Pages tagged zeldman:

Jeffrey Zeldman Presents : “Taking Your Talent to the Web” is now a free downloadable book from

Jeffrey Zeldman “Taking Your Talent to the Web” の全文PDFを無料配布。
I wrote this book in 2001 for print designers whose clients want websites, print art directors who’d like to move into full–time web and interaction design, homepage creators who are ready to turn pro, and professionals who seek to deepen their web skills and understanding.
Jeffrey Zeldman'in kitabını indirin
Write When Inspired – Jeffrey Zeldman Presents The Daily Report
You are not writing for Amazon, or to fit a staff proofreader’s vacation schedule. You are writing for readers. The world is already choking on half-considered, squeezed-out shit. There’s no need to add to the pile. If you want to be great, or at least to be better, start by breathing, taking breaks, and working intensely when the mood is on.
This is interesting, but it's easy to imagine people feeling tired most of the time and there fore always resting
Jeffrey Zeldman shares the simple secret to maintaining quality.
Great piece by Zeldman
"You are writing for readers, a duty as sacred, in its way, as parenting. If you don’t believe the previous sentence, if you think writing is mainly about getting paid, I’m sorry you wasted your time reading this page, and I hope you find another way to earn a living soon. The world is already choking on half-considered, squeezed-out shit. There’s no need to add to the pile. If you want to be great, or at least to be better, start by breathing, taking breaks, and working intensely when the mood is on."
"Write when inspired; rest when tired" –Jeffery Zeldman. Amen.
HTML5 Super Friends Technical Details
Guide to HTML5 Hiccups
HTML5 Super Friends Technical Details
Adobe Design Center - Columns and articles from experts on web design and motion graphics
by Jeffrey Zeldman
Why understanding the difference is what it's all about by Jeffrey Zeldman
Jeffrey Zeldman Presents : What are web standards?
What are web standards? And why should I care? A fun new clip from the BigThink marathon Zeldman interview.
from Cathie. What are web standards? And why should I care? A fun new clip from the BigThink marathon Zeldman interview. See also this and that. Or just click the “CHANNELS” button in the video above.