Pages tagged wtf:

Dad at 13 | Boy Alfie Patten, 13, becomes father of baby girl Maisie with girlfriend Chantelle Steadman, 15 | The Sun |News

this article is not only disturbing because he looks 8 and she looks 25, but because apparently all poor british slobs fuck like rabbits. the boy's dad has nine kids. the girl's dad (unemployed) has at least six.
What a shame. She at least might have had a better understanding of what the implications were, but he clearly wouldn't have had a clue at 12...
his name is alfie haha
Flickr Photo Download: Disney Rejection Letter, 1938
Did you know that creativity is Man's Work?
Dinosaurs Fucking
7 Items You Won't Believe Are Actually Legal |
marijuana funny America humor cool articles interesting legal cracked weapons fun
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Oh, *chan...
A humorous response to a post of a a picture of a cat by a user named "Metallica" who quoted "Sandman" Image - af20907621cbf76cee7547eco9.jpg (JPEG Image, 718x7360 pixels)
Picture Is Unrelated - WTF Pictures
extreme images
Pink dolphin appears in US lake - Telegraph
The world's only pink Bottlenose dolphin which was discovered in an inland lake in Louisiana, USA.
Its a PINK Dolphin!!
I still don't understand this. But I think she's cute. It is a she.
Albino Dolphin!
The world's only pink Bottlenose dolphin which was discovered in an inland lake in Louisiana, USA
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Craig sign postings
Why not, right?
Archive / RSS Submissions (please read the Disclaimer and include sources) and/or image removal requests can be sent to wtfdyhak[AT] / DISCLAIMER Apr 03 Permalink becuz u always wanted to be a meme submitted by every1 becuz u always wanted to be a meme submitted by every1 Apr 02 Permalink becuz ur not gonna let urself get pwn3d by the n00b submitted by Ell becuz ur not gonna let urself get pwn3d by the n00b submitted by Ell Permalink becuz ur supposed to keep at least six inches between u and ur dance partner submitted by Amy becuz ur supposed to keep at least six inches between u and ur dance partner submitted by Amy Permalink becuz u wanted something with a little more subtlety submitted by Chuck becuz u wanted something with a little more subtlety submitted by Chuck Permalink becuz the cigarette isn’t lit submitted by Julie becuz the cigarette isn’t lit submitted by Julie Apr 01 Permalink becuz life isn’t hard enough for a high school goth couple w
becuz life isn’t hard enough for a high school goth couple who hang out at the mall (by way of mr jjpp)
so bad, so sad, but yet, so good
The True Stories Behind 5 Famous WTF Images |
Truth is sometimes a little bit more awesome than fiction.
Most people have already seen the following images in the ‘WTF’ sections of social bookmarking sites, in threads dedicated to badass pictures or just circulated through their inboxes by the
Heavy Boots
comment on the issue of fairness in teaching elementary physics
‘About 6-7 years ago, I was in a philosophy class at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (good science/engineering school) and the teaching assistant was explaining Descartes. He was trying to show how things don't always happen the way we think they will and explained that, while a pen always falls when you drop it on Earth, it would just float away if you let go of it on the Moon. My jaw dropped a little. I blurted "What?!" ’
E-mails from an Asshole
"This is a collection of e-mails I have sent to people who post classified ads. My goal is to mess with them, confuse them, and/or piss them off. These are the ones that succeeded"
Funny emails
A little exuberance for that most delectable of herbs. Maybe a little too much exuberance.
I think this fills in the last remaining slot, and there is now at least one blog about every noun in the English language. Try it. Try googling for "<noun> blog" and not finding something.
!@#$!@@@@@@@ MY ISYS PROJECT @@@@@@!%#@!@
can hate on some old shit done right
Dancing Plague of 1518 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to: navigation, search The Dancing Plague (or Dance Epidemic) of 1518 was a case of dancing mania that occurred in Strasbourg, France (then part of the Holy Roman Empire) in July 1518. Numerous people took to dancing for days without rest, and over the period of about one month, most of the people died from heart attack, stroke, or exhaustion.
"The Dancing Plague (or Dance Epidemic) of 1518 was a case of dancing mania that occurred in Strasbourg, France (then part of the Holy Roman Empire) in July 1518. Numerous people took to dancing for days without rest, and over the period of about one month, most of the people died from heart attack, stroke, or exhaustion."
Bacon: the Other White Heat | Popular Science
bacon welders
Thanks EMone
@ryanbaldwin that was just amazing! Breakfast will never be the same again! [via tonyarkles] [from]
Amazing. Prosciutto as a thermal lance.
Will Sweeney - Concept designer and Illustrator Steve Scott - Director, Concept designer and compositor James Littlemore - Editor / Compositor Geoff McDowall - Animator Ed Willmore - Animator Roland Edwards - Animator Dele Nuga - Digital Painter Lottie Hope - Producer Dan O'Rourke - Executive Producer Not To Scale - production Thanks to Big Active
It's called Birdy Nam Nam - The Parachute Ending.
Hawtness - The Women of WTF
Unusual Paintings of Obama Naked with Unicorns |
weirdest thing ever
These paintings by Dan Lacey, also known as The Painter of Pancakes, shows his portrayal of the president of the United States in a series of unique paintings.
acid+paint+a Politico subscription + skittles
No matter what your particular political leanings are, I think we can all agree that this artist is definitely a weirdo. I also enjoy the fact that the person who posted these labeled them as "unusual paintings," as if there were normal, everyday paintings of a nude president cavorting with mythical beasts.
Black and WTF
A photoblog of really strange black & white photos. Have any strange photos of your own? Send them to var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-11318821-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {}
Afghanistan's only pig quarantined in flu fear | Lifestyle | Reuters
The saddest pig in the world gets a little sadder.
Afghanistan's only known pig has been locked in a room, away from visitors to Kabul zoo where it normally grazes beside deer and goats, because people are worried it could infect them with the virus popularly known as swine flu. The pig is a curiosity in Muslim Afghanistan, where pork and pig products are illegal because they are considered irreligious, and has been in quarantine since Sunday after visitors expressed alarm it could spread the new flu strain.
Afghanistan's only pig quarantined in flu fear :D [from]
"KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan's only known pig has been locked in a room, away from visitors to Kabul zoo where it normally grazes beside deer and goats, because people are worried it could infect them with the virus popularly known as swine flu. The pig is a curiosity in Muslim Afghanistan, where pork and pig products are illegal because they are considered irreligious, and has been in quarantine since Sunday after visitors expressed alarm it could spread the new flu strain."
Afghanistan's only known pig has been locked in a room, away from visitors to Kabul zoo where it normally grazes beside deer and goats, because people are worried it could infect them with the virus popularly known as swine flu.
Reuters top ten news stories delivered to your inbox each day.
Bailout costs more than Marshall Plan, Louisiana Purchase, moonshot, S&L bailout, Korean War, New Deal, Iraq war, Vietnam war, and NASA's lifetime budget -- *combined*! - Boing Boing
cost of Marshall Plan
costo del rescate de bancos en la crisis económica del 2008
How much does the bailout cost, compared to other grand government programs? More.
oh. my. god. and where the hell is this money coming from, anyway???
Bailout costs more than Marshall Plan, Louisiana Purchase, moonshot, S&L bailout, Korean War, New Deal, Iraq war, Vietnam war, and NASA's lifetime budget -- *combined*!
$4.6165 trillion? That'sa spicy meataballa!
New York - "Off With Those Pants": Bill O'Reilly Seduces You in Clips From His Dirty Audiobook - Runnin' Scared - Village Voice
"Clearly he preferred oral sex... to oral hygeine."
Those Who Trespass audiobook Author: Bill O'Reilly Publisher: Random House Audio Date: 2001 (book was published in 1998) Discovered at: Goodwill
vintagephoto: Vintage pics selection Interesting, odd, and scary vintage photographs. [from]
ShamWow Guy In Slap, Chop Bust - March 27, 2009
Note Vince's SWEET fuzzing collar on his jacket in the mugshot. I'm glad that South Beach doesn't have the gray sheet like Pima County!
You're gonna love my nuts.
"TV pitchman battered hooker in South Beach hotel room brawl"
RT @ccchellesss: shamwow guy gets arrested. major lawls [from]
JavaScript is a language we love despite it giving us so much to hate. This is a collection of those very special irregularities, inconstancies and just pain unintuitive moments for the language of the web.
JavaScript is a language we love despite it giving us so much to hate. This is a collection of those very special irregularities, inconstancies and just pain unintuitive moments for the language of the web.
"JavaScript is a language we love despite it giving us so much to hate. This is a collection of those very special irregularities, inconstancies and just pain unintuitive moments for the language of the web."
NorCal Internet Services
I just realized that I know nothing about website design
Beautiful website for inspiration
Good mood from Sasha :-)
The theme song for Buffalo
RT: @comunicadores: Desafio da tarde: veja se vc consegue assistir esse vídeo até o final
School used student laptop webcams to spy on them at school and home Boing Boing
The laptops issued to high-school students in the well-heeled Philly suburb have webcams that can be covertly activated by the schools' administrators, who have used this facility to spy on students and even their families. The issue came to light when the Robbins's child was disciplined for "improper behavior in his home" and the Vice Principal used a photo taken by the webcam as evidence. The suit is a class action, brought on behalf of all students issued with these machines.
According to the filings in Blake J Robbins v Lower Merion School District (PA) et al, the laptops issued to high-school students in the well-heeled Philly suburb have webcams that can be covertly activated by the schools' administrators, who have used this facility to spy on students and even their families
According to the filings in Blake J Robbins v Lower Merion School District (PA) et al, the laptops issued to high-school students in the well-heeled Philly suburb have webcams that can be covertly activated by the schools' administrators, who have used this facility to spy on students and even their families.
According to the filings in Blake J Robbins v Lower Merion School District (PA) et al, the laptops issued to high-school students in the well-heeled Philly suburb have webcams that can be covertly activated by the schools' administrators, who have used this facility to spy on students and even their families. The issue came to light when the Robbins's child was disciplined for "improper behavior in his home" and the Vice Principal used a photo taken by the webcam as evidence. The suit is a class action, brought on behalf of all students issued with these machines. If true, these allegations are about as creepy as they come. I don't know about you, but I often have the laptop in the room while I'm getting dressed, having private discussions with my family, and so on. The idea that a school district would not only spy on its students' clickstreams and emails (bad enough), but also use these machines as AV bugs is purely horrifying.
School used student laptop webcams to spy on them at school and home Boing Boing
if you borrow a laptop from your school or government, double check they're not spying on you. Scary post from Boing Boing about how one school in Philadelphia has been turning on the students' web cameras remotely to monitor "student behaviour". via stephen downes.
According to the filings in Blake J Robbins v Lower Merion School District (PA) et al, the laptops issued to high-school students in the well-heeled Philly suburb have webcams that can be covertly activated by the schools' administrators, who have used this facility to spy on students and even their families. Creepy!
See also /. discussion
Stupid Coding Tricks: The T-SQL Mandelbrot - The Daily WTF
ThinkGeek :: Squeez Bacon®
Mmmmm… Bacon
@CaliLewis - The moment I saw this I immediately thought of you and Neal - bacon lover's rejoice! [from]
Apple’s iPhone App Refund Policies Could Bankrupt Developers
AppStore new refund policy.Pretty crazy. I thought Apple got over their suicidal tendencies long ago. Guess I was wrong. [from]
Article breaks it down: when a customer buys an iPhone app you developed, you get 70% of the sale, Apple collects the other 30%. When customer requests a return on that same app, you pay the customer your share plus Apple's share of the sale (100%).
The Worst Homemade Star Wars Costumes |
So bad they're funny
Some people really love Star Wars. So, to show their love, they will go to great lengths to dress up as their favorite characters for nerd conventions, nerd parties and any other nerd-based gatherings. Here are some of the worst. (Although, that first Chewbacca picture might qualify as the best. I can't tell anymore.)
worst star wars costumes, chewbacca &nbsp; Some people really love Star Wars. So, to show their love, they will go to great lengths to dress up as
c068de69cb7475120c8387eoq1.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object)
to the tune of "Ghost Love Score"
You know how sometimes when you walk down the street listening to music, everything you do seems more purposeful? You could get that feeling times ONE HUNDRED if you could somehow go about your daily life while watching this video.
web sites, web development, flash intros, church websites, business web sites, content management, CMS, websites, online database services, graphic design, ecommerce
religious experience design
Robot Programmed to Love Goes too Far
Kenji the robot fixates on human tech and has to be turned off. Repeatedly.
robot asesino
Microsoft Education Competencies: Humor
Via Ben Goldacre
Nice page about the use of humor within education
How to be funny. By Microsoft. (via Tweep whose name I forgot) #fb
I'm pretty sure this is not ironic: corporate education on humour, including a grading system and ideas for professional development.
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Customer reviews are about as good as their going to get shy of notarized "expert" reviews of everything. Here's an Amazon review of a book called "The Secret" that apparently saved a man's life, but not for the reason you might think.
The secret actually works, I may have to buy a copy
via Nick Z.
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I believe that's an Atom being driven by Darth Vader...
Conjugal Harmony Prison Dating » Browse Inmates
Meet a woman with the perfect amount of freedom and rights
All The Sex, None of The Nagging! Are you tired of wondering if she’s cheating on you? Do you love to leave the toilet seat up? Want to enjoy freedom on the weekend and watch a little football with your buddies, rather than work on your “honey do” list? Well, now you don’t have to worry any of that with the latest craze in adult dating, dating and marrying inmates for conjugal visits. With a conjugal marriage, you will finally have a wife with the perfect amount of freedoms and rights, and more importantly, you will finally start enjoying your own.
YouTube - Mascarita Dorada: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?
If you click one link on twitter today to watch a 30 second video, it should be this one: #mexicanwrestling [from]
Human Slinky Halftime Basketball Creighton University Omaha NE Video
College basketball halftime show with the human slinky
Best half time show I've seen in Year's this is called the Human Slinky and this video was done during a halftime show at a Basketball game at Creighton University in Omaha, NE. If you haven't seen it yet you have got to check it the end you still say how did they.....
210 ‘WTF Were They Thinking’ Tattoos : COED Magazine
Crazy tatoos
* Cover * Blog View * Archives * Contact Us RSS « Kana Tsugihara is Today’s Daily Snapshot Sweet Ass Tuesday: June 23rd, 2009 » 210 ‘WTF Were They Thinking’ Tattoos June 23, 2009 - 5:22 pm By COED Staff Tattoos-Lead These days, it seems as though everyone, from your professor to your little sister, has a tattoo. And some of them aren’t half bad. But if the Internet is evidence of anything, there are a hell of a lot more hilariously horrible tattoos out there than anyone would like to admit. So we made it our duty to scour for all the worst pictures the Internet has to off, giving you hundreds of examples of what not to get as your next tat. So get ready for 210 “WTF Were They Thinking?” Tattoos, because this one is gonna hurt.
This has to be the most complete collection of bad tattoos on the internet... for now.
Skin Deep Usability « Momentum
"The whole experience was probably best summed up by Amanda who, when asked why it was taking us so long to get the machine up and running, and why we all looked so unhappy, replied 'Oh, it’s just so…Microsofty.'"
Basking in the glow from our brand-new tabletop touch screen computer, we are greeted with…. not a glossy “welcome” montage, but a standard, legal disclaimer that asks if we accept the terms & conditions.
On using a Microsoft Surface for the first time.
this guy thinks the way I do
On setting up a new Microsoft Surface touch-screen, "no keyboard or mouse" computer, and discovering (among other issues, like where the power cord goes, or what color 'rhodamine' is), that one 'undocumented feature' is that a keyboard and mouse are required to boot the thing: "The whole experience was probably best summed up by Amanda who, when asked why it was taking us so long to get the machine up and running, and why we all looked so unhappy, replied 'Oh, it's just so...Microsofty.'"
Gordon Miller går gjennom den frustrerende opplevelsen det er å sette opp Microsoft Surface.
YouTube - Without You - Mark Gormley
Content Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
ArticleHereComesTheSun - doctype - Magic properties make Firefox synchronously load the Java plugin - Google Code
Magic properties make Firefox synchronously load the Java plugin
"In other words, don't define a window-level function called sun(). It will absolutely kill your page's performance, because at least one modern-day browser will think you want Java, because of a 'feature' invented by Netscape in 1997."
JVM considered harmfull
Browsers are fucked up man. FUCKED UP. Stuff like this makes me smile though.