Pages tagged xml:

XML Parsing with jQuery | Switch on the Code

Parsing an XML feed or page using jQuery.
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: A new Google Sitemap Generator for your website
Our new open-source Google Sitemap Generator finds new and modified URLs based on your webserver's traffic, its log files, or the files found on the server. By combining these methods, Google Sitemap Generator can be very fast in finding these URLs and calculating relevant metadata, thereby making your Sitemap files as effective as possible. Once Google Sitemap Generator has collected the URLs, it can create the following Sitemap files for you.
Conditional CSS
Browser detection with XSLT.
an interesting way to handle css conditionals
How To Develop A Firefox Extension | Web Builder Zone
Admit that you have always wanted to know how to develop a Firefox extension but never had the time to learn. Here I will walk you through and at the end of the article we will have created a fully functional Firefox extension!
Admit that you have always wanted to know how to develop a Firefox extension but never had the time to learn. Here I will walk you through and at the end of...
Ask SM [PHP]: Form Validation, Converting MySQL to XML | Developer's Toolbox | Smashing Magazine
Ask SM sobre PHP: Validacion de formularios, MySQLtoXML y mas ... form validation & converting mysql to xml
Creating PDF Documents in Ruby on Rails | Ruby on Rails
OGDL, Ordered graph data language
OGDL is a structured textual format that represents information in the form of graphs, where the nodes are strings and the arcs or edges are spaces or indentation.
HTML Scraping with scRUBYt! for Fun and Profit
Navigation is fairly obvious I guess (the other actions besides fetch - which should be always present as the first step - are fill_textfield, fill_textarea, click_link, check_checkbox, check_radiobutton, select_option, submit and if you can’t submit the form automatically for some reason, click_by_xpath as the last resort.
Peter Szinek walks us through the process of scraping data from web sites with scRubyt!. Impress your friends (and even your mother!) this Christmas with your slick data mining skillz!
IP Address Location XML API :: IP Location Tools Home
Government Data in XML (web services etc)
More datasets courtesy of uncle Sam.
Listado de direcciones del gobierno de EEUU con WebServices que permiten acceder a informacion publica
tenderlove's nokogiri at master — GitHub
better than hpricot ;)
Nokogiri parses and searches XML/HTML faster than Hpricot, and also has correctly implemented CSS3 selector support as well as XPath support.
nokogiri is (one of) the fastest ruby XML parser. Parses and searches XML and HTML, and supports xpath and CSS3 selectors.
Official Google Webmaster Central Blog: Flash indexing with external resource loading
GetSimple CMS | GetSimple CMS
GetSimple has everything your client needs, and nothing a CMS doesn't
GetSimple has everything your client needs, and nothing a CMS doesn't.
GetSimple is an open source CMS that utilizes the speed and convenience of XML, a best-in-class UI and the easiest learning curve of any simple Content Manageme
The Simplest Content Management System EVER. GetSimple has everything your client needs, and nothing a CMS doesn't REQUIREMENTS * Unix/Linux host with PHP 5.1.3+ * No MySQL Database * 6 minutes to spare FEATURE LIST * XML based data storage * Best-in-Class User Interface * 'Undo' protection & backups * Easy to theme * Great documentation
A List Apart: Articles: Unwebbable
It’s time we came to grips with the fact that not every “document” can be a semantic “web page.” Some forms of writing just cannot be expressed in HTML—or they need to be bent and distorted to do so. But for once, XML can help. Joe Clark explains.
"The creation myth of the web tells us that Tim Berners-Lee invented HTML as a means of publishing physics research papers. True? It doesn’t matter; it’s a founding legend of the web whose legacy continues to this day. You can gin up as many web applications as you want, but the web is mostly still a place to publish documents."
Adactio: Journal—Misunderstanding markup
"XHTML 2 is dead. Long live XHTML …as HTML 5."
The death of XHTML has been greatly exaggerated.
The W3C announced last week that the XHTML 2 Working Group will wrap up at the end of this year. This should have been a straightforward, welcome announcement. Instead it has confused a lot of people who believe that it heralds the end of XHTML—see, for example, the comments on Zeldman’s blog post.
How XML Threatens Big Data : Dataspora Blog
Back in 2000, I went to France to build a genomics platform. A biotech hired me to combine their in-house genome data with that of public repositories like Genbank. The problem was the repositories, all with millions of records, each had their own format. It sounded like a massive, nightmarish data interoperability project. And an ideal fit for a hot new technology : XML
Three Rules for XML Rebels 1. Stop Inventing New Formats 2. Obey the Fifteen Minute Rule 3. Embrace Lazy Data Modeling
Un point de vue intéressant sur le xml, à rebours des conceptions en sciences de l'info (en tout cas les miennes)
Excellent thoughtful article on data bureaucracy and the limitations of XML.
The End of a DBMS Era (Might be Upon Us) | blog@CACM | Communications of the ACM
"Relational database management systems (DBMSs) have been remarkably successful in capturing the DBMS marketplace. To a first approximation they are “the only game in town,” and the major vendors (IBM, Oracle, and Microsoft) enjoy an overwhelming market share. They are selling “one size fits all”; i.e., a single relational engine appropriate for all DBMS needs. Moreover, the code line from all of the major vendors is quite elderly, in all cases dating from the 1980s. Hence, the major vendors sell software that is a quarter century old, and has been extended and morphed to meet today’s needs. In my opinion, these legacy systems are at the end of their useful life. They deserve to be sent to the “home for tired software.” Here’s why."
Talking to DC « Adam Bosworth’s Weblog
All successful standards are as simple as possible, not as hard as possible.
jParse - jQuery XML Parse Plugin
jParse is a jQuery plugin that allows you to quickly and easily parse XML.
HTML5, きちんと。
XPath - Blog - Open Source -
Using the Twitter API | Ashley Ford -
Usar el api de twitter con php
Twitters da minha timeline
Here's a simple introduction on using the Twitter API. The API offers many different ways to connect to your details including xml, json, atom, and rss. Im
Mas ejemplos sobre el uso de Twitter
Build a Login and Registration System with XML - NETTUTS
Build a Login and Registration System with XML - NETTUTS
Building an entire membership system can be a tedious, and time-consuming task. Tim Cooper is going to show us how to build the ENTIRE thing in roughly thirty minutes. Rather than using MYSQL as our database, Tim will instead demonstrate an alternate approach: using an XML file. We'll be reviewing PHP, .htaccess files, sessions, and more!
30 Stunning Flash Image Galleries (via FlashDen) - Vectortuts+
One of the most popular uses of Flash for designers and illustrators that I've observed is to create image gallerys to showcase graphic work. So its unsurprising that on our sister marketplace FlashDen the image gallery category is jam-packed with stunning Flash galleries. Today I've rounded up 30 of the best to show off here on Vectortuts+ as we countdown to the imminent launch of our latest Tuts+ site ... Flashtuts+.
30 Stunning Flash Image Galleries (via FlashDen) - Vectortuts+
software - xml - s-exp vs XML | cat -v harmful stuff
Erik Naggum on XML
"Robbery is not just another way of making a living, rape is not just another way of satisfying basic human needs, torture is not just another way of interrogation. And XML is not just another way of writing S-exps. "
Vim Plugins You Should Know About, Part III: matchit.vim - good coders code, great reuse
good coders code, great reuse
Shakespeare in XML
Shakespeare plays in XML format
Another take on content negotiation
serve content based on client accept header. whatever user is asking for i.e. json or xml.
D u s t y T u n e s | Let your music collection see the light....
"Keep record of your entire music collection online"
netzhansa: Trying Clojure...
XML example
Shows good examples of XML and HTTP processing in Clojure
SitePoint » SVG Is The Future Of Application Development
SitePoint Blogs: News, opinion, and fresh thinking for web developers and designers
X# - XML oriented programming language
X# (pronounced X-sharp) is a domain specific language designed to quickly create Web applications and services. In X# everything is represented as a hierarchical structure or tree and instead of using functions to manipulate information or perform actions, all possible operations you can think of are done by adding, removing or changing nodes from this tree. Since there are no functions to learn and everything is done intuitively, even inexperienced developers can create complex Web applications and services in record time.
X# (pronounced X-sharp) is a domain specific language designed to quickly create Web applications and services. In X# everything is represented as a hierarchical structure or tree and instead of using functions to manipulate information or perform actions, all possible operations you can think of are done by adding, removing or changing nodes from this tree.
Web application and services domain specific language
XMLサイトマップを検索エンジンに送信するとクロールがどう変わるのかテストしてみた | Web担当者Forum
SEOmozアイコン [海外特選サイト翻訳] SEOmoz 検索マーケティングのニュース&テクニック XMLサイトマップって本当にサイトの役に立っているんだろうか? 以前に(2007年)、SEOmozでは「XMLサイトマップは検索エンジンに送信しないほうがいい」という記事を出していた。さて、XMLサイトマップを送信するのとしないのとでは、現在はどんな違いが出るのだろうか。実証データで調べてみた。
21+ Most Attractive Free Blogger Templates
Sure, why not? i can post to blogger with googlecl..