With YQL Execute, the Internet becomes your database (Yahoo! Developer Network Blog)
The Yahoo! Query Language lets you query, filter, and join data across any web data source or service on the web. Using our YQL web service, apps run faster with fewer lines of code and a smaller network footprint. YQL uses a SQL-like language because it is a familiar and intuitive method for developers to access data. YQL treats the entire web as a source of table data, enabling developers to select * from Internet.
YQL + Linked Data = possibilities
Execute elements run server-side JavaScript with E4X (naDevelopers: Never Mind the APIs, Here's YQL Execute - ReadWriteWeb
Read: Developers: Never Mind the APIs, Here's YQL Execute [feedly] http://tr.im/koyE [from http://twitter.com/krisnelson/statuses/1693267224]
RWW's @jolieodell dares to tackle the powerful beast that is the new YQL Execute http://bit.ly/J1gxO and so far has lived to tell the tale [from http://twitter.com/marshallk/statuses/1680054262]
...includes explanation of what YQL is, starting with: a sophisticated solution that is agnostic across all Internet platforms and that lowers both the burden of labor and the barriers to entry for social and other web application developers