Lifehacker - How to Filter and Manage Your Online Social Life - Social Networks
You love your friends and enjoy your acquaintances, but their Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn/MySpace activity is killing your productivity.
How to Filter and Manage Your Online Social Lifeuktrains / FrontPage
#train alerts through Twitter - - just signed up for #firstcapitalconnect [from]
Wiki page that lists Twitter feeds for service disruptions to UK rail services
Disruption alerts for UK train services by Twitter
awesome use of wiki and twitter to provide live updates of train disruptions in the UK. Web 2.0 FTW!
Inspired by this tweet from MP Tom Watson and enabled by the excellent BBC Backstage's travel feeds, this prototype service tweets disruption alerts for 25 UK train operators. The original data is processed and shortened to less than 140 characters (in most cases) by Yahoo Pipes and tweeted via Twitterfeed which also adds a short-link back to the original BBC report. Tweetlater provides the automated welcome DM.