Top 100 Creative Writing Blogs | Best Colleges Online
jim...sadly your blog is not on here....YET! although...i guess your blog isn't really geared towards writing...
Creative writing blogs.Writing for a living: a joy or a chore?: nine authors give their views | Books | The Guardian
Writing is good for you!Nonfiction Tweets: 70+ Authors to Follow on Twitter
There are thousands of authors on Twitter across numerous genres. In a recent post we featured 100, focusing for the most part on fiction. From writers focused on business to those devoted to history, hobbies, and more, here are over 70 great nonfiction authors to follow on Twitter.
From writers focused on business to those devoted to history, hobbies, and more, here are over 70 great nonfiction authors to follow on Twitter.50 Useful Google Apps for Writers - Learn-gasm write 2 writing 6
Have you ever wondered where writers actually get to do their writing? Where I Write gives a fascinating glimpse into the creative spaces of professional writers with photos of their work areas.
Where Scifi authors write
Fantatsy and Science Fiction authors - creative spaces and photos of thier work areas
Where I Write: Fantasy & Science Fiction Authors In their creatvie spaces
An interesting project where they document where authors do their writing.Top 10 Blogs for Writers - The 2008/2009 Winners
Created by retired Capilano College prof Kilian Crawford. A very good list, organized by types of engines, with useful notes on each. I found some useful new engines from this list.
# Mooter: Your results are categorized using a mind map to give your experience a little more variety. # ChaCha: If researching online drains your creativity and inspiration, use the personality-driven ChaCha for help. # Searchbots: This fun search engine lets you personalize your search experience. # Trooker: Browse and search for videos onTen rules for writing fiction | Books |
Established authors provide writing tips. Elmore Leonard: 'Never use an adverb to modify the verb "said".' Margaret Atwood: "Take something to write on. Paper is good. In a pinch, pieces of wood or your arm will do." Roddy Doyle: "Do not place a photograph of your favourite author on your desk, especially if the author is one of the famous ones who committed suicide." There are many more serious tips, too.Ten rules for writing fiction(part two) | Books |
Inspired by Elmore Leonard's 10 Rules of Writing, our survey of established authors' tips for successful authorship continues.
10 Rules for Writing Fiction - Part 2Remembering David Foster Wallace
via, dozens of links about the late writer, david foster wallace
A collection of links to resources related to, anecdotes about, and eulogies of the deceased author. NB: he loved The Wire!
Jason Kottke assembled a set of links commemorating DFW.
kottke's list of remembrances, because I, too, need to close some of these tabs
Kottke rounds up quite a few links about David Foster Wallace, the acclaimed writer that died recently. I've never read anything by Wallace, but all the outpouring of sorrow makes me wonder if I should have been.100+ Free Open Courseware Links for Writers
This list of 100 free open courseware links can help you improve your essay-writing, fiction, blogging, and even managing your own small business.50 Useful Blogs for Writers
A listing of 50 entertaining and educational blogs that deal with writing tips, words of the day, and grammar. A resource for writers of all kinds.Janet Fitch's 10 rules for writers | Jacket Copy | Los Angeles Times
10 writing tips everyone can benefit from: (h/t @kottke)
ooo! gonna come back to this: 10 rules for writers (via @jkottke) #bookmark
1. Write the sentence, not just the story. 2. Pick a better verb. 3. Kill the cliché. 4. Variety is the key. 5. Explore sentences using dependent clauses. 6. Use the landscape. 7. Smarten up your protagonist. 9. Write in scenes. 10. Torture your protagonist.Janet Fitch's 10 rules for writers | Jacket Copy | Los Angeles Times
Some of the best creative writing advice I have seen
1. Write the sentence, not just the story 2. Pick a better verb 3. Kill the cliché. 4. Variety is the key. 5. Explore sentences using dependent clauses. 6. Use the landscape. 7. Smarten up your protagonist. 8. Learn to write dialogue. 9. Write in scenes. 10. Torture your protagonist.
Good rules for any writer.
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