ze's page :: zefrank.com: want to try something hard? voice drawing....
Using openFrameworks?
... hosheez. An etch-a-sketch controlled by the *volume of your voice*.
Ze Frank has made a Flash-based drawing application that takes sound as its input.the explicit
Jorge Luis Borges wrote that we each have three themes that guide our creative life. I don’t remember what his were exactly but I’m going to guess labyrinths, knife fights and memory. If you don’t know of him, I would start with Borges: Collected Fictions , which is certainly worthwhile..........To try and trick the self-consciousness away I framed this blog as “Notes and Advice to Someone Just Like Me.” I assumed that someone like me would be a more forgiving audience. 3) I was wrong. Ha!
Ze Frank on Scale.chillout song :: zefrank.com
A little project by Ze Frank with vocal contributions from many others.
When getting to veterinary school is too overwhelming a task, go here.
A fan sent zefrank (one of my all-time favorites) an email explaining how stressed out and overwhelmed she was. He wrote her a song and had other fans sings the chorus. This is the story and the final song. Try not to cry. This guy is tremendous.