The Socratic Method To Great Living (5 Simple Steps) | Zen Habits
“Be as you wish to seem.” ~Socrates
Zen Habits
Lots of journal writing prompts hidden here!defmacro - Taming Perfectionism
STV for wabi-sabi + "Wabi-sabi is a set of philosophical principles that relate Buddhist concepts that can be observed in meditation to all aspects of design. For the first time it occurred to me that Dukkha (the fundamental lack of satisfaction with anything in the physical realm), Anicca (impermanence, lack of any "timeless" principle), and Anatta (lack of "self", or the idea that any object can be complete in and of itself and exist separately from the subject) apply to all things we create."
Excellent article referencing Buddhist principals that may be very helpful to me...How to Get Things Done with Twitter | Zen Habits
Twitter GTD, reminder, todo, calendarThe Lazy Manifesto: Do Less. Then, Do Even Less. | Zen Habits
It pays to play....10 Ways to Beat the “Can’t Get No Satisfaction” Syndrome | Zen Habits zen zenzen selfimprovement lifehacks lifestyle psychology inspiration Tips Life
th the world. 2. Banish neZen Bound from Secret Exit
a meditative exercise (in 3D)
Click here for YouTube video
"A calm and meditative game of wrapping rope around wooden sculptures."
iPhone game looks pretty sweet
Beautiful game meets meditative puzzle. Easily worth the $5.A Guide to Beating the Fears That Are Holding You Back | Zen Habits
Focus on motivation55 Ways to Get More Energy | Zen Habits
Have a look at this
090519Hivelogic - An Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation
Way to dolve pressure
Thesis?The 10 Essential Rules for Slowing Down and Enjoying Life More | Zen Habits
The 10 Essential Rules for Slowing Down and Enjoying Life More | Zen Habits - 061309 1235PMThe Simple Fitness Rules | Zen Habits
Health and fitness are usually made to seem too complex. If you read a lot of fitness magazines and blogs (as I often do), you’re told a confusing variety of complex advice. It makes your head spin.
"..In fact, you can boil it down to two simple rules: 1. Get your body moving on a regular basis; and 2. Eat a moderate amount of real, whole foods (with occasional indulgences).." :-)
smart, and nice picture
Simple Fitness Rules20 Classic Zen Habits Posts You Might Not Have Seen Yet | Zen Habits
Lists several articles...
If there’s an underlying theme throughout Zen Habits, besides simplifying your life, it’s finding happiness. I’ve written dozens of articles on different ways to be happy, but it all boils down to one thing: be happy now — don’t wait for it
If there’s an underlying theme throughout Zen Habits, besides simplifying your life, it’s finding happiness. I’ve written dozens of articles on different ways to be happy, but it all boils down to one thing: be happy now — don’t wait for it. Still, for those who want more depth, I’ve compiled a couple dozen of my favorite happiness articles from the archives. I hope you enjoy them! (If not, you’ve missed the point.)Kanban for Lean Project Management - Zen
Zen is a simple, flexible, and cost-effective project management solution. Zen provides an web-based kanban board and a powerful messaging system to help you work more effectively with your team.
Agile web2.0 project mgm saas10 Ways To Give Yourself A Procrastination Inoculation
<img src=
Make things simpler.
Your Life, Simplified [from]The Minimalist Principle: Omit Needless Things
p your desk. Re-arrange furniture. Add some color to that space. Make the place where you work really enjoyable. So enjoyable that work there won’t be perceived asPresentation Zen: 7 Japanese aesthetic principles to change your thinking
Kanso - Simplicity or elimination of clutter. Enso Fukinsei - Asymmetry or irregularity. Shibui - Beautiful by being understated, or by being precisely what it was meant to be and not elaborated upon. Shizen - Naturalness. Absence of pretense or artificiality. Yugen - Suggestion, rather than revelation. Datsuzoku - Freedom from habit or formula. Seijaku - Tranquility. An energized calm, stillness,
A Beautiful Method to Find Peace of Mind
See it as part of the adventure.How to Live a Better Life with Less
good postThe Short but Powerful Guide to Finding Your Passion
Too often we get stuck in inaction — the quagmire of doubt and perfectionism and distractions and planning that stops us from moving forward.
<img src="" /> <small>Taking action doesn't mean making life a blur.</small>
“Only one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master. For this reason mastery demands all of a person.” - Albert Einstein
A year and a half ago, I was largely an amateur at what I do, but I had a passion for it. My passion has led me on some interesting journeys.The One Tool You Need to Lead a Balanced Life | Zen Habits
Vipassana Fellowship's online Meditation Course provides a supported introduction to Buddhist Meditation as found in the Theravada tradition. Resources and support for meditators and authoritative texts from the earliest Buddhist sources.
glide30 Incredible Places to Turn When You Need Inspiration | Zen Habits
30 wayThe Cure for What Ails You: How to Beat the Misery of Discontentment | Zen Habits
I know it isn’t easy, but I also know that it’s possible. Looking back on these times in my life, when I overcame discontentment, I’ve realized there are three things you can do: 1. Change your attitude and perspective. 2. Take some kind of positive action. 3. Do something that gives you meaning. And you can do one of these things or all three, all at once, one at a time, or in whatever combination works for you. They can work alone, or together. Let’s look at each one of these solutions.
Read and remember
How to Beat the Misery of Discontentment
“There is no greater sin than desire, No greater curse than discontent, No greater misfortune than wanting something for oneself. Therefore he who knows that enough is enough will always have enough.” - Lao TzuThe Ultimate Personal Growth Guide: 100 Best Posts | Goodlife Zen
By Mary Jaksch Every moment we get a new opportunity to make new decisions and change how we live our life. Here is a selection of the best 100Programming Humor
Error messages written in Japanese Haiku. Aren't these better than "your computer has performed an illegal operation"?
Windows NT crashed. I am the Blue Screen of Death. No one hears your screams.
A crash reducesThe Definitive Guide to Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions
Joko petit uudenvuodenlupauksesi? Yritä uudelleen: The Definitive Guide to Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions
The 6 Changes Method So what are we to do? We only focus on one habit change at a time, so our focus and energies aren’t spread thinly. We implement the habit changes gradually, so we don’t run out of steam. We start out really, really easily, so it isn’t intimidating. We focus on enjoyable activities, so we don’t need “discipline”. We have two months to do the habit change, so if something comes up, it’s but a small bump in the road. And because we’re publicly committed, we’re going to get back on track. We have a very specific plan with actions built in, using proven habit change techniques.
6 Changes methodology applied to new year's resolutionsAre These Three Words Ruining Your Life? | Zen Habits
One of my Subject17 Arse-kicking Strategies to Stick to Your Diet and Get Fit | Zen Habits
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zen 17 Arse-kicking Strategies to Stick to Your Diet and Get Fit: Look nice and trim with sure-fire healthy .. [from]
’m not a big fan of “dieting” — a word that conjures up images of hunger and chewing on celery or doing some kind of fad diet — but I do believe in trying to eat a healthier diet. Don’t diet, but do stick to a healthy diet, in other words. But that’s easier said than done, as we all know. The healthy diet goes out the window around the holidays, for example, or when there’s a family party or a function at work full of unhealthy food, or when we go out to eat with friends, or when we go to a ballgame or amusement park or the beach, or when … well, you get the idea. There are lots of ways to get off a diet.12 Classic Zen Habits Posts You Might Not Have Read
This morning I found myself lying around, enjoying a lazy weekend with my wife and kids, basking in the peaceful simplicity of today. It’s in these moments that I find not only my greatest happiness, but my purpose in life. I am here not to achieve or even to change the world, but simply to live. Life is a gift, and I’m happy to accept every moment of it. And so, in this spirit, I thought I’d dig through my archives and share a few favorite posts, to help others find this peace. A lot of Zen Habits readers are new, and haven’t taken the time to peruse the 800+ posts I’ve written. Shame on you! :) Here’s a good way to get started. If you want more, check out the Beginner’s Guide to Zen Habits, or see the newly revamped Zen Habits archives for every post ever published here. 12 Classic Posts You Might Not Have Read Don’t read these all at once: 1. Peaceful Simplicity: How to Live a Life of Contentment 2. The Four Laws of Simplicity, and How to Apply Them to Life 3. The Cu4 Simple Principles of Getting to Completion | Zen Habits
nice blog with helpfull information to work on yourself.How to Reclaim Your Attention | Zen Habits
Consider what you give your attention to each day. It’s a precious resource, & determines the shape of your life.
If instead, you choose to give your attention to work you’re passionate about, that you feel is important, that will change your life and the world in some small way … this will become your life
A great little post on paring down to the essential in everyday life.8 Tremendously Important Ways That Gratitude Can Change Your Life | Zen Habits
Thoughts on how to use positivity to shape your existence13 small things to simplify your workday | Zen Habits
This is a great site. With all of the hecticness in our lives today, I really appreciate anyone who can help cut through the fog and shine some light on how to simplify life and make the things that really matter in life shine through. That is what this site does. I this list of 13 small things to simplify your workday, I have already applied many of these suggestions, as it has become a necessity being a special needs parent having to care 24/7 for an autistic child. Nevertheless, there is always room for improvement and I can see that "batch distractions" offers me yet another big area that I can improve on. Since I spend so much time on line, it is an area where I can find that I am too easily distracted by various electronic, social networking, maintaining my own web site, on-line research, music promotion, etc. My next project will be to figure out how I can streamline this and batch these activities into smaller chunks of time.
Good advice to increase productivity.13 Ways to Simplify International Travel | Zen Habits
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”
Have you ever really wanted to do something, but you just weren’t motivated enough to do it? This is always my number one reason for not taking action, as I’m sure it’s probably yours too. If you’re not motivated, you just don’t have the energy or the drive to do what you need to do, right? Simple enoughHow to Let Go and Forgive | Zen Habits
Read it crab.How to Go From Fat To Fit For Good | Zen Habits
Para compartir con Freslys y lograr Fitness
The journey of transforming your body from out of shape to fit as a fiddle is a long one with many twists and turns.introduction to meditation 2010
Meditation podcast and homework materialsthe tao of productivity | Zen Habits
Smile, Breathe and go slowly
RT @draenews: Del the tao of productivity | Zen Habits:
In this age of digital communication, we’re busier than ever. And yet, in all of our sound and fury, we seem to have no time for focus, for what’s important, for thinking.11 Creative Ways to Avoid Becoming a Workaholic | zen habits
like a fool
Avoiding workaholism.Letting Go of Attachment, from A to Zen | Zen Habits
pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.
RT @draenews: Del Letting Go of Attachment, from A to Zen | Zen Habits:
I liked this article. talks about letting go of bad attachments. Relationships, feelings.....The end of busy | Zen Habits
RT @arkarthick: The End of Busy (Zen Habits) #work #job #tips RT @nonkanya
Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing Stop being busy and your job is half doneThe end of busy | Zen Habits
RT @arkarthick: The End of Busy (Zen Habits) #work #job #tips RT @nonkanya
Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing Stop being busy and your job is half doneHow to be Insanely Productive and Still Keep Smiling | zen habits
Reading: How to be Insanely Productive and Still Keep Smiling via @zen_habits
Excelentes tips para una mayor productividad (más allá de la onda NA del post)The elements of change | zen habits
This article gave me one of those 'aha' moments, cutting through life's noise and clutter, touching something inside that says "truth". It is why I read Leo's thoughts.
To read it weekly
Beautiful, insightful post on our RESISTANCE to change.The elements of change | zen habits
inertiaThe elements of change | zen habits