PWN! YouTube - How to download videos from YouTube for fair rights use
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1. View a video on YouTube. 2. In the URL location box, type pwn in front of youtube, and enter. 3. Get links to download the video!
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Download a YouTube video from any web page:YouTube - Her Morning Elegance / Oren Lavie
Her Morning Elegance - Directed by: Oren Lavie, Yuval & Merav Nathan. Photography: Eyal Landesman. Featuring: Shir Shomron Thanks Jenny!
As seen on Daily Dish
Her Morning EleganceDirected by: Oren Lavie, YuvalYouTube - History of the Internet
Finfin animasjon som viser Internett utviklinga frå 1957 til 2009. Forenkla sjølvsagt, men fin. Litt komplisert ordbruk innimellom, men det må ein vel rekne med.
Yawn! Cool animation though.
"History of the internet" is an animated documentary explaining the inventions from time-sharing to filesharing, from Arpanet to Internet. The history is told using the PICOL icons on , which are available for download soon. On you can get news about this project.
filmpjes op internetHow Obama Will Use Web Technology
web 2.0 and collaborative communication
open-source democracy.
Obama nutzt die Onlinedienste von Google, Facebook etc auch als Präsident. Spannende Entwicklung, neben der bejahenden Tech-Sicht fehlt noch die kritischere Hinterfragung.YouTube - 1981 primitive Internet report on KRON
Turns out newspapers didn't know how to make money on the Web in 1981, either.
Local TV news report of an experiment by newspapers in delivering content by modem. File under foreshadowing.
Imagine if you will waking up in the morning and turning on your home computer to read the day's newspaper. Just imagine....
Long before anyone had heard of the Internet, early home computer users could read their morning newspapers online ... sort of. Steve Newman's 1981 story was broadcast on KRON San Francisco.
the future sure looks bright.
The San Francisco Chronicle and Examiner are made available online via CompuServe.
newspapers on computersYouTube - David After Dentist
LMFAO I'm laughing so hard I'm crying!Clive Thompson on How YouTube Changes the Way We Think
Marshall McLuhan pointed out that whenever we get our hands on a new medium we tend to use it like older ones. Early TV broadcasts consisted of guys sitting around reading radio scripts because nobody had realized yet that TV could tell stories differently. It's the same with much of today's webcam video; most people still try to emulate TV and film. Only weirdos like MadV are really exploring its potential. A bigger leap will occur when we get better tools for archiving and searching video. Then we'll start using it the way we use paper or word processing: to take notes or mull over a problem, like Tom Cruise flipping through scenes at the beginning of Minority Report. We think of video as a way to communicate with others—but it's becoming a way to communicate with ourselves.
Article connecting YouTube with participatory culture.
"So here's my question: What exactly is this? What do you call MadV's project? It isn't quite a documentary; it isn't exactly a conversation or a commentary, either. It's some curious mongrel form. And it would have been inconceivable before the Internet and cheap webcams—prohibitively expensive and difficult to pull off."PV動画を無料検索・視聴できるミュージックナビ
PV アルバムYouTube - 40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes
lol.. interesting
spoofYouTube - Chicken Police?
Fighting rabbits get what they deserve.
Alright now....break it up... - Web 2.0 Expo NY: Gary Vaynerchuk (Wine Library), Building Personal Brand Within the Social Media Landscape
Gary Vaynerchuk (Wine Library)
Inspirational Gary V in NY Web 2.0 Expo
The creator of Wine Library on Building Personal Brand Within the Social Media Landscape
Web 2.0 Expo NY: Gary Vaynerchuk (Wine Library), Building Personal Brand Within the Social Media Landscape; Oreilley
Building Personal Brand Within the Social Media Landscape. Note: This presentation contains adult language.40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes | Overthinking It
Free service that lets anyone create a custom playlist of videos from the top video sites on the web.
Embedr is a free service that lets anyone create a custom playlist of web-based videos and play them anywhere.
Crap name, but interesting serviceYouTube Toolbox: 100+ Tools and Resources to Enhance Your Video Experience
ways to enhance our use of videos on you tube20+ Firefox Plugins to Enhance Your YouTube Experience
from mashable
Here are over 20 Firefox plugins that will let you save your favorite videos before they disappear, stop them from autoplaying when you come to a page, and more.YouTube - Bruce Lee plays ping pong with nunchuck.flv
you HAVE to watch this in HD. This is amazing!!!!!!
The Escape From City 17 short film series is an adaptation based on the Half Life computer game saga by Valve Corporation. Originally envisioned as a project to test out numerous post production techniques, as well as a spec commercial, it ballooned into a multi part series. Filmed guerilla style with no money, no time, no crew, no script, the first two episodes were made from beginning to end on a budget of $500.
Great video that captures the feel of Half-Life.
This is part one in a series of shorts entitled Escape From City 17. They're all based on Half Life. Filmed guerilla style with no money, no time, no crew, no script, the first two episodes were made from beginning to end on a budget of $500.YouTube - kittens inspired by kittens
holy #$%@#$%@#$%@#$%!!!!!!!!!!
OMGROTFLMAO. Watch it twice. At least. [via waxy]Greg Rutter's Definitive List of The 99 Things You Should Have Already Experienced On The Internet Unless You're a Loser or Old or Something
Just cuz...YouTube - The Crisis of Credit Visualized - Part 1
Great explanation of the credit crisis...
The Short and Simple Story of the Credit Crisis. By Jonathan Jarvis.
Information and Aesthetic. Nice.Fliggo - Create Your Own Video Site
Create Your Own Video Site
Fliggo lets you create your own customizable video sharing site in seconds. Build a video blog, the next YouTube or just a private place to share videos. No downloads, no installation, do it all securely within your browser.
YouTubeは便利だけど、もっとプライベートなコミュニティで使いたい、という場合に良さそうなのがFliggoだ。 このサイトでは自分でYouTubeのようなサイトを作れてしまう。 これがあれば「サッカー好きな人のための動画共有サイト」「○○大学同窓会の動画アーカイブ」なんてものがものの数分で作成可能だ。 もちろんブログを立ち上げてYouTubeにアップして貼り付けて、とすれば同じようなサイトが作れるが、Fliggoはもうちょっとコミュニティ寄りの管理が出来て便利だ。 どのユーザーに何を許可するだとか、コメントや関連ビデオの表示はどうするか、だとかの設定ができるのだ。もちろんデザインも好きに変えられる。 まだ始まったばかりではあるが、わりとメジャーなサイトになるのでは、と思ったり。今後に期待したい。
Fliggo lets you create your own customizable video sharing site in seconds. Build a video blog, the next YouTube or just a private place to share videos. No downloads, no installation, do it all securely within your browser. Excelente!!!!
Build a video blog, the next YouTube or just a private place to share videos.20 Brilliant TV Show Title Sequences | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
Smashing MagazineDownload and Save HD Videos off Youtube | Video Downloader
KeepHD is a sweet tool that lets you download HD videos off Youtube! Not only can you download HD copies of your movies, you can also download the mobile 3GP version for your mobile devices plus the standard MP4 and FLV format. Just enter your Youtube video URL below, and KeepHD will automatically grab each version of the video you want to download.
Download and Save HD Videos off Youtube | Video Downloader
Save High Definition to your computer as MP4 using keephd.comThe Internet's 99 Greatest Hits - TIME
internet timeYouTube - Everything's amazing, nobody's happy
Visual Performance Research Lab Footage - hand gestures, tone of voice, facial/body expression
Conan hosts the comedian Louis CK who is talking of the spoiled generation worth watching!Twitter = YouTube. - John Battelle's Searchblog
That means Google most likely really, really wants to buy Twitter. (So does Facebook, but we'll get to that in a second). The great twist: Evan and Biz, two of the key co founders of Twitter, have already sold a company to Google (Blogger) and most likely are not keen to do it again. Nor do they have to, given their recent funding and the money they made from pre-IPO Google options.
Battele funderar kring kombinationer av sociala media.YouTube - DepressionCooking's Channel
Watch this video at home on depression cooking --
Have a video site with clips to compliment your cook book recipies. Perhaps interviews/cooking instructions from the variety of people who contribute recipes?
Cooking we can use - poorman's feastYouTube - vatican's Channel
Even the Pope is on YouTube! An example of a channel, useful for weekly, frequent videos.
Der Papst hat seinen eigenen Vatican-Channel.
This channel offers news coverage of the main activities of the Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI and of relevant Vatican events. It is updated daily. Video images are produced by Centro Televisivo Vaticano (CTV), texts by Vatican Radio (RV) and CTV. This video-news presents the Catholic Church's position regarding the principal issues of the world today. Links give access to the full and official texts of cited documents.
Onderdeel van YouTube met materiaal van het Vaticaan. Je vindt hier nieuwsberichten en video's over de belangrijkste activiteiten van de paus en andere feiten gerelateerd aan het Vaticaan. De site wordt dagelijks bijgewerkt. De videobeelden worden geproduced door het Centro Televisivo Vaticano (CTV), en de teksten door Radio Vaticaan (RV) and CTV. Het videonieuws presenteert de positie van de Kerk tegenover de belangrijkste hedendaagse wereldthema's. Via de links kan je doorklikken naar de volledige tekst van de geciteerde documenten. Bron: Kerk en Leven.Playing The Beatles Backwards: The Ultimate Countdown | JamsBio Magazine
To most Beatles fans, choosing between the songs of the Fab 4 is a bit like choosing between children. But, on the JamsBio exclusive, Playing The Beatles Backwards, one intrepid fan dares to rank the original songs of The Beatles and give his reasons why in a worst-to-first countdown. Prepare to hit the message boards to defend your favorites, and follow the countdown all the way to Number 1.
o most Beatles fans, choosing between the songs of the Fab 4 is a bit like choosing between children.Top 10 Incredible Animal Videos: Readers' Choice | Wired Science from
Lugejate valik 10 parimat loomavideotYouTube - Kaiten (conveyor) sushi time in real Japan
Watch the people's reactions as a camera makes the rounds at a local sushi restaurant in Tomakomai, Hokkaido, Japan.
Ends up being a great story. Nice snapshot of people's lives.
oti na nai steadyCam
longer conveyor vidoe in sushi barYouTube - Live's Channel
YouTube LiveKideo Player!
Finding kid safe videos on YouTube can be a time consuming process. Kideo Player makes it easier to locate videos appropriate for students in pre-K through second grade. Kideo Player plays a continuous stream of videos for pre-K through second grade students. When a video you like is playing, click on the the YouTube icon and you will be taken to the original YouTube source where you can find out more about each video and grab the embed code. Clicking your keyboard's space bar allows you to skip ahead in the video clips.
no search, but still fun
Wow, a beautifully simple idea for parents with young children. Plays kidsafe youtube videos..Can Free Content Boost Your Sales? Yes, It Can
Monty Python’s DVDs climbed to No. 2 on Amazon’s Movies & TV bestsellers list after posting free clips on YouTube
Interesting post about Monty Python putting up free, high quality content from their archives onto YouTube, and then seeing a 23,000 percent increase in sales of their DVDs and merchandise. When you have a huge body of work, this is a great way to "prime the pump." Unfortunately, it's a tough way for new artists/producers/musicians to make a living.
Despite the entertainment industry’s constant cries about how bad they’re doing, it works. As we wrote yesterday, Monty Python’s DVDs climbed to No. 2 on Amazon’s Movies & TV bestsellers list, with increased sales of 23,000 percent.
Las ventas de dvds de Monty Python aumentan un 23.000% gracias al material gratuito posteado en YouTube. Chupate esa mandarina...
"And you know what? Despite the entertainment industry’s constant cries about how bad they’re doing, it works. As we wrote yesterday, Monty Python’s DVDs climbed to No. 2 on Amazon’s Movies & TV bestsellers list, with increased sales of 23,000 percent."THRU YOU | Kutiman mixes YouTube
youtube sampling mashups, getting some traction in the blogosphere for DRM and convergence, though in many ways this is just the next logical step.
Amazing series of songs created from YouTube videos.
The ultimate in content collaboration.
mash-ups of YouTube clips
Thru you to projekt niejakiego Kutimana, który wynajduje na Youtube klipy z osobami grającymi na instrumentach i traktuje je jako pojedyncze ścieżki dźwiękowe / sample do miksowanych przez siebie utworów. Żeby było jeszcze bardziej niesamowicie, Kutiman montuje też znalezione klipy w efektowne teledyski.THRU YOU | Kutiman mixes YouTube
kitiman for AND
Rockin'YouTube - Extreme Sheep LED Art
We took to the hills of Wales armed to the teeth with sheep, LEDs and a camera, to create a huge amazing LED display. Of sorts.THRU YOU | Kutiman mixes YouTube
Cool things people are doing with you tube now. Mixing music with existing youtube clips. Very cool.THRU YOU | Kutiman mixes YouTube
Watch this!
THRU YOU | Kutiman mixes YouTube mash-up of youtube videosLink to a specific part of a YouTube video
interesting tool!Youtube Download | Descarga videos de youtube - Download video from Youtube
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Downloads? What downloads? Where? I ain't seen 'em.quietube | YouTube without the distractions
"To watch YouTube videos without the comments and crap, just drag the button below to your browser's bookmarks bar. On any YouTube page, click the bookmark button to watch in peace."
It's a bookmarklet to remove the distractions from I don't really find youtube that distracting, but this could conceivably come in handy.
app to get rid of ads and comments on youTube
quietube: YouTube without the distractions To watch YouTube videos without the comments and crap, just drag the button below to your browser's bookmarks bar. On any YouTube page, click the bookmark button to watch in peace.Skimmer - We Are Fallon
this looks pretty bad ass
web 2.0 aggregator
A lifestreaming app that let's you see it all in one place.
Skimmer - The coolest and easiest was to view and share online content.YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
an educational hub “volunteer project sparked by a group of employees who wanted to find a better way to collect and highlight all the great educational content being uploaded to YouTube by colleges and universities”YouTube - Did You Know
Coletânea de vídeos e sabe lá o que mais. Muito bom!Carpal Tunnel Syndrome exercises that really work - Boing Boing
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome exercisesYouTube - LibraryOfCongress's Channel
Timeless treasures and contemporary presentations from the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. As the world's preeminent reservoir of knowledge, we are the steward of millions of recordings dating from the earliest Edison films to the present. In addition, we sponsor events, lectures and concerts that are free and open to the public. More about the Library:
Library of CongressYouTube - The Evolution of Religions
Jared Diamond, professor of geography at UCLA, received the Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction in 1998 for Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies. In 1999, he received the National Medal of Science. His most recent book is Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (2004). Professor Diamond argues that religion has encompassed at least four independent components that have arisen or disappeared at different stages of development of human societies over the last 10,000 years.
From KottkeA.P. Exec Doesn’t Know It Has A YouTube Channel: Threatens Affiliate For Embedding Videos
Here is another great moment in A.P. history. In its quest to become the RIAA of the newspaper industry, the A.P.’s executives and lawyers are beginning to match their counterparts in the music industry for cluelessness. A country radio station in Tennessee, WTNQ-FM, received a cease-and-desist letter warning from an A.P. vice president of affiliate relations for posting videos from the A.P.’s official Youtube channel on its Website. See update below.
You cannot make this stuff up. Forget for a moment that WTNQ is itself an A.P. affiliate and that the A.P. shouldn’t be harassing its own members. Apparently, nobody told the A.P. executive that the august news organization even has a YouTube channel which the A.P. itself controls, and that someone at the A.P. decided that it is probably a good idea to turn on the video embedding function on so that its videos can spread virally across the Web, along with the ads in the videos.YouTube Is Doomed (GOOG)
"According to a report by Credit Suisse, YouTube is on track to lose roughly $470 million in 2009....YouTube will manage to rake in about $240 million in ad revenue in 2009, against operating costs of roughly $711 million."
One thing is clear: YouTube cannot maintain its current course and remain a going concern. Google can continue to fund the experiment for a period of time, but at some juncture, shareholders will ask hard questions about why Google is sacrificing half a billion dollars to support a project whose chances of providing a return, at any point, is dubious at best. Advertising cannot solve the problem, at least not in its current form, and not in the near term. With a diminishing field of options, a massive, growing, cost center, and an economy in recession, Google will need to make some hard decisions about the future viability and business model of its prodigal child.
YouTube on track to lose $470 million in 2009.
The economics are hard to overcome. Assuming YouTube delivers the 75 billion streams that Credit Suisse projects for 2009, and assuming YouTube manages to slot an ad for every stream (which is practically speaking, impossible, given the nature of much of their content), YouTube would have to achieve a $9.48 CPM for every video impression shown. Presumably, the videos YouTube is already monetizing represent the best content available, with diminishing returns as they reach deeper and deeper into a repository rife with copyright violation, the indecent, the uninteresting, and the unwatchable. Hulu claims to be charging a $30 CPM, of which roughly 70% goes to the copyright holder. Averages for other proprietary content hover around the $10 CPM mark. CPMs for user-generated content, assuming you can attract the advertisers, tend to be measured in fractions of a dollar.YouTube - khanacademy's Channel
Math videos
Many teaching videos on a number of math/science related topics.YouTube - Susan Boyle - Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009
Do watch when you get a moment. After all the crazy videos you see of people making a fool of themselves, this was really cool. I almost cried for her. Maybe because it is my favorite Les Mis song, but whatev.The 100 Most Iconic Internet Videos [Full List] - Urlesque - Internet Trends, Viral Videos, Memes and Web Culture
Urlesque - Internet Trends, Viral Videos, Memes and Web CultureYouTube - オオカミはブタを食べようと思った。Stop motion with wolf and pig
Stopmotion from a japanese guy, made with photographs inside a room
An amazing stop motion video.YouTube - Your business card is CRAP!
OMG I'm such a failure because I don't have a "cool" business card.
Love this guy. He adds a third dimension to the discussion on business cards and make the arguments in the book (and film) American Psycho look... eggshell white.
Cue music. I took me 25 years to make this card. What do you do guaranteed?
"It doesn't belong in a Rolodex, because it doesn't FIT in a Rolodex!"YouTube - Flutter: The New Twitter
You know a phenomenon has gone mainstream when it's spoofed on YouTube.
Encontramos un video en internet que está dando que hablar. No es una iniciativa real, es más bien una parodia, pero quizás sin proponérselo está promoviendo pensamiento creativo al respecto, y quien sabe si alguien ya se está inventando una manera de aplicar este concepto (chistoso) a la realidad
As Twitter-mania reaches new levels, Slate V presents a mockumentary about a company that wants to take microblogging to the next level.A way to link to a specific part of a youtube video
creates a link to a YouTube video where you set the start time.
Save YouTube video
youtubetime: YouTube-Videos mit eingestellter Startzeit weitergeben Mit youtubetime kann man YouTube-Videos mit voreingestellter Startzeit weitergeben. Dazu muss man nur den Link zum Video und die gewünschte Zeit angeben.YouTube - Perfect Scrambled Eggs Breakfast
Perfect Scrambled Eggs Breakfast
Gordon Ramsay: a four-minute demonstration of how to make rich, fluffy scrambled eggs on a non-rushed morning.10 Youtube URL Tricks You Should Know About |
Herramienta para ponerle subtítulos a un vídeo de Youtube.
Make captions for youtube videos
Para subtitular videos de Youtube
Add captions to Youtube
Using Caption Tube you can create captions for your own videos or for any other video that you find on YouTube. The editing tools for Caption Tube includes a timeline to help you match your video's images to the captions that you create. You can choose the duration of time for which each caption is displayed.10 Youtube URL Tricks You Should Know About
Useful.YouTube - Inspired Bicycles - Danny MacAskill April 2009
Parkour on a bike, on the streets of Edinburgh.
One of the most amazing collections of videos I've seen around an aggressive rider. Sent by @michaeltsmithThe high costs of running YouTube. - By Farhad Manjoo - Slate Magazine
According a recent report by analysts at the financial-services company Credit Suisse, Google will lose $470 million on the video-sharing site this year alone. To put it another way, the Boston Globe, which is on track to lose $85 million in 2009, is five times more profitable—or, rather, less unprofitable—than YouTube. All so you can watch this helium-voiced oddball whenever you want.
Interesting article telling that not only the newspapers struggle, YouTube is suffocating as well under the enourmous costs of storing its content.
User-generated content may have changed the Internet, but sites like YouTube are suffocating under the costs of storing it.| ^^ |秒刊SUNDAY | 知っておくと便利なYouTubeの隠しパラメータ10個まとめ
URLに指定する変数 (ループ再生etc..)
YouTubeパラメータまとめYouTube - Queen Bohemian Rhapsody Old School Computer Remix
so good
"No effects or sampling was used. What you see is what you hear (does that even make sense?) Atari 800XL was used for the lead piano/organ sound Texas Instruments TI-99/4a as lead guitar 8 Inch Floppy Disk as Bass 3.5 inch Harddrive as the gong HP ScanJet 3C was used for all vocals. Please note I had to record the HP scanner 4 seperate times for each voice. I tried to buy 4 HP scanners but for some reason sellers on E-Bay expect you to pay $80-$100, I got mine for $30."
"Played on printers, oscilloscopes, etc."YouCube by Aaron Meyers
Spannend! Sechs Utube Videos in einen Würfel
Vídeos de youtube nun cuboYouTube - Auto-Tune the News #2: pirates. drugs. gay marriage.
i'm getting this because i keep searching for it on youtube and this should be faster. auto tune the news.YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
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Officiellt akademiskt Youtube-material.YouTube - Open-mindedness
A look at some of the flawed thinking that prompts people who believe in certain non-scientific concepts to advise others who don't to be more open-minded. music © QualiaSoup Category: Education Tags: open-mindedness pseudoscience paranormal supernatural contradiction anecdotal evidence prejudice close-mindedness fallacious thinking
A look at some of the flawed thinking that prompts people who believe in certain non-scientific concepts to advise others who don't to be more open-minded.YooouuuTuuube
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fragmentos de vídeos, incrivelYooouuuTuuube - Alice - 18 Rows - 18 Columns
soooo cool. A veces yo tambien veo Bb 2.0 - a collaborative music/spoken word project
a collaborative music/spoken word project. Which is brilliant.
"Trata-se de um projeto de música colaborativa online ("Bb" é o si bemol, em linguagem musical). É muito simples: o site exibe uma dezena de vídeos do YouTube. Você vai lá, clica na ordem que quiser e... surpresa!" (por @oprimo)
This is a really cool collabrative projectFacebook, YouTube at Work Make Better Employees: Study
The University of Melbourne study showed that people who use the Internet for personal reasons at work are about 9 percent more productive that those who do not.
According to the researchers, "short and unobtrusive breaks, such as a quick surf of the Internet, enables the mind to rest itself, leading to a higher total net concentration for a days' work, and as a result, increased productivity." More importantly, "firms spend millions on software to block their employees from watching videos, using social networking sites or shopping online under the pretence that it costs millions in lost productivity." Someone should let them know their logic is flawed.YooouuuTuuube - Alice - 36 Rows - 36 Columns
映像のコマをタイル上に配置してみせる。音楽のリズムと調和してカッコイイ。 映像はアリスをしとうしている。 リズムが気持ちいいように、ちゃんと編集してあり気持ちよさをよくチューニングしている。Download HD YouTube Videos - YouTubeSnips
Download HD YouTube VideosGalactic Center of Milky Way Rises over Texas Star Party on Vimeo
A MUST SEE VIDEO for every programmer: The Psychology of Incompetence (via @ldfallas)
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Useful tool for grabing stuff from sitesTop 20 YouTube and Video Memes of All Time
Even before the rise of YouTube as a central hub for video, we’ve been obsessed as a culture with sharing funny and amazing videos with our friends. While most videos get a couple views and fade into the background, a select few not only gain tens of millions of views, but make a lasting impact on culture as well. These videos quickly become Internet memes that nobody can ever seem to stop talking about.YouTube - Tropfest NY 2008 winner, "Mankind Is No Island" by Jason van ...
Profound video!
homelessness in the States and Australia
Video Clip good for Social Studies, rights and freedoms
Video on social justice.
Social Justice Video on homeless people
YouTube video regarding social justice. Homeless of New York and Sydney.
A look at homelessness in New York City and Syndey. Very powerful 3.00 minute clip that would be a good discussion starter depending with elementary students.
Video about NY and Sydney australia about humanity and homelessness shot with a cell phone
About homelessness and societies viewpoint on the topic. Video captured with cell phone
Discussion starter about social justice, with focus on the homeless.
Excellent video about homeless people.The 100 Million Views Club: The Most Watched Viral Videos of All-Time?
sí que es cierto que lo que ve la gran masa del planeta no es lo que yo veo.
RT @guykawasaki The top 18 most watched videos of all time: See also Los 18 vídeos mas vistos. [from]
See below for the result: the 100 Million Views Club is a first-of-its-kind listing (as far as we know!) of the online video campaigns that have accumulated a 9 figure (!!) total viewership. These 18 campaigns are measured on True Reach basis and collectively span more than 21,000 unique video placements (!!) and over 3.0 billion total views (Real Life Twitter - CollegeHumor Video
Dan takes his tweets to the streets.
twittering *in public*... roflcopter!
Comedy-Video, das aber genau das Problem mit Twitter und anderen Social Network Apps zeigt: man steht mit allem was man sagt in der Öffentlichkeit
What would real life Twitter look like? A funny video - though showing how Twitter is used only for personal use.
Nette Idee Twitter auf diese Weie einmal zu visualisieren ... nett auch der letzte Tweet: "Standing next to the hottest girl ever, but I'm too terrified to say anything."YouTube - The Vendor Client relationship - in real world situations
m.don This has never happened to me, all clients are accommodating and understand the flexible and changing needs of all the factors, including market, technology and business priority.
"so you're gonna show us how we can make it on our own at home, k?"
Hilarious YouTube videoTop 7 Twitter Tutorials on YouTube
This post from Mashable groups the top seven Twitter Tutorials that are available on You Tube.YouTube - - Home Page
"this is our website."
Depois do criativo site da agência Modernista!, a agência BooneOakley lançou o seu site no YouTube. Se você gostou dos caras, acompanhe também o Twitter deles.
This is our website.
Amazing idea on how to represent yourself on the Internet.
youtube-videos as homepage/website - very cool
This is ad agency Boone Oakley's website. That's right, it's a YouTube video!YouTube Brands: 5 Outstanding Leaders in YouTube Marketing
One thing is becoming apparent: The brands that achieve long-term success on YouTube are the ones that consistently and frequently publish refreshing content that has intrinsic value for audiences online. Here are some of the standout brands that have created a strong position on YouTube by understanding the zeitgeist of collective content generation and some of the clever marketing tactics they are using to build their presence on the site.YouTube - Broadcast Yourself
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YouTube en grand format pour la télé
Nueva versión de YouTube preparada para ver videos de mayor tamaño y por consiguiente, más preparada para visualizarlos en pantallas grandes, como por ejemplo las de los televisores.
YouTube XL
TV나 대형 모니터 화면에 적합한 인터페이스를 제공. 버튼이 큼지막해서 모바일 화면에도 적합할 듯...YouTube - homeproject's Channel
Looks like a great film about the earth and its beginning.
We are living in exceptional times. Scientists tell us that we have 10 years to change the way we live, avert the depletion of natural resources and the catastrophic evolution of the Earth's climate. . .YouTube - Damien Walters Showreel 2009
super AkrobatikSeth's Blog: Making commercials for the web
Seth does a great job reminding us that what's posted on YouTube shouldn't be the same as what goes on TV. Great list of tips, too.
TV advertisers are finally discovering that YouTube + viral imagination = free media.
Making commercials for the web /Seth's Blog/ - TV advertisers are finally discovering that YouTube viral ... [from]YouTube HTML5 Demo
Html5 demo by youtube
"YouTube HTML5 Demo" - Google (April 17, 2009) [from]YouTube - DEADLINE post-it stop motion
I like this
POST-IT note stop motion video on a wall above deadlined man's desk :)
sewa notebook, sewa notebook di bandung, rental notebook, rental notebook di bandung, sewa laptop ,sewa laptop di bandung, specialis sewa notebookThe Web in Numbers: Twitter's Phenomenal Growth Suddenly Stops
Twitter is an odd thing.
Twitter isn't the fashion statement it was ...last week. Facebook and YouTube both show continual growth, but Twitter's has leveled off. Evidently, it's utility is limited, ultimately by the platform itself. Designers can only expand on the concept of microblogging so far, and Twitter suffers from some pernicious faults--the number of people one follows is inversely proportional to the amount of time one must spend browsing their tweets. People get tired of spending their lives on Twitter, whereas other popular sites are more conducive to leisurely browsing.
Twitter, Facebook growth statistics
Seems unlikely.YouTube - The Twitter Experiment - UT Dallas
"i am a very famous minor television personality" ..heh. "live long and prosper"
Hodgman questions Obama's nerd credentials
lolFree Technology for Teachers: 30+ Alternatives to YouTube
Presents the big ideas in Clojure, a new dialect of Lisp. Assumes basic knowledge of Java but not Lisp.Billie Tweets - a Twitter tribute to Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean"
The lyrics to Billie Jean as found in public tweets and synchronized to the famous music video.
Tributo a Michael Jackson y una muy interesante aplicación de los twitts :)The Video Bay - Extremly early test - HTML5 media tags
Extremly early test - HTML5 media tagsYouTube - reporterscenter's Channel
The YouTube Reporters' Center is a resource to help "citizen journalists" learn more about how to report the news. It features some of the nation's top journalists and news organizations sharing instructional videos with tips and advice for better reporting.
videos from journalists explaining how to cover a story, take an interview etc
Canal do Youtube para ensinar a reportar notícias.
Share your videos with friends, family, and the worldYouTube - Pixel City - Procedurally generated city
This is a demonstration of a program I wrote to generate and fly through a dynamically generated city. You can read the step-by-step of how it was made at my...
街 ジェネレート ビル
RT @AliyCia Pixel City. Programando la belleza (urbana). Me ha encantado el video. [from]
Pretty slickYouTube - Sour 'Hibi no neiro'
This music video was shot for Sour's 'Hibi no Neiro' (Tone of everyday) from their first mini album 'Water Flavor EP'. The cast were selected from the actual...
A Japanese band's music video that uses webcams.
A music video made up from webcam videos. One of THE most creative movies I've EVER seen.YouTube - United Breaks Guitars
- In the spring of 2008, Sons of Maxwell were traveling to Nebraska for a one-week tour and my Taylor guitar was witnessed being thrown by United Airlines faris
Just watch this.
united guitars
The page on YouTubeYouTube - Watch Trailers on YouTube
YouTube phasing out support for IE6. (via @wrumsby) Finally a motivator for corporate IT depts everywhere. [from]
This is great news. I've already started hearing more and more people feeling comfortable about not supporting ie6
@atoouefeito Calma, isto já está acontecendo! [from]
YouTube ukinja podporo za IE6! Isto je napovedal tudi Digg (tudi top 10 stran), tako da bi to znalo končno prisiliti preostale IE6 uporabnike da upgradajo.YouTube - Nirvana vs Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give Your Teen Spirit up
New-fangled "mash up"10 More Cool Things You Can Do With YouTube Videos
Like it says
There are plenty of sites that allow you to view and upload videos and share your memories, experiences and knowledge with the world. However, with itsYouTube - JK Wedding Entrance Dance
Our wedding entrance dance to Forever...yeah, forever.It took place at a Church in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
Our wedding entrance dance to Forever...yeah, forever.
@hrheingold: "Wedding entrance dance. Rocks." (from Ways to Use YouTube for Business
SOem tips on how to use youtube business socialmedia 11 youtube marketing entrepreneurship enpresa onlinemarketing social-media social 30Official Google Blog: I now pronounce you monetized: a YouTube video case study
Just as in Wall-e, "try blue, it's the new red" or is it?
This traffic is also very engaged — the click-through rate (CTR) on the "JK Wedding Entrance" video is 2x the average of other Click-to-Buy overlays on the site. And this newfound interest in downloading "Forever" goes beyond the viral video itself: "JK Wedding Entrance" also appears to have influenced the official "Forever" music video, which saw its Click-to-Buy CTR increase by 2.5x in the last week.
So. When you actually try to monetize free, high quality, content, it works.YouTube - Op zoek naar Maria - Dans in het Centraal Station van Antwerpen
Op Zoek naar Maria gaat van start op vtm, en dat zullen ze in Antwerpen geweten hebben. Ruim 200 dansers hebben de hal van het station op z'n kop gezet.
do re mi danced out in a train station. sort of a flash-mob of dancers
How come this sort of thing never happens to me when I travel?HOW TO: Customize Your YouTube Channel lets you search for and convert your favorite YouTube videos to high quality mp3's in real time!
Es tracta d'un convertidor amb el que podràs generar fitxers MP3 d'alta qualitat, editar els tags o processar només un fragment. Pots realitzar una recerca des del lloc, o instal·lar en el navegador un bookmarlet per capturar la URL del vídeo que estiguis veient en aquell moment. Una vegada en l'aplicatiu, tindràs la vista prèvia que et permetrà seleccionar una part si així ho desitges. Després només hauràs de picar en Download per a procedir a la descàrrega. Com funció opcional, permet modificar la informació de les tags IDE3 (títol, artista, àlbum, any, comentari i pista) que després veuràs en el reproductor. Així mateix, es mostren enllaços directes a fitxers en format Flash Video o MP4. Si alguna vegada vols baixar un recital i extreure-li l'àudio al mateix temps, ara tindràs tot en una sola eina!HOW TO: Download YouTube Videos to Your Desktop
Youtubeで学べる、英語のレッスンビデオ・厳選7チャンネルYouTube - Social Media Revolution
Is social media a fad?Or is it the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution?Welcome to the World of Socialnomics
Is social media a fad? Or is it the biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution? Welcome to the World of Socialnomics
Ein Video zum Umfang und den Auswirkungen von Social Media. 2009How to Fix Annoying YouTube Jumpiness in Firefox - Firefox - Lifehacker
Apparently, this fix for jumpy video in #firefox works with any general Flash-related jumpiness too...Giant Waterslide Jump is Today's BIG Thing - AUG 05, 2009
Incredible landing and distance.
Since the dawn of time, man has battled the forces of gravity. We've built gliders, wings and contraptions of all sorts. In the end, all it took was a simple giant water slide down the side of a mountain.
I don't think it's fake.YouTube - 8-bit trip
Watch this later100 Best YouTube Videos for Teachers - Classroom 2.0
Technology helpYouTube - The Guild - Do You Wanna Date My Avatar
produced by Joss Whedon with Penny
Felicia day rocks...that is all.
video search engine, aggregating and correlating video search results from a variety of sources.YouTube - Kutiman-Thru-you - 01 - Mother of All Funk Chords
Melding/remix of music/YouTube vids. (Discussion starter - copyright)
Esse é o primeiro vídeo, de um total de 08 (junho de 2009), deste artista israelense (?) que mistura vídeos de pessoas tocando instrumentos para fazer remixes audio&visuais.
Content Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Awesome mashup, created entirely from YouTube clips.10 Youtube URL Tricks You Should Know About
Youtube - You know that site with videos and all. Yeah! It turns out that its quite popular and you happen to visit and use it quite often. Instead of just
youtubeYouTubeのURLを細工して使える小技をざくざくまとめてみた - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ
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Searching 72,075 iPhone & iPod Touch applicationsTop 10 YouTube Videos for Social Good
Web video can be an especially effective way for charities to get the word out about their cause. Moving pictures are compelling because they represent a very visual and visceral way to both inform and entertain. Web video in particular can be a boon to non-profit organizations because it is both cost effective (uploading a video to YouTubeYouTubeYouTube is free), and potentially viral. Of course, standing out among the tens of thousands of videos on the web isn’t easy. In general, the most creative videos tend to be the most memorable and leave a more lasting impression. Below are our picks for the top 10 YouTube videos for social good and why they’re awesome. Please let us know your favorite social good videos in the comments.
Web video can be an especially effective way for charities to get the word out about their cause. Moving pictures are compelling because they represent a very visual and visceral way to both inform and entertain. Web video in particular can be a boon to non-profit organizations because it is both cost effective (uploading a video to YouTube (YouTube) is free), and potentially viral.YouTube - Did You Know 4.0
Wissenswerte Zahlen in Beziehung zwischen Offline-Medien und dem Internet.
This is another official update to the original "Shift Happens" video. This completely new Fall 2009 version includes facts and stats focusing on t...Google
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Wish Google looked like this... 0:)SafeShare.TV - distraction free videos
strips Youtube
Safe way to show YouTube videos. It takes out other videos and comments
YouTube videos without many of the problems.
Remove inappropriate elements from YouTube videos making them safe for classroom viewingYouTube Auto Buffer & Auto HD & Remove Ads for Greasemonkey
Buffers the video without autoplaying, removes in-video ads, and puts it in hd if the option is on
Buffers the video without autoplaying, removes in-video ads, and puts it in hd if the option is on Version: 1.1.7 Copyright: JoeSimmons License: Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License
YouTube Auto Buffer & Auto HD & Remove Ads for GreasemonkeySocial Media Outsourcing Can Be Risky (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Why it can be hard to incorporate material from social media sites on your web site.
Jakob discusses the best ways to organise multimedia contentYouTube - Carl Sagan - 'A Glorious Dawn' ft Stephen Hawking (Cosmos Remixed)
Carl Sagan - 'A Glorious Dawn' <--- awesome
A musical tribute to two great men of science. Carl Sagan and his cosmologist companion Stephen Hawking present: A Glorious Dawn - Cosmos remixed. Almost all samples and footage taken from Carl Sagan's Cosmos and Stephen Hawking's Universe series.
Auto-tune the Sagan! (A geektacular trance remix of Carl Sagan and Stephen Hawking.)Tubeminator - Online video converter and downloader - Download videos YouTube | Metacafe | Dailymotion | Break | Vimeo | CollegeHumor | Animoto | AdsOfTheWorld | MegaVideo | | | | | |
Share your videos with friends, family, and the worldThe Life of Python - 20 Greatest Monty Python Sketches
The Holy Grail of Python’s 20 most hilarious sketches, celebrating their 40th anniversary.The Complete Guide to Video Blogging
Even though the notion of video blogging itself isn’t new, the actual endeavor is still novel to many people. This guide will explore concepts behind video blogging and the tools for creating and distributing that content.
The Complete Guide to Video Blogging [from]YouTube - Lec 1 | MIT 6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming, Fall 2008
MIT programming 101. Very basic python intro
Lecture 1: Goals of the course; what is computation; introduction to data types, operators, and variablesInstructors: Prof. Eric Grimson, Prof. John Guttag V...YouTube - AT&T 1993 "You Will" Ads
Our present is a lot better than the future they imagine
This montage of AT&T ads came from a 1993 Newsweek CD-ROM, when Newsweek thought that one day, magazines would be sent to you in CD-ROM form, sponsored with ads. It's an interesting view of the future.YouTube - Piano stairs - - The fun theory
We believe that the easiest way to change people's behaviour for the better is by making it fun to do. We call it The fun theory.
"We believe that the easiest way to change people's behaviour for the better is by making it fun to do. We call it The fun theory." Excellent.YouTube - 1 million fps Slow Motion video of bullet impacts made by Werner Mehl from Kurzzeit
bullet instant liquification is crazy
1 million fps Slow Motion video of bullet impacts
Slow Motion video of bullet impacts made by Werner Mehl from Kurzzeit.
@invisiblea: "Video of bullets hitting things shot at 1million fps Amazing" (from
Other version of the video has a better soundtrack Be sure to see my other videos of more slow motion bullet impacts! Slow Motion video of bullet impacts mad...
No seriously this is awesome.The Journalist's Guide to YouTube
When you think of YouTubeYouTubeYouTube, you probably think of viral videos such as choreographed wedding procession dances and sneezing pandas. But YouTube’s content load is massive — 20 hours of video are uploaded every minute — and it has a lot more to offer than just silly, viral videos. One area of YouTube that is currently growing like a weed is news.
The Journalist’s Guide to YouTube
News videos fall into three categories: rebroadcasts of current material; original videos and distribution of news; and archive of older video footage. Media companies, indie news organizations, and even citizen journalists are putting YouTube’s voluminous video database to work in all three ways, and the lines between these three uses tend to blur and overlap.Speechbreaker
sistema che ti permette di scegliere le parole e poi il politico le pronuncia. componi la frase e lui la dice.
UK Prime Ministerial candidates say (almost) anythingYouTube’s Bandwidth Bill Is Zero. Welcome to the New Net | Epicenter |
YouTube may pay less to be online than you do, a new report on internet connectivity suggests, calling into question a recent analysis arguing Google’s popular video service is bleeding money and demonstrating how the internet has continued to morph to fit user’s behavior.
Youtube's bandwidth bill may be almost zero because it connects directly with the ISPs through it's Dark Fiber.
"YouTube’s low or nonexistent bandwidth bill points to a very important shift in the structure of the 30 websites serving up 30 percent of net traffic, either from their own sets of pipes or from data centers around the world that connect much closer to your computer — and for much cheaper — than ever before."
YouTube may pay less to be online than you do, a new report on internet connectivity suggests, calling into question a recent analysis arguing Google’s popular video service is bleeding money and demonstrating how the internet has continued to morph to fit user’s behavior. In fact, with YouTube’s help, Google is now responsible for at least 6 percent of the internet’s traffic, and likely more — and may not be paying an ISP at all to serve up all that content and attached ads. Credit Suisse made headlines this summer when it estimated that YouTube was binging on bandwidth, losing Google a half a billion dollars in 2009 as it streams 75 billion videos. But a new report from Arbor Networks suggests that Google’s traffic is approaching 10 percent of the net’s traffic, and that it’s got so much fiber optic cable, it is simply trading traffic, with no payment involved, with the net’s largest ISPs.
"But a new report from Arbor Networks suggests that Google’s traffic is approaching 10 percent of the net’s traffic, and that it’s got so much fiber optic cable, it is simply trading traffic, with no payment involved, with the net’s largest ISPs"YouTube - Google Wave Cinema: Pulp Fiction
Google wave!
We're giving away a couple invites to wave as a thank you to everyone for your tremendous support. So make sure to follow us on twitter. http://www.twitter...
@gandalfar: "RT lowk3y Wow! Must see - Google wave "Pulp Fiction" #googlewave" (fromこれ以上ないというぐらいに詳しい「動画の作り方」まとめ|
これ以上ないというぐらいに詳しい動画の作り方マニュアルが、「酔拳の王 だんげの方」でまとめられていました。
<<Owned? Legal terms of video hosting services compared « Advancing Usability
Ein guter Überblick von Nutzungsbedingungen der großen Videoplattformen.'ville.2k - the 101 Best Music Videos of the Decade.
not enough old school ones, strangely missing praise (FBS) and sabotage (BB) by spike. but otherwise, hours' worth of distraction.
Clean your ears & tune your eyes for antville's showcase of the top 101 music videos of this decade.
50 on the page there100 Incredible YouTube Channels for History Buffs | Online College Tips - Online Colleges
100 youtube clips about various points and events in history
Renaissance Art, ...
If you love history, or just want to learn more about it, YouTube has exactly what you need. Always up to the challege of providing thorough, accurate information, YouTube delivers channels from leading names in historical studies, from The Smithsonian to the Discovery Channel. You’re sure to find just the right information you need for your lecture, lesson plan, or perhaps just your personal viewing pleasure.Firefoxでの動画サイトのイライラを解消する方法 : ライフハッカー[日本版], 仕事も生活も上手くこなすライフハック情報満載のブログ・メディア
YouTubeなどの動画サイトで10秒ごとに動画がフリーズするのは、Firefox2.0以降に搭載されているセッション復元機能が原因だとか。Firefoxのデフォルト値では開いているタブを10秒ごとに保存する設定になっているそうで、多くのタブを一度に開いているとより動画が固まりやすいそうです。 では、これを解消するためにはどうすればよいのでしょう? 答えはシンプル。セッション復元のための保存のインターバルを長くすること。具体的な方法としては、アドレスバーで「about:config」と入力しEnterキーを押すと、フィルターボックスが表示されますので、さらにフィルターボックスに「browser.sessionstore.interval」と入力しましょう。すると「10000("10秒に保存する"の意)」が表示されるはず。この数値を5分ごとの保存とするならば「300000」、2分なら「120000」など、任意の数字に変更すればOK。
セッション保存のインターバルを長くする方法 / browser.sessionstore.interval = 120000 (=2分) などFunny T Shirts | YouTube™ Inspired T Shirts | Shirts Taste Good
Hits do YouTube viram camisetas nos EUA - ^RADIOLA [from]My 10/20/30 rule of Powerpoint - Holy Kaw!
A guide on how to create a custom look to your youtube page.
Use for Capstone
Excellent tools for using youtube properlyThe Top Internet Memes of 2009
Good list -
internet-memes-2009The instantaneous and shareable nature of the Internet is one of the things that separates it from other mediums. Viral videos and Internet memes can take hold and spread quickly. Thanks to social networking, the speed in which the latest phenomena can spread is lightning fast. More and more frequently, Internet memes are making appearances in other more traditional media like TV and film.
popular youtube videos this year
The Top Internet Memes of 2009 [from]
RT @MarvinHimel I can see why these videos became viral in 2009 [from]
Nio memer du inte får ha missat i år. Och du har väl inte missat
The Top Internet Memes of 2009 (mostly videos)I Love Local Commercials - Sponsored by MicroBilt Corporation
How teachers can bring the best of YouTube to your students. by Jennifer Hillner
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using youtube videos in the - Listen to and watch popular and rare music videos for free with the internet's largest music catalog. TubeRadio, Youtube for Music. - Listen to and watch popular and rare music videos for free with the internet's largest music catalog. TubeRadio, Youtube for Music. -
The internet video jukebox powered by the largest online music catalog, Youtube. Free music video streaming, lyrics, and artist biographies. Create playlists with your favorite band's entire discography in seconds. Easily find rare videos and share them with your friends. We do the organizing, you do the listening!
Website that makes a playlist of youtube videos.Watch YouTube Videos Without Flash in HTML5 — The NeoSmart Files
by Mahmoud Al-Qudsi - 8 November 2009 - The NeoSmart Files - NeoSmart Technologies
좋은 자료
our attention that Firefox does not support streaming MP4 content due to licensing restrictions, and as we mention above, an MP4 decoder is a minimum requirement.YouTube HTML5 Viewer - NeoSmart Technologies
Convert YouTube to HTML5 and then MP4.
adobeを捨てるための第一歩20 + mind-blowing social media statistics | Blog | Econsultancy
Social media remains the hot topic of the digital world and I often get asked about the various statistics involved. This in itself is fairly difficult, as this particular online sphere is constantly shifting, evolving and growing at an astronomical rate. But I’ve pulled together some interesting (and hopefully useful) data for a couple of the bigger players in the market...
econsultancy - interesting social media stats20 + mind-blowing social media statistics | Blog | Econsultancy
Social media remains the hot topic of the digital world and I often get asked about the various statistics involved. This in itself is fairly difficult, as this particular online sphere is constantly shifting, evolving and growing at an astronomical rate. But I’ve pulled together some interesting (and hopefully useful) data for a couple of the bigger players in the market...Create YouTube-like adaptable view using CSS and jQuery
I can’t begin to imagine how hard it would be to leave my family for months at a time, especially if my destination were Iraq or Afghanistan. And I don’t know how I could deal with my wife being deployed overseas. These reunion videos—for me, at least—shed a tiny beam of light on how emotionally draining being a military family can be. They’ll also make you want a dog. To commemorate Veterans Day, here are some overjoyed dogs greeting returning soldiers.
Enkele porties geluk (niet alleen honden, ook kinderen).
To commemorate Veterans Day, here are some overjoyed dogs greeting returning soldiers.
If this doesn't reach you, nothing willDownload Youtube Videos for Free
Download Videos from Youtube.YouTube - experiencere's Channel
Very clever campaign for Acciona, a sustainable development firm based in Spain. - Direct's Channel
Compartilhe seus vídeos com seus amigos, com sua família e com o mundo
A new service from YouTube which takes the idea of embedding code one step further: you now can embed upload functions directly on your site, allowing for your users to upload videos to you without having to go through
Permet aux citoyens de proposer des video de leur actualité à des médias. Peut s'installer sur son site.
Is this useful and good or just more spreading of the hegemony of Google to everywhere?Official Google Blog: Automatic captions in YouTube
This blog entry shows you how to create automatic captions for you YouTube videos.
"In addition to automatic captions, we’re also launching automatic caption timing, or auto-timing, to make it significantly easier to create captions manually. With auto-timing, you no longer need to have special expertise to create your own captions in YouTube. [...]"
"To help address this challenge, we've combined Google's automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology with the YouTube caption system to offer automatic captions, or auto-caps for short. Auto-caps use the same voice recognition algorithms in Google Voice to automatically generate captions for video. The captions will not always be perfect (check out the video below for an amusing example), but even when they're off, they can still be helpful—and the technology will continue to improve with time."
YouTube now does automatic captioning in some cases and automatic timing in all cases. Automatic timing lets you upload a transcript with a video and YouTube will do speech to text and figure out when the various parts of the transcript need to be displayed.Internet Vices - Patrick Moberg
de twitter
Twitter is crack cocaine Fucking ANYONE is your friend. Yuppies do it on their iPhone. Cheap. Short. Fruitless.YouTube - The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody [1080p]
"Bohemian Rhapsody" by QueenPurchase here: - The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
HD 720p & 1080p
Genius! Pure Genius. Momma?
The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody
Legendary. I love it. La solución para sonreír y de paso recordar a los queridos teleñecos interpretando a los Queen. Áltamente recomendable para mayores. En inglés.
thanks to Allison - Video - Fun With Letters
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Excellent collection elementary - Videos Worth Watching
Vidque allows users to grab videos from YouTube,, TED, and Vimeo to put into their own collections that they can share with others. Vidque uses the videos you grab to help you locate more videos.YouTube - Surprised Kitty
from allen. :)The 10 Most Innovative Viral Video Ads of 2009
music videosYouTube - Daniel Hannan MEP: The devalued Prime Minister of a devalued Government
European Parliament speech of 26/03/09.Daniel Hannan is a Conservative MEP for the South East of England and author of The Plan: Twelve Months to Renew Brita...
The YouTube hit.
this still gives me a warm fuzzy feeling...
"you can not spend your way out of recession or borrow your way out of debt"
hannan pillors gordon brownYouTube - Roomba Driver
Roomba DriverIs YouTube the Next Google? - ReadWriteWeb
Use YouTube to find information?
Discusses the rise of the video and the potential impact on the internet. Includes interesting section on "Generation YouTube"Learning: YouTube EDU Brings Free Education to the Masses
Watch an incredible travel to the end of the universe and back.
r|t, simulation, univers, -th|l, [4], ****, ººººº.
Similar to Powers of 10, but a little more detailed
Video visualization of the universeHits da Internet
Site variado, com os hits da internet e outrosZviewer™ - Internet Video Browser for the Big Screen | ZeeVee, Inc.
Zviewer™ is the first video browser that puts a simple point and click user interface for video that lives anywhere on the web on on your PC. In addition to simplifying how you find content, Zviewer lets you personalize your experience. Once you choose the shows that you like, Zviewer automatically keeps them updated as new content is published.[CG]無数のウェブカメラで撮られた驚くべきミュージックビデオ
Sourという日本のバンドがスゴいミュージックビデオを作った。実際にファンがウェブカメラに向けて一斉に同じ仕草をするのを編集したもの。これはビデオ史上でもとびきり難しい編集作業に属するのではないか・・・ 見ていてなんどもぶっ飛んだ。Yooouuutuuubeでも取り上げられているが、そのコメント同様これぞまさにクールでオッタマゲーだ。 是非とも週末に家族といっしょに見てほしい。素晴らしいビデオを作った制作者に敬礼!!
ひゃー こりゃすごい!楽しい!How People Share Online Video - eMarketer
Online video in the US is now as big as network TV.
"Digital WOM (...) Suddenly video was an open, consumer-driven platform, with virtually no cost of entry. As a result, online video moved from niche to mass market, and in the process became one of the fastest-growing media platforms in history. "Free Video Download, Free Download Video FLV from YouTube, Google Video and more
For Firefox, plugin allowing downloading of video's etc.
Sothink Web Video Downloader for Firefox is a simple, clean and free Firefox extension for you to quickly capture video, download video and save video from YouTube, Google, MSN and almost all popular video sites.
Free Download Video FLV from YouTube, Google Video and more
Sothink Free Web Video Downloader for Firefox can download video, download FLV and Flash SWF from YouTube, Google Video and more sites. Easily capture video, download video, download FLV and save to hard disk.
*Watch This: 70-Minute Video Review of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace | /Film
The best movie review I've ever seen.
film criticism of Phantom Menace
Phantom Menace ReviewMinitube
Minitube is a native YouTube client. With it you can watch YouTube videos in a new way: you type a keyword, Minitube gives you an endless video stream. Minitube does not require the Flash Player.
A youtube category search utility that plays videos in that category continuously. Not yet for Windows. Bookmarked to check back occasionally to see if it is Windows ready.
Youtube video watching client.YouTubeが5つ星級の発見:評価システムは無意味だった
後輩の研究者の研究が正しい事を裏付けするようなニュース。よかったね〜 > 後輩YouTube - President Barack Obama 2009 Inauguration and Address
Video de la investidura de Barack Obama
Jurament i discurs del dia de la investidura de Barack Obama.
History Being Made..!
Obama's Inauguration Speech
Obama's 2009 inaugural addresssynchtube beta : Watch Videos With Friends in Real Time
Ever want to share a video with your friend or family, but wish you were there with them to watch so you could enjoy the moment together? synchtube solves this problem by allowing you to share a video in real-time. Simply paste a YouTube link and create a room. You can share this room with others, and watch videos in real-time... well enough talking, just try it already!
synchtube beta : Watch Videos With Friends in Real Time
A service that lets you create a chat channel that people (students) can comment on a video as you watch it together.YouTubeをiPod用に一発変換してくれる『PODTUBE』が便利だった件 - IDEA*IDEA ~ 百式管理人のライフハックブログ ~
変換がありがたいHOW TO: Create Custom Backgrounds for Twitter, YouTube, & MySpace
Great tutorial on how to add a custom background. Really impressive backgrounds.
HOW TO: Create Custom Backgrounds for Twitter, YouTube, & MySpace
This is what I have been looking for all along! Great article!
If you’re using your social media profilesThe 10 Hottest Viral Video Ad Campaigns Right Now
You Tube Viral Ads Videos Socialmedia buzz
We're living in the YouTube generation, where not only are you consuming video at massive rates, but also uploading boat loads of it. However, only a select few
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most easy way to download Youtube video
Easy! -> just replace the Y to 3 !
Produces FLVs and MP4s from Youtube. Crying out for a bookmarklette.HOW TO: Add Captions To Your YouTube Videos
"Chaos theory has a bad name, conjuring up images of unpredictable weather, economic crashes and science gone wrong. But there is a fascinating and hidden side to Chaos, one that scientists are only now beginning to understand. It turns out that chaos theory answers a question that mankind has asked for millennia - how did we get here? In this documentary, Professor Jim Al-Khalili sets out to uncover one of the great mysteries of science - how does a universe that starts off as dust end up with intelligent life? How does order emerge from disorder? It's a mindbending, counterintuitive and for many people a deeply troubling idea. But Professor Al-Khalili reveals the science behind much of beauty and structure in the natural world and discovers that far from it being magic or an act of God, it is in fact an intrinsic part of the laws of physics. Amazingly, it turns out that the mathematics of chaos can explain how and why the universe creates exquisite order and pattern. The natural worlOpen Letter From OK Go - OK Go
To the people of the world, from OK Go: This week we released a new album, and it’s our best yet. We also released a new video – the second for this record – for a song called This Too Shall Pass, and you can watch it here. We hope you'll like it and comment on it and pass the link along to your friends and do that wonderful thing that that you do when you’re fond of something, share it. We want you to stick it on your web page, post it on your wall, and embed it everywhere you can think of.
Awesome post by the guys whose treadmill jumping video has been viewed 40 million times on the current state of the music industry on the internet.
Their record label has made their YouTube videos unembeddable. A thoughtful look at all sides of the issue - man, I kind of love these guys.
s*ebano stanje muzičke industrije...YouTube - Music Discovery Project
Compartilhe seus vídeos com seus amigos, com sua família e com o mundoEgg Watchers: the egg timer that entertains you
▍ ★∴ ....▍▍....█▍ ☆ ★∵ ..../ ◥█▅▅██▅▅██▅▅▅▅▅███◤ .◥███████████████◤ ~~~~◥█████████████◤~~~~ , instant online Paypal payment! TT Assuring good quality, Coupons and feebies! Don't miss out! Jordan,AF1,Nike , RunningShoes, Sneakers, Dunks $40 Brand Jeans: $ 38 Brand sunglasses, $18 Brand Caps/Hats: $ 18 Brand Belts: $ 28 UGG boots:$ 55 Free Shipping, Retail and wholesale! Payment options: Paypal , TT, Westunion www.nikes-jordan.comChristopher Blizzard · HTML5 video and H.264 – what history tells us and why we’re standing with the web
Nice article explaining why H.264 should not be adopted as the standard codec for HTML5 video.YouTube - Charlie Brooker - How To Report The News
Charlie Brooker - How To Report The News
Charlie Brooker for PM!!Wow, 173,000 views in under 36 hours, cheers everyone!!Now I feel I must add the obligitory copyright notices in the hope that the BB...YouTubeCN
youtube / UK / Business - Social networks threaten advertising growth, January 15 2009. Two-thirds of advertising agencies are not prepared for the industry changes prompted by social networks and new forms of digital media, a report has found. The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, which will publish the “Social Media Futures” report compiled by Future Foundation next week, has warned that advertising agencies face growth of just 1.2 per cent a year by 2016 if the industry fails to tackle the changes to the media created by sites such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Social networks enable consumers to pass on information about products and services, and recommendations from friends are more influential than traditional forms of advertising.
cost for agencies if they do not adapt to social networking as an advertising medium
As long as advertising don't relationship building, dialogue, honesty and authencity they can forget about playing a part in new media.YouTube - Bale Out - RevoLucian's Christian Bale Remix!
great remix
i was just looking at the lights.
To download an MP3 of THIS AND theNEW EXTENDED club mix, go here:::'s new album "Champion" is ...
February 02, 2009Free FLV Converter | YouTube Converter | BENDER CONVERTER
Bender Converter is an easy-to-use online application for downloading and converting videos from such services as YouTube, Daily Motion, Vimeo,, Veoh,, Google Video and many others. You can download video and audio in MP3, AVI, FLV Flash, iPod / iPhone and other popular formats. The service is fast and doesn't require you to register.Top 12 Sites To Watch Videos That Are Better Than YouTube
OWNEDForget iTunes U: Students Now Getting College Credit via YouTube - ReadWriteWeb
Story in RWW about RB on UNSW YouTube channel
A computer science professor at an Australian University is doing something revolutionary with YouTube - he's offering students who can't attend his classes college credit for watching his videos. The fact that Buckland is not charging the high school students who are remotely attending his courses but is still giving them college credit is what makes what he's doing so different...and perhaps groundbreaking.
A 2009 article about institutions putting their lectures on YouTube to share lectures. Tells about an instructor offering credit for students watching his lectures on YouTube.
Although several universities use YouTube as repository for lectures, generally offered as supplementary material for enrolled students. Public nature of videos allows people from around world to view educational material that once took thousands of dollars to access. Duke, Stanford, MIT, Univ. of California etcalready post videos online to YouTube/iTunes U (audio/video podcasts). However, UNSW is unique, providing college credit to those watching the YouTube recordings. Really little difference between physically showing up in classroom to sit and listen to a lecture and viewing video of same lecture, few universities allow this type of unstructured remote learning to count as college credit for those who are not already enrolled in university. Instead, colleges that support distance learning initiatives usually require students to apply for admission and pay tuition, just as any other student attending classes on campus would have to.
A computer science professor at an Australian University is doing something revolutionary with YouTube - he's offering students who can't attend his classes college credit for watching his videos.Context is King: How Videos Are Found And Consumed Online
Part 3 great article about online video industry. good thoughts for monetizing DER
TechCrunch - metric about video consumption on-line. (Pyramid of content / average nb of times a video is seen)100 Coolest Science Experiments on YouTube - X-Ray Technician Schools
While few of the scientific offerings formally follow the scientific method or test an explicitly stated hypothesis, even those videos veering more towards demonstrating various principles, theories, and laws still offer visitors a chance to learn something about how the world around them operates. By this point, it should go without saying that many of the following videos contain procedures that may be dangerous to perform at home or without the proper equipment and/or training. Please do not duplicate any of these experiments unless assured that they are entirely safe for amateurs.YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
"YouTube speed-tester that tells you how your ISP stacks up against other ISPs in your town and country, to give you the ability to compare your speed numbers with other users in your region."
Benchmarks ISP speed using you tube videosYouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world.
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
Funny videosYouTube - Gervais + Elmo = Hilarity on 'Sesame Street'
Ricky Gervais
suggested by blundonYouTube - Mythbusters - Fun With Gas
Adam explains why helium makes your voice sound higher... with examples, of course.
This video would be a fun start to a discussion of gas and density in chemistry. It could also be used when doing sound waves in physics.
VOice changing with helium and sulphur hexaflouride
Mythbusters - Fun With Gas. New episodes air Wednesdays @ 9PM ET only on the Discovery Channel! Get more video at Adam demonstrates how (and explains why) helium turns you into Donald Duck, and sulfur hexafluoride into Satan. From: DiscoveryNetworks. Views: 1201339. 5581 ratings. Time: 00:39. More in. Entertainment.Tube2Tone - "Chocolate Rain" Original Song by Tay Zonday
Get Adobe Flash player100 Video Sites Every Educator Should Bookmark |
lecture video sites
Svær link-liste til masse video som både kan brukes nyttig, semi-nyttig og totalt unyttig! ;-)YouTube Blog
Youtube is also testing an option that gives video owners the ability to permit downloading of their videos from YouTube. Partners could choose to offer their video downloads for free or for a small fee paid through Google Checkout. In an effort to promote the sharing of information, we are testing free downloads of YouTube videos from Stanford, Duke, UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UCTV (broadcasting programs from throughout the UC system). YouTube users who are traveling or teachers who want to show these videos in classrooms with limited or no connectivity should find this particularly useful.
Date YouTube adopted CC
Announcement from YouTube about the "Download Video" link now available on select videos in the public domain or with Creative Commons Licenses. First of the groups do do this was Obama's organization that posted all his transition speeches on YouTube. Announcement also includes links to several universities who are posting lectures and other videos for download.YouTube - OK Go - This Too Shall Pass - RGM version
Directed by James Frost, OK Go and Syyn Labs. Produced by Shirley Moyers. The official video for the recorded version of "This Too Shall Pass" off of the alb...I Love Music. And You?
Not so many music videos need to be bookmarked. This one definately does.
Un clip réalisé avec une réaction en chaine ultra synchro !
The ultimate Rube GoldbergThe New Dork: Entrepreneur State of Mind (Video)
THE NEW DORK - Entrepreneur State of Mind (Jay-Z ft Alicia Keys Spoof) (video #d) - This is a Pantless Knights tribute to our favorite entrepreneurs (who are all "new dorks"). It's a spoof of Jay-Z and Alicia Keys' ...
Let's hear it for New Dorks! (via @TechCrunch)
Unbedingt anschauen, ganz super! (via @mathiasrichel)YouTube - Arlington: The Rap
Sarah Palin gets a surprising new subscription. to find out where to voteGo to to see more videos...
Terry Tate: Reading Is Fundamental
Too funny.
Terry Tate demonstrates his opinion of Sarah Palin.
Surprisingly funny, and appropriate.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha my costume just got 100% awesomerYouTube - Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama
Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama. Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama in the '08 election.. From: deebold08. Views: 10239317. 29551 ratings. Time: 01:21. More in. Entertainment.
Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama. Homer Simpson tries to vote for Obama in the '08 election.. From: deebold08. Views: 10223817. 29500 ratings. Time: 01:21. More in. Entertainment.
Genre: animation
lol often
funny clip
Uff, buen video para responde mi pregunta por quien votaria Homero Simpson?How Facebook, MySpace and YouTube Killed eBay
I confess, I'd never even thought of declining entertainment factor as a reason for eBay's slow decline (and possible upcoming demise), but it makes a crapload of sense: while I went there occasionally for deals, most people I know eagerly shared hi-larious links for fun. Pays to know what business you're really in. (via @volckmann)
Artcile techcrunch
The author is writing about how eBay lost it's "pole position" due to the Markeplace developement on facebook.
This is a guest post by Keith Rabois, vice president of strategy and business development for Slide, the social entertainment company. Prior to Slide, Keith was a VP at LinkedIn and an EVP at PayPal in charge of among other things, competitive strategy vis-à-vis eBay. He also worked at eBay for three weeks following its acquisition of PayPal. Keith currently serves on the Board of Directors of Yelp, Vendio, Xoom and FanIQ.
Nice insights into eBay cultureKutiman, Big Media, and the Future of Creative Entrepreneurship | 43 Folders
recombined brilliance
What else can you say to this but "It cannot be helped, it is as it should be, that the law is behind the times."
Oooh @merlinMann muchly likes ThruYou as well. Happy, happy. [from]
So amazing, so illegal. What are we going to do with you, future? That’s my pal, Jonathan Coulton, remarking on the disruptively talented Kutiman, who has made an astounding series of YouTube video remixes that’s lighting up the webYouTube - Shouting in the Datacenter
Brendan Gregg from Sun's Fishworks team makes an interesting discovery about inducing disk latency. For more details, see Brendan's blog entry: Category: Science & Technology Tags: analytics dtrace fishworks sun shouting disks microsystems solaris opensolaris zfs storage 7000 7110 7210 7310 7410
"Brendan Gregg from Sun's Fishworks team makes an interesting discovery about inducing disk latency"
Effect of shouting on hard drive performance
Brendan Gregg from Sun's Fishworks team makes an interesting discovery about inducing disk latency. For more details, see Brendan's blog entry: http://blogs...
Brendan Gregg from Sun's Fishworks team makes an interesting discovery about inducing disk latency - it increases when you shout at the disks...
stephdau: Okay, if not fake, this is scary AND amazing for hardware geeks: ♻ @xutopia: Who knew? Don't shout at your hard disks: - Cats Bitter Disappointment After Sneaking Up On Pigeon.
De-nied. Oh, well, time for a nap.Facebook, YouTube at work make better employees: study
MELBOURNE (Reuters Life!) – Caught Twittering or on Facebook at work? It'll make you a better employee, according to an Australian study that shows surfing the Internet for fun during office hours increases productivity. The University of Melbourne study showed that people who use the Internet for personal reasons at work are about 9 percent more productive that those who do not.
Makes sense to me: "Facebook, YouTube at work make better employees: study" ( ) [from]YouTube - Chat Roulette Funny Piano Improv #1
"Your host, Merton, freestyling in real-time with random strangers on Chat Roulette."
Geweldige video over Chatroulette pianist:
Brilliant to the nth degree.
Your host, Merton, freestyling in real-time with random strangers on Chat Roulette.To answer some viewer questions:No piano lessons, Merton is self-taught.No...
Improv piano chat roulette will definitely make you smile - 12 of the Best Kids Show/Rap Mash-Ups |
Colección de divertidos montajes de dibujos animados en los que salen cantando raps.Unreality - 10 Incredibly Accurate Impersonations By People You Wouldn't Recognize |
10 Incredibly Accurate Impersonations By People You Wouldn't RecognizeThe Complete Guide to Ripping and Converting Flash Videos - Ripping - Lifehacker
Download YouTube Video
A good amount of video files online are flash or FLV format. They need to be converted whether for playing on Windows Media Player WMA/WMV/ASF or burning to a DVD to play in a DVD player.
Whether you want to save and watch a Flash video offline, convert a Flash music video for your MP3 player, or do something else entirely, learning how to rip and convert Flash videos is a useful skill. Here's how it works.StreamTransport - Hulu downloader/Youtube downloader
The app is able to browse and download video clips from video hosting websites of HTTP, RTMP, RTMPT, RTMPE, RTMPTE protocol, and these cover overwhelming majority of websites such as Hulu, Veoh, Boxee, Joost, YouTube, Yahoo Video, CBS, etc.How To Use Video SEO To Jump To The Top Of Google Search Results
As most search engine optimization (SEO) experts are aware, getting a first-page Google result is harder than ever. Not only do Google’s search and indexing algorithms continue to evolve in complexity, but Google has given over more and more of its search results real estate to “blended” search results, displaying vid
Editor’s note: In the following guest post, Fliqz CEO Benjamin Wayne reveals some of the secrets of using video to help boost the search results rankings of your website. Fliqz is an online video platform.
In fact, Forrester Research found that videos were 53 times more likely than traditional web pages to receive an organic first-page ranking.YouTube - Penn and Teller Explain Sleight of Hand
Very cool american duo of comedians slash illusionists. They are the bane of the magician's community, not being one bit too shy to explain the mechanics of their tricks to their viewers.
Humor, magic, and education. What more could you ask for? (via
old classic, P&T explain sleight of handすごいねこのPV!:アルファルファモザイク
すごいPVYouTube - Content-Aware Fill Sneak Peek
RT @interney: Só agora vi o vídeo do novo recurso do Photoshop CS5, parece magia: /via @cmerigo
Sneak peek at photoshop cs5's content-aware fill feature, aka "super magic awesome tool" For War Special: The Beautiful, Scary Robots of Shigeo Hirose
I haven't read this yet.10 handige YouTube URL trucs en hacks die je moet weten · Marketingfacts
10 handige YouTube URL trucs en hacks die je moet weten. YouTube, wie is er niet groot mee geworden? Het is nog steeds de grootste en populairste inte
"YouTube URL trucs"
ouTube, wie is er niet groot mee geworden? Het is nog steeds de grootste en populairste internetvideo website van het internet zowel in Nederland als internationaal. Maar wist je dat je behalve video’s zoeken en kijken nog veel meer met de URL’s kan doen? Hieronder staan 10 handige URL trucjes die handig zijn om te weten. Van het aanzetten van hogere kwaliteit tot direct linken naar een locatie in de video. Van het automatisch afspelen van een embedded video tot het downloaden van YouTube-filmpjes.YouTube - Hug a developer today...
Hug a developer today - [from]
From your developer with love
Posted by iCEBrkrEverything You Need To Know And More About iPhone Video
This article will cover absolutely everything there is to know about video on the iPhone...where to get it, formats, converting, video apps, video hacks, video accessories, and more.
Everything You Need To Know And More About iPhone Video [from]
A bit techy, but lots of good info including links to video conversion tools
Thanks to Original Vlate for the heads up on this next one. And this next one is titled Everything you need to know and more about iPhone Video over on and well the article covers what the title says. So if you are someone looking to learn more about iPhone video from Formats and codec to Video Converting Tools to even where to get video plus more - this is a really nice article Kudos to the guys at iSmashphone.Domino's: How One YouTube Video Can Ruin a Brand - ReadWriteWeb
In terms of its social media presence, Domino's Pizza gets a lot of things right. It has a YouTube Channel, a Twitter account, and both a Facebook and MySpace profile. What Domino's could not plan for, however, was that two of its employees at a North Carolina franchise would use YouTube to broadcast a rather disgusting video that would severely damage the company's brand. Since the video first appeared, Domino's has quickly stepped up its social media presence in order to regain some positive momentum.
Domino's: How One YouTube Video Can Ruin a Brand [from]60 Beautiful Music Videos | Inspiration | Smashing Magazine
via sujitHow to Use Chopsticks - Become an Expert in 90 Seconds
The 90-second video above provides all the basics you need to become a chopstick pro and never drop food again. Several finer points…
How to Use Chopsticks - Become an Expert in 90 SecondsYouTube - kittens riding vacuum
Posted by Supybot
YouTube - kittens riding vacuum
I hate having to post these, but robots + kittens = hours of web entertainment.Tons of Tips for Ranking in 5 Other Google Engines | WebProNews
References to the blog by sources other than blogsYouTube Guide: Best YouTube Tips, Hacks and Resources
Great: Super Slow motion Surfer in HD Two
A slow motion capture of wave surfer Dylan Longhorn in a 12 foot monster barrelYouTube - Samsung SSD Awesomeness
ssdごいっすSAVEVIDEO.ME: download video from Youtube, Dailymotion, Metacafe, Veoh, Flickr, Google, easily!
Download video from Youtubefixed, Dailymotion, Metacafe, Veoh, Flickr, Google, easily!"Did You Know"和訳 - 西尾泰和のはてなダイアリー
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パラダイムシフトYouTubeを1280×720のHDで鑑賞するキーワード「&fmt=22」 :教えて君.net
すげぇーーー。ここまで綺麗だとすげえ。10 Fantastic Photoshop Tutorials on YouTube
Great for Photoshiop level 1 students: Photoshop has been a mainstay of the design software pantheon for over 20 years, and it remains a great tool for pro artists and social media customizers alike. But the sophisticated image editor has a daunting learning curve. With so many tools, features, and concepts to get a hold of, new users can be discouraged by dry help files and blind fumbling. But fear not, gentle reader, for the collective wisdom of YouTube() is at your disposal. Photoshop tutorials abound on the video network. Some are superb, while others may not be worth your precious clickthrough. For help, check out the resourceful selections below. Whether you’re brand new to Photoshop or a seasoned veteran, there’s always something to learn from the screencasting community.
Photoshop has been a mainstay of the design software pantheon for over 20 years, and it remains a great tool for pro artists and social media customizers alike. But the sophisticated image editor has a daunting learning curve. With so many tools, features, and concepts to get a hold of, new users can be discouraged by dry help files and blind fumbling.夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 - ヲハニュース
動画一覧】夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座CommentsAdd Starneojin36nuke 一部年齢制限があるのでYouTubeのアカウントがないと見れなかったり。 YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 1 YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 2 YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 3 YouTube - 加藤鷹SEXテクニック講座 YouTube - 夏目ナナが女体授業(最後の方のみ)-1 YouTube - 夏目ナナが女体授業(最後の方のみ)-2 YouTube - 夏目ナナのまじめなH講座 1 YouTube - 夏目ナナのまじめなH講座 2 (動画は重複あり)
YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 1 YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 2 YouTube - 夏目ナナ&加藤鷹のH講座 3 YouTube - 加藤鷹SEXテクニック講座 YouTube - 夏目ナナが女体授業(最後の方のみ)-1 YouTube - 夏目ナナが女体授業(最後の方のみ)-2 YouTube - 夏目ナナのまじめなH講座 1 YouTube - 夏目ナナのまじめなH講座 2 - SearchStories's Channel
A cool way of telling a digital story via google searches. Looks like it could be a good tool to use with students.
Creatore automatico di video basato sulle ricerche di googleYouTube - Phonographantasmascope
45fps zoetrope, 25fps camera?
animatsioonid vinüülimängijale, stroboskoobina töötab vist kaamerakatik?HOW TO: Boost Your SEO with a YouTube Channel
VIDEO tags how to make your videos seen
HOW TO: Boost Your SEO with a YouTube Channel Come incrementare la propria SEO con un canale YouTubeYouTube - The Future of Publishing - created by DK (UK)
Ein Video, in dem eigentlich nur ein Text vorgelesen wird. Dieser dreht aber mittendrin und wird wieder rückwärts gelesen.New guidelines for Fair Use! - Home - Doug Johnson's Blue Skunk Blog
More media literacyArianna Huffington: The Internet and the Death of Rovian Politics
""We are witnessing the end of Rovian politics," Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google told me. And YouTube, which Google bought in 2006 for $1.65 billion, is one of the causes of its demise."
Great article on how the Internet has changed the elections, and probably the face of politics. Age has finally become an issue for John McCain. But the problem isn't the candidate's 72 years; it's the antediluvian approach of his campaign. McCain is running a textbook Rovian race: fear-based, smear-based, anything goes. But it isn't working. The glitch in the well-oiled machine? The Internet.
Arianna Huffington: "Back in the Dark Ages of 2004, when YouTube (and HuffPost, for that matter) didn't exist, a campaign could tell a brazen lie, and the media might call them on it. But if they kept repeating the lie again and again and again, the media would eventually let it go (see the Swiftboating of John Kerry). Traditional media like moving on to the next shiny thing. But bloggers love revisiting a story. So when Palin kept repeating her bridge to nowhere lie, bloggers kept calling her on it. Andrew Sullivan, for one, has made a cottage industry of calling Palin on her lies. And eventually, the truth filtered up and cost McCain credibility with his true base: journalists. "
" So when Palin kept repeating her bridge to nowhere lie, bloggers kept calling her on it. Andrew Sullivan, for one, has made a cottage industry of calling Palin on her lies. And eventually, the truth filtered up and cost McCain credibility with his true base: journalists. The Internet may make it easier to disseminate character smears, but it also makes it much less likely that these smears will stick."Top 10 Online Video Converters » Freakitude
Conversion Vidéo en ligne
Technology news and blogging tips - Video Converters
These Top 10 Online Video Converters can help to convert videos from your favorite video websites to your desired format to Run on your PC, Mobile or an iPod.
These Top 10 Online Video Converters can help to convert videos from your favorite video websites to your desired format to Run on your PC, Mobile or an iPod. 1. - 2. ZamZar: 3. REMOVED (adult site now) : 4. All2Convert 5. Tubefish 6. Movavi 7. VideoCodeZone 8. Media Converter 9. Vconvert 10. Convert Tube10 Killer Tips for Creating a Branded YouTube Channel
YT has changed so much since 2005.楽器とかインターフェイスの話 - SLN:blog*
猛烈に面白いYouTube - The Astounding World of the Future
A funny mid-20th century newsreel featuring amazingly accurate predictions of the year 2000:
Excellent sendup of mid-20th century technocratic utopianism / futurism (a la GM at 1939 world's fair). Via Steve Duncombe's collectionあの「阪神・淡路大震災」で本当は一体何が起きていたのか、その真実がよくわかるムービー集 - GIGAZINE
how to deep link, and much more!
How to 'deep link' to exact time within a YouTube video (append e.g. #t=1m15s)
Directions on how to link to a specified time within a video.YouTube - Monumental VIdeo projection 2009
some awesome projection that looks like it alters the surface being projected on
3D Projection
forget the Christmas lights, just set up a projector
projecting images on buildings100 Informative & Inspiring YouTube Videos for Educators |
100 Informative & Inspiring YouTube Videos for Educators |
As the title saysCreate a printable summary of your video with Vidinotes!
Vidinotes was founded to expand the use of online videos. While online videos provide entertainment and understanding, learning from videos is not very practical. Vidinotes is the bridge from video to learning, allowing users to create their own notes of a video, including images taken directly from the video, then print or save their new document.
RT @draenews: Del Create a printable summary of your video with Vidinotes!:
Capture videos
Vidinotes lets you capture video images from FLV (Flash video) files and print them complete with notes. Browse to a video on your PC or upload a video from YouTube (via the FLV converter) and then watch the video and capture up to 30 video stills. Vidinotes labels each note in chronological order and lets you edit the title and note section of each slide. The final product will include each slide (in the order in which you created them) with your notes attached.YouTube - Alice for the iPad
YouTube - Alice for the iPad
@hansdorsch shows "Alice in Wonderland" Childrensbook on iPad - great and inspiring - see a video here #next10 #pxped – rattomago (rattomago)
@erwblo misschien leuk om bij je blogpost te plaatsen voor mensen die het nog niet kennen – Jasper van der Meij (jvdmeij) Youtube Videos in HD! Download Youtube, Megavideo, Dailymotion, Facebook, Myspace, Vimeo, Metacafe, Spike, Break, Current Videos & more!
Zoofs - Twitter Best Videos
Zoofs The most talked about YouTube videos on Twitter in
site que mede a quantidade de vídeos vistos no youtube e tweets postados no twitter. Muito bom!
the video conversation right nowYouTube - The Dark Knight Trailer Recut - Toy Story 2
Awesome trailer for Toy Story 2 in the sound/style of The Dark Knight.
The Dark Knight Trailer Recut - Toy Story 2
Toy Story/The Dark Knight Trailer Mashup [from]
this works far too well.
Mash Up[N] YouTubeのURLに「mp4」をつけるだけでMP4形式でダウンロードできる「YouTubeMP4」
As the US presidential campaign enters its final weeks, both the Republican and Democratic candidates are hitting the swing states. But misconceptions and rumours abound and many voters have thei... As the US presidential campaign enters its final weeks, both the Republican and Democratic candidates are hitting the swing states. But misconceptions and rumours abound and many voters have their facts about the candidates all wrong. Some believe that Democrat Barack Obama is a Muslim, for instance. Casey Kauffman talked to some Republican supporters after a rally by Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential candidate, in Ohio.
I know I shouldn't discount Republicans as being bad or dumb or crazy. I know that. But these are the ones that specifically concern me as being ridiculous. I am trying, but they make it hard!
Al Jazeera's 2 minute view of Ohio's battleground state.
Al Jazeera news video
"...the black will take over", "when you got a nigger running for president...", "...he's related to a known terrorist", "just the whole muslim thing...9/11", "...he thinks us white people are trash".....LISTEN TO THESE PEOPLE!! THESE ARE MCCAIN SUPPORTERS....But I honestly can say that McCain allowed Sarah Palin to feed these people, then he had to start cleaning up her mess. Their campaign is resorting to fear-mongering to win this election.YouTube - Mascarita Dorada: ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!?!?
If you click one link on twitter today to watch a 30 second video, it should be this one: #mexicanwrestling [from]
INsane痛いニュース(ノ∀`):【YouTube】 URL末尾に「&fmt=22」で動画が超高画質に!
YouTube動画をHD画質で再生させるテクが登場した。 キーワードは「&fmt=22」。HDに対応したYouTube動画を、1280×720pxという超高解像度で開くのだ。 この解像度なら、ブラウザ上での鑑賞時にフルスクリーンに十分耐えられる。 xVideoServiceThief
xVideoServiceThief is a tool for downloading your favourite video clips from a lot of video websites. xVideoServiceThief also provide you the ability to convert each video in most popular formats: AVI, MPEG1, MPEG2, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MP3 file formats.
A tool for downloading your favourite video clips from a lot of video websites. xVideoServiceThief also provide you the ability to convert each video in most popular formats: AVI, MPEG1, MPEG2, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MP3 file formats.MAKE: Blog: Embed high-res Youtube videos
Making a link to Youtube Hi Res
Back in march, it was discovered that when you view a video directly on Youtube, you could add a "&fmt=18" to the URL to enable a higher quality, higher resolution stream which is encoded with the H.264 codec. To make this work in an embedded video, however, you need a slightly different hack. After pasting the embed code into a blog post, adjust the two video URLs (one in a param tag and one as the src parameter in the embed tag) by adding "&ap=%2526fmt%3D18" to the end.
Embed high-res Youtube videosResearcher Claims “Attention Spirals” Hold Key To Predicting Success Of YouTube Videos
Riley Crane claims every time a YouTube video turns into a hit, the development takes the form of an “attention spiral”, a geometric pattern that partly follows physical laws. He discovered that a decrease of popularity with certain videos, for example, can be explained through methods usually utilized in modeling the aftershocks of earthquakes. He believes social systems on the web follow the rules of physics and can therefore be analyzed mathematically.
Interesting perspective on the spread of information online. Curious how this fits with current social network research
Riley Crane, an American post doctoral fellow currently researching at the Chair of Entrepreneurial Risks at ETH university in Zurich/Switzerland, says he has the answer: According to him, the success of online videos can be explained with physics.WeberTube - Home
Based on open source I believe!
sharing videos
video sharing
2009 Schoolハヤブサとタカにカメラを搭載!鳥の目線で見る動画 - 地球はすごい!明日の地球 自然 動物 風景の動画や写真
この映像は素晴らしい。まさにバードビュー!空高くから地面すれすれまで急降下している映像もすごいですが、林の中を突っ切る映像もすごい!YouTube - Air traffic in 24 hours.wmv
very coolYouTube - 1964 Antique MODEM Live Demo
This is one of t he oldest modems I've ever seen. Approximately 45 years old! and this actually works. And "we're on the net with a 1964 300 baud accoustic modem!"
1964 Livermore Labs Model A acoustic modem. Still works. 300 baud.
1964 antique modem (live demo)
Circa 1964 Livermore Data Systems "Model A" Acoustic Coupler Modem, live demonstration.
In one word: AWESOME!Panda: Open Source Video Platform For Websites
Panda: Open Source Video Platform For Websites -
Panda, an open source project, will let any site owner willing to do a little coding and integration work to allow user video uploads and playback. Think YouTube in a box.
Eine Open Source Video Plattform, die man auf einem Amazon Web Service laufen lassen kann. Ermöglicht Video-Uploads und das Abspielen von Videos auf der eigenen Homepage. YouTube in a box.YouTube - Without You - Mark Gormley
Content Type: text/html; charset=utf-8Video "Fleg Master Tlpizza" | sevenload
Naked Skydive Video
most amazing commercial ever
WWW.TASTELIKEPIZZA.COM When you use this video in your website or weblog please mention the thinking » 80+ Videos for Tech. & Media Literacy
great for presentations
Over the past few years, I have been collecting interesting Internet videos that would be appropriate for lessons and presentations, or personal research, related to technological and media literacy. Here are 70 videos organized into various sub-categories. These videos are of varying quality, cross several genres, and are of varied suitability for classroom us「Firefox+WindowsでYouTubeの映像が固まる問題」の解決法 | IDEA*IDEA
本当に困ってたので助かりました。。Streaming: Monty Python Puts Free Videos Online, Sells 23,000% More DVDs
Like it says in the title.
Monty Python started a YouTube channel with tons of their sketches streaming for free. They included links to their DVDs at Amazon. The result was a whopping 23,000% increase in sales.YouTube - Google Chrome Speed Tests
Nova Propaganda do Google
감자로 오셨을때가 좋았는데^^ RT @gatorlog: 빛과 소리로 세상에 오신 크롬님. 믿~씁니다 RT @channyun @hyunwook 구글 크롬의 놀라운 스피드를 강조한 동영상 광고.
These speed tests were filmed at actual web page rendering times. If you're interested in the technical details, read on!<br><br>Equipment used: <br><br>- Computer: MacBook ...
Opera makes an awesome reply to the Chrome Speed video: Original Chrome video: – Matt Cutts (mattcutts)
RT @mattcutts: Opera makes an awesome reply to the Chrome Speed video: Original Chrome video:
These speed tests were filmed at actual web page rendering times. If you're interested in the technical details, read on! ... Chrome Browser vs. Potato: We used a version of the web page that is accessible when logged in. About four hours into the Potato Gun shoot we decided to use a locally loaded version of the web page to enable more precise synchronization with the potato gun. We finally got the shot we were hoping for after 51 takes. Chrome Browser vs. Sound: We loaded an artist page from, a streaming internet radio service directly off the web on a 15Mbps internet connection. Chrome Browser vs. Lightning: We used a locally loaded version of that was legally approved for use in this video (and all the standard website permissions procedures that goes into making videos!) While we had a super fast 15Mbps internet connection in the studio, any live internet connection introduces quite a bit of variability.YouTube - NIKE WRITE THE FUTURE - FULL LENGTH VERSION
The time has come for players to carve their name in history. One touch, tackle or free kick could crush a nation's hopes or cause them to build a statue in your honour. Drogba, Rooney and Ronaldo are ready to Write The Future.YouTube - Lego Hello World
So maybe it isn't as fast as a LaserJet, but still probably one of the coolest printers out there.
Impressora feita com peças de Lego
Suggested Language (we have set your preference to this): English (UK)
Impressora de Lego com cenário embutido. Via @rodrigoscama
Working printer made from Legos and felt-tip markers. I love the little Lego men. YouTube video.
Now this is how a dot matrix printer should be!
Cool plotter made entirely from Lego, but without using Mindstorms.
A printer made from Lego
Lego Printer... SO GOOD (from Adam)
すごいYouTube - Lecture 1: Higher Computing - Richard Buckland UNSW 2008
Richard BucklandYouTube - Axis Of Awesome - 4 Four Chord Song (with song titles)
Australian comedy group 'Axis Of Awesome' perform a sketch from the 2009 Melbourne International Comedy Festival. Footage courtesy of Network Ten Australia. ...
pop music has come a long way
Axis Of Awesome - 4 Four Chord Song (with song titles)
Reports of the comedy songs death have been greatly exaggerated: Axis of Awesome - 4 Four Chord Song Tips for Successful Online Video Marketing | Social Media Examiner
16 Tips for Successful Online Video Marketing שיווק וידאו
Interesting blog on the use of video marketing.
Social Media Examiner / 29.04.10
Video marketing tutorial to connect with your audience and get better search engine results with videos.
Online video marketing tips.YouTube - BP Spills Coffee
YouTube - BP Spills Coffee
YouTube - BP Spills Coffee
BP spills coffee: - A Tiny Apartment Transforms into 24 Rooms
This transformer apartment makes me drool: (tx @souris) – danah boyd (zephoria) Self-Appointed Teacher Runs a One-Man 'Academy' on YouTube - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education
The most popular educator on YouTube does not have a Ph.D. He has never taught at a college or university. And he delivers all of his lectures from a bedroom closet. This upstart is Salman Khan, a 33-year-old who quit his job as a financial analyst to spend more time making homemade lecture videos in his home studio. His unusual teaching materials started as a way to tutor his faraway cousins, but his lectures have grown into an online phenomenon—and a kind of protest against what he sees as a flawed educational system.
"No one I talked to saw Khan Academy as an alternative to traditional colleges (for one thing, it doesn't grant degrees)."
Awesome article on Salman Khan of Khan AcademyThe IBM Muppet Show
Pay per click and how it is actually supposed to work sdfkjsadk
Portfolio IdeasYouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
editor de vídeos online do youtube
Google's YouTube editor currently provides minimal editing options for videos, and most importantly does NOT allow video creators to upload still images which can be included in videos.
The other day YouTube released their video editor which has been getting a lot of press as of late. I tested it out and feel that it is just another reason why YouTube is perhaps the best place for all needs video "housing & editing". Basically, it lets a user upload a video, edit it w/ captions or a soundtrack, and even create a mash-up w/ other videos.
Currently in Beta testing the online editor allows quick and easy edits to your existing You Tube videosYouTube Blog: Edit video in the cloud with the YouTube Video Editor
POST + VIDEO (~5') Edit #video in the cloud with the #YouTube Video Editor -
Official Youtube Blog
#YouTube Blog: Edit video in the #cloud with the YouTube Video #Editor
RT @youtube Edit video in the cloud with the YouTube Video Editor - playbiennial's Channel #YouTube, #HP, #Intel y la Fundación #Guggenheim unidos para mostrarnos los mejores videos del mundo
i mean play button in stone
A collaboration between YouTube and Guggenheim Museum. To recognise and showcase the most remarkable online videos from around the world. The work will be judged by experts that will decide which 200 leading videos that will be shown at the Guggenheim museum in New York. The firs biannual Event.Top 10 Stop Motion Videos on YouTube
Stop motion film-making is a labor of love, so consider this collection of 10 amazing mini stop motion movies a love song to the format.
<3YouTube - JavaZone Trailer: Java 4-ever
funny trailer parody of Java
Para geeks: "Papá, ¿por qué sólo usamos .net? ¿No hay otras plataformas? (Me encantó lo de Javatar) [from]
Schöner Java Trailer
Filme sobre java x .Not API Blog: Flash and the HTML5
google basically being pro flash.
YouTube complains about the inherent problems of using HTML5's <video> tag, and advocates the usage of flash, providing several technical arguments in its favor. Good read, HTML5 is a nice standard-in-the-making, but is not a panacea; also flash is not going to disappear overnightYouTube API Blog: Flash and the HTML5
not gonna happen
We’re very happy to see such active and enthusiastic discussion about evolving web standards - YouTube is dependent on browser enhancement in order for us to improve the video experience for our users. While HTML5’s video support enables us to bring most of the content and features of YouTube to computers and other devices that don’t support Flash Player, it does not yet meet all of our needs. Today, Adobe Flash provides the best platform for YouTube’s video distribution requirements, which is why our primary video player is built with it.
It's important to understand what a site like YouTube needs from the browser in order to provide a good experience for viewers as well as content creators. We need to do more than just point the browser at a video file like the image tag does - there’s a lot more to it than just retrieving and displaying a video. The <video> tag certainly addresses the basic requirements and is making good progress on meeting others, but the <video> tag does not currently meet all the needs of a site like YouTube:YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
Welcome to the YouTube Video Editor. You can take a quick tour to get started.
editor de youtube
Sdílejte svá videa s přáteli, rodinou a celým světem
YouTube's video editor.
Edit YouTube videos
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world5 Ways to Build a Loyal Audience on YouTube
5 Ways to Build a Loyal Audience on YouTube #socialmedia #PR #JournalismusTop 10 Twitter Tutorials on YouTube
10 twitter tutorials on youtube.VidMe
Privately share videos with only those you want. Could see this having use in a classroom - students could create video diaries and only share them with the prof and fellow students.
Privately share videos with only those you want
applicazione per iPhone che permette di visualizzare i video direttamente dallo smartphone.
About VidMe : "Take control of your online sharing. We created VidMe to help you privately share your personal videos with just those you want. Without worrying about them being shown to all our "friends" at once, or being broadcast to the whole internet in one fell swoop... "( DJ - Create fun & easy DJ mix playlists with YouTube videos - Crossfade and DJ music online - YouTube Music
Muziic allows you to stream virtually any song or music video on-demand, tune in to hundreds of internet radio stations, and play music and video files from your computer - 100% free and legally. You can even build playlists combining YouTube videos, your local media files, and content from other cloud-based services. Muziic makes extensive use of the YouTube API, forming the web's first ever "YouTube for Music". In recent years, YouTube has become a popular source for on-demand music and videos. Its free, community-driven approach make it an attractive service for music lovers around the globe. The Muziic team observed that while YouTube has embraced the music world and signed licensing agreements with all four of the major labels, the YouTube end-user experience had not been optimized for a music fanatic.
Muziic gives you access to millions of songs on-demand, internet radio and more - 100% free and legally!
Software online para mixagem de músicas que pega vídeos do YouTube como fonte de áudioYouTube - NIKE WRITE THE FUTURE - FULL LENGTH VERSION
Get the song, Hocus Pocus by Focus, at The time has come for players to carve their name in history. One touch, tackle or free kick could crush a nation's hopes or cause them to build a statue in your honour. Drogba, Rooney and Ronaldo are ready to Write The Future.
@KarlNova I was wow-d by the Nike advert ---> [from]
Additional content available after clicking the "like" button on Facebook!/nikefootball?v=app_10442206389 "Footballers can then use this creative to build their own Facebook campaign to get noticed and selected for ""The Chance"" ?an elite Nike Academy football camp in partnership with the Barclays Premier League in England that allows players to get scouted and get noticed at the highest level of the game." See full article here:
Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu zine zuzendari mexikarrak egin duen Nikeren spot-a:YouTube - NIKE WRITE THE FUTURE - FULL LENGTH VERSION
Get the song, Hocus Pocus by Focus, at The time has come for players to carve their name in history. One touch, tackle or free kick could crush a nation's hopes or cause them to build a statue in your honour. Drogba, Rooney and Ronaldo are ready to Write The Future.
@KarlNova I was wow-d by the Nike advert ---> [from]
Additional content available after clicking the "like" button on Facebook!/nikefootball?v=app_10442206389 "Footballers can then use this creative to build their own Facebook campaign to get noticed and selected for ""The Chance"" ?an elite Nike Academy football camp in partnership with the Barclays Premier League in England that allows players to get scouted and get noticed at the highest level of the game." See full article here:
Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu zine zuzendari mexikarrak egin duen Nikeren spot-a:YouTube - NIKE WRITE THE FUTURE - FULL LENGTH VERSION
Get the song, Hocus Pocus by Focus, at The time has come for players to carve their name in history. One touch, tackle or free kick could crush a nation's hopes or cause them to build a statue in your honour. Drogba, Rooney and Ronaldo are ready to Write The Future.
@KarlNova I was wow-d by the Nike advert ---> [from]
Additional content available after clicking the "like" button on Facebook!/nikefootball?v=app_10442206389 "Footballers can then use this creative to build their own Facebook campaign to get noticed and selected for ""The Chance"" ?an elite Nike Academy football camp in partnership with the Barclays Premier League in England that allows players to get scouted and get noticed at the highest level of the game." See full article here:
Alejandro Gonzalez Iñarritu zine zuzendari mexikarrak egin duen Nikeren spot-a:YouTube - lifeinaday's Channel
Compartilhe seus vídeos com seus amigos, com sua família e com o mundo
esperaré interesante pa ud una así en el transmilenio
Ridley Scott wants to crowd source footage from YOU:
LG partnership - Crowdsourcing...Everyone to upload photo and crowd source.Friendly Music
The Music Licensing Store makes licensing music for any project as easy as listen, license, and download. Real music that's easy to license and 100% pre-cleared for any use.Friendly Music
Great collection of musik and sounds to set a nice ambient atmosphere.
RT @cykod: Follow instructions here and then read the crowd-sourced crime-noir it inspired here
rain, jazzy sexy music and a fireplace. what else?Time to get classy :
Great collection of musik and sounds to set a nice ambient atmosphere.
RT @cykod: Follow instructions here and then read the crowd-sourced crime-noir it inspired here Tips For Experimenting With Web Video
Everyone has heard the first “golden rule” of web video: keep it short. There are plenty of articles and statistics illustrating audiences preference for short content on the web. To be clear, sh
6 Tips For Experimenting With Web Video
RT: @mashable: 6 Tips For Experimenting With Web Video - [from]Loop full or part of a YouTube video | EndlessYouTube
Jazz Spul pra relaxar
Make classier with rainymood.comYouTube Chromeless Video Player – jQuery Plugin | Viget Inspire
YouTubeのAPIでカスタムプレーヤーをあなたもマジシャンになれる!手品・マジックの種明かしまとめ | AUTHORITY SITE
手品・マジックの種明かしを解説してある動画を紹介します。【注意】手品のネタバレ要素を多分に含みます! マジックを楽しみたい方は見ないように!YouTube - The latest version of the LittleDog Robot
RT @catenary: Amazing agile little robot:
Cool dog like robot that walks on all fours, very cool.
This is awesome, but the problem remains that it reminds me that Skynet is possible. - New Spice | Study like a scholar, scholar
وااااااااو إبداااااااع لا يفوتكم الفلم القصير هذا عن الدراسة @mctoom @ARTKDM – Yazeed Al Swailem (yazyaz)
This is a clever take off of the current Old Spice Ads. You're in the library.
Library spoof on Old Spice commercials.
You're in the library with the man your grades could be like.
Do you want to be a scholar? Then study at the Harold B. Lee Library. Do your research here, study here, and be a scholar!Star Wars Subway Car « Improv Everywhere
For our latest mission, we staged a reenactment of the first Princess Leia / Darth Vader scene from Star Wars on a New York City subway car.
Superb! "Star Wars on the NY subway" /via @andydavies
"For our latest mission, we staged a reenactment of the first Princess Leia / Darth Vader scene from Star Wars on a New York City subway car."Star Wars Subway Car « Improv Everywhere
Sehr coole Aktion ;) Star Wars Subway Car
For our latest mission, we staged a reenactment of the first Princess Leia / Darth Vader scene from Star Wars on a New York City subway car.
Superb! "Star Wars on the NY subway" /via @andydaviesLoop full or part of a YouTube video | EndlessYouTube
fogoLoop full or part of a YouTube video | EndlessYouTube