need a great look and feel for their blogs, or just someone eager to bring a fresh new look to your own web site, there are literally hundreds if not thousands of free WordPress (WordPress) themes out there to consider.
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Free Theme: WP Typo
It is 100% typographic; there are no images used at all. It includes the PSD in case you want to make modifications and want to feel it out graphically first. You can do whatever the heck you want with it. No attribution required.
Free Dark and Clean WordPress Theme: Designpile - Smashing Magazine
60+ Latest High-Quality Free WordPress Themes | Wordpress | instantShift
In this showcase, you’ll find an excellent collection of fresh high-quality WordPress themes available for free.
WordPress! is an award-winning CMS, which enables you to build Blogs, Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made WordPress the most popular blog software available. Best of all, WordPress is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone. There are hundreds of WordPress themes online waiting to be paid for. Some of them are worth it, some are not. Just because many of our followers decided to stay with Premium themes, that doesn’t mean Free Themes are ugly, cluttered, and boring.
60 Awesome Free Wordpress themes
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17 New Wordpress Themes That Will Rock Your Personal Blog
17 New Wordpress Themes That Will Rock Your Personal Blog -
60+ Latest High-Quality Free WordPress Themes | Wordpress | instantShift
WordPress! is an award-winning CMS, which enables you to build Blogs, Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made WordPress the most popular blog software available. Best of all, WordPress is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone. There are hundreds of WordPress themes online waiting to be paid for. Some of them are worth it, some are not. Just because many of our followers decided to stay with Premium themes, that doesn’t mean Free Themes are ugly, cluttered, and boring. In this showcase below, you’ll find a Excellent Collection of Fresh High-Quality Free WordPress Themes Around because We all know that we’re going to use our blog as a tool to promote our business, so we need to have a clean, professional, corporate look. Please Notice that these themes is not arranged in any particular order so just scroll down and find your inspiration. Also, Please visit their authors’ sites, available
What to Ask a New Client Wanting a WordPress Theme
Press Theme * 11/24/2008  —  32 Comments *
30 Brand New Quality Wordpress Themes - Speckyboy Design Magazine
Black Magic: A Free WordPress Theme | Freebies | Smashing Magazine
We love our readers. We respect the hard work of designers and developers across the globe. And we do our best to make the web design community stronger and the Web a...
55 Fresh & High Quality Wordpress Themes | Wordpress
It can be pretty tough call to decide whether to invest in a premium Wordpress theme or simply stick with a free one. This could be caused by a common
30+ WordPress Theme Releases for May 2009 - WPZOOM
Theme Releases for May 2009 - WPZOOM
Free & Premium WordPress Themes
Awesome Wordpress Themes from May 2009
Free Premium Wordpress Themes
WORDPRESS THEMES - Free Premium Wordpress Themes with High-Quality Screenshots are available for DOWNLOAD.
A jobb, szebb themek középkategóriája. Van jópár összegyűjtve.
60+ Excellent Premium-Like Free WordPress Themes | One Stop Design Resources
Top 10 Wordpress Themes Of June 2010 For Free Download
Designers and developers always wait for new and awesome wordpress themes for free download and we provide it every month. In this month, we again came with new and free WordPress themes with lots of new features and awesome layouts.
Top 10 High Quality Free Wordpress Themes Of Year 2010 (Till April)
Top 10 High Quality Free Wordpress Themes Of Year 2010 (Till April)
Top 10 High Quality Free Wordpress Themes Of Year 2010 (Till April)
30 Smashing Free WordPress 3.0 Themes | VisonwidGet