Pages tagged workspace:

The Workstations of Popular Websites | Webdesigner Depot

welcome to the club - MBP
Before and After: Barren Attic to Programmer's Paradise
Barren Attic to Programmer's Paradise
Cool Desktop setup
2experts Design - Web Design and Graphic Design Blog
Een aantal erg leuke designs voor kantoorruimtes, om de creativiteit te stimuleren. Doet mij erg denken aan ideeën die ik heb voor mij nieuwe kamer (zie volgende bookmark)
Rejuvenate Your Workspace with These Office Supply Favorites - Supercharged Workspace - Lifehacker
Add some of these to my christmas wish list.
Nine Workspaces Where Famous Folks Get Stuff Done - Workspace - Lifehacker
Whether you prefer the clean minimalism of Steve Jobs and 37 Signals or the creative chaos of Tina Fey and Pixar, there's a lot to learn from the workspaces of the well-known. We present nine such spaces here for inspiration.
Lifehacker lists pictures of some peoples work places
Lifehacker - The Innovative Office - Workspaces
Architect's home office!
Top 10 Ergonomic Upgrades for Your Workspace - Ergonomics - Lifehacker
It's easy to forget about your body's needs when you're deep into your work or the net—until your body offers a painful reminder. Save your physical shell some strain with these cheap, customizable ergonomic workspace upgrades.
Most Popular Featured Workspaces of 2009 - Featured Workspace - Lifehacker
IKEA Vika Gruvan
Every week we bring you fresh workspaces from the Lifehacker Workspace Show and Tell pool, all supplied by you—the awesome Lifehacker readership. Today we're highlighting the 25 most popular workspaces of 2009.
A Showcase of Minimalist Workstations | Webdesigner Depot
No matter what your personal work style, an uncluttered and attractive workspace will improve the quality and efficiency of your work. Getting rid of paper, digitizing your business cards, minimizing your office supplies are just some of the measures you can take to declutter your workspace and redesign your work life. Working in an aesthetically pleasing and minimalist workspace enhances your creativity and focus. Eliminate anything you don’t need, and you’ll have less of a visual distraction. We have enough online distractions; shouldn’t we be limiting the physical ones as well? The minimalist zen like work spaces that we’ve collected below can inspire you to create a clean design for your environment that meshes with the beautiful work that you do online.